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Computer Science

Honours unit of study table (Table A)

Honours in Computer Science is available via an appended Honours. The one-year program is comprised of a total of 48-credit points distributed across a 24-credit point research project in a specialised area such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, database, HCI, cybersecurity and more. Students will also complete four 6-credit point units of advanced coursework, including a core unit in CS research methods.

Honours is available to students who have a completed major in an area relevant to their project and have met the requirements outlined in the resolutions. Admittance into the program is determined by the Faculty of Science as well as the honours director.

Honours director:

General Honours Advice
Ms Bahar Mirzamahmoudian

This page was first published on 14 November 2024 and was last amended on 14 January 2025.
View details of the changes below.

Computer Science (Honours)

The Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Honours) (Computer Science) requires 48 credit points from this table including:
(i) 6 credit points of 4000-level Honours coursework core units, and
(ii) 18 credit points of 4000-level Honours coursework selective units, and
(iii) 24 credit points of 4000-level Honours research project units
Unit of study Credit points A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites
C: Corequisites N: Prohibition

Honours Coursework Core

Computer Science Research Methods
6 P Students must satisfy Honours admission requirements
N INFO4444 or INFO5993

Honours Coursework Selective

Computational Geometry
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP5045
Natural Language Processing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Knowledge of an OO programming language as covered in INFO1113
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5046
Pervasive Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. ELEC1601 or COMP2129 or COMP2017. Any other background in programming and operating systems that is sufficient for the student to independently learn new programming tools from standard online technical materials
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5047
Visual Analytics
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823)
N COMP5048 or OCMP5048
Mobile Computing

6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and INFO1113
N COMP5216
Randomised and Advanced Algorithms
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP5270
Large Scale Networks

6 A A major in a computer science area. Algorithmic skills gained through units such as COMP2123 or COMP2823 or COMP3027 or COMP3927 or equivalent. Basic probability knowledge
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5313
Machine Learning and Data Mining

6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming and data structures as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823 or COMP9123 or equivalent. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent); linear algebra and calculus (e.g. MATH1061 or equivalent)
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5318 or OCMP5318
Advanced Machine Learning

6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
C COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or [(INFO1110 or INFO1910 or Distinction result in ENGG1810) and Distinction results in MATHXXXX]
N COMP5328 or OCMP5328
Deep Learning

6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or BMET2925)
N COMP5329 or OCMP5329
Advanced Data Models
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO2120 or INFO2820 or ISYS2120)
N COMP5338 or OCMP5338
Web Application Development
6 A A major in a computer science area. Foundation knowledge of JavaScript
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2120 and SOFT2412
N COMP5347
Enterprise Scale Software Architecture
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and SOFT2412 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905)
N COMP5348
Cloud Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Knowledge of OS concepts as covered in INFO1112
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902)
N COMP5349 or OCMP5349
Digital Media Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming skills as covered in INFO1113 or COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or other similar units
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5405 or COMP5114 or COMP9419
Multimedia Design and Authoring
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with software development as covered in SOFT2412
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5415
Advanced Network Technologies
6 A A major in a computer science area. COMP3221 or ELEC3506
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5416
Information Technology in Biomedicine
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5424
Multimedia Retrieval
6 A A major in a computer science area. Experience with programming skills as covered in INFO1113 or COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905 or other similar units
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5425
Parallel and Distributed Computing
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5426 or OCMP5426
Usability Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5427
Discrete Optimisation
6 A A major in a computer science area. Discrete mathematics and probability (e.g. MATH1064 or equivalent) and Linear algebra (e.g. MATH1061 or equivalent)
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)
N COMP3530 or COMP5530
Empirical Security Analysis and Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (CSEC3616 or INFO3616 or ELEC5616)
N COMP5617 or OCMP5617
Applied Cybersecurity
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N COMP5618 or OCMP5618
Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N DATA5207
Health Technology Evaluation
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5003
Applied Healthcare Data Science
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5005
Foundations of Healthcare Data Science
6 A A major in a computer science area
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N HTIN5006
Enterprise Healthcare Information Systems
6 A ISYS2120
P DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001
N INFO5306
Services Science Management and Engineering
6 A A major in a computer science area
P (DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2160
N INFO5991
Advanced Topics in Computer Science
6 C INFO4990

Honours Core Research Project

Computer Science Honours Project A
6 C INFO4990
Computer Science Honours Project B
6 C COMP4103
Computer Science Honours Project C
6 C COMP4104
Computer Science Honours Project D
6 C COMP4105 and SCIE4999
Final Honours Mark

Post-publication amendments

Original publication
Post-publication amendment
17/12/2024 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4445 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4445 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP2123 or COMP2823) and (COMP3027 or COMP3927)"
17/12/2024 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4415 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4415 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
17/12/2024 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4416 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4416 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4446 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4446 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4447 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4447 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4216 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and INFO1113"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4216 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and INFO1113"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4313 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4313 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4318 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4318 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4328 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4328 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4329 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or BMET2925)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4329 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (COMP3308 or COMP3608 or COMP4318 or BMET2925)"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4338 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO2120 or INFO2820 or ISYS2120)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4338 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO2120 or INFO2820 or ISYS2120)"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4347 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2120 and SOFT2412"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4347 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2120 and SOFT2412"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4348 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and SOFT2412 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4348 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and SOFT2412 and (COMP2123 or COMP2823 or INFO1105 or INFO1905)"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4349 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4349 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (INFO1110 or INFO1910 or ENGG1810 or DATA1002 or DATA1902)"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4405 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4405 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4424 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4424 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4425 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4425 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4426 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4426 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4427 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4427 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4617 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (CSEC3616 or INFO3616 or ELEC5616)"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4617 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and (CSEC3616 or INFO3616 or ELEC5616)"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for COMP4618 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for COMP4618 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for DATA4207 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for DATA4207 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for HTIN4003 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for HTIN4003 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for INFO4406 published as:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
Prerequisites (P) for INFO4406 amended to:
"DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001"
14/01/2025 Prerequisites (P) for INFO4491 published as:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2160"
Prerequisites (P) for INFO4491 amended to:
"(DATA3888 or COMP3888 or COMP3988 or CSEC3888 or ISYS3888 or SOFT3888 or ENGG3112 or SCPU3001) and ISYS2160"