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The unit grapples with the issues of global energy and water security at a time of climate change and considers how different jurisdictions such as the United States, the European Union and Australia have developed very different law and policy responses to the issues. It investigates the inevitable links between energy and water security such as where governments choose to rely on hydroelectric power to generate renewable energy at a time of water scarcity or where the extraction of energy resources might impact on water and food security. Australia is used as a case study to critically analyse how National Competition Principles and deregulatory tendencies may persuade governments to establish national markets to try to best allocate scarce resources. Australias National Electricity Market and national water trading markets as well as the corporatisation and privatisation of energy and water utilities provide fascinating examples of this. Further information about this unit is available in the Sydney Law School timetable, unit of study outline and academic staff profile
Study level | Postgraduate |
Academic unit | Law |
Credit points | 6 |
None |
None |
None |
Assumed knowledge:
None |
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