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Replacement exams

If you have a serious illness, injury or circumstances arise that affect your ability to attend or complete an exam, you may have grounds to apply for special consideration or special arrangements. For online exams, this may include inadequate technology or interruptions to your exam environment.

If your special consideration or special arrangements application is approved, you may need to sit a replacement exam. It's important to be aware of how this may affect you in terms of delaying certain aspects of your course. For example, sitting an exam later may delay when you receive your results, which means you are not able to graduate or re-enrol for the next year until your results are finalised.

Find out more about special consideration and special arrangements.

When are replacement exams

Replacement in-semester tests

In-semester replacement tests are managed by your faculty or school and are usually scheduled in Week 10 and Week 11. Your unit coordinator and/or faculty or school staff will communicate with you about scheduling these.

Replacement exams

There are two replacement exam periods for the main Semester 2, 2024 exam period.

Replacement exam period 1 is being held between 10 – 13 December 2024. Generally, if your special consideration application for Semester 2 exams is approved by 29 November you will be allocated to sit an exam in replacement exam period 1. There may be some situations where we can allocate students approved later than this date.

Replacement exam period 2 is being held between 21 – 24 January 2025. Generally, if your special consideration application for Semester 2 exams is approved after 29 November or if you have issues attending an exam during replacement exam period 1, you will be allocated to sit an exam in replacement exam period 2.

Your replacement end of semester exam timetable will include the format of each exam.

If you have an exam scheduled through ProctorU, make sure you’ve read through the ‘Taking online exams’ Canvas site ahead of time to ensure you’re prepared and set up to take your online exam.

If you have an online exam on your timetable, you will need to schedule your exam ahead of time. Find out how to schedule your Live+ exam.

Please check your timetable when you receive it and if there are any issues submit an online enquiry immediately.

Issues attending your replacement

If illness or misadventure prevents you from attending, or affects your performance, in a replacement test or exam then you can re-apply for further special consideration.

Exam preparation

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Last updated: 03 February 2025

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