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We are not currently running calculator and dictionary approvals. We will update this page with further details about approvals as the semester progresses.
Your unit of study coordinator decides which kind of calculator, if any, can be used in your final in-person exam. This will be outlined on your personal exam timetable. You may need to get your calculator approved before you are allowed to bring it into your exam.
Types of calculators:
Any non-programmable calculators need to be on the approvable calculators list if you want to use them in your exam. Make sure that you understand the information about what you can bring into your in-person exams.
If you are using a CASIO fx-82 calculator, or one of its associated models, you do not have to have your calculator approved. These have been pre-approved and are allowed in exams without a calculator approval sticker.
Please note that an exam invigilator may still check your calculator in the room of your exam prior to its commencement.
Skip to your calculator brand:
CASIO fx-82
Texas Instruments
CASIO fx-82ms lookalikes
The following Casio fx-82 models have been pre-approved and do not need to have a calculator approval sticker for use in exams:
You can bring a bilingual dictionary into your exam if you have first had it checked and approved.
These guidelines have been developed to be fair and consistent by making sure the dictionaries don't offer assistance during exams other than pure translation of words.
Once your bilingual dictionary has been approved, it will be stamped with an official University of Sydney stamp and can be used in all exams that allow the use of bilingual dictionaries.
Your dictionary may be inspected before your exam begins to ensure it is free of information that could be used for cheating.
Dictionaries with these features will not be allowed in your exam:
The following table may be useful for identifying bilingual dictionaries.
If your bilingual dictionary:
House: Casa (Spanish)
Book: Libro (Italian)
Water: 水 (Shuǐ) (Mandarin)
House: A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Water: A colourless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
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