This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 29 January 2024. View details of the changes below. |
Unit of study | Credit points | A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites C: Corequisites N: Prohibition |
BIDH3146 Cyberpsychology in Digital Health |
6 | N BACH3146 |
CSCD1034 Linguistics and Phonetics |
6 | |
FMHU2000 Introduction to Research Methods in Health |
6 | N BACH2140 or HSBH1007 or HSBH2007 |
FMHU2001 Myth Busting Food and Health |
6 | N EXSS1036 or EXSS1038 or EXSS1037 |
FMHU3000 Evidence Based Health Care |
6 | P HSBH1007 or HSBH2007 or FMHU2000 N HSBH3005 |
FMHU3001 Quantitative Research Methods in Health |
6 | P HSBH1007 or HSBH2007 or FMHU2000 N PSYC2012 or SCLG3603 or HSBH3018 |
FMHU3002 Qualitative Research Methods in Health |
6 | P HSBH1007 or HSBH2007 or FMHU2000 N SCLG2602 or BACH4056 or HSBH3019 |
HSBH1003 Health, Behaviour and Society |
6 | N BACH1130 or BACH1132 or BACH1133 or BACH1134 or BACH1161 or BACH1165 |
HSBH1005 Human Development |
6 | |
HSBH1012 Introduction to Health and Health Care |
6 | N HSBH1006 or HSBH1008 or HSBH1009 |
HSBH1013 Society and Health |
6 | |
HSBH2008 Physical Activity and Population Health |
6 | P 48 credit points of units |
HSBH2009 Innovations in eHealth |
6 | A HSBH1012, HSBH1013 P 48 credit points N HSBH1010 or HSBH3008 |
HSBH3003 Health Service Strategy and Policy |
6 | P (HSBH1007 or HSBH2007 or FMHU2000) OR 12cp of 2000-level units of study |
HSBH3004 Health, Ethics and the Law |
6 | P 48 credit points of units |
BIDH3008 Digital Health in Practice |
6 | P 48 credit points of units of study N HSBH3008 or HSBH2009 or HSBH2010 |
HSBH3015 Mental Health Rehabilitation |
6 | P 48 credit points |
NTDT3002 Evidence-Based Practice in Nutrition |
6 | P NUTM3001 or FMHU2001 |
REHB2026 Fundamentals of Disability |
6 |