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Peer mentoring programs

Peer mentoring programs are available to help develop a supportive and effective learning community at the University. Mentoring gives new students the opportunity to meet peers and build networks, learn about student life and settle in to the University.

Many faculties and schools run peer mentoring programs at the start of semester. New undergraduate or postgraduate students are matched with a mentor in small groups.

Mentors are senior students within the faculty or school who can assist you to settle into university life. This may include:

  • providing support and advice
  • sharing knowledge and their experiences
  • familiarising you with your faculty/school and University services
  • providing general information about your course
  • answering Welcome Program and transition questions
  • organising mentoring sessions or group activities to help you build networks.

Mentors are not intended to replace the academic advice, tutoring or assistance with your course material provided by your faculty or school.

If you are a current student and are interested in becoming a mentor, find out more and register.

Programs and how to register

If you are a new student at the University, you may be able to register for a peer mentoring program run by your faculty or school at the start of your first year of study. Registration often takes place during Faculty Welcome Week, the week before classes begin each semester.

The School of Architecture, Design and Planning run a 9-week Peer Mentoring program at the start of Semester 1 and Semester 2. The program connects peer mentors with groups of mentees, providing study advice and course experience, leadership development, and opportunities for community engagement.

Each mentor is matched with a group of up to 5 mentees and students can register to become a mentor or mentee during the School’s Faculty Welcome Week.

For more information about the Peer Mentoring program, please contact

If you are a current student and are interested in becoming a mentor, find out more and register.

We know starting your university journey can be both exciting and nerve-wracking – whether you have just finished high school or are returning to university after some time – and we are here to support you every step of the way.

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) offers a Welcome and Mentoring Program each semester for newly commencing students joining the faculty. Through this program, you will be able to connect with fellow students and staff in the community and get prepared with all you need to know for your studies ahead.

We offer a tailored Welcome and Mentoring Program for both FASS Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.

Undergraduate Welcome and Mentoring Program

The Undergraduate Welcome and Mentoring Program begins from Welcome Day to Week 6 of the semester. It provides all you with all you need to know to get started in FASS, with information sessions, social activities, and your own connection of Peer Mentors and other new students in your area of study.

Our program also tailors to student cohorts including domestic, international, Dalyell Scholars, Equity, and over 25 years old.

What's included?

The Program begins with Welcome Day, which is on Tuesday 23 July. On this day, you will:

  • connect with your own Peer Mentor, a senior student from your area of study who will support you from Welcome Day to the first six weeks of the semester. If you are an international student, we will aim to connect you with both an international and domestic Peer Mentor.
  • make new friends with other new students in your course and FASS.
  • get prepared with important information about your degree, and student advice and support services.
  • meet university staff who will support your university life including: your Faculty Associate Dean (Student Life), Student Centre, Learning Hub, Library and Careers Centre.
  • enjoy an afternoon tea and learn more about student clubs, followed by a campus tour with your Peer Mentor.

Registrations are now open.

Postgraduate Welcome and Mentoring Program

Whether you're joining us straight from your undergraduate studies, or after some time away from the university environment, the Postgraduate Welcome and Mentor Program will help you prepare for academic, professional and personal success during your first semester as a postgraduate Arts and Social Sciences student.  

Starting from our Faculty welcome day on Thursday, July 25, and continuing through to week 6, you’ll be supported by a Peer Mentor in your area of study.

For new International Postgraduate Students, you’ll be matched with a Peer Mentor who’s also an international student and has experience getting settled in Sydney and at the University. Moving to a new country and starting a new course of study is a lot of change, and we’re here to support you in all aspects of your experience. 

This program offers you the opportunity to:

  • make new friends and build social connections
  • meet your postgraduate coursework coordinators
  • attend a campus tour
  • join a talk in your home School to discover “a day in the life of a PG Student”
  • connect with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds
  • build confidence communicating with others
  • practice social skills
  • access student skills workshops and social events.

Registrations are now open. 

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about these programs, email us at

The Business School Peer Mentoring Program runs for the first eight weeks of semester. You’ll attend events during Faculty Welcome Week, the week before classes begin each semester, and meet with your group two or three more times during your first weeks at university.

You can register for a mentor during the Business School’s Welcome Day. We will email you once you enrol with details of when and where you need to register.

If you don’t register for a mentor during Faculty Welcome Week, you will have the opportunity to register in Week 1 of semester. We will email you at your University student email account with information on late registration.

If you need more information, contact us at

If you are a current student and interested in becoming a mentor, find out more about what's required and how to register.

Mentoring follows a structured workshop schedule to help you understand the academic demands of university. Information on the program will be available at Faculty Welcome Week. During Faculty Welcome Week, mentors can be identified by their yellow ‘duck squad’ t-shirts.

Mentoring activities

Reflective journal

As part of your mentoring activities, you will be encouraged to keep a reflective journal starting from the first week of lectures. This introduces you to the practice of critical reflection about teaching and learning, a significant element of your professional preparation and practice. Your journal combines written reflections with other forms of expression, such as visual images, and involves:

  • reflecting on your own experiences as well as those of a previous generation, enabling you to connect with, and consider, the evolution of teaching and learning
  • developing a critical approach to the education-research literature
  • using multiple sources for reflection
  • practising writing skills
  • reflecting on the experiences that led to your decision to become a teacher or social worker.
Type of journal entries
  • Personal school experiences – this could include your thoughts about yourself as a learner; the nature of teaching (the best and worst attributes of your various teachers and their impact on your learning); or other significant aspects of your schooling, for example, what was valued by your school (sport, music or academic achievement) and how this was demonstrated.
  • The school experiences of someone of another generation – the memories of, for example, your parents, older friends or grandparents. Be guided by the reflection of the person you have chosen and comment on the differences between their experiences and your own.
  • Popular culture – select a movie or television series and discuss how teaching, learning, students or teachers are portrayed. Comment critically on this portrayal, referring to your own experiences and the experiences of others.
  • Newspaper articles – summarise print-media coverage of a contemporary education issue and comment critically about the articles by referring to lectures, tutorials, workshops or readings.

Poster competition

A poster competition is the final reflective activity for the year. It is a cooperative activity with contribution from everyone in your workshop group. The competition is judged at the end of Semester 2.

The ENGO Peer Mentoring Program begins during Faculty Welcome Week, the week before classes begin each semester, where you will meet your mentor and group, participate in activities, and have lunch together. The program continues for the first eight weeks of the semester and you will attend social events, workshops and continue to receive informal mentoring.

You can email to find out more about joining the mentor program.

The Sydney Law School Peer Mentoring Program starts during Faculty Welcome Week, the week before classes begin, and runs for the first few weeks of Semester 1. In the program you will be matched with a mentor and a group of five to 10 students. You will learn about your course and the Law School and participate in group activities. The first meeting takes place on Faculty Welcome Day at the Law School.

All enrolled students will be given the opportunity to participate in mentoring during the Welcome Program. You will not need to pre-register.

For more information, contact the Professional Law Programs Team at

The Sydney Conservatorium of Music runs a Student Support Network Mentoring Program where each new student is matched to a student mentor in groups of five of six students. Where possible, you will be matched with a mentor in the same degree and area of principal study.

If you need more information about the program, email Dr Christopher Coady at

The Science Undergraduate Peer Mentoring Program aims to help commencing students transition to university life through building meaningful relationships with peers and senior science students in their first year at University. The program involves Mentors (senior students) who form mentoring groups to support and guide mentees (first year students) through their first semester or year of studying Science and attending University.

A month before each semester applications open for both mentees and mentors to join the program. There is then a short training process for mentors to equip them with the skills needed to support mentees. Mentoring groups are formed based on shared study, gender identification, Dalyell or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status and interests. Mentoring groups are then invited to a Welcome event during Faculty Welcome Week, the week before classes begin each semester, and are expected to meet up regularly with their groups, following the schedule set by the program coordinator.

Participants continue to report feelings of great satisfaction and regularly share their positive learning experiences with the Faculty that this is an engaging, rewarding and meaningful program to participate in.

For more information please contact the Student Support Officer at science.student‑

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Last updated: 23 July 2024

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