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Mechanical Engineering stream

Industrial and Product Design Engineering specialisation

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 28 November 2023.
View details of the changes below.

Industrial and Product Design Engineering specialisation

Students in the Mechanical or Mechanical (Space) stream must complete 18 credit points to achieve this specialisation.


Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Industrial and Product Design Engineering
6 A Engineering design and fundamental knowledge from previous years engineering study
P MECH3460 or MTRX3700 or AERO2460 or AERO3460 or BMET3921
N AMME9401
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Design of Micro- and Nanosystems
6 A (AMME1802 or ENGG1802) and AMME2301 and AMME2500 and MECH3361
P MECH2400 and MECH3460
N MECH5416
Computer Aided Manufacturing
6 P (MECH2400 or MECH9400) and (MECH3660 or MECH8660 or MECH9660)
Advanced Engineering Materials
MECH3362 or MECH8362 or MECH9362 or equivalent study at another institution
N MECH4310
Students complete 6 credit points from the following:
Note: This unit will also count as one of your free electives.
Interactive Product Design Studio
12 P DECO2014 and DECO2200
Design Thinking
6 N DECO1006
Units taken for the specialisation will also count toward requirements of the Mechanical stream.

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
28/11/2023 AMME5902 title published as:
Manufacturing of Micro- and Nanosystems
AMME5902 title amended to:
Computer Aided Manufacturing