This unit of study introduces students to the profession of occupational therapy, including beliefs, philosophical bases, foundational concepts and skills. Scope of practice is considered in context of the Australian health care and disability systems, health law and professional responsibilities. There is a focus on understanding the impact of decolonisation on the health of indigenous Australians and the need for culturally safe services. Students will examine humans as occupational beings including cultural and anthropological perspectives and the relationship between occupations, health and occupational therapy practice. Students will start developing professional reasoning required to determine what impacts on occupational performance. This will be achieved through use of case-based studies and input from those with lived experiences, occupational therapy clinicians and academics, learning about occupational therapy theory and practising occupational analysis, identifying occupational issues and designing basic therapeutic interventions plans that are meaningful and safe.
Unit details and rules
Academic unit | Participation Sciences |
Credit points | 6 |
None |
OCCP5258 |
OCCP5237 |
Assumed knowledge
None |
Available to study abroad and exchange students | No |
Teaching staff
Coordinator | Jo Lewis, |
Lecturer(s) | Anne Cusick, |
Jo Lewis, | |
Shane Clifton, | |
Tutor(s) | Sumei Wrigley, |