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Edmund Leffler and family

Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)


To cite this:

Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney), "Edmund Leffler and family", Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 10 September 2024

LEFFLER, Edmund (Edmund LEFFLER; Edmund Ironsides LEFFLER)

Professor of Music, violinist, pianist, organist

Born 21 January 1809; baptised Lambeth, England, 5 March 1809, son of James Henry LEFFLER (1864-1819) and Elizabeth LEFFLER
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 21 September 1834 (per Ellen, from London, 20 March)
Died Fitzroy, Melbourne, VIC, 13 March 1873, aged 67 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony)

LEFFLER, Madeline (Elizabeth Madeline; Elizabeth LEFFLER)


Born 17 October 1847





Edmund Leffler was the fourth surviving son of James Henry Leffler (1761-1819) and his wife Elizabeth Shiel/Sheil (1767-1837). Though their marriage was not registered until 1791, Elizabeth was probably the singer Mrs. Leffler who was billed at the Royal Circus in 1789. James was a bassoon player and organist of St. Katherine's Hospital by the Tower, London, the German Lutheran Church in the Savoy, and Streatham Chapel; he died suddenly in the street in 1819.

Edmund's older brother was the popular baritone vocalist Adam Leffler (1806-1857) (see,_Adam; Adam's daughter Lucy Leffler was also a professional singer (Miss Leffler; Mrs. Henry Edmund Harper; Madame Leffler).

At Hastings, England, on 6 September 1833 a bastardy order was issue citing Edmund Leffler of Hastings All Saints, musician, as father of Mary Ann Harman's son, born at the house of Benjamin Harman on 6 Aug 1833. This was followed on 14 October 1834 with a warrant for Leffler's arrest for failing to obey a maintenance order (East Sussex Record Office; Parish of Hastings St Clements, PAR367/34/5/71; PAR367/34/4/51).

Perhaps having fled Hastings and England to avoid arrest, or at least ignominy, Leffler arrived in Hobart Town, on 21 September 1834, and a few days later was leader of the orchestra for William Russell's farewell benefit (prior to Russell visiting England). Leffler advertised as a music teacher ("late of the King's Theatre, Opera House") and piano tuner in Launceston in September 1835, and in Hobart, jointly with William Russell (evidently returned), in December, but by April 1836 had settled permanently in Launceston.

On 28 December 1837 he announced in the Sydney press that he intended to take up residence in Maitland, NSW, at the end of that week. Nevertheless, it was not until the following September that he announced his intention to leave Launceston, and, recently married, he and his wife sailed for Sydney in October.

In Sydney (not in Maitland; he appears never to have got there) he advertised as a teacher in November, and was billed to play a violin solo in John Philip Deane's concert late that month. However, the concert was postponed until 9 December, and on 14 December Leffler's wife Emma died, aged 25.

Having perhaps met the Gautrots in Sydney, Leffler failed to appear, as expected, as pianist at their Hobart concert May 1839, and was replaced by Maria Logan. However, he appeared regularly in Hobart concert notices thereafter. In April 1841 he was leader of the "small but select" theatre orchestra (including the Messrs. Duly, senior and junior, and Joseph Reichenberg).

He announced his return to Launceston in December 1842. He appears to have visited Melbourne briefly in May-June 1843, and was thereafter back at the Hobart theatre.

He married Elizabeth Coglin at St. Joseph's, Hobart, on 22 June 1844, and the couple returned to settle again in Launceston the following May. Leffler sailed for London alone in April 1848, while his wife carried on a millinery business in Launceston during 1849. The vocalist, Helena Coglin, of Adelaide, was his sister-in-law.

Leffler was reported to have arrived back in Adelaide in July 1850, presumably visiting his Coglin relatives there, and not until September was he finally back in Launceston. There he remained for the rest of the decade, appearing with visiting artists such as Ali-Ben Sou-Alle, though also making occasional appearances elsewhere, as in January 1857 when he reportedly assisted at Anna Bishop's first Hobart concert.

From 1857, there were frequent references to the "Leffler Family". His (? eldest) son was a cellist, and his daughter Madeline, a pianist, who, at the reported age of 8 (nearer 10) in October 1857 "played on the pianoforte several of the most difficult pieces with great brilliancy and effect".

In April 1862 they gave their farewell concert at Longford. Advertisements next place Leffler in Ballarat between November 1862 and March 1864.

He is documented in various places in country Victoria until 1869, after which there is no further record of his activities in the years leading up to his death in Melbourne in March 1873.

Documentation (England)

5 March 1809, baptism of Edmund Leffler

Baptisms at St. Mary's Lambeth, 1809; London Metropolitan Archives 

March / 5 / Edmund son of James Henry & Elizabeth Leffler


12 April 1819, benefit concert for the widow and children of James Henry Leffler, who died on 10 March 1819

[Advertisement], The times [London] (13 April 1819), 2 (image above)

"HANOVER-SQUARE", The sun [London] (13 April 1819), 3

The Music Rooms were opened last night, for the benefit of the Family of the late Mr. LEFFLER, who died suddenly, on his way to perform at the Concert of Ancient Music, leaving a Widow and eleven Children. The Musical Community on this, as on all similar occasions, came forward with zeal gratuitously, and afforded a treat delightful to the heart as well as to the ear. MORI was the Leader, and CLEMENTI the Conductor. The Orchestra was well supplied with Instrumental Performers of the first rank, and the Vocal Supporters were BRAHAM, AMBROGETTI, Miss GOODALL, HAWES, Signora CORRI, and Madame BELLOCHI. We regret that we have not room to particularize, but we cannot pass over the Piano-forte Concerto of Master CALMAR, who is totally blind. He is, we find, a Pupil of Mrs. MILES, whose musical excellence is well known, and who was Musical Preceptress to the late Princess CHARLOTTE, and other Members at the Royal Family, but who has retired from public life. The admirable style in which Master CALMAR performed is easily accounted for, having had such a Tutress. The Room was crowded, and the whole went off in the best manner.

18 April 1819, death of James Leffler's brother, Thomas

"DEATHS", The examiner [London] (19 April 1819), 34

On Sunday, the 18th instant, Mr. Thomas Leffler, a (says our Correspondent) considerable talent, belonging the Opera House: was younger brother of Mr. James Heury Leffler, also musician respectability, who died suddenly cn his way to the concert ancient music on the 10th of March.


England, East Sussex Record Office; Parish of Hastings St Clements, PAR367/34/5/71; PAR367/34/4/51 

Edmund Leffler of All Saints Hastings, musician, father of Mary Ann Harman's son, born at the house of Benjamin Harman in St. Clement Hastings on 6 Auguset 1833

This bastardy order was followed on 14 October 1834 with a warrant for Leffler's arrest for failing to obey a maintenance order.

Adam Leffler as Count der Tiemar in W. M. Rooke's opera Amilie; or, The love test (by Richard James Lane, printed by J. Graf, published by John Mitchell; hand-coloured lithograph, 1 January 1839); London, National Portrait Gallery, NPG D22090 (DIGITISED)

Documentation (Australia)

Leffler, Mr. E.; per Ellen, from London, 21 September 1834; Tasmanian names index, NAME_INDEXES:1469072; MB2/39/1/2 p135$init=MB2-39-1-2p077j2k 

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (23 September 1834), 3

Theatre, Argyle Rooms. W. RUSSELL, begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hobart Town and its vicinity, that his FAREWELL BENEFIT, previous to leaving this place for England, will take place on Friday next, 26th Sept., when will be performed the Opera of the LORD OF THE MANOR ... After which Mr. Marshall will play a Solo on the Flute. And, by particular desire, Miss Remans will sing the "Dashing white Serjeant," and "Soldier tired of Wars Alarms." To conclude with the Farce of MY SPOUSE AND I ... Leader of the Orchestra, Mr Leffler ...

On the other musicians, see William Russell, Anne Remens Clarke, and Mr. Marshall

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (16 October 1834), 1 

MR. LEFFLER, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, from London, begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Launceston and its vicinity, that he intends to visit the above-named place the beginning of next month, (November) for the purpose it giving instructions in the art of singing, and playing upon the piano-forte and violin; and having had a thorough musical education (the testimonials of which he will be happy to shew), trusts to meet with that patronage which it will ever be his endeavour to deserve. Hobart Town, Oct. 11, 1834.

"Van Diemen's Land News", The Sydney Herald (20 October 1834), 1s

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (24 October 1834), 3 

CONCERT. MR. GORDONOVITCH respectfully begs leave to announce to the inhabitants of Hobart town and its vicinity, that he will (with the assistance of his kind friends and the professional talent of the town) give a concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music at the Court house, on Tuesday the 28th inst ... PART 1st ... 3. Violin solo, Mr. Leffler, Mayseder ...

See also George Gordonovitch

[News], The Hobart Town Courier (31 October 1834), 3 

Mr. Gordonovitch's concert on Tuesday last, at the Court house, afforded a considerable treat to the lovers of music ... Mr. A. Frankland kindly assisted Mr. Leffler in his performance on the Seraphine, a new instrument, combining in a small compass the sostenuto effect of the organ with the distinctness and sweetness of the piano forte; Mr. A. Frankland, on this occasion, by means of a pedal, inflated the instrument with air - he was much applauded.

[Advertisement], Colonial Times (11 November 1834), 3 

MR. LEFFLER respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that his Concert will take place on Thursday Evening next, November 13, 1834, at the Argyle Rooms, on which occasion Messrs. Reichenberg, Peck, Deane, and Family will assist. Through the kind permission of the Proprietor of the "SERAPHINE," that delightful instrument will be exhibited on this occasion only.

Overture - "Torvaldo e Dorliska" - Rossini.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, (late Miss Remens,) "La Vidovella" - Sola.
Piano-forte Solo, Miss DEANE - Kalkbrenner.
Glee - "The Wreath," Mrs. CLARKE, Mr. PECK, and Mr. MARSHALL - Mazzinghi.
Violin Solo - Mr. LEFFLER - De Beriot.
Song - Mrs. KESTERTON, "Wilt thou say farewell, Love?" by desire, accompanied by herself on the Harp - Moore.
Fantasia on the "Seraphine," with accompaniments - Cramer.
Grand Symphony - Mozart.
Overture - "Miller and his Men" - Bishop.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, "To win the Love of thee" - Sola.
Concertante Violin and Piano-Forte - Kreutzer.
Glee - Mrs. CLARKE, Messrs. DEANE, PECK, and MARSHALL.
Flute Solo - Mr. MARSHALL - Nicholson.
Song - Mrs. CLARKE, "The Banks of Allan Water" - Bishop.
Solo Clarionette - Mr. REICHENBERG.
Glee and Chorus - "God Save the King" - Stevenson.
Doors to open at 7 o'Clock, performance to commence at 8 precisely. ** Tickets, 5s. each; to be had of Mr. Leffler, at Mr. Dixon's, Liverpool-street; of Mr. J. P. Deane, at the Argyle Rooms, and of Mrs. Hedger, Elizabeth-street. November 11, 1834.

On the other musicians not previously identified, see Joseph Reichenberg, John Philip Deane, Rosalie Deane, George Peck, and Emeline Kesterton

"Domestic Intelligence", Colonial Times (18 November 1834), 6

The far-famed Launceston Races will commence on Wednesday the 3d December, and continue during the week. Our Hobart Town brethren are rather slack in coming to the scratch against the Launceston horses. The sports are expected to be good. The theatre will offer much amusement after the close of the sports of each day, and will be well attended. Mr. Cameron, we learn, has used every exertion in getting together a good company, and we hope will meet with encouragement sufficient to remunerate him. Miss Remans (now Mrs. Clarke), Miss Rudelhoff, and Mr. Rudelhoff, and Mr. Leffler have been engaged, and will speedily join our corps. - Launceston Independent.

On musicians not previously identified, see Dinah Rudelhoff Murray

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (4 December 1834), 2 

AT THE THEATRE, BRITISH HOTEL, LAUNCESTON, ON MONDAY NEXT, DECEMBER 8, 1834, MRS. CLARKE & MR. LEFFLER BEG most respectfully to announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Launceston, and its vicinity, that previously to their departure for Hobart Town on Tuesday next, they intend to give a GRAND CONCERT, of Vocal and Instrumental Music, assisted by several Amateurs, who have kindly offered their assistance on this occasion, when they hope that their joint exertions will meet with their kind patronage and support. The programme of the evening's amusements will be duly announced. Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Leffler. Tickets 7s. each, to be had of Mrs. CLARKE at Capt. Wales, corner of Elizabeth and Brisbane-streets, of Mr. LEFFLER, at the Cornwall Hotel, and of Mr. MASSEY, at the British Hotel. Dec. 3, 1834.

"THE THEATRE", The True Colonist Van Diemen's Land Political Despatch... (20 February 1835), 3 

... Mrs. Cameron was evidently suffering severely from a cold, as was Mrs. Clark. This lady's voice in her song, "Meet me by Moonlight," was not all pleasing, being harsh, and apparently strained, defects which appeared1 the more striking by reason of the accompaniment not being strong enough. We have noticed this before, and again repeat, that at the back of the house the Orchestra is never heard in any of the songs. This is not doing justice to a singer, whose every defect the leader should be ready to cover by having every note under hand, so as to support the voice where, from cold, timidity, or any other cause, it may fall short of the required strength, or fail entirely. Mr. Leffler being an old orchestra hand, ought to accompany the songs, as being fully acquainted with the tact of accompaniment only to be acquired by long experience and minute attention.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (10 September 1835), 2

MUSICAL INSTRUCTION, MR. LEFFLER, Professor of Music, and late of the King's Theatre, Opera House, most respectfully begs leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, Families and Schools of Launceston and its vicinity, that he intends giving instruction on the violin and pianoforte, and also in singing; and will give instructions either at his own Residence or at the Houses of his Pupils: N.B. - Piano-fortes tuned in Town and Country. Address to his Residence at Mr. ALEX. WALES, Elizabeth-street.

[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Courier (25 December 1835), 3

MESSRS. RUSSELL and LEFFLER beg respectfully to announce that they intend to give Instruction in the rudiments of Piano-forte playing and singing. - Also to tune instruments by the year, in town and country. Terms, more moderate than have ever been known in this colony. 61, Murray-street.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (14 April 1836), 2

A CARD. MR. LEFFLER, Professor of Music, begs respectfully to announce that he has arrived in Launceston, and purposes giving instruction in the usual branches of Music. Address to residence - Mr. Farrel's, Brisbane-street. N. B. - PIANO FORTES TUNED. April 13, 1830.

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (28 December 1837), 3s

A CARD. MR. LEFFLER, Professor of Music, late of London, begs respectfully to announce to the Inhabitants of Maitland and its vicinity, that he purposes residing in the above-named Town by the end of the present week, when he intends giving instruction on the Piano-forte, Violin, and Singing. N. B - Mr. L. will have a well chosen and new selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Pianofortes tuned on the most approved principles. For Terms apply to him, at Mr. Cox's Hotel, East Maitland.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (13 September 1838), 2

MR. LEFFLER requests that all claims against him, may he presented within a fortnight, as it is his intention to leave the Colony by that time. Mr. L. at the same time, begs to inform those parties, who wish to have their piano-fortes tuned, that an early application will be necessary. N. B. - A splendid piano forte to be raffled at Mr. Farrell's, Brisbane-street. Windmill Hill, September 12, 1838.

Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Longford ... in the year 1838; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:824705; RGD36/1/3 no 4342 

"VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. MARRIAGE", The Asiatic Journal and monthly miscellany 27 (September 1838), 40

Feb. 8. At Longford, Norfolk Plains, Mr. Edmund Leffler, of Launceston, to Emma, eldest daughter of the late Mr. J. Powell, of the same place.

"LAUNCESTON SHIP NEWS", Colonial Times (6 November 1838), 4

[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (9 November 1838), 1

BEGS respectfully to announce that having just arrived from Launceston, in which town he has been professionally engaged the last three years, and can produce testimonials from families of the first respectability, intends giving instruction on the Pianoforte, Violin, and Singing.
For terms and references, application to be made at Mr. Tegg's, George-street; or at Mr. Leffler's present residence, Mr. C. Moore's, Castlereagh-street South. November 6, 1838.

[Advertisement], The Australian (22 November 1838), 1

... MR. DEANE BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that his CONCERT OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, will take place in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday Evening, the 5th December, on which occasion he will be assisted by Miss Wallace, Mrs. Clancy, the Vocal amateur whose performance elicited so much unqualified applause at the last Concert, Mr. Worgan, Mr. Leffler, and Mr. Wellington Wallace. PROGRAMME CONCERT. PART I ... 7. Solo - Violin - Viotti - Mr. Leffler ...

On musicians not previously identified above, see Eliza Wallace Bushelle, Spencer Wellington Wallace, Elizabeth Clancy, and George William Worgan.

"DEATHS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (20 December 1838), 3

On Friday, the 14th instant, in George street, Emma, the wife of Mr. Edmund Leffler, aged Twenty-five.

"CONCERT", The Hobart Town Courier (31 May 1839), 2

... We must not omit to mention, that in the absence of Mr. Leffler, who was to have presided over the pianoforte, Mrs. Logan consented at once to relieve Monsieur and Madame Gautrot from the embarrassment in which they must otherwise have been placed ...

On musicians not previosuly mentioned above, see Maria Logan


"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Courier (16 April 1841), 2

On Wednesday the very interesting and affecting melo-drama of "Mabel's Curse" was well performed to an extremely poor house ... We must not forget to notice in terms of commendation the small but select orchestra, led by Mr. Leffler, and ably supported by Messrs. Duly, senr. and junr, Reichenberg, &c. Mr. Leffler's selection of music is extremely tasteful - comprising the compositions of the best masters. So long as the performances are conducted as they now are, with so much propriety, talent, and decorum, many a pleasant hour may be passed, and many a salutary lesson imbibed, by an occasional visit to the Victoria Theatre.

On musicians not previosuly mentioned above, see Abraham and George Duly

"THEATRE", Colonial Times (27 April 1841), 2

THE spirit and ability which have characterized the management of our little theatre since its re-opening, deserve a more extended encouragement than that which has been shown ... The orchestra also contains some very excellent performers, and the music selected by Mr. Leffler, the leader, evinces great taste and judgment. For their own sakes, then, the public would do well to patronize the only genuine dramatic exhibition in the colony ...

"THE ALBERT THEATRE", The Courier (18 March 1842), 2

... The orchestra has, of late, been effectively strengthened, and execute the favourite overtures which have been selected, with taste and precision. Would, however, that we could instil into the veins of Mr. Leffler, the leader, a little of that nerve without which no one is fit to conduct in a musical theme! We do him justice in the accuracy of his fingering and the truth of his shifts; but what would the immortal Paganini say were he to hear a leading violin glancing over its passages with unchanged expression, and with as little energy as might be elicited near the bed of an expiring patient? Preferring (when such can with propriety be done) to preserve silence rather than bestow vituperation, we should have withheld the foregoing remarks as far as Mr. Leffler is concerned, but that we have felt ourselves bound, in justice to the public, to say still more on the subject of his piano accompaniments, which have of late been gone through in so careless a manner as to lead not a few to the belief that his blunders, causing, as they have evidently done, much inconvenience to the singers, and palpable injustice to the exertions of the dancers, have arisen rather through negligence than a want of ability to perform his task in a more creditable manner. If such be the case, we think that so glaring an insult to the audience ought not, on his part, to be allowed to recur; and we, ourselves, can hardly credit that an artist, whom we believe to have had a certain share of experience, can be ignorant of the almost ridiculous effect of sitting on the piano stool and wading through an accompaniment without either emphasis or regard to the ad libitum passages to be gone through by the singer. More monotony could not be aimed at by a "young miss" just let loose from a boarding school.

[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (15 December 1842), 2

"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", The Courier (9 June 1843), 2

"MARRIED", Launceston Examiner (26 June 1844), 4

On Saturday, the 22nd instant, at St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town, by the Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. Edmund Leffler, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Bartholomew Coglin, of Sligo, Ireland.

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (24 May 1845), 3

"MUSICAL PROFESSION", Launceston Examiner (4 June 1845), 3

Mr. Leffler, an old resident in Launceston, has again returned to reside amongst us, with the intention of practising his profession. Mr. Anderson has also returned from Sydney, to follow a similar vocation, having received an appointment from the members of the jewish persuasion to conduct the music of the new synagogue.

On the other musician referred to, see James Henri Anderson

"ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ORGANIST", The Cornwall Chronicle (12 July 1845), 2

How is it to be explained that in this town, no matter involving the interests of the inhabitants, entrusted to the conduct of any set of men, is arranged to the general satisfaction, and seldom or ever escapes the just imputation of party influence? How ever inexplicable - it is the fact, and to this fact must he attributed the absence of all confidence on the part of the public towards those, who by hook or by crook, contrive to fill office. A most unjust and party affair is represented to us to have been perpetrated in the matter of the Church organist; the situation is vacant, and a competent person to fill it is duly advertised for, when several applications for it are made - and the parties requested to meet the wardens at the Church on Thursday last - the meeting took place, when the whole of the applicants were refused, for the reason, as stated by the wardens - that the situation would be kept for Mr. Megson - who it was admitted had hot applied for it - was out of the colony - and to which it was doubtful he would return - and if he did return, it was equally doubtful that he would accept the situation.

We consider this is not a fair mode of discharging the public trust; in England it is the invariable practice to fill such situations in the Church by the voles of the seat-holders - and why should not so equitable a practice obtain in this town? Why should the churchwardens monopolise a privilege which is the right of the seat holders - the churchwardens themselves must admit the justice of this argument; but to the applicants - one of whom was Mr. Leffier, who we consider has no small claim upon the seal-holders of St. John's Church; he was recommended by Mr. Reichenburg, the talented professor of Hobart Town, for the situation of organist to the Catholic Church of that place, which he obtained, and filled for three years, to the most perfect satisfaction of the Catholic body; afterwards for three years he filled with like satisfaction the situation of organist to the Church at Longford - the congregations of both these places of worship recollect the able discharge of the duties of Mr. Leffler with satisfaction - thus far his competency is undisputed - Mr. Leffler is a striving man in his profession, depending alone upon it for his support - he is a member of our communion - private character is estimable, and in no one respect can the slightest objection be made to him as a properly qualified person for the organist of St.John's Church; Mr. Megson, on the other hand, is not alone dependant on his profession for his living, he was engaged, we understand, in the business of ladies' shoemaker in St. John-street, he is moreover the leader of the Orchestra at the Theatre, from which he derives a large salary, and we should imagine would not be able to attend to the service in the Church on Wednesday morning, and rehearsal at the Theatre at the same time - he is not here, nor has he applied for the situation, and in all probability he could not in justice to his engagement at the Theatre - accept the office; why then, is the congregation of St. John's Church to be deprived of the services of an organist because the Churchwardens think proper to reject the most eligible application of Mr. Leffler, to wait for (no one knows how long) the refusal of the offer of the situation to Mr. Megson? and be made a cat's paw?

It is really time that the public took an active part in its own affairs, and ceased to be made the mere tools of its servants. In this matter, the applicants being certain - the votes of the seat holders should decide - the duty of the churchwardens, being confined to the mere public announcement of the voice of their principals.

On the other musician referred to, see Joseph Megson

"THE CHURCHES", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (5 February 1846), 2 

The abrupt dismissal of Mr. Cramp, the Organist, by the clergyman of St. George's Church, we noticed in a former No., and we regret to hear that, up to this hour, no sort of payment, or explanation, has been tendered him. Mr. Cramp has a right to fair and decent treatment ... we shall most assuredly notice the subject more at length in a future number. We shall do so more unsparingly, because Mr. Leffler was treated in a precisely similar manner on a former occasion ....

On the other musician referred to, see Thomas Cramp

"The Concert", The Britannia and Trades' Advocate (18 June 1846), 3 

We were agreeably surprised to see the Music Hall, on Friday evening last, so well attended, considering that the tickets of admission were six shillings each, a price far beyond the amount most persons can afford under the existing circumstances of the times. About one hundred, however, were present, many of them well able to appreciate the extraordinary talent evinced by M. Ravac. We have never heard such a performance out of England, and to attempt any thing more than a very brief description of it, would be as futile, as absurd. It was a treat of the richest kind to the professional musician, and the amateur, and also, to those, who, having souls for melody, yet have no practical knowledge of the art. We could allude to it in terms of enthusiasm, so perfect are his instrumental powers. The manner of Mr. Ravac's performance is that of the foreign schools; M. Leffler's style is mild, although sufficiently energetic, and always gentlemanly, without any action of the body, throwing about of the head, and arms, or other outward appearance of what is passing mentally within. We have always considered M. Leffler's fingering of the violin, and his movements of the bow, such as are seldom exceeded, and not often equalled, away from the European operas. Mr. Ravac is of another teaching, and, in the unbounded enthusiasm he apparently entertains for sound, his whole soul is thrown into its production, on the correctness of which even his life appears to hang. He is therefore the very contrast to Mr. Leffler in that respect, for every muscle is thrown into action; - we do not mean to say, vulgarly so, on the contrary, the style is amusing. As an instance: He is about to produce some extremely difficult note; the bow is on the string, his head is down, almost upon it, listening like a mother for the first note of her newborn child; it thrills the air, or merely whispers joy, or sorrow, and that first note is over; then on, and on, and on, in a, manner, as we have already said, indescribable ...

On the other musician referred to, see Leopold Rawack (Ravac)

"LAUNCESTON. TRADESMEN'S BALL", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (13 October 1847), 3 

A really lovely assemblage of wives and daughters, sisters and sweethearts, with their respective beaux, took place on Monday evening, at Mr. Whitehead's spacious rooms, contiguous to the "Cornwall." Dancing commenced at half-past nine, and was continued with much vigour until five o'clock yesterday morning, with but slight intervals for refreshment. There were between 250 and 300 persons present. The music was the same as that which gave so much satisfaction at Campbell Town, with the addition of some members of the Regimental Band, and did credit to the professional talent of Messrs. Howson, Leffler, and the other performers on the occasion. Every thing passed off with harmony, peace, and the utmost propriety ...

On the other musician referred to, see Francis Howson; the bandsmen were from the Band of the 11th Regiment

"EASTER FESTIVAL", The Cornwall Chronicle (26 April 1848), 2 

The most attractive entertainment in the District, on Monday, was the Grand Festival, at the new building near St. Joseph's Church, intended for the use of the Catholic Schools. It having been intimated that, in addition to the "creature comforts" provided for the occasion, there would be a treat of no ordinary character for the votaries of good music - vocal and instrumental - and that the profits of the Festival would be devoted to the School Building Fund ... During the evening, there was likewise a pleasing variety of vocal performances, which elicited much applause. Miss Leary and Mr. Leffler sang the favorite duett of "Dear Home Belov'd," from Donizetti's Opera of La Favorite, and sung originally, at Drury Lane, by Mr. Leffler's brother (Mr. A. Leffler), and Miss Romer. "O days of Joy," by Miss Leary, was rapturously encored; and certainly, the young lady, in this and other attempts, gave indications of vocal abilities of un-common order - her command of voice, and gracefulness of expression, render her a charming singer, and she would be doubtless a valuable acquisition at Concerts of the most superior character. We may add, that Miss Leary's musical education has been superintended by Mr. Leffler. "The Old Arm Chair," by another amateur young lady, was not so successfully given; her voice is too weak for so large a room, and she wants the two requisites of experience and confidence; still, this young lady did her best, and as far as it went, it was very good. Mr. Yorkey's bass solo, "the Wolf," was deservedly encored. His powers of intonation are well-known, and he must be a very serviceable member of St. Joseph's choir. In the several glees, too, Mr. Yorkey, as also a little boy (McIvre) of very promising musical talent, rendered valuable assistance. "The Red Cross Knights," "Of all the Brave Birds," and a glee and chorus "Come unto those Yellow Sands," were sung in a very pleasing style, as was also the finale, "God save the Queen." Mr. Leffler presided at the piano-forte, with his accustomed ability ...

"SHIPPING NEWS", The Courier (3 May 1848), 2


"MUSICAL", Launceston Examiner (21 August 1850), 5

Mr. Leffler, teacher of music, well known to many persons in this colony, has recently arrived at Adelaide from England. He is at present detained in South Australia by indisposition, but as soon as his health will permit he purposes returning to Launceston.

"ARRIVALS", Launceston Examiner (7 September 1850), 6

[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (7 September 1850), 589

"MADAME ANNA BISHOP", Colonial Times (31 January 1857), 3

THIS distinguished cantatrice made her first appearance before a Hobart Town audience, on Thursday evening, at the Victoria Theatre. Our space prevents an extended notice of the entertainment in this issue. She justified the expectations which her previous triumphs had raised. She at once captivated her audience as the showers of bouquets and reiterated plaudits abundantly testified. She was ably sustained by Messrs. Loder and Leffler, and Herr Siede. This evening Madame Bishop sings again, and no farce will precede her entertainment.

On the other musicians referred to, see Anna Bishop, George Loder, and Julius Siede

[Home news], The Cornwall Chronicle (17 June 1867), 5 

Mr. ADAM LEFFLER, the accomplished singer (brother to Mr. Leffler, professor of music of this town) died in April last of apoplexy, in the 5Oth year of his age. He has left a widow and six children totally unprovided for.

"MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", The Courier (7 October 1857), 3

On Friday evening Mr. Leffler gave a musical entertainment at Johnson's Assembly Rooms, Deloraine. The attraction of the evening was the performance of Miss Madeline Leffler, eight years old, who played on the pianoforte several of the most difficult pieces with great brilliancy and effect. The company, which considering the shortness of notice - the concert having only been announced by placard the same evening - was large, and appeared highly satisfied with the entertainment. We believe Mr. Leffler intends giving similar concerts at Carrick and Westbury. - Examiner.

"MECHANICS' INSTITUTE BAZAAR", Launceston Examiner (20 February 1858), 5

The bazaar was closed last night a little after 10 o'clock. The attendance notwithstanding the rain, was very large, and a considerable sum of money must have been taken. The President publicly thanked the ladies for their exertions, and also the Leffler Family for their gratuitous musical performances. Mr. Ewing at the request of the Bazaar committee presented a very handsome ottoman to Miss Leffler as a slight acknowledgment ...

"CONCERT", The Courier (19 May 1858), 3

Last evening the Leffler Family's concert came off at the Cornwall Assembly Rooms. The programme consisted of solos, duets, and trios, which were performed in excellent style. Mr. Leffler is a very soft but sweet player on the violin, and his execution of the parts allotted to him throughout the evening was good. Miss Madeline Leffler promises well to become an excellent pianist; for when we remember that she is but nine years old, her touch and her idea of time prove that she is being instructed in the art on a firm basis. Master Leffler, though none of the violoncello parts required great execution, played well in tune, and marked time correctly. There were about 120 persons present, and the concert gave general satisfaction. The young lady was loudly applauded. - Examiner.

[George Loder], "RECOLLECTIONS OF CALIFORNIA & AUSTRALIA" [continued], The Musical World (28 August 1858), 548

...Our destination was to be Launceston, which lies at the head of the beautiful River Tamar. The sail up this fine stream was perfectly enchanting, being a continuous succession of panoramas of mountain, vale, and cultivated land, dotted here and there with snug farm-houses and suburban villas, and with an atmosphere and temperature strongly resembling the mild and healthy coast of Devonshire in the summer time; and at Launceston I had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Leffler, a brother of the late Adam Leffler. This gentleman is one of the first professors in the thriving city of Launceston, and his presence seemed to link me nearer home than I had been for many a long year.

1860s and later

"THE LONGFORD PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY", Launceston Examiner (5 January 1860), 2

[From a Correspondent.] The second soiree in connection with this Society took place on Friday evening, Mr. Laws conducting. At an early hour people from Cressy, Evandale, and even Launceston, gave the good people of Longford an expectation of a crowded house. They were not disappointed, for shortly after 8 o'clock about two hundred and fifty persons assembled in the Princess Theatre to hear the concert which commenced with an overture from Rossini, played with the usual skill and taste of the Leffler Family ... The instrumental pieces in the second part were an overture and a pianoforte solo, both of which were loudly applauded ...

"CONCERT AT LONGFORD", Launceston Examiner (15 July 1862), 5

The Leffler Family gave a farewell concert at the Blenheim Hotel Assembly Room, at Longford, last Thursday evening. There was a fair attendance, and the whole passed off very well, the performances of Miss Madeline Leffler giving very great satisfaction.

[Advertisement], The Star (1 November 1862), 3

[Advertisement], The Star (21 March 1864), 1

"DEATHS", The Argus (15 March 1873), 4

LEFFLER. - On the 13th inst., in Argyle-street west, Edmund Ironsides Leffler, professor of music, aged 67. His end was peace.

"PERSONAL", The Advertiser [Adelaide] (8 November 1915), 6

Mrs. E. R. Leffler, who died at her residence, Gouger-street, on November 1, in the 96th year, was a sister of the late Mr. P. B. Coglin, M.P. With her parents she left her native place, Ballinote, County Sligo, Ireland, at the age of 12 years, and in the ship Lindsay went to Tasmania, where in 1844 she was married to Mr. Edmund I. Leffler, a teacher of music. For some years she assisted her husband in the conduct of a young ladies school in Launceston, and then they removed to St. Kilda, Victoria, where Mr. Leffler died in 1873. A few years later Mrs. Leffler took up her residence in Adelaide. For some years prior to her death she had been an invalid, but her memory remained unimpaired to the last. Three sons, Messrs. Ambrose (Sydney), James (Melbourne), and Edmund (Western Australia), and one daughter, Miss Leffler (Gouger-street, city), survive.


[James Henry Leffler], The Leffler manuscript (London: British Institute of Organ Studies, 2010)

Paul F. Rice, British music and the French Revolution, 96-98 (PREVIEW)

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