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Edward and Kate Boulanger
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"Edward and Kate Boulanger",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 20 February 2025

Edward Boulanger, sketch portrait by William Thomas, detail from cover of Impromptu Polka (1862) (National Library of Australia)
BOULANGER, Edward Desirée (Edouard Desirée BOULANGER; Edward BOULANGER; M. BOULANGER; E. D. BOULANGER; Edward Desiree BOULANGER)
Pianist, professor of music, teacher of the pianoforte, composer
Born Paris, France, 6 March 1829 (son of Antione BOULANGER and Katherine Narcisse ROUSSEAU)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 12 January 1855 (passenger on the Lydia, from London, 17 September 1854)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 27 December 1858 (from Sydney)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 31 December 1861 (for Sydney)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 27 March 1863 (per Bogatyr, for New Caledonia)
Died Shanghai, China, 18 July 1863 (NLA persistent identifier) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
BOULANGER, Kate (Catherine Jane; Katharina Jane FITZSIMMONS; BARNETT)
Pianist, teacher of the pianoforte
Born Calcutta, India, c.1835 (daughter of John Michael FITZSIMMONS and Mary Jane HACKETT)
Arrived Sydney and Bathurst, NSW, ? by 1837
Married (1) Edward BOULANGER, St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, NSW, 31 May 1856
Died Sydney, NSW, 28 June 1872, "aged 34" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
See also: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
Born Sydney, NSW, 14 February 1859 (only surviving child of the above)
Married James MACPHERSON, Waverley, NSW, 1878
Died Waverley, NSW, 27 May 1883, aged 24
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Edward: backgound and early years
According to death notices, Edward Desiree Boulanger (the version of his name by which he was legally identified in Australia) was a son of Antoine Boulanger of Paris (a "private secretary" to Talleyrand), and a first cousin of the second duc of Montobello, Louis Napoléon Lannes (1801-1874). In Melbourne in 1861, Boulanger himself posted a death notice for another first cousin, Auguste Gréterin, the French director of customs. In 1869, five years after Boulanger's own death, his widow, Kate, posted a death notice for Boulanger's mother, Catterine la comtesse de Boulanger, née Rouseaux (b. ? 1792; d.1868). The marriage of Antoine Boulanger and Catherine Narcisse Rousseau is documented, and an 1836 extract records that Edouard was born in Paris on 6 March 1829.
Australians with a passing interest in Boulanger have, typically, tended to doubt that someone who ended up the colonies could have been a pupil of Chopin. But although there is no way of verifying this (Chopin left few records of his teaching), neither - on balance - is there good enough reason to dismiss it. He made this claim not only in Australia, but in Holland in 1854, and on his death in 1863 a Belgian musical journal described him as a "pianiste de talent et élève de Chopin". Belonging to a family of minor Imperial officials, he could easily have taken lessons with Chopin, probably in the mid 1840s.
Kate: backgound and early years
Born in Calcutta, probably in 1835, Kate arrived in NSW at around the age of 2 with her parents, an Indian army veteran and "surgeon", John Michael Fitzsimmons (d. 1860), and his wife Mary Jane Hackett (d. 1866). John had been sent to NSW as a convict in 1826, after a military court martial in Bengal found him guilty of "shooting at the person with intent", his sentence commuted to 7 years transportation. Perhaps of Anglo-Indian heritage, his convict record described his dark complexion, black eyes, and black hair. Once emancipated, in 1834 he married Mary Jane Hackett, an assisted immigrant on the Bussorah Merchant, and lived briefly near Lithgow, until the couple returned to Calcutta where Kate was born. He is probably the "Dr. Fitzsimmons" who kept a school at Bathurst in 1837/38. By 1842, if not earlier, Fitzsimmons was a turnkey and dispenser at the Darlinghurst Gaol, having had experience as a Military Hospital Assistant and Dispenser in Calcutta (though he was trained initially as a rifleman).
Fitzsimmons was frequently before the courts, either defending a variety of minor financial and other misdemeanours, or prosecuting, most notably, perhaps, in 1859, when he brought "certain charges" against Margaret Howson, wife of the vocalist and actor John Howson. As a result, his claims to have been an officer and surgeon in India were questioned in the press, and he himself became the subject of a scathing article in Bell's Life.
E. Boulanger - disambiguation
Despite a shared initial, Boulanger's published works and press notices can fairly easily be distinguished from those of Ernest Boulanger (1815-1900), son of the famous opera singer Madame Boulanger (Marie-Julie Halligner 1786-1850), who was mainly known as a composer of vocal works; Nadia Boulanger and Lili Boulanger were his daughters.
Edward: professional activity in Europe and America
By 1850-51, at just over twenty, Boulanger was noticed as a published composer in France, and as a pianist in England.
His earliest documented piano works appeared in print in Paris in 1850, numbered Opp. 6 and 7, perhaps indicating that there were earlier published works not yet identified. Five more Paris opus numbers, 8 to 12, survive, issued between 1850 and 1854.
He made his official first London appearance at a matinee given by one of the Kontski brothers in June 1850. Later, in the USA, he claimed to have been a pianist to Queen Victoria (as also reported in Holland in 1854); and while this might seem doubtful to some, it may be only a slight overstatement in the language of the time and place; if he did play for her, then he was probably indeed "commanded" to do so.
It was probably in London, in the same summer of 1850, that he first made contact with Catherine Hayes. He went one to be a regular associate artist in Hayes's concerts in New York and Boston in 1851, and as such probably booked by Lewis Lavenu. His Parade polka was published in New York in 1853; much simpler and more conventional than any of his published Australian works, it was clearly - perhaps rather too pointedly - geared to the American popular market.
By contrast, at a concert in Holland in 1854, he programmed a new serious work, a Nocturne de concert, which was probably the same work he published a year later in Sydney.
Sydney, 1855-1858
We don't know (and will probably never know) precisely why Edward came to Australia. If he had left, like so many other Australian visitors did in the mid 1850s, from San Francisco, he may just have seen Australia as one stop on more extensive Far Eastern tour that would eventually return him to Europe.
But since he left from London, he must have made a clear decision, perhaps keeping in mind the chance of joining up again with Catherine Hayes's touring party.
Hayes had made a brief first visit to Sydney late in 1854, though when Boulanger arrived in January 1855 she was already in Calcutta. However, she and Boulanger again met up in Sydney as she commenced her second year-long Australian stint. Despite this, they were advertised to appear together on only one occasion, in August 1855, but in fact did not, due to Hayes being indisposed.
For the moment (2015-18), I am not yet going to dwell closely below on Edward's artistic achievements in Australia, but rather simply try to fix basic biographical evidence.
During his first year in Sydney, however, he was extraordinarily active as a concert performer, more so certainly than in any later year. But by early in 1856 he was in financial trouble, and for the next two years he appears to have relied more on teaching, out-of-town and country touring, and in 1857 a string of new published pieces.
At the end of Boulanger's first year in Sydney, in December 1855, Frederick Mader published Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856, the first single-composer collection of piano music produced in Australia, an advertised series of six piano works. The Keepsake was twice noticed in the Herald, once, without undue exaggeration musically, as:
beyond all question the most admirable publication to which our country has given birth.
Elsewhere, signally under the heading "AUSTRALIAN MUSIC" (apparently this was not considered a premature claim for someone only recently arrived, and a "foreigner" - that is, not a British subject - to boot), the Herald predicted that Boulanger's set would:
throw all other colonial musical publications into the shade, nothing of so high a classical character having before been presented to an Australian public.
Reporting on the Keepsake first in 2011, and again in 2014, I noted that no copies had yet been identified of 5 out of the 6 listed pieces. And, as of January 2017, there is still no copy of the set or most of its component parts registered in the bibliographic record.
I reported here for the first time (January 2017), however, that one almost complete copy of the 1856 Keepsake does exist. It appears at the head of an album of piano music and song originally belonging to, and bound for, Boulanger's Sydney pupil, Teresa Curtis (Meillon-Boesen). The album is one of a pair of Curtis's albums donated to Sydney Conservatorium in 1986, now at University of Sydney, Rare Books Library, RB CON 860-9080.
Most of the first number of the Boulanger Keepsake - a caprice or fantasia on the Serenade from Don Pasquale was lost from the beginning of the album, which also lacks its original cover. However, its final page still remains loose in the book, and is reproduced below with the work list.
Another Sydney publisher, J. R. Clarke later advertised copies of four of the Keepsake numbers for separate sale, however a copy of only one of these is known to exist, under Clarke's new cover, but otherwise identical; it was either reprinted from the original Keepsake plates/stones, or, probably more likely, was an unsold copy of the original print run.
The loss of most of the first number notwithstanding, the whole set can be now appreciated as an important feat of colonial production. Not only are Boulanger's works among the most sophisticated compositions by a resident composer to date, but the prints are exceptional examples of music engraving, which, moreover, are the work of a skilled artisan not otherwise known to have had any musical training, or other musical connections, namely Abraham Western Chapman (1827-1892), who for the greater part of his career was in charge of postage stamp printing for the NSW Government.
The costs involved in printing the reportedly sumptuously decorated Keepsake may well have contributed, in April 1856, to the first of Edward's three Australian insolvencies. His next musical works were issued by J. R. Clarke, around the New Year of 1857.
A second Curtis album (University of Sydney, Rare Books Library, RB CON 860-9282) contains a copy of another Boulanger work hitherto missing from the bibliographic register, namely The Simla galop, first advertised by Clarke in January 1857 (see full details in work list below)
On 31 May 1856 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, Edward married Katherina Jane Fitzsimmons. She was later became a piano teacher herself, and may well have been one of Edward's pupils during his first year in Sydney. Their first child, a boy, was stillborn in January 1857, and in August, for the first of many times, Kate's high-spirits and hot-temper put her on the wrong side of the law. However, by the time of the marriage, Edward himself was less than a perfect catch. Only three months before the wedding, in March 1846, he narrowly avoided a conviction for a bounced cheque, only to be declared insolvent, with debts of almost £300 in April. His own litigious streak, when cornered, had also begun to show itself, and bode ill for the marriage.
Melbourne, 1859-1861
On Christmas Eve 1858, Boulanger sailed for Melbourne alone, apparently leaving Kate, then seven months pregnant, behind in Sydney. She gave birth to their only surviving child, a daughter, Bertha Katherina Desirée Boulanger, on 14 February 1859. In Melbourne, Edward appears to have won and kept the patronage of the governor Henry Barkly. His only regular source of income appears to have been a combination of private teaching and a post in a girls school. In Victoria, he was declared insolvent for a second time in April 1861, and ended that year and his stay there by playing daily for the crowds at the Victorian Exhibition.
Sydney, 1862-63
A temporary return to Sydney during the 1861-62 summer vacation from school teaching appears to have become permanent after he found school employment there. He taught for the first term at Harriette Cousens' school, and began the second term, late in April 1862, teaching and living at Elizabeth Nutt's school. Meanwhile, in March, he was also declared insolvent in Sydney. Nutt duly paid for him to bring Kate back to Sydney from Melbourne, but they reportedly lived together in her house for only about ten days, after which they separated, probably finally.
In August, having heard a rumour that Edward was about to leave the colony, Kate, reportedly in a drunken rage, paid a call on him at Nutt's house. A fortnight later Kate took Edward and Nutt to court, and vice versa, on charges of assault. In addition to his marital and growing financial troubles, Edward's name was also notoriously connected with Julia Bentley (Monk), herself previously a pupil of Thalberg and Arabella Goddard, in the vicious attacks on Bentley's character widely reported in the Australian press in May and June 1862.
In September 1862, the Boulangers were back in court. Having heard another rumour of a planned departure, Kate charged Edward with unlawful desertion. An order for maintenance was made against him with stiff sureties on the grounds that the court was indeed unconvinced that he was not intending to leave the colony. Having previously agreed not to do so because it might damage his own reputation, a week later Kate advertised as a piano teacher, as Madame Boulanger.
Having mooted it publicly for some months, Edward ultimately announced his impending departure publicly in February 1863. The well-patronised Sydney concert he and violinist Agostino Robbio gave that month was effectively a farewell. It was also, no doubt, a crucial money-raiser. Edward's insolvent estate was surrendered in March. Quite how or when he left is unclear; according to perhaps the most likely rumour, he sailed for New Caledonia with Robbio at the end of March. The next that Sydney heard of him in September was news of his death, from cholera, in Shanghai, in July.
After Edward's death
A benefit concert was given for Kate and her daughter in October. As "Madame Boulanger", she continued to advertise as a piano teacher in Sydney and later in Melbourne until 1866. She remarried twice, and died in Grafton, destitute, in 1872.
Two of Boulanger's Sydney pupils went on to have prominent careers as concert artists and teachers, Hannah Aldis (Mrs. W. H. Palmer) and, as already mentioned, Teresa Curtis (Madame Meillon-Boesen).
After his death, and through the 1860s and 1870s, occasional performances of his works were given, not only by those who had known him - such as Edwin Cobley, William Stanley, Albert Alexander, and his pupils - but also by recent arrivals such as John Hill in Sydney and Henrietta Mallalieu in Brisbane, and, notably as late as 1879 by the young Maud Fitz-Stubbs.
Kate and Edward's daughter Bertha, also taught piano, and married a piano-maker and -salesman, James Macpherson, in 1878. She died of dropsy, aged only 24, in 1883, leaving three young children. Having committed the children to the care of his father, John Macpherson, sometime mayor of Waverly, James sailed for New Zealand where he was employed at the Dresden (later Bristol) Piano Company.
My thanks to Boulanger descendents, David Macpherson, and Shan Wight, for kindly sharing information on his family.
1829 - 1854 (Europe - England - USA)
1829, birth of Edouard (register 1836)
Ville de Paris, extrait du registre des actes de naissance, an 1829, 2e Marie; manuscript extract dated 11 July 1836
Du vendredi Six Mars Mil Huit Cent Vingt Neuf, heure de midi, acte de naissance de Edouard Desire qui nous avons reconnu etre du sèxe masculin né le trois de la mois à bon heure de relevée chez ses père et mère rue Blanche No. 43, fils de Antoine Boulanger, rentier, age de trente un ans, et de Katherine Narcisse Rousseau, son èpouse, age de trente six ans. Les témoins sont Pierre Joseph Carlet, valet de chambre, âgé de trente ans, demeurant même rue No. 23 et Nicholas Carlet, rentier, âgé de cinquante sept ans demeurant même maison. . . .
? 20 March 1850, concert, Paris
? "CONCERTS [by] HENRI BLANCHARD", Revue et gazette musicale de Paris 17/12 (24 March 1850), 101
Il faut bien encore, pour être juste envers tous, dire que M. Boulanger, pianiste de talent tout comme un autre, a donné un concert chez Erard, où s'est rendu un de mes aller ego, un de ces auditeurs, non pas au conseil d'Etat, mais à quelques-unes des nombreuses séances, étoiles du ciel harmonique, qui filent avec rapidité, et pour m'aider à faire croire à mon ubiquité musicale. Ce concert a eu lieu le 20 mars, qui ne laissera pas, dit-on, un aussi glorieux souvenir que celui de Napoléon. M. Boulanger a probablement assez de modestie pour s'en consoler.
1850, publication (Chabal, Paris)
"MUSIC", Bibliographie de la France (8 June 1850), 296
Ed. Boulanger [no] 112. 1er nocturne pour le piano . . .5-00
Idem. 2e nocturne pour le piano . . .6-00
Idem. Valse mazurka de salon, composé pour le piano . . .6-00
Idem., Lubinká, valse, idem . . . 6.00
Chez Chabal, boulevard Montmartre, 15.
MUSIC: 1er nocturne (Boulanger); 2er nocturne (Boulanger); Valse mazurka (Boulanger); Lubinka valse (Boulanger)
26 June 1850, Antoine de Kontski's concert, London
[Advertisement], The Morning Chronicle (24 June 1850), 1
M. DE KONTSKI'S MATINEE MUSICALE . . . on Wednesday next, June 26 . . . M. Edward Boulanger, from Paris (his first appearance).
[Advertisement], Morning Post [London] (24 June 1850), 1
M. DE KONTSKI'S MATINÉE MUSICALE, under the immediate patronage of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland, the Lady Howard de Walden, the Lady Petre, the Lady Vincent, Mrs. Milner Gibson, Earl of Wilton, Lord Dudley Stuart, M.P., and other distinguished personages. The Matineé will take place at Miss Messent's Residence, 8, Stratton-street, Piccadilly, on WEDNESDAY next, June 26, at half-past one o'clock. Vocalists: Mdlle. Nay, Misses Messent, Bassano; Signors Gardoni, Ciabatta, S. Tamburini, Herr Brandt. Grand Pianoforte Miss Clara Loveday, Mdlle. Sophie Dulken, and M. Edouard Boulanger, from Paris (his first appearance); Violoncello, M. Rousselot; Violin, M. de Kontski, &c . . .
"M. DE KONTSKI'S CONCERT", Morning Chronicle (27 June 1850), 5
. . . The other instrumental executants were Mrs. Kennedy (harp), and Messrs. Zerbini, Borschitzky . . . Rousselot, and E. Boulanger (his first appearance in London) . . . The concert was fully attended.
"CONCERTS", The illustrated London news (29 June 1850), 451
M. de Kontski, the violinist, had a matinée musicale on Wednesday, at the house of Miss Messent, in Smitten-street, assisted by Mdlle. Nan, Misses Messent and Bassano; Signori Gardoni, Ciabatta, Salvator, and Tamburini, Herr Brandt; Miss C. Loveday, and Mdlle. Sophie Dulcken; MM. Boulanger and Rousselot.
ASSOCIATIONS: Antoine de Kontski (pianist); the elderly Kontski toured Australia and New Zealand in 1896; John Baptist Zerbini senior (d.1889), father of John Baptist Zerbini (d.1891), of Melbourne
October 1850, ? departure ? for USA, Birmingham
"Arrivals and departures", Dover Telegraph and Cinque Ports General Advertiser (26 October 1850), 8 (PAYWALL)
Birmingham's Royal Ship Hotel - H. M. the Queen Amelie, H. R. H. the Duke de Nemours, H. R. H. Prince de Joinville, H. R. H. the Duchess of Saxe Coburg, the Duchess de Marmier, le Comte de Montesquieu and suite, the Duke and Duchess of Leinster, Lord and Lady Cecil, Col. the Hon. F. and Lady Cadogan, the Baroness Rehausen, Sir Thomas Birch, M. P., Col. and Mrs. Broke, Col. Reid, M. P., Rev. Mr. Foyster, Colonel and Madame de Sturler, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Broadwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lawford, Mr. and Mrs. Stedman, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Mr. Dent and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dent, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Swiney, Mons. and Mdme. de Kalergi, Mrs. Bacon, Miss Klugh, Mr. Prinsep, Mons. Russenaire, Professor and Mrs. Gregory, Messrs. Boulanger, Cotterell, Dobinson, Druce, Gye, Forster, Gobay, Hitchins, Inglis, Johnston, Mearce, William Haldimand, Oakes, J. A. Smith, Stahmer, Wood, &c.
December 1850, publication of 2 polka-mazurkas (Ricault, Paris)
"MUSIC", Bibliographie de la France (28 December 1850), 688
Chez Ricault. Ed. Boulanger [no] 348. 2 polkas-mazurkas pour piano.
MUSIC: 2 polka-mazurkas (Boulanger)
August 1851, Boston, USA
"Friday", Boston Post (26 August 1851), 1
. . . Some gems were presented. That which stood at the head of all, was the piano forte performance, by Mons. C [sic] Boulanger; for neatness of execution and cleanliness of touch, and brilliancy of expression, its equal has seldom, if ever, been witnessed in our city.
October 1851, Catherine Hayes's concerts, New York, USA
"FROM OUR NEW YOUR CORRESPONDENT. New York, Oct. 8, 1851. CATHERINE HAYES - IMMENSE SUCCESS", The Evening Freeman [Dublin] (21 October 1851), 3
The success of Catherine has been most complete . . . The following appears in the Herald of the 5th instant: -
. . . Last evening, her concert was one continued triumph from the beginning the close . . . An important accession was made last evening to the strength of the corps by which Miss Hayes is supported - Marini, whose deep, sonorous, massive voice is so well known to the frequenters of the Italian Opera; and Boulanger, whose performance was fully equal to his fame . . .
"MUSIC", The literary world (11 October 1851), 291
Miss [Catherine] HAYES would seem to gain friends as her concerts proceed; her voice, too, improves upon further hearing, or it may be she delivers it with greater ease and certainty, and thus does herself more justice . . . Signor Marini has assisted, and M. Boulanger, a pianist of great merit, made his first appearance on Saturday evening. His style is eminently finished and graceful.
[Advertisement], Boston Post (16 October 1851), 3
Catherine Hayes will give her Second Grand Concert . . . this evening . . . Fantasia on Haydee on the Piano . . . Boulanger . . . M. E. Boulanger . . . Fantasie from the Elisir d'Amore . . . Boulanger . . . M. E. Boulanger . . . Conductor, Mr. LAVENU.
See also Vera Brodsky Lawrence, Strong on music, volume 2, reverberations 1850-1856, 212 (PREVIEW)
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lewis Lavenu (musical director)
MUSIC: Fantasia on Haydee (Boulanger); Fantasia on L'Elisir d'amore (Boulanger)
1851, German re-release of Etude and Valse, opp. 6 and 7 (Schott, Mainz)
"Kritische Anzeiger", Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (31 October 1851), 190
Ed. Boulanger, Op. 6. Etude pour le Piano. Op. 7. Valse de Concert pour le Piano. Mainz, Schott.
MUSIC: Grand etude (Boulanger); 1er valse de concert (Boulanger)
4 September 1852, American Musical Fund Society concert, New York, USA
[Advertisement], The musical world (4 September 1852), 1
American Musical Fund Society . . . M. BOULANGER, Pianist, PAUL JULIEN, Violinist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Paul Julien (child prodigy, violinist); see "Weekly report on music. Paul Julien", The musical world (26 February 1853), 130-31
11 September 1852, New York, USA
See Vera Brodsky Lawrence, Strong on music, volume 2, reverberations 1850-1856, 307 (PREVIEW)
May 1853, publication of the Parade polka (USA)
[Advertisement], Monthly musical bulletin (May 1853), 80
E. Boulanger, Parade Polka. Dedicated to Gen. Wm. Hall.
MUSIC: Parade polka (Boulanger)
January 1854, concerts, Netherlands
"Utrecht", Caecilia: algemeen muzikaal tijdschrift van Nederland (1 January 1854), 11
Utrecht. Behalve de Violist Leenders uit Brussel . . . bevindt zich nog in ons vaderland . . . de Pianist Boulanger uit Parijs, élève van Chopin . . .
"Negende Concert Félix Meritis, op Vrijdag, 13 January 1854", Caecilia: algemeen muzikaal tijdschrift van Nederland (1 February 1854), 27
Programma. Erste Deel . . . [3] a. Marche Funèbre, van F. Chopin,
Etude de Concert, van E. Boulanger, voor de Piano-forte, leering van Chopin, en Pianist van H. M. de Koningin van Engeland . . .
Tweede Deel. . . . [3] a. Tremelo (Etude), 6. Fragment de I'Elisir d'amore, voor de Piano-forte, van S. Thalberg,
voor te dragen door den Heer E. Boulanger . . .
. . . [5] a. Nocturne de Concert, b. Polka-Presto, voor de Piano-forte, gecomponeerd en voor te dragen door den Heer E. Boulanger . . .
. . . De Heer Boulanger kwam beter besla en ten ijs, hoewel zijn verdienstelijk spel, uitblinkende door groote vaardigheid, energie in de voordragt, en kracht in de vingers, niet in staat was het publiek te electriseren, nog vervuld van de herinnering aan de zoo hoog geschatte Clara Schumann.
[News], Algemeen Handelsblad (13 January 1854), 1
Wij vernemen, dat zich op het negende Concert der maatschappij Felix Meritis, Vrijdag 13 dezer, zullen doen hooren Mw. Adele de Vigne, zangeres van Gend, en de Heer E. Boulanger, piano-forte-virtuoos van Parijs, élêve van Chopin, beiden met roem bekende artistes.
[Review], Algemeen Handelsblad (16 January 1854), 2
Op het negentiende concert der Maatschappij Felix Meritis, Vrijdag jl. den 13den dezer, deed zich Mej. Adèle de Vigne, eene jeugdige zangeres Van Gend, hooren . . . De Heer E. Boulanger, elève van Chopin, van Parijs, heeft zich als een vaardig en degelijk pianist doen kennen, en door de voordragt van een zestal stukken van kleinen omvang bijval geoogst; men had intusschen gaarne een stuk van hem gehoord . . .
See also:
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Chopin) [sic, ? Thalberg]; Etude de concert (Boulanger); Tremolo etude (? Thalberg); Fragment de L'elisir d'amore (? Thalberg) = ? Fantasia on L'elisir d'amore (Boulanger); Nocturne de concert (Boulanger); Polka-Presto (Boulanger)
March 1854, German re-release of 2 polka-mazurkas
[Advertisement], Neue Berliner Musikzeitung (8 March 1854), 80
Novasendung No. 3. vor B. Schott's Söhnen in Mainz . . . Boulanger, Ed., 2 Polka-Mazurkas. Op. 12. No. 1. 2.
MUSIC: 2 polka-mazurkas (Boulanger)
Before 1855 (Sydney, NSW)
Letters, John Michael Fitzsimmons, (1) Vale of Clwydd, near Bathurst, NSW, 13 January 1841; (2) Hassans Walls, Hartley, NSW, 7 April 1845; Papers of John Michael Fitzsimmons, MS 515, National Library of Australia (partial transcriptions by courtesy of Shan Wight)
(1) . . . the little girl who is called or named Catherine is very good and although not six years old can read and is competent writing and at . . . [text missing]
(2) . . . Mrs. F. joins me with her love to you and sisters for our little one she is at school upwards of 100 miles from us. She is in good health and a promising good child not 10 years old and she has gone through a sound education and can perform on the Piano Forte tolerably well. I seen her since I received your letter since she also sends her love to all, poor child cried about over sister Jane's illness and says she hopes she will yet see her in England as I am sure I will not be in this quarter when your next letter comes to hand, you will please direct it thus for J. M. Fitzsimmons Esq. Surgeon, Care of Henry Keck Esq. Darlinghurst - New Holland.
August 1851, insolvency of John Michael Fitzsimmons, Sydney, NSW
"IN RE FITZSIMMONS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1851), 2
In the matter of the application of John Michael Fitzsimmons, for the release of his estate from sequestration, the order was granted; subject, however, to the proviso that it be proved to the satisfaction of the Chief Commissioner that all the creditors have signed their assent to the release of the estate, for which purpose the order was to remain in the office for ten days.
30 August 1853, eviction warrant against John Michael Fitzsimmons, Sydney, NSW
"LANDLORD AND TENANT", The Sydney Morning Herald (31 August 1853), 5
Yesterday, Mr. George Weakly sought for a warrant of ejectment against John Michael Fitzsimmons, whose weekly occupancy of a house in Palmer-street had been determined by a notice to quit, but who nevertheless refused either to surrender possession or to pay the increased rent demanded . . .
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1855:
Sydney, NSW (first period 13 January 1855 to 24 December 1858)
"SHIPPING: ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1855), 4
JANUARY 12.- Lydia, ship, 477l tons, Captain Grieves, from London 27th September. Passengers - Mrs. Greives, Mr. Broulanger [sic]. L. and S. Spyer and Co., agents.
ASSOCIATIONS: The brothers, Lawrence Spyer and Stephen Spyer, agents for the voyage, were also keen amateur musicians, Lawrence an active member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society; it is not impossible that they had actively recruited Boulanger to come to Sydney; another family member and business partner, Henry Spyer, was a committee member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society
"M. BOULANGER", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 January 1855), 4
The celebrated pianist, M. Boulanger, who has lately had the honour of performing in London before the Queen and Court, and also with great success in Europe and America, has just arrived here. We are glad to find that the inhabitants of Sydney will shortly have an opportunity of hearing this gentleman, as his services have been secured by Mr. H. Marsh, for a series of musical soirees which will take place at an early period. We have seen extracts from English and American papers which speak in the very highest terms of his abilities.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Marsh (pianist, musicseller and publisher, composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (31 January 1855), 1
MR. HENRY MARSH has great pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Sydney and its neighbourhood, that having secured the services of the celebrated pianist, M. Boulanger, he proposes giving a series of "Soirees Musicales," supported by the most distinguished local talent. Upon the unanimous opinion of Mr. M. and friends, who have had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Boulanger's performance in private, Mr. MARSH feels assured that he can present the public with a musical treat not hitherto enjoyed in Sydney. Mr. Boulanger's "Meditation," "Harmoniques," [sic] and other pieces of his composition evince such extraordinary facility and brilliancy of extension, combined with a degree of pathos and delicacy of expression scarcely, if ever, equalled.
MUSIC: Meditations harmoniques (Boulanger)
22 February 1855, Edward Boulanger, first concert, first public appearance
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1855), 4
To-morrow evening, a soirée musicale will be given by Monsieur E. Boulanger, a pianist of much reputation in Europe and America. He was a pupil of the distinguished and lamented Chopin, whose early death was deeply regretted and widely mourned in France, and wherever musical science of the highest character has been known and appreciated. The performances of M. Boulanger before Queen Victoria, and Her Majesty's flattering approval of them are recorded in the leading English journals. As a composer, M. Boulanger also stands high in Europe; the Empress of the French has expressly given her permission that his "Meditations Harmoniques" may be dedicated to her. We have heard M. Boulanger at rehearsal, and are enabled to speak in high terms of his taste and masterly execution as a pianist. With the left hand, he may be said to produce effects which will, we have no doubt, surprise many of our youthful musical aspirants; whilst they will remind older persons of the days when Hummell, Moschelles, Liszt, Cramer, and others illustrated the beauties of an instrument, whose notes evanescent as they have been often described by those who love to "linger on the notes of a cadenza," have yet secured for it the reputation of forming an orchestra in itself. M. Boulanger will be assisted by Mrs. Spence, who will make her first appearance in Sydney. This lady is a pupil of Garcia, and is very highly spoken of in musical circles. Mrs. St. John Adcock, so favourably received at late concerts; Mr. J. Fairchild, and Mr. Henry Marsh will also perform. By permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the officers of H. M. 11th Regiment, their fine band will assist in the arrangements of the evening.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 February 1855), 1
THURSDAY next, the 22nd instant, at the ROYAL HOTEL.
Mr. Edward Boulanger will be assisted by
Mrs. SPENCE, pupil of Garcia, her first appearance in Sydney
and the Band of XI. Regiment, by the kind permission of Colonel
Bloomfield and officers of the XI. Regiment.
Overture - L'Italiana in Algeri - Band - Rossini
Song - "Lurline" - Mrs. St. John Adcock - Rodwell
Ballad - "My Cottage near Rochelle" - Mr. Fairchild - Balfe
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. Boulanger - E. Boulanger
Song - "So dear art thou to me" - Mrs. Spence - Hume
Song - "Our National Defences" - Mr. Fairchild - Glover
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. Boulanger
Waltz - Dreams on the Ocean - Band - Gung'l
Selections - Lucia di Lammermoor - Band - Donizetti
Song - "Robert, toi que j'aime" - Mrs. Spence - Auber
Song - "I'm leaving thee, Annie" - Mr. Fairchild
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. Boulanger.
Song - "I'll think of thee" - Mrs. Adcock - Barker
Song - "What will you do, Love?" - Mrs. Spence - Lover
Solo Pianoforte - Mr. Boulanger.
God Save the Queen - Band.
Conductor, Mr. Henry Marsh.
On this occasion Mr. Boulanger will play selections from Lucia, Norma, Sonnambula,
also his "Meditations Harmoniques," and Grand Concert Polka.
Concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Reserved seats, half a guinea. Single tickets, six shillings.
To be had at the principal Music Warerooms, and of the undersigned.
H. MARSH and CO., George-street.
"MR. EDWARD BOULANGER'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Empire (23 February 1855), 4
Yesterday evening this musical entertainment came off in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel. And first let us notice the performance of Monsieur Boulanger on the Pianoforte. We have in our day had an opportunity of listening to the first Artists of the period. We have heard Henri Hertz, Lestz [sic, Liszt], and others of equal musical fame, but never have we been more sincerely gratified than on listening to the distinguished pianist whose name heads this notice. The brilliancy of his touch, the rapid execution of most difficult passages, the astonishing left-hand movement in harmony to the upper shake, the surprising management of the pedal, in fact, the tout ensemble of this prince of pianists must be heard to be duly appreciated . . .
"MONSIEUR E. BOULANGER'S FIRST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1855), 4
The announcement of a grande soirée musical by this talented artiste, of whose high reputation in the leading musical circles of Europe and America we have already spoken, attracted a fashionable, but we much regret to add, by no means numerous audience, on Thursday evening. The programme included selections from the best schools of Italy, France, and England. Our visitor was assisted by talent or the best order; and every arrangement was made to produce an entertainment or the highest character in musical art. Yet the salon was but scantily attended, and its appearance must have sadly discouraged M. Boulanger, who is unquestionably the most accomplished pianist that has yet visited these shores. "Why was this?" It will naturally be asked by those at a distance, who may have read the descriptions of our extravagant doings upon the occasion of the visit of Miss Catherine Hayes to our city. We cannot give a satisfactory reply; and can only regret that M. Boulanger is not the first artiste of recognised ability who has had just reason to complain of the apathy of the citizens of Sydney. Notwithstanding the surpassing skill of M. Miska Hauser, his concerts were positive failures in a financial point or view; and in the warm patronage of the families in the distant districts or the interior, he has only found recompense for the comparative neglect of the metropolis. To return, however, to the more immediate subject - a note, necessarily brief, on M. Boulanger's concert. His own performances were, 1. Meditations Harmoniques, a beautiful theme of his own, dedicated by express permission to the Empress of the French; 2. the finale to Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. 3. First Nocturne; 4. Fragment from L'Elisir d'Amore; 5. The finale to Bellini's magnificent Norma, and lastly a brilliant Polka de concert, a composition by himself. The success or M. Boulanger was most decided. Enthusiastic encores, and loud and repeated greetings at the close or each performance, fully testified the warm appreciation by the audience of efforts of skill and illustrations of taste to which we regret our limited space, to-day, will not permit us to refer in detail. Mrs. Spence (a pupil of Garcia) made her first appearance, and was very cordially welcomed . . .
"MONS. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (24 February 1855), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. Spence (vocalist); Marianne Adcock (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Band of the 11th Regiment (master Charles Stier)
MUSIC: Meditations harmoniques (Boulanger); First Nocturne (Boulanger); Finale to Lucia di Lammermoor = ? Fantasia on Lucia di Lammermoor (Boulanger); Fragment from L'Elisir d'Amore = ? Fantasia on L'elisir d'amore (Boulanger); finale to Bellini's magnificent Norma = Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger); Polka de concert = ? Polka-presto (Boulanger)
3 March 1855, Henry Marsh's soiree, Boulanger's second public appearance
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (3 March 1855), 3
MR. HENRY MARSH'S SOIREE MUSICALE, at his Private Concert Rooms, George-street, on SATURDAY, 3rd March, 1855.
Assisted by Mrs. Spence, pupil of Garcia; Mr. E. Boulanger, Signor Spagnoletti, Mr. Fairchild, and Mr. Moss . . .
. . . PART I . . . [6] Piano Solo - A Dream (Meditations Harmoniques), Mr. E. Boulanger - Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . [2] Solo - First Nocturne; Etude de Concert, Mr. E. Boulanger - Boulanger . . . [5] Solo, piano forte - "Lucia di Lammermoor," Mr. E. Boulanger - Boulanger . . .
"MR. MARSH'S SOIREE MUSICALE", Empire (5 March 1855), 5
This musical entertainment came off, and went off too, rather suddenly, on Saturday evening last, owing to Monsieur E. Boulanger taking abrupt French leave, "juste au milieu." Mr. Henry Marsh informing the auditory which, though not numerous was most respectable, that Monsieur Boulanger begged to decline playing to so thin an audience, Mr. Marsh adding, with becoming modesty so creditable to himself, that were he competent to supply the place of Monsieur Boulanger, he, Mr. Marsh would be happy to continue the concert. We regret that Mr. Marsh did not proceed with the entertainment, as we observed in the room several highly respectable ladies and gentlemen, who had come some distance to attend. Mr. Henry Marsh, although perhaps, not quite so finished a performer on the pianoforte as Monsieur Boulanger, is nevertheless, a most accomplished artist, to whom we have on former occasions, listened with considerable gratification. We are at all times disposed to give merit its due "Palmam qui meruit ferat," is a motto adapted to the musician as well as the warrior. But we have also a duty to perform to the public, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing Mr. Boulanger's strange conduct on the occasion referred to have been a gross insult to a Sydney audience. We have been at Paris and know the tone and temper of the Parisians pretty well, and this we would affirm, that had Mr. Boulanger offered a similar insult to an auditory composed of that brave and noble nation . . . As it is, we do not see how Mr. Boulanger can have the effrontery to appear again before a Sydney audience, unless a very ample apology be publicly tendered by him. . . . As regards the portion of the concert which took place, we can speak most favourably. Mr. Boulanger in our opinion did not play quite as well as when we heard him on a previous occasion, and although warmly applauded at the conclusion of the solitary piece he performed, he did not condescend to offer any acknowledgment in return . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernesto Spagnoletti (tenor vocalist, composer); Lewis Moss (pianist, musicseller)
MUSIC: Meditations harmoniques (Boulanger); First Nocturne (Boulanger); Fantasia on Lucia di Lammermoor (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 March 1855), 1
GRAND EVENING CONCERT, under the especial patronage of the Hon. Sir Charles Nicholson, Knight, &c, &c., &c. Mr. EDWARD BOULANGER has much gratification in announcing that he will on THURSDAY Evening next give a Concert under the above distinguished patronage, upon which occasion it will be his most careful study to place before his patrons and friends a programme which will be worthy of their attention, and when he will perform some of those pieces which have procured for him from European audiences the most unqualified approbation. Further particulars will be announced on Tuesday morning.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Nicholson (provost of the University of Sydney)
15 March 1855, Boulanger's second concert
[Advertisement], Empire (15 March 1855), 1
At the ROYAL HOTEL, THIS EVENING, Thursday, the 15th March, 1855,
Under the especial patronage of The Honorable Sir CHARLES NICHOLSON, Knight, &c, &c, &c.
and with the attendance of the Band of the XIth, by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield, and the Officers of the Regiment.
Mr. BOULANGER will be assisted by M. E. Coulon, Mrs. Craven, and Mr. Moss.
Part I.
Overture - "Guillaume Tell," Band - Rossini.
Ballad - Mrs. Craven.
Scene and Aria- "Vi raviso," from the Opera La Somnambula, Bellini - Mons. E. Coulon.
Solo - "Le Calme," "Un Reve," Meditations Harmoniques, E. Boulanger - Mons. E. Boulanger.
Cavatina - "Robert, toi que j'aime," - Mrs. Craven - Meyerbeer.
Aria Buffo - "Largo al Factotum," - from the Barbiere di Sivlglia, Mons. E. Coulon - Rossini.
Waltz - "Dreams on the Ocean," - Band - Gungl.
Part II.
Selections of "Lucia di Lammermoor," Band - Donizetti.
Grand Duetto - "Dunque io son," from the Barbiere di Sivlglia, Mrs. Craven and Mons. E. Coulon - Rossini.
Solo - First Nocturne "Elisire d'Amore," Mons. E. Boulanger - Boulanger.
Ballad - Mrs. Craven.
Solo on the Harmonium - Mr. Moss.
French National Hymn - "La Marsellaise," Rouget de Lisle - Mons. E. Coulon.
Solo - Somnambula Final of Lucia - For the left hand - Mons. E. Boulanger.
"God Save the Queen" - Band.
Doors open at half-past seven, Concert to commence at eight o'clock.
Reserved seats, half a guinea; single seats, five shillings;
to be had of Messrs. Wolcott and Clarke, and Sands and Kenny,
and at the Music Repository of Mr. W. Johnson.
"MONSIEUR E. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", Empire (16 March 1855), 5
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 March 1855), 4
M. Boulanger's concert on Thursday night was attended with a tolerably good number of the beauty and fashion of Sydney, and passed off with the utmost success. The performance of M. Boulanger himself on the pianoforte was of a quality never before witnessed in these colonies, and rarely excelled, perhaps, in London. He proved himself a perfect master of his instrument, and both in delivery and brilliancy of execution, left nothing to be desired by the most critical musician. His style of fingering was especially beautiful, alternating from the softness and grace of the older school to the vigour and fire of Thalberg. All the resources of the most charming of instruments were brought out with consummate skill, and at the same time, with an ease, which stamped the performer as a master of his art. The notturno from L'Elisir d'Amore, is perhaps the finest of the pieces played by M. Boulanger, and was rapturously encored. The variations and modulations of the beautiful theme were given with surprising effect. The Meditations Harmoniques, of M. Boulanger's own composition were hardly less successful; and the concluding solo with the left hand was a marvellous sample of the power which the human hand can obtain . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist); Eliza Nelson Craven (vocalist)
MUSIC: Meditations harmoniques (Boulanger); First Nocturne (Boulanger) = ? Fantasia on L'Elisir d'amore (Boulanger); Fantasia on Lucia di Lammermoor (Boulanger)
16, 19, and 24 April 1855, Miska Hauser's concerts
[Advertisement], Empire (16 April 1855), 1
. . . THIS EVENING, APRIL 10TH, At the NEW CONCERT HALL, Royal Hotel . . .
MISKA HAUSER will, on this occasion, be assisted by
Miss FLORA HARRIS, Mrs. SPENCE, Mons E. BOULANGER, (the celebrated pianist), Mr. FREDERIC ELLARD,
Mr. BANKS (his first appearance in Australia) and Mr. WILLIAM STANLEY . . .
. . . PART I . . . [5] Solo Pianoforte - (By desire) "A Dream" (Meditations Harmoniques),
and "Elisir d' Amore" (E. Boulanger) - Monsieur E. BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . [5] Solo Pianoforte - Marche funebre (Thalberg) Mon. E. BOULANGER . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 April 1855), 1
. . . his SECOND CONCERT previous to his departure from New South Wales, on THURSDAY EVENING, April 19th . . . he has procured the services of the celebrated pianist Mons. E. BOULANGER, and that of Madame LAMONT, the celebrated Contra Alto . . . Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Banks, Mr. William Stanley . . .
. . . PART I . . . [5] Solo, Pianoforte - "Nocturne de Concert," and "Lucrezia Borgia (Boulanger) - Mons. E. Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . [5] Solo, Pianoforte - Waltz-Presto (Boulanger) - Mons. E. Boulanger . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (24 April 1855), 1
. . . THIS EVENING, APRIL 24, 1855. At the New Concert Hall, ROYAL HOTEL, FORMERLY THE BAZAAR, On which occasion he will be assisted by MISS FLORA HARRIS, MADAME LAMONT, MONSIEUR E. BOULANGER, the celebrated Pianist, Mr. BANKS, and Mr. WILLIAM STANLEY . . .
. . . PART I . . . [5] Solo Pianoforte - Grand Fantasia of Lucia di Lammermoor - Boulanger - Monsieur E. BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . [5] Solo Pianoforte - Fantasia on Don Pasquale - Boulanger - Monsieur E. BOULANGER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (violinist, composer); Flora Harris (vocalist); Maria Augusta Lamont (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (pianist, vocalist, composer); Thomas Banks (vocalist); William Stanley (pianist, composer)
MUSIC (1): Meditations harmoniques (Boulanger); Fantasia on L'elisir d'amore (Boulanger); Marche funèbre (Thalberg)
MUSIC (2): Nocturne de concert (Boulanger); Fantasia on Lucrezia Borgia (Boulanger); Waltz-presto (Boulanger)
MUSIC (3): Fantasia on Lucia di Lammermoor (Boulanger); Fantasia on Don Pasquale (Boulanger) = Serenade from Don Pasquale
28 April 1855, concert in aid of the Patriotic Fund
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1855), 7
his intention of being present, A GRAND EVENING CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music in Aid of the
PATRIOTIC FUND, for the Widows and Orphans of our brave defenders in the cause of Freedom and Right, in the Crimea, will take place
THIS EVENING, the 28th of April, at the ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, on which occasion some of the most eminent Artistes
of Europe, ever congregated together in the Southern Hemisphere, have kindly volunteered their assistance.
The Orchestra will consist of a conjunction of Mr. Winterbottom's Orchestra, the Philharmonic Society, the Military Band of the XIth, and several instrumentalists.
The Vocal Body will consist of the Choral Society and several Professionals of distinction with some of the most leading Amateurs,
together with the Gentlemen of the German Liederkranz, who have consented to sing some of their choicest choruses.
Mr. Winterbottom, Conductor. Mr. Henry Marsh will preside at the Piano . . .
. . . PART II . . . [5] Fantaisie pour le Piano - "Marche Funebre," Mons. Boulanger - Thalberg . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Denison (governor of NSW; governor-general); John Winterbottom (conductor, bassoonist); Sydney Philharmonic Society; German Liederkranz; Sydney Choral Society; [other named performers not previously noted]: Coleman Jacobs (solo pianist)
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg)
3 May 1855, Boulanger's third concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1855), 1
MR. EDWARD BOULANGER'S Grand Evening CONCERT, at the New Concert Hall. -
Mr. EDWARD BOULANGER has the honour to announce a grand Evening Concert, to take Place on
THURSDAY EVENING, May 3 at the New Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, when he will be assisted by the
Nelson Family, Miss Flora Harris, Mrs. St. John Adcock, Mme. Gautrot, Mr. Banks, and Mr. Hamilton.
Conductor, Mr. William Stanley.
Reserved seats, 10s. 6d.; family tickets, to admit three, £1 1s.; unreserved ditto, 5s.
Tickets can be obtained from Messrs. W. J. Johnson and Co.; H. Marsh and Co.; and Woolcott and Clarke.
1. Song - "Echo answered, where!" - Mr. Banks - Banks.
2. Trio - "The Loadstars," - the Misses and Mr. S. Nelson - Shield.
3. Ballad - "The Bride's Farewell " - Miss Flora Harris - Stanley.
4. Ballad - "The Pilot" - Mr. S. Nelson - Nelson.
6. Aria - Venetian melody with variations - Mme. Gautrot - Paer.
6. Duet - "The Fairy Spell" - The Misses Nelson - Nelson.
7. Solo - Pianoforte, Nocturne de Concert, and Finale to "Lucia" - Mr. Edward Boulanger - Boulanger.
8. Song - "In the eye lies the heart" - Mrs. St. John Adcock - F. Abt.
9. Duet - "I've wandered in Dreams" - Miss Flora Harris and Mr. Hamilton - Wade.
1. Quartette - "The Snow Storm." - The Misses Nelson and Messrs. S. and A. Nelson.
2. Scena - "Rien ne peut changer mon ame" - Mdme. Gautrot - Rossini.
3. Song - "How oft in rosy childhood" - Mr. Banks.
4. Cavatina - "Adelaide" - Miss Flora Harris - Beethoven.
5. Scotch Ballad - "Auld Robin Gray" - Miss Nelson.
6. Solo- Pianoforte, March Funebre - Mr. Edward Boulanger - Thalberg.
7. Trio - "The Magic-wove Scarf" - Miss Flora Harris, Mr. F. Hamilton, and Mr. Banks - Barnett.
8. Irish Ballad - "Mother! he is going away" - Miss C. Nelson.
9. Buffo Song - "Johnny Sands" - Mr. A. Nelson - Hudson.
10. Solo - Pianoforte, Fantasie on the Serenade from Don Pasquale - Mr. Edward Boulanger - Boulanger.
11. Duett - "The Two Cousins" - Miss Flora Harris and Mrs. St. John Adcock - Glover.
12. Finale - Quartette and Chorus, "The Banquet Hall."
Concert to commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
"NEW CONCERT HALL, ROYAL HOTEL", Empire (5 May 1855), 5
Mr. Boulanger's concert took place on Thursday evening. The attendance was far from numerous, owing probably to the unfortunate state of the weather. Mr. Boulanger was assisted on this occasion by the Nelson Family and several other vocalists of repute. The most admired morceaux of the evening were the Finale to "Lucia," a Fantasia on the Serenade from Don Pasquale and Thalberg's "Marche Funebre," performed by Mr. Boulanger on the pianoforte; the two former pieces, which are likewise arranged by Mr. Boulanger, were peculiarly successful. Mr. Boulanger's abilities as a performer rank him among the highest, of his profession. To brilliancy of execution, and a correct taste, he adds a certain amount of originality, without which not even the most continued perseverance in the art will ever enable an artiste to rise above mediocrity. Among the vocal selections was a duet sung with taste by the Miss Nelsons, one of whom Miss C. Nelson, was likewise particularly successful in an Irish ballad, "Mother, he's going away." This young lady has a very promising voice, good enunciation, and considerable archness and expression in her singing. Mr. Banks is possessed of an agreeable quality of voice, and sings with good taste. As a whole, the vocal part of the concert was rather dull; the majority of the performers showed very little judgment and less taste in their selections. It is to be hoped that Mr. Boulanger will be more successful on a future occasion.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (composer, pianist, vocalist); Alfred Nelson (vocalist); Carry Nelson (vocalist); Madame Gautrot (vocalist); Frederick Hamilton (vocalist) = Frederick Hamilton Dicker
MUSIC: Nocturne de Concert (Boulanger); Finale to Lucia (Boulanger); Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Serenade rom Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
4 June 1855, Sydney Philharmonic Society, first concert of the season
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 June 1855), 1
SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. Patron. - His Excellency the Governor-General. Patroness. - Lady Denison. President. - Honorable J. H. Plunkett, M.L.C. Vice-President. - Dr. H. G. Douglass, M.L.C. Conductor. - Mr. F. W. C. Stier. Treasurer. - Mr. B. Mountcastle. Committee. Hon. F. L. S. Merewether, M.L.C. Messrs. F. Black, C. Younger, M. Reynolds, H. Spyer, P. Faucett, W. McDonnell, H. Jones, J. M. Richardson, and W. McPherson . . .
. . . PART 2ND . . . 3. Solo (Piano) - Mons. Boulanger . . .
. . . Monsieur EUGENE PARIS, Honorary Secretary.
. . . M. Boulanger, in a waltz-presto of his own composition, received the honour of an enthusiastic encore . . .
"THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 June 1855), 5
We have been requested to state by one of the members that M. Boulanger, and all the other professionals, are members of the Society, and as such give their services gratuitously.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Denison (patron); John Hubert Plunkett (president); Charles Stier (conductor, master of the Band of the 11th Regiment); Eugene Paris (honorary secretary)
11 June 1855, Boulanger's fourth concert
[Advertisement], Empire (11 June 1855), 1
MR. E. BOULANGER has the honour to announce that his CONCERT, will take place at the Prince of Wales Theatre,
THIS EVENING, the 11th of June, under the distinguished patronage of HIS EXCELLENCY, the GOVERNOR-GENERAL and Lady DENISON.
N.B.- Their Excellencies have signified their intention to honour the Concert with their presence.
Mr. E. Boulanger will be assisted on this occasion by
Madame Sara Flower, Miss Young, Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Frank Howson. Mr. Banks, Mr. Stanley, &c., &c., &c.,
And the Band of H.M. 11th Regiment, (by the kind permission of Colonel Bloomfield and the Officers.)
Overture - Euryanthe - Weber - The full Band of H.M. 11th Regiment.
1. Song - "Down in a Valley Lonely," Miss Flora Harris.
2. Song - "Romance," Mr. Banks.
3. Song - "Ah guel giorni" - Semiramide - Rossini - Madame Sara Flower.
4. Solo Piano - Fantasie - Haydee - Boulanger. Mr. E. BOULANGER.
5. Song - "Annie Laurie," Miss Young.
6. Song - "The Slave" - F. Keiser - Mr. Frank Howson.
7. Duet - "Norma" - Bellini, Madame Sara Flower and Miss Flora Harris.
8. Solo Piano - Waltz Presto - Boulanger, Mr. Edward Boulanger.
Selection from Lucia - Donizetti. The Band of H.M. 11th Regiment.
1. Song - Ballad. Mr. Banks.
2. Song - "Blue Bell." Miss Young.
3. Solo Piano - Nocturn and Finale to Norma. Boulanger. Mr. E. Boulanger.
4. Song - Brindisi (Lucretia Borgia) - Donizetti - Madame Sara Flower.
5. Song - "The Wandering Jew" - F. Keiser. Mr. Frank Howson.
6. Duo Piano - Symphony (Hymn of Praise) - Mendelssohn. Messrs. W. Stanley, and E. Boulanger.
7. Song - Ballad. Miss Flora Harris.
8. Duo Buffo - Lenza Tanti - Donizetti. Madame Sara Flower, and Mr. Frank Howson.
9. Solo Piano, Serenade Don Pasquale - Boulanger. Mr. Edward Boulanger.
Finale - God Save the Queen, Solo and Chorus. By the Artistes, and the Band of H.M. 11th Regiment.
Conductor, Mr. W. STANLEY.
Tickets to be secured at Messrs. W. J. Johnson and Co.'s, Pitt-street;
Woolcott and Clarke, George-street; and Henry Marsh and Co., George-street.
Doors open at half-past 7. Concert to begin at quarter-past 8 o'clock.
Dress Circle, 6s.; Boxes, (containing eight seats), £2; Parquette, 5s.; Upper boxes, 3s. 6d.;
Pit, 2s.; Gallery, ls.
[Concert bill]: Mr. E. Boulanger's grand evening concert on Monday, June 11, 1855, at the Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney: F. Cunninghame, printer, 1855) (DIGITISED)
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 June 1855), 2
Our musical season is opening with considerable spirit on the part of our entrepreneurs, and with much liberality on the part of the audiences. We last week had the pleasure to notify the first concert of the season given by the Sydney Philharmonic Society, and now have equal pleasure in referring to a brilliant concert given on Monday last by M. E. Boulanger at the Prince of Wales Theatre, under the patronage (as the above had been) of His Excellency the Governor-General and Lady Denison. The theatre was crowded in every part, a result which we are gratified to refer to, as hitherto M. Boulanger has certainly not received that support from the musical circles of Sydney, which his surpassing abilities as a pianist, whether as regards his brilliant execution or his classical taste, would seem to have at once secured. His own performances included Haide's fantasie, arranged by himself; Valtz presto, from Don Pasquale; Nocturne, and Finale to Norma; and lastly, the exquisite serenade from Don Pasquale. The duo piano symphony in Mendelssohn's composition the Hymn of Praise, was rendered in a style worthy of the solemnity of the subject, by M. Boulanger and Mr. W. Stanley. To Madame Sara Flower (who sang with her accustomed skill and expression) was confided Rossini's "Ah! quel giorna," "Brindini," from Donizetti's Lucretia Borgia; in addition to the duo serio with Mr. F. Howson, from Norma, and the duo buffo, Senza Tanti. Miss Flora Harris (who continues to improve rapidly in public favour) was exceedingly successful in the two songs entrusted to her. Miss Young, a debutante of promise, sang Annie Laurie, and Blue Bell, with much taste and sweetness. Mrs. St. John Adcock's absence was perceived with regret. Mr. F. Howson, and Mr. Banks, in their respective songs, obtained considerable applause. Weber's noble overture to Euryanthe, and selections from Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor, were performed by the band of H. M. XIth Regiment. In every respect the concert went off admirably, and it is to be hoped that it will be followed by a series of equal excellence, during the present season.
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire (15 June 1855), 5
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); Fanny Young (vocalist, actor); Frank Howson (vocalist, actor)
MUSIC: Fantasie on Haydee (Boulanger); Waltz-Presto (Boulanger); Nocturne and Finale to Norma (Boulanger) = ? Nocturne de Concert (Boulanger) and Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger); Hymn of praise (Mendelssohn), sinfonia, arranged for 2 pianos; Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
9 July 1855, Sydney Philharmonic Society, second concert of the season
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1855), 5
. . . Chopin's famous Scherzo in B flat minor; one of the most brilliant, as it is, perhaps, the most elaborate and difficult of this great musician's compositions for the pianoforte. It is to be rendered by Monsieur Boulanger, and, in his hands, a performance of the highest order must be anticipated. We regret, that this distinguished pianist has but one piece assigned to him in the evening's programme; but as an encore will doubtless be demanded, we may suggest a hope of again hearing the exquisite serenade from Don Pasquale, which elicited such enthusiastic applause at former concerts . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (9 July 1855), 1
. . . PART II . . . 3. Solo, Piano - Scherzo in B flat minor (Mons. E. Boulanger) - F. Chopin . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (10 July 1855), 5
. . . the members of the Society will not be displeased if we say that the attractions of the evening were unquestionably the solos of Monsieur Herwyn and of Monsieur E. Boulanger. The talents of the former gentleman as a violinist are of the first order. The delicacy and vivacity of his execution are remarkable, and his powers of pleasing an intelligent audience were evidenced by the enthusiastic manner in which an encore was demanded at the conclusion of his "Grand morceaux de Concert." The merits of Monsieur E. Boulanger as a pianist are by this time pretty well-known to the public. His execution is characterised no less by an elastic vigour than by a refined delicacy, the combination of which never fails to delight his audience, whose appreciation was shown yesterday evening by their breathless attention during the performance of his solo "Scherzo" in B flat minor, by their hearty applause at the close, and by their unanimous demand for a repetition. In conclusion, we think the Society has good cause for gratulation in the success of last night's entertainment. Its next concert will be looked forward to by the musical world with pleasurable anticipations.
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 July 1855), 5
. . . Chopin's most difficult scherzo, in B flat minor, for the pianoforte, was executed with consummate skill and taste by Monsieur Boulanger, whose ease in rendering the most elaborate and complicated passages of this famous composition, was a peculiar feature, when the great rapidity of execution requisite for the true display of the most brilliant passages is considered. Upon an encore being warmly called for, he (in accordance, we presume with the suggestion offered by us on Monday) gave the delicious serenade from Don Pasquale.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Herwyn (solo violinist)
MUSIC: Scherzo in B flat minor (Chopin)
Letter, Lawrence Joseph Spyer, Sydney, 12 August 1855, to Sophia Spyer, London; in Cohn (ed.), Spyer family correspondence, 6-8 (DIGITISED)
Per Oliver Lang; Elizabeth Street North, Sydney, 12 August 1855
My dear Sophy, . . . You will have seen by the journal sent per Speedy that we had a good deal of music on board the Blue Jacket and of a better description than on the old General . . .
If I may judge by your letters I think you are beginning to like music better than formerly;
if so, get your uncle to take you occasionally to hear some good music which would improve your taste and style but depend upon this,
will be of no use unless assisted by hard practice. I hear much more and better music here than ever I did in London, that is to say amateur music,
for since we left some very fine players have come out and last week I heard a gentleman in his room play Mendelsohn's Sonata as played by Madame Pleyel in splendid style.
You are a very good girl to pay so much attention to your music and I hope you are profiting by it.
If you improve your Mama must get another music mistress . . .
Tell Miss Solly I seldom play solos now as there are so many better players here, even Henry quite cuts me out in such music . . . [7]
We have very few sights here and must therefore be contented with the Theatre and a walk in the Domain . . . [8]
. . . Well, not to keep you in suspense, the Commissioners have begun making sewers with a will and are working in Elizabeth, Pitt, George and Bridge Streets.
They are tunnelling under the streets and blast the rocks day and night. When this is finished Sydney ought to be much more healthy and no unpleasant smells to salute our olfactory nerves.
Since I last wrote to you I have been to Melbourne and Geelong. I like no place as much as Sydney but there is more excitement in the former,
the population being larger and more ships arriving than here, but it is a miserable harbour when contrasted with Sydney . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Joseph Spyer (amateur musician, violinist); "a gentleman . . . play Mendelsohn's Sonata as played by Madame Pleyel"; Marie Pleyel (French pianist); the gentleman was probably Boulanger (the next most likely candidate, William Henry Paling, was not in Sydney at the time reported)
27 August 1855, Sydney Philharmonic Society, third concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (27 August 1855), 1
. . . PART II . . . 3. Solo - Piano - L'Allegro, Sonata Pathetique (M. Boulanger) - Beethoven . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 August 1855), 5
The absence of Miss Catherine Hayes, in consequence of severe indisposition, which may prevent her from re-appearing at the Prince of Wales Theatre for some short time, was, we I need scarcely say, a matter of much regret. Madame Sara Flower and Monsieur Boulanger volunteered to sing, and to play additional pieces to those apportioned to them in the programme, and their consideration in this respect was acknowledged in the most flattering manner. The orchestral performance, in which the Society now displays much force and ability, consisted of Rossini's Overture to L'ltaliana in Algeria; Haydn's famous symphony No. 8, 1st and 2nd parts, and Beethoven's magnificent overture to the "Men of Prometheus." The instrumental soli performers, were Monsieur Herwyn on the violin; and by Mons. Boulanger on the pianoforte; and the enthusiastic applause with which each was greeted testified the pleasure with which the society welcomes these valuable additions to their members. In the duet from Rossini's Tancredi, Madame Sara Flower and Miss Flora Harris were eminently successful. In the genuine spirit of song with which these ladies (as also Mrs. St. John Adcock, whose unavoidable absence last evening was regretted) have entered the Society, whose arrangements may often interfere with their professional engagements, we see additional proofs of the sure progress of the institution. The famous glees, by S. Webbe and Calcott, of "When winds breathe soft," and "Queen of the Valley," were rendered in excellent style. Nor must we omit mention of the dashing manner in which Mozart's "Non piu andrai" was sung by a non-professional member. The tones of Erard's grand concert pianoforte, lent by Mr. Henry Marsh, were heard to great advantage in the large hall, and afforded Mons. Boulanger every facility to display his extraordinary powers of execution. The concert was under the direction of Mr. C. W. F. Stier, who conducted it in his usual careful and artistic style.
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lewis Lavenu (pianist); Hayes was indisposed and did not appear; Lavenu was to have accompanied her
MUSIC: Pathetique sonata (Beethoven)
28 September 1855, William Henry Paling, concert
[Advertisement], Empire (28 September 1855), 1
. . . PART I . . . 5. Marche Funebre, for the Piano (Thalberg) Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . 5. Fantasia of Norma (E. Boulanger) Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
"MR. PALING'S CONCERT" and "THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (29 September 1855), 6
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (violinist, pianist)
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger)
1 October 1855, Sydney Philharmonic Society, fourth concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (1 October 1855), 1
. . . PART II . . . 5. Solo, Piano "Marche Funebre" (E. Boulanger) Thalberg . . .
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg)
8 October 1855, Henry and Madame Herwyn, farewell concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 October 1855), 1
. . . Monsieur and Madame Herwyn will be assisted by Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Bridson, Monsieur Boulanger, Mr. Deane, and Mr. W. Stanley . . .
. . . PART I . . . 5. The Serenade of Don Pasquale, for Piano - Mr. E. Boulanger - E. Boulanger . . .
PART II. 1. "Duo Brilliant," for Piano, with "Variations Concertantes sur la Marche favorite du Philtre" - Executed by Madame Herwyn and Monsieur E. Boulanger - H. Herz . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Madame Herwyn (pianist); Edward Smith Deane (violoncellist); Sarah Bridson (vocalist)
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); Variations sur la marche du Philtre, op. 70 (Herz)
"PLEYEL'S GRAND PIANOFORTE . . .", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 October 1855), 5
. . . the sale of which, yesterday, was unavoidably postponed, in consequence of the funeral of the late Sir Thomas Mitchell, until to-day, punctually at 2. o'clock. This instrument is the property of Monsieur Herwyn, and cannot be surpassed for brilliancy or sweetness of tone. At the last concert given by our esteemed friend, the audience were perfectly electrified. This unreserved sale will take place precisely at the hour specified; therefore, any person wishing to secure an instrument of which too much cannot possibly be expressed, should not neglect attending. Monsieur Boulanger has very kindly consented to be present, and will display, by his unprecedented talent, the unequalled powers of this instrument, second to none in the world. - Adv.
[Advertisement], Empire (10 October 1855), 7
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Mitchell (surveyor, explorer); Robert Muriel (auctioneer)
3 December 1855, Sydney Philharmonic Society, fifth concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (3 December 1855), 1
. . . PART 2ND . . 5. Solo - Piano, Nocturne, in E flat, Impromptu, Etude, in A flat (E. Boulanger) - F. Chopin . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 December 1855), 5
"ERRATA", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1855), 4
. . . But the most artistic performance of the evening was Mr. Boulanger's surprising execution of one of Chopin's difficult studies for the pianoforte, "Impromptu Etude in A flat," and after the encore, his own "Nocturne in E flat," in both of which, particularly the latter, Boulanger outshone himself; in fact, we are compelled to acknowledge our want of criticism, by saying that all his performances are musical beauties, and completely upsetting all our preconceived notions of pianoforte playing . . .
MUSIC: Impromptu etude in A flat (Chopin) ? ; Nocturne in E flat (Boulanger), ?
3 December 1855, first notice of Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856
"AUSTRALIAN MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1855), 5
M. Boulanger, the eminent pianist, has in the Press a Christmas Souvenir for his friends and pupils, containing some of his own excellent composition, and arrangements, which it is said will throw all other colonial musical publications into the shade; nothing of so high a classical character ever having before been presented to an Australian public. The work, of which we have seen a proof, is being got up in characteristic style, and will contain amongst other things - an arrangement of "Don Pasquale," by Boulanger, and dedicated to Lady Denison; "Nocturne de Concert," by Boulanger, to Lady Stephens; an arrangement of "Norma," by Boulanger, dedicated to Mrs. J. H. Plunkett; a "Concert Waltz," by Boulanger, to Mrs. Edye Manning; and a Polka, the "Reminiscence d'Amerique," to his pupil Mademoiselle Sentis. The work will appear in about a fortnight of which, of course, due notice will be given.
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 February 1856), 7
We have received from Monsieur Boulanger, a copy of his beautifully got-up new volume of music. The notice of this most exquisite production must be reserved for a day or two; at present, we shall only say that the letter-press printing-in gold, silver, and bronze, and of various tints is the most perfect work of art, of the kind, which has ever been produced in the colony. Of the pieces respectively dedicated to Lady Denison and other ladies, we can only now say that they eclipse all, in execution and beauty, we have ever heard.
"REVIEW", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1856), 5
Boulanger's Musical Keepsake, for 1856. Sydney: F. MADER, 174, George-street.
THERE must have been a time when the Boetian Parnassus was mute as Canobolus, rude and uncouth as Tomah and Victoria Mount.
How early the Castilian maids colonised and subdued its steep and rugged sides,
and how soon they made it the becoming residence of their sublime circle, even Ovid has left unsung;
and hear antiquity forbears to chronicle the periods of Grecian Art, - the birth-days of the Muses.
It is not so with our Australian Boeotia, which, within the period of a single life-time, -
for three score years and ten have not yet rolled over our date -
has been possessed, overspread with a numerous, and thriving, and hopeful people,
adorned with the virtues of the Fatherland, protected by its arms, amended by its laws,
- - - armis tuteris, moribus ornes,
Legibus emendes;
and raised to the very summit of excellence by the encouragement of the Fine Arts,
and the welcome extended to every man who contributes to the refinement of life, and the embellishment of society.
This will be understood and acknowledged by all who have watched the gradual advancement of true and elegant art,
in whatever shape it may have presented itself to notice, and claimed the attention and the honours of the well-informed.
None press forward more eagerly after this amelioration and progressive excellence than our Autocthones -
the natives of the soil - our children, our sons and daughters, reared upon these shores.
None crowd round the successive claimants of their admiration and wonder with more earnest and unaffected enthusiasm.
What ever object of graceful curiosity, or whatever study of high art is placed within their reach, is sure of respectful attention;
so that no true son of genius can complain of undeserved neglect at their hands, nor impute indifference and apathy to the genial Australian.
Among those who
... Phoebe digna locuti
Inventas aut qui vitam excoluere per artes
Quique sui memores alios fecere merendo -
the brilliant M. E. D. Boulanger stands pre-eminently distinguished, and this gorgeous work of his which he offers to our acceptance,
is beyond all question the most admirable production to which our country has given birth.
All those whose good fortune it has been to have witnessed the exquisite performance of this most accomplished musician,
and those more especially whose nearer opportunities have given them the means of appreciating the bright stream of intellect
which elevates his style and pervades all his efforts, will understand how truly worthy he is of all this approbation,
and how admirable an offering he has made to our taste.
Nothing can exceed the purity, nothing surpass the splendour of his execution,
nor the radiant intelligence which pervades his arrowy visitations of martial sounds,
and the alternate flowings of a most tender and pathetic melody.
It is not for us to speak of music, in a scientific point of view, for we have no pretention to knowledge; but all that are susceptible of feeling, all indeed to whom music is addressed, are capable of estimating its fascination, and of submitting to its delightful mastery. Hence, therefore, whilst we abstain from particulars, we have no difficulty in recognising in general the devotion of the artist to his work, nor in drinking in the resistless charms of his composition, recommended by the living energy of his performance. In the same way, we can refer to the external grace and loveliness of the material book - a keepsake - an album so elegant, that to give or to receive is equally complimentary; to possess, equally desirable and gratifying. We allow we have not seen in the old countries of Europe more combined elegance. We profess that we did not think our Sydney capable of producing a work of art so tastefully imagined, so successfully elaborated. Within its covers, which are of no meaner material than crimson velvet and white satin, we have all the wonders of modern typography, a blazoning of the letters in mingling colours, decorated with silver, corroborate in bronze, enriched with gold, harmonized with exceeding taste. The pages of the titles are of a lovely fabric, apter than ivory, as acceptable to the eye and finger. As for the Cadmean aspect of the music, whose distinctness is exceedingly laudable, we suppose no uninitiated eye can presume to look upon, its mysterious configurations without amasement [sic] nor attempt to follow the capricious evolutions and fantastic windings in which it meanders down the pages. We who hove looked Greek in the face, and gazed with awe upon a parchmen[t] or leather MSS. of the Hebrew Scriptures, are not insensible of its dark and abstruse air. What though our daughters may penetrate their hidden meaning, and take their places in the procession of the initiated, of which we are ourselves hardly more than the spectators.
It might not be needful to recapitulate to our fair readers in town the mere contents of this splendid album; but our country friends will thank us for rehearsing the themes, and setting forth the names of those ladies to whom they are severally dedicated.
The first of the series, six in number, is graced by the tutelage of Lady Denison, and bears the title of "Serenade to Don Pasquale." A "Nocturne de Concert," dedicated to Lady Stephen, is the second in order, which is followed by a "Caprice sur Norma," under the auspices of Mrs. John H. Plunkett. The fourth composition, under the name of "Concert Waltz," and countenance of Mrs. W. M. Manning, takes its place in immediate juxta-position with the "Caprice Nocturne," with the ascription of Miss Eliza Icely's name; and the number is completed and the charm wound up with a "Souvenir d'Amerique," composed on American and original airs, and submitted to Mademoiselle Marie Sentis.
This enumeration must suffice, without preference of one production to another, or any vague attempt to discriminate and determine their unquestionable excellence and beauty. Nevertheless, we have heard them played; we have seen the flying fingers and heard the multitudinous sounds; language is not adequate to the results; and we content ourselves with repeating that a lady of our acquaintance, an admired performer, exclaimed, "I never heard the piano till now."
If we broke off at this point, we might be said to have concluded, briefly and inadequately, a review of this most beautiful "Musical Present," meaning without equivocation to recommend it for this special purpose, as an offering worthy of any accomplished und intellectual lady, not insensible to the external graces which combine in the attractions of female wit and beauty. But it is also due to certain personal qualifications belonging to our author to add, that, in the design and execution of this very graceful work, he has not exhausted all the pleasing, and becoming, and elevated traits of a well-bred gentleman.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1856), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Mader (printer, publisher); Eleanor Stephen (dedicatee); Maria Plunkett (dedicatee); Eliza Manning (dedicatee); Eliza Icely (dedicatee, ? daughter of Thomas Icely); Marie Sentis (dedicatee)
MUSIC: Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1856:
"COURT OF REQUESTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1856), 4
THOMPSON v. BOULANGER. - This was an action brought to recover a sum of £14, for loss and damage which the plaintiff sustained by the neglect and carelessness of the defendant. From the opening statement, it appeared that, on the 1th September the defendant, a teacher of music, hired from the plaintiff, one of the proprietors of the E. I. Co's Horse Repository, a horse, gig, and harness, on the special stipulation that he (defendant) should be responsible for any damage that the property aforesaid might sustain while in his charge . . . The assessors returned a verdict for the plaintiff in the full amount claimed. Attorney for the plaintiff, Mr. Rowley; for the defendant, Mr. Want.
ASSOCIATIONS: Buchan Thomson (d. 1883; plaintiff); Randolph Want (attorney for Boulanger)
5 March 1856, concert in aid of the Jews; Philanthropic Society
[Advertisement], Empire (5 March 1856), 1
Descriptive Song - "The Newfoundland Dog" (H. Russell)- Mr. Frank Howson.
Recitativo - "Sorta e la notte" Cantabile - "Ernani Involami" Cavatina - "Tutto Sprezzo" - Ernani (Verdi) - Madame ANNA BISHOP.
Aria - "Ecco Ridente il Cielo" - Barbiere di Seviglia (Rossini) by the kind permission of Madame A. B. - M. LAGLAISE.
Solo - Pianoforte - Marche Funebre (Thalberg) - Monsieur E. Boulanger.
A Favourite Popular Ballad - Mrs. Guerin.
Irish Ballad - "Oft in the Stilly Night" (T. Moore) Madame ANNA BISHOP.
Song - "Farewell to the Mountain" - Mountain Sylph (Barnett) - Mr. Frank Howson.
To conclude with the Operetta, entitled
"To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1856), 5
SIR, - I feel it due to the public to explain the reason I did not perform on Wednesday evening at the concert given by the Jews' Philanthropic Society. I was there to perform as advertised, but on my arrival there was no instrument, except the one belonging to Mr. Paling. This gentleman refused me the permission to perform on his piano. His reason for so doing is best known to himself, but I certainly did not expect that a brother artiste would have been ungenerous enough to have prevented my appearance, in taking advantage of a circumstance. I should have offered this short explanation at the time, but did not wish to disturb the harmony of the evening. I remain, Sir, year obedient servant, E. BOULANGER.
"To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1856), 6
SIR, - With the insertion of the following letter you will oblige me. Having seen the letter, written by Mr. E. Boulanger, stating that I was the cause of his non-appearance on Wednesday last, by refusing him permission to play on my piano, there present; I beg to state that I did not refuse my piano to him, but that I left the Jewish Philanthropic Committee to decide this matter, who, after consultation, thought it better, from the very particular circumstances in which Mr. B. was placed some hours before, not to let him play, and therefore requested me again to fulfil my promise. W. H. PALING.
"To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1856), 6
SIR, - I was very much surprised at the letter of Monsieur Boulanger,
appearing in this day's Herald, more especially after the explanation given to that gentleman by myself,
he well knowing, in consequence of his serious attention being required elsewhere prevented his attending a rehearsal,
or viewing the instrument he was to have played upon; in fact could it have been done in time,
his name would have been extracted from the announcement.
His unwarrantable attack on Mr. Paling is part and parcel of his other conduct on that evening.
I am, Sir, very respectfully yours,
Ona of the sub-Committee of the
Jews' Philanthropic Society.
Friday, 7th March, 1856.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Bishop (vocalist); Jean-Baptiste Laglaise (vocalist); Theodosia Guerin (vocalist); Joseph George Raphael (d. 1879)
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg); advertised, but not performed
"COURT OF PETTY SESSIONS", Illawarra Mercury (10 March 1856), 3
Edward Boulanger appeared to answer the charge of obtaining a colt from G. Buchanan under false pretences. From the opening remarks of Mr. Owen it would appear that Mr. Boulanger visited the district some few weeks ago, when he purchased the colt in question, giving a cheque payable on the 29th February; this cheque was presented at the bank, where they said he had no funds. Buchanan's ignorance of Mr. Boulanger's position in society, combined with the fact of the dishonour of the cheque, led him to prefer the charge: but, from what he had since heard, he had every reason to believe that he (Boulanger) had no intention to do wrong, and he regretted the course he had taken. Upon hearing Mr. Buchanan's evidence, the Bench dismissed the case.
"INSOLVENT COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 April 1856), 4
SURRENDER. Edward Boulanger, of Charlotte-place, Church Hill, Sydney, pianist, liabilities £314 0s. 6d. Assets: value of personal property £10; outstanding debts, £8 18s. 6d.: total assets, £18 18s. 6d. Deficit, £295 2s. 6d. Mr. Morris, Official assignee.
"In the Insolvent Estate of Edward Boulanger . . .", New South Wales Government Gazette (8 April 1856), 1123
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1856), 4
. . . We may, however, mention, as regards the musical profession, that since the initiation of the Society in 1854 it has enlisted as honorary members - Miss Catherine Hayes, Madame Anna Bishop, Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Guerin, Mrs. Adcock, and Miss Flora Harris, M. Miska Hauser, M. and Madame Herwyn, M. Strebinger, M. Boulanger, and M. Paling . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 April 1856), 5
We have been favoured with the second annual report of this excellent Society . . . The report states that the concerts during the year had been well attended, and exhibited a marked improvement on those of the previous year acknowledging the valuable services of Madame Bishop, Miss Harris, Miss Sara Flower, Mrs. Adcock, and Madame Herwyn; and Messrs. Miska Hauser, Boulanger, Herwyn, Deane, Paling, and Stanley, who gave their valuable gratuitous services to the Society. A well-merited acknowledgment of the kind assistance and close attention of the president, the Hon. J. H. Plunkett, to whose business habits and influence much of the progress of the Society may be fairly attributed. The report also takes complimentary notice of the services of the hon. secretary, Mr. Paris; the hon. treasurer, Mr. Mountcastle; the conductor, M. Steir [sic], &c. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Benjamin Mountcastle (treasurer)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 April 1856), 6
BOULANGER'S MUSICAL KEEPSAKE, for 1856 - Just published by Mr. F. Mader, Sydney, elaborately got up . . . May be obtained by parties sending their address to MUSICAL, office of this paper. Price, 30s.
"INSOLVENT COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 April 1856), 4
In the estate of Edward Boulanger, a single meeting. One claim -£36 17s. 6d. - was proved. Insolvent was allowed to retain his wearing apparel.
2 May 1856, Anna Bishop, operatic concert, Prince of Wales Theatre
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 May 1856), 1
. . . Pianoforte Solo - Monsieur Boulanger . . .
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1856), 1
By special license, on Saturday, 31st of May, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by Rev. J. E. Gurbeillon, E. D. Boulanger, Esq., to Katharina Jane, only daughter of J. M. Fitzsimmons, late Hospital Assistant 4th B.G.N.I..
ASSOCIATION: John Eugene Gourbeillon (Benedictine monk, priest)
21 and 25 June 1856, concerts, East and West Maitland, NSW
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (21 June 1856), 1
Grand Evening Concert.
BY the kind permission of Major Crummer, Police Magistrate,
MONS. BOULANGER Has the honor to announce that he will give a
On SATUBDAT EVENING, 21st June instant.
Overture, for Piano and Violin.
Aria - (Sonnambula) - Bellini. Mr. KELLERMANN.
Solo - Piano - Serenade to Don Pasquale. Boulanger. M. BOULANGER.
Solo - Violin. AMATEUR.
Solo for Piano - (Reverie) Boulanger. M. BOULANGER.
Solo - Piano (Norma) Boulanger. M. BOULANGER.
Solo - Violin. AMATEUR.
Solo - Piano (Negro Song) - M. BOULANGER.
Doors open at Half-past Seven o'clock.
Performances commence at Eight o'clock . . .
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 June 1856), 2
On Saturday evening M. Boulanger, assisted by Messrs. Kellermann and Ellis, entertained at the Court House, East Maitland, an audience, which in point of numbers, was certainty unworthy of the occasion. Whether the small attendance was owing to the unsuitableness of the evening for a concert in Maitland, or whether it was attributable to any indifference to music of the high character offered, may be proved by the numbers present at any future entertainment of the kind. The overture to Zampa was the first place played, and was received with great applause, as was also Mr. Kellermann's singing of an aria from La Sonnambula, which followed. Mr. Ellis played several solos on the violin, which were deservedly encored, and any comment on the well-known skill of that gentleman, as a violinist, would be almost superfluous on our part. Mr. Kellermann sang the song "Down among the dead men," with great effect, M. Boulanger accompanying him on the piano. This was loudly encored. He sang the Marseillaise with his usual spirit, and being called on again, gave the "Standard bearer" - a song equally well adapted for his voice and style of singing. Of the performances of M. Boulanger we will only say that the impression they produced on the audience was such at to lead them to call for a repetition of each piece; and that to us his playing appeared characterised by a delicacy of touch, a brilliancy of execution, a great power of expression, and an absolute mastery over difficulties, which must establish him as one of the first pianists of the day. To-morrow (Wednesday) evening, as will be seen, M. Boulanger gives another concert at the Court-house, West Maitland; which we hope will be thoroughly filled.
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 June 1856), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: William Kellermann (vocalist, also committee member of the Sydney Philharmonic Society); Mr. Ellis (violinist)
Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); Reverie (Boulanger);
Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger);
"Negro song" [sic] probably Bananier (Gottschalk)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1856), 2
MR. E. D. BOULANGER begs to inform his pupils and the public that he will resume his Lessons on the 30th instant. Sydney, 28th June, 1856.
"In the Insolvent Estate of Edward Boulanger . . .", New South Wales Government Gazette (15 July 1856), 1924
In the Insolvent Estate of Edward Boulanger, of Charlotte-place, Church Hill, Sydney, pianist.
TAKE NOTICE that I, Edward Boulanger, the abovenamed Insolvent, intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates
at Sydney, on Tuesday, the 19th day of August next, to commence at 12 o'clock at noon,
that a Certificate may be granted to me, in terms of the Act of the Governor and Legislative Council,
7 Victoria, No. 19. - Dated at Sydney, the 10th day of July, 1856.
1527 4s. 6d.
[Advertisement], Empire (4 August 1856), 1
MR. EDWARD BOULANGER, Pianist, from Paris, begs to inform the public that he has several hours disengaged for Lessons, and will also attend Evening Parties as Pianist. No. 87, Bourke-street, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, August 4, 1850.
15 August 1856, Clarisse Cailly's concert (with Boulanger, Maria Lamont, and Thomas Banks)
[Advertisement], Empire (15 August 1856), 1
. . . Part I . . . [6] Solo - Piano - "Don Pasquale," E. D. Boulanger - Mons. E. D. Boulanger . . .
Part II . . . [6] Solo - Piano - "The Last Rose of Summer," Boulanger - Mons. E. D. Boulanger . . .
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 August 1856), 6
. . . Mons. Boulanger's performance on the pianoforte of the popular serenade from "Don Pasquale," and of the "Last Rose of Summer," both with very difficult variations, were encored; rondos of a less complex character being in each instance substituted . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Clarisse Cailly (vocalist)
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger)
27 August 1856, Miska Hauser's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1856), 1
. . . Assisted by Madame CLARISSE CAILLY, Mr. Edward Boulanger, Mr. J. Deane, Mr. Edward Deane, several amateurs of distinction, and Mr. George Loder . . .
. . . PART I . . . 3. "Scherzo" for pianoforte - Chopin - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . 3 "Last Concert Waltz" - Boulanger - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", Empire (28 August 1856), 3
Notwithstanding the several attractions elsewhere, Mr. Hauser's Instrumental and Vocal Concert drew a numerous and respectable audience, who most unmistakably testified their appreciation of Madame Cailly's singing, and the great violinist's wonderful performances; indeed so prolonged and determined was the applause that, we believe, literally every piece obtained an encore. Miska Hauser's splendid execution of the Adagio Religioso, and Fantasia from Norma, were especially admired. Mr. E. Boulanger performed with great effect Chopin's "Scherzo;" and also his own "Last Concert Waltz." Altogether the Concert was excellent, and gave general satisfaction.
"MISKA HAUSER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (30 August 1856), 5
. . . Mr. Boulanger played an extraordinary, noisy, queer, outre, and never sufficiently to-be-understood scherzo of Chopin; it may be very good, is undoubtedly very difficult, and, as Doctor Johnson remarked about the fiddle concerto, "would to Heaven, sir, it were impossible!" Mr. B. also gave his own nocturne, in which his delicacy of finger and sparkling vivacity were delightful . . .
"ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE AND CONCERT HALL", Freeman's Journal (30 August 1856), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (violinist); George Loder (pianist, conductor)
MUSIC: Scherzo in B flat minor (Chopin); Last concert waltz (Boulanger)
3 September 1856, Clarisse Cailly's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 September 1856), 1
. . . Assisted by MISKA HAUSER, Mr. E. BOULANGER . . . M. WINTERBOTTOM. Conductor - Mr. W. STANLEY . . .
. . . PART I . . . [3] Solo piano - Fantasia de Concert sur des motives de Lucrecia Borgia (first time) - Boulanger - Mr. EDWARD BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . [2] Solo piano - Etude, Impromptu (first time) - F. Chopin - Mr. EDWARD BOULANGER . . .
MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (7 September 1856), 2
. . . Mr. Boulanger was well received, but we must confers that we are no ardent admirers of that gentleman's playing.
MUSIC: Fantasia on Lucrezia Borgia (Boulanger); Etude, impromptu (Chopin) ?
12 September 1856, Miska Hauser's concert
[Advertisement], Empire (12 September 1856), 1
. . . with Madame CLARISSE CAILLY, and assisted by Mr. EDWARD BOULANGER, Messrs. JOHN DEANE, EDWARD DEANE, and a Gentleman Amateur. Conductor, Mr. W. STANLEY . . .
. . . PART II . . . 3. Piano Solo - Galop di Bravura - Schulhoff - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
PART III . . . 3. Piano Solo - Danse Ossianique - Gottschalk - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
MUSIC: Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff); Danse ossianique (Gottschalk)
17 September 1856, Miska Hauser's concert, Parramatta
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 September 1856), 1
. . . with Madame CLARISSE CULLY . . . assisted by Mr. Ed. Boulanger, and four gentlemen amateurs . . .
. . . Part I . . . 4 Solo piano - "Don Pasquale," (Boulanger) - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
Part II . . . 5. Solo piano - "The Last Rose of Summer," (Boulanger) - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . . . Conductor: Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 November 1856), 8
. . . In preparation for Christmas, an Australian Musical Album for 1857, to contain original music by Miska Hauser, Messrs. Boulanger, Marsh, Stanley, &c., with numerous choice illustrations by Mr. Thomas. A subscribers' list, for early copies, open . . .
17 November 1856, Sydney Philharmonic Society, third concert of the season
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 November 1856), 1
. . . PART II . . . 3. Solo Piano - Galop di Bravura, Schulhoff - Mr. E. D. Boulanger . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (18 November 1856), 5
. . . With the addition of a galop by Schulhoff, very brilliantly executed by M. Boulanger, and generally redemanded, the artist substituting his well-known variations on "The Last Rose of Summer;" and the old and favourite glee of "Life's a bumper," exceedingly well rendered by members of the Society, the evening's entertainments were wound up. From the style and number of those assembled last evening, we may fairly assert that the concerts of this Society will shortly lead the van in such amusements.
MUSIC: Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff); The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger)
23 December 1856, publication of the Australian album 1857 (Clarke)
[Advertisement], Empire (15 December 1856), 1
elegantly bound in crimson watered cloth, gilt, and with gilt edges.
The work will contain the following music composed expressly, viz.:
. . . The Last Rose of Summer, arranged by E. Boulanger . . .
. . . J. R. CLARKE, Musicseller and Publisher, 205, George-street (next Flavelle's).
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA", The Age [Melbourne, VIC], (22 December 1856), 5
Mr. Clarke, the bookseller, purposes bringing out an album of a superior character immediately. The music will be as follows: - "The Bird in the Tree," arranged for the piano, by Miska Hauser; "The Last Rose of Summer," with brilliant variations, arranged by E. Boulanger; an impromptu for the piano, entitled "Australian Flowers;" a composition for the piano, by Mr. Ellard, on airs in "Lucrezia Borgia;" a song, "Far o'er the Sea," music by Mr. S. H. Marsh; a set of Quadrilles, by Mr. Stanley, Rose Bay; a Polka by Mr. S. H. Marsh, "The Picnic" [recte Henry Marsh]; and the Singing or Vocal Polka, as given by Miss C. Hayes. Great care has been taken in the illustrations, so as to render the book both pictorial and musical. These have been confided to Mr. E. Thomas. There will be portraits of Miss Hayes, Miska Hauser, and Madame Anna Bishop, the latter as Lucrezia Borgia, painted in colors, from four different stones. There are also six or seven views to illustrate the various pieces of music. The album is to be dedicated, with permission, to Miss Denison.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 December 1856), 5
TO-MORROW (Tuesday) will be Published, handsomely hound in crimson, cloth gilt,
THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL ALBUM FOR 1857. Price 30s.; post free, 32s.
The Album contains upwards of 100 pages of music,
composed specially for it by Messrs. Miska Hauser, E. Boulanger, S. H. Marsh, F. Ellard, H. Marsh, and W. Stanley;
and is embellished with ten illustrations, in the first style of lithography, by Mr. E. Thomas.
The book will challenge comparison with any similar production in Europe.
It is with permission dedicated to Miss Denison, Government House.
A preface thereto had been written by Mr. Frank Fowler.
J. R. CLARKE, Music Publisher, 205, George-street, Sydney, next Messrs. Flavelle.
"REVIEW", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 December 1856), 5
THE AUSTRALIAN ALBUM, for 1857. J.R. CLARKE: Sydney, Music Publisher.
A quiet look over this very interesting publication has fully confirmed us in the strong opinion expressed at a first sight of the work - that it is the best drawing room annual ever published in the colony. The contents comprise eight morceaux, all of which may be said to be Australian productions; or, as the preface observes,
"they are all new, all colonial. Here, in this city, they were played, printed, and published. True, some of the composers are foreigners; but still this book is as much an Australian production as a cluster of grapes from the German vineyards at Kissing Point."
And so think we, the more particularly as in every instance but one, we believe, the music has been written in, and expressly for the colony. They are all, too, well known to every concert-goer, and form some of the chief gems of that instrumentation that has so often held an audience enthralled . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Denison (dedicatee, daughter of governor William Denison); Jacob Richard Clarke (music seller, publisher); Stephen Hale Marsh (composer); Frank Fowler (journalist)
Call up all TROVE items tagged Australian album 1857 (Clarke) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1857:

The S.S. Oneida, Sydney, January 1857, by Edmund Thomas; the cover of Boulanger's The Oneida polka; National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1857), 8
MR. E. D. BOULANGER, Professor of the Pianoforte. Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo.
IN A FEW DAYS, The Oneida Polka, by E. Boulanger, illustrated by W. L. Thomas [sic]. CLARKE, George-st.
ASSOCIATIONS: On the Oneida steamship, which arrived in Sydney on 29 December 1856, via Melbourne, see:
"THE ONEIDA", Empire (29 December 1856), 6
The Oneida has made a magnificent run of sixty-four days and fourteen hours. Touching at St. Vincent, St. Helena and the Cape, gave the ship just fifty-three days at sea - . . . Argus [Melbourne], December 24
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 January 1857), 1
EUROPEAN and AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY (CARRYING HER MAJESTY'S MAILS) The first of this Company's steamships ONEIDA, of 2300 tons and 550 horse-power, GEORGE HYDE, commander, will be despatched from Sydney on the 23rd day of January, 1857 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Thomas (artist, lithographer)
MUSIC: The Oneida polka (Boulanger)
12 January 1857, Sydney Philharmonic Society, fourth concert of season
[Advertisement], Empire (12 January 1857), 1
. . . PART II . . . 4. Solo, Pianoforte, Don Pasquale - by the particular request of several members - Mr. E. Boulanger . . .
"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 January 1857), 5
. . . A solo on the pianoforte by M. Boulanger concluded the programme . . .
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1857), 1
On Monday, the 19th instant, at her residence, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo, the wife of E. D. Boulanger, Esq., of a still-born male child.
![Cover illustration, by Edmund Thomas, Boulanger's The cricket match schottische (Sydney: Clarke, [1857])](imageslocal/boulanger-cricket-match-cover.jpg)
Cover illustration, by Edmund Thomas, for Boulanger's The cricket match schottische (Sydney: Clarke, [1857]); National Library of Australia
January-February 1857, publication of The Simla galop, The Oneida polka, and The cricket match schottische
[Advertisement], Empire (14 January 1857), 1
NEW MUSIC. - In preparation, the Simla Galop, illustrated, 3s. 6d.; the Oneida Polka, illustrated, 3s.; the Cricket Match Schottische, illustrated, 3s. 6d.; all composed by M. Boulanger, and illustrated in the first style, of art by Mr. Edmund Thomas. Now ready a second and much improved edition of the Australian and Pictorial Musical Album, for 1857, price 30s. This issue is enriched with an elegantly designed floral ornamental cover, gilt. J. R. CLARKE, Music Publisher, 200, George-street, next Flavelle's.
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (30 January 1857), 4
Two very pleasing places of music have recently been composed and published by Mr. E. Boulanger, the one entitled the Oneida Polka, and the other the Cricket Match Schottische. This latter piece is dedicated to the Elevens of Victoria and New South Wales. The Oneida Polka is a simple, lively air, and is very nicely arranged - it ought to become popular. The Schottische is a more artistic composition, and is a worthy, as we trust it may prove a durable, memento of the event to which it owes its origin. Both pieces are appropriately adorned with tinted lithographic drawings, by E. Thomas, which are of themselves no mean specimens of art. In the illustration of the cricket match, however, there is one error which must not be left unnoticed. The players are sadly misplaced, the field occupying positions the reverse of their proper places.
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1857), 7
That indefatigable publisher, Mr. J. R. Clarke, has just issued a new piece of music, composed by M. Boulanger, under the title of "The Simla Galop." Our readers will remember that he published a piece commemorative of the departure of the Oneida, the first mail ship of the Australian and European line, commanded by Captain Hyde. Now he pays a similar compliment to Captain Cooper. The music, we need scarcely say, is very superior, and is highly creditable to the skill and talent of the composer. The title-page consists of four views, viz., two in the Botanic Gardens, one of Sydney Cove, and one of Woolloomooloo Bay. These are in Allen and Wigley's best style of lithography. The Oneida and Simla Galops deserve an extensive sale.
NOTES: On the steamship Simla, see:
"THE SIMLA", Empire (12 January 1857), 4
MUSIC: The Oneida polka (Boulanger); The Simla galop (Boulanger); The cricket match schottische (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1857), 2
MR. E. D. BOULANGER, Professor of the Pianoforte. Pupils attended at their residences on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and at Mr. Boulanger's house, Forbes-street, Woolloomooloo, on Tuesday and Friday. Terms: Two lessons per week, One Guinea. Application to be made to Mr. BOULANGER, or to Mr. J. R. CLARKE, music seller, 205, George-street, Sydney.
6 March 1857, publication of The European march
[Advertisement], Empire (23 February 1857), 1
NEW MUSIC - In a day or two, THE EUROPEAN MARCH, by BOULANGER, with an appropriate illustrative title page, price 3s. Dedicated to Captain Parfitt and the Officers of the A.R.M.S.S. European. Just published, new editions of the Oneida Polka, 3s.; the Simla Galop, 3s. 6d. CLARKE, Music-seller, George-street.
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 March 1857), 7
Mr. Clarke, of George-street, issued yesterday two new pieces of music. Following up his "Oneida Polka," and "Simla Galop," we have now "The European March." The latter is dedicated to Captain Parfitt and the officers of the A. R. M. S. S. European. The March is by Boulanger, in his best style of composition. The second piece is "The Heliotrope Mazurka," by Mr. William Stanley, a piece of choice music. The title pages of both the above have views of the harbour of Port Jackson, drawn by Mr. E Thomas and printed in lithography, in Allen and Wigley's best manner.
ASSOCIATIONS: On the mail steamer, European, see:
"THE E. AND A. R. M. COMPANY'S STEAMSHIP EUROPEAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 February 1857), 4
9 March 1857, Clarisse Cailly's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 March 1857), 1
. . . Mr. E. D. Boulanger, Mr. A. Roeckel, Mr. E. Deane, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. W. H. Stephens, and an Amateur, have kindly volunteered their very valuable assistance . . .
. . . Part I . . . [3] Solo pianoforte, "March Funebre," by request, (S. Thalberg) Mr. E. D. Boulanger . . .
Part II . . . [4] Solo, pianoforte, "Galop de Bravoura," by request, (Schulhoff) Mr. E. D Boulanger . . .
"MADAME CAILLY'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 March 1857), 5
. . . Mons. Boulanger executed two solos on the pianoforte, both of which were duly appreciated, and suffered an encore . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Armand Roeckel (pianist); Stephen Wheeler (cornet player); William Henry Stephens (buffo vocalist)
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 April 1857), 7
MR. E. D. BOULANGER, Professor of the Pianoforte. From and after the 1st of April, pupils attended at their residences on Mondays and Thursdays, and at Mr. Boulanger's house on Wednesdays and Saturdays. - Terms: Two lessons per week one guinea. Applications to be made to Mr. CLARKE, musicseller, 205, George-street; or to Mr. BOULANGER, No. 3, Papeeti-terrace, Forbes'-street, Woolloomooloo.
9 April 1857, publication of The Columbian mazurka
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 April 1857), 12
NEW MUSIC - Published this morning, the COLUMBIAN POLKA MAZUKA, by BOULANGER; with a handsome illustration of local scenery. Price 3s. 6d. Dedicated to the Captain and Officers of the Columbian. Lately published, the Oneida Polka, the Simla Galop, the European March, each 3s., and all illustrated. CLARKE, 205, George-street.
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 April 1857), 5
TWO fresh pieces of music have just been issued by Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street. The first is the "Columbian Mazurka," by Boulanger, dedicated to the captain and officers of the English and Australian Royal Mail Company's S. S. Columbian. It is a sparkling and graceful composition, and is characterised by those qualities in musical art which have gained so wide a reputation for M. Boulanger. The next is the new song by S. C. Masset [Massett], "Take back the Ring, dear Jamie," as sung by Madame Anna Bishop . . . Both are printed from engraved plates, and worthy the notice of every lover of music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Massett (vocalist, songwriter, composer); on the ship Columbian, see:
"THE EUROPEAN AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY'S FLEET", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1857), 4
MUSIC: The Columbian mazurka (Boulanger)
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (18 April 1857), 5
The annual meeting of the Sydney Philharmonic Society was held on Thursday evening, at the Society's Practice Rooms, in Jamison-street, Mr. Plunkett, M.L.C., the President of the Society, took the chair; after which, the Secretary read the report for the past year . . . During the past year, six concerts have been given, at all of which the best music of the masters has been performed by the orchestra, now numbering 90 performers. Solos have been performed by M. Hauser, E. Boulanger, E. Deane, Herr Prost, Mr. Sloper, and Mr. Wheeler, with eminent success. The society has been successful in inducing lady amateurs to assist at the concert, and have tendered their thanks to Mrs. Jaffa and Miss Aldis for their kind and efficient services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Cornelius Prost (musical amateur); Frederick Evans Sloper (saxe-horn player); Rebecca Jaffa (pianist); Hannah Aldis (pianist, pupil of Boulanger)
"NEWLY PATENTED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1857), 5
. . . One of each of these specimens of what may be justly called the "mathematics of music," has just been imported by Messrs. Buist and Co., of Bridge-street, and having been present at trial performances upon them by M. Boulanger and Mr. Henry Marsh, we have been enabled to find that the very high praises bestowed upon them in unqualified terms by the continental and English cognoscenti are not, in the slightest degree, exaggerations. The "Orgue à Percussion" is an harmonium. It has five octaves, and a double row of keys, with 20 stops . . . The powerful effect produced by these stops, whether drawn singly or in connexion, may be conceived, and, we scarcely need observe, that they were rendered and illustrated to their full extent by both M. Boulanger, and Mr. Marsh . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: David Buist (music seller); on the "Orgue à Percussion", exhibited by Martin de Provins at the 1855 Paris Exhibition, see:
Adrien de La Fage, Quinze visites musicales à l'Exposition universelle de 1855 (Paris: Tardif, 1856), 177-78

Wentworth House, boarding establishment, (no.3 Church Hill), Charlotte Place, later Grosvenor Street, Sydney, c.1870s; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 May 1857), 8
BOARD and RESIDENCE for Families and Gentlemen, Wentworth House, No. 3, Church-hill.
[Advertisement], Empire (25 June 1857), 1
NOTICE OF REMOVAL. - Mr. E. D. BOULANGER removed to Wentworth House, Church-hill.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (13 August 1857), 2
Kate Boulanger appeared on summons to answer the information of John J. Murphy, which alleged that on the 1st August, she (defendant) did unlawfully assault him by sprinkling cowhage in his trousers. From complainant's evidence it appeared that he is resident at a boarding establishment, where also the defendant lodged. On the morning of Sunday, the 2nd instant, he put on a pair of trousers, which about noon on the previous day he had changed for another, and left them hanging in his bedroom, which is on the same floor with the apartment occupied by defendant; he immediately began to suffer from severe irritation, as of something penetrating his skin, and an intense itching about the lower parts of his body, which for about three quarters of an hour he endured, and then took a warm bath and changed his trousers; he did not understand the cause of this irritation until afterward, when he received information of a trick which had been practised upon him; it was worse than an attack by any number of fleas, or than a fly blister; on Monday morning he again put on the trousers before spoken of, but was compelled by a renewal of the irritation to put them off; on the Tuesday he received information as to the cause, and by whom he had been so served. Selina Richardson, a servant, deposed that on last Saturday night week, at defendant's request, she took her a pair of trousers from Mr. Murphy's bedroom, she held the garment while defendant rubbed into the cloth, inside, in the centre and front, some brown stuff like this (some cowhage, produced by the counsel for the prosecution); witness then returned the trousers to the place whence she took them; defendant said it was a laughable joke, and told witness to keep it secret. On cross-examination she said that she was sent for by her mistress on Tuesday last week, in reference to this matter, and questioned; she then told her that Mrs. Boulanger had procured and used some cowhage in Mr. Murphy's trousers, and the man-servant said that he had heard Mrs. Boulanger say of having used it, and that she wondered how Mr. Murphy felt after it. Mr. Moffat, for defendant, contended in a long speech that, supposing all the evidence to be true, no offence had been committed by his client, at either statute or common law; but if it were, the information must be dismissed, for whereas his client was charged with sprinkling cowhage, whereas by the evidence it appeared to have been rubbed into the material of the trousers! Their Worships intimated to complainant's solicitors (Mr. Shuttleworth and Mr. Roberts) that it was quite unnecessary for either of them to reply. They found the defendant guilty of an assault, and sentenced her to pay a penalty of 40s. with 7s. costs, or in default to be imprisoned twenty-four hours.
[Advertisement], Empire (15 August 1857), 1
MURPPY V. BOULANGER. - A Tale of modern refinement, and female delicacy. See Bell's Life.
"POLICE PICKINGS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (15 August 1857), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: John Jeremiah Murphy
14 September 1857, Sydney Philharmonic Society, third concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (14 September 1857), 1
. . . Madame SARA FLOWER . . . Madame ANNA BISHOP . . . Mr. J. Richardson . . . Mr. FRANK HOWSON . . . Conductor: Mr. J. Deane . . .
. . . Part 2 . . . 3. Solo, Pianoforte, E. BOULANGER . . .
'SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 September 1857), 5
. . . M. Boulanger was very successful in two of his own compositions, Norma, and the Last Rose of Summer . . .
MUSIC: Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger); The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger)
17 December 1857, Miska Hauser, concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 December 1857), 1
. . . PART II . . . [2] Piano solo - Mose in Egitto fantasia - Thalberg - Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
[5] Piano Solo - Nocturno (in D flat) - Doehler; Galop di bravoura - Schulhoff - E. BOULANGER . . .
"SYDNEY [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT] Sydney, December 21, 1857", The North Australian, Ipswich and General Advertiser (29 December 1857), 4
The celebrated violinist, M. Hauser, gave a concert at the Royal Hotel on Wednesday, and most deservedly had a bumper. The modem Paganini played deliciously, as did Mons. Boulanger, the best pianist ever heard in Sydney. Mr. Hauser begins to be appreciated, and has announced another concert for to-morrow . . .
MUSIC: Fantasie sur Moise de Egitto (Thalberg); Nocturne in D flat (Döhler); Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff)
24 and 26 December 1857, concerts, Maitland, NSW
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (24 December 1857), 1
MESSRS. MISKA HAUSER and BOULANGER, have the honour to inform the public of Maitland and the Vicinity,
that they will give a GRAND EVENING CONCERT, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 24th instant, at the above institution.
1. SOLO (Violin) - Fantasia on (airs from Norma) - M. Hauser - MISKA HAUSER.
3. SOLO (Piano) - Fantasia on Don Pasquale - Boulanger - BOULANGER.
4. SOLO (Violin) - Carnival of Venice - M. Hauser - MISKA HAUSER.
6. SOLO (Piano) - The Last Rose of Summer - Boulanger - BOULANGER.
Interval of ten minutes.
7. Solo (Piano); Nocturne - Dohler; Drinking Song - Schulhoff - BOULANGER.
9. SOLO (Violin) - The Irish Bouquet - M. Hauser - MISKA HAUSER.
10. SOLO (Piano) Galop di Bravura - Schulhoff - BOULANGER.
11. SOLO (Violin) - The Bird on the Tree - M. Hauser - MISKA HAUSER.
Reserved Seats, 5s.; Back Seats, 2s. 6d . . .
"CONCERT ON CHRISTMAS EVE", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (26 December 1857), 2
On Christmas Eve a concert was given at the School of Arts, West Maitland, by M. Miska Hauser and Boulanger, when, we are sorry to say, the attendance was miserably small. It is certainly discouraging that the greatest artistes of the colony, in their visits to our town, should not obtain average support . . .
"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", Northern Times (26 December 1857), 2
"CONCERT ON BOXING NIGHT", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (29 December 1857), 2
On Saturday night a second concert was given at the School of Arts by Miska Haueer and Boulanger, the mention of whose names relieve us from the necessity of enlarging upon the character of the entertainment afforded. The good attendance, and the warm reception given to the players, had a perceptibly Inspiriting effect, for their performance was even superior to that of the previous Thursday. Miska Hauser's part of the programme included several Scotch and Irish airs, which were played with exquisite taste and great feeling; whilst, on the other hand, the Carnival of Venice and the Bird on the Tree were full of effects of a startling character. There was equal variety In the performances of Mr. Boulanger, striking contrasts being shown between the power of his playing in the solo Lucrezia Borgia, and his delicacy of touch in the dreamy music of the Reverie. The Last Rose of Summer was played on both instruments during the evening, in answer to encores. It is to be hoped that Mr. Boulanger may soon pay another visit to Maitland, and that Miska Hauser will not take a final leave. Mr. W. Kellermann sang several songs, including Kathleen Mavourneen, and was accompanied on the pianoforte by Mr. F. Kellermann - those gentlemen contributing much to the gratification of the assembly.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Kellermann (pianist)
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger) Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff); Fantasia on Lucrezia Borgia (Boulanger); Reverie (Boulanger)
28 December 1857, Sydney Philharmonic Society, fifth concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (28 December 1857), 1
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 December 1857), 4
. . . Miska Hauser, Madame Sara Flower, and M. Boulanger are expected in Sydney by the Hunter River boat, to-day, to perform this evening at the Philharmonic, and we understand will leave again for Moreton Bay immediately after the concert.
. . . PART II . . . 3. Solo pianoforte, "Mose in Egitto" - [Thalberg] - Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 December 1857), 5
. . . Miska Hauser was rapturously received, and his violin solo, on airs from the Borgia, elicited a most unanimous encore. Madame Sara Flower was also well received her execution of a cavatina of Donizetti's, and a ballad of Glover's, forcing a recall on both occasions. Two German glees were remarkably well sung by four gentlemen amateurs; and Mr. Boulanger's pianoforte solo was received with general plaudits. The concert did not conclude until a rather later hour than usual.
"THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (29 December 1857), 5
MUSIC: Fantasie sur Moise de Egitto (Thalberg)
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1858:
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 January 1858), 10
MR. BOULANGER, 78, William-street, Woolloomooloo.
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1858), 4
THE Fourth Annual Meeting of this Society was held, at the Practice Room, Jamison-street, on Monday evening last, the Hon. J. H. Plunkett, Esq., the President, in the chair . . . The ordinary preliminaries being gone through, the Secretary read the report, of which the following is a copy . . . Your Committee beg to thank the undermentioned professional ladies and gentlemen, resident in these colonies, for the valuable assistance they have so kindly rendered to the Society during the past year - Mesdames Cailly, S. Flower, and Carandini; Messieurs Boulanger, Cavalini, Lavenu, F. Howson, Stanley, and Kohler. Your Committee most gladly tender their acknowledgments to Madame Jaffa, and to Miss Aldis, for their ready acquiescence in the desire of the Society to avail of their services . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Pompeo Cavallini (clarinet player), master of the Band of the 77th Regiment (military); Richard Kohler (cornet player)
3 May 1858, Miska Hauser, concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1858), 1
. . . Band of H. M. 12th Regiment . . . Miska Hauser . . . Frederic Ellard . . . C. Eigenschenck . . .
. . . PART I . . . 6. Piano Solo - Fantasia on Airs from the Daughter of the Regiment, Boulanger - Monsieur E. Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . 5. Piano Solo - Impromptu Polka, Boulanger - Mons. E. Boulanger . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1858), 5
. . . M. Boulanger was most successful in the "Impromptu Polka," which is a work of his own composition, or invention rather, seeing that it is impromptu . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 12th Regiment (master Douglas Callen); Charles Eigenschenck (violinist)
MUSIC: Fantasia on The daughter of the regiment (Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
6 July 1858, Amalia Rawack's concert
[Advertisement], Empire (6 July 1858), 1
. . . Band of H. M. 12th Regiment . . . SARA FLOWER . . . Conductor - Mr. John Deane. Leader - Mr. C. Eigenschenk. Accompanist - Mr. Cordner . . .
. . . PART II . . . 3. PIANO Duo - Thalberg Fantaisie on airs from the Huguenots,
expressly arranged for two pianos for this occasion, by Boulanger - MADAME AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. BOULANGER . . .
6. PIANO Solo - Polka di Bravura - Boulanger - (Dedicated to Madame Rawack.) . . .
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1858), 5
ASSOCIATIONS: William John Cordner (pianist)
MUSIC: Fantasia on Les huguenots (Thalberg; arr. Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (9 July 1858), 6
MR. BOULANGER begs to inform his pupils and the public that he will resume his professional duties on MONDAY next, 18th instant.
23 August 1858, Sydney Philharmonic Society, second concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (23 August 1858), 1
. . . EDWARD DEANE . . . JOHN DEANE . . .
. . . PART II . . . 2. Fantasia Pianoforte - Boulanger - Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (24 August 1858), 5
Mr. Boulanger's solo, composed by himself, Caprice Nocturne, Polka di Bravura, was as his solos always are, complete and powerful, remarkable no less for the execution displayed in playing, than the beauty of the composition . . .
MUSIC: Caprice nocturne (Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
15 December 1858, Boulanger's concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 December 1858), 1
GRAND CONCERT. - EXCHANGE HALL. - Under the patronage of the Philharmonic Society. -
Mr. BOULANGER has the honour to announce that his GRAND CONCERT will take place
THIS EVENING, the 15th instant.
1. Overture to "William Tell," - Rossini - The FULL BAND of H. M. 12th Regiment.
2. Song. - Madame SARA FLOWER.
3. Solo Violin, - Mr. WILHELM CARL SCHMIDT.
4. Solo Piano - "Lucia di Lammermoor," - Prudent - Mr. BOULANGER.
5. Solo Flute, - Mr. RICHARDSON.
6. Duett Piano, - Grand Sonata in A flat,- Hummell, Madame AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. BOULANGER.
7. Overture to "Zampa," - Herold, - The FULL BAND of H. M. 12th Regiment.
8. Song. - Madame SARA FLOWER.
9. Solo Violoncello, - Mr. EDWARD DEANE, accompanied by Mr. JOHN DEANE.
10. Solo Piano, "Marche Marocaine," - Leopold de Meyer, Mr. BOULANGER.
11. Solo Violin, - Mr. WILHELM CARL SCHMIDT.
12. Grand Duett for two pianos, "Huguenots," - Thalberg, arranged for two pianos by Mr. Boulanger, - Madame AMALIA RAWACK and Mr. BOULANGER.
"God Save the Queen," - The Full Band of H. M. 12th Regiment.
Mr. G. D. CALLEN, Conductor.
Mr. HENRY MARSH, Accompanist.
Tickets, 5s. each, to be secured from Messrs. W. H. Aldis, George-street;
W. J. Johnson and Co., musicsellers, Pitt-street; David Buist and Son, George-street;
J. Poehlmann, George-street; and J. Fryer, George-street; and Moss, music-seller, Hunter-street.
Tickets dated Monday, 13th instant, will be receivable for Wednesday.
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 December 1858), 7
This talented pianist gave a concert last evening, in the hall of the Sydney Exchange, under the patronage of the Philharmonic Society. The programme was mainly an instrumental one . . . One circumstance . . . which, no doubt, contributed to the attractiveness of the occasion was the debut of a violin soloist, M. Carl Schmidt, whose execution of De Beriot's "Air Varié" - glassy and distinct - at once proclaimed an arduous study of the difficulties of the instrument, with high musical taste. The great feature of the evening was Thalberg's celebrated duo, arranged for two pianos, from "Les Huguenots," by Madame Amalia Rawack and M. Boulanger. The fair pianiste was greeted with the most enthusiastic marks of approbation upon taking her seat at the piano; both performers seemed to revel in the glories of this magnificent composition, which was given with the utmost effect, both as regards melody and power; the duo alternates between extreme brilliancy, gracefulness, and melodious andante passages, requiring now an elasticity of touch, now a delicacy of finish by the performers, which exhibited a mastery over the instrument that even in the moat rapid and forte passages developed the subject throughout with remarkable clearness . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Richardson (flautist); Carl Schmitt (violinist)
MUSIC: Fantaisie sur Lucia di Lammermoor (Prudent); Duo sonata in A flat (Hummel); Marche Marocaine (Meyer); Fantasia on Les huguenots (Thalberg; arr. Boulanger);
"CLEARANCES", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 December 1858), 4
December 24. - City of Sydney (s), 434 tons, Captain R. T. Moodie, for Melbourne. Passengers - Mr. Robert Rome, Mr. Boulanger, Mr. F. R. Vidal, Mr. W. Kaye, Mr. Cunningham, and 15 in the steerage
Melbourne, VIC (27 December 1858 to 31 December 1861)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (28 December 1858), 4
ARRIVED. - DECEMBER 27. City of Sydney, A.S.N. Co.'s s.s s., 700 tons, R. T. Moodie, from Sydney 24th inst. Passengers - saloon: Messrs. R. Roome, W. Kaye, Bontaupe [Boulanger], R. T. Vidal, Cunningham, and 16 in the steerage. W. P. White and Co., agents.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (30 December 1858), 5
Among the arrivals of the past week, we notice that of M. Boulanger, from Sydney, who purposes giving a series of concerts during his stay in Melbourne. M. Boulanger has already earned for himself a high reputation in the sister colony, where he has done much to promote the success of the Philharmonic Society. We have little doubt that his talents, as a pianist, will be fully appreciated by our citizens, and that his efforts to entertain will be successful, as they have always been elsewhere.
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1859:
3 January 1859, Boulanger, private performance
"MUSIC", The Argus (5 January 1859), 4
The retirement of Miska Hauser from the Victorian stage has left a vacuum to be filled by any instrumental musician possessing the necessary genius and practised excellence. Mr. Boulanger, a pianist of considerable reputation, who has for a length of time resided in New South Wales, is now visiting this colony, and purposes shortly giving the musical connoisseurs of Melbourne "a taste of his quality" publicly, as he did on Monday evening, privately, to a small circle of guests at Menzies' Hotel. Reserving, for the more appropriate occasion anything like criticism or eulogy of Mr. Boulanger's powers, we are content for the present with noticing the fact of his arrival in the colony.
"MELBOURNE (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT)", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 January 1859), 5
Mr. Boulanger, the pianist, has arrived here, and contemplates shortly making his debut before the public of Melbourne. Although so well known to you, Mr. Boulanger has been almost unheard of in this colony, and hence his great ability has taken completely by surprise the favoured few who have enjoyed a private opportunity of witnessing it. He is by far the most finished player on the piano we have ever heard in this city. His unaffected style prepossesses his hearers in his favour, while by his mastery of the instrument he is enabled soon to rivet attention and secure involuntary admiration. He is certain to be favourably received whenever he makes his public appearance, and I think it is probable we shall be enabled to furnish him with substantial reasons for prolonging his stay in our city.
15 January 1859, William Akhurst's benefit, Theatre Royal, Boulanger's first public appearance in Melbourne
[Advertisement], The Age (15 January 1859), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. Last Night of the Pantomime. Saturday, 15th January. The Performances To-night are for the BENEFIT OF W. M. AKHURST, Author of the Pantomime. M. BOULANGER, The greatest Pianist in Australia, will appear for the first time . . .
"THE THEATRES", The Argus (17 January 1859), 4
The performances at both houses on Saturday night were benefits; at the Theatre Royal for that of Mr. Akhurst, the writer of the pantomime, and at the Princess for that of Mr. Hough, the adaptor of the burlesque. The occasions were not signalled by any special feature, save that at the former establishment Mons. Boulanger, a pianist, made his debut. His style of playing is characterised by much delicacy, and is remarkable for a profusion of florid embellishment. He executed a caprice on the serenade air in "Don Pasquale," and another upon "The Last Rose of Summer," both of which performances were received with abundant demonstrations of satisfaction by the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Mower Akhurst
20 January 1859, Boulanger, first Melbourne concert
[Advertisement], The Age (20 January 1859), 1
RR. BOULANGER has the honor to announce that his
FIRST CONCERT Will take place in the room of the MECHANICS' INSTITUTION
On Thursday Evening, the 20th instant,
On which occasion he will be assisted by Messrs. BIAL, E. KING, and CHAPMAN.
Summary of the Programme.
Grand Trio, in C Minor - Beethoven
For Piano, Violin, and Violincello
Marche Funebre - Thalberg.
Lucia de Lammermoor - Prudent.
Marche Marocaine - L. De Meyer.
Don Pasquale - Boulanger.
Impromptu Polka - Boulanger.
Galop di Bravura - Schlhoff.
Performed by Mr. BOULANGER.
Thalberg's Fantasia on the Huguenots,
Arranged for Two Pianos By Mr. BOULANGER,
And performed by
Reserved Seats, 7s. 6d. Admission, 5s.
Reserved seats to be secured at Messrs. Joseph Wilkie's, Collins street;
McCulloch and Stewart's, Collins street; and at Mr. Boulanger's residence, Menzies' Hotel, Latrobe street.
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Age (21 January 1859), 5
M. Boulanger's concert at the Mechanics' Institution, last evening, attracted the usual knot of connoisseurs, and a few others, who ordinarily support the givers of miscellaneous musical entertainments. Those who were not present lost the opportunity of having one of the most classical and successful performances which it has been our lot to note in this city. M. Boulanger is a pianist who has for some years enjoyed a high repute in the adjoining colony of New South Wales; and it is now our pleasure to endorse every expression of praise which has appeared in the columns of our Sydney contemporaries. M. Boulanger's style of playing is of the German school, and forcibly reminds us of that of Liszt - indeed it will bear comparison with the performances of the most eminent professors of the instrument to which the subject of the present notice has devoted himself. The performance was strictly confined to instrumental music, and evidently intended to afford M. Boulanger the fullest opportunity of displaying his abilities personally. Not withstanding, the aid afforded by Mr. E. King on the violin, Mr. Chapman on the violincello, and Mr. Bial on the second piano, relieved the entertainment of anything like like monotony or want of interest. The first part of the concert chiefly consisted of the performance of Beethoven's Third Trio in C minor, the various movements being played at thrice, in order, we assume, to prevent the feeling of tedium apt to be experienced by mixed audiences if such works are performed in their entirety without intermission. The trio was given with wonderful brilliancy and precision, epithets which we must also employ in describing the admirable manner in which the allegro from the same composer's first trio in B flat [sic], was given by Messers. Boulanger, King, and Chapman, the artistes engaged in each. Mr. Boulanger's brilliant and tasteful execution found ample opportunity for display in Thalberg's "Marche Funebre," in Prudent's Fantasia on airs from "Lucia di Lammermoor," and in Schulhoff's "Galop di Bravura." The first part was brought to a close by an "Impromptu Polka," composed by the artiste himself, and made the vehicle for the most elaborate harmonies, and the display of his astonishing powers as an instrumentalist. The applause which this elicited, brought us, in the shape of an encore, a song without words, by Strokosch - one of the most delicious bits of musical light and shade that can be conceived. Its performance was received with rapturous applause. The entertainment was brought to a brilliant close by Thalberg's fantasia on airs from Meyerbeer's "Les Huguenots," arranged as a duett for two pianos by Mr. Boulanger, and played by him and Bial. It is almost needless to say that this composition possessed all the advantages which the composer's classical taste and high musical knowledge can confer upon it, or that its performance was irreproachably good.
This gentleman, who appeared at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night, gave a more complete opportunity of judging of his merit last evening. Without endeavoring to estimate his abilities by an ill-considered comparison with those of other pianists, he is confessedly a noteworthy addition to the list of musical artistes we nave among us. His style, as we previously observed, is distinguished by lightness and delicacy, and by the negative quality - absence of effort. His playing appears to be spontaneous and unstudied, and it is rich in florid embellishments. The first part of the conceit consisted of trios, by Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Chapman, on the piano, violin, and violoncello, the subject being Beethoven's 3rd trio in C minor, divided into three portions, in the intervals of which Mr. Boulanger executed solos, the first of these being the impressive funeral march of Thalberg, which Mr. Boulanger gave with much characteristic feeling. To the encore which this evoked he replied by performing a caprice on "The Last Rose of Sammor." He next gave a selection from "Lucia di Lammermoor," and concluded the first part of the programme by an "Impromptu Polka." In the second part there was a duo by Thalberg, from "Les Huguenots," arranged for two pianos by Mr. Boulanger himself. In this combined effort of pre-eminent skill Mr. Boulanger was joined by Mr. Bial. The other concerted piece was Beethoven's Allegro 1st trio, in E flat, performed by Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Chapman. The delivery of this was masterly, and excited a very general enthusiasm in its favor. Mr. Boulanger may be congratulated that he has made so favorable an impression upon a Melbourne audience, which in musical matters is usually a little exacting. Notwithstanding the general excellence of the various performances at this concert, a little vocal music would have counteracted a feeling which, though by no means amounting to weariness, could not entirely escape the consciousness of something like monotony. Variety is an almost essential condition of a concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward King (violinist); Samuel Chapman (violoncellist); Charles Bial (pianist)
MUSIC: Piano trio in C minor, op. 1 no. 3 (Beethoven); Piano trio in E flat, op. 1 no. 1 (Beethoven), 1st movt.; Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Fantaisie sur Lucia di Lammermoor (Prudent); Marche Marocaine (Meyer); Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger); Galopp di bravura (Schulhoff); Fantasia on Les huguenots (Thalberg; arr. Boulanger)
"SUMMARY FOR ENGLAND", The Argus (4 February 1859), 1 supplement
Two new pianists have made their appearance before a Melbourne audience. The first is a Mr. Boulanger, who has been some time in Sydney, where he is said to have acquired considerable favor. His style of playing is characterised by much delicacy of taste, and warmth of expression. M. Lissignol, the other debutant, is a recent arrival from Europe. He is manifestly a thorough musician, and has evidently studied in the first schools. His manner is bold, decided, and even grand, and his presence among us is a decided acquisition.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugene Lissignol (pianist)
"BIRTHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1859), 1
On the 14th instant, 3, College-buildings, Jamison-street, the wife of E. D. Boulanger, Esq., of a daughter.
[Advertisement], The Argus (23 February 1859), 8
MR. BOULANGER begs to inform the public that he intends giving
During his stay In Melbourne.
Terms (half in advance).
Twelve guineas (12l. 12s.) per quarter, two hours a week.
When more than two pupils in the same family, according to agreement.
When out of town, according to time and distance.
Single lessons, one guinea each.
Referee: Colonel Bladen Neill, Deputy Adjutant-General.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Martin Bladen Neill (d. 1859), see:
[News], The Argus (23 July 1859), 5
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1859), 6
NEW MUSIC. Just received,
Oneida polka
Cricket-Match schottische
Simla galop
European march
Last Rose of Summer, with variations.
By Boulanger.
McCULLOCH and STEWART, musicsellers, 27 Collins-street east.
19 April 1859, Charles Henry Compton, concert and theatrical performance, Theatre Royal, Melbourne
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 April 1859), 8
Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency
Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., And the principal Merchants and Citizens.
Mr. CHARLES H. COMPTON has the honour to announce . . . his GRAND CONCERT . . .
. . . Miss Juliana King . . . Miss O. Hamilton . . . Conductors: Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE and Mr. C. H. COMPTON . . .
. . . Solo - March Funebre - Pianoforte - Boulanger - Thalberg . . .
. . . Solo - Don Pasquale - Pianoforte - M. Boulanger - Boulanger . . .
"THE THEATRES", The Argus (20 April 1859), 5
. . . the solo from "Don Pasquale" was played by Mr. Boulanger with an airy playfulness proper to the theme . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (pianist, composer); Juliana King (vocalist); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); George R. G. Pringle (pianist, organist); Henry Barkly (governor of VIC)
MUSIC: Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
12 July 1859, Boulanger, second Melbourne concert
[Advertisement], The Age (12 July 1859), 1
Will take place at HOCKIN'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS,
On Tuesday next the 12th inst.
Programme of the Concert.
Part First,
1st. Duett - Pianoforte (1st Allegro, Symphony in D major) - Beethoven - Messrs Bial and Boulanger.
2nd. Song - "Casta Diva" - (Norma) - Bellini - Miss McCarthy.
3rd. Solo - Pianoforte "Semiramide" - Thalberg - Mr. Boulanger.
4th. Song - "My heart is breaking" - Templar - Miss Georgina McCarthy.
5th. Solo - Pianoforte "Tarentelle" - Dohler - Mr. Boulanger.
Part Second.
1st. Solo - Pianoforte "Sonnambula" - Thalberg - Mr. Bial.
2nd. Duett - "Semiramide" - Rossini - The Misses McCarthy.
3rd. Solo - Pianoforte "Impromptu Polka" - Boulanger - Mr. Boulanger.
4th. Duett - Pianoforte (1st Allegro, symphony in C minor) - Beethoven - Messrs. Bial and Boulanger.
5th. Solo - Pianoforte "Marche Marocaine" - Le. de Meyer - Mr. Boulanger.
Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at 8 precisely.
Tickets 7s 6d each, or three for £1. To be obtained at Mr. Wilkie's Music Warehouse, 15 Collins Street, east.
[News], The Argus (13 July 1859), 5
The attendance at Mr. Boulanger's concert last night at Hockin's Assembly Rooms was, if not numerous, extremely appreciating. The programme consisted mainly of selections for piano performance, but those wore agreeably varied by the excellent singing of the Misses Macarthy. Mr. Boulanger was assisted by Mr. Charles Bial, who shared, and very deservedly, the approbation which was ungrudgingly bestowed. Mr. Boulanger's execution was of the most exquisite kind. He has been unfortunate upon previous occasions, not only in not having an instrument worthy of his abilities, but in playing under circumstances unfavorable as to acoustic advantages. Last night, however, he was more fitly furnished in both those respects. His solos were characterised, not only by great brilliancy and power generally, but by a nice delicacy in the softer passages. There was, indeed, an occasional airy lightness that communicated to the instrument almost the power of vocal utterance. This last quality was especially observable in Döhler's "Tarantelle" and de Meyer's "Marche Marocaine," while the grander developments of his art were shown in one of Thalberg's arrangements from the "Semiramide." His impromptu (?) polka was sparkling and vivacious in the last degree, but the gem of the evening was unquestionably his delicious caprice upon the well-worn, but scarcely ever tiring, "Last rose of summer," which he gave with a novel beauty, notwithstanding the innumerable versions we have from time to time heard of the delightful air. The duets by Messrs. Boulanger and Bial consisted of Beethoven's first allegro in the several symphonies of D major and C minor, and they were rendered with a force and precision almost unexampled in piano-playing in this city. Mr. Boulanger may be congratulated upon having at this concert fully confirmed the high opinions previously expressed of him. He is manifestly a pianist of a very high order, and his excellence does not consist only in a power of mechanical execution, but he unites with this element that of a high poetic feeling. To Mr. Bial, also, as we have said, much more than ordinary praise is to be accorded; besides the part he took in the duets just referred to, he performed some of Thalberg's selections from La Sonnambula with infinite spirit and impressiveness. The vocal portion of the concert was very agreeably sustained by the Misses Macarthy, who sang several of those pieces in the performance of which they have gained merited celebrity.
ASSOCIATIONS: Georgina and Maria McCarthy (vocalists)
MUSIC: Symphony no. 2 in D (Beethoven), 1st movt., arr. piano duet; Fantaisie sur Semiramide (Thalberg); Tarantelle (Döhler); Impromptu polka (Boulanger); Symphony no. 5 in C minor (Beethoven), 1st movt., arr. piano duet; Marche Marocaine (Meyer)
"POLICE ESCULAPIUS OUTWITTED", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (10 September 1859), 3
The time of the court has been taken up during several days in the investigation of certain charges brought by one John Michael Fitzsimmons, vulgarly called "Doctor" Fitzsimmons, against Mrs. Margaret Howson, the wife of a theatrical performer of considerable repute [John Howson]. The soi disant "doctor" had similar charges against other ladies, friends of Mrs. Howson, but as the investigation extended nearly over a fortnight, it would be too much of a good thing, in fact, tantamount to a surfeit, to feast the public with full particulars . . . John Michael Fitzsimmons is an individual in the sore and particularly yellow leaf, his skin, through long exposure to "India's parching heat" having been tanned until it resembles in color, the outer covering of a middle-aged frog. Those sceptics who disbelieve that the "doctor's" mustaches are of natural growth, are apt to jump to the conclusion that they have been borrowed from the stuffing of a sofa. The "doctor" brushes his obstinate black hair a la Brutus; he attires in a suit of sables, and thus we have sketched the hero of our story. It appears that in earlier days, the "doctor" entered as a soldier in the service of "John Company," and by his conspicuous talents he attained the rank of "hospital sergeant" in which capacity he acquired a taste for, and a knowledge of, medical jurisprudence, having diurnally to accompany the army surgeons in their rounds through the various sick wards, bearing the requisite amount of bandages, lint, diachlon, powders, pills, draughts, &c. Here a slight gap occurs in our hero's memoirs, sufficient to say that in anno domini, 1859, Dr. Fitzsimmons continued to reside in William-street, Woolloomooloo, and to "practice" chirugery, &c. Mrs. Margaret Howson is a native of the colony; her father had, during a series of two and twenty years held a situation under the government in connexion with the Legislative Council. He was superannuated, and his intellect became somewhat impaired. He was harmless, but childish, and unfit to take care of himself. Having amassed a little property, trustees were appointed to look after his affairs, and they deemed it advisable to place him under restraint. So it was agreed to confide poor old Mr. Galvin to the tender mercies of Mr. John Michael Fitzsimmons, the self-styled "doctor," and his very amiable lady. Circumstances shortly transpired which rendered Mrs. Howson uneasy as to the degree of kindness and attention with which her papa was treated, and she resolved to rescue him from his sorrowful condition. Having thus succinctly prefaced our report, we now proceed to detail as much of the evidence as is fit for publication. Mrs. Margaret Howson appeared before the bench to answer the complaint of John Michael Fitzsimmons, who charged her with a breach of Vagrant Act, 5th section, by using obscene language towards him in the public streets, on the 23rd August, ultimo . . . Mr. Moffatt made a very able defence for his fair client. He commenced by denying the justice of calling the lady to account twice for the one offence; his client had been locked up, and the natural presumption was that she had been dealt with according to law; otherwise, not she, but her bail were liable. They were not living in Spain - under inquisitorial laws, but in a British colony, where the Habeas Corpus Act prevails. The case was a very harsh one; while her talented husband was delighting crowded audiences, she - the defendant - went to see her aged father, and was peremptorily given into custody by this man, who styles himself a doctor. She had been given into custody, and having thus purged her offence, she was no longer amenable to the law for the self-same charge. The learned gentleman then pulled the verbiage said to be obscene to pieces, explaining that not one single epithet sworn to by the complainant, could justly be considered obscene within the correct interpretation of the Vagrant Act . . . Mr. Ross said that the bench had arrived at a decision . . . it was the opinion of the bench that the expressions imputed to the defendant did not constitute obscene language, and the case was, therefore, dismissed. The defendant burst into tears, and quitted the court with her friends.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1859), 8
MR. BOULANGER has the honour to inform private families that he is giving LESSONS on
the PIANO FORTE on the following terms:
Per quarter:
Lessons of One Hour (two lessons per week), Ten Guineas.
Lessons of Half-an-Hour (two lessons per week), Six Guineas.
Single Lessons, One Guinea.
Schools as per arrangement.
Address Mr. Wilkie's, 15 Collins-street east; or Mr. Paling's music warehouse, 35 Collins-street east.
ASSOCATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller); Richard J. Paling (musicseller)
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1860:
"BOTANIC GARDENS", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 February 1860), 3
The band of the Royal Artillery will perform this afternoon (weather permitting), at half-past three o'clock. Programme, viz., Parade March of the Emperor Napoleon; Introduzione, Lucrezia Borgia, Donizetti; Waltz, Australian Masonic, Peck; Aria, En-fi-li-che Ernani, Verdi; Quadrille, The Young Recruit, Glover; Varsoviana Iris, Boulanger; Galop, Martha, D'Albert. Under the direction of Mr. James C. Riddett, band-master, R. A.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the Royal Artillery (Sydney); James Riddett (master); note, however, that the Iris varsoviana was not a work by Boulanger; for edition (Sydney: J. R. Clarke), see:
"THE QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY IN MELBOURNE . . . THE LEVEE", The Argus (25 May 1860), 5
In accordance with the announcement made in the last number of the Government Gazette, His Excellency the Governor held a levee in the Exhibition Building yesterday in honour of Her Majesty's birthday . . . Amongst those who attended the levee were the following . . . E. D. Boulanger
"LAW NOTICES (This Day)", The Argus (14 June 1860), 1 supplement
COUNTY COURT. Cases under £20 . . . McKenzie v. Boulanger . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1860), 8
LADIES' COLLEGE, Fitzroy-square, Melbourne, Principals, Mr. and Mrs. VIEUSSEUX, assisted by an efficient staff of resident and visiting teachers. Natural science - Dr. Macadam, F.R.S.A. Pianoforte - Mr. E. Boulanger. Vocal music - Mrs. Wilkinson. Elocution - Mr. T. P. Hill. Dancing - Mr. L. Delplanque. Calisthenics - Mr. L. J. Jonsson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ann Jane Wilkinson (vocalist); Louis Delplanque (dancing master); Lewis Vieusseux (d. 1899); Julie Vieusseux (d. 1878)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 July 1860), 3
EDUCATION. - On the 23rd instant, Mrs. NUTT purposes to commence a LADIES' BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, at No. 2, Burdekin-terrace, Hyde Park, Sydney. Mrs. Nutt holds credentials of having taught, with success, in the Earl of Leicester's family, in England. She also has a certificate from M. Boulanger, testifying her ability to "impart a sound musical education," and she was three years a pupil in a first-class school in Paris: so that she conscientiously feels that she will be able to carry out her undertaking efficiently . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Nutt
1 October 1860, Boulanger, concert
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 October 1860), 8
Mr. BOULANGER Has the honour to Inform the public that his
CONCERT Will take place at the TOWN-HALL, ST. KILDA,
On which occasion he will be assisted by
Mr. CHAPMAN, and
Reserved seats, 5s. 6d.
Admission, 2s. 6d.
Doors open at half-past 7 o'clock; to commence at 8 p.m.
Part I.
1. Trio (in C minor), for piano, violin, and violoncello - Messrs. S. Chapman, Boulanger, and a Gentleman Amateur - Beethoven.
2. Song, "Spirit of Air" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Linley.
8. Solo Piano, "Caprice sur Norma" - Mr. Boulanger - Boulanger.
Part II.
1. Grand Sonata (dedicated to Kreutzer), for piano and violin - a gentleman amateur and Mr. Boulanger - Beethoven.
2. Song, "Tis a flower from the home of thy childhood" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Balfe.
3. Solo, piano, "Marche Funebre" - Mr. Boulanger - Thalberg.
4. Bolo, violin, "Lucrezia" - a gentleman amateur - Sainton.
5. Song, "My pretty Jane" - Miss Octavia Hamilton.
6. Solo, piano, "Don Pasquale" - Mr. Boulanger - Boulanger.
7. Song, "Estelle" - Miss Octavia Hamilton - Linley.
8. Solo, piano, Grand Valse - Mr. Boulanger - Chopin.
Tickets can be had from Mr. Joseph Wilkie, music seller, Melbourne;
Mr. Thomas, chemist, Robe-street, St. Kilda; Mr. White, chemist, Chapel-street, Prahran;
Mr. Boulanger, Williams-road, South Yarra; and at the doors on the evening of the concert.
[News], The Argus (2 October 1860), 5
MUSIC: Piano trio in C minor, op. 1 no 3 (Beethoven); Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger); Kreutzer sonata, op. 47 (Beethoven); Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger) Grand valse in B flat (Chopin)
13 December 1860, Nelson family benefit
[News], The Argus (7 December 1860), 5
The Nelson benefit, which will take place on Thursday evening next, the 13th inst., is expected to be a very brilliant affair. Many gentlemen of influence have had their names placed on the committee, and the sale of tickets is already large. Among the artists who will appear on the occasion are Miss Avonia Jones, Mrs. Alfred Phillips, and Messrs. Brooke, Edwards, P. Young, Stewart, &c. Mr. Boulanger, Miss Marie Nelson, and Mr. Nelson himself will appear in a concert in the course of the evening.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 December 1860), 8
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC. THEATRE ROYAL", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (15 December 1860), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Sidney Nelson (vocalist, pianist, composer); Marie Nelson (vocalist, actor); Elizabeth Phillips (vocalist, actor); Avonia Jones (actor)
[Advertisement], The Age (21 December 1860), 8
GRAND BAZAAR AND FANCY FAIR, At St. Patrick's Hall, Bourke street west, THIS DAY. Mr. Boulanger has kindly consented to preside at the Piano. The Ladies of the Bazaar Committee earnestly appeal to their friends; they hope that their labors in a good cause will be appreciated, and that they will be enabled by the liberality of their supporters to complete the pious work for which the Bazaar was opened - the roofing of St. Mary's Church, Prahran.
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1861:
"NEW INSOLVENTS", The Age (16 January 1861), 5
Edward Desiree Boulanger, of Williams Road, South Yarra, artist. Causes of insolvency: Sickness and inability to procure practise in his profession. Debts, £216; assets, £21 ; deficiency, £195 14s 8d. Official assignee, Mr. Shaw.
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 January 1861), 8
LADIES' COLLEGE, Clarendon street, corner of Albert street, Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne, Lectures on Natural Science are delivered every Thursday afternoon, by J. Macadam, Esq., M.D., &c. Classes for Finishing Pupils meet every Tuesday and Friday. Drawing from the round, &c., Mrs. Vienssent. French, Mrs. Vienssent. Pianoforte, Mr. Boulanger. Vocal Music, Mr. Alexander. A prospectus forwarded on application. Principals, Mr. and Mrs. Vieusseux.
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Alexander (pianist, composer)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 February 1861), 10
NEW EDITION. - Cricket Match Schottische, by E. Boulanger, with view of cricket ground, by Thomas. 3s. J. R CLARKE, 356, George-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (13 April 1861), 7
St. KILDA LADIES' COLLEGE, KINDER GARTEN and TRANING-SCHOOL. Gurner-street. Established 1858. Principal - Madame ACKERMANN, Brévetés de la Sorbonne. Director of Studies - Mons. AKERMANN, B. ès. Let., B. ès. Sc. Math. and Ph. (ex membre de l'Instruction Publique) University of France. M. and Mademe Akermann having completed their arrangements for training children on Froebel's admirable system, so successfully carried out at Basle and Vienna, and introduced to England under the special patronage of Her Majesty and the Prince Consort, can now confidently recommend their establishment to parents who seen the union of physical and industrial education with intellectual development . . . Vocal and instrumental music taught by Messrs. Alexander and Boulanger . . .
15 June 1861, Melbourne Ladies' Benevolent Society, art exhibition
[Advertisement], The Age (7 June 1861), 1
EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, 105 Collins-street east. - Instrumental Music. - Mr. Boulanger has kindly offered his services on Saturday afternoon, at four o'clock; and also the same evening. Last week Exhibition of Paintings for the benefit of the poor, at 105 Collins street east. Admission - Only one shilling.
[News], The Argus (13 June 1861), 5
[News], The Argus (28 June 1861), 5
The committee of the Melbourne Ladies' Benevolent Society and Industrial Home desire te convey their sincere thanks to those persons who kindly granted the use of their paintings and works of art for the late exhibition held in aid of the funds; and also desire to acknowledge the material assistance rendered them in their undertaking by Miss Bailey, and Messrs. Fisher, Summers, Boulanger, Elsasser, Alexander, Weinritter, Vanden Houton, Krom, Paling, Ramsay Brothers and Allen.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Elsasser (musician); George Weinritter (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 July 1861), 3
LADIES' COLLEGE, Fitzroy-gardens, Melbourne, Clarendon-street, corner of Albert-street. CLASSES next half year: - . . . pianoforte, Mr. E. Boulanger and Miss Lewis . . . Mr. and Mrs. VIEUSSEUX, Principals.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Lewis (piano teacher)
"DEATHS", The Argus (16 July 1861), 4
GRETERIN. - On the 14th May, at Paris, Auguste Gréterin, Senator, Councillor of State, Knight "Grand Cordon" of the Order of the Legion of Honour, Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Oak of Holland, &c., and Director General of Customs of France; first cousin of M. Boulanger, of this city.
21 September 1861, vice-regal concert
[News], The Argus (23 September 1861), 4
A morning concert was given at Toorak, on Saturday, by His Excellency and Lady Barkly, which was attended by a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The Lyster company, who had been expected for the occasion, did not arrive until rather late, owing to an unusual delay in their voyage from Sydney to Melbourne, but by their singing quite compensated for any disappointment which might have been felt. Messrs Boulanger, Poussard and Douay played two beautiful trios of Beethoven's, and some very pleasing solos. The fineness of the weather enabled the company to enjoy the garden in all its spring freshness, as well as the choice musical treat provided for them.
"TOWN TALK", The Herald (23 September 1861), 5
. . . Madame Escott . . . Henry Squires . . . Mr. Farquharson . . . Georgia Hodson . . .
. . . PROGRAMME. Part I. [1] Grand Trio in C Minor - Piano, violin, and violoncello - Beethoven
- Messieurs Boulanger, Poussard, and Douay . . .
[5] Marche Funebre - Piano - Thalberg - Monsieur Boulanger . . .
Part II. [1] Impromptu Polka - Piano - Boulanger - Monsieur Boulanger . . .
[9] Grand Trio in E flat - Piano, violin, and violoncello - Beethoven - Messieurs Boulanger, Poussard, and Douay . . .
. . . Accompanyist: Mr. Tolhurst . . .
"THE PERILS OF PERSONATION", Melbourne Punch (26 September 1861), 3
. . . Bards mean, who Pelion upon Ossa pile,
That Pelion's pain on pleasure got by guile;
Or wherefore does my soul feel no expansion,
When on the threshold of Sir Henry's mansion?
And let me ask, what reason upon earth,
Why I should give Sir Henry a wide berth?
I might have deem'd worthy the noblest choirs
That move us so at home, the voice of Squires;
I might have felt my heart behind my waistcoat,
Leap to the melody of Lucy Escott;
Whilst Farquharson and Trevor would, no doubt,
Have caus'd wild rapture's sudden twigs to sprout;
And Boulanger, and Poussard, and Douay,
Would in my spirit have held sovereign sway.
But I, by fraud made wretched and a craven,
Deem'd Escott a hoarse owl, and Squires a raven,
Held a belief that Farquharson and Trevor,
Were noise's minions, and at discord clever;
And that Beethoven would with groans discard
That Boulanger, and Douay, and Poussard.
Oh! that the youth who reads this verse of mine,
To honesty and truth may e'er incline! . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Horace Poussard (violinist); Rene Douay (violoncellist); Lucy Escott (vocalist); Henry Squires (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Georgia Hodson (vocalist); George Tolhurst (pianist)
MUSIC: Piano trio in C minor, op. 1 no. 3 (Beethoven); Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Impromptu polka (Boulanger); Piano trio in E flat, op. 1 no. 1 (Beethoven)
2 to 7 December 1861, Victorian Exhibition
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 December 1861), 1
VICTORIAN EXHIBITION will most positively close on Saturday, 7th December, 1861.
VICTORIAN EXHIBITION. M. BOULANGER, The celebrated Pianist, will perform every afternoon and evening.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (5 December 1861), 4
This afternoon an instrumental concert will be given at the Exhibition, commencing at two o'clock. The full military band, under the direction of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Boulanger, will perform the following music: - March, Verdi; Overture, "Stradella," Flotow ; Selection, "Satanella," Balfe; Waltz, "First Love," Farmer; Quintette, "Sonnambula," Bellini; Quadrille, "Christmas Waits," Laurent; Solo Piano, "Don Pasquale," Boulanger; Polka, "Zerlina", Ettling; Solo, piano, "Impromptu Polka," Boulanger; Galop, "Death or Glory," Schallen.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (5 December 1861), 4
This afternoon an instrumental concert will be given at the Exhibition, commencing at two J o'clock. The full military band, under the direction of Mr. Johnson and Mr. Boulanger, will perform the following music: - March, Verdi; Overture, "Stradella," Flotow ; Selection, "Satanella," Balfe; Waltz, "First Love," Farmer ; Quintette, "Sonnambula," Bellini; Quadrille, "Christmas Waits," Laurent; Solo Piano, "Don Pasquale," Boulanger; Polka, "Zerlina, "Ettling; Solo, piano, "Impromptu Polka," Boulanger; Galop, "Death or Glory," Schallen . . .
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (6 December 1861), 4
. . . The number of persons who paid for admission to the Exhibition yesterday amounted to 2787 . . . Today there will be a concert by the Wray Family, assisted by Mr. Boulanger . . .
"THE EXHIBITION", The Herald (9 December 1861), 5
The Victorian Exhibition was closed on Saturday evening, no less than 3959 persons having visited it during the day. The building was thronged with visitors, and in the evening especially the crush was excessive, the ground floor, the galleries, and every available space being occupied; in fact we do not remember to have seen such a crowd in the building on any former occasion. The principal attractions, irrespective of those of the Exhibition itself, were the performances of the Philharmonic Society, in which Miss Octavia Hamilton took a prominent and effective part, and those of M. Boulanger on the pianoforte. The concert consisted principally of selections from oratorios. A crowded building, where every one is walking about in search of novelty, is not the best place for any set musical entertainment, and although the choruses were well rendered, their effect was destroyed by the buzz of voices and the tread of footsteps through the building. Miss Octavia Hamilton's singing, and M. Boulanger's brilliant execution on the pianoforte, however, seemed to hush the crowd into repose, and they were each loudly applauded and encored. Of M. Boulanger's merits as a pianist we can hardly speak too highly, and his performances formed the most prominent attraction of the concert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (bandmaster, Volunteer Band); family of the late William Beresford Wray (juvenile musical entertainers)
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
"NEW MUSIC", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (7 December 1861), 4
We have much pleasure in noticing a new song by Miss Davies, entitled "Tapping at the Window." It is a very simple and pleasing composition, and we can confidently recommend it to those young ladies who take a delight in exercising their vocal powers. The song is written in the Polacca style, a novelty in its kind, and its compass ranges from D to E, the air commencing with a sweet symphony, being suitable for either a soprano or contralto voice. The words are by the late Charles Swain, Manchester, but in the present publication they have been incorrectly copied from the original. The melody is very cleverly and feelingly adapted to the lively idea of the poet, whose premature death at a comparatively early age, was greatly deplored in the world of literature. We believe the authoress, Miss Davies, is a native of the colony, having been a favourite pianist pupil of Boulanger, which, in our desire to aid Australian ability, is an additional incentive to our bringing this lady's composition under notice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Davies (pianist, composer)
28 December 1861, Albert Alexander, concert
[Advertisement], The Herald (27 December 1861), 8
. . . Part Second . . . [1] Grand Duet - Thalberg's Fantasia on "Les Huguenots," arranged for two pianos by Boulanger,
performed by M. Boulanger and Mr. Alexander
[5] Piano Solo - "Impromptu Polka," Mr. Alexander - Boulanger . . .
[News], The Argus (30 December 1861), 5
On Saturday evening, Mr. Alexander, pianist, gave a grand concert at Hockin's Assembly Room, Elizabeth-street, under the immediate patronage of His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly and Lady Barkly, who were present, together with a numerous and fashionable company. The principal performers were Miss O. Hamilton, Herr Strebinger, Herr Siede, M. Boulanger, and Mr. Alexander. The music selected for the occasion was not generally of a very high character, but the great talent of the artistes engaged brought out fully the points of merit in the best compositions included in the programme, and the audience appeared highly gratified with the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anne Maria Barkly (governor's wife); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Julius Siede (flautist)
MUSIC: Fantasia on Les huguenots (Thalberg), arranged for 2 pianos (Boulanger); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Argus (31 December 1861), 2
MR. BOULANGER begs to inform his pupils and private families that he will not resume teaching at the Ladies' College after the vacation. December 30, 1861.
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1862:
For all TROVE items tagged Kate Boulanger for the year 1862:
Sydney, NSW (second period, early January 1862 to 27 March 1863)
"M. BOULANGER", Empire (7 January 1862), 4
The musical public of Sydney, who have often listened with pleasure to the classical performances of M. Boulanger, on the pianoforte, will be delighted to hear that this gentleman has just returned to Sydney, after a long absence in the neighbouring colonies, where, we trust, that he found his success equal to his acknowledged merits. It is likely that an early opportunity will be given of judging how far this distinguished musician has improved or deteriorated by his long absence.
"THE PIANO-FORTE", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 January 1862), 4
Those of our readers who are admirers of pianoforte playing will be glad to hear that M. Boulanger has recently returned to Sydney, and we believe purposes shortly to appeal to his former admirers by giving a concert. Having had the pleasure of hearing this talented artist since his return from Melbourne, where he has been performing for many months with great success, we can state that he still retains that astonishing power over the key-board which made him such an acceptable concert performer during his previous residence in Sydney. Indeed, we are inclined to think that his powers have matured with practice, and we are sure that those who remember his delightful playing in former days will be eager to renew the agreeable impressions they then experienced. M. Boulanger has also kindly volunteered to perform at the next concert of the Philharmonic Society, in connection with which society he achieved many of his former triumphs.
20 January 1862, Boulanger, first return Sydney concert
"M. BOULANGER THIS EVENING", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 January 1862), 5
At the request of many old pupils and admirers, this highly talented artist has consented to appear at a musical entertainment this evening, at the Masonic Hall, and at which his Excellency the Governor, Lady Young, and suite, have promised their patronage and attendance. The programme, as advertised, appears to have been compiled with the strictest care to gratify the somewhat varied tastes of lovers of the most refined and scientific music. A judicious selection from Beethoven, Thalberg, Reissiger, and others, with a sprinkling of operatic gems. M. Boulanger has also been induced to give a few of his own most popular compositions. To those unacquainted with this artist we may state, that he studied under, and was considered an apt scholar of the celebrated French composer and pianist - Chopin, and that M. Boulanger's style is considered, by musical critics, to be a combination of his own great maestro, Chopin, Liszt, and Thalberg. M. Boulanger, we are informed, is only here during the Christmas vacation, and we would therefore advise all students of the popular drawing-room instrument - the pianoforte - not to lose the opportunity of this evening. The Sydney Philharmonic Society, with their usual regard for musical talent, have not only promised their attendance, but have tendered their grand pianoforte, and all other properties of the Society, for the service of M. Boulanger this evening.
[Advertisement], Empire (20 January 1862), 1
Under the immediate and distinguished patronage of his Excellency Sir JOHN YOUNG, Bart., K.C.B., and LADY YOUNG,
who have signified their intention of honouring the Concert with their presence.
Quartette, for piano, violin, alto, and violoncello (Reissiger) - Messrs. Boulanger, King, Deane, & Howson.
Song - "Cradle Song" - (Spohr), violoncello obligato, Mr. Frank Howson - Miss Emma Howson.
Solo - Piano Andante (Thalberg) - M. Boulanger.
Song - "Der Sclave" (Keiser) - Mr. Frank Howson.
Sonata, for piano and violin (Beethoven) - M. Boulanger and a gentleman amateur
Song - "The Star of Love" ("Lurline," Wallace) - Miss Clelia Howson.
Solo, piano - "Caprice sur Norma" (Boulanger) - M. Boulanger.
(An interval of fifteen minutes.)
Trio, for piano, violin, and violoncello (Beethoven) - Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Howson.
Song - My dark hair is braided" ("Amber Witch," Wallace) - Miss Emma Howson.
Solo, piano - "Tarantella" (Thalberg) - M. Boulanger.
Song - "Love's a naughty boy" ("Rose of Castine;" Balfe) - Miss Clelia Howson.
Song - "When the night's shadow" (violoncello obligato, Mr. Howson) - Mr. Frank Howson.
Duet - "O'er the hill, o'er the dale" (Lover) - Misses Emma and Clelia Howson.
Solo, piano - "Impromptu Polka," composed for and dedicated to Madame Rawack (Boulanger) - M. Boulanger.
Mr. W. J. CORDNER will preside at the Piano.
Tickets to be obtained of Messrs. J. R. Clarke, George-street; Anderson, George-street;
McMahon, George-street; Buist, George-street; Aldis, George-street;
Moss, Hunter-street; Johnson and Co., Pitt-street; Kirschbaum, King-street; and at the Masonic Hall.
Doors open at half-past 7, concert to commence at 8 o'clock.
Carriages may be ordered for half-past 10 o'clock.
Reserved seats, (numbered), 5s. Admission, 3s.
The entrance for the public will be in CLARENCE STREET,
where CLOAK ROOMS are provided for LADIES, and where OMNIBUSSES will be in attendance for the SUBURBS.
The PIANO tuned on this occasion will be from ERARD'S manufactory, PARlS, kindly supplied by Mr. PALING.
"MR. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 January 1862), 9
"MR. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", Empire (21 January 1862), 5
The first concert given by this talented musician, since his returns to Sydney, took place last evening, at the Masonic Hall, York-street, in the presence of a numerous and fashionable audience. Lady Young, and Lord and Lady John Taylour honoured the concert with their attendance. The entertainments commenced with a trio of Beethoven's by Messrs. Boulanger, King, and Howson on the piano, violin, and violoncello. After this, Miss Emma Howson sang "the Cradle Song" of Spohr, in accompaniment to which, Mr. F. A. Howson played a delicious violoncello obligato. Following this, was a brilliant piece of execution by M. Boulanger, which, in addition to the exquisite fingering developed, possesses the rare merit in such pieces, of clearly marking the air throughout, and met with a deserved encore. A song "Der Sclave" of no particular pretensions, was sung by Mr. Frank Howson, and the deservedly admired "Star of Love," from "Lurline," given with exquisite purity of tone, delicacy of expression, and correctness by Miss Clelia Howson. A solo on the pianoforte, entitled "Taularelle," [sic] by M. Boulanger, concluded the first part.
After an interval of fifteen minutes, the second part commenced, an apology was made for the non-performance of Beethoven's Sonata, which appeared in the programme, but which could not be performed on account of the gentleman amateur, who was to have played the violin part, having hurt his hand, and a solo consisting of variations on airs from "Don Pasquale" was substituted, and effectively played by M. Boulanger; this being encored, he gave the beautiful air "The last rose of summer," with variations, which we need hardly say was excellently performed. The next piece "My dark hair is braided," from the "Amber Witch," and sung by Miss Emma Howson, was, we think, one of the gems of the evening, every note being articulated even in the most rapid passages, with the utmost clearness, and without that straining after effect which too often mars the rendering of such difficult music. A solo on the piano by M. Boulanger followed, and was encored; and the song "The happy dream," from "Luisa Miller," substituted for another piece, was given with good effect by Miss Clelia Howson; after which a song, magnificently sung by Mr. F. Howson, called "When the night's shadow," and accompanied by Mr. F. A. Howson in a violoncello obligato, the really splendid playing of Mr. Howson, junior, being worthy of all praise. The Misses Howson next sang a pretty duett by Mendelssohn, in place of ono by Glover, as announced: the performances concluding with a brilliant polka by M. Boulanger, entitled the "Impromptu Polka." M. Boulanger could not but feel that the company thoroughly appreciated his wonderful powers over the piano, as the applause on each occasion was rapturous. M. Boulanger's next appearance must attract a large company, and no doubt the fine hall will be crowded.
"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS. M. BOULANGER", Sydney Mail (25 January 1862), 1
ASSOCIATIONS: John Young (governor) and Adelaide Young; Edward King (violinist); Frank Howson junior (violoncellist); Emma Howson (vocalist); Clelia Howson (vocalist); Frank Howson (vocalist); William John Cordner (pianist); Charles V. Howard (stage name of C. V. Mason, actor, entertainer, agent)
MUSIC: Piano quartet (Reissiger); Andante (Thalberg); Violin Sonata (Beethoven), probably op. 47, but not performed on the occasion; Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger); Last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger); Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger); Piano trio (Beethoven), probably op. 1 no. 1 or 3; Tarantella (Thalberg) [sic]; Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
SIR - My attention has been called several times to certain advertisements in the columns of your paper in reference to a concert for the benefit of the destitute children of the Randwick asylum.
I have been a long time considering whether I should notice it or not publicly, and I have now come to the conclusion that in due regard to the members of the musical profession in Sydney (many of whom, I am happy to say, are artists of much talent and proficiency), I had better offer a few remarks upon the subject.
But before doing so, I beg to assure you, sir, that my object is not to attach the advertiser upon the ground of "a novelty" which he proposed to introduce at that concert, for I think him perfectly justified in bringing something new and interesting before the public, if done in a proper manner.
The "Ten-Guinea-Prize" that Signor Cutolo tendered for competition to the musical profession of Sydney, was quite natural, and, I hope, well meant. But I was very much astonished to find that the candidates for the above prize were to forward their testimonials. This, I must confess, struck me as a "novelty," as well as a "maladresse."
However, this much could have passed unnoticed as yet. But just before the concert was to take place, another advertisement appeared announcing to the public that "Signor Cutolo," with much regret, was compelled to withdraw his offer of a Ten-guinea Prize on account of the applications not having been accompanied by testimonials or certificates. On reading this, I find that Signor Cutolo at the same time, "begs to append his own "diploma." Upon further examination, however, I came to the most natural conclusion, that his "diploma" was a compliment signed by some members of a school of college of music in favour of a pupil of that school or college.
I have no doubt Signor Cutolo might have deserved the compliment, but I object to the word "diploma," for such a thing does not exist except in a recognised profession, such as medical and several others, where a man is not allowed to practise without a diploma, for the security of the public. But, in our profession, if an artist obtains a distinction, it is in the shape of a prize and not otherwise.
Signor Cutolo is in good circumstances, and enjoys the privilege of good society: why, then, this attempt to degrade his brother artists? It is not in good taste. If Signor Cutolo feels so much his superiority over others, he should have for them, also, a particle of the "Générosité des Grands."
I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, BOULANGER.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cesare Cutolo (pianist)
24 February 1862, Boulanger, complimentary benefit
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 February 1862), 1
1. Fantasia on airs - Semiramide - Thalberg - M. Boulanger.
2. Song, True Happiness - C. Voss - Miss Brady.
3. Serenade - Don Pasquale - Boulanger - M. Boulanger.
4. Song, When Lubin sings of youth's delights- J. W. Hobbs - Mrs. Cordner.
6. Sonata in A Flat - Beethoven - M. Boulanger.
6. Song, Old friends and other days - W. V. Wallace - Miss M. Brady.
7. March Funebre - Thalberg - M. Boulanger.
8. Song, When sorrow sleepeth - E. Land - Mrs. Cordner.
9. Duet, Our home amid the mountains - Glover - Misses Brady.
10. Impromptu Polka - Boulanger - M. Boulanger.
Mr. Cordner will preside at the pianoforte.
Tickets, 3s. 6d. each.
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1862), 5
A complimentary concert to M. Boulanger was given yesterday evening, at the Masonic Hall, in York-street, its object being to recognise in an acceptable manner the eminent abilities of this gentleman, and at the same time to afford the public another opportunity of listening to his performance. In noticing a concert recently given by M. Boulanger, we described his peculiar excellencies as a pianist; we are happy to state that last night's concert was much better attended than the former one, and that the numerous and highly respectable audience were astonished and delighted with M. Boulanger's superb and spirited playing, and with the proof of his complete command over the instrument. No artist who has ever appeared before a Sydney audience has exhibited more consummate skill as a pianist; and in the opinion of many no one has at all approached M. Boulanger in that capacity. This is of course a matter of opinion, but there can be no question whatever as to the intrinsic merit of his performances. The qualities which are most marked in M. Boulanger's playing are its power and brilliancy, rather than its delicacy and finish; and the constant use of the pedal for the purpose of giving the fullest possible effect to the swells and cadences. The pieces selected for performance were happily adapted for displaying M. Boulanger's skill in various styles, and in the execution of each the ability of the accomplished pianist was evinced in thoroughly interpreting the meaning of the composers. The first piece was a Fantasia on airs, from " Semiramide," by Thalberg; and the second a serenade from "Don Pasquale," both of which were rapturously applauded and encored. As an encore to Thalberg's "March Funèbre," M. Boulanger played a variation on "The last rose of summer," a performance which also received the loudest applause for the marvellous rapidity and exactness of the singing, and for the exquisite effects of the shakes. An Impromptu Polka, composed by the pianist, was magnificently performed, and was no less admired. Variety was given to the concert by some songs from Mrs. Cordner and the Misses Brady, who sang with much taste and sweetness. The programme appeared a short one, but it must be admitted to have been quite long enough, considering that after almost every performance an encore was demanded. It would be advisable for the conductors of such entertainments resolutely to refuse encores; as at present the preparation for these has the effect of rendering the programmes less copious and attractive than they would be if they indicated the whole of the performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Brady (vocalist); Matilda Brady (vocalist); Ellen Cordner (vocalist)
MUSIC: Fantasia on Semiramide (Thalberg); Serenade fromvDon Pasquale (Boulanger): Sonata in A flat (Beethoven), ? probably op. 26; Marche funèbre (Thalberg); Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 March 1862), 8
BOULANGER'S IMPROMPTU POLKA will be published during the week; because of the elaborate character of the music the engraving thereof is somewhat delayed.
25 March 1862, first notice of publication of Impromptu polka
"BOULANGER'S IMPROMPTU POLKA", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 March 1862), 4
We have much pleasure in drawing the attention of our musical readers to the above charming composition, just issued from the press. The work itself does not require our recommendation, having been played with great popularity by Madame Rawack and the talented composer many times. Although entitled a polka, it is in every respect a concert piece, and must become a favourite practice with all advanced performers on the pianoforte. We cannot but give the highest credit to the publisher, Mr. Clarke, of George-street, for the correct and excellent style in which the Impromptu has been produced, the engraving being of the best character, and printed with unusual neatness, besides being embellished with a finished portrait of the composer by Mr. Thomas.
MUSIC: Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 March 1862), 1
MRS. COUSENS' EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES, Elizabeth-street, Hyde Park. - The second quarter commences April the 2nd. The following professors are engaged: - Finishing lessons in music, by M. Boulanger; Singing, Madame Sarah Flower; Drawing, Mr. Terry; Dancing, Signor Carandini; French and Italian, by a gentleman, a native of Paris.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriette Cousens (music teacher, school mistress, former pupil of Friedrich Kalkbrenner and Domenico Crivelli); Gerome Carandini (dancing master)
3 April 1862, first public notice of Boulanger being another victim in the Bentley affair
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 April 1862), 1
£100 (ONE HUNDRED POUNDS) REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any person who will
(by letter or otherwise) give such information as will lead to the conviction of the author of numerous anonymous letters addressed from time to time,
during the last twelve months, to the heads of certain influential families in Sydney,
having for their object the circulation of false and malicious charges against a Lady Professor,
resident in the city, and also of certain anonymous communications recently written with the same object,
and directed against an Eminent Artist of the musical profession lately returned to the colony.
It is known that the letters alluded to have been written by an amanuensis,
and information given by that person will entitle him to the reward.
Apply to the parties concerned; or to Messrs. JOHNSON and JOHNSON, solicitors, Pitt-street.
"SHIPPING. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 April 1862), 4
APRIL 17. Wonga Wonga (s.), 700 tons, Captain Walker, from Melbourne the 14th instant. Passengers - . . . Mrs. Boulanger and infant . . .
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 April 1862), 8
EDUCATION.- Mrs. NUTT'S SCHOOL, No. 3, Lyons-terrace, will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, 28th instant. VACANCIES for PUPILS, as Boarders or Day Scholars. Masters who attend the Establishment: Pianoforte - M. Boulanger; Singing - Signor Cutolo; French - M. Dutruc; Mathematics - Mr. Kinloch; Dancing - Mr. Needs; Drill - Mr. Baynes.
MR. BOULANGER has the honour to inform his Pupils that he has REMOVED to No. 3, Lyons-terrace, and that he gives Lessons at home on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Private families attended at their own residences on the four other days of the week. Terms. - Per quarter (24 lessons), two lessons per week, twelve guineas, (payable monthly); single lessons, one guinea. No attendance on public holidays. 3, Lyons-terrace, April 16th.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Nutt (teacher, school mistress); Frank Needs (dancing master)
29 April 1862, concert, Sydney Philharmonic Society
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 April 1862), 1
. . . The solos by Madame Sara Flower, Mrs. Cordner, Miss Howson, Mr. James Waller (amateur), and Mr. Fisher . . . Conductor, Mr. G. D. Callen . . .
. . . PART II . . . 3. Piano Solo - Norma - Monsieur Boulanger . . .
"SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Empire (30 April 1862), 4
. . . M. Boulanger in his piano solos, played like - like - Boulanger, we can accord no higher praise . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Waller (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist)
MUSIC: Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger)
3 June 1862, first notice of publication of Caprice de salon Lurline
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 June 1862), 4
The talented pianist, M. Boulanger, has composed a very brilliant "Caprice" on airs from the opera of "Lurline;" the principal being the plaintive aria, "Flow on, gentle Rhine." The variations display the great resources of the composer in that quality of music, and surround the theme with the most sparkling and liquid passages. As a study for the amateur, or a piece for the accomplished musician, it will be found extremely interesting. The publisher is Mr. J. R. Clarke, of George-street, who, in the " Caprice," maintains the reputation he has gained for correct notation and clear printing.
MUSIC: Caprice on Lurline (Boulanger)
4 June 1862, the first public report of the Bentley affair
[Advertisement], Empire (4 June 1862), 8
. . . Anonymous letters of a similar character were from that period, from time to time, sent to Mrs. Bentley's friends, until the arrival of Mr. Boulanger, who, on the 6th of January, 1862, was introduced in the street to Mrs. Bentley by a member of the committee, who, the next morning, received an anonymous communication to the effect that both Mrs. Bentley and Mr. Boulanger were disreputable characters: and stating that Mr. Boulanger was already known to Mrs. Bentley, "and has come here with the idea that they may play into each other's hands, and crush the other professionals" . . .
"NOTES OF THE WEEK", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 June 1862), 5
A letter has appeared in the papers, under the signature of Thomas C. Bentley, detailing a system of persecution rarely if ever equalled. Both the writer and his wife, who is a well known pianist, have for a considerable time past been assailed with anonymous letters containing matter of the most detestable kind, designed evidently to injure Mrs. Bentley and an artist named Boulanger, who have further been thus maliciously defamed in letters addressed to the committees of the different musical societies. Some of the letters to Mrs. Bentley contain the most atrocious threats, and apparently have their origin in deep personal hatred or professional jealousy. Mr. Bentley offers a reward of £200 for the discovery of the perpetrators.
ASSOCIATIONS: Julia Munk Bentley (pianist)
30 June 1862, concert, Sydney Philharmonic Society, first public performance of Anonymous polka &c.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1862), 1
. . . 3. Elegy - The Orphan's Lamont - Boulanger - Madame Sara Flower
4. Polka - "Anonymous" - Boulanger - Mr. Boulanger
5. Air - "Fair softened form of Love" - Madame Sara Flower - Boulanger . . .
MUSIC: Anonymous polka (Boulanger)
"THEATRICAL AGENTS. To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1862), 8
SIR,- In January last, a pianiste, named M. Boulanger, gave a concert at the Masonic Hall,
to which he appointed me his agent. The concert was honoured by the patronage and presence of his Excellency the Governor,
Lady Young, and party, and, as is usual on such occasions, I was sent by my employer to Moore's Labour Bazaar
for the suite of furniture that is always hired for their Excellencies' accommodation.
The concert ended, I applied then, and many times since, for the amount due me for my services,
as well as what I advanced for the payment of advertisements, but have not been able, up to this time,
to obtain a settlement from him, and now, to my surprise, I am summoned to the District Court
for the amount of the hire of the furniture, &c., on that occasion.
This seems to me so strange and hard a proceeding, not only losing my own money,
but to be brought before a Court for another person's debt,
that I have taken the liberty of writing this, requesting you, as a favour,
and in justice to my character, as well as thinking such transactions should be known,
to allow the same to appear in your paper, so that my friends and the public
may have a proper explanation of the circumstances of my receiving a summons to the Court.
I am, Sir, yours very respectfully,
CHARLES V. HOWARD, Treasurer, Royal Victoria Theatre. July 1st.
"To the Editor", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 July 1862), 8
SIR, - Having read in the columns of the Herald a letter from Mr. Howard,
having evidently for object to injure my character in the public opinion,
may I be permitted to draw, through the same channel,
the attention of the respectable classes of society to this simple fact -
"that there is a District Court instituted for the recovery of small debts" -
and that if Mr. Howard had a just claim upon me, he could, and no doubt would,
have adopted this means of recovery long ago,
Apologising for troubling you with such small matters,
I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant.
E. BOULANGER, July 3rd.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 July 1862), 1
Mr. BOULANGER has the honour to submit to the approval of the members of the musical profession
the opportunity afforded to them of associating for the purpose of contributing their share, as a body,
in the promotion of the above object by uniting themselves to give a concert.
Several gentlemen having promised their support and patronage,
Mr. Boulanger takes the liberty of requesting the attendance of his brother artists at a meeting, to make preliminary arrangements.
The attendance and co-operation of amateurs and gentlemen interested in musical matters is earnestly desired.
Lady professionals would oblige by sending their representatives.
The meeting will be hold at Mr. POEHLMAN'S Cafe, No. 145, Pitt-street, opposite the Union Bank,
on SATURDAY, 26th instant, at 4 p.m., the use of the rooms having been kindly granted for the occasion.
Wednesday, 23rd July.
NOTE: On the arrival of news of the crisis in Lancashire in homeland Britain, see:
"THE DISTRESS IN LANCASHIRE", Empire (14 June 1862), 3
"THE COTTON CRISIS IN LANCASHIRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (23 June 1862), 3
ASSOCIATIONS: John Poehlman (publican, licensed victualer)
"VILLAINOUS CONSPIRACY", The Mercury (29 July 1862), 6
The Sydney Morning Herald of the 6th instant, contains a long advertisement from Mr. Bentley the husband of a professional pianiste detailing how his wife had been prosecuted, annoyed, slandered, assaulted, and pestered with anonymous letters for some months past. The affair reads like a romance of the most diabolical character. Here is a respectable woman subjected to the vilest torture, without any apparent reason. The man or woman, the author and contriver of the plot against her reputation and peace of mind, in his letters, written in a peculiar hand, tells her he hates her and Monsieur Boulanger (a celebrated performer on the piano), because they have done him an injury which he can never forget. He writes an anonymous letter to one of the proprietors of the Empire, whose daughter is receiving musical instruction from Mrs. Bentley accusing her of being an improper character. He writes in a similar strain to members of the committee of the Philharmonic Society; and more than that, he endeavors to trap the woman into the commission of an act which would give a coloring to his atrocious accusations . . . On the 25th of April as Mrs. Bentley was coming home from her professional duties, she was stopped, in midday, at Darling Point, by a man whose face was covered with crape, and brutally assaulted. The dastardly villain actually dug his nails into her breast, and seriously hurt her. Three days afterwards he writes, refering to the attack, and warns her against playing at the concert, which was to come off m the Masonic Hall, on the 29th. She went there however, to play, though seriously unwell, but ultimately refused to do so, as the vice president of the Philharmonic Society, the honourable Mr. Merewether, declined, as had been his wont, to conduct her to the platform. She rightly looked on this refusal as a sort of proof that Mr. Merewether believed her to be a degraded character. I ought, however, to state that the committee have published an advertisement, exonerating Mrs. Bentley from all blame in the course she adopted on the occasion in declining to play. Inspector Detective Harrison has been engaged to discover the wretch, guilty of these great crimes . . . Mrs. Bentley has offered a reward of £200 for the discovery and conviction of the offender, and placed the affair into the hands of Johnson and Johnson. Conjectures an the motives of the caitiff who could plan and carry out this conspiracy, is in vain; and we can only hope and wait for his detection. Professional jealousy could never be so intense as to excite to such wickedness. A Protest of Indignation will be shortly submitted for the signature of every member of the musical profession resident in or near Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Merewether (vice-president, Sydney Philharmonic Society)
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", Empire (23 August 1862), 6
FRIDAY. BOULANGER V. NUTT. Elizabeth Nutt appeared, on the information of Kate Boulanger, charged with having unlawfully assaulted and beaten the complainant on the 7th August. Kate Boulanger swore: . . . [the defendant, Nutt] keeps a school in Lyon's-terrace; my husband lives in her house; I heard he was going to leave the colony, and as I did not wish to take out warrant for him, I called on him there . . . case dismissed.
BOULANGER V. BOULANGER. Edward Boulanger appeared on the information of Kate Boulanger, his wife, charged with having on the 8th August, at Lyons-terrace, unlawfully assaulted and beaten her . . . Defendant fined 60s and costs of court.
NUTT V. BOULANGER. Kate Boulanger appeared on information of Elizabeth Nutt, charged with having unlawfully assaulted and beaten her on the 7th August . . . Mr. Boulanger has a music class in my school; he and his wife lived in my house ten or eleven days; I have no ill-feeling to Mrs. Boulanger; sent her money for her and her mother to come up from Melbourne . . . Defendant fined 20s and costs of court.
NUTT V. BOULANGER. Kate Boulanger appeared on information of Elizabeth Nutt, charging her with threatening to murder her, and praying that the said Kate Boulanger may be restrained . . . Case dismissed.
BOULANGER V. BOULANGER. Kate Boulanger appeared upon information by Edward Boulanger, her husband, with having unlawfully assaulted him on the 7th August . . . Case dismissed.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. NUTTS TO CRACK' OR, SCENES IN A SEMINARY", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (23 August 1862), 3
"TO THE EDITOR", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1862), 8
On the 22nd instant, I appeared before the Police Bench to answer a charge of assault preferred by Mrs. Boulanger against myself. Mrs. Boulanger swore to the charge, I denied on oath, she produced no evidence, yet the Bench fined me £3 and costs.
I preferred a charge of assault against Mrs. Boulanger, I swore to the charge, my evidence was corroborated on oath by a witness; case dismissed.
Mrs. Boulanger next answers a charge of assault committed upon Mrs. Nutt at the time of her (Mrs. Boulanger's) disgraceful and disgusting conduct at Lyons-terrace, on Thursday evening. The assault is proved. Mrs. Boulanger is fined 20s. and costs.
Mrs. Boulanger is next charged with having threatened the life of Mrs. Nutt, which she did repeatedly, not only on the evening of the assault but also on previous occasions; the threats are proved upon the evidence of a witness. This however, was a matter of little consideration to their Worships ; they, accordingly, dismissed the case.
I have been informed since by my lawyer, that I could have objected to the presence of Mr. Ross on the Bench, having reasons to believe him prejudiced against me; but this I learned too late to avail myself of the benefit of it.
Both the prosecution and defence of Mrs. Boulanger's cases were evidently and obviously conducted with the view of throwing insinuations detrimental to Mrs. Nutt's reputation, regardless of consequences, and with the mean object of satisfying for a moment the contemptible feeling of spite of an inferior woman to a superior one, for the Bench expressed their opinion that there was nothing in any of the cases to reflect upon the character of Mrs. Nutt. But this remark, of course, has been omitted by the Press as not important.
Now that the reputation of a respectable and hitherto respected woman is at stake, and that I am myself under an awful stigma, I consider that, in my capacity of a public man, I have a right to address the public and get justice at their hands, if it cannot be got elsewhere.
I intend, therefore, to follow up this matter, upon my own responsibility,
in a pamphlet which I will publish next week, and I think I shall be able to prove that there has been perjury somewhere at the Police Court last Friday.
August 25th.
"M. BOULANGER AND HIS FAMILY", The Star (29 August 1862), 2
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. FRIDAY", Empire (6 September 1862), 2
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. FRIDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (6 September 1862), 7
Edward Boulanger appeared on summons to answer the complaint of Kate Boulanger, his wife, in which she charged him with having unlawfully deserted her and neglecting and refusing to maintain her and her child. Mrs. Boulanger deposed that the defendant is her husband, and that they resided together, here and in Victoria, man and wife, for a period of about six years; about four months since he he behaved unkindly, and turned her out of his house, with the sum on 10s. to pay for the removal of some boxes he allowed her to take away; about a month after this his attorney wrote to her attorney promising to allow her 40s. weekly for the support of herself and child, which he paid until about three weeks since; she wished to teach, but at his request upon the ground that it would injure him, she abstained from seeking employment; she is now completely without the means of support, with a child three years of age; he is in a position to earn from £600 to £800 a year as a professor of music; for each time that he plays a solo in a concert be receives ten guineas; from information which had come to her she believed that he contemplated having left the colony by the Centurion for London. In reply, defendant, on his own behalf, deposed that while teaching at Mrs. Nutt's seminary, his weekly earnings amounted to £6 16, but since then they have only amounted to £3 10s; he is a composer and professor of music, and is given to understand that he ranks high in his profession; he was not on board the Centurion, and he intended remaining in Sydney; he refused to say where he at present resides. Their worships made an order for the payment of £2 weekly, with 6s. 6d. court costs, and £3 3s, professional costs; in default of payment of costs to be imprisoned seven days. Mr. Roberts applied that their worships would require defendant to give security for his obedience to the order, on the ground that Mrs. Boulanger's suspicion that he contemplates leaving the colony is in some measure confirmed by his refusal to to give his address. Their worships required defendant to give two sureties in [illegible], for the payment of the money, or, failing herein, to be imprisoned until he shall have complied with this requirement - the whole period of imprisonment, however, not to exceed twelve months.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (19 September 1862), 1
MADAME BOULANGER begs respectfully to inform the ladies of Sydney and its suburbs, she has commenced giving lessons on the pianoforte. Terms, three guineas per quarter (half in advance). 386, Castlereagh-street, three doors from Liverpool-street.
"FASHIONABLE INSOLVENTS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (20 September 1862), 3
The following personages, confinees in H. M. Gaol of Darlinghurst, have filed their schedules, as under: . . . Elizabeth Nutt, a confinee for debt in H. M. gaol at Darlinghurst, late of Lyons-terrace, Sydney; liabilities £659 4s 11d. Assets £72 14s 4d. Deficit 586 10s 7d. . . . the lady, late a schoolmistress in Lyons' Terrace, was a prominent witness in the recent cross cases of Boulanger v. Boulanger heard at the Central Police Office, and who obtained Mr. Boulanger's release from prison, on payment of six months' maintenance money awarded by the Bench for the support of his wife and child.
[William Wilkes], "NEWS AND NOTES BY A SYDNEY MAN. CCXXIV", The Courier (25 September 1862), 3
. . . Mrs. Nutt, who recently kept an extensive "establishment for young ladies," in Lyons' Terrace, has gone to pot, all through the quarrels of Mr. and Mrs. Boulanger, the latter very jealous, whether with cause or not, can't say. However, the school is suddenly smashed up, Mrs. Nutt got into gaol for debt, and the upshot is "Liabilities £659; assets £72." It was a nice school, too; and the young ladies on the balcony had an agreeable habit of kissing their fingers and waving their cambric at us seductive fellows of military appearance, as we passed. I suppose the establishment will be spoken of in future as the "School for Scandal" . . .
"SUMMONS COURT", Empire (30 October 1862), 5
Before Messrs. Caldwell and Murphy. Two cases of assault, and one threatening language, between Elizabeth Nutt against Kate Boulanger, were postponed till Wednesday next.
[Editorial], Freeman's Journal (1 November 1862), 4
25 November 1862, Sydney Philharmonic Society, second concert of the season
[Advertisement], Empire (25 November 1862), 1
. . . PART I . . . 3. Piano Solo. - Sonnambula - Thalberg - M. BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . 4. Piano Solo. - Tarantella - Thalberg - M. BOULANGER . . .
6. Grand Duo, for two pianos. - Thalberg's Fantasia' on the Huguenots, transcribed, and arranged for two pianos, by M. Boulanger. - M. BOULANGER and Master ANDERSON . . .
"PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1862), 4
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (29 November 1862), 4
The second concert of the season took place at the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening, and was very fully and fashionably attended, his Excellency Sir John Young honouring the performance with hit presence . . . the gems of the evening were, Mr. Boulanger's solo and his duet with Master [Alfred] Anderson, both of which were enthusiastically encored. Sydney is fortunate in the possession of an artiste of such first rate ability as M. Boulanger, and we trust he may not carry into execution his intention of leaving it. Out corps of musical professors is not large, and among them we can but ill afford to spare one of such eminent talent as Mr. Boulanger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Anderson (pianist)
MUSIC: Fantasia on La sonnambula (Thalberg); Tarantella (Thalberg); Fantasia on Les huguenots (Thalberg), arr. for 2 pianos (Boulanger)
30 December 1862, Henry Marsh, concert
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 December 1862), 1
. . . PART I . . . 6 - Solo - Pianoforte - Impromptu Polka - Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .
PART II . . . 4. - Grand Duo, two Pianofortes - "Norma," Mr. E. BOULANGER and Mr. F. ELLARD - Thalberg . . .
"CONCERT AT THE MASONIC HALL", Empire (31 December 1862), 4
. . . M. Boulanger also received the honour of an encore for his wonderful fingering in the Impromptu Polka - an extraordinary triumph of mechanical playing - and was loudly applauded for the encore piece . . . A grand duo on two pianofortes was also played by Messrs. Boulanger and Ellard . . .
"MR. MARSH'S CONCERT", Sydney Mail (3 January 1863), 4
A concert, under the direction of Mr. Henry Marsh, came off on Tuesday evening at the Masonic Hall . . . Boulanger appeared twice before the audience - first in the performance of his wonderful "Impromptu Polka," and subsequently in a duo, two pianofortes - Thalberg's "Norma" - with Mr. F. Ellard. We need scarcely state that M. Boulanger's masterly and brilliant execution called forth delighted applause from the audience, or that it was on each occasion encored . . .
MUSIC: Impromptu polka (Boulanger); Duo fantasia on Norma (Thalberg)
For all TROVE items tagged Edward Boulanger for the year 1863:
For all TROVE items tagged Kate Boulanger for the year 1863:
'SIGNOR ROBBIO'S CONCERT", Empire (20 January 1863), 5
. . . The hall last night was well filled . . . Master Anderson executed Thalberg's grand "Huguenots" fantasia with his usual very powerful manipulative skill; but in a long concert like this, would it not be more prudent to choose a shorter piece, and one not recently played by so great a master as Boulanger? We are sure verb. sap. sat. . . .
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1863), 7
The concert of Tuesday next by M. Boulanger and Signor Robbio is an event in the musical annals of this city deserving an unusual notice. We believe it is the first time that two instrumentalists of such high order in their profession have combined to give us an idea of classic music - the enjoyment of which has been confined to a European home and society. Here, since the day of Wallace, we have had more opportunity of appreciating vocal than instrumental music - Catherine Hayes, Madame Bishop, Lucy Escott, and Squires have given our rising generation an excellent idea of both the English and Italian operatic performances and certainly increased their knowledge of the lyric drama, but classic instrumental music has been almost ignored for want of proper interpreters. M. Boulanger is well known here for the last nine years as an artist, and one of our first teachers of the pianoforte, and Signor Robbio, the talented violinist, who are both about leaving Sydney, have joined together in giving a final concert on Tuesday next, at the Masonic Hall. The programme to be purely classical - Beethoven's Trio, his "Sonata to Kreutzer," and "Adelaida," Mozart's "Io ti Lascio," Thalberg's Andante, Chopin's Valse in A flat, and Ernst's Elegy, are works not commonly brought before any public, and when executed by such artists as those in the programme, there surely can be no doubt of a success . . . Our embryo artists in music should also not lose the opportunity of taking a last lesson, it may be for some time to come.
ASSOCIATIONS: Agostino Robbio (violinist)
10 February 1863, concert, Edward Boulanger and Agostino Robbio (benefit), Masonic Hall, Sydney
[Advertisement], Empire (10 February 1863), 1
THIS EVENING, 10th February, 1863.
1. Grand trio - (in C minor) for piano, violin, and violoncello - Beethoven - Messrs. BOULANGER, ROBBIO, and E. DEANE
2. Song - "Io ti lascio" - Mozart - Madame SARA FLOWER
3. Solo - Violin - "Elegie" - Ernst - Signor ROBBIO
4. Cantata - "Adelaide" - Beethoven - Madame SARA FLOWER
5. Solo - Piano - "Andante" - Thalberg - M. BOULANGER.
6. Grand Sonata - (Dedicated to Kreutzer) for piano and violin - Beethoven - Messrs. BOULANGER and ROBBIO
7, Song - "When Sorrow Sleepeth" - Land - Madame SARA FLOWER
8. Solo - Piano - Grande Valse (in B flat) - Chopin - M. BOULANGER
9. Duo - Piano and Violin - variations concertantes, "La Fiancee" - Herz and Beriot - Messrs. ROBBIO and BOULANGER
10. Solo - Violin - "Valse Diabolique" - Robbio - Signor ROBBIO.
Conductor, Mr. W. STANLEY.
Doors open at half past seven o'clock. To commence at a quarter past eight o'clock precisely.
Entrance for Family Tickets and Reserved Seats, York-street. Entrance for Admission, Clarence-street.
Reserved Seats, 5s.; Family Tickets (admitting six), 21s;
Admission, 2s. 6d. To be had of Mr. Aldis, Mr. Peck, Mr. Poehlman, Cafe Français; Mr. Moss,
Messrs. Johnson and Co., and Mr. Anderson. N.B.- Family Tickets will not be sold at the door on the evening of the Concert.
"MESSRS. BOULANGER AND ROBBIO'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1863), 4
"MESSRS. BOULANGER AND ROBBIO'S CONCERT", Sydney Mail (14 February 1863), 3
MUSIC: Piano trio in C minor (Beethoven); Andante (Thalberg); Kreuzter sonata, op. 47 (Beethoven); Grande valse in B flat (Chopin); Variations concertantes on La fiancee (Herz and De Beriot)
3 March 1863, Edward Boulanger, concert, Masonic Hall, Sydney
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 March 1863), 1
MASONIC HALL, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, March 3rd, 1863.
LADY YOUNG baa signified her intention of honouring the Concert with her presence.
1. Grand Trio - (in B flat) for Piano, Violin, and Violoncello - Beethoven. Messrs. BOULANGER, ROBBIO, and E. DEANE.
2. Aria (by desire) - "Voi che sapete," (Le Nozze di Figaro) - Mozart. Madame SARA FLOWER.
3. Solo - Violin - Introduction and Variations (dedicated to Paganini) - Mayseder. Signor ROBBIO.
4. Cantata - "Adelaide" - Beethoven. Madame SARA FLOWER.
5. Solo - Piano - Grand Fantasia on the Prayer in "Mose in Egitto" - Thalberg. M. BOULANGER.
1. Grand Sonata - (dedicated to Kreutzer) for Piano and Violin - Beethoven. Messrs. BOULANGER and ROBBIO.
2. Song - "The Exile's Lament" - Keller. Madame SARA FLOWER.
3. Solo - Piano - "BANANIER" - Variations on the Louisianian Melody - Gottschalk. M. BOULANGER.
4. New Song - "Sleep, Heart of mine" - H. Smart. Madame SARA FLOWER.
5. Solo - Violin - "Le Carnaval de Venise" - Paganini. Signor ROBBIO.
Conductor, Mr. W. STANLEY.
Doors open at half-past seven o'clock; concert to commence at a quarter past eight o'clock precisely.
Entrance for family tickets and reserved seats, York street.
Entrance for admission, Clarence-street.
Reserved scats, 5s.; family tickets (admitting six), 2ls.; admission, 2s. 6d.
N.B. - Family tickets will not be sold at the door.
The Philharmonic Society have kindly granted the use of their stage and grand pianoforte for the occasion.
Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Aldis, Messrs. Moss, Johnson and Co., J. R. Clarke, Anderson, Lawrence, (Cricket Depot),
and Peck; at the Royal and Poehlman's Hotels, at the Cafe Français; and at the Masonic Hall.
"CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 March 1863), 4
"M. BOULANGER'S CLASSICAL CONCERT", Empire (4 March 1863), 5
"M. BOULANGER'S CONCERT", Freeman's Journal (4 March 1863), 6
MUSIC: Piano trio in B flat, op. 11 (Beethoven); Fantasia on the prayer in Mose in Egitto (Thalberg); Kreutzer sonata, op. 47 (Beethoven); Variations on the Louisianian melody Bananier (Gottschalk)
"INSOLVENCY COURT. MONDAY", Empire (10 March 1863), 5
. . . NEW INSOLVENTS . . . Edward Desiree Boulanger, of Surry Hills, Sydney, professor of the pianoforte. Liabilities - £128 9s. 6d. Assets - £22 16s. Deficit - £105 13s. 6d. Mr. Sempill, official assignee.
"IN INSOLVENCY", New South Wales Government Gazette (13 March 1863), 648
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT. FRIDAY", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 March 1863), 7
In Boulanger v. Boulanger, a suit for a separate maintenance, an order was made for the payment of 35s. a week.
"CENTRAL POLICE COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 March 1863), 7
In Boulanger v. Boulanger, a suit for a separate maintenance, an order was made for the payment of 35s a week
"INSOLVENCY COURT", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1863), 2
In the estate of Edward D. Boulanger, a single meeting. Insolvent attended, but no creditor. The official assignee handed in a report.
27 March 1863, departure of Edward Boulanger, on the Russian war steamer Bogatyr
[Advertisement], Empire (21 March 1863), 1
SIGNOR ROBBIO has the honour to announce that he intends giving his FAREWELL CONCERT at the Masonic Hall, on THURSDAY, 26th instant, assisted by M. BOULANGER; on which occasion will be produced, for the first time in the colony, several of the most prominent CLASSICAL WORKS. Full particulars on MONDAY next.
"GOSSIP", Freeman's Journal (11 April 1863), 6
Admiral Popoff, as you know, has popped off to New Caledonia, in his corvette the Bogatyr. But not he alone has popped off. M. Boulanger and Signor Robbio have popped off also in the Bogatyr and report does say that the quondam mother of boarding school maids, Mrs. Nutt, the dear friend of M. Boulanger, has availed herself of the same opportunity.
"THE WEEK", Leader (18 April 1863), 11
. . . The Bogatyr carried with her from Sydney two distinguished musicians - Signor Robbio, the violinist; and Monsieur Boulanger - the pianist. The latter, we understand, took French leave of his wife, with whom he was upon uncomfortable terms.
18 July 1863, death of Edward Boulanger, Shanghai
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 September 1863), 1
On the 18th instant, at Shanghai, Monsieur E. Boulanger. - China Trade Report, 28th July, 1863.
"DEATH", Empire (21 October 1863), 1
BOULANGER, At Shanghai, July 18th, Monsieur Ed. D. Boulanger, the celebrated composer and pianist, aged thirty three, son of M. Antonio Boulanger, of Paris, private secretary to the late Prince Talleyrand, and first cousin of the Duc de Montobello, leaving a wife and child to deplore their loss.
"THE LATE M. BOULANGER", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 September 1863), 5
The following is an extract from a letter received in Sydney, from a gentleman lately residing here, who was at Shanghai at the time of Mr. Boulanger's death. The writer says: It is my painful duty to have to send you the sorrowful intelligence of the death of poor Boulanger, which took place on Saturday the 18th of July, after a sad and lingering illness, during the greater part of which I was almost entirely with him, being alas, the only friend he had in Shanghai, which to him, was indeed a land of strangers. M. Boulanger on his arrival here, came to the same hotel in which I was staying. His illness first commenced with a cold, caught at one of his concerts, which was followed by a severe remittent fever, which left him so weak that he lost all appetite, and at last would touch nothing, unless I stayed in the room while he ate it. * * * The dread that he had of being overtaken by the cholera, if he recovered, seems to have reduced him to such a state, that at last his senses left him, and he was out of his mind for some time previous to his death. Moreover, the intense heat - the thermometer standing day after day at 110 in the shade, prevented that return of appetite which alone could have saved him. He frequently spoke of his friends and Sydney, and often wished he had never left your city."
"POSTPONEMENT OF CONCERT", Empire (9 October 1863), 4
In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, and the illness of some of the artists, the concert announced for this evening, for the benefit of Madame Boulanger, is postponed till Friday, the 17th [sic] instant.
"MADAME BOULANGER", Bell's Life in Sydney (10 October 1863), 3
The Grand Concert which had been announced to take place at the School of Arts yesterday (Friday) evening, for the benefit of the widow and child of the late M. Boulanger, in consequence of the inclemency of the weather, has been postponed until Friday evening next. The Concert will be under the patronage of the Attorney General, and Members of the Bar, the Foreign Consuls, &c. and Messrs, Poussard and Douay, Mdlle. Rosalie Durand, Madame Sara Flower, Miss Florence Beverley, Mr. F. Lyster, Mr. Farquharson, Mr. Edward Beaumont, and other eminent artistes having moat generously volunteered theirs assistance, the Concert will doubtless attract the elite of the city, and fully realize the object in view - substantial aid to the widow and the orphan of a late distinguished brother professional.
20 October 1863, concert, Kate Boulanger (benefit), School of Arts, Sydney
[Advertisements], Empire (20 October 1863), 1
MADAME BOULANGER'S BENEFIT CONCERT, will positively take place
THIS EVENING, October 20, 1863,
Under the Distinguished Patronage of
The Honorable the ATTORNEY-GENERAL.
The Honorable J. H. PLUNKETT, Esq.
The Honorable W. B. DALLEY, Esq.
And Members of the Bar,
And under the Particular Patronage of the following Consuls:
&c., &c., &c.
Also, under the kind patronage of the Committee of the SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY.
1. Solo Pianoforte - Capriccio in D flat - Mr. A. LORTSCH.
2. "Merry Sunshine" - Lady Amateur
3. Duet - "Love and War" - Cooke - Mr. EDWARD BEAUMONT and Mr. W. H. WILKINSON.
4. Cavatina - "Oh! Patria (Tancredi) - Rossini - Mrs. BUSHELLE.
5. Recit and Air - "Friend of the Brave" - Callcott - Mr. FARQUHARSON.
6. Aria - "Divinest Moment" (Nozze de Figaro) - Mozart - Mdlle. ROSALIE DURAND.
7. Solo Violin - "Andante and Capricio - De Beriot - Mons. H. POUSSARD.
8. Aria Buffo - "Largo al Factotum" (Il Barbiere) - Rossini - Mr. FRED LYSTER.
9. Ballad - "Bring me Wild Flowers" - L. H. Lavenu - Miss FLORENCE BEVERLEY.
1. Ballad -"No Prize can Fate" (Satanella) - Balfe - Mr. EDWARD BEAUMONT.
3. Solo, violoncello - "Sweet spirit, hear my prayer" - Wallace - Monsieur RENE DOUAY.
3. Cavatina - "Cerrado d'Altamura" - Ricci - Madame SARA FLOWER.
4. "The Winter Log," - Pollard (by desire) - Mr. J. E. KITTS.
5. Jenny Lind's celebrated "Echo Song" - Ahlstrom - Mdlle. ROSALIE DURAND.
6. Buffo Scena (by desire) - "Mrs. Watkins' Evening Party" - Parry - Mr. FARQUHARSON.
7. "By the Sad Sea Waves," by desire - Madame SARA FLOWER.
8. Song - "The Death of Nelson" - Braham - Mr. CHARLES WALSH.
9. Solo - Guitar. A GENTLEMAN AMATEUR.
Tickets, price 2s. 6d. and 5s., can be obtained at the principal Book and Music Stalls,
also at Madame Boulanger's residence, 106, Elizabeth-street.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock . . .
understanding that her late agent has circulated a report to the
effect that her CONCERT will not take place THIS EVENING, 20th instant,
as advertised, has the honour to assure her patrons and friends,
that the CONCERT will most positively be given on the above evening,
and that all the artists in the programme,
with the exception of Madame Bushelle, will appear,
FRANK TREVOR, Secretary.
"MADAME BOULANGER'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 October 1863), 13
The concert for the benefit the widow and child of the late M. Edouard Boulanger, the celebrated pianist, took place yesterday evening, at the School of Arts, Pitt-street, in the presence of a numerous and fashionable audience. The concert commenced with a solo on the pianoforte by M. A. Lortsch, the composition being that of Boulanger. Glover's pleasing song "Merry is the sunshine," succeeded, after which an Italian piece was executed in her best style by Madame Sara Flower, amid enthusiastic demonstrations of applause. She was unanimously honoured with an encore. Mr. Farquharson achieved his usual success in Calcott's recitative and air "Friend of the Brave," and Mozart's air "Divinest moment" was skilfully rendered by Mademoiselle Durand. Monsieur Poussard's artistic performance on the violin of a capricio by De Beriot was hailed with such burst of well deserved approbation, that he was obliged to perform another piece. Mr. Frederick Lyster was very happy in his rendering of the "Largo al factotum" of Rossini's opera - the Barber of Seville, and had to give a further specimen of his vocal powers. The ballad of "Bring me wild flowers" (by the lamented Lavenu) was very sweetly sung by Miss Florence Beverley, and here terminated the first portion of the concert. The second part commenced with Balfe's ballad, "No prize can fate;" the next items being two splendid solos on the violoncello by Monsieur Douay. Madame Sara Flower next sang the cavatina of Connado d'Altanea, and, being encored, sang two songs with great acceptation from the audience. Mr. Kitts' vocalization in the Winter's Log was felt to be so truly excellent, that Mr. Kitts was again called for. In the "Echo Song" of Jenny Lind, Mademoiselle Durand claimed a complete ovation, and the Buffo Scena of "Mrs. Watkin's private party (by Farquharson) was likewise a very decided hit. The audience of the concert was unexceptionably managed, being under the careful superintendence of Mr. Frank Trevor. The artists who played and sung gave their services on behalf of Mme. Boulanger gratis, and Messrs. Poussard and Douay, without charge, gave up the use of the Hall for the occasion. Owing to the number of encores, the concert was protracted until a very late hour.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Lortsch (pianist); Edward Armes Beaumont (vocalist); Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist); Rosalie Durand (vocalist); Fred Lyster (vocalist); Florence Beverley (vocalist); James Edward Kitts (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Frank Trevor (secretary, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 October 1863), 1
MONS. DE LOLL is requested to call immediately upon Madame BOULANGER, at her residence, 106, Elizabeth-street, to settle the accounts of his late agency for her concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile de Lolle (musician)
"ENTERTAINMENT AT ST. PHILIP'S SCHOOLROOM", Empire (11 November 1863), 4
. . . The second part commenced with a fantasia by Mr. Cobley (his own composition) on the piano, which created a perfect furore of applause, the performance being a masterly one. He was encored, for which he substituted Boulanger's "European March."
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Harry Cobley
"Nécrologie", Le Guide Musicale . . . Belge (3 December 1863), 4
A Shanghai, M. Boulanger, pianiste de talent et élève de Chopin.
After 1863
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 August 1864), 1
REMOVAL - MADAME BOULANGER begs to intimate to her Pupils, that she has REMOVED from Elizabeth-terrace, Upper William-street, to 183, Premier-terrace, William-street.
"MR. JOHN HILL'S FIRST CONCERT", Sydney Mail (18 March 1865), 6
. . . Mr. Hill afterwards performed Boulanger's celebrated "Impromptu Polka," but with the recollection of Boulanger's magnificent playing of his own composition, we cannot speak of the performance on this occasion in terms of unqualified praise . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hill KS RAM (pianist, composer)
MUSIC: Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
"MUSIC AND DRAMA", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 March 1865), 13
The third concert of the season of the Sydney Philharmonic Society took place on the 9th instant . . . Mr. F. Ellard then played a fantasia on the pianoforte, "Caprice de Concert," by Boulanger, in his usual excellent style . . . On Monday, the 13th instant, Mr. John Hill, lately from London, pianist and organist of considerable abilities, gave his first concert at the Australian Library . . . Mr. Hill afterwards performed Boulanger's celebrated "Impromptu Polka".
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ellard (pianist)
MUSIC: Caprice de concert (Boulanger) = ? ; Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
"WATER POLICE COURT", Empire (3 May 1865), 6
John Thompson, alias Gaines Lacey, cabman, was charged with making use of obscene language in Victoria-street. Kate Boulanger, a teacher of music, stated that while she was in Victoria-street, last evening, prisoner used obscene language towards her. She had occasionally employed him. Fined £3, or to be imprisoned, for one month.
"WATER POLICE COURT", Empire (3 June 1865), 2
Madame Kate Boulanger was summoned on seven different informations, for refusing to pay seven different claims for cab hire to one John Ward, amounting to £6 13s. 6d. She was ordered to pay the amount, with £1 15s. costs, or go to gaol for periods amounting to twenty days, in default of levy and distress.
[2 advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 August 1865), 12
MADAME BOULANGER begs to intimate to her Pupils that through the death of her friend, Madame Sara Flower, she will not RESUME her tuitions until THURSDAY, 1st of September . . . REMOVAL. Madame BOULANGER has Removed from 137, Victoria-street, Woolloomooloo, to 2, Grimes'-buildings, Argyle-place.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (25 October 1865), 1
[William Stanley] BURWOOD.- Mr. STANLEY'S CONCERT is to take place at the Schoolroom on TUESDAY EVENING, October 31st . . . Mr. STANLEY will also play Beethoven's "Sonata Pathétique," and Boulanger's "Nocturne de Concert."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Stanley (pianist)
MUSIC: Nocturne de concert (Boulanger) Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Argus (22 November 1865), 4
HOBSON'S BAY . . . ARRIVED. Nov. 21. Alexandra, A.S.N. Co.'s s.s., 723 tons, J. W. Brown, from Sydney 18th last. Passengers - saloon: Madame Boulanger . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 December 1865), 1
A CARD. - Madame BOULANGER begs to intimate to the ladies of Melbourne and suburbs, that she intends giving LESSONS on the PIANOFORTE, and respectfully solicits their patronage and support. Address 2 Regent-terrace, Moor-street, Fitzroy.
"DEATHS", The Argus (18 April 1866), 4
On the 13th inst., at the residence of Cecil A. Becke, Esq., surgeon, Sydney, Mary Jane, relict of the late J. M. Fitzsimmons, surgeon, late of the 4th Bengal Native Infantry, in her 53rd year, and mother of Madame Boulanger, of this city.
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 January 1866), 3
MADAME BOULANGER, TEACHER of the PIANOFORTE. For terms and address, apply Mr. R. J. Paling's music warehouse, 35 Collins-street east.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard John Paling (music seller)
"POLICE. CITY COURT", The Argus (2 April 1867), 6
The Court was occupied for some time with the hearing of a charge of assault brought by a person calling herself Madame Boulanger, against Annie Wills, of Wills's Hotel, and a counter charge of using obscene language. Madame Boulanger had also taken out a summons for the illegal retention of some baby linen. The circumstances, as detailed by a number of witnesses, were very discreditable to some of the parties concerned. The Bench dismissed all three cases.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (15 April 1867), 1
WHITE'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS. MR. FREDERIC ELLARD'S SOIREE MUSICALS. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 15, 1867 . . . PROGRAMME . . . Grand Caprice pour le Piano - "Sur Norma" - Composed by his friend, the late Edouard Boulanger, pupil of Frederic Chopin - Mr. Frederic Ellard (Bellini) . . .
MUSIC: Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger)
ILLEGALLY PAWNING. - Eliza Sale was informed against for having illegally pawned goods belonging to Mrs. Boulanger. The charge, however, was not sustained, and the accused was acquitted.
"CONCERT IN ST. BARNABAS'S SCHOOLROOM", The Sydney Morning Herald (10 December 1867), 4
. . . "The Last Rose of Summer", with variations by Boulanger, was very finely executed on the pianoforte by Mr. W. Stanley, who conducted the concert . . .
MUSIC: The last rose of summer caprice (Boulanger)
"CONCERT AT BALMAIN", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 March 1868), 4
. . . Between the parts the audience were favoured with a solo on the pianoforte by a lady amateur, in a style seldom presented in this colony. The piece chosen was Boulanger's clever arrangement of motifs from Norma, and certainly, if we except that great pianist himself, we have heard no better interpreter of his ideas . . .
[News], The Brisbane Courier (21 April 1868), 2
The Brisbane Philharmonic Society gave another of their popular concerts at the School of Arts yesterday evening . . . Madame Mallalieu in her usual clear and brilliant style, played a solo ("Erin") on the pianoforte, and, on being encored, gave Boulanger's "Impromptu Polka."
ASSOCIATIONS: Henrietta Mallalieu (pianist)
MUSIC: Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S CONCERT", Sydney Mail (27 June 1868), 12
. . . The chief attraction in the concert was the appearance of Mrs. W. H. Palmer, who, as Miss Aldis, will be remembered as a distinguished amateur pianiste, having been a pupil of Boulanger, and played in public once or twice with Miska Hauser. She is now leaving the rank of amateurs to engage in tuition, and this, do doubt, operated as a stimulant to those efforts which resulted in her brilliant instrumentation this evening. She had the advantage of a magnificent full concert grand piano just imported by Mr. Paling, and the pieces set down for her were fairly calculated to afford scope for her ability. The first was Beethoven's "Sonate Pathetique." The varied and exquisite expressiveness of which she seemed fully to appreciate, and she exhibited that freedom, yet delicacy, of fingering necessary for its realisation. In the second part she gave Boulanger's pianoforte solo "Norma," with such brilliant effect as to lead to a recall . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. W. H. Palmer = Hannah Aldis
MUSIC: Caprice sur Norma (Boulanger)
"DEATH", Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (23 February 1869), 2
BOULANGER - On the 2nd of October, 1868, at Paris, Catterine la comtesse de Boulanger, nee Rouseaux, mother of the late Monsieur E. D. Boulanger, aged sixty seven.
"MRS. W. H. PALMER'S CONCERT", Sydney Mail (8 May 1869), 9
. . . The solos played by Mrs. Palmer were the "Fantasie de Belisario (Gorio), a fantasia on "Rule Britannia," and "God save the Queen" (both by Thalberg), and being enthusiastically encored in the first, she substituted Boulanger's "Don Pasquale." Each of those pieces was performed with the sparkling effect and refined expression which characterises her pianoforte playing, and all the music assigned to her was well calculated to exhibit her accomplishments as an executant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mrs. W. H. Palmer = Hannah Aldis
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
"BETHESDA SINGING CLASS", The Mercury (2 June 1869), 2
The concert of the above Class attracted a crowded audience to the Mechanics' Institute last evening, the fact of the performances being under the conductorship of Mr. Albert Alexander, R.A.M., having led many persons to anticipate a more than ordinarily agreeable entertainment . . . The other prominent features of this division of the programme, were an "Impromptu Polka" (Boulanger), on the piano, which afforded Mr. Alexander an excellent opportunity of displaying his delicacy of touch upon the keys of that instrument . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Albert Alexander (pianist)
MUSIC: Impromptu polka (Boulanger)
Letter, from Kate Foote (Boulanger), Sydney, 16 June 1871, to the son of her father's step-brother; Papers of John Michael Fitzsimmons, MS 515, National Library of Australia (transcription by courtesy of Shan Wight)
My dear Cousin
I would have answered the letter addressed to poor dear Papa, & handed to me thro[ugh] the Inspector of Police but I have been very ill with the Rheumatism.
I cannot tell you how happy I was at finding I have one relation in the World. I was under the impression I was the last of the good old family of Fitzsimmons - Papa died in 1860 in my arms, he was out on the Saturday visiting his patients on Sunday at 12 o’clock he was Dead, he always expected to go off suddenly, he suffered many years from liver complaint which he had in India but thought that this Country would in time [ ? ] restore him but poor dear Papa worked too hard. I am the only child his heart was centered in me. When I lost him I lost my best friend. Mama died about five years ago so I may almost say I am alone in the world - My husband is not all I could wish him but God has blessed me with a beautiful girl. She was eleven years old last Feb'ry [*] & a great comfort to me. I hope one day you may see her.
I have always heard Papa speak of my Uncle Laurence as his step brother & in the most affectionate terms - Will you let me know if Aunt Mary Ann is still alive. I was so sorry to hear your dear Mamma is in delicate health but you must care her well like a good boy [ ? ] there is nothing like a Mother's love. Give her my best love tell her I love you both. In the sake of those who are gone & badly wish I was near to [ ? ] & I miss her - You must write me a very long letter telling me all about yourself & if you have any Sisters - Your little cousin's name is Bertha, also send your Portrait & my Aunt's by next mail & I will if I am well enough have a good one of Berthas taken to send you with my own of course.
There are many reasons my dear boy that I should know every particular respecting your branch of the family it will be for our mutual benefit. The Inspector General of Police has written full particulars home - I live many hundred miles from Sydney at a place called the Clarence River far north & in the bush. I am in Sydney for medical advice.
Be sure to address your letters in the care of Captain McLerie Inspector General of Police Hunter Street Sydney not in care of Mrs. Foott of the Clarence River & they will be sure to reach me safely. Otherwise I may not get them. Mr. Foott is not over particular. I will conclude my dear cousin with best love to yourself & my dear Aunt to which Bertha joins anxiously waiting your next letter.
Believe me ever, Your Affectionate Cousin Kate Foott.
[*] Bertha actually turned 12 on 14 February; when her birth was registered in May, the Boulangers gave her birth month as April, to avoid a penalty.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 December 1871), 1
NOTICE is hereby given, that an APPLICATION will be made to the Parliament of New South Wales in its present session, for leave to bring in a BILL to declare the alleged Marriage between ALFRED JAMES BARNETT, of Sydney, in the colony of New South Wales, gentleman, and KATHERINA JANE BOULANGER, otherwise KATHERINA JANE FOOT or KATE FOOT, formerly of Grafton, in the colony aforesaid, now of Sydney aforesaid, and which said marriage is alleged to have been contracted on the twenty-fifth day of November last, to be null and void. Dated this fifth day of December, A.D 1871. THOMAS KENDALL BOWDEN, Solicitor for the Bill, 124, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.
"DEATH OF A SYDNEY NOTOREITY", Evening News (29 June 1872), 4
Mrs. Boulanger, whose remarkable career in the City of Sydney and on the Clarence, had become a matter of notoriety, and whose recent application to the Supreme Court to take her alleged husband out of the custody of his relatives will be well remembered, died last night, at a house in Hill-street, and it is rumoured that death was caused from the want of the common necessaries of life. It is somewhat remarkable that in the House of Assembly last evening so much of the standing orders of the Assembly were suspended, as to allow the presentation of a petition, and the bringing in of a bill to declare the marriage between Mrs. Boulanger and Mr. Burnett null and void. A matter which would have inevitably led to a lengthened and protracted discussion in the Assembly, may therefore be expunged from the business paper.
29 June 1872, death of Kate Boulanger
"CORONER'S COURT THIS DAY", Evening News (1 July 1872), 2
A third inquest was held at half -past 10 o'clock, at Foster's Family Hotel, Macquarie-street, on the body of Catherina Jane Barnett, who died on the 29th ultimo, in a house in Hill-street. Bertha Boulanger deposed: I am thirteen years and seven months old. The dead body now lying at no. 13, Hill-street, is that of my mother, Catherina Jane Barnett, 34 years of age, and a native of Calcutta, India. She was a married woman when she died, having been married in Sydney about eight or ten months ago, to Mr. Barnett. She was a widow when she married him. They lived together about a week, and ever since have been apart. He did not contribute anything towards her support. Dr. Lang, Dr. Milford, and Captain Scott assisted her. She was in the infirmary for about three months for medical treatment, leaving the institution about two months ago; and then she stopped for two or three weeks at Mrs. Lloyd's, in Castlereagh-street, leaving there to come to Mrs. Loder's in Hill-street, where she has since resided and has been under medical treatment, Dr. Milford attending her ever since she left the infirmary. I am a daughter of the deceased by her first marriage. Attended upon her during her illness, and was her only nurse. She did not get the nourishment the doctor ordered for her, because she had not the means to procure it. Sometimes she even did not get the medicine that was ordered for her. Ever since she came to Mrs. Loder's she has been almost continually confined to her bed, only getting out from it whilst here three times, and never going farther than the verandah. Previous to my mother's sickness she occasionally drank to excess, but since her illness she has not done so, not even taking the quantity of liquor ordered for her benefit . . . The jury returned a verdict that deceased died from consumption, accelerated by the want of the necessaries of life and proper nourishment.
"CORONER'S INQUESTS. DEATH FROM CONSUMPTION", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 July 1872), 2
"EPITOME OF NEWS", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (6 July 1872), 2
Mrs. Boulanger, a lady who was connected with a late trial in the Supreme Court, and more recently with a motion in the Legislative Assembly, died suddenly on Saturday . . . It appears that the woman married Burnett, formerly Boulanger, died from consumption, accelerated by want of the dietary necessaries of life and proper nursing. She was 34 years of age, a native of Calcutta. Her daughter of 13 years, by her first husband, nursed her of late, but she received nothing from Burnett . . .
"DEATH OF A SYDNEY NOTORIETY", Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (9 July 1872), 2
"Local and General News", Alexandra Times (9 November 1872), 2
The Church Bazaar will take place according to arrangement on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday next . . . among the instrumental pieces, "The Cracovienne," with brilliant variations for the piano, by Vincent Wallace; a Fantasie brilliante for the piano, from Don Pasquale, by Boulanger; Concert Polka, by Vincent Wallace . . . The finest piano ever heard in Alexandra - an American grand square - has been lent for the occasion.
MUSIC: Serenade from Don Pasquale (Boulanger)
"COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT TO MR. W. S. LYSTER", The Age (28 June 1878), 6
. . . Mr. Ernest Barker, who had the lion's share of the pianoforte work, played a "Caprice nocturne," by Boulanger, with great delicacy and skill.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ernest Barker (pianist)
MUSIC: Caprice nocturne (Boulanger)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November 1879), 2
. . . 4. Ist Nocturne - Boulanger . . .
"THE MUSIC AT THE GARDEN PALACE", The Sydney Morning Herald (14 November 1879), 7
Miss Maude Fitz-Stubbs gave her first recital on the grand piano exhibited by Lipp and Sohn in the German Court; her selection included . . . a Nocturne, by Boulanger, an artist whose fame is ever green in the memory of old colonists, and the "Australian March" by the performer's teacher, Signor Giorza.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maud Fitz-Stubbs (pianist, composer)
MUSIC: First nocturne (Boulanger)
Musical works
KEY: Extant works (published or MS); Lost works (or no copy yet identified)
Grande etude, op. 6 (Paris: Schott, ? c.1850)
1er valse de concert, op. 7 (Paris: Schott, ? c.1850)
Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel Leipzig (14 October 1851), 1225
77. Boulanger, E., Op. 6. Grande Etude p. Pfte . . . 78. [ditto] Op. 7. 1re valse de concert 0. Pfte . . .
"Kritische Anzeiger", Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (31 October 1851), 190
Ed. Boulanger, Op. 6. Etude pour le Piano. Op. 7. Valse de Concert pour le Piano. Mainz, Schott.
1er nocturne, op. 8 (1850)
1er nocturne pour le piano, op. 8 (Paris: Chabal, [1850])
Copy at the Bibliothèque nationale de France
Valse-mazurka de salon, op. 9 (1850)
![Valse-mazurka de salon, op. 9, Edouard Boulanger (Paris: Chabal, [1850])](imageslocal/boulanger-valse-mazurka-2.jpg)
Valse-mazurka de salon, composée pour piano par Ed. Boulanger, op. 9, à son ami L. M. Gottschalk
(Paris: Publiée . . . par Chabal, Boulevt. Montmartre, 15, n.d. [1850])
Copies at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (deposit copy 1850) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Moreau Gottschalk
2er nocturne, op. 10 (1850)
2e nocturne pour piano, op. 10 (Paris: Chabal, [1850])
Copy at the Bibliothèque nationale de France
Lubinka, valse de salon, op. 11 (1850)
Lubinka, valse de salon pour piano par Ed. Boulanger, op. 11, à Madame Alexandra de Kossikowsky
(Paris: Publiée . . . par Chabal, Boulevt. Montmartre, 15, n.d. [1850])
Copies at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (deposit copy 1850) (DIGITISED)

2 polkas-mazurkas, op. 12 (1850)
2 polkas-mazurkas pour piano par Ed. Boulanger, op. 12, à Madlle. Pauline Voelker
(Paris: Publiée . . . par Chabal, Boulevt. Montmartre, 15, n.d. [1850])
Copies at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (deposit copy 1850) (DIGITISED)
"MUSIC", Bibliographie de la France (28 December 1850), 688
Chez Ricault. Ed. Boulanger [no] 348. 2 polkas-mazurkas pour piano.
[Advertisement], Neue Berliner Musikzeitung (8 March 1854), 80
Novasendung No. 3. vor B. Schott's Söhnen in Mainz . . . Boulanger, Ed., 2 Polka-Mazurkas. Op. 12. No. 1. 2.
Fantasia on Haydee [Auber] (by October 1851)
Fantasia on L'elisir d'amore [Donizetti] (by October 1851) = ? "First nocturne on L'elisir d'amore" = ? 1er nocturne above
[Advertisement], Boston Post (16 October 1851), 3
Catherine Hayes will give her Second Grand Concert . . . this evening . . . Fantasia on Haydee on the Piano . . . Boulanger . . . M. E. Boulanger . . . Fantasie from the Elisir d'Amore . . . Boulanger . . . M. E. Boulanger . . . Conductor, Mr. LAVENU.
[Advertisement], Empire (11 June 1855), 1
. . . THIS EVENING, the 11th of June . . .
PART 1ST . . . 4. Solo Piano - Fantasie - Haydee - Boulanger. Mr. E. BOULANGER . . .

Last concert waltz, op. 23 (USA 1852)
Last concert waltz, composed & respectfully dedicated to Miss Henrietta Campbell of Mobile, ALA., by Edward Boulanger
(New York: William Hall & Son, [1852]; London: R. Cocks & Co.; Paris: Chabal)
Cover page (1: "E. Boulanger's last concert waltz, op. 23"), titlepage (1), 9 pages music (3-11); deposited 18 November 1852
Copy at Library of Congress (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
NOTE: With the exception of a new introduction to the latter, this is essentially the same work as the Concert waltz (Sydney 1856) below; see also
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1856), 1
. . . PART I . . . 3. "Scherzo" for pianoforte - Chopin - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . 3 "Last Concert Waltz" - Boulanger - Mr. Edward Boulanger . . .

Parade polka (USA 1853)
Parade polka, dedicated to Gen[era]l. Wm. Hall, composed by E. Boulanger
(New York: William Hall and Son, n.d. [1853])
Titlepage (1), 4 pages music (3-6); advertised May 1853
Copy at Johns Hopkins University, Levy Sheet Music Collection (page 1 pictured above) (DIGITISED)
Nocturne de concert (by 1854)
Polka-presto (by 1854)
NO COPIES IDENTIFIED; ? unpublished; but see NOTE below
"Negende Concert Félix Meritis, op Vrijdag, 13 January 1854", Caecilia: algemeen muzikaal tijdschrift van Nederland (1 February 1854), 27
Tweede Deel . . . [5] a. Nocturne de Concert, b. Polka-Presto, voor de Piano-forte, gecomponeerd en voor te dragen door den Heer E. Boulanger . . .
NOTE: The Amsterdam Nocturne de concert is probably an earlier iteration of the Nocturne de concert published in Sydney in the Keepsake 1856
Meditations harmoniques (by 1855)
NO COPY IDENTIFIED; ? unpublished
15 March 1855, Boulanger's second concert
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 February 1855), 4
. . . As a composer, M. Boulanger also stands high in Europe; the Empress of the French has expressly given her permission that his "Meditations Harmoniques" may be dedicated to her . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (15 March 1855), 1
. . . Thursday, the 15th March, 1855 . . .
Part I . . . [4] Solo - "Le Calme," "Un Reve," Meditations Harmoniques, E. Boulanger - Mons. E. Boulanger . . .
NOTE: Possibly the work billed as Reverie belonged to the same title
Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856
Boulanger's musical keepsake for 1856
[(Sydney: F. Mader, 1856])
According to press listing, conisted of six numbers, each without separate title page, as below; nos. 2-5 signed by, and all 6 engraved by A. W. Chapman (see below)
Contents (click to go to individual entries below)
[1] Serenade from Don Pasquale
[4] Concert waltz
[5] Caprice nocturne
Complete copies of nos. 2-6, and a single page (11) from no. 1 survive, without original titlepage, at University of Sydney, Library, Rare Books, RB CON 860 9080; a bound album originally belonging to Boulanger's Sydney pupil, Teresa Curtis (1843-1910; Meillon-Boesen) [Curtis 9080]; as of March 2017, this album and it contents do not yet appear in the library's electronic catalogue
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Mader (printer, publisher); Abraham Western Chapman (1827-1892)
Call up relevant TROVE items:'s+musical+keepsake+for+1856 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
[1] Serenade from Don Pasquale (1856)
["Serenade to [sic] Don Pasquale" (Dedicated to Lady Dennison)"]
NO COMPLETE COPY IDENTIFIED; final page of lost copy, 11, still loose in Curtis 9080; pictured above
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Denison (wife of governor, dedicatee)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[2] Nocturne de concert (1856)
Nocturne de concert, composed for the pianoforte, respectfully dedicated to Lady Stephen by E. D. Boulanger
[No separate publication details]
5 pages of music (1-5), at foot of 5: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"
Complete copy in Curtis 9080, page 1 pictured above
Another copy, at the National Library of Australia, as later sold (c.1857) under a new cover by J. R. Clarke (DIGITISED) (ALBUM RECORD)
ASSOCIATIONS: Eleanor Stephen (dedicatee)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[3] Caprice sur Norma (1856)
Caprice sur Norma, arranged for the pianoforte, respectfully dedicated to Mrs. John H. Plunkett, by E. D. Boulanger
[No separate publication details]
13 pages of music (1-13), at foot of 13: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"
Complete copy in Curtis 9080, page 1 pictured above; also later advertised for sale (c.1857) under a new cover by J. R. Clarke
Download pdf copy here:
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Plunkett (dedicatee, wife of J. H. Plunkett, president of Sydney Philharmonic Society)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[4] Concert waltz (1856)
Concert waltz composed for the piano-forte, respectfully dedicated to Mrs. W. M. Manning, by E. D. Boulanger
[No separate publication details]
12 pages of music (1-12), at foot of 12: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"
Complete copy in Curtis 9080, page 1 pictured above; also later advertised for sale (c.1857) under a new cover by J. R. Clarke
Download pdf copy here:
With the exception of a new introduction, this is essentially the same work as the Last concert waltz (USA 1852) above
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Manning (dedicatee)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[5] Caprice nocturne (1856)
Caprice nocturne, composed for the pianoforte, respectfully dedicated to Miss Eliza Icely
[No separate publication details]
7 pages of music (1-7), at foot of 7: "Engd. by A. W. Chapman"
Complete copy in Curtis 9080, page 1 pictured above; also later advertised for sale (c.1857) under a new cover by J. R. Clarke
Download pdf copy here:
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Icely (dedicatee, ? daughter of Thomas Icely)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

[6] Souvenir d'Amerique (? 1853; 1856)
Souvenir d'Amerique, polka pour piano, composed on American & original airs, respectfully dedicated to Mademoiselle Marie Sentis by E. D. Boulanger
[No separate publication details]
5 pages of music (1-5)
Complete copy in Curtis 9080, page 1 pictured above
Download pdf copy here:
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Sentis (dedicatee, daughter of the French consul)
Call up relevant TROVE items:'Amerique+(Boulanger) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
![The last rose of summer caprice, Boualnger (Sydney: Clarke, [1857])](imageslocal/boulanger-last-rose.jpg)
Caprice with brilliant variations The last rose of summer (1857)
The last rose of summer with brilliant variations; arranged for the pianoforte by Edward Boulanger
([page 1]: "The last rose of summer, caprice for the piano, composed and dedicated to his friend M. Hauser, by E. D. Boulanger")
(Sydney: Clarke, music seller, n.d. [1857])
Titlepage (0), 8 pages music (1-8); publication first advertised 16 December 1856 as part of Clarke's Australian album 1857, later also sold separately
Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Miska Hauser (dedicatee); Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
![he cricket match schottische, by Boulanger (Sydney: Clarke, [1857])](imageslocal/boulanger-cricket-match-1.jpg)
The cricket match schottische (1857)
The cricket match schottische, by Boulanger, dedicated to the eleven's [sic] of Victoria & New South Wales (played by Winterbottom's unrivaled band)
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, n.d. [1857])
Titlepage (0), 5 pages music (1-5); first advertised 12 January 1857
Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: John Winterbottom (conductor)
NOTE: On the celebrated match between the elevens of New South Wales and Victoria, in Sydney on 14 January 1857, see:
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
![The Oneida polka, by Boulanger (Sydney: Clarke, [1857])](imageslocal/boulanger-oneida-polka.jpg)
The Oneida polka (1857)
The Oneida polka, by Boulanger, dedicated to the G. & A.R.M. Company & to the commander & officers of the S.S. Oneida (played by Winterbottom's unrivalled band)
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, music publisher, George St., n.d. [1857])
Titlepage (0), 5 pages music (1-5); first advertised 12 January 1857 (DIGITISED) (ALBUM RECORD)
ASSOCIATIONS: On the mail steamer Oneida, which arrived in Sydney on 29 December 1856, via Melbourne, see:
"THE ONEIDA", Empire (29 December 1856), 6
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (2 January 1857), 1
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

The Simla galop (1857)
The Simla galop by Boulanger, dedicated to the commander and officers of the S. S. Simla
(Sydney: Published by J. R. Clarke, George Street, n.d. [1857])
Titlepage (0), and 6 pages music (1-6); first advertised 12 January 1857
Copy at University of Sydney, Library, Rare Books, RB CON 860 9282; a bound album originally belonging to Boulanger's Sydney pupil, Teresa Curtis (1843-1910; Meillon-Boesen) [Curtis 9282], page 1 pictured above
Download pdf copy here:
Copy at State Library of New South Wales (not yet digitised):
NOTES: On the steamship Simla, see:
"THE SIMLA", Empire (12 January 1857), 4
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
![The European march, by Boulanger (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1857])](imageslocal/boulanger-european-march.jpg)
The European march (1857)
The European march, by Boulanger, dedicated to Captain Parfitt and the officers of the A.R.M.S.S. European
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1857])
Titlepage (0), 5 pages music (1-5); first advertised 6 March 1857, originally sold separately
Later reissued bound in Clarke's The Australian musical album for 1863
Copy at National Library of Australia (dedication ? trimmed off top of titlepage) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: On the mail steamer, European, see:
"THE E. AND A. R. M. COMPANY'S STEAMSHIP EUROPEAN", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 February 1857), 4
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Above: J. R. Clarke's cover for his reissue of the Nocturne de concert, with list of other Boulanger titles for sale; on the basis of inclusions and exclusions from the list, this cover was probably printed in March 1857 (original National Library of Australia) (DIGITISED)

The Columbian mazurka (1857)
The "Columbian" mazurka, by Boulanger, dedicated to the captain & officers of the E. & A.R.M. Comp. SS "Columbian"
(Sydney: Published by J. R. Clarke, George St., n.d. [1857]; Allan & Wigley, litho. printers)
Titlepage (0), 5 pages music (1-5); first advertised 4 April 1857, originally sold separately
Later reissued bound in Clarke's The Australian musical album for 1863
Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: On the mail steamer Columbian, see:
"THE EUROPEAN AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY'S FLEET", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1857), 4
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

Impromptu polka (by 1858; published 1862)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 May 1858), 1
. . . PART I . . . 6. Piano Solo - Fantasia on Airs from the Daughter of the Regiment, Boulanger - Monsieur E. Boulanger . . .
PART II . . . 5. Piano Solo - Impromptu Polka, Boulanger - Mons. E. Boulanger . . .
"MISKA HAUSER'S FAREWELL CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1858), 5
. . . M. Boulanger was most successful in the "Impromptu Polka," which is a work of his own composition, or invention rather, seeing that it is impromptu . . .
Impromptu polka composee pour le piano et dediee a Madame Amalia Rawack née Mauthner par E. D. Boulanger
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, music publisher, 356, George Street, n.d. [1862])
Titlepage (1), 11 pages of music (2-12); publication first advertised 12 February 1862
Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Amalia Mauthner Rawack (dedicatee)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
![Lurline caprice de salon, by Boulanger (Sydney: Clarke, [1862])](imageslocal/boulanger-lurline-caprice.jpg)
Lurline caprice de salon (1862)
Caprice de salon, "Lurline", composed and dedicated to his friend William Vincent Wallace by E. Boulanger
(Sydney: J. R. Clarke, music publisher, 356, George Street, n.d. [1862]; J. Degotardi, Sydney)
Titlepage (1), 7 pages of music (1-7); publication first advertised 20 February 1862, originally sold separately; later reissued bound in Clarke's The Australian musical album for 1863
Copy at National Library of Australia (DIGITISED)
Call up relevant TROVE items: (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)
ASSOCIATIONS: William Vincent Wallace (dedicatee)
NOTES: From Wallace's opera Lurline (London, 1860); on the act 1 air "Flow on, oh silver Rhine"
? Elegy, The orphan's lament (? arr. Boulanger)
Polka, Anonymous (Anonymous polka)
? Air, Fair softened form of love (? arr. Boulanger)
Performance advertised and reported, at Sydney Philharmonic Society concert, 30 June 1862
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 June 1862), 1
. . . 3. Elegy - The Orphan's Lamont - Boulanger - Madame Sara Flower
4. Polka - "Anonymous" - Boulanger - Mr. Boulanger
5. Air - "Fair softened form of Love" - Madame Sara Flower - Boulanger . . .
"CONCERT OF THE SYDNEY PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 July 1862), 2
. . . The second part was chiefly distinguished by the brilliant instrumentation of M. Boulanger, who delighted every one by his fantasia on airs from La Sonnambula, his accompaniment to Madame Sara Flower in "the Orphan's Lament" - in the "Anonymous Polka (a piece, we believe, of his own composition) and in the instrumentation furnished by him to an exquisite air "Fair Softened Form of Love," which was delightfully sung by Madame S. Flower. Having received an unmistakable encore after his "Anonymous Polka," M. Boulanger acknowledged the compliment by playing a series of variations upon several popular melodies, which were received with rapturous applause . . .
"PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Freeman's Journal (2 July 1862), 5
. . . among the other attractions of the evening there were no less than three compositions of M. Boulanger set down for performance . . . In the second part we had Thalberg's celebrated Fantasie from the "Sonnambula," which was executed by M. Boulanger in the most masterly style, and obtained a unanimous encore, when another piece was substituted. A very beautiful Elegy by the same gentleman followed, which was sung by Madame Sara Flower, and accompanied by the composer himself. To this succeeded a new polka, the "Anonymous" suggested by a certain romantic narrative which created an extraordinary sensation in Sydney a few weeks ago. The "Anonymous" is full of mystery and diablerie, and was played in a manner that no one in Sydney but M. Boulanger can play, as an encore he substituted the "Last Rose of Summer." Another air by M. Boulanger, "Fair softened form of Love" was sung by Madame Sara Flower, and accompanied by the composer; he was deservedly applauded, but is certainly was not equal to the "Elegy" . . .
NOTE: The Herald reviewer apparently construed the program to read that Boulanger accompanied, but did not compose, the two vocal items; the Freeman's reviewer, contrarily, understood that Boulanger was the composer of all three works; concerning the "new polka", it seems most likely that the "certain romantic narrative", alluded to by the latter reviewer, was the Julia Munk Bentley case, with which Boulanger himself had been publicly identified.
Doubtful works
Sunbeams, air adapted from the German by E. B., published expressly for the benefit of the School of Industry (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [? 1861]) (DIGITISED)
Schottisch des Sabots de la marquise, piano, d'E. Boulanger [d'après] Fr. Löwenstein ([Paris]: [A. Grus], [1854])
Probably by Ernest Boulanger
Copy at the Bibliothèque nationale de France ? (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Redowa des [sic] "Les sabots de la marquise", piano, d'E. Boulanger ([Paris]: [A. Grus], [1854])
Probably by Ernest Boulanger
Copy at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (DIGITISED)
Other repertoire (Australia 1855-63)
"Pathetique" sonata,_Op.13_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van) (DIGITISED)
Sonata in A flat, op. 26
? Op. 26, or perhaps more likely refers to the A-flat slow movement of the Pathetique above
Piano trio in E flat, op. 1 no. 1, 1st movt.,_Op.1_No.1_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van) (DIGITISED)
Piano trio in C minor, op. 1 no. 3 (DIGITISED)
Piano trio in B flat, op. 11,_Op.11_(Beethoven,_Ludwig_van) (DIGITISED)
Symphony no. 2 in D, arr. piano duet, 1st movement (DIGITISED)
Symphony no. 5 in C minor arr. piano duet, 1st movement (DIGITISED)
Impromptu etude in E flat [sic]
Waltz in B flat [sic]
Scherzo in B flat minor (DIGITISED)
Nocturne in D flat
Tarantelle (DIGITISED)
Danse ossianique (DIGITISED)
Variations on the Louisiana melody Bananier
Le bananier, chanson négre, executé par messieurs Jaell et Gottschalk, composee par Gottschalk (Boston: Oliver Ditson, [c.1853]) (DIGITISED)
Herz (and De Beriot)
Variations concertantes sur La fiancée
Variations concertantes pour piano et violon sur la tyrolienne favourite de La fiancée, musique de D. F. E. Auber, composées par Henri Herz et C. De Bériot (Paris: Dépôt Central de la Musique, [c. 1830s])
Variations sur la marche du Philtre, op. 70
Variations concertantes sur la marche favorite du Philtre de de D. F. E. Auber
Duo sonata in A flat (DIGITISED)
Hymn of praise (Symphony no. 2), arr. 2 pianos, Sinfonia (DIGITISED)
Marche Marocaine (DIGITISED)
Fantaisie sur Lucia di Lammermoor (DIGITISED)
Piano quartet (unidentified); see:,_Carl_Gottlieb
Galopp di bravura (DIGITISED)
Andante, op, 32; or perhaps Andante final de Lucia di Lammermoor, op. 44 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Marche funèbre (DIGITISED)
Fantasia on Les huguenots (arr. Boulanger for 2 pianos) (DIGITISED)
Duo fantaisie sur Norma (DIGITISED)
Fantasie sur Moise de Egitto (DIGITISED)
Fantaisie sur Semiramide (DIGITISED)
Tarantelle (DIGITISED)
See the Thalberg worklist at:
Bibliography and resources
Brewer 1892, The drama and music in New South Wales, 62 (DIGITISED)
. . . M. Boulanger, certainly the best pianist that up to the year 1856 had visited Australia, performed at a concert given by the Sydney Philharmonic Society; his musical education had been of the classic school, and his interpretation of that music was marked by considerable ability, some of his compositions for the piano show much talent, both in melody and harmony and have occasionally been performed by Mrs. Palmer (née Aldis), who studied for a time under Boulanger. After rolling about the colonies for some years he proceeded to China, from where news of his death was received . . .
Myee 1915
"Myee", letter to "Old Chum" (J. M. Forde), 8 August 1915, (Old Sydney No. 406), Truth [Sydney]; quoted in Beedell 1999, 191
Oft times on Sunday evenings, when we were coming home from church she [Madame Boulanger, then still Miss Fitzsimmons] and Madame Sara Flower, who lodged with one of the Howsons, a little nearer Riley Street in William Street (Frank Howson's I think) would be singing and playing, and William Street would be blocked with people, listening enraptured with the delightful melody. There was no "move on" in those days. The constable loitered and listened with the rest . . .
Brisbane 1991, Entertaining Australia, 52, 56
Lawrence 1995, Strong on music 2: , 212, 307 (PREVIEW) (PREVIEW)
Osric 1966 [Humphrey Hall and Alfred John Cripps], The romance of the Sydney stage by Osric, 175, 177, 249
Neidorf 1999, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899, passim (DIGITISED)
Skinner 2011, 336-38, passim (DIGITISED)
Jillian Twigger, "The Australian album for 1857 and Edouard Boulanger's 'The Last Rose of Summer'", Context 40 (2015), 81-98 (DIGITISED)
Jillian Twigger, "My own island harp": Irish sentimental ballads in colonial Australia, 1854-1889 (M.Mus thesis, University of Sydney, 2016) (DIGITISED
"Edouard Desiree Boulanger", National Gallery of Australia; Australian Prints + Printmaking
© Graeme Skinner 2014 - 2025