Aspacia Manos – Doctor of Medicine
I’ve wanted to pursue medicine for a long time, but the well-developed program, esteemed faculty, and beauty of Sydney made the decision to pursue medicine here much easier.
When I was tossing up where I’d want to study, I told myself that I’d only move to study in a city that I could see myself embracing and feeling comfortable living in. Sydney was a very simple choice – it is quite similar to Toronto in Canada, but with more sun, sand, and sea.
The University of Sydney has a terrific reputation, particularly in medicine, so I knew I would also be getting a great education. Having the opportunity to see this side of the world is also something I’m very much looking forward to.
We have so many units on at once for any given body system; assessing pathology, medicine, and patient management from a number of different lenses. In first year, we have foundations, musculoskeletal, respiratory, haematology, and cardiology blocks – and within each one – we study anatomy, physiology, pathology, surgical medicine, rehabilitation, public health, and population medicine (just to name a few, ha!).
It really depends on the day – some days are exclusively lecture-based teaching, but every week we also have a full day of clinical school, an independent learning day, and anatomy, pathology, or histology labs.
I think, more than just this degree, what has surprised me most is how easy the transition to living in Sydney has been. It’s a lovely city, the people I’ve met are very friendly, and the University has terrific facilities and resources.
It has felt like second nature, and the ease to which we’ve made friends in the program makes the challenges of going to school so much easier to get through. I am incredibly happy with my decision to come here.
The lecturers are experts in their fields, and many of them are very passionate about imparting their knowledge. We just had a full block in haematology at our clinical schools, so we got to spend every day interacting with the lecturers in a much more professional manner. At the core, however, they are all very warm, and friendly, and welcomed any opportunity to teach us in both didactic and hands-on approaches.
I am very passionate about maternal and children’s health, particularly in the context of public health. I would like to either go into obstetrics and gynaecology or general practice, with a focus on maternal health. I hope to pursue global health and health policy work, as I had worked in this field extensively after undergrad, and before beginning medicine.
Medicine is a lot of work, but if your motivations are pure, it is incredibly rewarding. The experience at Sydney has been unmatched, and the friends you will make will become a huge part of building your experience.
You can’t help but become completely absorbed by everything you are learning, and the community you are building around you. You don’t need to have studied science before to be successful – it’s great to see that people come with such different backgrounds.