David has been a lifelong supporter of the University of Sydney, where he studied a Bachelor of Economics. In 2012, he established the Anstice MBA Scholarship for Community Leadership, to help emerging leaders in community organisations acquire world-class business and management skills.
Today, Mr Anstice announced he will fund five MBA scholarships for students from the not-for-profit sector, one each year commencing 2021.
“The purpose of this scholarship is very simple - I care about educational opportunity, and I wish to give back – in this case by providing educational support to someone who can make a difference in the not-for-profit sector,” said Mr Anstice.
Mr David Anstice is a lifelong supporter of the University of Sydney.
“My particular support for the NFP sector with the MBA scholarship arises from the importance I attach to a professional approach to any work place effort – whether it is in a for profit business, a government department, an academic assignment, or looking after any of the myriad of service and support groups that do so much to support our communities in all their needs.
“The Business School MBA program offers a discipline, and an appreciation of the positive attributes of leaders, that can be very usefully attached to most activities.”
Professor Greg Whitwell, Dean of the University of Sydney Business School, said: “David has shown his commitment to the transformative power of philanthropy through his support of students at the University of Sydney.”
Born in Wagga Wagga, David worked at pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. Inc., for 35 years, moving to the USA in 1988, taking many senior roles, including head of its US business, and retiring as an Executive Vice President.
“I have always been thankful for the education I received at the University of Sydney, which was supported in my case by a Commonwealth scholarship,” said Mr Anstice.
One of the best ways that I can pay back their generosity, is to support the generations that follow, and to assist those in need of assistance.
“Throughout my career I have continued to benefit from the support of others who have gone before me. One of the best ways that I can pay back their generosity, is to support the generations that follow, and to assist those in need of assistance.”
In October 2009, the University of Sydney conferred the title of Honorary Fellow on Mr Anstice and he is also an Adjunct Professor in the Business School.
“For many years now, David has been a source of advice, encouragement and wise counsel to many in the Business School. We are a better school as a result of all David’s contributions,” Professor Whitwell said.
Mr Anstice also served as Deputy Chair of the Board of the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, retiring in 2019, and as Chairman and President of the University of Sydney USA Foundation, from 2003 until October 2020.