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Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science

Unit of study table (Table A)

This page was first published on 15 November 2023 and was last amended on 8 July 2024.
View details of the changes below.

Liberal Arts and Science

Students must complete 144 credit points, comprising least 132 credit points from:
(a) the Table below; and
(b) Bachelor of Arts Table A or
(c) Bachelor of Science Table A
All students complete:
(1) a minimum of 36 credit points from the table below, including:
(a) ATHK1001 or ATHK1901, and WRIT1001; and
(b) a minimum of 6 credit points from Part C Ethics ; and
(c) 18 credit points of units from Parts A-F.
All students complete either a Science major or an Arts major:
(1) Science major
(a) a major from Bachelor of Science Table A; and
(b) a minimum of 36 credit points of units of study from Bachelor of Arts Table A, which must include at least 12 credit points of Arts 2000 or 3000-level units of study; or
(2) Arts major
(a) a major from Bachelor of Arts Table A; and
(b) a minimum of 36 credit points of units of study from Bachelor of Science Table A, which must include at least 12 credit points of 2000 or 3000-level units of study
(4) a maximum of 12 credit points of Elective units of study from outside of Table A from the Bachelor of Arts and Table A from the Bachelor of Science may be taken from the Table O or Table S Elective list.
(5) no more than 84 credit points of 1000-level units of study.
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

Part A Analytical Thinking

Analytical Thinking
6 N ATHK1901
ATHK1001 is a compulsory unit within the Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science (BLAS) degree and will only be available to students enrolled in BLAS.
Analytical Thinking (Advanced)
6 A 75 or above in HSC Mathematics Standard or equivalent
N ATHK1001
Students who have 75 or above in HSC Mathematics Standard or equivalent
Introduction to Calculus
6 A Knowledge of algebra and trigonometry equivalent to NSW Year 10
N MATH1011 or MATH1901 or MATH1906 or MATH1001 or HSC Mathematics Extension 1 or HSC Mathematics Extension 2 or ENVX1001 or MATH1021 or MATH1921 or MATH1931
Students who have previously successfully studied calculus at a level at least equivalent to HSC Mathematics are prohibited.
Introductory Logic
Logic and Proof

6 P PHIL1012
N PHIL2215 or PHIL3215
Critical Thinking
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level
Sydney Science 2050: Towards the Future
Any unit of study in Mathematics or Statistics from Bachelor of Science Table A to a maximum of 12 credit points can be counted towards the Liberal Studies requirements.

Part B Communication

Writing and Rhetoric: Academic Essays

Language and Social Context
Foundations of Management

6 N WORK2201
Introduction to Academic Writing

Arguments That Change the World

6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Writing Studies
Any unit of study in a language subject area other than English, from the Faculty of Arts Table A to a maximum of 12 credit points in languages can be counted towards the Liberal Studies requirements.

Part C Ethics

6 N HPSC1900
This Junior unit of study is highly recommended to Intermediate and Senior Life Sciences students.
Bioethics (Advanced)
6 A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent
N HPSC1000
Science, Ethics and Society
6 A Students should be familiar with introductory material in Philosophy of Science, Ethics or Sociology
N HPSC3107
Reality, Ethics and Beauty
6 N PHIL1003 or PHIL1004 or PHIL1006 or PHIL1008
Practical Ethics
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level
N PHIL2517 or PHIL3617
Moral Psychology
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Philosophy
N PHIL2513 or PHIL3513

Part D Culture, Society and Global Citizenship

Global America
Introduction to Anthropology
6 N ANTH1003
Anthropology in the World
6 N ANTH1004
Culture and Development
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Anthropology
Shock of the Now: Global Art Since 1900
Global Challenges: Food, Water, Climate
6 N AGEN1002
Earth, Environment and Society
6 N GEOS1901 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001
Earth, Environment and Society Advanced
6 A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent
N GEOS1001 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002 or GEOL1001 or GEOL1002 or GEOL1902 or ENSY1001
Introductory Geography
6 N GEOS1902 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002
Introductory Geography (Advanced)
6 A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent
N GEOS1002 or GEOG1001 or GEOG1002
Introduction to Indigenous Cultures
Please refer to the unit of study outline for individual sessions

Part E Scientific Enquiry

Medical Anthropology
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in Anthropology or 12 credit points at 1000 level in Gender Studies
N ANTH2027
Foundations of Data Science
6 N DATA1901 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or MATH1115 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or ECMT1010 or BUSS1020 or STAT1021
Foundations of Data Science (Adv)
6 A An ATAR of 95 or more
N MATH1005 or MATH1905 or ECMT1010 or ENVX1001 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or DATA1001 or MATH1115 or MATH1015 or STAT1021
Data Analytics: Learning from Data
6 A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [(MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972) and (STAT2011 or STAT2911)] or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)]
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2902
Data Analytics: Learning from Data (Adv)
6 A Successful completion of a first-year or second-year unit in statistics or data science including a substantial coding component. The content from STAT2X11 will help but is not considered essential. Students who are not comfortable using the R software for statistical analysis should familiarise themselves before attempting the unit, e.g. taking OLET1632: Shark Bites and Other Data Stories
P A mark of 65 or above in (DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [(MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972) and (STAT2011 or STAT2911)] or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)])
N STAT2012 or STAT2912 or DATA2002
Introduction to Statistical Methods
6 N ENVX1001 or MATH1005 or MATH1905 or MATH1015 or MATH1115 or DATA1001 or DATA1901 or BUSS1020 or STAT1021 or ECMT1010
Available as a degree core unit only in the Agriculture, Animal and Veterinary Bioscience, and Food and Agribusiness, and Taronga Wildlife Conservation streams
What is This Thing Called Science?
6 N HPSC2101 or HPSC2901 or HPSC1901
What is This Thing Called Science? (Adv)
6 A (ATAR 90 or above) or equivalent
N HPSC2101 or HPSC2901 or HPSC1001
The Birth of Modern Science
6 P 12 cp from (1000-level units or 2000-level units)
N HPSC2900
The Birth of Modern Science (Advanced)
6 P An average mark of 75 or above in (12 credit points of 1000 or 2000 level units of study)
N HPSC2100

Part F Digital Literacy

Internet Transformations
6 P (6 credit points at 1000 level in ARIN) or (12 credit points at 1000 level in MECO or SIEN or DECO) or (12 credit points in WRIT1001 and (ATHK1001 or ATHK1901))
N ARIN2100
Everyday Digital Media
6 P 12 credit points at 1000 level in ARIN or MECO or SIEN or DECO or DESN or 12 credit points in WRIT1001 and (ATHK1001 or ATHK1901)
N ARIN2200
Informatics: Data and Computation
6 N INFO1903 OR DATA1902
Informatics: Data and Computation (Advanced)
6 A This unit is intended for students with ATAR at least sufficient for entry to the BSc/BAdvStudies(Advanced) stream, or for those who gained Distinction results or better, in some unit in Data Science, Mathematics, or Computer Science. Students with portfolio of high-quality relevant prior work can also be admitted
N INFO1903 OR DATA1002
Working in Digital Ecosystems
6 A INFS1000 or INFO1000 or INFO1003 or INFO1903

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
8/02/2024 Prerequisites (P) for DATA2002 published as:
P DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)]
Prerequisites (P) for DATA2002 amended to:
P DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [(MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972) and (STAT2011 or STAT2911)] or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)]
8/02/2024 Prerequisites (P) for DATA2902 published as:
P A mark of 65 or above in (DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)])
Prerequisites (P) for DATA2902 amended to:
P A mark of 65 or above in (DATA1X01 or ENVX1002 or BUSS1020 or ECMT1010 or [(MATH1062 or MATH1962 or MATH1972) and (STAT2011 or STAT2911)] or [MATH1X05 and (MATH1001 or MATH1002 or MATH1003 or MATH1004 or MATH1021 or MATH1023 or MATH1115 or MATH19XX)])
8/07/2024 Course requirements published as:
"... (4) a maximum of 12 credit points from outside of Bachelor of Arts Table A and Bachelor of Science Table A may be taken from the Table S elective list; and
Course requirements amended to:
"... A maximum of 12 credit points of Elective units of study from outside of Table A from the Bachelor of Arts and Table A from the Bachelor of Science may be taken from the Table O or Table S Elective list."