An abstract image of nerve cells.

Health & medicine

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30 August 2023

Professor Holmes awarded Croonian Medal by Royal Society

Professor Eddie Holmes has been awarded the Croonian Medal and Lecture, one of the most prestigious prizes in the biological sciences.
29 August 2023

One in four regional youth using vapes

'Don't forget country kids,' say researchers at the Matilda Centre for Mental Health and Substance Use, as youth vaping rates in the regions match metro counterparts.
25 August 2023

Poor lifestyle in 60s linked to risk of aged care

Physical inactivity, smoking, poor diet and sleep disorders between the age of 60 and 64 are linked with more than double the risk of admission to aged care, according to new research from the University of Sydney.
24 August 2023

When proteins get stuck: unlocking the secrets to brain diseases

Biomedical engineers at the University of Sydney, in collaboration with scientists at Cambridge and Harvard, have developed sophisticated optical techniques to monitor how protein aggregates form at the nanoscale.
22 August 2023

Many websites selling home fertility tests making misleading claims

Many websites selling home fertility tests, also known as the 'egg timer' test, directly to consumers are making misleading claims about their usefulness, a University of Sydney led study has found.
15 August 2023

Vale Mary-Louise McLaws, a champion of clear science communication

Professor Emeritus Mary-Louise McLaws AO was a tireless advocate of public engagement during public health emergencies, and her dedication leaves behind an enduring legacy, writes Dr Jocelyne Basseal and co-authors for The Conversation.
14 August 2023

Australia shines in clinical trial activity ranking but gaps revealed

Analysis of 15 years of Australian clinical trial data has revealed the importance of diversity in trial topics and funding sources which could impact the future 'health' of Australian research.
11 August 2023

Don't ban headers: teach kids to master the ball instead

World Cup fever is peaking and many hope it will encourage more young players into the game. Dr Kerry Peek is leading the way in promoting education and preparation around heading as young players learn to play and love football.
11 August 2023

Indigenous voices need to lead Australia's response to the climate crisis

Australia must address historic and contemporary systemic racism to better tackle the climate crisis, was one of the key conclusions in a paper published in Science, in a special edition where the international publication turns its gaze on examining Australia's environmental challenges.
09 August 2023

Wearables will transform health, but change brings challenges say researchers

Wearable technology presents immense opportunities to improve the way we live our lives, but a group of international researchers say the rapidly developing field also brings big challenges.