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A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–C (Cle-Cooz)
Dr GRAEME SKINNER (University of Sydney)
To cite this:
Graeme Skinner (University of Sydney),
"A biographical register of Australian colonial musical personnel–C (Cle-Cooz)",
Australharmony (an online resource toward the early history of music in colonial Australia):; accessed 18 February 2025
- C - ( Cle - Cooz ) -
Introductory note:
The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of 1860, with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after 1860.
Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt to deal with musical personnel first active after 1860, and the coverage is selective.
A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in July 2023, and newly added documentation (including genealogical data) and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to the end of 1860 close to completion.
CLEARY, Michael (Michael CLEARY; Sergeant CLEARY)
Musician, bandsman, band sergeant of Band of the 99th Regiment, bandmaster of St. Joseph's Band (Launceston), clarinet / clarionet player, bagpiper, union pipes player, public servant
Born Tallow, Waterford, Ireland, 1811; baptised Tallow, 14 September 1811; son of Michael CLEARY and Elizabeth STOKES
Enlisted (99th Regiment), Youghal, Cork, Ireland, 23 May 1828 (aged "18")
Married (1) Bridget CASEY (c. 1820-1865), Fermoy, Cork, Ireland, 27 February 1838
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1852, and Plymouth, 5 October, via Hobart Town, 14 January 1843)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Discharged Hobart Town, TAS, 28 February 1851
Married (2) Elizabeth Frances BARRY (1840-1926), Melbourne, VIC, 13 February 1866
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1 May 1889, aged "80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLEARY, William (William CLEARY; Corporal CLEARY; Sergeant CLEARY)
Musician, bandsman, band corporal, band sergeant of Band of the 99th Regiment, bandmaster (Carlton Rifles), oboist, flautist, composer, public servant
Born Youghal, Cork, Ireland, c. 1814; son of Michael CLEARY and Elizabeth STOKES
Enlisted (99th regiment), Kinsale, Cork, 18 September 1829 (aged "15")
Married (1) Matilda FLYNN (1818-1854), St. Peter, Athlone, 16 July 1839
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 19 February 1843 (per Earl Grey, from Deptford, 16 September 1852, and Plymouth, 5 October, via Hobart Town, 14 January 1843)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 11 July 1848 (per Sir Edward Paget, from Sydney)
Discharged (99th regiment), Melbourne, VIC, 31 December 1854
Married (2) Susan CALLAGHAN (c. 1835-1904), Melbourne, VIC, 1857
Died Hawthorn, VIC, 10 January 1895, aged "76" [sic] (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)

William Cleary, "Ex B[and] M[aster] 99th regiment / B[and] M[aster] Carlton Rifles 1856";
photo, from a family collection, courtesy Hazen Cleary, Ballarat, 2021
Michael Cleary was born in Tallow, county Waterford, Ireland in 1811, and baptised at Tallow church in September that year, a son of Michael Cleary and his wife Elizabeth Stokes. Though probably not yet 17, Michael, a musician by trade, claimed to be already 18 years old on enlisting as a private in the 99th Regiment at Youghal, Cork, on 23 May 1828. Serving with the regiment on Mauritius for six years from 1831 to 1837, he was promoted to corporal on 13 December 1831, and serjeant on 25 May 1837. Back again in Ireland, on 27 February 1838, at Fermoy, Cork, he married Bridget Casey.
William Cleary, according to his army record, was born at Youghal, Cork, and he claimed to be 15 years of age on enlisting at Kinsale, Cork, on 18 September 1829. No baptism record for him has yet been found, but a year of birth of 1814 or thereabouts seems plausible. William was a drummer when he first enlisted, and became a full private on 20 March 1832. He served in Mauritius with the regiment for almost five years from 1832 to 1837, and back in Ireland, at St. Peter's, Athlone on 16 July 1839, he married Matilda Flynn.
The brothers left Ireland for the last time in September 1851, sailing from Kilkenny for Chatham, Kent, where the 99th was then based awaiting shipment to Australia. Michael as band sergeant, and William as a bandsman, with the rest of the Band of the 99th Regiment, finally embarked from Deptford, with the headquarters of the regiment, on 16 September 1842, on the Earl Grey, sailing via Hobart Town, before landing in Sydney on 19 February 1843.
On 1 March 1843, William was promoted to corporal, and thereafter also served as band corporal, alongside Michael as sergeant, and fellow corporal and bandsman Robert Martin. From as early as 1844, Martin was also regularly credited in the press as being "master of the band" or "bandmaster", despite being junior to Michael in rank.
Martin having been promoted to sergeant in October 1850, Michael took his discharge in Hobart in February 1851, and on 1 November 1851 William was also promoted to sergeant. William in turn took his discharge from the regiment in Melbourne in December 1854.
My thanks to family historian Hazen Cleary (September 2021) for kindly sharing information
DISAMBIGUATION: William Cleary (retired soldier, 88th Regiment, d. Hobart, TAS, 1850); see also "THE LATE MR. WILLIAM CLEARY", Colonial Times (27 September 1850), 2
Register of baptisms, Tallow parish (RC), Waterford, September 1811; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
Bap. Michealem fil[iu]s Michaelis Cleary & Elizabeth Stokes
Register of marriages, Fermoy parish (RC), Cork, February 1838; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
27 / Michael Cleary 99th & Bridget Casey
Register of marriages, St. Peter, Athlone parish (RC), Elphin, Roscommon, July 1839; National Library of Ireland (DIGITISED)
16 / Gulielmus Cleary (Corp. 99th) et Matilda Flynn
"The Army. CHATHAM. SEPT. 15", West Kent Guardian (17 September 1842), 8 (PAYWALL)
This morning the head-quarters of the 99th regiment marched from this garrison, under the command of Major Last, with Ensign Erden and Ensign Mends. The head-quarters proceeded to Deptford, where they embark on Friday, on board the convict ship Earl Grey, bound for Van Dieman's Land. The head-quarters consisted of 5 sergeants, with 27 rank and file, with band-master, band and drums, 10 women, and 20 children . . .
Australia (from 1843):
Paylist of the 99th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1843; Australian Joint Copying Project, from Records of the UK War Office (DIGITISED)
Serjeants / . . . 599 / Cleary Mich'l / . . . Band (DIGITISED)
Corporals / . . . 604 / Cleary Will'm / . . . Band
805 / Martin Robert / . . . Band
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Martin (band corporal); Band of the 99th Regiment (military band)
[Advertisement], The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (17 August 1844), 88
NEW MUSIC. Just published, price 3s., "MY LOVED MY HAPPY HOME,"
AN Original Ballad, composed and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard,
99th Lanarkshire Regiment, by William Cleary, Corporal of the Band.
To be had at the office of this paper, and of the composer at the Barracks.
"LITERARY REGISTER: NEW MUSIC", The Weekly Register (17 August 1844), 85; [Advertisement], 88
"My loved my happy home." An Original ballad composed and dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, by William Cleary, 99th Regiment. Sydney: 1844.
The author of this ballad comes before us in the double character of poet and musician.
In the former he has treated a popular subject feelingly, if not always with strict accuracy of language, or much newness of thought.
We would suggest, that the line at the bottom of page 1 should read
"Thou distant scene art dear to me."
in order to make sense of the corresponding "thee" which follows. Again at p. 3, the line
"And hap'ness now from me has flown."
is quite barbarous, but may readily be changed by the singer into
"And happiness from me has flown."
With respect to the music, the melody is pleasing, and we think original, and the harmony of the accompaniment,
though not without faults, is such as a composer of greater pretensions need not be ashamed of.
We trust our fair readers will patronise this new composer.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Augustine Duncan (reviewer)
"NEW MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August 1844), 4
My Loved my Happy Home. - An original Ballad, the words and music composed
(and by permission most respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, 99th Lanarkshire Regiment) by W. CLEARY, Corporal of the Band.
Published by Hudson and Co., 377, Pitt-street North.
THIS is a very pretty ballad, and will be a welcome addition to the libraries of our young lady vocalists whose voices do not range above F.
Mr. Cleary is decidedly more a musician than a poet.
The air is plaintive and touching, but occasionally much like a variation on Nel cor piu.
The accompaniment is easy and appropriate; and our most timid amateurs may be grateful to the composer for placing this very pretty ballad within their powers.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (publisher)
MUSIC: Nel cor più non mi sento (Paisiello)
[Advertisement], The Australian (31 October 1844), 2
CONCERT. MRS. BUSHELLE HAS the honor to announce, under Distinguished Patronage, a
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, at the
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, On Wednesday, November the 6th, 1844.
When he will be assisted by the principal Professional Talent in Sydney . . .
THE FOLLOWING IS THE PROGRAMME:- PART I . . . 5. Solo, "Orphocleide," Air with variations, Mr. J. Martyn . . .
7. Ballad, "My loved, My happy Home." Words and music by Mr. Cleary, of H. M. 99th Regiment,
and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard, accompaniments by Mr. S. W. Wallace - Mrs. Bushelle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: J. Martyn [sic, or "T. Martyn" in another paper] (99th Regiment, ? bandsman); Eliza Wallace Bushelle (vocalist); Spencer Wellington Wallace (Eliza's brother, leader of the orchestra, arranger)
[Advertisement], The Australian (29 November 1845), 1
Mr. MARSH begs to announce that his Concert, will take place on
[the] Orchestra, which will be full and complete, consisting of the following instruments in two New Overtures: -
Flutes - . . . A. Hill.
Oboes - Messrs. R. Martin, W. Cleary.
Principal Clarinets - Messrs. W. Martin, A. Cleary [sic].
Clarinets - Messrs. Lillingston, Bromley, Hepperon, and Simpson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Stephen Hale Marsh (musician); Arthur Silvester Hill (flute, band of the 99th Regiment); other members of the 99th band
[Advertisement], The Weekly Register of Politics, Facts and General Literature (29 November 1845), 264
PROGRAMME: PART I . . . Grand Military Overture, composed by Mr. Marsh, (first performance) - Military Band and full Orchestra . . .
PART II . . . Ballad , "My lov'd and happy home." Cleary - Mr. J. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (28 October 1848), 2
A GRAND GALA To celebrate the Second Anniversary of the
HOBARTON CATHOLIC Total Abstinence Society
Will be held on the REGATTA GROUND, (By the kind permission of His Excellency,)
On Monday, 6th November, 1848.
The Band of the Society will be on the Ground.
Several useful and pleasing Amusements will be prepared, not forgetting the Violin, for a "trip on the Green" . . .
The Splendid Band of the 99th (by the kindness of Colonel Despard) will attend.
SERGEANT CLEARY, Of the Band, will favour the company with several airs on the much admired UNION PIPES,
Several good Songs will be sung . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Hobart)
"TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL . . . THE TEA PARTY", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (27 December 1848), 2
IN the evening at the Hall, was crowded; the visitors began to assemble at 7 o'clock, and precisely at eight tea was on the table. The splendid band of the 99th Regt. being in attendance added much to the amusements of the evening, and Sergeant Cleary played several airs on the "Union Pipes." Short addresses were delivered by the Pastors of St. Joseph's, and several favorite songs and glees were sung. Old and young, equally enjoyed themselves. The company broke up a little after eleven o'clock, and the whole passed off in a manner which reflects great credit on the persons connected with the getting up of the festival.
"THE OLD YEAR . . . BOXING NIGHT", Colonial Times (29 December 1848), 3
. . . One society of Teetotallers enjoyed themselves at their Hall in Bathurst-street; and another [Catholic] in Harrington street, at which place several excellent songs were sung, and Serjeant Cleary, of the 99th Regt., gave some Scotch and Irish airs upon the union pipes . . . The Non-commissioned Officers of the 99th Regiment sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Mr. I. Hyams, of the Rose and Crown, New Town Road, on which occasion the greatest harmony prevailed; there were several civilians present; and what with the singing and speechifying, combined with the goodness of the fare, the evening concluded as all such meetings should . . .
"A VISIT TO A TEETOTAL MEETING BY A STRANGER", The Courier (30 December 1848), 2
The school-room attached to the Roman Catholic Chapel was devoted to the celebration of a tea party on the evening after Christmas-day . . . Colonel Despard, the distinguished commanding officer of the 99th Regiment, had kindly lent his band; and they enlivened the scene with some well played and beautiful selections. In one of the intervals Sergeant Cleary, who was announced to play some airs on the bagpipes, was greeted with friendly welcome by old and young, and gave "The Vale of Avoca" in very excellent style, followed by "Nora Creina," which latter set all their feet clattering, and as eager for a dance us ever racehorses were for a start. The Sergeant was vehemently applauded; after which there were several glees well sung by three of the band, and various other comic songs by parties present; and after the teapots had gone round more than once, and due libations been made to temperance, the whole meeting dispersed with feelings of unalloyed gratification . . . .
"MUSIC", The Courier (31 January 1849), 2
We have received a copy of an original ballad, "My loved, my happy home," the words and music composed (and by permission dedicated to Mrs. Despard, the lady of Colonel Despard, of the 99th Lanarkshire Regiment of Foot, at present in garrison) by Sergeant [sic] William Cleary, of the band of that regiment, originally published by Messrs. Hudson & Co., of Pitt-street, Sydney. The composer is the well-known player on the bagpipes; and it is gratifying to observe, that amidst his military avocations he is endeavouring to cultivate his natural talents to advantage. This is just the ballad that ought to sell well in this colony, reviving reminiscences of the distant scenes of childhood, and encouraging fond hopes of once again regaining the "home of happy youthful days." The score exhibits considerable talent, and a ready sale may be anticipated amongst the numerous friends of the sergeant. It can be purchased at the booksellers.
"ACTION FOR LIBEL. . . FRIDAY, 20TH MARCH.", Colonial Times (27 March 1849): 1-2s
. . . W. Blyth. Esq , sworn . . . I know William Cleary, the messman of the 99th regiment. The messman has not paid me his bill. I sent one in some time ago. It was delivered to him. I cannot say how long before that I saw the messman of the 99th. I do not recollect having named my suretyship for the Courier newspaper to the messman . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (31 March 1849), 2
Grand Tea Party. ON EASTER MONDAY,
April 9, 1849, at 7 o'clock, in ST. JOSEPH'S School room, Harrington street.
SERGEANT CLEARY, of the 99th Band, will favor the company with several airs on the Union Pipes.
The Society's Band will be in attendance. A selection of Songs and Glees . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (14 April 1849), 1
NEW MUSIC. "My Loved, my Happy Home!" AN ORIGINAL BALLAD.
The words and music composed (and by permission most respectfully dedicated to the Lady of Colonel Despard, 99th Regiment,) by William Cleary, Corporal of the Band.
On Sale at I. W. H. Walch's, Stationer, Elizabeth street and at Messrs. Hawley & Co.'s, Booksellers, Murray-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Walch (stationer, musicseller)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (3 November 1849), 2
THIRD ANNIVERSARY. Monday, November 5th, 1840.
THE MEMBERS are particularly requested to assemble in the SCHOOL-ROOM, HARRINGTON STREET, at 9 o'clock.
The Procession headed by the full band of the Society, dressed in uniform, will start at 10 o'clock;
after passing through some of the principal streets the procession will proceed to the Regatta Ground, which was kindly granted for the occasion by the Lieutenant Governor.
The Band of the Society will play during the day . . . At Four o'clock the procession will return to the School Room . . .
SERGEANT CLEARY Will play some favourite airs on THE UNION PIPES!
Several good Glee Singers, as well as others, have kindly promised to sing during the evening . . .
"ST. JOSEPH'S TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (7 November 1849), 3
On Monday last, being the third anniversary of the above Society, the members walked in procession through the town, headed by the fine band of the Society, to the Regatta Ground . . . In the evening a Tea Party took place in the Boy's School Room . . . Sergeant Cleary played, during the evening, several airs on the Union Pipes, which were highly applauded. There were also several good glees, songs, &c., sung in the course of the evening . . .
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (26 March 1850), 3
A Grand Tea Party WILL be held in St. Joseph's School Room, on EASTER MONDAY, 1850,
upon which occasion Sergeant Cleary will favour the company with several Airs on the "Union Pipes."
The Band of the St. Joseph's Society will be in attendance, dressed in their full uniform.
A variety of "Songs" and "glees" will also contribute to enliven the evening's amusement . . .

Proceedings of a regimental board, 99th Regiment, Serjeant Michael Cleary, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 10/28 February 1851; UK National Archives, WO97/1061/46 (PAYWALL)
. . . Discharge of No. 599, Serjeant Michael Cleary . . .
by Trade a Musician was BORN in the Parish of Tallow in or near the Town of Tallow in the County of Waterford
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Foot at Youghal, in the County of Cork on the 23 May 1828 at the Age of 18 years . . .
the SERVICE up to 28th Feb'y 1851 . . . amounts to [22] years, 283 days . . .
during which period he served abroad [14] years;
viz. at the Mauritius [6] years,
in the Australian Colonies [8] years . . .
his DISCHARGE is proposed in consequence of being found unfit for further service.
He intends to reside and receive his pension at Hobart Town, V. D. Land . . .
CHARACTER and CONDUCT . . . very good . . .
Private / 22 May 1828 // Corporal / 13 Dec'r 1831 // Serjeant / 25 May 1837
"BALL AT THE MILITARY BARRACKS", Colonial Times (21 January 1851), 3
Lieut. Colonel Despard and the Officers of the 99th Regiment, gave a grand ball at the Military Barracks on the 14th instant. His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, the Commander of the Forces, Lady Denison, Mrs. and Miss Wynyard and suite, the Officers of the Havannah, and a large company comprising nearly all the beauty, fashion, and intelligence of Hobart Town were present. The dancing was kept up until 4 o'clock in the morning. The refreshments were provided by Sergeant Cleary, on whom they reflected infinite credit.
"GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (15 November 1851), 3
On Thursday morning last, Serjt. Michael Cleary, late of the 99th regiment, was presented with a silver medal, "for long service and good conduct," by Major Last on parade at the Barrack-square, when the gallant officer addressed Mr. Cleary as follows: -
"Sergt. Cleary, I am deputed by Colonel Despard to present you with this medal for long and meritorious conduct in the 99th regt. I do so with great pleasure as we have served many years together. A more excellent and deserving man has never been in this regt. You have served 23 years, 19 of which you have been a non-commissioned officer, without blemish on your character. I wish you happiness, and a long life to enjoy it."
Sergt. Cleary, who seemed much affected then said,
"I am grateful and I thank you Major, for the honorable distinction you have been pleased to confer on me this day. The band, among whom I served many years, I hope, individually, will merit a similar reward, before they are discharged, from H.M. service. I pray that honor and happiness may attend you and the officers of the 99th regt., wherever they go."
We have much pleasure, in recording this mark of respect to Sergt. Cleary, as his conduct in this city has been uniformly good, having repeatedly seen him at the St. Joseph's Total Abstinence Society's band, where he did good service to those young men who frequently are applauded when they appear in public, for the efficient manner they perform some splendid pieces of music, solely to be attributed to the exertions of Mr. Cleary, whom we know to be a temperate and moral man, and we only hope he may live long in this island to enjoy the mark of respect to which he was duly entitled, by his marked good conduct. In addition to the medal, Sergt. Cleary was presented with £15, being a gratuity allowed by government for long and good service. We have only to add, in conclusion, to the men of the 99th "Go ye and do likewise."
"PRESENTATION OF MEDAL", The Courier (19 November 1851), 2
. . . We have much pleasure in recording this mark of respect to Serjeant Cleary, as his conduct in this city has been uniformly good; and to him the St. Joseph's Total Abstinence Band are indebted for the knowledge of some of their choicest pieces of music. In addition to the medal, Serjeant Cleary was presented with a gratuity of 15l.
"GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL", Freeman's Journal [Sydney, NSW] (18 December 1851), 9
We feel much pleasure in having to announce that Sergeant Cleary, late of the 99th Regiment, now stationed at Hobart Town, had a well merited compliment paid him as a reward for long services . . . If bearing our testimony could add any additional honor to that already conferred on Sergeant Cleary, who was for some time quartered here, we would willingly do so, as we know him to be in every way deserving of the mark of approbation with which he has been honoured, and a credit to the service which he has just left . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Melbourne, from Hobart Town, 3 February 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
Bridget Cleary / 30 / Laundress / Irish
Eliza Cleary / 13 / Seamstress / Irish
Michael Cleary Jun. / 4 / - / Tasmanian
John Cleary / 2 / - / Tasmanian
Michael Cleary / 39 / Musician / Irish
"DIED", The Cornwall Chronicle (6 October 1852), 644
On the 29th ult., John Cleary, second son of Michael Cleary, late sergeant of the band, 99th regt..
Deaths in the district of Hobart, 1854; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1192193; RGD35/1/4 no 1128$init=RGD35-1-4P114 (DIGITISED)
1128 / April 3rd / Matilda Cleary / Female / Thirty Four yrs / Sergeant's wife / Consumption . . .
"DEATH", The Courier (4 April 1854), 2
At the Military Barracks, on the 3rd instant, of consumption, MATILDA, wife of Serjeant William Cleary, 99th Regiment. The funeral will take place from St Joseph's Church at 2 o'clock to-morrow.

Proceedings of a regimental board, 99th Regiment, Serjeant William Cleary, Melbourne, VIC, 18/31 December 1854; UK National Archives, WO97/1674/72 (PAYWALL)
. . . Discharge of No. 604, Serjeant William Cleary . . .
by trade a Laborer was BORN in the Parish of Youghal in or near the town of Youghal in the County of Cork
and was ATTESTED for the 99th Regiment of Foot at Kinsale in the County of Cork on the 18th Sept. 1829 at the Age of fifteen years . . .
the SERVICE up to 31st December 1854 . . . amounts to 24 years, 270 days . . .
during which period he served abroad 16 8/12 years;
viz. in the Mauritius 4 10/12 years,
in the Australian colonies 11 10/12 years . . .
his DISCHARGE is proposed in consequence of having been reported by a Medical Board as unfit for further service . . .
Character has been extremely good . . .
Drummer / 17th Sept 1829 //
Private / 20th March 1832 // Mauritius 13 Nov'r 1832 / [to] 5th Oct'r 1837 //
Promoted Corporal 1 March 1843 // Serjeant 1st Nov'r 1851 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 November 1855), 8
A BLACK and Tan Terrier followed a gentleman's dog-cart from the direction of St. Kilda to the Gardiner's Creek road three days ago. The owner can have him on giving a correct description, and paying for this advertisement, upon application to Sergeant CLEARY at the Government Offices, William-street. November 20th, 1865.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (4 January 1856), 2
GENERAL ORDER. No. 306. Head Quarters, Melbourne, 2nd January, 1856.
The Funeral of the late lamented Governor SIR CHARLES HOTHAM, K,C.B., will take place on Friday afternoon next, the 4th January, 1856, at Four o'clock precisely . . .
The Funeral Procession will be formed in the following Order: . . .
His late Excellency's Valet. His late Excellency's Orderly Sergeant. Sergeant Cleary, the keeper of the Government Offices . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Hotham (governor, deceased)
"TOWN TALK", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (12 May 1858), 3
Reagh, the ex-sergeant, and attempted suicide, who was discharged last week for obtaining money under false pretences, but committed for trial for illegally pawning a borrowed umbrella, has made several more efforts, and succeeded in more than one, in swindling persons out of small sums by pretending that he had a carte blanche to distribute government employments. In almost every case his dupes had the honor of receiving a communication marked "O.H.M.S" from the Government office, and subscribed "Michael Cleary." The only wonder is that he did not borrow the signature of "J. Moore," which would certainly have been more imposing. It is strange however, that in selecting "Michael Cleary," who is the office keeper, he pitched upon one of the best conducted and most upright of all the subordinate officers in the civil service. He served over 23 years in the 99th Regt. (19 as a non-commissioned officer), and was one of the military volunteers from Tasmania shortly after the discovery of the gold-fields, and during the La Trobe regime. Seven years ago he was promoted to his present position, which is now one of much responsibility. After Reagh's trial at the ensuing criminal sessions, some of the other charges of alleged fraud will be proceeded with.
[Advertisement], The Argus (29 June 1858), 8
Music - Vocal: Mr. Walter Bonwick . . .
Music -Instrumental: Piano - Charles Bial, Esq.
Violin - Mr. L. Delplanque.
Flute - Mr. Cleary . . . .
Dancing: Mr. Delplanque.
Drill-Sergeant: Mr. Cleary . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Morrison (principal); Walter Bonwick (musician); Charles Bial (musician); Louis Delplanque (violinist, dancing master)
"NEW MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (5 November 1859), 2
We have received a new "Grand Polka," composed for the Royal Victoria Volunteer Artillery Regiment, and dedicated to Lieutenant Colonel Pasley. It is by Mr. William Cleary, a musical amateur, who gained favour in the adjoining colony of New South Wales by two or three pretty trifles of a similar character. We recommend the last new polka to our sister belles, who will, no doubt, accept the recommendation of a beau Bell (who, however, is not of Cockneydom).
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Pasley (soldier, musical amateur)
[News], The Argus (8 November 1859), 4
A new and original polka, "The Royal Victorian Volunteer Artillery Regiment," composed by Mr. W. Cleary, a local musician, has been handed to us for review. The melody is extremely pretty, and far from commonplace. The composition is arranged with every regard to the convenience of amateur pianists, and Mr. Cleary has at the same time preserved the characteristics of brilliancy.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (17 December 1859), 5
The band of the 40th regiment will play at the Botanic Gardens this afternoon from four till six o'clock. The following is the programme: . . . . Polka, "The Royal Victoria Artillery," Cleary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military band)
[News], The Argus (6 November 1860), 4
The drum and fife band of the Carlton Company of Volunteer Rifles came out on Saturday for the first time, under the mastership of Mr. William Cleary, and played some very pretty marches, among which one composed by him for the company, called the "Carlton Volunteer Rifle March." We doubt not many will be glad to see them out every parade day.
Duncan Harrington, an elderly man, was charged with stealing several volumes of different works from the Public Library . . . William Cleary, assistant at the library, identified the volumes produced, which he stated had been found at a bookseller's in Stephen-street . . .
[News], The Argus (27 November 1867), 5
Another contribution has been made the stock of music composed in honour the Prince. This is the "Alfred Galopade" which has been very handsomely printed, its frontispiece bearing an unusually fine lithograph of H.R.H.. The composer, who deserves credit for a spirited and well-written piece of dance music, is Mr. W. Cleary, one of the assistants at the Public Library, and some years sergeant of the band of 99th Regiment, whose performances in Melbourne in 1854-5 will yet be remembered by many admirers.
"CIVIL SITTINGS . . . TUESDAY, AUG. 24 . . . SMITH V. CLEARY", The Argus (25 August 1869), 7
An action on a bill of exchange for £30, endorsee against drawer. Plea, that defendant did not draw or endorse the bill. Mr. Duigan for plaintiff; Mr. Fellows for the defendant. The bill was dated 26th September, 1868, at three months for £30, and purported to be drawn by Timothy Cleary upon William Cleary, accepted by the latter, and endorsed to plaintiff. William Cleary is no relative of the defendant, though of the same name; and is employed at the Public Library . . .
"WE LEARN that . . .", Launceston Examiner (21 September 1875), 2
WE LEARN that Mr. Michael Cleary, of Invermay, has been appointed Paymaster of Imperial Pensioners in Northern Tasmania. Mr. Cleary has been connected with the service of Government, in civil and military capacity, for upwards of 45 years. He arrived at Hobart Town with the 99th regiment, and on his retirement in 1851 on a pension from the army, in which he had been sergeant and latterly band master [recte, band sergeant] for 23 years, he was appointed principal storekeeper to the Convict Department. On the breaking out of the goldfields in Victoria, he proceeded thither, and obtained the situation of Despatching Clerk under the Government of Governor Latrobe, which he held under successive governors until the time of Lord Canterbury, a period of over twenty years, when he retired on a good conduct pension.
"IMPERIAL PENSIONER'S PAYMASTER", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (25 September 1875), 12
We learn that the appointment of paymaster of Imperial pensioners has been conferred upon Mr. Michael Cleary of Invermay. Mr. Cleary is the recipient of a military pension from the Imperial Government, having served 23 years as bandmaster [sic] of the 99th Regiment. He has also a pension from the Victorian Government for over 20 years meritorious service as despatch clerk in the Treasury department. Mr. Cleary is the possessor of numerous complimentary testimonials from high officials who have held authority in the neighboring colony of Victoria.
"CONCERT AT ST. JOSEPH'S HALL", The Tasmanian (28 October 1876), 5
Two hours were passed very pleasantly at this hall on Thursday, at a vocal and instrumental concert in aid of the funds of the St. Joseph's Band . . . The St. Joseph's Band, under the leadership of Mr. M. Cleary, performed four selections of music, - Lucrecia Borgia, "Stars of the South," "Silver Trumpets," and the "Butterflies Ball," during the evening, in their usual spirited but careful manner . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Joseph's Band (Launceston)
"PROMENADE CONCERT", Launceston Examiner (7 November 1876), 2
It is notified that the first promenade concert of a series of twelve will be given by the St. Joseph's Band, on the evening of the Prince of Wales's Birthday, in the Public Gardens, under the conductorship of Mr. M. Cleary, late Bandmaster H.M 99th Regiment.
"Deaths", The Argus (2 May 1889), 1
CLEARY. - On the 1st inst., at Rosebank, Moreland-grove, Michael, the beloved husband of Elizabeth Cleary, for many years despatch clerk Chief Secretary's office, Melbourne. (A colonist of 45 years' residence.) R.I.P.
[News], The Ballarat Star (3 May 1889), 2
A very old colonist and one of the oldest Government servants, Mr. M. Cleary, passed away on Wednesday (says the Telegraph), at the age of 80. Mr. Cleary had been 45 years in the Imperial and colonial service in Victoria. He was bandmaster of the 99th Regiment when stationed here [sic]. He was appointed despatch clerk by Governor Latrobe, and he continued to be attached to the staffs of the Governors down to the time of Sir George Bowen. He was transferred to the office of the Chief Secretary, and retired at the age of 61, after 45 years' service. He enjoyed two pensions - one from the Imperial Government and the other from the Victorian authorities.
"DEATHS", The Argus (14 January 1895), 1
CLEARY. - On the 10th inst., at his residence, Lennox-street, Hawthorn, William, the beloved husband of Susan Cleary; formerly secretary of the Melbourne Public Library, aged 76 years. Interred in the Boroondara Cemetery. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
"ST. JOSEPH'S BAND. FIFTY YEARS' HISTORY", Launceston Examiner (6 July 1895), 3
. . . The first bandmaster was the late Mr. John Agnew, of the 96th Regiment . . . he was succeeded by Mr. Michael Dillan, solo clarionet player of the 11th Regiment band, and after him Mr. Drum-Major Allen, who had retired from the 96th Regiment . . . He was succeeded by the late Mr. Charles Galvin, one of the founders . . . Subsequently Mr. Alexander Wallace . . . succeeded Mr. Galvin. In 1876 Herr Carl Schmitt took charge, and he was followed by Mr. M. Cleary . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Agnew (musician); Charles Galvin (musician); Carl Schmitt (musician)
Extant musical works (William Cleary):
My lov'd, my happy home (1844)
My lov'd, my happy home, an original ballad, the words & music composed and by permission most respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Colonel Despard 99th Lanarkshire Regiment by William Cleary, corporal of the band (Sydney: Hudson & Co., [1844])
ONSITE PDF (free download)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Hudson (publisher); Anne Despard (dedicatee)
The Royal Victoria Volunteer Artillery Regiment grand polka (1859)
The Royal Victoria Volunteer Artillery Regiment grand polka composed and arranged for the piano forte and by permission most respectfully dedicated to the Hon'ble. C. Pasley, R.E. Lieut. Colonel commanding the regiment by William Cleary (Melbourne: Hamel & Co., 1859) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Pasley (soldier, musical amateur); Julius Hamel (lithographer)
Prince Alfred galopade (1867)
Prince Alfred galopade, composed and arranged for the piano forte, most respectfully dedicated to H.R.H. the duke of Edinburgh K.G. (Earl of Ulster) by William Cleary, late sergeant of the band, Her Majesty's 99th Lanarkshire Regiment (Melbourne: C. Troedel, lith., [1867]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Prince Alfred (duke of Edinburgh); Charles Troedel (lithographer)
Bibliography and resources:
Report of the Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, with the reports of the sectional committees for the year 1871 (Melbourne: John Ferres, Government Printer, 1872)
Edmund La Touche Armstrong, The book of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, 1856-1906 (Melbourne: Trustees of the Public Library, Museums, and National Gallery of Victoria, 1906), 5, 34-35 (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
[4] . . . The first man appointed in any permanent manner [to the Melbourne Public Library] was Edward Washfold. He had been employed at the Supreme Court as a sort of general factotum, and on the opening of the Library in February, 1856, Judge Barry appointed him as Porter, at a salary of 150 per annum, until provision could be made for supplying him with suitable quarters, when, it would appear, his salary was to be reduced to 120 per annum. For three months Washfold carried on the [5] work of the Library, with the assistance of a constable at the front door. Printed catalogues of the first books supplied had been sent out by Mr. Guillaume, the first bookseller to the Trustees, and doubtless the Judge himself superintended their arrangement on the shelves. The appointment of Washfold was questioned by the Chief Secretary of the time. He had nominated William Cleary for the position and instructed him to report himself for duty at the Library. Cleary did so, but, apparently by Judge Barry's instructions, was told that his services were not required. He returned to the Chief Secretary's office and asked for instructions. He was directed to report himself daily, and this he continued to do, with the invariable result that, according to his statement, he was informed that "there was nothing for him to do at the Library." So matters continued for some time, the Trustees, or, rather, the Judge, on their behalf, insisting that the right of appointment to the staff rested with them. On May 1st, Barry wrote to the Government asking that Washfold be paid from the 11th of February. He differed from Cleary in his view of the position, for he stated that Cleary had been drawing pay since the Library was opened, and although regularly instructed by the Trustees in the duties he was to perform, he had withdrawn himself without their leave, and since the 31st of March he had not done any duty whatever at the Library. Finally the matter was compromised by the appointment of Washfold as Porter and Cleary as Clerk, the Government apparently conceding the right of future nominations to the Trustees . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Redmond Barry (judge)
Vocalist, stage singer
Active Sydney, NSW, 1854; ? 1859 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[News], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 September 1854), 4
WE observe that M. and Madame Herwyn have announced their farewell concert . . . when they will be assisted by a phalanx of talent, including a debutante, the Signora Clementi, of whose powers report speaks highly . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Celestine Herwyn (violinist and pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1854), 2
MONSIEUR and MADAME HERWYN'S Last Concert at the ROYAL HOTEL, THIS EVENING, 5th September,
under the immediate patronage of His Excellency the Governor General.
PROGRAMME. - PART I . . . 3. Song - "Ah! Cilo!" [Ah cielo] from "Norma" - sung by Mrs. Clementi - BELLINI . . .
PART II . . . 2. A Favorite Song - by Mrs. Clementi . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"MONS. AND MADAME HERWYN'S LAST CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1854), 5
. . . The concert of Tuesday evening was highly gratifying to all the lovers of good music, and the demonstrations in favour of most of the performances were most unequivocal . . . The opening duet by the beneficiaires was a masterpiece of execution . . . The song which followed, "Cheer, Boys, cheer," appeared to us a little out of place; it was followed by "Ah Cielo," from the opera of Norma. Nervousness prevented Signora Clementi from doing justice to this song, which is unlike the rest of Bellini's compositions, and certainly not equal to most of them . . . All who were present at this concert, amongst whom were his Excellency the Governor General, Mr. Justice Therry, the Attorney-General, and their families, seemed highly pleased with the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fitzroy (governor); Roger Therry (judge); John Hubert Plunkett (attorney general)
"THE HERWYNS' FAREWELL CONCERT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (9 September 1854), 2
. . . Madame Clementi was too timid to afford herself a fair chance . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (2 November 1854), 1
Great Attraction every Evening. GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place in the Bazaar.
Full band from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London.
Conductor. - HERR KRUSE. Pianist - MR. EMANUEL.
PROGRAMME, November 1st.
Overture - Band. Glee - Hail smiling morn. - Spofforth. Polka - Band.
Song - Miss Flora Harris - I love the dewy twilight. - Glover.
Pot Pouri - William Tell. Song - Mr. Hancock - Gipsy Prince. - Sporle. Waltz - Band.
Song - Madame Clementy. - Should he upbraid, - Bishop. Galop - Band.
Song - Mr. J. Fairchild - Madeline. - Nelson. Cavatina - La Sonnambula. - Bellini.
Song - Miss Flora Harris - The Swallows. - F. Abter [Abt]. Polka - Band.
Song - Mr. Hancock - The Fugitive Slave. Galop - Band.
Song - Madame Clementy - Banks of Allan Water. - Walker. Waltz - Band.
Song - Mr. J. Fairchild - I'm Leaving thee, Annie. - Barker. March - Band.
Doors open at half-past 7; commence at 8 precisely. Admission to Promenade, One shilling; Dress Circle, 2s.
ASSOCIATIONS: Herman Kruse (conductor); Abraham Emanuel (pianist); Flora Harris (vocalist); Edward Hancock (vocalist); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (6 November 1854), 1
ROYAL HOTEL.- Great attraction every evening.
Grand Promenade Concerts (a la Jullien), in the Bazaar.
Full band from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London; conductor, Herr Kruse;
principal vocalists, Miss Flora Harris, Madam Clementy, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Fairchild; pianist, Mr. Emanuel.
Doors open at half past seven, commence at eight o'clock. Admission to promenade, 1s. ; reserved seats, 2s. 6d.
"COURT OF REQUESTS, £30 JURISDICTION . . . CLEMENTI v. TORNING", Empire (8 February 1855), 5
This was an action brought by the plaintiff Sarah Clementi who was described as a stage professional singer,
to recover from the defendant Mr. Andrew Torning, the Lessee of the Victoria Theatre, a sum of £30,
damages for an alleged breach of contract.
It appeared from the opening statement, that an agreement was entered into between the parties,
by which the defendant bound himself to pay to the plaintiff a weekly salary of three pounds per week for six months,
in consideration of the latter contributing her professional talents to the service of the defendant for a like period.
The evidence in support of the plaint was, that some months ago plaintiff, accompanied by Mr. Emanuel, a professor of music,
whose assistance she had solicited to procure her an engagement,
waited on Mr. Torning and represented to him that she (plaintiff) was an operatic singer of considerable talent,
and qualified to appear before the public as a prima donna on the theatrical boards.
The defendant, who was at the time about to become the lessee of the Victoria Theatre, referred the plaintiff to Mr. John Howson,
who was attached to the theatre as a singer, before whom she was to give some proof of her ability;
she did so, and the result was favourable; she was subsequently engaged for six months as stated in the plaint,
but after the second week of that engagement defendant dismissed her,
and refused to perform his share of the contract, by which she sustained damages to the amount sought to be recovered.
The defendant's pleas set forth, first, that he never was indebted;
second that he never entered into such a contract; and lastly, that plaintiff was not competent to perform the services for which she was engaged.
To sustain the different pleas Mr. Torning and the Messrs. Howson were sworn,
from whose evidence it appeared, first, that no specific agreement had ever been entered into,
the defendant emphatically repudiating the idea that he would engage professional talent at such a low figure, under any circumstances;
and second, that she was, as alleged, incompetent as a singer.
The evidence on both sides was analysed by his Honor in submitting the case to the assesors,
who, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £30.
Attorney for the plaintiff; Mr. Michael; for the defendant, Mr. Long.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (lessee, manager); John Howson (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
? [Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1859), 1
Madame CLEMENTE (from the Italian Opera House and Hanover Square Concert Rooms, London).
This celebrated vocalist, who has given so much gratification to those before whom she has had the honour to appear,
begs to acquaint the inhabitants of Balmain and Sydney, that she will give a grand
CONCERT, on THURSDAY EVENING, 24th instant, and will be assisted by several eminent artistes.
Trio - The Wreath (Mazzinghi)
Song - The Slave Ship (Russell) - Mr. Lameroux
Ballad - Kathleen Mavourneen (Crouch) - Mde. Clemente
Aria - The heart bowed down (Balfe) - Mr. Levison
Solo, Violin - Fantasia on favourite airs (Peck) - Mr. Peck
Song - Beautiful Venice (Knight) - Mr. West
Duett - Singing Lessons (Barnett) - Mrs. Ivemay and Mr. Levison
Glee - The Red Cross Knight (Calcott).
Glee - The Chough and Crow (Bishop)
Song - Trim the Lamp (T. Cooke) - Mr. Lameroux
Irish ballad - The Harp that once - Mr. West.
Scena - Casta Diva, Norma (Bellini) - Mde. Clemente
Cavatina - Hear me, gentle Maritana (Wallace), with violin obligato, Mr. Peck - Mr. Levison
Ballad - The Last Rose of Summer - Mde. Clemente
Song - The Wolf is out (T. Cooke) - Mr. Lameroux
Finale - National Anthem.
Mrs. Ivemay will preside at the Piano.
Solo Violin, Mr. Peck.
Front seats, 3s.; back seats, 1s. Doors open at half past 7, concert to commence at 8.
Steamer will run till 11 p.m.
ASSOCIATIONS: Monsieur Lamoureux = Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist); Mrs. Ivemay (pianist, vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist); George Peck (violinist)
Comic vocalist, comic singer, songwriter, actor
Active Bendigo and Daylesford, VIC, 1857-58 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (16 July 1857), 1
Embracing all the Professional Talent of Bendigo, being for
The admired Musical Afterpiece, entitled THE SWISS LOVERS,
In which the following distinguished Artistes will appear: -
Mr. J. M. WOLFE, Mrs. Moore, Miss Annie Lewis, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Wright,
Mr. Clements, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Ricards,
Mr. E. Salaman, Mr. Harry Goulstone, Mr. J. Warden . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barned Jullien Coleman (actor, manager); Joseph Melville Wolfe (actor); Rachel Moore (actor, vocalist); Annie Lewis (vocalist, Mrs. Salamon); Janet Gill (actor); Jessie Ricards (actor, vocalist); Edward Salamon (pianist); Harry Goulstone (pianist); James Warden (musician); Criterion Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 August 1857), 3
SILVER MINES HOTEL, LONG GULLY. CHARLES WRIGHT (late Barnum'a celebrated Giantess)
begs to inform his friends that the following omincnt Artistes will appear at his Benefit on Thursday, 6th inst.: -
CHARLES WILLIAMS, The Celebrated Local Comic Singer.
MR. WILSON, The Universal favourite.
MR. E. CLEMENTS, The Pleasing Vocalist.
MR. H. LINDSAY, Irish Ballad Singer.
And others too numerous to montion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: "Miss Byrns", probably Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Charles Williams (vocalist)
"DAYLESFORD (From our own Correspondent) . . . Public Amusements", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (23 October 1857), 4
. . . On the same evening [Saturday, 24 October] Mrs. Brougham will place on the boards of the Wombat Hotel, a pleasing entertainment, for the benefit of Mr. Clements the comic singer from Bendigo. This gentleman has written a new farce for the occasion, entitled "Life on Jim Crow." We heartily wish him success.
ASSOCIATIONS: Emma Brougham (actor)
[Advertisement], Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (24 May 1858), 3
INDIAN RELIEF FUND. Daylesford, 13th May, 1858.
SIR, - I have the honor to hand you, enclosed the sum of thirty pounds sterling,
being nett proceeds of amateur performance given in this township in aid of the Indian Relief Fund, in which the following gentlemen took part, viz:
Messrs. W. A. Smyley, W. J. Montgomery, Adam Hope, K. Johnson, E. H. Clements,
W. G. Hart, H. P. Tallant, John C. McCausland, D. Barclay Brown, W. D. McCausland, and Mr. Chas Brown.
Also, please find enclosed the sum of one pound sterling, being a private donation from Mr. E. H. Clements.
I have to request that you will acknowledge the receipt of these amounts in the Melbourne daily papers,
and in the Mount Alexander Mail, on behalf of the before-named fund.
I have the honor to remain, Sir, Your obedient servant,
WM. GEO. HART, Treasurer.
[TO] The Hon Secretary of the Central Committee.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1858), 1
THE Proprietor, Mr. EDWARD RYAN, has much pleasure in informing his friends and the public in general,
that he has made arrangements with Mrs. STONE, the celebrated Comic Singer in character,
in conjunction with Mrs. BYRNE, the noted Soprano;
also, Mr. E. H. CLEMENTS, alias "Thatcher, No. 2," who will introduce, nightly,
New Local Songs of his own composing, and other Novelties. Admission Free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Gubbins Ryan [sic] (proprietor) Mrs. Stone (vocalist); "Thatcher, No. 2", a reference to Charles Thatcher (comic vocalist, songwriter); Victoria Concert Room (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (20 September 1858), 1
Thatcher No. 2 will introduce several New Local Songs, &c. COME EARLY. ADMISSION FREE.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (25 September 1858), 1
In New Comic Duets, including "The Ballad Singers," "Advertising for a Wife, &c."
THATCHER No. 2 Will sing several New Local Songs, including "The Williamson-street Fire," "The Amateur's Performance"
Mrs. BYRNE in Favorite Ballads. Admission Free!!
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (2 October 1858), 1
Mrs. STONE, the celebrated Comic Singer, with Mr. E. H. CLEMENTS, in New Comic Duets, in character.
THATCHER No. 2 will sing some new Local Songs, "THE PORT CURTIS RUSH," "Trotting Match, &c." . . .
"VICTORIA HOTEL", Bendigo Advertiser (4 October 1858), 3
During the latter part of the evening on Saturday, the concert-room at the Victoria was extremely crowded. The songs in character, and those of a local nature by Mr. E. H. Clements, which contain some excellent hits, were, as might be expected, very well received. The whole of the audience seemed to enjoy themselves to the top of their bent.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (16 October 1858), 1
VICTORIA CONCERT ROOM . . . MR. E. H. CLEMENTS, Composer and Singer of Local Songs.
The great popularity attained by the Victoria Concerts will be heightened on this occasion by New Comic Duets, Ballads, and Local Songs, including (for the first time),
"VICTORIA CONCERT ROOM", Bendigo Advertiser (4 November 1858), 3
There was a fair attendance last night at the Victoria. The songs on the "passing events," sung by Mr. Clements, and those of a more general character, met their usual meed of applause, and the audience, at all times able to be tickled by a decent joke, more especially if it be of a local nature, departed in the highest good temper.
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (22 November 1858), 1
A new Operatic Burlesque by MESSRS. WILLIAMS AND CLEMENTS,
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Williams (vocalist); James Bush (pianist)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (1 December 1858), 1
MR. E. H. CLEMENTS, With New Local Songs . . .
Conductor and Pianist - Mr. Bush.
ADMISSION FREE. Mr. E. RYAN, Proprietor.
"ARGYLE CONCERT HALL, BULL AND MOUTH HOTEL", Bendigo Advertiser (14 December 1858), 3
We were pleased to find a very numerous attendance at this new and popular place of amusement last evening. The performances of the celebrated Picco on the musical gridiron, violin, and banjo, met with unbounded applause. Thatcher No. 2 appears to be as great in his particular line of local songs as the old original. Mr. Fairchild is as good a favorite here as elsewhere. The piano is most ably presided over by Mr. Schede.
ASSOCIATIONS: J. A. Picco (musician); Joseph Fairchild (vocalist); Herman Schede (pianist)
Musician, vocal music class teacher, singing class instructor, school teacher
Born Tiverton, Devon, 7 August 1835; son of John CLEMONS (b. 1802) and Mary Ann TONGUE (b. 1810)
Arrived Hobart, TAS, 2 December 1855 (per Vice Admiral Gobins)
Married Anne Alicia TUCKER (1834-1919), Launceston, TAS, 24 (? 25) May 1861
Died St. Leonards, TAS, 15 November 1905 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Register of births, Baptist chapel, Tiverton, Devon, 1835; UK National Archives, RG4/1221 (PAYWALL)
John Nicholas Clemons Son of John and Mary Ann Clemons his wife who was Daughter of John Tongue was born at Tiverton August 7th 1835 . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Tiverton, Devon; UK National Archives, HO107/1889/272/7 (PAYWALL)
Rackfield / John Clemons / Head / Mar. / 48 / Smith / [born] Leicester Loughborough
Mary A. [Clemons] / Wife / Mar. / 40 / - / [born] Essex Chelmsford
John [Clemons] / Son / 15 / Pupil Teacher / [born] Tiverton Devon . . .
RETURN of the Arrival at the Port of Hobart Town of the barque "Vice Admiral Gobins", 2 December 1855; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:413811; MB2-39-1-19 Image 219$init=MB2-39-1-19P220 (DIGITISED)
Cabin . . . Edwin Pears, George Roberts, John Clemons . . . Henry Morris . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (7 April 1856), 3
VAN DIEMEN'S LAND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, Melville-street, Hobart Town . . .
The Class for the study of Vocal Music will reassemble on FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, the 11th instant.
Terms: - Subscribers, 1s. 6d. per month; non-subscribers, 2s. 6d. ditto . . .
Mechanics, youths under 16 years of age, and apprentices, are admitted at half the above charges.
By order of the Committee, MURRAY BURGESS, Secretary. Committee Room, 7th April, 1858.
MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (15 April 1856), 2-3
On Thursday evening, the 17th inst., Mr. Edwin Pears commenced a series of Lectures on Chemical Science . . . [3] . . . The Singing Class has been re-established under the direction of Mr. Clemons, and the members will assemble for practice once a-week. We hope that the class may prove attractive . . .
"HOBART TOWN MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. ANNUAL MEETING", The Tasmanian Daily News (21 February 1857), 2
Last evening the annual meeting of the members of the Hobart Town Mechanics' Institute was held in the Lecture Hall of the Institute. The President, the Lord Bishop of Tasmania, opened the business of the meeting . . . The Report, which was then read, set forth that - . . . At the opening of the session a class was formed for the study of chemistry . . . A class was opened at the same time for the practice of vocal music, but was brought to an abrupt termination in consequence of the departure of the gentleman who took the charge of it to another sphere of action. Mr. John Salier, the former teacher, has resumed the duties of his profession in Hobart Town, and has expressed his readiness to reform the class, so that the committee trust it may ere long be in fall and successful operation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Jabez Salier (replacement instructor)
1861, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:862487; RGD37/1/20 no 293 (DIGITISED)
No. 264 / 293 / [25 May 1861] John N. Clemons / Full age / Bachelor /
A. A. Tucker / Full age / Spinster . . . [signed] Anne Alicia Tucker . . .
"INSOLVENT COURT", Launceston Examiner (5 June 1862), 5
The following cases are set down for to-day: - First meetings John Clemons, of Patterson's Plains, farmer . . .
"CAMPBELL TOWN (From our own Correspondent) . . . PRESENTATION", Launceston Examiner (2 July 1864), 3
The members of St. Luke's Singing Class met on Wednesday evening, and presented their conductor, Mr. J. N. Clemons, with an address, accompanied by a splendid set of ivory chess men. The address was read, and presentation made, by Miss R. Valentine, who was shortly afterwards surprised at receiving an address and handsome dressing-case from Mr. Clemons, in the name of the members of the original singing class, which has been conducted by him for some years past. Both addresses were suitably replied to, and the class separated, too highly pleased to go through their usual practice.
"CAMPBELL TOWN (From our own Correspondent) AMATEUR CONCERT AT ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL ROOM", The Cornwall Chronicle (21 December 1864), 11
One of those pleasing events which tend so much to the preservation of sociability and friendly feeling in a small community like ours, came off at the above place on Wednesday evening last.
For the last few months a singing class has been formed, and conducted by Mr. Clements [sic], the master of the public school,
aided by the Misses Valentine, whose musical abilities have tended greatly to the improvement of the members.
This being the time when the schoolmaster and his scholars part for a time each to enjoy their holidays, it was determined to give a concert - each member of the class to have the privilege of inviting one person;
and about 1/2 past 7 o'clock about 100 persons in all had assembled.
The concert consisted of glees, part-songs, solos, and instrumental music, and I venture to say that there have been concerts given of far higher pretensions than this, where far less talent has been displayed.
I believe, at amateur concerts, it is not the custom to particularize any part of the performance, nor do I intend to depart from the custom in the present instance,
for where all acquitted themselves so well it would be a most difficult task;
but shall content myself by saying that the efforts of the performers gave great satisfaction to all present,
and I believe it is the general wish that this may not be the last of such concerts we shall have the pleasure of being present at.
Just before the singing of the "National Anthem" Dr. Valentine rose and said he had been deputed by the class to perform what was to him a most pleasing duty,
and that was, to return their thanks to Mr. Clements for the kind and efficient manner in which he had performed his duty as conductor,
and they now wished to shew their gratitude to him by presenting him with a small testimonial of their esteem.
The Dr. also said that he felt sure every person present must see that great pains had been taken by Mr. Clements, to bring so many young voices to harmonize so well together.
He then presented the testimonial which consisted of a very handsome bread plate, butter dish, and knives to match.
Mr. Clements in a few appropriate remarks returned thanks and said it gave him great pleasure to think that he had been able to render himself useful,
and he trusted he should be afforded the gratification of seeing some new members at their next meeting.
The programme was as follows: -
Glee - "Hail Smiling Morn."
Piano Solo - "Invitation to the Dance."
Part Song - "Clad in Spring tide Beauty."
Quartette - "Ye Mariners of England."
Song - "Thy Bright Smile Haunts me Still."
Glee -" Come let us a Maying go."
Piano Duett - Selection from "Daughter of the Regiment."
Part Song - "When first I saw your face."
Quartette and Chorus - "Now Pray we for our Country."
Part Song - "There is a calm for those who weep."
Part Song - "Lightly Tread."
Duett - "I saw from the Beach."
Quartette - "Gipsy's Tent."
Glee- "Ripe Strawberry's."
Piano Duett - "The Continental Duett."
Song - "Home Sweet Home."
Part Song - "Now is the month of Maying."
Quartette - "The War Cry is Sounding."
Glee - "May Day."
"National Anthem."
ASSOCIATIONS: William Valentine (musical amateur)
"COUNTRY INTELLIGENCE. CAMPBELL TOWN (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (20 December 1866), 3
On Thursday evening last the Singing Class at Campbell Town, under the superintendence of Mr. John Clemons, gave an invitation entertainment at the Church of England school room. There was a goodly number present on the occasion. The performance was highly gratifying, and elicited a considerable amount of applause. At its close Dr. Valentine, on behalf of the class, presented Mr. Clemons with a handsome silver hunting lever watch and chain as a token of appreciation of that gentleman's services. Mr. Clemons acknowledged the present in appropriate terms.
"OBITUARY. MR. J. N. CLEMONS", Examiner (16 November 1905), 4
It will be learned with deep regret that Mr. John Nicholas Clemons, of St. Leonards, died at his residence yesterday morning. The deceased, who was 70 years of age, had been in ill-health for some considerable time past, suffering from consumption of the throat. He spent the winter in Adelaide, and only returned a few weeks ago, the change not having had the desired effect. The late Mr. Clemons was widely known in Tasmania as a leading state school teacher. He was born at Tiverton, Devonshire, in 1835, and was specially trained as a teacher at the establishment of the British and Foreign School Society, Borough-road, London. In the earlier fifties the Tasmanian Government sent to England for eight trained school instructors, and Mr. Clemons was one who determined to try his future in this new country. In 1855 he landed in Tasmania. The late Mr. W. H. Kidd was another of the teachers who arrived about the same period, the others being Mr. E. Pears - now a leading barrister in Constantinople - Mr. Park, who went to Bothwell, Mr. Rice, Mr. Morris, who died at Hadspen shortly after reaching the state - Mr. Reynolds, who subsequently relinquished school teaching - and Mr. George Roberts, who for many years has been master of Trinity School, Hobart. The subject of this notice, who brought letters of recommendation from Matthew Arnold, the celebrated master of Rugby, was first appointed to St. Paul's public school, Launceston. This building was originally used as St. Paul's Church, and did duty as a school in the week days. From there he removed to the Elizabeth-street school, near St. John's Church, remaining in charge until the five years' agreement under which he had accepted service from the education authorities had expired; then he resigned. In 1862 Mr. Clemons rejoined the service, taking charge of the state school at Campbell Town. He remained there for about ten years, and was next removed to Evandale, where he conducted the local state school for nine years. On the opening of the new school at Invermay in 1890, Mr. Clemons took charge, and continued there until the death of Mr. W. H. Kidd in 1892, when he followed the deceased teacher as head of the Charles-street establishment, from which he retired on October 1, 1896, after nearly 40 years' service under the Tasmanian Education Department. He was all excellent instructor, and many of his scholars attained high educational honours. The late Mr. Clemons leaves a widow, and family of five - two daughters and three sons. One daughter is unmarried, and the other is Mrs. A. T. Gibson, of Lowes Park. The sons are Dr. G. E. Clemons, of this city, Senator J. S. Clemons, and Mr. Percy Clemons, pastoralist, of King Island.
Musician, professor of music, bandmaster, clarinettist, flautist, organist, pianist, vocalist, singing master, teacher, composer
Born Bethnal Green, London England, 1839 (2nd quarter); son of Adam CLERKE (d. VIC, 1882) and Jane HUDSON (d. VIC, 1887)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by December 1861
Married (1) Naomi COOK (d. VIC, 1877), Prahran, VIC, 23 October 1865
Married (2) Emma MEDWORTH, Geelong, VIC, 10 August 1881
Died Battery Point, Hobart, TAS, 8 August 1886, aged "47" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Adam Clerke came to Victoria with his parents, and was in his early twenties when first billed playing clarinet in Henry Johnson's band in Melbourne in December 1861. He later appeared playing flute and clarinet in a concert with Charles Edward Horsley early in 1865. By July of the same year, he was by then in the process of moving to Circular Head, north-west Tasmania, to take up a bandmaster position, giving his first concert with the Stanley band in September, though returning to Melbourne, to marry, in October.
The Clerkes stayed only three or four years in Tasmania. In late 1869, Adam was back in Melbourne directing a youth band at St. Francis's church. By early 1871, he was bandmaster of the Emerald Hill Volunteer Artillery Corps, to which he added private teaching, and a singing class at All Saint's school, St. Kilda.
His wife Naomi died in 1877. He later moved to Geelong, where he directed the Geelong Artillery Band, and in 1881 remarried. In mid 1882, with his second wife, Emma, he had moved finally back to Tasmania, and settled in Hobart.
England census, 30 March 1851, St. Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1513/302/12 (PAYWALL)
24 Lambs Conduit Street / Adam Clerke / Head / Mar. / 43 / Land Agent / [born] Ireland
Jane [Clerke] / Wife / Mar. / 40 / - / [Ireland]
Thomas F. [Clerke] / Son / Unm. / 18 / Messenger / [born] Spittalfields Mddl'x
Adam [Clerke] / Son / Unm. / 12 / Scholar / [born] Midd'x Bethnal Green
Jane [Clerke] / Daur. / Unm. / 8 / Scholar at home / [born] Surrey Rotherhithe
[News], The Argus (14 December 1861), 5
A military concert takes place in the Botanic Gardens to-day, under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Barkly, Major-General and Lady Pratt, and Colonel Carey. The performances will, no doubt, attract a numerous party. The following is the programme: -
Part I.
National Anthem (first time) - Wallace
Overture - Marco spada - Auber
Selection of Irish Melodies (with solos) - Johnson - Clarionet Mr. Johnson; Piccolo, Mr. F. Johnson; E flat Clarionet, Mr. Clerke; Cornopean, Mr. Richardson; Trombone, Mr. Berg
Quadrille - Christmas Waits - Farmer.
Part II.
Selection of Scotch Melodies - Johnson
Polka - Zerlina (Cornopean Obligato, Mr. Richardson, by desire) - Ettling
Waltz - Immortellan: Introduction (Trombone Obligato, Mr. Berg) - Gung'l.
Pot-pourri on English Airs, by Tutton, bandmaster to H. M. Royal Home Guards Blue, will be played for the first time . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (conductor, clarinet); Frederick Johnson (piccolo); James William Richardson (cornopean); Charles Berg (trombone); Victorian Volunteer Band (volunteer military); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (19 November 1864), 2
MR. ADAM CLERKE, Teacher of the Clarionette, Flute, and Cornet. Bandon Cottage, Princes-street, Prahran.
[Advertisement], The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (26 November 1864), 2
MR. ADAM CLERKE, of the Head-Quarters Band, Teaches the Clarionette, Flute, and Cornopean.
Bandon Cottage, Princes-street, Prahran. Bands supplied.
ASSOCIATIONS: Head-Quarters Band (volunteer military)
"THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BAZAAR AT PRAHRAN", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (31 December 1864), 2
This long-talked of, much-thought about, and eagerly-anticipated bazaar, was opened on Wednesday afternoon . . .
An excellent band has been in attendance each evening under the direction of Mr. Adam Clerk.
W. Clark, Esq, and Mr. George Tolhurst have given several organ performances. On Wednesday evening several members of the St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society kindly gave their aid . . .
The following programme will be performed this evening by the band under, the able direction of Mr. Clerke: -
Overture - Ruth. - Tolhurst.
Waltz - Violante - D'Albert.
Quadrille - Marino Faliero - D'Albert.
Polka - The War (first time) - Cornet Solo, Mr. Clerke - Davis.
Waltz - Dreams of Childhood - Montgomery.
Schottische - The Birthday (first time) - Clerke.
Quadrille - Geneva - D'Albert.
Polka - Tom Tit's Polka - Montgomery.
Waltz - Spirit of the Ball - L. Williams.
Galop - Chevy Chase - Montgomery.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Tolhurst (composer, organist); William Clarke (organist)
[Advertisement], The Herald (27 January 1865), 2
Mr. J. Munyard - Leader. Herr Antonni, Mr. Tolhurst, Mr. J. Richardson, Mr. Stoneham,
Mr. A. Clerk, Mr. Foster, Mr. Thorn, Mr. F. Litolff, etc.
PROGRAMME. Operatic Selection, Ballads. Flute and Cornet Solos . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Pietro Canna (drummer); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Charlotte Stuttaford (vocalist); John Munyard (violin, leader); William Stoneham (musician); James Thorne (musician); Francis Litolff (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 February 1865), 8
In aid of the funds of the society, will be given in the Town-hall, Prahran, THIS EVENING, February 27 . . .
Instrumentalists - Pianoforte soloist, Mr. C. E. Horsley; flautist, Mr. Adam Clerke; viola, Mr. W. H. Tolhurst . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . Duett, Flute and Piano, No. 6 Fantasia, "We're a' Noddin'," "Charlie is my Darling," and the "Corn Riggs," with variations, Charles Nicholson - Mr. A. Clerke and Mr. C. E. Horsley . . .
PART II . . . Trio, Pianoforte, Clarinett, and Viola, Mozart - Mr. C. E. Horsley, Mr. A. Clerke, and Mr. W. H. Tolhurst . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Edward Horsley (piano); William Henry Tolhurst (viola)
MUSIC: Fantasia no. 6 with 3 Scottish airs (Charles Nicholson)
[News], The Argus (28 February 1865), 5
The Prahran and South Yarra Musical Society gave an extra concert at the Town hall, last evening, for the purpose of adding to the funds of the association, which at the present time need replenishing . . . Mr. A. Clerke's performances on the flute formed a very pleasing feature of the entertainment; but some disappointment was caused by the omission from the programme of a trio for the pianoforte, clarinetto, and viola, which could not be performed inconsequence of the absence of the necessary music . . .
[News], The Herald (28 February 1865), 2
. . . Mr. Horsley, who presided at the piano during the evening was much applauded for his execution of the piano forte solo "Les Deux Anges," and Mr. A. Clarke [sic] played a fantasia for the flute so pleasingly as to meet with a unanimous encore.
"Memoranda", The Telegraph, St Kilda, Prahran and South Yarra Guardian (4 March 1865), 2
The Prahran and South Yarra Musical Society gave a miscellaneous concert in the Town Hall, Prahran, on Monday evening. The hall was not well filled, the intense heat of the day and its probable termination in wet no doubt deterring many persons from being present who would otherwise have attended . . . Mr. Horsley presided at the piano . . . and Mr. Adam Clerke the flute . . . Mr. Horsley's solo on the pianoforte again exhibited his great skill as a pianist, and the duetts between him on the piano and Mr. Adam Clerke on the flute, were admirable, and contributed not a little to a very pleasant evening's entertainment, which we trust has added something to the funds of the society.
"THE FIRST CONCERT AT STANLEY", Launceston Examiner [TAS] (16 September 1865), 3
The Stanley Band gave its first concert on Tuesday evening last, 5th Sept., in the large room, at the Freemason's Hotel, engaged expressly for the occasion.
The concert was under the management of Mr. Adam Clerke, bandmaster, from the Head Quarters Band, Melbourne.
The performance went off in the most satisfactory manner, when it is taken into account that the members of the band have been only three months' receiving instruction.
It also speaks well, not only for the great progress made by the young gentlemen, but to the credit due to their talented bandmaster, Mr. Clerke,
who has been most indefatigable in his exertions in bringing the band on to its present state of efficiency in so very short a time.
Mr. Ferguson, sen., and Mr. J. B. Ferguson kindly lent their aid and sang in their usual pleasing style.
Mr. Rooke was unfortunately absent; and his place had to be filled up by Mr. Clerke in the song "Juanita."
The room was quite full, about 180 ladies and gentlemen being present, and who all expressed themselves highly gratified at the evening's treat.
The following is the programme:-
PART I. - March - The Stanley (arranged expressly for the occasion), Band; Trio - The cypress wreath, Messrs. Ferguson and Clerke; Flute Solo - Selection of Scotch melodies, Mr. Clerke; Song - Juanita, Mr. Clerke; Duett - "What is life of life bereft," Messr. Ferguson; Song - Johnny Sands, Mr. Clerke; Song - "The Araby maid," Mr. J. B. Ferguson; Song - "The brave old oak," Mr. J. Ferguson; March - Ring the banjo, Band.
PART II. March - "Come where my love lies dreaming," Band; Song "Death of Nelson" (with trumpet accompaniment), Mr. J. Ferguson; Song - "Tight little island," Mr. Clerke; Saxhorn Solo - Selection of Irish melodies and the Queen's waltz, Mr. Clerke; Trio - Canadian boat song; Messrs. Ferguson and Mr. Clerke; March - The grenadiers, Band; Song - "Shells of ocean," Mr. Clerke; Clarionet Solo - "Andiamo" (from Masaniello), Mr. Clerke; Finale - God save the Queen, Band.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Ferguson senior (amateur musician)
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent) CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, TAS] (16 September 1865), 5
. . . The performance was opened by the Band playing the first part of the "National Anthem." The programme of the evening was then proceeded with in the following order: - The "Stanley March," (composed by Mr. Clerke expressly for the occasion), by the Band . . . The attendance on Friday evening was nearly equal to that of the previous Tuesday, and passed off with great eclat. The "Stanley Band" has not been more than three months under the tuition of Mr. Clerke, and the proficiency they have attained in so short a time is really astonishing. Mr. Clerke's qualifications as a teacher of instrumental and vocal music, as well as a composer, is too well known to need comment. Suffice it to say that the two concerts were a complete success, and the good folks of Stanley have teen favored with a treat during the past week, which they little anticipated.
"MARRIAGES", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 October 1865), 4
CLERKE - COOK. - On the 23rd inst., at Prahran, by the Rev. Wm. Moss, Adam Clerke, professor of music, to Naomi, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Cook, contractor.
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (6 January 1866), 3
On Boxing Day the Stanley cricketers met their friends from the Forest, and played a game of cricket at Stanley, which resulted in favor of the Stanley Club . . .
In the evening the Stanley Band gave their second performance in aid of the Band Fund, in the large stores belonging to F. W. Ford, Esq.
The room was crowded to excess, which made it rather unpleasant, but otherwise the performance went off most satisfactorily, and was well appreciated.
The concert was as usual under the leadership of the bandmaster, Mr. Adam Clerke,
to whom every credit is due for the great improvement made by the gentlemen of the band during the very short time they have been under his instructions.
The following was the programme on the occasion: -
PART I. - March - The Cuckoo (composed and arranged expressly for the occasion by Mr. A Clerke), by the Band . . .
See also "CONCERT", The Cornwall Chronicle (6 January 1866), 5
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From a Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (10 March 1866), 4
. . . The Chambers' Family gave an entertainment at Circular Head on Monday and Wednesday last, 26th and 28th February, to an excellent attendance, considering the small population of this district. The whole performance passed off well, and received considerable applause. Miss Amy Chambers' dancing was very pretty and most engaging, and drew forth great applause and was encored each night. Mr. Adam Clerke, the bandmaster, with the fine Stanley Band, kindly attended and played some excellent music, which greatly added to the amusements of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Chambers family (dancers)
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From a Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (8 June 1866), 2
The concert by the Stanley Band which was intended to have taken place on the Queen's Birthday,
from various causes was adjourned until Friday, 1st June last, when it came off as per accompanying programme . . .
march, The huntsman (composed expressly for the occasion by Mr. A. Clarke) - band . . .
Part 2 . . . schottische, "The birthday" (composed by Mr. A. Clarke) - band . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From a Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (7 September 1866), 3
The Stanley Band gave its fourth public performance in Breheney's large room,
Stanley, on Friday, 31st August, as per programme assisted by gentlemen amateurs, and also by the juvenile drum and fife band (their second appearance) . . .
Programme: Part 1. - March - The Stanley, Band . . .
polka - The Boys' Own (composed expressly by Mr. A. Clerke for the drum and fife band), both bands . . .
Part II. - Polka - The "Circular Head," by Mr. A. Clerke (composed expressly for the occasion), Band . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent) Nov. 3", Launceston Examiner (9 November 1866), 3
The Stanley Band have just completed a series of concerts, commencing on Monday, the 29th October, the 31st, and Friday, the 2nd instant, to full houses . . . So much for Stanley, and all honor to Mr. A. Clerke for his devotion to his studies, and to the gentlemen who have application for the cultivation of music . . .
[News], Launceston Examiner (27 December 1866), 2
Referring to the death of Mr. James Ferguson, which appears in our obituary of to-day, our Circular Head correspondent writes:- . . . The funeral was attended by nearly all in the place . . . The Stanley band, under the leadership of Mr. Adam Clarke [sic], with which the late Mr. Ferguson was also connected, played the 100th psalm and the dead march of "Adeste Fidele" most effectively until the entrance of his remains at the church door, and again repeated the 100th psalm on leaving for the forest . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (4 January 1867), 3
On Boxing day a game of cricket was played at Stanley between the Stanley and Forest Clubs . . .
The Stanley Band gave another concert on the evening of the 26th . . .
schottische, The Highfield (composed by A. Clerke), band . . .
Second Part - Cricketers' March (composed expressly for the Stanley Cricket Club by Mr. A Clerke), band . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (29 June 1867), 3
. . . The Stanley Band, under the leadership of Mr. Adam Clerke, gave a grand vocal and instrumental concert,
assisted by several amateurs, at Bretheny's long room, the Union Hotel, Stanley, on the 21st instant . . .
PART I - Stanley Trumpet March (Composed for the occasion by Mr. A. Clerke), Band . . .
PART II. - Helena Waltz (Composed by Mr. A. Clerke), Band . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (26 November 1867), 3
. . . A private concert was given at Circular Head on the 15th instant by the Stanley Glee Club, which was held at the new schoolroom, kindly lent for the occasion, and invitations to 250 persons duly circulated. The Stanley Band also gave their valuable assistance, and as it was the first concert of the kind ever attempted in this isolated place, too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the choristers, for the trouble they took upon themselves, in order to afford a real treat to so many people, not all of whom had hitherto been placed in it position to mix with the outer world of musical talent. The programme showed judicious selection and arrangement of the various pieces to suit the tastes of all . . . It would be very difficult to characterize each item of the programme, or to decide upon the best, with critical judgment, but the chorus - "I bring you good tidings," and the quartette and chorus - "Praise the Lord," the latter composed expressly for the occasion by Mr. Clerke, were performed in a manner that elicited marked attention and ultimate applause . . .
"CIRCULAR HEAD. To the Editor of the Launceston Examiner. November 30, 1868", Launceston Examiner (5 December 1868), 6
Sir, - On the 27th instant a concert was given at Stanley by the members of the Harmonic Society, assisted by the band, at the new school buildings,
the use of the large room being allowed for that purpose.
The attendance was unusually large, every form being well filled.
It was the third concert held by the same Society since its organisation, and was fixed for the end of November,
in consequence of the approaching departure from the colony of Mr. Adam Clerke, the conductor.
The vocal and instrumental performance elicited high commendation evinced by frequent applause and a spontaneous shower of bouquets,
which were attracted by a peculiar and novel feature in gravitation always to the feet of the ladies . . .
During the interval allowed at the end of the first part of the programme, Mr. George Anderson on behalf of the Society presented Mr. Clerke with the following address,
and in doing so took occasion to allude in strong terms to the benefit he (Mr. Clerke) had conferred upon the community generally as a teacher of music for nearly four years,
and the fruit of his labors afforded convincing proof that those labors had been appreciated throughout this section of the district . . . I subjoin the programme:
. . . anthem - Behold how good and joyful (Mr. Clerke), Chorus . . .
Yours truly, NORWOOD.
"COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. To the Editor of the Launceston Examiner. Circular Head, 1st Jan., 1869", Launceston Examiner (9 January 1869), 5
SIR, . . . on the 31st December a grand vocal and instrumental concert was held by permission at the new school building for the benefit of Mr. Adam Clerke, who is about to leave the colony.
The entertainment lasted until after 12 p.m., so that the National Anthem with its thrilling sound dawned upon the year 1869 - fit emblem of our loyal feelings towards her Majesty the Queen -
a connecting link from the past to the present.
The whole concert was a complete success, the voices never sounded sweeter nor the instruments better, evinced by an unmistakable shower of bouquets,
that reached its climax at the conclusion of the duet, so admirably sung, "List to the Convent Bells," the sixth on the programme, which I sub-join -
Part 1. - National Turkish Melody, Stanley Band; glee, All among the barley, Chorus;
march, Love Not, Stanley Band; song, Slap, Bang, Mr. Clerke and Chorus;
march, English, Irish, and Scotch, Stanley Band; duet, List to the Convent Belle, Mrs. and Mr. Clerke;
trio, Glorious Apollo, Miss Ford, Messrs. Smith and H. House, and Chorus;
duet, pianoforte, The Banjo Quadrilles, Masters D. and S. Anderson; song, The Tidy One, Mr. S. B. Emmett;
selection of Irish melodies, Stanley Band.
Part 2. - The Prince Imperial Quadrilles, Stanley Band; glee, The Red Cross Knight, Chorus;
song, The Comet of the West, Mr. Edwin Medwin; duet, pianoforte, Di Tanti Palpiti, Mrs. Emmett and Mrs. Anderson;
glee, Lordly Gallants, Chorus; The New Year Quadrilles, Stanley Band;
glee, See our oars with feathered spray, Miss F. Ford, Mrs. Spicer, Miss Ford, Miss Akins, Messrs. Smith, H. House, and A. Stutterd;
medley, Coach and Horses, Chorus; quartette, To our next merry meeting, Miss Akins, Miss Ford, Messrs. Smith and Spicer;
Auld Lang Syne, Stanley Band and Chorus; finale, National Anthem, Chorus . . .
Yours truly, NORWOOD.
[News], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (7 December 1869), 4
When noticing the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of St. Augustine's Church, on Sunday last, in our yesterday's issue, we omitted to mention the services rendered by the St. Francis's band on the occasion. Under the leadership of Mr. Adam Clerke, the bandmaster, it performed, in a very creditable manner, and to the general satisfaction, selections from the "Twelfth Mass" (Mozart's). The rendering of the "Gloria" and "Non Nobis" struck us as being exceedingly good for so young a band.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 March 1871), 8
A GRAND CONCERT, In aid of the Band Fund, will be held at the local Orderly-room, TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), MARCH 2 . . .
PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS: Miss AMELIA BAILEY (Mrs. Smythe), Mrs. Slack, Miss Sheppard, Masters Beaumont, W. Cook, W. Bennett. Mr. T. Ewart, Mr. F. Vines, and Mr. S. ANGUS.
Conductor - Mr. Adam Clerke. Pianiste - Madame Victorine Pett . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Amelia Bailey (vocalist); Thomas Ewart (vocalist); Silvanus Angus (vocalist); Victorine Pett (pianist)
[News], Record (2 May 1872), 5
At Mr. Coppin's benefit at the Town Hall, on Saturday night last, between the parts the band of the Emerald Hill Artillery played the "Adele Waltzes," composed by their bandmaster, Mr. Adam Clerke, which is a lively composition, and was enthusiastically received and unanimously encored. The composer has had it published in a very neat style, and arranged for the pianoforte; copies of which are on view and may be obtained from Mr. C. J. Durham, news agent, Clarendon street.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (beneficiare)
[News], The Argus (4 May 1872), 5
Mr. Adam Clerke, the bandmaster of the Emerald-hill Volunteer Artillery, has sent us a copy of a set of waltzes, "The Adele," composed by him, and arranged for military band as well as for pianoforte. It is dedicated to "Mrs. Colonel Acland Anderson," by permission. There is so little music originated in this country, that less pretentious attempts than this have before now met with favour. Mr. Clerke's "Adele Waltzes" will not rank with those of Strauss, Larner, Jullien, Koenig, or Godfrey, but they are sufficiently good when well played to be quite rhythmical and pleasing to dance to. The pianoforte arrangement that we have before us is within the capacity of any player of average intelligence.
"SATURDAY EVENING'S AMUSEMENTS . . . THE TOWN HALL", The Herald (29 July 1872), 3
To our extreme surprise the concert given by way of compliment to Mr. Adam Clerke, bandmaster of the Emerald-Hill Volunteer Artillery, did not attract that notice which the artists engaged, and the good programme, warranted us in expecting. Why this should have been the case it is difficult to determine. The vocalists included Mesdames Cutter and Howitz, Miss Christian, Mr. Rainford, and Mr. Donaldson, and the instrumentalists were the Misses P. and A. Terlecki, Mr. F. W. Towers, and Mr. E. Ascherberg. Mr. Clerke conducted and the chorus numbered somewhere about sixty trained voices. All the singers were in excellent form, Mrs. Cutter and Miss Christian particularly so, and the efforts which gave the greatest satisfaction were, a barcarole of Kucken's (Mesdames Cutter and Howitz), "Rocked in the Cradle of the deep," (Mrs. Cutter) encored, "Auld Robin Gray," encored, and "Kathleen Mavourneen," both by Miss Christian. Mr. Rainford gave "Hark the Clarion," from the "Rose of Castile," with great effect. Mr. Donaldson sustained his portion of the programme satisfactorily. The Misses Terlecki played, as a duet, a fantasia brilliante, Rose de Peronne, by Hy. Rossellen, with considerable skill. They evinced, a nice delicacy of touch, and were conscientious as to time. The Assembly Polka, composed and arranged by Mr. Clerke, and played by the band of the E. H. V. Artillery, is a good specimen of that class of music. The chorus displayed commendable steadiness. The entertainment was so exceptionally good that a real treat was afforded those present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Cassie Cutter (vocalist); Isabel Staff Howitz (vocalist); Thomas Henry Rainford (vocalist); Charles Alexander Donaldson (vocalist); Paulina and Ann Terlecki (pianists); Frederick Wilson Tower (pianist); Eugene Ascherberg (pianist)
[News], The Record and Emerald Hill and Sandridge Advertiser (30 January 1873), 3
Some time since, we gave a favorable notice of the composition of a piece of music by Mr. Adam Clerke, bandmaster of the Emerald Hill Artillery Corps, and choir master at the Presbyterian Church, Clarendon-street. We have now before us another piece of music composed by this gentleman, but in this case it is a sacred anthem, entitled "Behold how good and Joyful," and we are pleased to notice that it is a very satisfactory composition, and will no doubt be introduced in most of the churches in the district and elsewhere.
[News], The Argus (8 February 1873), 5
We have received from Mr; Adam Clerke, choirmaster at the Presbyterian Church in Clarendon-street, Emerald-hill, an anthem of his own composition, entitled "Behold how good and joyful" (133rd Psalm). It is written for solo quartette and full chorus with accompaniment, in the key of A major, and contains three movements - moderato, allegro, and andante sostenuto. It is a good composition, and likely to be popular wherever it may become known. It does credit to Mr. Clerke. It is well lithographed in octavo size by Messrs. Hamel and Ferguson.
"HOSPITAL SUNDAY", The Argus (10 October 1874), 8
Captains Fullarton and Cowper have obtained the assistance of the South Melbourne Musical Union, which will number over one hundred voices, in the psalmody at the Church parade, at the St. Andrews grounds, Emerald-hill, to morrow afternoon. The band of the Artillery Company will likewise take part and the whole of the musical arrangements will be under the direction of the bandmaster Mr. Adam Clerke. The service will commence at 3 o'clock. The hymns for the occasion are selected from the Diocesan Hymn Book. The offertory is a composition by Scotson Clark arranged by Mr. Adam Clerke and the anthem is taken from the 133rd Psalm, "Behold how good and joyful" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Scotson Clark (English composer)
"VOLUNTEER INSPECTION", Leader (12 June 1875), 19
The last quarterly official inspection of the Emerald-hill Artillery Corps for 1874-5 was made by Colonel Anderson on Wednesday evening . . . At the latter end, Colonel Anderson inspected the band, which has now arrived at a thorough state of proficiency, due to the exertions of Bandmaster Adam Clerke, and intimated that he was pleased with the result. There were present of the corps Captains Cowper and Twycross, 7 sergeants, and 83 rank and file; total, 113, including 21 of the band.
"Deaths", The Argus (12 October 1877), 1
CLERKE. - On the 8th inst , at 74 Dorcas street east, Emerald hill, Naomi, wife of Adam Clerke, aged 32 years.
. . . During the interval Mr. Adam Clerke's band played with commendable moderation the "Zerlina Polka" and the "Siege of Paris," but the performance was nevertheless a very loud one for the inside of a room. During this part of the entertainment the audience walked about.
"MARRIAGE", Geelong Advertiser (27 August 1881), 2
Clerke - Medworth - On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Day, Adam Clerke, Professor of Music, to Emma, only daughter of the late Edward Medworth, Esq., both of Geelong.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (4 February 1882), 3
MOONLIGHT CONCERT . . . The Geelong Artillery Band, under the leadership of Mr. Adam Clerke, will be in attendance . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (16 August 1882), 1
TUITION. - MR. ADAM CLERKE, Band master Tasmanian Rifle Regiment,
late Senior Bandmaster Victorian Volunteer Force (thirteen years Bandmaster Emerald Hill and Geelong Artillery).
First-class Certificated Singing Master under the Board of Education, Melbourne.
Schools attended. For further particulars, address Tavistock-cottage, Barrack street.
[Advertisement], The Mercury (15 December 1883), 1
By the kind permission of Major Fysh and the Officers, the Band of the Tasmanian Volunteer Rifle Regiment will
PERFORM the following Selection of Music at the Exhibition Building on TUESDAY EVENING, December 18, in aid of the above Fund.
Overture - "Naval" - Brinkworth
March - "Silver Bells" - Martin, 39th Regt.
Polka - "Drummer Boys" - Pearson
Waltz - "Waratah Blossom" (first time) - A. Clerke
Quadrille - "Duchess of Edinburgh" - Marriott
Waltz - "Haunt of the Fairies" - D'Albert
Troop - "Giralda" - Adam
Galop - "Foxhunters" - Marion
Quadrille - "Cinderella" - D'Albert
Waltz - "Narcissus" - Wade
Selection - "European National Anthems" - A. Clerke
Bandmaster, A. CLERKE . . .
[Advertisement], The Mercury (8 July 1885), 2
Which has been made so popular by the Band of the Volunteer Regiment, and Composed by the Bandmaster,
MR. A. CLERKE. Price: 1s 6d. Post Free: 1s 9d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Lloyd Hood (musicseller, publisher)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (30 January 1886), 2
BY ADAM CLERKE, Bandmaster Garrison Band, and composer of Popular Garrison Parade Polka.
Price, 2s; per post, 2s. 4d. EFFECTIVE. PLEASING. POPULAR.
"Deaths", The Mercury (9 August 1886), 1
CLERKE. - On August 8, at Alpha Cottage, St. George's Hill, Adam Clerke, garrison bandmaster, aged 47. The funeral will leave his late residence at 3 o'clock on WEDNESDAY next for the Queenborough Cemetery.
See also, 1886, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1232842; RGD35/1/11 no 69
"THE LATE MR. ADAM CLERKE", The Mercury (9 August 1886), 2
The bandmaster of the Garrison Band, Mr. Adam Clerke, died very suddenly yesterday morning at his residence, St. George's Hill, Mr. Clerke was in his usual health on Saturday night, and ate a hearty supper before going to bed. Early next morning he complained to his wife of feeling very queer with a succession of painful spasms. As he continued to be in great pain Mrs. Clerke summoned assistance from her neighbours, and subsequently sent for Dr. Giblin. Some difficulty arising in finding Dr. Giblin, a second messenger was despatched for Dr. Hardy who arrived at 10 o'clock, but was just too late to see Mr. Clerke alive, as he had expired a few moments previous to the doctor's arrival.
The deceased, who was born in Kent, England, was 47 years of age, and came to Australia early in life. In 1864 he arrived in Tasmania, and resided for some years at Circular Head, where he organised a band. He returned to Victoria in 1868, and was for a number of years bandmaster of the Emerald Hill Artillery, and afterwards bandmaster to the Geelong Artillery. Mr. Clerke was also organist and choirmaster of the Clarendon-street Presbyterian Church, Emerald Hill, and teacher of singing at the Grammar School, All Saints, St. Kilda. Some time in 1879 Messrs. J. G. Davies and E. Butler, who happened to be in Victoria with a cricketing team, interviewed Mr. Clerke with a view to his taking charge of the Rifle Band. Arrangements were partly made at that time, but fell through in consequence of the military officials in Victoria refusing to permit Mr. Clerke to leave at once. In 1882 the deceased came to Tasmania and succeeded Mr. Nat. Hallas as bandmaster of the Rifle Band. He continued to act in that capacity up till the day of his death, the band in the mean-time having been merged into the Garrison Band. During the time he was in Tasmania Mr. Clerke gained the uniform respect of his officers, and the goodwill of a large number of instrumentalists who have been under his charge. It is said that he has taught no less than 50 or 60 men in his band since he has been in this colony. He was a very able musician, and has composed several pieces of secular and sacred music, which have been spoken of with esteem by leading musical critics. Among his sacred compositions are several anthems, one of which he was engaged in preparing to render at the time of his death for a concert the band were to give for the benefit of a Mrs. Clark, whose boy was accidentally killed a short time back. Mr. Clerke leaves a widow, but no children, his only other relatives in the colonies being a brother in the Customs department of Victoria. It may be mentioned as another of the frequent warnings we have of the uncertainty of life, and the wisdom of making provision for the support of dependent relations that only so recently as last month Mr. Clerke effected a policy of insurance on his life for £200 in the Australian Widows' Fund. Owing to the extremely sudden nature of the death, it is probable that an inquest will have to be held, but the question was not decided last night. On Wednesday afternoon the remains of the deceased will be buried with military honours, which he so frequently assisted in giving to comrades who passed away before him.
ASSOCIATIONS: Nathaniel Hallas (musician)
See also inquest on Adam Clerke, 10 August 1886; Tasmanian Names Index; NAME_INDEXES:1358795
See also "INQUEST", The Mercury (11 August 1886), 4
"Deaths", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (21 August 1886), 1
CLERKE. - On the 8th inst., suddenly, at his late residence, Battery-point, Hobart, Adam Clerke, Prof. Mus., garrison bandmaster, late of Emerald-hill and Geelong, youngest son of the late Adam Clerke, Esq., E.I.S., and beloved brother of Thomas F. Clerke, inspector dead letter office, G.P.O., Melbourne.
Published musical works (extant in red bold; non-extant in black bold):
The birthday schottische (1865)
The birthday schottische (as performed by the Headquarters Band; arranged for the pianoforte)", The illustrated Melbourne post (25 July 1865), 112 (DIGITISED)
Adéle waltzes (1872)
Adéle waltzes, composed and arranged for the pianoforte by Adam Clerke, bandmaster Emerald Hill Artillery (Melbourne: Adam Clerke, professor of music, [1872])
Behold how good and joyful (anthem) (1873)
Behold how good and joyful, anthem ([South Melbourne: C. J. Durham, 1873])
The garrison parade polka (1885)
The garrison parade polka (Hobart: T. L. Hood, [1885]) (DIGITISED)
The waratah blossom waltz (1886)
The waratah blossom waltz ([Hobart]: T. L. Hood, [1886]) (DIGITISED)
Dancer, theatrical dancer, actor, prompter
Active Geelong, NSW (VIC) by November 1848 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser [NSW (VIC)] (25 November 1848), 2
The following is a list of the Company as at present constituted -
. . . Mr. CLIFFORD . . .
Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Deering (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (2 December 1848), 2
THEATRE ROYAL, GEELONG. On MONDAY, December the 4th, 1848,
The Performances to commence with the celebrated Drama in three Acts, entitled
DON CAESAR DE BAZAN; OR, MARITANA THE GIPSEY . . . Senor Leuis (an Alcaide) - Mr. Clifford . . .
"THE THEATRE ROYAL", Geelong Advertiser (28 December 1848), 2
The pantomime was played on Tuesday (Regatta) night, for the first time, to a house filled almost to suffocation . . . Mr. Clifford's harlequin was excellent, and a part he is well able to fill. This pantomime, although lasting more than two hours and a half, interested throughout. At no time did the fun, frolic, and humour once lag . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (10 April 1849), 3
The Performances will commence with the celebrated comedy of JOHN BULL; OR, An Englishman's Fireside . . .
Robert - MR. CLIFFORD . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (23 June 1849), 1
THEATRE ROYAL, GEELONG . . . Prompter, Mr. Clifford . . .
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (8 September 1849), 1
Quadrille Party. A SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY will be held at the
Royal Hotel, Malop-street, every Monday and Wednesday evening, until further notice.
Messrs. Wilson and McCarthy will preside at the pianoforte and flute.
Master of ceremonies, Mr. Clifford.
ASSOCIATIONS: R. G. Wilson (musician)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser (18 December 1849), 2
New Years Eve Ball! THE Ladies and gentlemen of Corio and its vicinity, are respectfully informed that a
SELECT BALL will be held in the Saloon of the ROYAL HOTEL, Malop-street, on Monday Evening, 31st instant, (New Year's Eve!)
Dancing to be conducted by Mr. Clifford.
Tickets to admit a Lady and Gentleman 10s 6d each, to be had of Mr. John Olive, Royal Hotel, and of the following Stewards,
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock precisely.
A Full Band in attendance.
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (3 May 1852), 3
The Evening's entertainments will commence with the Grand Historical Drama, in three acts, entitled
MASANIELLO, The Fisherman of Naples; OR, The Dumb Girl of Portici . . .
Gonzalo (Captain of the Guards) - Mr. Clifford . . .
Musician, professor of music, teacher of Italian and English singing, vocalist, pianist, guitarist, violinist, concertina player
Born Bermondsey, Surrey, England, c. 1813
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by November 1854
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 May 1861 (per Great Britain, for Liverpool, England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLIFFORD, Minnie (Mary S. CLIFFORD; Miss Minnie CLIFFORD; also Miss Minie CLIFFORD [sic])
Musician, vocalist, pianist, actor
Born London, England, c. 1841; daughter of George CLIFFORD
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by November 1854
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 May 1861 (per Great Britain, for Liverpool, England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CLIFFORD, Florence (Florence CLIFFORD; Mrs. Robert BAKER)
Vocalist, actor
Born Florence, Italy, c. 1845; daughter of George CLIFFORD
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by November 1854
Departed Melbourne, VIC, 29 May 1861 (per Great Britain, for Liverpool, England) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Aris's Birmingham Gazette [England] (23 April 1832), 3 (PAYWALL)
MR. G. CLIFFORD, Professor Guitar and Singing, in announcing his removal to 37, TEMPLE-ROW (opposite the Royal Hotel),
avails himself of this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to his Friends, the inhabitants of Birmingham and the neighbouring towns,
for the very liberal patronage he has received since his stay here.
Having studied both the Guitar and Singing under the celebrated Italians Chicanchatini and Signor Pedrotti,
Mr. C. feels himself competent to give every satisfaction to those friends who may honour him with their further patronage.
Schools attended at Lichfield and Wolverhampton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pio Cianchettini (teacher); Carlo Pedrotti (teacher)
"SUFFOLK-STREET GALLERY", Sun [London, England] (18 April 1842), 1 (PAYWALL)
The first conversazione of the season was held on Saturday evening, at these elegant rooms. The whole of the place has been carpeted, and is lit up in a beautiful style with gas. The coup d'oeil that presents itself to the eye on entering the grand room is exceedingly effective, and, in addition to the excellent paintings which adorn the room, and the company, which is of the most recherche order, there are other amusements offered to the public. Several young ladies obliged the company by singing and playing on the pianoforte. Mr. G. Clifford also sung the exquisite little Italian serenade, "Buona notte," and accompanied himself on the guitar, in a very masterly manner. His voice is a tine tenor, and he is, we believe, a pupil of Signor Crivelli. A little piece, also composed by himself, entitled, "When the Heart in the Bosom is beating," was exceedingly well performed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Domenico Crivelli (vocalist, teacher)
[Advertisement], Morning Herald [London, England] (17 April 1847), 1 (PAYWALL)
illustrative of the History of English Vocal Music will be held at EXETER HALL, on MONDAY EVENING, April 19.
The programme will consist of specimens of the music of Attwood, Bishop, Callcott, Crotch, Dibdin, Horsley, Russell, Stevens, Shield, Smith, Storace, and Webbe.
Principal Vocal Performers. - Mrs. H. W. Weiss, Miss Dolby, Mr. Manvers,
Mr. G. Clifford, Mr. W. H. Seguin, and Mr. J. A. Novello.
The chorus will consist of upwards of 500 members of Mr. Hullah's Upper Singing School, and the orchestra of Mr. Willy's Concert Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charlotte Dolby (vocalist); Joseph Alfred Novello (musician); John Hullah (singing instructor)
"ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION", Sun [London, England] (9 January 1849), 2 (PAYWALL)
The usual attraction of this admirable exhibition are enhanced during the present week, by the delivery of lectures on "The Cultivation and Management of the Voice in Singing." The committee have engaged Mr. G. Clifford, professor of music, for this purpose, and his first lecture was delivered, before a numerous and very attentive auditory, last evening. The lecturer's remarks were very agreeably diversified and forcibly illustrated by the performance of a variety of favourite vocal pieces, from the works of several eminent composers; and their very creditable execution elicited repeated and hearty plaudits from the company present.
"POLYTECHNIC", British Army Despatch [London, England] (12 January 1849), 14 (PAYWALL)
A pleasing addition to the holiday attractions of this institution has been made in the delivery of a lecture by Mr. G. Clifford, "On the Cultivation of the Voice and on the Art of Singing," with musical illustrations. Mr. Clifford is a disciple of the Novello school, and some of the advantages of that system, with a hint or two to singers, amateur and professional, introduced by a description of the organs which constitute the human voice, were the leading topics. In fact, the spoken language was merely the links by which to connect the musical illustrations. These consisted of, "A te, o cara," "Ecco ridento il cielo," "Bide ye yet," "The anchor's weighed." The songs were beautifully executed, and elicited much applause.
England Census, 30 March 1851, Camden Town, St. Pancras, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1497/43/10 (PAYWALL)
23 Bayham Terrace / George Clifford / Head / 38 / Professor of Music / [born] Surrey, Bermond'y
Mary Clifford / Wife / 52 [sic] / - / [born] Devon, Torquay
Mary S. Clifford / Dau. / 10 / - / [born] Middls'x, St. Pancras
Florence Clifford / Dau. / 6 / - / [born] Italy (Florence) B.S.
Melbourne and regional VIC (by November 1854 to May 1861):
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (6 November 1854), 8
MISS HAYES will sing two of her best ballads and also appear in her great character of Maria in Donizetti's favourite comic Opera of the DAUGHTER of THE REGIMENT.
Between the 1st and 2nd Acts, MISS CLIFFORD (aged only 13) will perform a Grand Fantasia on the Piano Forte, her first appearance in Melbourne . . .
Conductor, Mr. Lavenu. Leader, - Mr. Thom . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (conductor); Bream Thom (violin, leader); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"MISS CATHERINE HAYES' CONCERT", The Age (8 November 1854), 5
Last evening the "Swan of Erin" gave her fourth Concert. The house was crowded with a select and delighted audience . . . Miss Clifford, a mere child, aged 13, played a fantasia, on the pianoforte, with tolerably good effect . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (25 November 1854), 8
CULTIVATION of the Voice, and the Art of singing. -
Mr. G. Clifford, from the Royal Academy or Music, begs to announce to the gentry and inhabitants of Melbourne and vicinity his arrival and intention of establishing himself as a teacher of Italian and English Singing, Pianoforte, and Guitar.
Has resided in Italy, and teaches the language also. Terms known on application to Mr. C., 157 Little Lonsdale-street east.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 December 1854), 8
GRAND Musical Entertainment, Concert Room, Union Hotel, Bourke-street. Admission, Free.
- First appearance of Mr. Clifford, from the English Opera Company, Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, and Wednesday Evening Concerts, Exeter Hall, who will sing several popular ballads;
Miss Urie, the celebrated Scotch ballad singer; Miss Bourne, from the Salle de Valentino;
Mr. Golding, the celebrated Irish comic singer; and Mr. Collins, the eminent pianist.
Open at seven o'clock. Concert commences at eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Daniel Golding (vocalist); Leopold Frederick Collin (pianist); Union Hotel (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (22 December 1854), 8
MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON. Mrs. Hancock, Miss Stewart (pupil or Miss Dolby),
and Mr. George Clifford, will sing at the Grand Concert, Entrance Hall of the New Theatre, Bourke-street.
Miss Minnie Clifford, the Infant Prodigy, will play Thalberg's fantasia on "Mose in Egitto," on the pianoforte.
Mr. George Peck will play his own favorite solo, "When the swallows homeward fly."
Mons. C. Bial will preside at the piano at the Grand Operatic and Classic Promenade Concert to-morrow evening in the magnificent Entrance Hall of the New Theatre Royal, Bourke-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Eliza Stewart (Kipling; Mrs. Ellis) (vocalist); George Peck (violin); Charles Bial (piano accompanist); foyer of Theatre Royal (new Melbourne venue main auditorium still under construction)
MUSIC: Fantasia on Mose in egitto (Thalberg)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 December 1854), 8
Grand Opening of the Lower Saloons and Superb Entrance Hall,
To the NEW THEATRE ROYAL, Great Bourke-street east.
THE above premises will be opened to the public on Saturday December 23, with a series of grand Operatic and Classic Concerts,
when the lower Saloon and entrance Hall will be opened as a promenade Concert Room.
The following Artists have been engaged for the occasion . . .
Miss Minie Clifford, the extraordinary infant performer on the piano-forte . . .
Mr. George Clifford, From the Royal Academy Italian and English Opera, Drury Lane . . .
Part I. Trio. - Grand concerted trio, from the opera of the Mountain Sylph, "This Magic Wove Scarf," by Miss O. Hamilton, Mr. G. Clifford, and Mr. Hackett - Barnett . . .
Scena. - The celebrated picture song, from the opera of The Devil's Bridge, by Mr. George Clifford, Royal Academy of Music, London, Italian Opera, &c. - Braham . . .
Fantasia, piano-forte. - Thalberg's grand fantasia on airs from the opera Mose in Egitto, Miss Minnie Clifford, the infant prodigy,
only 12 years of age whose extraordinary performance created the utmost enthusiasm, astonishment, and delight, on her first appearance at Miss Catherine Hayes's concert - Thalberg . . .
Part II . . . Mazurka Brilliante, piano-forte. - Miss M. Clifford, the infant prodigy, - Talexy.
Grand Aria. - "She is not here," from the opera, "The Sleeper Awakened," Mr. G. Clifford, R. A. M., London. - Mac Farren.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Hackett (vocalist)
MUSIC: A mazurka (by Adrien Talexy, composer); 'Tis but fancy's sketch ("the celebrated picture song) (Braham, in The devil's bridge); She is not here ["A vision most gorgeous . . ."] (G. A. Macfarren, from The sleeper awakened)
"NEW THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (26 December 1854), 5
On Saturday evening, a Grand Concert was held in the Lower Saloon of this building. The room itself is not quite completed, but is even now the most superb building of the kind in Melbourne. The entertainment was one of no common order in this Colony . . . Miss Clifford, whom, it is said, is but twelve years of age, and looked very little more, executed Thalberg's "Mose in Egitto" in a very creditable manner, and will one day hold a very conspicuous position in the musical world . . . Mr. Clifford only sang one song, but was decidedly in bad voice, we think he must have been suffering from the effects of a cold. One of the audience proposed three cheers for the proprietor, to which the public responded most heartily . . .
"CONCERT AT THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Age (29 December 1854), 5
On Wednesday evening last we paid our second visit to the concert room of the New Theatre Royal, Bourke-street, and were grieved to find the attendance so limited . . . Miss Clifford was brought forward as a substitute for her father, who it appears was labouring under a cold, and to our thinking not a bad exchange either, for that gentleman has not impressed us with a very high idea of his abilities as a singer, while it affords us much pleasure in testifying to the taste and execution displayed by the young lady, who if her voice be not forced before it arrives at maturity, will some day be a good soprano . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 January 1855), 8
WANTED, - To all to whom these presents shall come. -
Whereas, at the St. Lawrence Hotel, Gertrude-street, a Free Concert will be held to-night under the auspices of Tom King, the well-known vocalist and pianist;
Mr. Clifford, of Her Majesty's Theatre and Italian Opera; Mr. Dixon, the favourite tenor;
and, though last not least, the Raal Ould Irish Gentleman; and a host of talent not to be enumerated within the limits of an advertisement.
ASSOCIAIONS: Thomas King (musician); Frederick Dixon (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 February 1855), 8
CRITERION HALL. - Immense Attraction. To-night, and every evening during the week,
Grand Promenade Concerts a la Jullien, in the spacious and magnificent hall of the Criterion Hotel. An entire change of performance.
One shilling. Admission, one shilling.
Miss Graham, in her admired Scotch ballads; Miss Bourne, the well-known and favorite songstress;
Mr. Geo. Clifford, the unrivalled tenor of the colony . . .
Together with Chapman's unrivalled band; comrising all the acknowledged available talent in the colony . . .
P.S. Mr. Chapman, the conductor of these Concert's, attends daily, at twelve o'clock, at the Criterion Hall, to engage vocalists and solo performers,
of first-rate talent; as he is determined no expense shall be spared to make this fashionable place of amusement the favorite of Melbourne.
ASSOCIAIONS: Amelia Graham (vocalist); George Chapman (musical director); Criterion Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1855), 8
CULTIVATION of the Voice and the Art of Singing. - Mr. G. CLIFFORD,
from the Royal Academy of Music, a pupil of Signor Crivelli, continues Teaching Italian and English Singing, and Pianoforte,
as studied by him in the above institution, and three years' residence in Italy.
Terms, 8 Guineas per quarter. Address, 89 Young-street, Collingwood.
[Advertisement], The Argus (16 June 1855), 8
MUSIC HALL. Union Hotel. Re-decorated, and brilliantly lighted with gas,
will be reopened under entire new arrangements, on Saturday evening the 16th instant, with a series of Vocal and Instrumental concerts,
for which the following artistes are engaged:
MISS URIE, The celebrated Soprano; MISS MINIE CLIFFORD [sic], The Juvenile Pianiste;
MR. G. CLIFFORD, From the Exeter Hall Concerts, Tenor; MR. T. KING, Bass and Instrumentalist.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock. Programme: . . .
Duet - Flow gently, Deva, - Mr. Clifford and Mr. King - Parry . . .
Solo - violin - Mr. King - De Beriot
Song - My Highland Home, - Mr. Clifford - Bishop . . .
Part Second . . . Fantasia Brilliante - piano and violin - from Guillaume Tell, - Miss Clifford and Mr. King - De Berriot and Osbourne [sic] . . .
Duet - I've wandered in Dreams - Miss Urie and Mr. Clifford . . .
Solo - piano - Telexy's Mazourk - Miss Clifford . . .
Song - Death of Nelson, - Mr. Clifford - Braham; . . .
Sole - clarionet - Adieu a Berne, - Mr. King - Bressant . . .
MUSIC: Fantaisie brillante sur Guillaume Tell (De Beriot and Osborne)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS AT MELBOURNE", The Courier (22 June 1855), 3
. . . Mr. G. Clifford, from the Exeter Hall Concert, Miss Minie Clifford, a juvenile pianiste, and Miss Urie, a celebrated soprano, were giving concerts at the Music Hall, Union Hotel . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (30 June 1855), 8
SALLE DE VALENTINO. Concert and Ball To-night. Admission - One Shilling.
Programme: . . . Song - "I Love Her, How I Love Her" (Auber), Mr. G. Clifford . . .
Song - "Death of Nelson" (Braham), Mr. G. Clifford . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Salle de Valentino (Melbourne venue)
"GRAND CONCERT AT THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (7 July 1855), 5
The Exhibition Building was crowded in every part last evening, on the occasion of the concert in aid of the destitute in Collingwood . . . The reappearance of Miss Catherine Hayes was acknowledged with great enthusiasm, her generous act having evidently full weight with the company . . . The orchestra, under the conductorship of Mr. Lavenu, was most efficient. Mrs. Testar, Miss Smith, and Mr. Clifford also gave effective aid.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Emilie Smith (pianist); Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
. . . A song from Mr. Clifford, whom we heard on the occasion for the first time, succeeded, and was exceedingly well rendered by the vocalist, who possesses a tenor voice, of moderate quality, which he manages with considerable tact and ability. We must confess to our previous ignorance of the existence in this colony of a tenor with equal capacity in respect both to quality of voice and musical training; and as we have since learned that, in addition to the qualifications Mr. Clifford manifested on this occasion, he possesses a thorough acquaintance with the stage, we are yet in hopes of the colony being able to produce a competent male operatic artiste - an acquisition of a most desirable character . . .
"MR. CLIFFORD", The Argus (13 July 1855), 5
In our notice of the late concert at the Exhibition, we referred to the favorable impression which on that occasion we formed of the musical abilities of Mr. Clifford. We have since been informed that that gentleman's musical education at least warranted the expectation of an exhibition of the qualities of a good vocalist, as he is an eleve of the Royal Academy of Music, and received lessons in his art from Signor Cruvelli [sic], who is known to be the most accomplished vocal teacher in England. Mr. Clifford has also graduated in the best musical schools of Europe, having spent three years for that purpose in Milan and Florence. He lectured for six consecutive weeks at the Polytechnic Institution, London, on "The Cultivation of the Voice;" and has appeared as principal tenor at Drury-lane, and the Edinburgh and Liverpool Theatres.
"CONCERT AT THE EXHIBITION", The Argus (16 July 1855), 5
Although not so numerously attended as was the concert in aid of the Collingwood destitute, the entertainment of Saturday evening was very extensively patronised . . . we should say that Miss Hayes's philanthropy has been worthily recognised, and that the funds of the institutions in aid of which the concert was given had received a handsome contribution. The entertainment commenced with the sparkling overture to "Zampa" . . . This was followed by a song, "My Native Highland Home," given with considerable taste by Mr. Clifford, who, in spite of the unenviable position which he occupied in the programme in immediately preceding the great star of the evening, acquitted himself most satisfactorily, and really deserved greater applause than was accorded to him . . .
MUSIC: My native highland home (Bishop)
[Advertisement], The Age (10 August 1855), 8
Mr. Bennett Clay's Optical Diorama. THE CITY OF THE SULTAN; OR, THE RED, WHITE, and BLUE, Detailing every object of interest connected with CRIMEA.
Vocalist, Mr. Clifford. Pianoforte and Accompaniment, Miss Minie Clifford.
Leader of the Band - Herr Pilcher [sic, Gilcher]. MR. WALLACE, Agent. Reserved Seats, 2s. Promenade, 1s.
MUSIC: Peter Gilcher (musician)
"THE OPERA", The Argus (19 October 1855), 5
The postponement of the opera of "La Sonnambula," which was to have been given on Monday last, has caused no little disappointment to the play-goers of Melbourne. We understand that upon its appearing on Saturday that Mr. John Howson either would not or could not sustain the role of Elvino, Mr. G. Clifford was applied to and requested to understudy the part. An alteration was at once made in the bill and Mr. Clifford's name substituted for Mr. Howson's, and it was fully expected that the difficulty had been satisfactorily got over. But the uncertainty of mundane arrangements was again made apparent, and although on Saturday evening the play-bill for Monday containing Mr. Clifford's name was printed, Monday morning's Argus displayed an advertisement announcing the postponement of the opera from "causes over which the management had no control" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: For Lavenu and Catherine Hayes's company at the Theatre Royal; John Howson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 December 1855), 8
QUEEN'S THEATRE. Reopening of this Elegant Theatre,
on Monday Evening, December 10th, 1855, Under the Management of MR. H. N. WARNER.
Previous to the Entertainment, an OPENING ADDRESS Will be Spoken by Mrs. Brougham, from the able pen of Mr. F. Belfield, the Dramatic Author . . .
the Curtain will rise at Half-past Seven, when will be sung the NATIONAL ANTHEM.
Principal Vocalists: - Mr. George Clifford, Mr. Charles Walsh, and Miss Minnie Clifford, supported by the entire strength of the Company . . .
The comedy will be succeeded by a GRAND INTERLUDE . . . To be followed by
Selections from the Third Act of Bellini's Opera, "La Sonnambula."
Elvino - Mr. G. Clifford. Amina - Miss Minnie Clifford . . .
Acting Manager, Mr. Charles Walsh . . . Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. King.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Neil Warner (actor, manager); Emma Brougham (actor); Francis Belfield (actor, writer); Charles Walsh (vocalist, actor); Edward King (leader, violin)
"THE QUEEN'S THEATRE", The Argus (11 December 1855), 5
This theatre was opened last night for a campaign under Mr. Henry Neil Warner's management, and the house was fairly attended . . . The dancing between the pieces by the Chambers family secured unanimous encores on each occasion. The only event to mar the success of the performance was a moat lamentable exhibition on the part of a Mr. and Miss Clifford, who perpetrated some of the music of the Sonnambula to a running accompaniment of shouts and whistlings from the gods.
ASSOCIATIONS: Chambers family (dancers)
[Advertisement], The Argus (27 March 1856), 8
TILKE'S CITY HOTEL. Bourke-street.
A grand selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music (solo and concerted) will be given Every Evening in the New Splendid Music Hall of the above hotel, by an efficient company.
The following artistes will have the honor of appearing: . . .
Instrumental. Violin - Mr. Clifford.
Flute - Mr. Foote. Harp - Mr. J. Young.
Concertina - Mr. Geo. Clifford.
Pianoforte - Mr. E. J. Piper. Commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. Foote (flute); Jacob Young (harp); Edward John Piper (piano); Tilke's City Hotel (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age (6 October 1856), 1
ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE. First appearance of the Eminent English Actress Mrs. C. N. SINCLAIR,
To-night, Monday, First appearance of the celebrated young Actor MR. HENRY SEDLEY. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.
National Anthem - Mr. John Gregg, Mr. Clifford, Mrs. H. Fiddes, Miss Clifford, and full chorus . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gregg (vocalist); Harriet Cawse Fiddes (vocalist); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue)
NOTE: There is no record at all of the Cliffords in 1857 and the first half of 1858
"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (12 July 1858), 3
Spite of the deluge of rain which continued almost without intermission during the evening, a bumper house assembled at the Theatre on Saturday evening. No effort had clearly been spared by the fair directress to ensure a successful debut to her new company. Mr. Mungall, Mr. J. Warden, and Miss Florence Clifford, made their first appearance this season before a Bendigo audience. The first piece of the evening was the Operatic Drama of Rob Roy . . . Miss Fanny Young acted the part of "Francis," and sang several popular songs, which were applauded . . . Mr. James Warden, as "Dougal," made a successful hit . . . The high-minded and courageous "Diana Vernon," was well personated by Miss Minnie Clifford, who, likewise, sang several well-known songs, which called forth the plaudits of the house. The rest of the characters were well personified, and the whole performance was decidedly a successful one . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Young (actor, manager); John Mungall (actor); James Warden (actor, musician); Haymarket Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"HAYMARKET THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (14 July 1858), 3
Last night the management produced the drama of "Cramond Brig" . . . The musical drama of "Charles the Second" followed, in which Miss Fanny Young and Miss Minnie Clifford sang sweetly some of the solos and duets incidental to the piece. The musical talents of the latter young lady are a great acquisition to the stage, and should the manager intend producing some of the musical extravaganzas which were brought out by Mr. Daniels during his former management, the singing of both ladies will materially contribute to their success.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Washington Daniels (actor, manager, fanny Young's husband)
"MUNICIPAL POLICE COURT. Saturday, 31st July, 1858 . . . WAGES", Bendigo Advertiser (2 August 1858), 3
Clifford v. Daniels, £6 for wages as an actor at the Haymarket Theatre.
Charles Clifford [sic] stated that he had been engaged in Melbourne to come here and play with his two daughters as an actor and a vocalist, at the wages of £6 per week with their board and lodging;
complainant had been paid for his services for two weeks, but that the agreement had been broken in consequence of the defendant casting Miss Clifford for a male character,
to play in man's attire, a man servant's character, Cool, in "London Assurance;"
on her declining to perform the part, Mr. Daniels had dismissed them, and refused to pay the balance.
Mr. Daniels explained, and the Bench considered that the case did not come within the jurisdiction of the Court, and the case was therefore dismissed.
"SHAMROCK HOTEL, EPSOM", Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1858), 3
As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, that energetic caterer for the public amusement, Mr. Heffernan, is about to give his Epsom friends an opportunity of witnessing, a theatrical entertainment this evening. The service of the Clifford family have been engaged, and we have no doubt from the short experience we had of their talents, especially the musical talents of the elder Miss Clifford, a very, delightful evening's entertainment may be effected.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan (venue proprietor)
PLAYS: The waterman (Charles Dibdin); The two Gregories (Thomas Dibdin)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (28 August 1858), 1
First appearance in Epsom of Miss Minie Clifford (from the Princess's Theatre, Melbourne,) Miss L. Clifford [sic], and Mr. G. Clifford,
assisted by other Professional Gentlemen, when will be played THE WATERMAN, And a Concert.
To be followed by the Farce of THE TWO GREGORIES, with the original music. Admission 2s,
"CAMP HOTEL, EAGLEHAWK", Bendigo Advertiser (23 November 1858), 3
We observe by an advertisement that a great musical and dramatic treat will be offered this evening at the Camp Hotel, Eaglehawk, being the farewell benefit of Messrs. Small and Pierce, who will appear on the occasion. In addition to them, however, Miss Urie, the Misses Clifford, Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Clifford will appear. Dancing will take place after the performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joe Small (vocalist); John Ottis Pierce (vocalist); Charles Thatcher (vocalist)
"LYCEUM THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (6 December 1858), 3
As we anticipated, the announcement of the last night of performance - for some time at least - of Miss Urie and Mr. Small, drew a full attendance at the Lyceum on Saturday night. In consequence, however, of indisposition, Miss Urie was unable to appear, her place being supplied by Miss Clifford, who introduced the best selection from Miss Urie's repertory of Scotch melodies, in a style - although comparisons are generally objectionable - that made the absence of Miss Urie less of a disappointment. Miss Clifford has, although not a very powerful voice, one that with careful cultivation will render her in time a pleasing singer. This, combined with a very pleasing expression of features, will, whenever she appears before a Bendigo audience, secure for her a cordial reception . . . The orchestral department, which has been strengthened by the addition of Mr. Moore, the violinist, and our old friend Jemmy Warden, from the Haymarket, was a most efficient accompaniment to the songs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Moore (leader, violin); Lyceum Theatre (Bendigo venue)
"OPENING OF THE THEATRE ROYAL", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (28 December 1858), 2-3
The opening of the Theatre Royal in Sturt street is an event memorable in the dramatic history of Ballarat, and is one of our most notable proofs that "time works wonders" . . . [3] . . . Of the play - a good homely English five act piece - and of the galaxy of talent drawn together under the auspices of Mr. Hoskins' management, we have not space enough in our over-crowded columns to speak . . . The Bessy Tulip of Miss Minnie Clifford was a lively pleasant rendering, and with the capital acting of Mr. John Dunn, and Mr. Leslie, contributed amazingly to the fun and success of the whole performance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Hoskins (actor, manager); John Benjamin Dunn (actor); Theatre Royal (Ballarat venue)
"THEATRE ROYAL", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (2 February 1859), 3
Great preparations are being made for the production of the extravaganza of "The Sleeping Beauty" to-night, with a degree of splendour and magnificence unprecedented in Castlemaine. The properties and decorations have been brought over from Ballarat in tons, and Mr. St. Quintin, and Mr. Dennis, scenic artists and machinists, have been working night and day to supplement the existing provision of mechanical and decorative accessories . . . A large addition was made yesterday to the company - Miss Minnie Clifford (the Beauty), Miss Flora Clifford, Mr. Clifford, Miss Kate Bellair, and a host of fairies, sylphs, gnomes, and other sprightly representatives of the nether world, to take their respective parts in the extravaganza . . .
"CONCERT AT THE GOLDEN AGE HALL", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser [VIC] (3 August 1859), 3
Mr. Clifford's concert on Monday evening was very successful. The singing of the Misses Clifford and Signor Grossi was deservedly admired and applauded; Miss Minnie Clifford and Signer Grossi especially showed themselves accomplished vocalists. We regretted the attendance was not so numerous as might have been expected. At the conclusion the whole company were called before the curtain. We understand at the urgent solicitation of many gentlemen present, Mr. Clifford has consented to give another concert this evening, when we hope to see a full house.
ASSOCIATIONS: Enrico Grossi (vocalist)
"AMHERST COUNTY COURT. Oct. 21", Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser (26 October 1859), 3
Clifford v. Nicol. For £36 . . . An action for work and labor.
George Clifford said that he and his two daughters had been engaged by the defendant to play at the Theatre Royal, Ballarat-street, Back Creek, at the rate of £18 a week.
They had done the work engaged for during two weeks. Judgment for plaintiff with costs, £7 9s.
"AMUSEMENTS. CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (31 October 1859), 3
On Saturday night, Henry J. Byron's popular travestie of the "Lady of Lyons" was produced at the Charlie Napier Theatre with wonderful effect, and to an excellent house . . . Miss M. Clifford, as Claude, sang several of these airs in a very pleasing and graceful manner. She is evidently a musician, and sings sweetly, and with considerable taste. Her rendering of "Imagine a palace with marble walls," was given with an exquisite touch of pathos, which was appreciated by the audience; and the duet in the air from "Esmeralda, between herself and Pauline (Mr. S. O'Brien), was rapturously encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Stuart O'Brien (actor, vocalist); Charlie Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star (3 January 1860), 3
Messrs. Chapman and Barrick, having now assumed the lesseeship of the above place of amusement, determined to signalise their opening night of the new dramatic season by a reduction of the prices to the old scale. The result was seen in an excellent house. The first piece selected for performance last night was "The Sea of Ice" . . . Mr. O'Brien as Carlos . . . The afterpiece, was a Scotch drama entitled, "Cramond Brig," in which Miss M. Clifford sang "Sound the pibroch." Both pieces will be reproduced this evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Chapman (actor, manager); Thomas Bowes Barrick (manager)
"THE OPERA", The Star (28 February 1860), 3
Pursuant to announcement Signor and Signora Bianchi made their debut last night on the boards of the Napier, accompanied by Mr. Farquharson, Signor Grossi and some of the chorus from the Theatre Royal in Melbourne. The orchestra under the conductorship of Mr. Winterbottom, was composed of local artistes lead by Mr. Paltzer. Mr. Gibbs's courageous enterprise in obtaining one more display of high opera for the behoof of the Ballarat public, was rewarded last night by a good, if not a very crowded house, and the taste supplied last night to the lovers of music, of the rich treat secured for them in the present company, will no doubt lead to even better houses yet. The opera chosen for the first appearance of the singers who have so long delighted our metropolitan connoisseurs was "Il Trovatore" . . . Miss Hamilton was cast for Azucena, but was indisposed; and Miss Minnie Clifford, at a short notice supplied her place. Miss Clifford took everybody by surprise, as well by her very respectable rendering of the part as by her acquaintance with the original libretto. The opera was abridged somewhat, but Miss Clifford, with much purity and good taste acquitted herself of this part allotted to her . . . To-night, the opera of "Il Trovatore" will be repeated.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eugenio and Giovanna Bianchi (vocalists); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); John Winterbottom (conductor); John Gibbs (proprietor); Italian Opera Company (troupe)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BALLAARAT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (3 March 1860), 2
. . . At the Charlie, the opera troupe opened in "II Trovatore" on Monday evening, and all the expectations which we had formed of the Bianchis were fully realised - they are certainly superior to any artistes who have visited us lately. Mr. Farquharson never sang better, and not the least interesting feature in the performance was the debut of Miss Minnie Clifford, in the difficult part of Azceuna, which had been taken up by her at two days' notice, on account of Miss Hamilton's illness, and in which the acquitted herself admirably. The operas have been put on the stage in a most creditable manner, but although Mr. Gibbs has surpassed himself in his endeavours to please the public, we regret to say the amount of patronage accorded him has not been commensurate with his deserts.
"News and Notes", The Star (6 March 1860), 2
The opera of "Lucrezia Borgia" was produced last night at the Napier to a crowded house both in pit and boxes . . . We thought Signor Bianchi was scarcely in so good voice as on previous nights . . . Mr. Farquharson, too, was rapturously applauded, as he deserved to be. Miss Minnie Clifford sang her part very well, but she deals too much in staccato notes to satisfy the fastidious . . .
On Saturday evening the above place of amusement was re-opened under the direction of Signor Bianchi, when Bellini's chef d'oeuvre "Norma" ushered in what we may confidently predict a successful operatic season . . . The Signora was admirably supported by Miss Minnie Clifford, a young lady of great promise, possessing a rich mezzo-soprano voice of remarkable flexibility, which enabled her to do ample justice to the part of Adelgisa. As contralto her rendering of the difficult solo, "Deh proteggi mi" [Deh proteggimi], was surprising for so young an artiste . . .
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . BALLAARAT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (14 April 1860), 2
. . . The Charlie Napier re-opened on Saturday evening with an efficient operatic and dramatic company, under the direction of Signor Bianchi. The operas of "Norma" and "Ernani" have been performed, and it is needless to say that with Signor and Signora Bianchi, Mons. Coulon, Signor Grossi, and Miss Minnie Clifford, the pieces were well rendered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist)
"THE BENEFIT FOR MRS. GIBBS", The Star (18 April 1860), 3
The performance at the Charlie Napier Theatre last night was for the benefit of the wife and family of the late Mr. John Gibbs. The opera announced for performance was "Lucretia Borgia," but after the rise of the curtain, Mr. Chapman came in front of the spotlights and spoke a prologue, for which we regret we cannot find room, at the conclusion of which he said he regretted it was his disagreeable duty to announce that, owing to Miss Minnie Clifford refusing to appear in character assigned to her in Lucretia Borgia. the opera of Attila would be substituted in its stead. The cause of the young lady not appearing he said was that she had given too many benefits to the deceased already, for which she had not been paid, and now refused to appear unless rewarded for her services. The father of the young lady subsequently sent a letter to this office stating that she was unwell, and denying the statement of Mr. Chapman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Gibbs, the proprietor of the theatre, had died on 14 April
"THE PHILHARMONIC CONCERT", The Star (1 September 1860), 2
A concert was given by the Ballarat Philharmonic Society last night at the Theatre Royal before a tolerably good house . . . The programme for the evening comprised both sacred and secular music, the first part being Handel's "Dettingen Te Deum," performed on this occasion for the first time in Ballarat. The second part consisted of a selection of madrigals and songs, and Locke's Macbeth music made up the third and concluding part of the programme. Mr. A. T. Turner wielded the baton as heretofore, as conductor, and M. A. Fleury officiated as leader, Mr. Linly Norman presiding at the piano. Miss Julia Harland, Miss Minnie Clifford, and Mr. Cazaly were the principal soloists . . . Miss Minnie Clifford was deservedly encored in the song from Weber's "Oberon" "Oh Araby, dear Araby," which was sung in good voice, and afforded a gratifying proof of this lady's cultivated powers as a vocalist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Austin Theodore Turner (conductor); Achille Fleury (leader, violin); Linly Norman (piano); Julia Harland (vocalist); Peter Cazaly (vocalist); Ballarat Philharmonic Society (association)
"News and Notes", The Star (5 October 1860), 2
The opera of "Norma" (English version) was produced last night at the Royal, with Miss Harland as prima donna, supported by Miss Clifford, and Messrs. Gregg and Sherwin. This evening the performances will be for the benefit of Miss Harland, when "La Sonnambula" will be produced . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Sherwin (vocalist)
"News and Notes", The Star (6 October 1860), 2
There was a good house at the Royal last night, when the English version of "La Sonnambula" was produced for the benefit of Miss Harland. Miss Harland took the part of Amina, Miss Clifford that of Lisa, and Messrs. Sherwin and Gregg took the parts of Elvino and Count Rodolfo. The music had evidently been rehearsed with care, and the general rendering was exceedingly creditable, the several bijoux of the opera being well given and warmly applauded. The production was not of the ambitious nature of recent operatic performances here, though the libretto being in the vernacular an element of popularity not present in Italian opera was added to the entertainments. The burlesque concluded the performances of the evening. Tonight the opera of "Maritana" will be brought out . . .
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (1 December 1860), 2
Miss Clifford took her benefit last night at the Royal, when a capital bill of fare was provided for the entertainment of the house. The first piece was "Guy Mannering," which was brought out with the music incidental to the play. There was a little too much need of the prompter occasionally, but the general rendering of both music and dialogue was good. Our limited space forbids our dwelling on details, and to mention one or two characters only where so many were good, would be invidious. A musical melange followed the melodrama, and Miss Harland, Miss Clifford, and Mr. Cazaly, an amateur of local note, were in good voice, and, as in the first portion of the entertainment, were often encored. This evening the performances consist of "Guy Mannering," followed by "Valentine and Orson."
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Star (19 January 1861), 3
The performance at the Theatre Royal yesterday evening was for the benefit of the sufferers by the late fire . . . The performance commenced with "His Last Legs" . . . This was followed by a musical melange, in which Miss Julia Harland, the Misses Royal, the Misses Clifford, and Mrs. Rosemann took part. We need hardly say that the songs were well sung and warmly received, but our space will not permit us to particularise . . . We understand that Mr. Holt is about to undertake the management of the theatre, and Signor and Signora Bianchi, with an opera company, are announced to appear on Monday evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Kate and Lizzie Royal (vocalists); Anna Rosemann (vocalist); Clarance Holt (actor, manager)
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Star (26 January 1861), 2
Signora Bianchi was greeted with a crowded house last night at the Royal on the occasion of her benefit. The opera chosen was "Il Trovatore," but owing to the illness of Miss Clifford, the opera of "Norma" was substituted. Miss Harland having consented to take the part of Adelgisa . . .
[2 advertisements], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 May 1861), 8
After which Miss Minnie Clifford will sing Kathleen Mavourneen, and a duet with her sister, Miss Florence Clifford.
ASSOCIATIONS: Avonia Jones (actor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 May 1861), 8
Last appearance of Miss MINNIE and Mr. CLIFFORD, Prior to their departure by the Great Britain . . .
Song - "Kathleen Mavourneen," Miss Minnie Clifford. Duet -"Oh, Listen, Dear," Misses M. and Florence Clifford . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Great Britain from Melbourne 29 May 1861, for Liverpool; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Geo. Clifford / 42 // Amelia [sic] / 19 // Florence / 13 . . .
"THEATRICAL DEPARTURES", Mount Alexander Mail (3 June 1861), 2
The Great Britain and Suffolk bear away from these shores a large number of the members of the dramatic and musical professions. In addition to Mr. G. V. Brooke, Mr. R. Younge, and Miss Jones, to whose impending departure we have several times referred, we lose, Mr. H. J. Wallack. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, and the Misses Clifford. - Herald.
"LYCEUM THEATRE", The Musical World [London, England] (5 October 1861), 636 (DIGITISED)
Mr. J. B. Chatterton, the acting manager, took his benefit on Monday last, when, in addition to the dramatic performances . . . a miscellaneous concert was given, supported by Mlle. Florence Lancia, Miss Minnie Clifford, the Misses Brougham, Messrs. Alberte Laurence and Aynsley Cook as vocalists, and Mr. Chatterton (Harp) and Mr. Levy (cornet-a-piston), instrumentalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Balsir Chatterton (harp); Jules Levy (cornet)
"QUEEN'S THEATRE", Edinburgh Evening Courant [Scotland] (3 December 1861), 2 (PAYWALL)
Last night, the Misses Clifford and Messrs. George Melville and Gardiner Coyne began short engagement here. The performances opened with Victor Hugo's drama of "Ruy Blas" . . . The operetta of The Swiss Cottage" followed, which Miss Minnie Clifford enacted the part of Lissette, and Miss F. Clifford that of Marion. Both are sprightly and pleasing actresses, and have considerable ability vocalists . . .
[Advertisement], Newcastle Daily Chronicle [England] (12 December 1865), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. G. CLIFFORD, from the Royal Academy Music, and Pupil of Signor Crivelli,
begs most respectfully acquaint the Musical Dilettanti of Newcastle that he is desirous of soliciting their patronage for Teaching Italian and English Singing.
He has resided three years in Florence and Milan, and is conversant with the Italian Language.
(Mr. C. is the instructor Miss Minnie Clifford, now singing at the Theatre Royal.)
Terms known on application. 14, Blandford Street.
"Miscellaneous", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (19 January 1867), 2
MISS MINNIE CLIFFORD, a young and talented vocalist and soubrette actress, who with her father and younger sister played for some time on the boards of the old Princess Theatre, Melbourne, during the Henderson and Nelson regime, made her re-appearance as a classical vocalist at the Theatre Royal, Newcastle-on-Tyne, in November last. She had retired for some considerable period to finish her musical education. She is deservedly a favourite at Newcastle, and a crowded house welcomed her back to the stage.
England census, 1881, All Souls, Marylebone, Middlesex; UK National Archives, RG11/137/98/3 (PAYWALL)
47 Bolsover St. / Robert J. Baker / Head / Mar. / 46 / Draper's Assistant / [born] Middlesex St. George's
Florence [Baker] / Wife / Mar. / 36 / - / [born] Italy Florence
Minnie Clifford / Sister in Law / Unm. / 40 / Actress / [born] Middlesex Pancras
As Minnie Clifford, 60, appeared in the 1901 census boarding in Kensington; she was last reported appearing at the Theatre Royal, Worthing, in May 1904
CLIFTON, Stephen (Stephen CLIFTON)
Amateur vocalist, church singer, sexton (Port Macquarie church), convict
Born London, England, 1792
Convicted Old Bailey, London, England, 3 December 1817 (transportation 14 years)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 14 September 1818 (convict per Isabella, from London, 3 April, aged "25")
Married Ann REILLEY, St. Thomas, Port Macquarie, NSW, 20 April 1829
Certificate of freedom, NSW, 20 January 1832 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"HATTON GARDEN", Globe [London, England] (2 August 1811), 4 (PAYWALL)
A young man, named Stephen Clifton, not quite nineteen years of age, was charged with house-robbery, by Mr. Mitchell, of Judd-street, Somer's town, on the afternoon of Wednesday, between the hours of four and five o'clock. It appeared by the testimony of the Prosecutor, and of his wife and servant-maid, that the Prisoner had privily got into the house through the area or by the door, without being heard or perceived by any of the family, and had only been detected on his getting up the stairs, with a large bundle, containing sheets, table-cloths, gowns, and other articles, the property of the Prosecutor, which were found upon him, and produced in Court . . . The Prisoner offered no defence, and was fully committed for trial.
Trial of Stephen Clifton, grand larceny, 18 September 1811; Old Bailey online (DIGITISED)
783. STEPHEN CLIFTON was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 28th of July, a pair of sheets, value 10s. two tablecloths, value 4s.,
the property of William Mitchell; a gown, value 5s., three caps, value 3s., a habit shirt, value 1s., a handkerchief, value 1s., a duster, value 1d.,
and a piece of cotton, value 6d. the property of Esther Sculthorp . . . GUILTY , aged 18. Transported for Seven Years.
Trial of Stephen Clifton, coining offences, 3 December 1817; Old Bailey online (DIGITISED)
33. STEPHEN CLIFTON was indicted for the like offence. The prisoner pleaded GUILTY. Aged 25. Transported for Fourteen Years.
Convict indent, per Isabella, 14 September 1818; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12188 [4/4006] (PAYWALL)
Stephen Clifton / Middlesex Gaol Delivery / 3 December 1817 / Fourteen Years /
Native place, London / Saw maker & sitter / age, 26 / 5ft 2 1/4 / 1/2 cast black . . .
"WINDSOR", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (2 January 1827), 3
Ann Brennan was returned to Government for reason that she had taken such confidence in the esteem of her master and mistress, and placed such implicit faith in the clemency of the Government, that she had not questioned whether there would be any impediment to her being married unto Stephen Clifton, and therefore did not agitate the point, until it was necessary to purchase narrow lace, for little caps, and other matters hitherto unknown to the inexperience of Stephen. The Government would not allow their marriage to be solemnized; Ann had said, when she came into the Colony, that she had a loving husband in Channel row, in Dublin; and not dreaming how closely she would be allied to the unknown Stephen, she concealed her own misfortunes. It was thought now, as a desperate remedy, that "an affidavit" would be lawful, to oppose on oath what had been incautiously said without a solemn assurance; but the oath was laid upon the table, and the saying kept on record. Stephen said, "I am sure, Gentlemen, she is not a married woman, because, when she first came there (meaning her service) and before she knew any thing about me, and did not like me (Stephen is a man of colour) she used to tell me so." Ergo, when she became acquainted with him, his manners were engaging, the impediment alluded to notwithstanding. Stephen appears amazingly in love, that he would make a kind husband is beyond a question, nor would he allow her to lift a bucket of water for his life; and should a dish of blushing young potatoes be in view - "Ann will you have one?" and on the tip of a fork you see one sticking, whilst another would be chewing it himself. It is a pity to separate them, but the law must be obeyed. Ordered that the woman be forthwith placed under the care of Mrs. Raine, Superintendent of the Female Factory at Parramatta, where she will be properly attended to; nor will the cries of a little cross babe, annoy the ears of the disappointed Margaret Kelly.
"Police Reports", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 August 1827), 3
Stephen Clifton was brought to account for a saw which had been entrusted to his care. The prisoner pleaded, that it was his master's pleasure that he should practice church music every Friday, and that while he was singing and preparing himself for the psalm for the following Sunday, some irreligious rogue had abstracted the cross cut saw. No proof, against Stephen, and he was discharged. This job was very near making Stephen chaunt a different tune.
NSW census, November 1828; State Records Authority of NSW (DIGITISED)
. . . Clifton Stephen / [per] Isabella / Employment - Nothing Stated / Pt. Macquarie . . .
Marriages, St. Thomas, Port Macquarie, 1829; Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
20 April 1829 / Stephen Clifton / Bachelor / Ann Reilley / Spinster
Both were convicts; according to the marriage permission, Stephen was the Port Macquarie church sexton
Certificate of freedom, January 1832; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12210 (PAYWALL)
No. 32/241 / 20 January 1832 / Stephen Clifton / Isabella / . . . 1818 /
Native Place, London / Trade or Calling, Saw Sharpener / Offence, Uttering forged notes /
Middlesex C.S. / 3 December 1817 / Fourteen Years / Year of Birth, 1792 / 5 ft 2 1/4 ins [sic] / Half cast / Black & Woolly . . .
[Notice], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 February 1832), 1
THE undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates of Freedom during the last Week, viz. . . . Isabella (1) - Stephen Clifton . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Stephen Clifton, per Isabella; Biographical database of Australia (PAYWALL)
Stephen Clifton, Convict records
CLIFTON, William John (William John CLIFTON; W. J. CLIFTON)
Amateur vocalist
Born Gloucester, England, 1815; baptised Gloucester cathedral, 7 August 1815; son of Robert CLIFTON (1783-1863) and Elizabeth BROWNING (m. 1807)
Arrived Perth, WA, 11 February 1849 (per Ameer, from England)
Married Caroline CLIFTON [sic] (d. 1883), Australind, WA, 19 January 1853
Died York, WA, 12 April 1885, aged "69" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester in the county of Gloucester in the year 1815; register 1815, page 1-2; Gloucestershire Archives, Gdr/V1/289 (PAYWALL)
No. 11 / [1815] Aug. 7th / William John son of / Robert & Elizabeth / Clifton / College Precincts / Clerk / [officiant] Rob't Clifton Minor Canon
"Shipping Intelligence. Arrived", Inquirer [Perth, WA] (14 February 1849), 2
On the 11th instant, the barque Ameer, 450 tons, W. P. Stevenson, master, from England. Passengers . . . steerage - Mr. W. J. Clifton . . .
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (25 June 1852), 3
THE concert in aid of funds for promoting a Musical Class for the Mechanics' Institute, took place at the Court House in Perth last Friday evening . . . The two Misses Ougden performed the Overture to La Dame Blanche very pleasingly on the piano; and Mr. E. Hamersley played an excellent accompaniment to the Rosita Waltz on the Cornet a Piston; Mr. A. H. Stone ably conducted the whole performance. The vocal parts were undertaken by Messrs. William Clifton, Bell and Parry, the former of whom was encored in a new song called Dreams of the Heart . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Ougden and sister (pianists); Edward Hamersley (cornet); Alfred Hawes Stone (conductor)
"Local", Inquirer (30 June 1852), 3
The Concert on Friday, the 25th, passed off very well. The Court House was most tastefully ornamented on the occasion, the room was well lighted, and the performers, vocal and instrumental, spared no effort to please the audience. The overtures were well executed, and the songsters obtained much applause. Mr. W. J. Clifton was encored in the song "Dreams of the heart" . . .
"Domestic Sayings and Doings", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News [WA] (30 July 1852), 3
We are informed it is determined upon to take measures for reviving the Western Australian Turf Club, which was in existence some years ago, but which seems long since to have died a natural death . . . We understand that Mr. William J. Clifton has undertaken to act as Honorary Secretary . . .
"Married", Inquirer (2 February 1853), 2
On the 19th instant, at Australind, by the Rev. H. W. Brown, Minister of Bunbury, William J. Clifton, Esq., Registrar of Deeds, and of the Colonial Secretary's Office, fourth son of the Reverend Robert Clifton, British Chaplain at Bruges, Belgium, to Caroline, youngest daughter of M. Waller Clifton, M.L.C., and grand-daughter of the late Reverend Francis Clifton, of Alverstoke, Hants, Rector of Eastwell, and Prebendary of Lincoln.
"Opening of the Hall of the Total Abstinence Society", The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News (9 June 1854), 3
. . . On Wednesday evening Mr. Lowe gave a Lecture in the Hall on the nature of Alcohol and its effects . . . urging the benefits of Abstinence . . . The great attraction however of the evening, was the rendition by the orchestra of the concert given on [illegible], with the addition of some vocal music by Messrs. Clifton, Parry, and Curtis, who very kindly [offered] their assistance . . .
[News], The Inquirer and Commercial News (2 August 1865), 2
We are informed that Mr. W. J. Clifton has promised to deliver a lecture, at the Swan River Mechanics' Institute, very shortly, on "English Song." From the well-known musical attainments of Mr. Clifton, a great treat may with confidence be anticipated by the large audience which his lecture is certain to insure.
"SWAN RIVER MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (11 August 1865), 2
On Tuesday evening last [8 August] Mr. W. J. Clifton delivered his promised lecture on "English Song" in the Hall of the above Institute, to a numerous and highly respectable audience. The lecturer having been introduced by the Hon. G. F. Stone, proceeded to explain in a most interesting manner the difference between Poetry, Ballads, and Songs, illustrating his meaning as he proceeded, by selections from Campbell, Moore, and Dibdin, the whole of which, were well, and deservedly received. The thanks of the Institute having been voted to the Lecturer, the meeting separated, evidently well pleased with the evening's entertainment.
But see also "CORRESPONDENCE", The Inquirer and Commercial News (16 August 1865), 2
[Advertisement], The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times (23 March 1866), 2
Northam Mechanics' Institute . . . A LECTURE will be delivered in the room of the above society by
W. J. Clifton Esq., on THURSDAY, 29th inst. SUBJECT:- "ENGLISH SONG."
Doors open at 636 p.m., Lecture to commence at 7. Admittance - Members, free ; Non-Members, 6d.
By order, GEO. THROSSELL, Hon. Secretary.
"DEATH OF W. J. CLIFTON, ESQ., J.P.", Eastern Districts Chronicle [York, WA] (18 April 1885), 2
On Sunday morning last, Mr. Clifton, who had been ailing for a length of time, died. To mark the close of his life it may be said to have been sudden. His son who had been sitting up with him a part of the night went to bed, at the request of his father, who said he felt a little better. When the sun awoke he went to his father's room and found him dead. His complaint was heart disease and had attained the age of 69. Mr. Clifton leaves a very large circle of relations and friends; and amongst the latter the York people outnumber any other part of the Colony. Of late years his health having become so impaired has unfitted him from mixing up with public affairs as formerly. In the early part of the Colony Mr. Clifton always took a very prominent part in furthering everything conducive to its interests. His remains were followed to the grave on Monday last, by a large number of respectable residents.
See also "NEWS IN BRIEF", The Inquirer and Commercial News [Perth, WA] (15 April 1885), 5
CLINT, Scipio Milton (Scipio Milton CLINT; S. M. CLINT; Mr. CLINT)
Artist, ventriloquist, vocal illusionist, vocal impressionist, painter, scene-painter
Born London, England 12 September 1829; baptised St. Dunstan in the West, 25 October 1829; son of Scipio CLINT (1805-1839) and Ann Randall ANDERSON (c. 1805-1857)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 24 November 1852 (per Blorenge, from London, 15 August)
Active Sydney, NSW, until April 1855 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Raphael Clint (1798-1849; uncle); Scipio Milton after his father's master, John Milton, medallist; see, William Till, An essay . . . (London: 1837), 208-09 (DIGITISED)
. . . I have seen some very good medals which were executed . . . by [209] Mr. Scipio Clint, a pupil of the late Mr. Milton . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West in the City of London in the year 1829; register 1813-39, page 273; London Metropolitan Archives, P69/Dun2/A/01/Ms 10355/3 (PAYWALL)
No. 2182 / Oct'r 25th [1829] / Born Sep'r 12th 1829 / Scipio Milton son of / Scipio & Ann Randall / Clint / No. 5 Rolles Buildings / Dye Sinker & Medallist . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Blorenge, from London, 5 August 1852, for Melbourne, November 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Edmund Thomas / 28 / Artist
George Curtis Rowe / 21 / Artist
Scipio Clint / 22 / Artist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Thomas (artist); George Curtis Fawcett Rowe (artist, actor)
"MR. SCIPIO CLINT", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (16 September 1854), 3
A gentleman under this classical appellation is exhibiting his ventriloquial powers at the Royal Hotel. We recollect meeting with a Mr. Artaxerxes Smith in the States, a green-curtain practitioner in the same line. We wonder whether Scipio was a pupil of Artaxerxes!
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Hotel (Sydney venue); see also program, [Advertisement], Empire (14 September 1854), 1
"VENTRILOQUISM", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (4 November 1854), 2
Mr. S. Clint, the ventriloquist, gave two entertainments to the inhabitants of West Maitland on the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday last, in the large room of the Northumberland Hotel. The attendance on the first evening was very good, but was considerably smaller on the second. The first part of the entertainment entitled "The friends I have met," showed Mr. Clint's versatility by his personation of very opposite characters. His enraged Frenchman was very good. The second part was strictly ventriloquial, in which he gave admirable imitations of the blowing of a horn and the trotting of a horse at a distance, the buzzing of a fly, and voices proceeding from different parts of the room. Between the parts several comic songs were sung by Mr. Sams, and Mr. Faning presided with his usual skill at the piano.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederic Sams (vocalist); Edward Faning (pianist); see also program, [Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (1 November 1854), 3
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (12 January 1855), 6
DRAWING and PAINTING. - Messrs. THOMAS and CLINT receive pupils for the study of the above accomplishments, at their Studio, 6, Jamison-street. Lessons in Oil and Water-colour Painting, Chalk, or Pencil Drawing and Perspective. Schools and private families attended on moderate terms.
[Advertisement], Empire (9 April 1855), 1
THE DRAMATIC SEASON will commence on THURSDAY EVENING, April 12th, 1855,
with an OPERA, in which M. COULON will appear . . .
The Scenery by Messrs. TORNING, CLINT, and FRY . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Andrew Torning (proprietor, painter); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
Bibliography and resources:
Scipio M. Clint, Design & art Australia online
Musician, musical instrument maker, flautist, clarinettist, flute and clarinet player, musicseller, music and musical instrument seller, flute and clarinet maker, concertina and piano tuner and repairer
Born London, England, 11 April 1810; baptised St. Giles in the Fields, Camden, 6 May 1810; son of James CLISBY and Mary NEATE
Married Eliza QUANTRELL (1812-1898), St. Mary Newington, Surrey, England, 7 April 1833
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 10 October 1849 (per Cheapside, from London)
Died Adelaide, SA, 26 May 1884, "in his 73rd year" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony),+Redford+1810-1884 (TROVE tagged) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms, St. Giles in the Fields, Camden, Middlesex, May 1810; register 1809-12, fol. 4v; London Metropolitan Archives, DL/T/036/009 (PAYWALL)
[1810] May 6 / Redford Clisby, of James, by Mary / [born] April 11 1810
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Saint Mary Newington in the county of Surrey in the year 1833; register 1827-34, page 46; London Metropolitan Archives, P92/MRY/071 (PAYWALL)
No.138 / Redford Clisby of this Parish, Bachelor and Eliza Quantrell of this Parish, Spinster, were married in this Church by Banns this [7 April 1833] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Mary Lambeth in the county of Surrey in the year 1835; register 1834-41, page 168; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MRY1/359 (PAYWALL)
No. 1339 / [1835] August 9 / Eliza Sarah Daughter of / Redford & Eliza / Clisby / Royal St. / Musical Instrument Maker . . .
England census, 6 June 1841, Lambeth, Surrey; UK National Archives, HO107/1061/1/2/23/11 (PAYWALL)
Belvedere Rd / Redford Clisby / 25 / Mus. Inst. Mak'r / [born in county, sic]
Eliza / 25 // Eliza S. / 6 // Matilda / 4 // Rosa / 1 month / [all born in county]
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of St. Mary Lambeth in the county of Surrey in the year 1845; register 1841-51, page 253; London Metropolitan Archives, P85/MRY1/364 (PAYWALL)
No. 2024 / [1845] Sept'r 21 / Redford Edwin Son of / Redford and Eliza / Clisby / Carlisle St. / Musical Instrument Maker . . .
Adelaide, SA (from 10 October 1849):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (13 October 1849), 3
Wednesday, October 10 - The barque Cheapside, 621 tons, Lewis, master, from London. Passengers - Mr. and Miss Clisby . . . R. Clisby wife and six children, Elizabeth and Wm. Clisby . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian (28 November 1849), 2
Musical Instruments. REDFORD CLISBY respectfully begs to inform the inhabitants of Adelaide and the colony generally,
that he has brought from London an excellent assortment of Wind Musical Instruments, of a quality and finish not to be equalled in the colonies, consisting of
Cocoa Flutes, of eight and six keys in sterling silver, and German silver keys and mountings;
and an assortment of Boxwood Flutes, with four and one keys,
D concerts, F, B, C, D octaves, and E and F picolos;
Clarionettes, A, B, C, and E flat, from eight to thirteen keys;
Clarionette Mouth-pieces; and Bassoons -
the whole selected from the celebrated manufactory of Mr. R. J. Bilton, of 93, Westminster Bridge Road, London,
together with Reeds, Strings, Bridges, Mutes, Pegs, &c., of the first quality;
Tutors' Music, for Piano, Flute and Piano; Scales for various instruments,
Blank Music Paper, Books, &c., &c., &c.
Musical instruments cleaned and repaired on the premises.
Piano-fortes tuned and repaired.
King William-street, Adelaide, Opposite the "Napoleon Bonaparte."
ASSOCIATIONS: On Clisby's former apprentice master and employer Richard John Bilton (c. 1793-1870) and his instruments, some of which Clisby himself may have worked on, see:

And see also Clarinet in C by Richard Bilton (Met NY)
And Clarinet in B flat by Richard Bilton (Royal College of Music, London)
As of June 2023, there were 22 Bilton instruments listed at MIMO (Musical Instrument Museums Online)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (9 February 1850), 2
R. Clisby and Co.'s Grocery Store, (Late E. B. Edgecombe) . . . Hindley-street, Adelaide, February 7th, 1850.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (28 March 1850), 1
Adelaide Choral Society . . . their next Concert under the direction of Mr. S. W. Wallace,
will take place on Monday next, the 1st April, on which occasion the following Programme will be performed: -
PART I. Overture - Caliph of Bagdad (Boildieu) . . .
PART II. Overture - Il Barbiere de Seviglia (Rossini) . . .
Tickets to be had of Mr. White, King William street; at Platts's, D'Arcy's, and of Mr. Clisby, Hindley-street.
JOHN W. F. DALTON, E. PARIS, Honorary Secretaries. Adelaide, 25th March, 1850.
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (violin, leader); George White (member); Charles Platts (musicseller); John Walter Frederick Dalton and Eugene Adolphus Paris (secretaries); Adelaide Choral Society (association); Clisby had probably already joined the society as a member of its orchestra, as see 3 July below
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (25 March 1850), 2
NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned,
and carried on under the name of R. Clisby and Co., wholesale and retail Grocers, Hindley-street, is this day dissolved by mutual consent . . .
REDFORD CLISBY, Grocer and Storekeeper, Hindley-street, begs respectfully to inform his friends and the public, that he still carries on the business as heretofore, on his own account . . .
N.B. - R. C. has still on hand a superb stock of Musical Instruments, consisting of flutes with sterling silver, and German keys, clarionets and bassoons,
of first rate quality and workmanship, manufactured by Mr. R. J. Bilton, of Westminster-bridge road, London, expressly for the colonial markets;
also violin, violincello, and guitar strings, bridges, tutor's pegs, &c. &c. March 23, 1850.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Bilton ( ? related to Clisby's former employer, Richard Bilton)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (3 July 1850), 2
UPON which occasion the following ladies and gentlemen have kindly offered their gratuitous services.
INSTRUMENTAL. Conductor - Mr. Wallace . . .
Flutes. Messrs. Addison, Keidel, and Clisby . . .
On Friday Evening, July 19th, 1850 . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. OVERTURE - The Siege of Rochelle - Balfe - THE BAND . . .
PART SECOND. OVERTURE - "La Straniera" [Bellini] - THE BAND . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Plummer Addison (flute); Herr A. Keidel (flute); Exchange Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 August 1850), 2
August 4 - Phantom, brig, 158 tons, Captain Brown, from Adelaide, the 28th ult, passengers . . . R. Clisby . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 2
ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY. WE the undersigned Members . . . request that a
MEETING of the MEMBERS of the "ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY" may be convened for the purpose of revising the following Resolution,
passed on the 14th of April by the Committee of the above Society : -
"Resolved - That Mr. Thurlow's letter, not containing any satisfactory reason for his absence, this Committee consider him no longer a Member of this Society . . ."
W. F. Osborne; Aug. Fried. Cranz; Redford Clisby; Wm. Harris; John Snaith; Wm. Chapman;
Wm. Cobbin; C. Linger; Matthew Sharp; Robert Wiener; D. J. Hiskens; Amil R. Weber . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Alston Thurlow (member); Ferdinand Osborne (member); August Friedrich Cranz (member); John Snaith (member); William Chapman (member): William Cobbin (member); Carl Linger (member); Robert Wiener (member); Emil Rudolph Weber (member)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 May 1852), 1
DEAR SIR - We, the undersigned passengers by the brig Hero, from Adelaide, beg to offer you our sincere thanks for the affability and attention you have shown us during the voyage . . .
We remain, dear Sir, gratefully yours, . . . Redford Clisby . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: For Melbourne ?; on Clisby's likely time on the Victorian goldfields, c. 1852-53, see "TO CORRESPONDENTS", The Express and Telegraph (15 October 1868), 2
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (2 January 1854), 1
R. CLISBY, WIND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, Pianoforte and Accordion Tuner, and Teacher of the Flute,
respectfully informs the gentry and public of Adelaide that he has returned to South Australia and has commenced business in Rundle-street east, nearly opposite the Exeter Hotel.
Flutes, Clarionets, Accordians, Tutors, superior Violin Strings, etc. on sale. Musical Instruments repaired.
R. Clisby (late of Rosina-street) respectfully informs the Ladies that he repairs Parasols, etc., as formerly. Rundle-street east.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (4 October 1854), 1
beg to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will give a
On the EVENING OF WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1854, At the PANTHEON, King William-street . . .
Instrumentalists: - 1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman . . .
Flutes - Mr. R. Clisby and Mr. Phillips. Oboe - Mr. Sumsion.
Pianists - Mrs. Young and Mr. Linger . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); Philip Lee (violin); William James Sumsion (oboe); Rebecca Young (piano); Pantheon Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (27 December 1854), 1
NOTICE OF REMOVAL - The undersigned respectfully informs his patrons that on and after the 1st of January,
his business will be carried on in the premises lately occupied by Mr. Hochreuther,
Watchmaker, Rundle-street, opposite Mr. Parkinson's, Chemist.
REDFORD CLISBY, Musical Instrument and Parasol Maker. December 27, 1854.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (8 August 1855), 1
The public is respectfully informed that the ORIGINAL ADELAIDE BAND has been REORGANISED, and is under the directorship of MR. LILLYWHITE.
The Band is now open to engagements for QUADRILLE PARTIES, BALLS, PUBLIC DINNERS, &c.
Persons desirous of securing their services, are respectfully requested to apply to Mr. Edwin Hunt,
at the Practise-Room, Black Swan Hotel, North-terrace; or to Mr. R. Clisby, at his Musical Repository, Rundle-street.
N.B. - Parties desirous of joining the Band, can do so on application to the Bandmaster, Mr. Lillywhite, at North Adelaide; or to Mr. Hunt, as above.
Practise Nights - Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 to 10 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Lillywhite (director); Clisby was probably a member; Adelaide Town Band (association)
"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (28 March 1856), 3
The annual general meeting of the subscribers and members of this Society was held yesterday evening in the Exchange . . . The report was received and adopted, and the appointment of officers for the ensuing year was proceeded with. Dr. Wyatt was re-elected President . . . and Messrs. Addison, Clisby, Lower, C. Mitchell, J. Mitchell, Rainsforth, Harris, Bettridge, Sholl, and Rodemann were appointed the Committee . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Wyatt (president); Henry Betteridge (member); Maximillian Louis Rodemann (member)
"POLICE COURTS. ADELAIDE, FRIDAY, JULY 4 . . . UNSUPPORTED CHARGE OF THEFT", South Australian Register (5 July 1856), 3
Bridget Neal and Mary Edmunds appeared on remand to answer the charge of stealing from the person of Bridget Kearney, on the 4th of May, a bank-note value £30, a purse, and three sovereigns. Redford Clisby was charged with receiving the note with knowledge of its being stolen . . . [The note was produced and exhibited in Court.] . . . Mr. Ingleby said he thought, for the vindication of the character of his client, Mr. Redford Clisby, he should claim the opportunity of calling witnesses who would show that the note alluded to, paid into the Bank by Mr. Clisby to his own account, was the produce of a cheque he received from Messrs. Austin, DeMole, & Co., for a harmonium purchased from him for use at St. Matthew's Church, Kensington. His client had not the slightest knowledge of the matter charged against him. The Magistrate said it was unnecessary; the information must be dismissed, as there was no evidence to sustain the charge . . . Dismissed.
"CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (13 January 1857), 3
The annual meeting of the Choral Society was held yesterday evening at Neales's Exchange. Dr. Wyatt, the President, was in the chair . . . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: - President, Dr. Wyatt . . . Librarians, Messrs. Clisby and Edwards . . .
"NORTH ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Register (10 April 1857), 2
The concert of sacred music performed yesterday evening, at the Lefevre-terrace Chapel, was decidedly the most successful of any hitherto given by the North Adelaide Choral Society . . . The principal vocal performers were Miss Petman and several young ladies connected with the Society, Mr. Daniel (conductor), Messrs. Sanderson, Peryman, and others whose names we could not ascertain. Amongst the instrumentalists were Mr. Chapman (leader), Mr. Davenport (pianist), Messrs. Betteridge, Loader, Kearnes, McMinn, Clisby, and Lowe. The entire orchestra consisted of about forty vocal and instrumental performers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Josiah Wyke Daniel (conductor); Francis Sanderson (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (21 April 1857), 1
MUSICAL. - REDFORD CLISBY, Flute and Clarionette Maker. Accordion, Concertina, and Pianoforte Tuner.
Musical Repository, 68, Rundle-street. Musical Instruments of every description repaired.
"THE HANDEL FESTIVAL", South Australian Register (14 April 1859), 3
All who were at White's Room last evening . . . must have enjoyed no inconsiderable treat . . . The total number of the choir was close upon 70. The following is a list of the instrumental performers with the instruments which they severally played upon:- . . . flutes - Proctor, Spiller; clarionets - Heydecke, Sumpse [sic, Sumsion], Clisby . . . Mr. Linger was the conductor and Mr. Chapman leader, while Mr. Daniel filled the important office of choral-master on the occasion. The oratorio selected was the "Messiah," the greatest of all Handel's compositions . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Nicholas Proctor (flute); Emanuel Spiller (flute); Theodore Heydecke (clarinet); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue); Handel centenary (event)
"THE FACTORIES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. No. 7. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS", South Australian Register (2 December 1859), 3
Food, raiment, and habitation are the three great necessities of life.
Without the first man could not exist; without the second he is a mere savage; and without the third he is but a rude barbarian.
Hence, in the colonization of a new country such as this, the thoughts and energies of the settlers are necessarily directed in the first instance to the means by which these material wants -
these prime necessaries of life - may be permanently supplied.
But those who have been accustomed to the refinements of civilization carry with them, even to the antipodes, the tastes which those refinements engender.
We have seen an exemplification of this in the recent exhibition of the Society of Arts;
and all who are acquainted with the "manners and customs" of colonial society are aware that music is extensively studied here as a science and still more extensively practised as an art.
It would be difficult, indeed, to point to the drawing-room, or even the parlour, in which its strains are never heard.
In referring, however, to our musical instrument makers we have but little to record.
We have ascertained that there are artisans in the colony, from the first London houses, capable of turning out work in a style which would do no discredit to the firms of Broadwood or Stoddart.
Also that the very best materials are obtainable for the manufacture of most of the musical instruments in ordinary use.
But the enhanced price of labour necessarily prevents the manufacturers from competing with those of England;
and, as a consequence, very few instruments are made in the colony in comparison with the number imported.
We believe that the only tradesmen in business in Adelaide who are exclusively employed in making and repairing musical instruments are Mr. R. Dawes,
of Weymouth-street, and Mr. Redford Clisby, of Rundle-street.
On a recent visit to Mr. Dawes's establishment we were much gratified in inspecting a powerful organ, nearly completed . . .
Besides the establishment of Mr. Dawes, we visited that of Mr. Marshall, of Currie-street . . .
Amongst his stock are pianofortes, harmoniums, harps, violins, violas, violoncellos, bassoons, guitars, accordions, concertinas, flutinas, flutes, clarionets, flageolets, fifes,
piccolos, drums, tamborines, &c., with every variety of brass instruments in modern use . . . We were also shown the rough materials of a G organ,
commenced by Mr. Marshall nearly a year ago . . .
Mr. Clisby, to whom reference is made above, was formerly foreman at Bilton's flute manufactory, Westminster-road, where he served his time as an apprentice.
We were shown in his workshop a large variety of curiously-shaped tools required in his art, the uses of many of which were explained.
Mr. Clisby also showed us some beautifully-finished eight-keyed flutes, and a clarionet with 13 keys, of his own construction.
In concluding this article, we may perhaps be permitted to express a hope that the colonists will give every encouragement to resident manufacturers and artificers,
not only in the repair, but the making of such instruments as they are capable of turning out of hand at reasonable prices.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Daws (musical instrument maker, organ builder); Samuel Marshall (musicseller)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (31 December 1860), 1
REDFORD CLISBY, in returning thanks for the extensive patronage enjoyed by him since he commenced business in 1849,
begs to inform the Musical Public he has on Sale a Splendid Assortment of Flutes, 1 to 8 keys;
Clarionets, 6 to 13 keys; Military Fifes, &c., &; all of his own finishing;
Flutinas, Accordions, Concertinas, Violins, Bows, Guitars, Organ Accordions, Tamborines, Cornopeans, Saxe Tubas, Bassoons, Reeds, Strings, Portable Harmoniums.
Bridges, Music-Paper, &c., &c.; and Tutors for all instruments.
N.B. - The Flute Taught, and Lessons given in the art of Tuning the Pianoforte, to enable persons residing in the country to tune their own pianos, thereby saving the high charges of travelling tuners.
Flutinas, Concertinas, &c., Tuned and Repaired as usual.
Musical Repository, 68 Rundle-street, December 31, 1860.
"MARRIAGE", South Australian Register (27 February 1862), 2
TIDEMANN - CLISBY. - On the 25th February, by special licence, by the Rev. Spencer Williams, at the residence of the bride's father, Pulteney-street, Mr. C. E. Tidemann, to Rosa, third daughter of Mr. Redford Clisby, of Rundle-street.
"MARRIAGE", South Australian Register (5 March 1864), 2
MUMME - CLISBY. - On the 27th February, at the residence of the bride's father, Grote-street, by the Rev. J. C. Woods, B.A., Mr. Gustavus Mumme, merchant, of Leigh-street, eldest son of F. W. Mumme, woollen manufacturer, late of Hamburg, to Emily, fourth daughter of Mr. Redford Clisby, of Rundle-street. No cards.
"MUSICAL BROTHERS. TO THE EDITOR", The Adelaide Express (15 March 1864), 2
Sir - The Register of Saturday last has a notice on the performances of the Bellringers for the "Albert Bells Fund," in the course of which it says -
"and Mr. C. H. Compton's brilliant execution caused a feeling of regret that his talents are about to be transferred to another sphere."
Now, Sir, if it were put to the vote, I doubt not on whose side the black balls would be,
and I think it a pity that many others do not "transfer their talents likewise to another sphere."
I consider it would be decidedly beneficial to the interest and credit of the colony.
The only "regret" that would be manifested by their departure is not in losing them, but what has been lost by them.
I am, Sir, &c.,
R. CLISBY, Rundle-street,
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Henry Compton (pianist); Lancashire Bellringers (troupe)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 May 1864), 1
REDFORD CLISBY respectfully informs the Public of South Australia that he has been
APPOINTED SOLE AGENT by Messrs. CRAMER, BEALE, & WOOD, of Regent-street, London, for the
SALE of their PIANETTES (named by R. C. BUSH PIANOS), the first instalment of which has arrived per Venilia.
MUSICAL REPOSITORY, No. 68, Rundle-street. [Established 1849.]
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (13 July 1864), 1
MUSICAL NOTICE. - REDFORD CLISBY having received a Large Consignment of
BOOSEY'S PUBLICATIONS, consisting of Operas, Oratorios, Songs, Duett, Glees, Sacred Tutors,
Instrumental Music (Elementary and Progressive), Dances, Overtures, Royal Road to Music,
Popular Song Books, Cabinets, Christy's Minstrels (Vocal and Instrumental),
Albums, suitable for the Drawing-Boom, Presents, and School Prizes, National Melodies, Songs, &c., &c.
Handsomely Bound, and Plain - offers the same at London Prices. A liberal allowance to the Trade.
[Advertisement], South Australian Weekly Chronicle (9 December 1865), 1
SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. REDFORD CLISBY begs to inform the Musical Public of South Australia that,
in consequence of the expiration of his lease on the 1st March, 1866, and with a view to a speedy sale,
he has determined to offer his Valuable stock of Musical Instruments on hand and to arrive at a considerable reduction of prices.
Intending purchasers of Pianofortes, Harmoniums, &c., &c., &c., are requested to inspect the same, just arrived per City of Adelaide, Yatala, &c., &c.
MUSICAL REPOSITORY, 68, Rundle-street. November 20, 1865.
[Advertisement], The Adelaide Express (8 February 1866), 4
SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF!! NOTICE. The undersigned contemplating a visit to London at the end of March, for the purpose of extending his business,
begs to offer the whole of his valuable stock of Musical Instruments, at greatly reduced prices, for six weeks, at the end of which time the remainder will be submitted to public auction.
REDFORD CLISBY, Musical Repository, 68, Rundle-street. February 1, 1866.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 April 1866), 1
NOTICE. - REDFORD CLISBY, in returning his sincere thanks to the public of South Australia for the liberal patronage enjoyed by him for the last 17 years,
begs to state that he has DISPOSED of his BUSINESS to Mr. G. H. EGREMONT GEE, whose stock will be expressly selected by R. C. from London and the Continent;
and respectfully requests a continuance of that patronage to his successor.
G. H. EGREMONT GEE, in reference to the above, requests the support of his friends and the public, and a continuance of the favours accorded to his predecessor.
ASSOCIATIONS: Godfrey Henry Egremont Gee (musicseller)

Egremont Gee's music shop (late Redford Clisby's), Rundle Street, Adelaide, c. 1866; State Library of South Australia (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (12 February 1868), 1
NOTICE. - JUST RECIEVED, ex Glen Osmond, and ON SALE by the Undersigned -
Eight Splendid SEMI-COTTAGE PIANO-FORTES, full Compass, with all the latest Improvements,
made expressly under the superintendence of Mr. Redford Clisby, of Rundle-street (now in London).
The only really cheap and good tuned Instruments in Adelaide.
An inspection is solicited, and a warranty given with each Instrument.
CHARLES TIDEMANN, Currie-street.
"I hereby certify that the above Pianos were made under my own inspection for the colony,
of extra strength and finish of workmanship, and good quality of tone.
REDFORD CLISBY, Bloomsbury. London, W.C."
"NEWS OF THE WEEK", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (17 December 1870), 11
Mr. Redford Clisby, formerly of Rundle-street, returned to Adelaide by the St. Vincent. We hear that his son, who returned with him, has been in the establishment of Messrs. Cramer, and Co., pianoforte manufacturers, and he intends shortly to commence business in Adelaide as pianoforte maker.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (10 January 1871), 1
BUSINESS NOTICES. REDFORD CLISBY (formerly of Rundle-street), Established 1849,
informs his former Friends and the Public of South Australia that (in connection with his Son, from the Establishment of Cramer & Co., London) he has
RECOMMENCED BUSINESS (temporary) at the Office of G. Mumme & Co., GRENFELL-STREET, next the Hotel Europe,
where he has ON SALE - PIANOFORTES by Debain of Paris, C. Cadby, Cramer & Co., &c.;
HARMONIUMS by Debain; Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Clarionets, Cornopeans, &c., by Milereau of Paris; and other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
Violin and other Strings at Prices to suit the times. Music for Pianoforte Cheap.
REDFORD E. CLISBY, PIANO-FORTE TUNER and REGULATOR, from J. B. Cramer & Co.'s, Regent-street, London, No. 2, North-terrace, and 32, Grenfell street.
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (27 May 1884), 4
CLISBY.- On the 28th May, at Gilles-street east, after a short illness, Redford Clisby, formerly of Rundle-street, music warehouseman, in his 73rd year. Deeply regretted by his family and a large circle of friends.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (28 May 1884), 4
Another old colonist has joined the great majority, Mr. Redford Clisby, whose decease was notified in yesterday's obituary, arrived here by the ship Cheapside in 1849, and entered into business as a music-seller in Rundle-street, where he conducted a large establishment with great success for a long period. Mr. Clisby never took any very prominent part in politics, but he was highly respected for his strict integrity, and liked for his open and pleasant manner. For years his figure was one of the most familiar to citizens of Adelaide, even when the infirmities of advancing years would only permit him to slowly walk down the principal streets and greet and chat with his old friends and acquaintances. He leaves a wife, one unmarried daughter, one married son and wife, four married daughters, three sons-in-law (one having died about four years ago), and eighteen grandchildren to mourn their loss. Mr. Clisby was 73 years of age at the time of his death.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (1 July 1884), 2
The following probates and letters of administration were granted during the week ended June 28: - Probates - Redford Clisby, £5,600 . . .
"DEATHS", The Express and Telegraph (24 May 1898), 2
CLISBY. - On the 24th May, at her daughter's (Mrs. G. Mumme) residence, Hurtle-square, Eliza Sarah, relict of the late Redford Edwin Clisby, aged 86 years. Borne with Christian fortitude.
"OBITUARY", Chronicle (28 May 1898), 21
We have to record the death of another old colonist, Mrs. Eliza Clisby, relict of the late Mr. Redford Clisby, who arrived with her husband in the colony in the ship Cheapside, January, 1848 [sic], bringing with them one son and six daughters, one of whom died shortly after arrival. The son went to England a few years ago where he still resides. There are left one single daughter and four married daughters, three of whom are widows, 20 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The late Mr. R. Clisby opened the first musical instrument warehouse in Rundle-street, from which he retired some years since. The deceased, who had reached the age of 86, resided of late years with her daughter, Mrs. G. Mumme, Hurtle-square.
"CONCERNING PEOPLE", The Register (9 January 1918), 6
Mrs. E. C. Tidemann, wife of the late Mr. Charles Edward Tidemann, auctioneer, and one time Councillor of the Adelaide City Council, passed away on Friday at the age of 76 years. The deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. Redford Clisby who opened the first musical instrument warehouse in Rundle street. She was born in London in 1841, and arrived in South Australia with her parents in the ship Cheapside in January, 1848 [sic] . . .
"OBITUARY", The Advertiser (7 January 1925), 12
Mrs. G. R. Mumme, widow of Mr. Gustav Mumme, who, at one time, had a warehouse in Leigh-street, died at the age age of 82. She was a daughter of Mr. Redford Clisby, who opened the first musical instrument warehouse in Rundle-street. Born in London, she arrived in South Australia with her parents in the ship Cheapside, in January, 1848 [sic], at the age of six years. Mrs. Mumme never tired of relating incidents in her early life in the State. She could tell of the time when North-terrace was a mass of wurlies, and of how she used to spend her evenings watching the blacks dancing. Mrs. Mumme retained all her faculties until the last, and was active until three months prior to her death. She lived for many years with her son (Mr. A. R. Mumme), one of Adelaide's oldest musicians . . .
CLUTSAM, Frederick (Frederick CLUTSAM)
Musician, vocalist, pianoforte maker, inventor, composer
Born NZ, 1869
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1890s
Died Marylebone, England, 1934 (1st quarter), aged "64" (shareable link to this entry)
CLUTSAM, George (George CLUTSAM)
Musician, pianist, composer, reviewer and writer on music
Born Sydney, NSW, 26 September 1866
Died London, England, 17 November 1951 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: The Clutsam brothers' maternal grandmother was Mary Labalestrier, and Alfred Labalestrier their uncle
COBBIN FAMILY OF ADELAIDE (shareable link to this entry)
COBBIN, William (William COBBIN; Mr. COBBIN, senior; Mr. W. COBBIN, sen.)
Musician, amateur and semi-professional musician, viola (tenor) and violin player, violinist, public servant
Born England, c. 1802
Married (1) Adelaide GUILLET (c. 1801-1853), St. George, Bloomsbury, London, England, 27 December 1825
Arrived Adelaide, SA, March 1849 (per Athenian, from London)
Married (2) Emma FABIAN (1812-1873; Mrs. REYNOLDS), Adelaide, SA, 25 December 1854 (aged "50")
Died Adelaide, SA, 30 June 1877, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COBBIN, William Richard (William Richard COBBIN; Mr. W. COBBIN; Mr. William COBBIN, junior; Mr. W. R. COBBIN)
Musician, amateur and semi-professional musician, violinist, letter carrier, postal worker
Born London, England, 11 December 1834; baptised St. Pancras Old Church, 1 February 1835; son of William COBBIN and Adelaide GUILLET
Arrived Adelaide, SA, March 1849 (per Athenian, from London)
Married Hannah SWIFT, Adelaide, SA, 4 February 1854
Died Glebe, NSW, 7 February 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COBBIN, John Joseph (baptised John William COBBIN; Master COBBIN; John Joseph COBBIN; J. J. COBBIN)
Amateur musician, viola (tenor) player, draper
Born London, England, 27 August 1837; baptised St. Pancras Old Church, 4 October 1837; son of William COBBIN and Adelaide GUILLET
Arrived Adelaide, SA, March 1849 (per Athenian, from London)
Married Jessie Elizabeth Millman STACEY (1835-1902), Port Adelaide, SA, 8 July 1857 ("John Joseph", son of William)
? Died c. mid 1870s (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
William and Adelaide Cobbin and their seven children arrived in Adelaide as steerage passengers aboard the Athenian from London in March 1849. Cobbin and his two eldest sons played among the strings in the monster concert in July 1850, and "Mr. Cobbin and Sons" again for S. W. Wallace's concert in October. On 6 October 1851, William Cobbin senior received his first appointment in the public service.
It was thus certainly William junior in Melbourne, VIC, in June 1852, billed as performing at a concert at the Mechancis' Institution along with several other former Adelaide musicians, including Charles Mater, William Harward, August Huenerbein, and Ferdinand Osborne.
From March 1853, William junior was employed in the post office, along with fellow musicians William Chapman, senior and junior, and Robert McCullagh.
William senior was secretary of the reformed Adelaide Choral Society from August 1853.
The Adelaide vocalist, Thomas Theodore Gale, was, by c. 1852, the husband of William Cobbin senior's eldest daughter Adelaide Frances (1826-1909). Though no record of their marriage has been found, their first child, Thomas John William Gale, was born at the Murray on 2 May 1853.
Cobbin senior's second wife, Emma, was frequently reported in the news in the later 1850s as the Police women's searcher.
John William, as he was baptised, was known as John Joseph in South Australia. In business as a draper in Port Adelaide (for a time in partnership as Cobbin and Stacy), he was confined as a lunatic in 1864. He later worked at Border Town, before being convicted to a year in prison for larceny, at Beechworth, VIC, in 1873. No certain record of his death has so far been identified.
Marriages solemnized in the Parish of Saint George, Bloomsbury, in the County of Middlesex, in the Year 1825; register 1821-26, page 330; London Metropolitan Archives, P82/GEO1/023 (PAYWALL)
No. 4590 / William Cobbin of this Parish and Adelaide Guillet of this Parish were married in this Church by Banns this [27 December 1825] . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint Pancras, in the County of Middlesex, in the Year 1835; register 1834-38, page 242; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/019 (PAYWALL)
No. 171 / [1835 February] 1st / William Richard / [son of] William & Adelaide / Cobbin / Woburn Building / Tailor / [born] 11 Dec'r . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint Pancras, in the County of Middlesex, in the Year 1837; register 1834-38, page 337; London Metropolitan Archives, P90/PAN1/020 (PAYWALL)
No. 2203 / [1837 October] 4 / John William / [son of] William & Adelaide / Cobbin / Woburn Building / Tailor / [born] 27th Aug't . . .
England census, 6/7 June 1841, Tottenham, St. Pancras, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/686/14/13/20 (PAYWALL)
Woburn Buildings / William Cobbin / 39 / Tailor / [not born in county]
Adelaide / 40 / - / [born foreign parts]
Adelaide / 14 // Eliza / 7 // William / 5 // John / 3 // Julia / 1 / [all born in county]
Adelaide, SA (from 5 March 1859):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", South Australian Register (7 March 1849), 2
Monday March 5th - The barque Athenian, 679tons, W. H. Taylor, master, from London and Plymouth. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Cobbin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Plumstead . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Maria Plumstead (musician and wife)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 March 1849), 1
Adelaide, March, 1849.
WE the undersigned, steerage passengers per barque Athenian, from London to Adelaide, at the close of a prosperous voyage,
cannot leave the vessel without tendering our best thanks to Captain Taylor,
for his uniform kindness and courtesy, and for the handsome manner in which he has at all times consulted our convenience and, where practicable, acceded to our wishes . . .
William Cobbin, Adelaide Cobbin (with seven children) . . . H. Plumstead . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (4 August 1849), 2
MR. COBBIN, many years resident of Wobourn Buildings, and latterly of Old Cavendish-street, London, wishes for an engagement for his daughter in a respectable family, as a governess. She has been well educated and accustomed to teaching both in English and French. Satisfactory reference can be given. Address by letter, Miss Cobbin, care of Mr. Selth, Rundle-street
"DECLARATION OF CONFIDENCE IN MR. JOHN STEPHENS", South Australian Register (7 March 1850), 1 supplement
. . . William Cobbin, tailor, Hindley street city . . .
. . . William Cobbin, sen., tailor, Pulteney street, city . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Stephens (newspaper proprietor)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (16 March 1850), 2
SIX GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS A LA JULIEN [sic, JULLIEN] - At the Exchange, King William-street.
Under the Direction of MR. W. WALLACE.
The first Concert will take place on Tuesday evening, 19th March.
The Chorus and Orchestra will consist of upwards of thirty-five performers,
and the programme will be selected from the works of Julien, Mozart, Lebitzky, Rossini, Lanner, Weber, Strauss.
The evenings amusements will embrace Waltzes, Quadrilles, Gallopades, Polkas, and Overtures; also Solos both Vocal and Instrumental.
Miss Lazar, Mr. Lee, Her Cranz, Mr. Cobbin, Her Fisher,
Mr. Cobbin, jun., Her Kidel, Master Cobbin, Her Zeigler,
Mr. Richards, Her Matter, Mr. Harwood, Her Huenerbiers [sic],
Mr. Bennett, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Hewett.
Also a Chorus of German Gentlemen Amateurs.
Refreshment rooms adjoining the Exchange will be thrown open for the convenience of the ladies and gentlemen visiting the Concerts.
Tickets, 2s 6d. each, to be had of Mr. Platts, Mr. Dehane, Mr. Geo. White, King William-street, Mr. Lee, Hindley-street,
Mr. Coppin, Royal Exchange Hotel, Mr. Dyke, Freemasons' Tavern, and from Mr. Whiby, Exchange, King William-street.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (conductor); Louis Jullien (conductor active in Britain); Rachel Lazar (vocalist); Philip Lee (violin); A. Keidel (musician); August Friedrich Cranz (pianist); George Fischer (vocalist); Charles Ziegler (musician); Henry Augustus Richards (musician); Charles Albert Frederic Mater (musician); William Harward (musician); August Christian Huenerbein (musician); George Bennett (musician); William Chapman (musician); Mr. Hewett (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian (5 July 1850), 1
UPON which occasion the following ladies and gentlemen have kindly offered their gratuitous services.
85 PERFORMERS !!! . . .
INSTRUMENTAL. Conductor - Mr. Wallace.
Principal 1st Violins. - Messrs. Wallace, Osborn, Lee, and F. Coppin.
2nd Violins. - Messrs. Chapman, Berry, Cobin, jun., and Herr Matter.
Tenors. - Messrs. Bennett, Cobin, sen., Swift, and Master Cobin . . .
On Friday Evening, 19th of July, 1850.
PROGRAMME. PART I. OVERTURE, "The Siege of Rochelle," Balfe - THE BAND . . .
PART SECOND. OVERTURE, "La Straniera," - THE BAND . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Osborne (leader); Frederick Coppin (violin); Thomas Swift (viola); Adelaide Choral Society (association); Deutsche Liedertafel (association)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (22 October 1850), 2
GRAND CONCERT. MR. WALLACE HAS the honour to inform his Friends and the Public that his
Concert will take place THIS EVENING, the 22nd October, under the Patronage of the Most Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master,
the Provincial Grand Lodge, Lodge of Friendship, Lodge of Harmony, St. John's Lodge, and the United Tradesmen's Lodge of Freemasons.
MASTER RICHARD B. WHITE Will make his debut as a Violinist and Pianist on that occasion.
Mr. Wallace will be assisted by Mrs. Murray, Madame Von Hile, Madame Cranz, Miss Lazar,
Mr. Ellard, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Lee, Mr. Osborne, Her Cranz, Herr Fisher, Mr. Gale, Herr Heunerbein, Herr Mater,
Mr. Chapman, Mr. McCullagh, Mr. Tilley, Mr. Harward, Mr. Cobbin and Sons, and several other performers.
PROGRAMME. PART I. Overture - "Iltaliana in Algieri," - Orchestra - Rossini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Baxter White (violin, piano); Georgiana Murray (musician); Madame von Hile (vocalist); Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (vocalist); Thomas Theodore Gale (vocalist); Robert McCullagh (musician); George Tilly (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 April 1851), 2
GRAND EVENING CONCERT. Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young.
MRS. EDWARD JUPP has the honour to inform her friends and the residents of Adelaide generally that her
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music, under the direction of Mr. S. W. WALLACE, will take place on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, April 9th, in the Commercial Exchange, King William street, when she will be assisted by
Madame Allen, Mons. Del-Sarte (who has kindly offered his valuable assistance on this occasion),
Mr. S. Wallace, Mr. F. Ellard, Mr. J. W. Daniel, Mr. C. Walsh, Herr Linger, Mr. Bennett,
Herr Mater, Herr Huenerbein, Herr Keidle, Herr Ziegler, Mons. Paris,
Mr. Osborne, Mr. Lee, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Harwood, Mr. McCullagh,
the Messrs. Cobbin, &c. &c. . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Overture - "La Dame Blanche" Boildeau - Full Orchestra . . .
PART II. 1. Medley Overture - Guy Mannering - Bishop - Orchestra . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Jupp (vocalist, pianist); Francesca Allen (vocalist); Camille del Sarte (vocalist); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Carl Linger (musician); Eugene Paris (musician)
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 May 1851), 2
WE the undersigned Members, in accordance with Rule number "15" of the above Society, providing for "Special General Meetings," request that a
MEETING of the MEMBERS of the "ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY" may be convened for the purpose of revising the following Resolution,
passed on the 14th of April by the Committee of the above Society: -
"Resolved - That Mr. Thurlow's letter, not containing any satisfactory reason for his absence, this Committee consider him no longer a Member of this Society,
and that the same be communicated to him by the Secretary."
And, for the further purpose of enquiring into the cause and justification of the above Resolution . . .
W. F. Osborne; Aug. Fried. Cranz; Redford Clisby; Wm. Harris;
John Snaith; Wm. Chapman; Wm. Cobbin; C. Linger; Matthew Sharp; Robert Wiener;
D. J. Hiskens; Amil R. Weber . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Alston Thurlow (member); Redford Clisby (member); John Snaith (member); Robert Wiener (member); Emil Rudolph Weber (member)
"SHIPPING . . . CLEARED OUT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (15 January 1852), 2
January 13 - The brig Punch, 145 tons, Allen master, for Melbourne. Passengers . . . Cobbin . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (5 June 1852), 2
WILL take place on Saturday, June 5, 1852, at the Mechanics' Institute, Collins-street.
PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS: Mrs. TESTAR, Mr. St. George Hamilton, Mr. Charles Walsh;
Messrs. Buddee, Megson, Reed, Cooze, Harwood, and Thompson, Herr Huenerbein,
Messrs. Osborne and Wheeler, Herr Zeigler, Mons. Lavrance,
Messrs. Jenkins, Cossac, Cobbin, Beattie, and Barnard;
Assisted by the most powerful band ever concentrated in Victoria.
PROGRAMME: PART I. Overture - Il Don Giovanni - Mozart . . .
Waltz - Die Schoenbrunner, Band - Lamer [Lanner] . . .
Quadrille - English, Band - Jullien
PART II. Overture - La Dame Blanche, Band - Boildieu . . .
Polka- Elephant, (as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane) - Jullien - Band . . .
Final - Rule Britannia . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mr. St. George Hamilton (vocalist); Charles Walsh (vocalist); Julius Buddee (musician); Joseph Megson (musician); Thomas Reed (musician); William Joseph Cooze (vocalist, musician); John Charles Thompson (musician); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (musician); Mons. Lavrance (musician); Mr. Beattie (musician); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
Names and descriptions of passengers per Cleopatra, from Melbourne, 27 January 1853, for Adelaide; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . W. Cobbin / 36 [sic, ? 26] . . .
"THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (. . . March 3) APPOINTMENTS", South Australian Register (4 March 1853), 3
Post-Office Department: . . . Mr. Robert Lawrence, to be Clerk and Messenger, at Port Adelaide . . . William Cobbin, to be a Letter Carrier, vice Lawrence, promoted.
On Friday evening, about forty tradesmen of this city sat down to an excellent dinner at the Temple Tavern, the gathering being for the purpose of presenting a gold watch, chain, and medal, to Mr. Robert Radford, as a tribute to that gentleman's merit as a daring, and successful jockey. Mr. Radford has had the good fortune to win four steeple-chase races in succession, and by the masterly manner in which he rode on those occasions, he has earned the approbation of the sporting public. The chair was taken by Mr. P. B. Coglin, with Mr. Sims, of Pine-street, as croupier . . . The intervals between the toasts were agreeably occupied with some pleasing airs, performed by a good band stationed in the gallery, under the directorship of Mr. Cobbin. The company broke up at a late hour, after passing a most pleasant evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (equestrian, circus performer)
"PAY OF THE LETTER-CARRIERS", Adelaide Times (18 May 1853), 2
The letter-carriers of Adelaide had a meeting recently at the Caledonian Hotel, to draw up a petition to the Post-Master General, requesting an increase of pay. This is the second time they have applied to the same quarter on the same subject, but without effect. The men employed to carry out the newspapers that came by the steamer had eight shillings per day, and were procured with difficulty, while the regular letter-carriers, who had to deliver letters and newspapers, were receiving only five shillings per day. The Hindley street postman delivered two thousand one hundred and twenty letters in that street alone within six days, after the arrival of the Adelaide, besides newspapers; all the others had in amount proportionable to their districts. The general feeling among the merchants is in favour of their having an addition to their pay, and the question from several of the most influential amongst them has been, "Can these men live upon five shillings per day?"
To Captain Watts, Postmaster General. Per favour of the "Times."
Sir - We, the letter-carriers of the city of Adelaide, most respectfully but earnestly wish to place before your notice the extreme low rate of our pay,
saving out of the question the great responsibility of our situation, we find it impossible to live upon five shillings per day and keep a family.
Being excluded from any share in the gratuity, we have no other dependence, except when we leave the post-office, to turn our attention to other duties, in order to increase our means.
But the present increase of correspondence prevents even that, as otherwise we could do.
Hoping you will represent our case to his Excellency, we are,
Sir, Your obedient servant,
Letter-Carriers of the City of Adelaide.
10th May 1853.
See also "THE LETTER-CARRIERS", South Australian Register (18 May 1853), 3
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (18 August 1853), 1
A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of and Subscribers to the above Society will be held at the
FREEMASONS' TAVERN, on FRIDAY EVENING next, the 19th, instant, at 8 o'clock precisely,
for the purpose of taking into consideration the possibility of re-commencing the Musical Practice of this Society,
and other matters connected with its existence.
WM. COBBIN, Secretary pro tem.
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (24 August 1853), 1
CHORAL SOCIETY. IN accordance with a requisition signed by ten members of the Adelaide Choral Society,
a Special MEETING of the members is hereby convened, to be held at the
Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie-street, Adelaide, on Monday evening next, the 29th August, at S o'clock,
for the purpose of taking into consideration and sanctioning the meeting and proceedings of the members called by the late Committee of the Society,
held at the Freemasons' Tavern, on the 19th inst.; also for the purpose of taking into consideration and sanctioning the meeting and proceedings of the Special Committee appointed at the last-mentioned meeting;
and, generally, for the purpose of receiving reports of the property and prospects of the Society,
and the future safe custody of its property; and for re-establishing the periodical meeting for practice and concerts,
and for increasing the number of members under such arrangements as may be approved of, at a general meeting to be called by advertisement for the first day of September next.
WILLIAM COBBIN, Hon. Secretary.
"DIED", South Australian Register (19 September 1853), 3
On Saturday morning last, the 17th instant, at her residence, adjoining the Local Court-house, Adelaide, the wife of William Cobbin, aged 51 years.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (19 October 1853), 2
Under the immediate patronage of Capt. Cadell, the navigator of the Murray, who has signified his intention of being present.
MISS BLACKHURST'S SOIREE MUSICALE. Miss Blackhurst, nine years a pupil in the Royal Academy of Music, London . . .
Instrumental Performers - Messrs. Thurloe [Thurlow], Lillywhite, John Cobbin [sic], Swift, John Cobbin, jun., McCullagh, Walker, Tuxford, Smith, Mantegeni . . .
Leader - Mr. Chapman.
Mr. Solomon's Grand Piano will be used for this occasion.
Part I. 1 Overture - Massaniello - Auber - Band . . .
Part II. 1 Overture - Guy Mannering - Band . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Blackhurst (musician); William Lillywhite (musician); John R. Smith (musician); Alfred Mantegani (musician); Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (7 March 1854), 3
Under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Young.
THE Subscribers of the above society are respectfully informed that the
first CONCERT will take place on Friday evening next, the 1Oth inst., at the Hall of the Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie-street.
Subscribers are requested to bring with them their tickets as on no account will money be taken at the door.
Annual subscription tickets may be obtained on application to the secretary.
Gentlemen holding subscription lists will please to forward them to the secretary as soon as possible, in order that tickets may be issued to the subscribers.
To commence at eight o'clock precisely.
1. Overture - Semiramide, Rossini.
2. Solo and Chorus - Come with the Gipsy Bride, Balfe.
3. Chorus - Ever be happy, Balfe.
4. Cavatina - L'Abbrachio, with flute obligato, from the Opera Il Ciro, Rossini.
5. Glee - Blow Gentle Gales, Bishop.
6. Barcarole - Massaniello, Auber.
An interval of ten minutes.
7. Overture - Cenerentila, Rossini.
8. Song - Merry is the Greenwood, Glover.
9. Duett - The Sailor Sighs, Balfe.
10. Glee - The Merriest time in all the Year, Bloomgrave.
11. Solo and Chorus - The Gipsies Tent, Cooke.
God Save the Queen!
Conductor - Mr. GEORGE BENNETT.
WILLIAM COBBIN, Sen., Hon. Secy.
"CHORAL SOCIETY", Adelaide Times (11 March 1854), 4
The first concert of this Society took place yesterday evening in the large room of the Freemason's Tavern, Pirie-street. Dr. Kent, previous to the performance, informed the audience that he had received a letter from his Excellency, who strongly expressed his interest in the objects of the society, and stated his regret that the indisposition of Lady Young prevented their attendance that evening. The concert, on the whole, passed off much better than might have been anticipated, considering that the performers were nearly all amateurs Amongst the instrumental pieces, Rossini's overture of Cenerentola, was executed in a very satisfactory manner indeed. The first violin, played by Mr. W. Cobbin, jun., was particularly conspicuous in the "good cause." Of the vocal performance - "The merriest time of all the year," a glee for three voices, and "The sailor sighs," a duet, were managed in very creditable style. A song by Miss Chalker, "Merry is the Greenwood," was sung very sweetly, and was loudly encored by the audience, who must have forgotten in doing so that there was more than sufficient work for this young lady in the part allotted to her for the evening, or they would not have insisted on her repeating a long and some what difficult song, a portion of which she only attempted the second time. The choruses, which appeared to give immense satisfaction to a very large audience, were got through without many faults, there being perhaps only a little too much noise some times. On the whole the performance did great credit to the members of this much improving Society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Benjamin Archer Kent (member); Marie Chalker (vocalist)
"PROMENADE MUSICALE", Adelaide Times (5 April 1854), 4
To a bumper "house," Mr. Eldin, to whom great credit is due for his praiseworthy efforts to introduce a novel species of entertainment for the denizens of Adelaide, held, last evening, the first of a series of Promenades Musicales he contemplates at his newly established and elegant Pantheon. It was not strictly speaking, a "promenade," for so attractive was the character of the evening's programme, that there was barely room to stir, or for friends to come in contact when once separated. The band, consisting of 3 violins, a piano, violincello, cornet-a-piston, and trombone, played a variety of pieces and fearfully-exciting polkas, to the manifest delight of the audience. The instrumental portion of the entertainment was diversified by interludes of vocal music, in which new adjuncts to the musical corps of Adelaide "assisted" most creditably. The whole affair was admirably conducted, and will doubtless be a popular resort if the subsequent soires be as judiciously conducted as the premier pas. Mr. Chapman led the band; Mr. Cobbin was first violin, and Mr. McCullagh's cornet-a-piston harmonised sweetly throughout.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pantheon Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (14 July 1854), 1
the Second Concert take place on Friday evening next, the 14th inst., at the Hall of the Freemasons' Tavern, Pirie-street.
1. Overture - Tancredi.
2. Madrigal - Down in a flowery vale.
3. Echo Song, with Flute Obligato.
4. Glee - Awake, AEolian lyre.
5. Glee - Peace to the souls of the heroes.
6. Solo and Chorus - They shall not have the Danube.
An interval of 10 minutes.
7. Overture - Fra Diavolo.
8. Fishermen's Glee -The Sun is Set.
9. Song - I love the merry sunshine.
10. Glee - Sleep, Gentle Lady.
11. Duet - Ah, se de mali miei. From the Opera of Tancredi.
12. Rule Britannia . . .
Leader, Mr. George Bennett.
W. COBBIN, SEN., Secretary.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 October 1854), 1
beg to inform, their friends and the public generally, that they will give a
at the PANTHEON, King William-street, for which occasion Mr. P. LEE has kindly offered his services, as also the following well-known talent: . . .
1st Violins - Mr. P. Lee and Mr. Chapman.
2nd Ditto - Mr. Wm. Cobbin, jun., Mr. Watts and Mr. Mark Thayer, who has also kindly offered his services
Viola - Mr. W. Cobbin, sen. . . .
1. Overture, "Don Juan," Orchestra - Mozart . . .
3. Quartette, Slow Movement, Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith - Haydn . . .
7. "The Star of the Night Valses," Orchestra - Charles D'Albert . . .
PART II. 1. Overture, "Il Barbiere di Siviglia," Orchestra - Rossini . . .
8. The Etna Galop, Orchestra - Par Charles D'Albert . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mary Ann Pettman (vocalist); James Watts (violin); Mark Thayer (violin)
"GRAND EVENING CONCERT", Adelaide Times (12 October 1854), 3
The Concert given last evening by Miss Pettman and Mr. Chapman, in the Pantheon, was most numerously attended . . . A finely and well executed quartette, by Messrs. Chapman, Watts, W. Cobbin, sen., and J. R. Smith, paved the way for the introduction of the gem of the evening, the pathetic and familiarly-known ballad "Annie Lawrie," sung by Miss Chalker . . .
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (3 May 1855), 3
The North Adelaide Choral Society's first concert was performed last evening at the Baptist Chapel, Lefevre-terrace . . . The orchestral accompaniment of the several concerted pieces were arranged by Mr. Lillywhite expressly for this occasion . . . we may mention with commendation the performances of Herr Kunze on the pianoforte, and of Mr. Light on the harmonium. Also those of Messrs. Chapman, Cobbin and sons, McCullagh, and, indeed, of the vocal and instrumental corps in general. It strikes us that, as there is no larger room to be obtained in North Adelaide, the concert might be very properly repeated on the other side of the river. It would certainly command a crowded hall, and the proceeds would no doubt be useful in meeting the necessary expenses attending the formation of the new Society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Carl Julius Kunze (piano); George Thomas Light (harmonium); North Adelaide Choral Society (association)
"CONCERT OF SACRED MUSIC", South Australian Register (28 August 1855), 2
The North Adelaide Choral Society's second quarterly concert of sacred music was performed last evening, at Neales's Exchange, King William-street . . . We may mention among the other performers who acquitted themselves with much credit, and whose exertions added in no small degree to the success of the concert, Miss Pettman, Mrs. Poole, Messrs. Daniel, Chapman, Cobbin, Herr Kunze, and, in general, the instrumentalists connected with the South Adelaide Society. It is gratifying to perceive that the two societies are disposed to fraternize, and not to stand forward as rivals . . .
Return of . . . officers in the Government Service; Parliament of South Australia, papers (1855-56) (DIGITISED)
STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES . . . 105 / Office-keeper and messenger / W. Cobbin / Annual salary £75 / Annual gratuity £35 / First appointment October 6, 1851 (DIGITISED)
William R. Cobbin / Age 20 / First appointed 23rd Feb., 1853
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (23 June 1857), 1
MUSICAL. - The VIOLIN TAUGHT by Mr. W. R. COBBIN, Angas-street.
For terms, &c., apply at the above address; or to Mr. Clisby, Musical Repository, Rundle-street.
"ADELAIDE CHORAL SOCIETY", The South Australian Advertiser (15 July 1858), 2
The second quarterly concert of the above Society was given last evening, at White's Assembly Rooms, King William-street; the entertainment provided was most carefully selected, and reflects the greatest credit upon the Committee. The execution of the various difficult pieces was of the highest order; the opening overture selected for the occasion was "La Dame Blanche," by Boildieu, followed by selections from Rossini, Glover, Osborn, and Louis Bellini [sic]; and the celebrated chorus from "Clemenza di Tito," by that inimitable composer Mozart, formed the first part; the fire - the melodiousness - the boldness of harmony - the inexhaustible invention which characterizes this great composer's works, was verified and made manifest in the fullest sense, and the audience seemed fully to appreciate both the beauty of the music, and the ability of the performers; but the great success of the evening was a duo on the violin and piano, from "Torquato Tasso," by Mr. W. Cobbin on the violin, and Herr Linger on the pianoforte, which was rendered in a style which reflects the greatest credit upon the violinist and the veteran of the province, whose execution upon the pianoforte, and profound musical talent, are too well known to require comment, and which elicited a unanimous encore from the audience . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
MUSIC: Duo by on a theme from Donizetti's Torquato Tasso from Les graces: trois duos de salon concertans (G. A. Osborne)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Register (15 July 1858), 3
The Choral Society's second concert for the season was given on Wednesday evening, at White's Assembly Room, before a respectable though rather a thin audience . . . In the first part of the concert Mr. William Cobbin, a young violinist of great promise, took the audience somewhat by surprise with his very clever performance in a duet, arranged for the violin and piano. We believe it was "his first appearance on any stage" in so prominent a character. His style is smooth and clear, yet by no means wanting in vigour, in the most rapid passages every note was distinctly heard, whilst in the slower movements the performer gave unmistakable evidence that he not only read the music before him, but felt its meaning. The duet was deservedly encored . . .
"SIGNOR GROSSI'S BENEFIT CONCERT", South Australian Register (20 July 1858), 2
There was a good but not a crowded attendance on Monday evening at the concert given by Signor Grossi. As had been announced the orchestra was most complete, and the vocal department unusually strong . . . Mr. Cobbin again surprised and delighted his hearers by his masterly performance on the violin, with Herr Linger on the piano, of the duet "Torquato Tasso" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Enrico Grossi (vocalist)
"KADINA [Correspondent]", The South Australian Advertiser (6 July 1864), 3
Last week a young man named John Cobbin was taken by Constable Doyle to the Lunatic Asylum. Cobbin was well known in this district; he was by trade a draper.
"BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (8 May 1873), 4
[Notice], Victoria Police Gazette (17 March 1874), folio after 60
[Gaol] Beechworth / Cobbin, John Joseph, 9564 / [tried at] Beechworth / 7th May 1873 / larceny / 12 months / [born] England / Draper / [born] 1840 / 5 ft 2 1/2 in / Sallow . . .
One previous conviction, Sandhurst 5th May 1872
"DEATHS", South Australian Register (30 June 1877), 4
COBBIN. - On the 30th June, at his residence, Local Court Offices, Mr. William Cobbin, sen., aged 75.
"MR. WILLIAM COBBIN", South Australian Register (30 June 1877), 4
Amongst our obituary notices is the name of Mr. William Cobbin, a very old Government servant, he having been engaged for the last six-and-twenty years as Office-keeper in connection with the Law Courts. Mr. Cobbin has been suffering for some time past from rheumatic gout, and died early this morning at the advanced age of 75.
"GENERAL NEWS", The Express and Telegraph (30 June 1877), 2
Another old colonist has passed away. Mr. W. Cobbin, who had been in the service of the Government for 26 years, died shortly after midnight on Friday. Mr. Cobbin, in consequence of declining health, obtained leave of absence from the duties of his office a short time since, but rest did not have the desired effect, and early on Saturday morning he died at the ripe age of 75.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (8 February 1883), 1
COBBIN. - February 7, at Derwent-street, Glebe, William Richard Cobbin, District Registrar. Adelaide papers please copy.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 April 1883), 10
THIS DAY. 10th INSTANT, at 11 o clock . . .
H. VAUGHAN has received instructions to sell by auction, at his rooms, 143, King-street. The above without reserve.
"LETTER CARRIERS OF OLD ADELAIDE", The Register (10 February 1925), 14
From A. T. SAUNDERS: In last weeks Observer are photographs of Mr. William Chapman and his son, William, in the uniform of Adelaide letter carriers. The father joined the postal service on June 1, 1854, and retired in 1893, and the son joined on November 1, 1863, and retired in 1909: so, for 55 years father and son were well known to Adelaide's citizens. Mr. William Chapman, a tailor by trade, and an ardent musician, left Seven Oaks, England, arrived in the Asiatic (20/1/49) during a howling dust storm, and worked at his trade in the employ of Mr. White and Mr. Barclay (before he became a postman). The Weekly Dispatch of 21/5/53 has a petition from the five Adelaide postmen who then were Robert McCullagh, Frederick Strong, Otto Michoel, William R. Cobbin, and Robert May. In the Blue Book for 1868 are the names of the then 10 Adelaide letter carriers, and Robert McCullagh, who joined the service in 8/12/52, is the only survivor of the five of 1853. The other nine, in 1868, were William Chapman, joined 1/6/54: J. Eichoff, 11/7/60; William Maley, 10/7/61; William Chapman, jun., 1/11/63 (now of 13 Howard street, North Kensington); C. J. Gent, 14/9/64; S. Bosher, 5/3/66; E. L. Virso, 16/6/67; W. T. Marlow, 1/6/67; and F. W. Geisler. 15/4/1868. In May, 1855, a scarlet uniform, coat, dress coat patterns, and black belltopper with a 2 in. gold band, were issued to the letter carriers, and subsequently blue coats and waistcoats, and afterwards caps, as shown in the photographs, succeeded the belltoppers. Light unbleached drill coats were worn in the summer. The surviving Mr. Chapman has preserved an almost unused scarlet coat . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Thomas Saunders (memoirist)
Bibliography and resources:
William [Richard] Cobbin, Geneanet
William Cobbin, Find a grave
Musician, pianist, musical director
Active Sydney, NSW, 1857 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (24 March 1857), 1
- The Australian Evans' Saloon, open every evening.
- Several new eminent singers will make their debuts THIS EVENING.
In the course of the evening Mr. J. Davis will perform several popular solos on the violin.
Pianist and musical conductor, Mr. Cobham. Doors open at 7.
Admission free. Managers, Messrs. Harrison and Davis.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Henry Davis (violin); Evans' Saloon (concert venue in Liverpool, England); the Sydney venue was previously known as Toogood's Saloon
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 March 1857), 1
GRAND CONCERT. - The new Australian Evans' Saloon, at Myers', late Toogood's, open every evening.
In addition to the powerful talent already engaged, Madle. Laurent will make her debut, and sing several favourite morceaus from various operas.
Musical director and conductor, Mr. Cobham. Admission free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mademoiselle Laurent (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1857), 1
GRAND CONCERT for the MILLION. - The New Australian Evans' Saloon (late Toogood's) open EVERY EVENING, with a powerful combination of talent.
The programme THIS EVENING will consist of Scenas, Cavatinas, Trios, Glees, Madrigals, &c., &c., from all the popular operas,
executed by Madle. Bassmann, Madle. Laurent, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Lameroux, Mr. Cobham, Mr. Abbot, Mr. Turner, and several amateurs,
who have volunteered their kind services in the course of the evening. Mr. J. Davis will perform several solos on the violin.
Accompanist and Musical Conductor, Mr. Cobham. Doors open at 7; admission, free.
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilhelmina Basmann (vocalist, pianist); Charles Templeton (vocalist); Monsieur Lamoureux = Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist); John Turner (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 June 1857), 1
EVANS' SALOON. - PADDY DOYLE, the people's pet, nightly increases in popularity.
EVANS'. - Mr. PIERCE, Miss Bassman, Messrs. Turner, Templeton, Cobham, and Campbell, appear EVERY EVENING.
COBLEY, Edwin Harry (Edwin Harry COBLEY; E. H. COBLEY; Mr. COBLEY)
Musician, professor of music, organist, harpist, pianist, composer, editor
Born Belfast, Ireland, c. 1830; son of John COBLEY (c. 1797-1865) and Mary Ann JAMES (1799-1861)
Married (1) Sarah CREED, St. Mary's, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, 27 January 1852
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by 23 March 1857
Married (2) Emma Caroline BARRETT (c. 1841-1878), by 1864
Died Sydney, NSW, 24 June 1874, aged "44" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
He was the eldest surviving son of John Cobley (1797-1865), a soldier, and his wife Mary Ann James (1799-1861). In the 1851 census, Cobley was listed as a professor of music, aged 21, born Belfast, Ireland, then "visiting" (lodging) in Swansea, Wales, with his younger brother John Julian Cobley, "musical student", 17, born Youghal; the family home was then in Charlton Kings, outside Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, where his father John was a "Fencing & Drilling Master".
Edwin Harry Cobley, musician, and Sarah Creed (a "minor"), were married on 27 January 1852 at St. Mary's, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Their son Theodore Augustus Ferdinand was baptised there on 25 December 1853; he died at Charlton on 2 January 1859, having stayed behind with his mother when Edwin left for Australia. Sarah evidently considered their marriage void, and at Holy Trinity, Clapham, on 17 December 1859, re-married, to Samuel Cook Frankish.
Likewise, in Australia, Edwin either remarried, or entered into a common law relationship with Emma Caroline Barrett, who had also come from Gloucestershire. In the year following Edwin's death, Caroline remarried, to Charles Cuttriss, and died in Sydney in 1878, aged 37 (therefore, born 1841/2).
Edwin's younger brothers George (1831-1870) and John Julian Cobley (c. 1834-1919) were the first of four siblings to emigrate to Australia, arriving in Sydney on the General Hewett on 24 December 1852. George settled in Glen Innes where he died; two of his watercolour paintings, c. 1850s, are at the National Library of Australia. Reuben Cobley (c. 1843-1915) also later emigrated.
Edwin was probably newly arrived in Sydney when, in March 1857, he first advertised as a quadrille harpist, along with Abraham Emanuel (piano) and Isaac Davis (violin), and in June as a teacher of harmony and composition.
J. R. Clarke published his The Government House waltz in August, and he first appeared in public for the Philharmonic Society concert on 16 November playing his own Divertimento for the harp on Smile again my bonnie lassie, and in a quartet arrangement by the late Nicholas Charles Bochsa of "Tutto e sciolto" from Bellini's La sonnambula (
"CONCERT", Royal Cornwall Gazette [England] (12 July 1850), 5 (PAYWALL)
On Monday last, Mr. E. H. Cobley gave an entertainment to the lovers of music in the Town Hall, St. Austell, which we are sorry to say was very badly attended. We believe this may be attributed in a great measure, to the high prices charged. The few who attended were highly gratified, especially with the performance of "Auld Lang Syne" on the harp, which was much applauded.
Wales census, 30 March 1851, Swansea, Glamorgan; UK National Archives, HO107/2466/135/37 (PAYWALL)
22 Dillwyn Street / James Burchell / Head / Mar. / 31 / Coach Painter // Elizabeth / Wife . . .
E. H. Cobley / Visitor / Unm. / 21 / Professor of Music / [born] Ireland Belfast
John J. Cobley / Visitor / Unm. / 17 / [born] Youghal Ireland
"NEW MUSIC", Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette [England] (2 October 1851), 4 (PAYWALL)
"Lassie when Ye said Ye Lo'ed Me"; The Word Farewell, by H. A. M. Waldo Sibthorp; The Wild Cherry Tree, Trio, by Frederick Smith; Winter, Ode, by W. E. Jarrett; Those Sunny Hills, by Louisa F. Smith; The Star Polka by J. I. Smith; Les Graces Polkas, by Edwin H. Cobley. Cheltenham C. Hall and Son.
Although it must be confessed there is nothing very striking in these compositions, yet they are sufficiently pleasing to deserve the public approbation. Any one of them will be a pretty addition to the collection of the amateur . . . The compositions are, in truth, local garland, but, at the same time, are worthy of wider fame.
"New Music", Cheltenham Journal and Gloucestershire Fashionable Weekly Gazette [Gloucestershire, England] (6 October 1851), 2 (PAYWALL)
. . . The Floral, the Willoughby, "les Lionnes," Peel, and the Matagorda Polkas, by W. E. Jarrett - the Star Polka, by J. T. Smith - and "les Graces" three polkas, by E. H. Cobley, have all previously received favourable notice at our hands.
1852, marriage solemnized in the Parish Church in the Parish of Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester; register 1852, page 9; Gloucestershire Archives, Gdr/V1/438 (PAYWALL)
No. 18 / January 27th 1852 / Edwin Harry Cobley / Full age / Bachelor / Musician / Swansea, Glamorgan / [son of] John Cobley / Drilling Master
Sarah Creed / Minor / Spinster / - / Cheltenham / [daughter of] James Creed / Plumber . . . [witnesses] James Creed, Fanny Creed . . .
"MARRIAGES", Cheltenham Journal and Gloucestershire Fashionable Weekly Gazette (2 February 1852), 2 (PAYWALL)
Jan. 27, at St. Mary's Church, Mr. Edwin Harry Cobley, of Swansea, to Miss Sarah Creed, of this town.
"SWANSEA POLICE COURT. SATURDAY . . . ROBBERY BY A SERVANT", Swansea and Glamorgan Herald [Wales] (25 August 1852), 3 (PAYWALL)
Margaret Wilcox was charged with having stolen several articles of child's wearing apparel and other articles from Mr. Cobley, professor of music, Cradock-street. The prisoner seemed to have pursued a course of systematic plunder during the whole time she had been in the prosecutor's employ, purloining anything which may have struck her fancy . . . Mr. E. H. Cobley . . .said: The prisoner came into my service about the 7th June last, and remained until she was taken into custody on Wednesday last. On that day, in consequence of suspicions I had entertained, I went into prisoner's sleeping apartment, and in looking into her box, found some articles which I knew to be my property . . .
[Advertisement], Swansea and Glamorgan Herald (13 April 1853), 2 (PAYWALL)
(Pupil J. Balsir Chatterton, and Pio Cianchettini),
Author of Divert'o Poor Harp, Les Graces Polkas, Mooltan Valse, the celebrated Swansea Polka, &c. &c.,
BEGS to inform his Pupils and the Gentry and Inhabitants of Swansea and its neighbourhood,
that in consequence of his residing in the country, he has made arrangements to give instruction on the Piano, Harp, and in Singing, Theory of Music, &c., to Pupils who prefer not taking Lessons at their own residences,
at Miss BENNETT'S Establishment, 11, DYNLVOR PLACE, SWANSEA, where he will attend twice a week - WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS.
Terms: - 6 Guineas per annum; Pupils in the Establishment, 4 Guineas per annum.
Letters to be addressed, Mr. COBLEY, Sketty, near Swansea.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Balsir Chatterton (harpist, teacher); Pio Cianchettini (teacher)
"BIRTHS", Cheltenham Examiner (9 November 1853), 8 (PAYWALL)
Oct. 7, at 5, Sherborne-place, the wife of Mr. Edwin Harry Cobley, professor of music, of a son.
"CONCERT", Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard [Cirencester] (6 May 1854), 10 (PAYWALL)
An advertisement in another column informs our readers that a concert, under the patronage of the Colonel and Officers of the Royal North Gloucester Militia, will be given by the talented Professor of Music, Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, assisted by several eminent artistes, on Thursday enening next.
[Advertisement], Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard (9 December 1854), 1 (PAYWALL)
Lessons on the Harp, Piano, Harmony, Singing, MR. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Pupil of Mr. J. Balsir Chatterton and Pio Cianchettini, Address, CECILY VILLA, CIRENCESTER.
"CIRENCESTER. BERNAIS SINGERS", Stroud Journal (28 April 1855), 4 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, whose talents as a pianist are well known in Cirencester, gave morning and evening concerts at the King's Head Assembly Room on Tuesday last. The Bernias singers and Madame Villaume were (with Mr. Cobley who presided at the piano) the attractions, and although the attendance was not overflowing, the audience testified their satisfaction by frequent bursts of applause and by loudly encoring the favourite melodies.
[Advertisement], Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard (15 September 1855), 7 (PAYWALL)
Just Published, THE CIRENCESTER VALSE, composed and dedicated by permission to Colonel Kingscote and the Officers of the Royal North Gloucester Militia, BY EDWIN H. COBLEY.
To be had of all Music Sellers, and at CIRENCESTER, Of E. BAILY and H. G. KEYWORTH. LONDON: 86, NEWGATE-STREET.
[Advertisement], Stroud Journal (29 November 1856), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. EDWIN H. COBLEY, PIANIST AND PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, CHELTENHAM, INFORMS his Pupils and Friends that he now attends Stroud and neighbourhood Twice a Week. Address, Journal Office, Stroud.
Sydney, NSW (by March 1857):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (23 March 1857), 1
HARP and PIANOFORTE EVENING QUADRILLE PLAYING. - Messrs. EMANUEL and COBLEY are open to receive engagements. JOHNSON and CO.
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Emanuel (pianist); William Jonathan Johnson (musicseller)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 May 1857), 1
NOTICE to the PUBLIC. - Quadrille Band - Violin, Harp, and Pianoforte.
Messrs. COBLEY, DAVIS, and EMAMUEL are open for engagements. Terms moderate. Apply to JOHNSON and CO., Pitt-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Henry Davis (violin)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 June 1857), 5
HARMONY and COMPOSITION. - Lessons by the author of "Farewell Theresa," "Smile again," "My Thoughts are thine," &c.
Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, 14, Castlereagh-street North, opposite the Club House.
MR. EDWIN H. COBLEY (pupil of J. Balsir Chatterton, and Pio Cianchettini),
Composer, and Professor of the Harp and Pianoforte, attends schools and Private families.
Terms moderate. 14, Castlereagh-street North.
"A NEW WALTZ", The Sydney Morning Herald (1 August 1857), 5
Mr. E. H. Cobley, lately from England, has composed and published a piece of music for the pianoforte, which is dedicated to Lady Denison, entitled, "The Government House Waltz." The style and composition exhibit considerable ability.
ASSOCIATIONS: Caroline Denison (governor's wife, dedicatee)
[Advertisement], Empire (1 August 1857), 1
dedicated (by permission) to Lady Denison, by E. H. Cobley.
A charming drawing-room piece. To be had at all the principal music shops in the colony,
and of the Author, 14, Castlereagh-street. CLARKE, George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher, musicseller)
[Advertisement], Empire (16 November 1857), 1
The Fourth Concert of the Season will take place at the Concert Hall, Royal Hotel, THIS EVENING, November 16th, 1857.
1. Overture - "Semiramis" - Auber
2. Cavatina - Madame Sara Flower
3. Quartette - "Tutto e Sciolto," for harp, piano, flute, and violoncello. - Bochsa . . .
4. Piano Solo - "Concert Stuck" in two parts - by a Lady - Weber
5. Symphony - No. 51, Op. 98, Adagio and Allegro - Haydn [i.e. Symphony in D, no. 104]
1. Symphony - No. 51, Op. 98, Andante, Minuetto, Trio, and Finale Spiritoso - Haydn . . .
4. Solo Harp - "Smile Again" - E. H. Cobley . . .
Conductor, Mr. John Deane . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); John Deane (conductor, violin); Sydney Philharmonic Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (26 May 1858), 1
MUSICAL. - Gentlemen desirous of joining an Amateur Club, will please communicate their address to the undersigned, naming the instrument they play. Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Castlereagh-street North.
"MARRIAGES", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 June 1858), 3
At Tamworth, June 5th, by the Rev. Alexander Black, of Murrurundi, John Julian Cobley, to Anne Agher Hooke, widow.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1859), 12
TO SCHOOLS and PRIVATE FAMILIES. - Mr. E. H. COBLEY, Professor of Harp and Piano, 121, Phillip-street North.
"DEATHS", Cheltenham Examiner [England] (5 January 1859), 8 (PAYWALL)
January 2, at Charlton Kings, aged 5 years and three months, Theodore A. F. Cobley, son of Mr. E. H. Cobley, professor of music.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 January 1859), 8
MR. E. H. COBLEY, Professor of Harp, Piano, Singing, Cornet-a-piston, &c., 121, Philip-street.
[Advertisement], Empire (8 August 1859), 1
LAVENU BENEFIT FUND. GENERAL COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT . . . E. H. Cobley, Esq., professor of music . . .
J. R. CLARKE, Honorary Treasurer. H. N. MONTAGU, Honorary Secretary.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lewis Henry Lavenu (musician, recently deceased); Henry Neville Montagu (secretary)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 December 1859), 1
REMOVAL - Mr. E. H. COBLEY, Professor of Music, to 9, Gloucester-terrace, Macquarie-st., Hyde Park.
[News], Empire (31 January 1860), 4
"Le Pillet," is the name of a new Spanish dance just published by C. T. Sandon, and dedicated to Mr. Needs and his pupils by the composer, E. H. Cobley, known in Sydney as a teacher of music and harp-player. The dance itself is likely to become popular, as a slight departure from the now stereotyped saltatory figures of the day. The music (in the key of F) is very characteristic, the sudden use of the semitone giving that transition from joyousness to melancholy which the Spaniards exhibit so well in their national character as in the style of their music.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Thomas Sandon (publisher); Frank Hillier Needs (dancing master)
"LE PILLET", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 February 1860), 4
Le Pillet is the name of a new dance, which it is said is now all the rage in the ballrooms of England and the Continent. Mr. Cobley, the talented harpist, has just composed and issued a very charming piece under the above title. As it will tend more fully to introduce Le Pillet to the fashionable circles of our city, it cannot fail to become very popular.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 February 1861), 6
containing the Volunteers Polka, Mazurka, Lost Marguirite, and the Nativity Christmas Hymn.
Price 2s.; yearly subscribers, 1s. 6d. J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent House, near Prince-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Fussell (publisher); Australian musical bouquet (series)
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 February 1861), 5
The January number of the Australian Musical Bouquet - a collection of popular songs, operatic airs, &c, for the voice and the pianoforte, edited by Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, professor of music, Glebe Point Road - has been published by the proprietor, Mr. James C. Fussell, of Prince-street. The contents are: - A Volunteer Polka Mazurka, composed by the editor, Mr. Cobley; and a new Song, "Lost Marguerite," words by Mr. Henry Halloran, and music by Mr. Glentworth Addison. The third and last piece of music in this number (very neatly engraved by Mr. Engel) is a Christmas Hymn, as sung at Christ Church, in this city. The music and poetry of this elegant little serial are colonial; the whole thing is very prettily got up, and the price reasonable.
ASSOCIATIONS: Glentworth Addison (composer); Henry Halloran (lyricist); John Alexander Engel (engraver); Christ Church St. Lawrence (Sydney)
"DARLINGHURST GAOL. ESCAPE OF SEVENTEEN COCKATOO ISLAND CONVICTS (From the S. M. Herald)", Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (1 March 1861), 4
. . . We have heard any number of strange stories about adventures yesterday . . . fifthly, that another stole a mare belonging to Mr. Cobley, professor of music, Glebe Road. It appears that this gentleman was giving a lesson at Surry Hills, and saw the man mounting her, but before the fellow could be stopped he was over the Sand Hills towards Botany. He is of middle height, but stout, and a desperate looking character, with shirt and trousers on only.
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", Empire (5 March 1861), 4
We have received the primary number of this periodical, edited by Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, and are much pleased with its appearance. It contains the Volunteer Polka Mazurka, by Mr. Cobley; Lost Marguerite, the poetry by Mr. Halloran and the music by Mr. Glentworth Addison; the Nativity Christmas Hymn, by Miss Burney, daughter of the celebrated Dr. Burney. This composition is as sung at St. James's and Trinity churches, and has been handed to the publishers by the late organist of Trinity church.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. James's church (Sydney); Trinity (Garrison) church (Sydney)
"METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT. Tuesday . . . COBLEY. V. BAINBRIDGE", Empire (27 March 1861), 8
In this matter, plaintiff sought to recover a fee for a quarter's instruction on the pianoforte to defendant's daughter. Verdict for the plaintiff.
[Advertisements], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 April 1861), 9
JUST PUBLISHED, FUSSELL'S AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET, containing a selection from the opera of Lucretia Borgia,
My Johnny was a Shoemaker (as sung by Lady Don), and original chaunts by E. H. Cobley, Esq.
It can be had of all booksellers. Price, 2s. Yearly subscribers, 1s. 6d. per copy.
J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent House, near Prince-street.
[Review], Empire (29 April 1861), 4
THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET. A Collection of choice Popular Songs, Operatic Airs, &c., for the Voice and Pianoforte.
Edited by EDWIN H. COBLEY. Published by JAMES C. FUSSELL, &c., &c.
PART 5 of this monthly publication is now before us, and for various reasons, which we shall presently unfold, calls for somewhat more than cursory notice at our hands.
Its contents are thus described on the title page: - "A collection (why not selection?) from the beautiful opera of Lucretia Borgia;
My Johnnie was a Shoemaker, as sung by Lady Don; and Original Chants by Edwin H. Cobley, Organist of St. John's, Bishopthorpe."
With reference to the selection from the Lucrezia, which, by-the-bye, is really a misnomer, since it only includes one air,
the chorus "Senti, la danza," we have nothing to say, save to remark that it is taken, without acknowledgment,
from an arrangement of the opera by Osten or Diabelli. But let this pass. We have far heavier charges in store for the editor of this musical brochure.
The second item in the list of contents, manifestly intended to be the bonne bouche of the publication, is the song which Lady Don has lately rendered so popular, "My Johnnie was a Shoemaker."
It may be in the recollection of our readers that we noticed, a short time since, the publication of this song, by Messrs. Johnson and Co., of Pitt-street;
and adverted, in deservedly laudatory terms, to its exquisite arrangement by that very talented musician, Mr. C. Packer.
They will, therefore, participate in our astonishment when we inform them that this song has been pirated and inserted, note for note, without the slightest acknowledgment, in this publication.
We are well aware that such malpractices are by no means uncommon at home; but there, in order to elude the provisions of the Copyright Act, some error is intentionally inserted in the pirated edition.
Even this subterfuge has not been resorted to in the case before us, and we can hardly find language sufficiently strong in which to reprobate conduct which is obviously so disingenuous,
and so injurious to the interests both of the composer and the publisher.
It is true that publishers in this colony are not protected by any Copyright Act,
but the practice to which we have drawn attention seems so utterly opposed to that honourable and liberal feeling which should characterise the guilds of literature and art,
that we have not hesitated to express, perhaps somewhat severely, our opinion upon the subject.
It is plainly one upon which immediate legislation is required;
and in the interim, let us hope that the editor of the Musical Bouquet will not provoke, by a similar course of action, any reiteration of our complaints.
The Psalm Tune and Chants which figure on the last sheet of this publication almost defy criticism, since they betray such a poverty of harmonic resources,
to say nothing of the cool violation of the commonest rules of counterpoint which is manifest throughout them.
We need only instance in the Psalm Tune, the open octaves between the alto and bass between the first and second bars of the second part of the tune;
and again, the octaves between the treble and bass, and the consecutive fifths between the tenor and bass part of the first part of the tune.
We pass over the first of the three Double Chants, as not containing any very egregious errors in composition, except the general poverty of construction,
especially perceptible between the second and third bars of the second part.
The second Chant appears to be a rifacciamento of Robinson's well-known Chant.
But we are at a loss to appreciate the composer's sang froid in furnishing us with two consecutive fifths between the treble and alto parts in the two last bars of the second section of the Chant,
the consecutive fifths occurring between the tenor and bass in the two following bars, and the open octaves between the alto and bass in the second bar of the third part of the same Chant,
as well as the chord of the sixth and fourth passing into the chord of the seventh, fifth, and third, which forms the rather unusual cadence at the end of the third section of the Chant.
The two first sections of the last Chant do not call for any especial comment, either in the way of stricture or commendation,
but in the third and fourth sections we are again presented with a somewhat alarming chaos of queer progressions, discords without preparation -
very unecclesiastical, by-the-bye, in their character - and resolutions which, we think, would make the Regius Professor of Music at Oxford elevate his eyebrows and whistle for very wonderment.
Let us counsel Mr. Cobley, before he again "rushes into print," and offers to the public any of his musical lucubrations,
either to "undergo a course" of counterpoint, judiciously administered, or to submit his compositions for revision to any duly qualified musician,
who, will at least enable him to correct such glaring errors as those which figure in his last contribution to the Musical Bouquet,
a periodical which claims for itself the title of being "the clearest, best, and cheapest musical publication ever produced in the Australian colonies."
ASSOCIATIONS: Emily Sanders Don (vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (composer, arranger); Musical copyright (general)
MUSIC: My Johnny was a shoemaker (Packer, original edition by W. J. Johnson)
"TO THE EDITOR OF THE . . . ", Empire (1 May 1861), 3
SIR, - As my name has been rather freely used and abused in the Empire of to day (Monday) in a critique on The Australian Musical Bouquet,
perhaps you will afford me a space in your columns to reply, to some few of the censures so liberally awarded me.
The first objection is on the title page.
As I did not see the wrapper until the number is published, it is either the publisher's or the printer's fault.
2nd. Selection from the Lucrezia being a misnomer. I have yet to learn that selection necessarily means something in the plural number.
I shall be glad to be informed how many articles, or tunes or choruses or, what other terms you please to use are required to make selection not a misnomer.
3rd. As to the arrangement of Lucretzia, I have not pretended in the slightest degree to claim it, my name is not attached to it,
and certainly neither Oaten nor Diabelli had anything to do with it.
Now for the heavier charges: - 1st. The pirating of "My Johnny was a Shoemaker."
It is easily perceived that Johnny had more to do with the critique in this day's Empire.
Before I say more on this charge I may mention that although my name is on the publication as editor, my time is so occupied in teaching,
that I have paid little attention to the work, consequently the publisher, to bring out the number as soon as possible, has not waited for me, but introduced what he thought proper.
In this way the song in question was copied, I having nothing to do with it.
However, I find, on referring to the number, that Mr. Packer is acknowledged as the arranger;
and, for my part, he is welcome to it: I am not ambitions enough to wish the credit of arranging or composing so GREAT a work.
As to my Psalm Tune and Chants, the publisher again took a liberty by not sending me proofs.
I have two numbers before me differing materially.
Against these irregularities I have protested, and declined having my name used as editor of the Australian Musical Bouquet.
Again, had there been no revenge lurking in the bosom of the writer of the critique, doubtless he would have seen, and even now must know,
that they were printed and published without the proofs being sent to me;
and the publisher is aware that immediately I saw a copy, I called upon him respecting the number of errors,
remarking the word "Base for "Bass" was very appropriate.
The remainder of the critique I shall treat with contempt, my works having been purchased and published by some of the best houses in London,
such as Chappell, Cocks and Co., Grane and Co., &c.
I send you a copy of a work purchased by Chappell - what about the D sharp and E flat, 7th page?
"Queer progression - very unecclesiastical - would make the Regius Professor of Music at Oxford elevate his eyebrows and whistle for very wonderment!"
Lastly, from what I have said, I hope the publishers of "My Johnny was a Shoemaker" will understand that I have not acted dishonestly towards them,
and I much regret the insertion of it in the Bouquet. I certainly should not have copied it myself.
Hoping, Mr. Editor, you will favour me by inserting this letter in your next impression,
and wishing the writer of the critique and his mischief-making shoemaker, peace,
assuring them I neither intend to deal with the one nor cultivate the friendship of either.
I remain, Sir, yours obediently,
Glebe Point Road, April 29.
"THE AUSTRALIAN MUSICAL BOUQUET", Empire (10 June 1861), 5
We have received the usual monthly number of this periodical. If contains "The Ladies' Favourite Polka," by Mr. Cobley; "The Rataplan Chorus," and the song of "Katey's Letter," as sung by Lady Don.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1861), 5
Three selections - one from Beethoven's op. 14, "We'll smile and be happy," from Traviata, and Parish Alvar's "L'Adieu," - arranged by Mr. Cobley, have been published in a compact form by Mr. Fussell, of Crescent House, Prince-street
A new number of this publication has just been issued, the contents of which are in every way superior to its predecessors. Good music like this at so low a price (three pieces for one shilling and sixpence), cannot fail to command the attention of a large portion of the community whose means do not permit them to purchase the more expensive music published daily, but whose wishes nevertheless tend towards procuring a collection of good musical works. The first piece in this number will be welcome to the lovers of the classical school - a short andante movement from Beethoven's Sonata No. 2 (Op. 14); the second is "L'Adieu," by Parish Alvars, the celebrated harpist, arranged for the pianoforte by the editor, Mr. Cobley; and, thirdly, the joyous brindissi or drinking-song from Verdi's Traviata, "Libiamo nei lieti calici," with English text "We'll smile and be happy." The music is fairly engraved, but the printer should be careful to prevent the blurred appearance of the notes and it would be well as not to have music on the same leaf as the printed directions of the cover.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (16 October 1861), 1
MR. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Organist and Choir Master of St. Philip's, Professor of Music, Glebe Road, Glebe.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Philip's church (Sydney)
"CONCERT AT REDFERN", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 November 1861), 4
A miscellaneous concert was given last evening in St. Paul's Schoolroom, Redfern, by the Redfern and Newtown branches of Mr. Chizlett's vocal music school; the immediate object of the entertainment being to improve the funds of the Redfern Mutual Improvement Association. The attendance was tolerably numerous on the occasion, and, under the able guidance of their tutor, the pupils acquitted themselves to the entire satisfaction of the audience, nearly every selection in the programme being warmly applauded. The choruses, in particular, were very effectively rendered . . . Mr. E. H. Cobley lent his services as accompanyist, and assisted largely to the success of the entertainment . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Chizlett (singing class instructor)
"CONCERT", Empire (2 January 1862), 3
Last evening, the members of St. Phillip's choir, took tea together in St. Philip's School-house, Harrington-street. After which the choir, under the direction of their instructor, Mr. Cobley, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Chizlett, performed in the school-room, several pieces, with such accuracy and ability, as to lead a stranger to imagine the concert was given by professionals. Among the pieces sung were "Hear my prayer," "What are the wild waves saying," "Harvest Song," "Hail smiling morn," and "Lightly tread," which were much applauded. The pianoforte solo, by a young lady, pupil of Mr. Cobley, was encored, as was also Mr. Cobley, who performed the solo on the harp. Mr. and Mrs. Chizlett went through one or two very difficult pieces, accompanied by the piano-forte, with great ease, and were much applauded. The only drawback was the insufficient accommodation the room afforded to the parishioners and their friends, who had assembled to witness the performance. Among those present we observed the incumbent, the Very Rev. the Dean of Sydney. The concert closed with God save the Queen, the assemblage joining in the chorus, at a quarter past ten o'clock. We understand the choir, consisting of thirty-six persons, has been only three months formed. Their proficiency is evidently highly creditable to Mr. Cobley.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Adelaide Chizlett (vocalist)
"ST. PHILLIP'S CHOIR", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1862), 10
The opening of the New Year was celebrated by the members of St. Philip's Choir, by a tea meeting, which took place at the parochial school-room, in Harrington-street. Besides the choir, which numbers thirty-six persons, a large number of the congregation of St. Philip's were present by invitation, also the Dean of Sydney and the Rev. Mr. Riley. After tea a concert was given by the choir, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Chizlett. The programme, which consisted of a good selection of both sacred and secular music, was gone through in a manner highly satisfactory to the ladies and gentlemen engaged, and satisfactory to those who had the privilege of being present. Two items on the programme demand a special notice - The "Captive Greek Girl," beautifully rendered by a young lady amateur, and deservedly applauded; and a solo on the Harp by Mr. E. H. Cobley, also enthusiastically received. At the close of the concert, hope was very generally expressed that the musical entertainment would be repeated at an early date.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 January 1862), 8
HARP, PIANO, SINGING. - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Organist and Choir Master of St. Philip's, resumes tuition WEDNESDAY, 8th January, 1862. Glebe Point.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (29 March 1862), 1
December 8th, 1861, at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, aged 62, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. John Cobley, and mother of Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, organist of St. Philip's and professor of music in this city.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (8 July 1862), 1
REMOVAL - Mr. COBLEY, Professor of Music, to Lyndhurst House, Pyrmont Bridge-road.
"VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION", Empire (17 July 1862), 5
The union concert of the Vocal Music Association, took place last evening, at the Masonic Hall, York-street. The hall was, although not crowded, filled with an appreciative and respectable audience, who listened attentively to the really excellent music which was offered to their notice. The concert consisted of two parts, the first of which was sacred, and the second secular music. The first part commenced with a chorale sung at the funeral of his late Royal Highness Prince Albert, followed by an anthem and a trio from a "Miserere" by Sarti, sung by Madame Sara Flower, Mr. Cobley, and a lady amateur. The quartette, "Jesu watch our slender boat," was excellently sang by Madame Sara Flower, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Cobley, and a gentleman amateur; and the thrilling pathos of the song, "Return, O God of Hosts," as sung by Madame Sara Flower, went home to every heart. The first part concluded with the magnificent "Hallelujah" from Handel's "Messiah." The secular part of the concert commenced with the fine old English glee, "Hail, smiling morn;" and, much opposed as we are, on principle, to encores, we certainly think that, if ever anything called for an encore, that did. Of the next piece, a madrigal, "Come sprightly mirth," we cannot say so much, and can only account for its receiving an encore from the fact of its being sung so nicely by such juvenile vocalists. "The soldier's love," a vocal rataplan song, if we may be allowed the expression, was, we imagined, slightly out of tune, although much applauded. The trio, "Sleep, gentle lady," reflected great credit on Mr. Fisher, who arranged it, and also on the vocalists who sang it. Mr. Cobley acted as accompanyist, and Mr. Chizlett as conductor, to both of whom, in connection with the Association generally, the thanks of the community are due for having given such an excellent and at the same time so cheap a concert.
ASSOCIATIONS: James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); People's Vocal Music Association (association); Masonic Hall (Sydney venue)
SIR, - Will you oblige me by correcting an error in your report of the above concert.
You have, by mistaking a letter in a name, placed me in the list of vocalists. The name should have been Colley, not Cobley.
I did not sing. I only presided at the piano as accompanyist.
Yours truly, EDWIN H. COBLEY.
Lyndhurst House, Glebe Road, 17th July, 1862.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Colley (vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 September 1862), 1
ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH CHOIR - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY will be prepared to meet the Elementary CLASS at the Harrington-street Schoolhouse, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at half-past 7 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 November 1862), 8
NEW MUSIC - Four Waltzes, by E. H. Cobley, Esq. (organist at St. Philip's Church), price 3s.
Subscribers' to the Musical Bouquet will receive it in the next number. J. C. FUSSELL, Crescent-street, Church hill.
"MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 December 1862), 8
Mr. Cobley, who is very well known in the musical world of Sydney as a composer of light pieces, has added four very graceful waltzes to his repertoire. Though not strikingly original, they are extremely pleasing, particularly No. 2, and they possess the very popular quality of being easy of execution. These waltzes have been published by Mr. Fussell, and are very clearly and correctly printed.
"NEW MUSIC", Empire (17 December 1862), 5
. . . Mr. Fussell has just issued a double Christmas number of his "Australian Musical Bouquet," a very useful and fairly printed publication, containing original and reprinted vocal and instrumental music. But we think the price - five shillings - will be a bar to a very extensive sale, - particularly as the appearance and contents of the work scarcely bear favourable comparison with many musical works of the day. Cheapness should be the aim of proprietors of musical publications, or competition will be useless. The present number contains three pieces; the first is a set of four waltzes, by Mr. E. H. Cobley, of this city; they might have been by Mr. Jones, or Mr. Smith: that is to say, for their extreme simplicity and want of originality, any amateur, without knowing much of the principles of composition, or the grammar of music, might easily fall into such strains, whilst sitting down extemporising in the dusky twilight. Excepting the change of key they are all so much alike (we all know the story of the likeness between Cuffy and Sambo, 'specially Sambo), that on hearing one, we are reminded of having heard something precisely similar, and find that it is the number preceding. The melody, however, is pleasing. The second piece in the bouquet is an exceedingly pretty song by the talented composer of opera and song, Mr. Howard Glover, entitled, "She may smile on many;" it is within the compass of all voices ranging between D and F, and will certainly be heard with pleasure. No. 3 is the ballad of "The Banks of Allan Water," but the quaint old melody has been slightly altered.
"MADAME ESCOTT'S CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (17 October 1863), 4
On Monday evening next, Madame Lucy Escott will give a concert, at the Masonic Hall. The prima donna of the Lyster company was always so great a favourite with the patrons of the opera as to lead to the presumption that she will have a full house and a warm reception . . . Madame Escott will, for the first time, sing Venzano's Waltz, a very brilliant composition, and Glover's pretty ballad, "The blind girl to her harp," with a harp accompaniment by Mr. Cobley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lucy Escott (vocalist); Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
MUSIC: The blind girl to her harp (Stephen Glover)
"ENTERTAINMENT AT ST. PHILIP'S SCHOOLROOM", Empire (11 November 1863), 4
The Dean of Sydney, being desirous of evincing his due appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the choir of St. Philip's Church, invited, last evening, the several members comprising the same to tea in the schoolroom on Church Hill. A considerable number of the parishioners being desirous to be present on so interesting an occasion, tickets were issued for the admission of so many as the schoolroom could conveniently hold. As these were gladly availed of, the room presented a full and fashionable appearance shortly after eight o'clock, the hour when the tea was announced. To add to the harmony of the meeting, it was arranged that a vocal and instrumental performance of sacred and secular music should take place. The only matter to mar the festivities of the evening was the unavoidable absence of the Dean from illness . . . the musical portion of the entertainment commenced with a duet on the harmonium by Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, the talented organist and choir-master of St. Philip's, and an amateur, which was gone through with very considerable skill. The beautiful tones of the instrument rang through the specious school-house with the most pleasing effect. Then followed "Angels ever bright and fair," by Miss Spagnoletti; afterwards a performance by the whole of the choir. This was succeeded by "Rolling in foaming billows," by a gentleman, which was well received. The first part concluded with the anthem, "Praised be the Lord," by the full choir, when the pure and melodious tones of the various voices were displayed to the finest effect. The second part commenced with a fantasia by Mr. Cobley (his own composition) on the piano, which created a perfect furore of applause, the performance being a masterly one. He was encored, for which he substituted Boulanger's "European March." "Be kind to the loved ones at home," from the Christy Minstrels, was one of the happiest features of the evening. Then followed "The Blind Girl to her Harp," by Miss Spagnoletti, which was encored. The harp solo by Mr. Cobley was most rapturously applauded, which being encored, Mr. Cobley gave Boschor's [Bochsa's] Grand March, introducing towards the end "Cheer, boys, cheer," which received, as it merited, full acknowledgment. Afterwards a trio by three members of the choir, which as a concerted piece was well gone through. But one of the greatest treats of the evening was "Our Australian Christmas," composed by Ernesto Spagnoletti, sung by Miss Spagnoletti, and which satisfied the most critical while the delivery of the melodious passages must have convinced all of the delicacy and natural rendering of the performance. We understand this song has just been published. Next came "Set our Oars," by the choir, which gave further evidence of the proficiency of the members. The entertainment coincided with the National Anthem, the solos being sung by Miss Spagnoletti.
ASSOCIATIONS: Nina Spagnoletti (vocalist); Ernesto Spagnoletti junior (composer); Edward Boulanger (composer)
MUSIC: The European march (Boulanger); Our Australian Christmas song (Ernesto Spagnoletti junior)
"TESTIMONIAL", The Sydney Morning Herald (21 November 1863), 13
The success which has attended the free concert (originated and organised by Mr. Edwin Cobley) which followed the social gathering at St. Philip's Church Schoolhouse on Tuesday evening last,
suggested to a few of the parishioners that an appropriate time had arrived for acknowledging that gentleman's indefatigable and successful exertions as organist and choir master of the church.
Having in view that object, a subscription was set on foot, which resulted in a sum bring raised, with which a valuable and handsome gold watch,
from Mr. Felton's establishment in George-street was purchased and presented to Mr. Cobley on Thursday evening last by his friends, the gift bearing the following inscription: -
"Presented to Mr. Edwin Cobley, by a few of the seat holders of St. Philip's Church, 19th November, 1863." - Communicated.
"PLEASING REUNION", Empire (4 January 1864), 4
Immediately after the conclusion of service at St. Philip's Church, on New Year's Eve, the members of the choir repaired to the school room, in Harrington-street, at the invitation of the choir master and organist, Mr. Edwin H. Cobley, when a number of choice selections of sacred music were gone through, besides other performances in the chanting of portions of scripture appropriate to the ushering in of the New Year. The singing lasted for nearly two hours, and exhibited very great proficiency on the part of the gentlemen who compose the St. Philip's choir. It was listened to with much delight by a considerable number of the parishioners whom Mr. Cobley had kindly invited to be present on the occasion. This suitable way of entering upon the New Year deserves to be recorded.
"CONFIRMATION", Empire (31 May 1864), 4
The Lord Bishop of Sydney held a confirmation service at St. Philip's Church, on Monday morning, when a large number of candidates with their friends were present, the church being crowded in every part . . . Mr. E. H. Cobley, the organist of the church, presided at the organ, appropriately introducing in his opening voluntary, "Nearer to Thee, my God," and "I know that my Redeemer liveth," the conducing voluntary being Gloria in Excelsis, by Mozart.
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (4 February 1865), 4
Last evening, a complimentary concert was given to Mr. E. H. Cobley, organist and choir-master of St. Philip's, and the schoolroom in which it was given was crowded to overflowing by a respectable auditory. The selections embraced in the programme, both instrumental and vocal, were judiciously chosen and well varied, including some of the most popular glees, choruses, and solos of the best composers. Mr. Cobley officiated as conductor, and executed several compositions upon the harp, of which instrument he appeared to have great mastery. He was assisted by Madame Haimberger, who sung several Swiss and Styrian national airs; by M. Haimberger, who gave a violin concerto and variations; by Mr. M. Younger, as accompanyist; and by Mr. Howson, jun., who took part in an instrumental trio, and performed a solo on the violoncello - the services of each tending much to the undoubted success of the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Margeritta and Julius Haimberger (vocalist and violinist); Montague Younger (pianist, accompanist); Frank Alfred Howson (cello)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 August 1865), 1
MR. COBLEY (Organist of St. Philip's) is prepared to receive Pupils for the harp, piano, organ, harmonium, violin, flute, cornet, guitar, concertina, &c., &c., and singing (choral and solo), at his Academy, Avondale House, Church-hill.
REMOVAL - Mr. COBLEY, Professor of Music, from Glebe to Avondale House, Church-hill.
"GRAND EVENING CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (15 March 1866), 4
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather last evening, Mr. E. H. Cobley's concert attracted a fair audience. It is to be regretted that it was not as numerous ass the quality of the entertainment merited. The concert, though strictly confined to amateurs, was on the whole a good one, some portions of it especially so, and amongst the best efforts may be mentioned, "As burns the charger," a fine basso song given with great spirit and artistic execution, "The market chorus," from Massaniello, "The Ocean King," and a harp solo by Mr. Cobley, all of which elicited lusty applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (28 April 1866), 1
REMOVAL. - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Organist of St. Philips, Professor of Harp, Piano, Harmonium, Cornopean, and Singing. Classes for Piano and Singing. Address 45, Hunter-street.
"ST. BARNABAS' SCHOOLROOM", Empire (2 May 1866), 4
A grand concert was given in the above schoolroom last night, in aid of the School Building Fund . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (21 May 1866), 8
The several items in the programme were performed very creditably. Some of the choruses were rendered very smoothly by the choir of St. Barnabas', assisted greatly by Madame Flora Harris. This lady also sung the aria "Hear ye Israel," from "Elijah," very sweetly. Mr. Stanley's performance of Boulanger's serenade from "Don Pasquale," was exceedingly good, and was loudly applauded. The favourite baritone, Mr. Bannister, was as successful as usual. Mr. Cobley's performances on the harp were charming, and the fine effects produced carried the audience away, till the harpist was compelled to accede to a most determined encore. Without doubt the harp is Mr. Cobley's own instrument, and we expect shortly, a concert will not be complete without it, and that it will become a fashionable drawing-room instrument.
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); William Stanley (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (24 October 1866), 1
REMOVAL. - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, Professor of Music, to 187, Bourke-st., opposite new church.
"ST. ANDREW'S ORGAN", Empire (13 August 1867), 4
Another of these performances took place on Saturday afternoon, when Messrs. John Hill, James Furley, and Edwin Cobley exhibited their own abilities, and the powers of the organ, to a tolerably large number of persons. It is almost needless to say that Mr. Hill took the palm on this occasion, although the other gentlemen did their best to satisfy those present. The programme embraced a choice selection of music, and appeared to give those assembled no little satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hill (organist); James Furley (organist); St. Andrew's cathedral (Sydney)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Morning Herald (5 September 1867), 5
A concert of a superior character was given at the Masonic Hall last night, before a fashionable audience. Among the artistes were Miss Rebecca Jones, Mrs. W. J. Cordner, Mr. C. E. Horsley, Mr. Alfred Anderson, and Mr. E. Cobley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Rebecca Jones (vocalist); Ellen Cordner (vocalist); Charles Edward Horsley (pianist); Alfred Anderson (pianist)
"CATHEDRAL ORGAN PERFORMANCE", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 December 1867), 4
On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Edwin H. Cobley played on the organ of St. Andrew's Cathedral.
The ladies and gentlemen present listened with much gratification to Mr. Cobley's performances.
The programme consisted of the following selections -
chorus, "How excellent Thy name" (Saul), Handel;
solo, "La Fede," Rossini;
"Nuptial music and wedding march," composed for the marriage of their Royal Highnesses the Princess Alexandra and the Prince of Wales, Salomon;
solo, Soft stops, extempore;
chorus, "See the conquering hero comes" (Judas Maccabeus), Handel;
solo, "La Speranza," Rossini;
chorus, "Sound the loud timbrel," Avison;
and Gloria in excelsis (12th Mass), Mozart.
MUSIC: La fede [La foi] (Rossini); Sound the loud timbrel (Avison)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 May 1868), 1
MR. EDWIN H. COBLEY begs to inform his friends and pupils that his health has so far improved as to enable him to resume his Professional DUTIES on and after MONDAY, 4th May.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (3 January 1870), 1
PIANO, HARP, ORGAN, CORNOPEAN, SINGING. - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY, pupil of Signor Pio Cianchettini, and Mr. J. Balsir Chatterton, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, will RESUME Tuition, WEDNESDAY, 5th January. Pine Cottage, 151, William-street.
"DEATHS", Evening News (15 February 1870), 2
On the 9th February, by a fall from his horse, George, son of the late John Cobley, of Cheltenham, England, and brother of Edwin H. and Reuben Cobley, of this city, and John Julian Cobley, of New England, N. S. W. Cheltenham Examiner please copy.
"CONCERT", Evening News (24 May 1870), 2
The recently-formed Parramatta Glee Club gave a successful concert on Tuesday last. The hall of the school of arts was well filled, and several ladies and gentlemen took part. Mr. E. H. Cobley, formerly organist of St. Philip's, Sydney, kindly gave his services on the pianoforte and harp during the evening. The proceeds wore devoted towards liquidating the debt on St. John's school building.
"PARRAMATTA . . . KING'S SCHOOL", The Sydney Morning Herald (19 December 1870), 3
The annual distribution of prizes at this institution took place on Wednesday afternoon, last . . . The company then adjourned to an adjoining hall, where several choice morceaux of vocal and instrumental music were ably rendered by Mr. Cobley (organist to the school), Miss Heming, and Mr. Skinner. Mr. Cobley's performance on te newly erected organ belonging to the school was highly enjoyable . . .
"NEW SONG", The Sydney Morning Herald (26 January 1872), 4
A song, entitled "Spring Blossoms," the words by Mr. Moser, and the music by Mr. Cobley, will be rendered at the concert in the Exhibition Building, this evening, by Mr. Alfred Wilkie. The words are of merit, and the air very pretty and melodious. We are informed that 200 copies of this composition have been given for disposal to-day, at the gala in Alfred Park, the proceeds to go to the Fire Relief Fund.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (1 April 1874), 6
NOTICE. - Mr. EDWIN H. COBLEY regrets that indisposition has prevented him from seeing his pupils the last few days, but hopes to have sufficiently recovered to be able to resume full duties on THURSDAY next, 2nd April. Lansdowne House, Palmer-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 May 1874), 1
MR. COBLEY regrets he is prevented from seeing his pupils for a day or two, through illness.
"DEATHS", Evening News (15 June 1874), 2
At the residence of her parents, 156, Palmer-street, Amy Clara Cobley, the beloved daughter and only child of Edwin H. and Emma Cobley, of convulsions.
ASSOCIATIONS: Amy Clara Cobley, born Sydney, NSW, 1864
[News], Evening News (24 June 1874), 2
Mr. E. H. Cobley, the well-known professor of music, died this morning at his residence, Palmer-street, from typhoid fever, after an illness of eight days. The funeral will take place to-morrow, will no doubt be largely attended by the professional and other friends of the deceased gentleman. Mr. Cobley's daughter, aged eight years, was buried only at the latter end of last week.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 June 1874), 2
COBLEY. - June 24, at his residence, Lansdowne House, Palmer-street, Woolloomooloo, Mr. E. H. Cobley, professor of music, after an illness of eight days, aged 44.
"DEATH OF MR. E. H. COBLEY", The Sydney Morning Herald (25 June 1874), 5
This well known professor of music, who was considered one of the finest harpists in Australia, died yesterday, of typhoid fever, after a short illness.
"Musical Notes", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (27 June 1874), 823
Our readers will learn with regret that Mr. E. H. Cobley, a gentleman well known in musical circles, died at his residence after a short illness, on Wednesday last. Mr. Cobley was a master of the harp, a good pianist, and for some years was organist at St. Philip's Church. He was considered an excellent instructor, and enjoyed considerable practice. It was only a few days before his death that Mr. Cobley lost his only daughter, at which he was much cast down.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (13 March 1875), 4
HARP for SALE (double action), the property of the late Mr. E. H. Cobley. Apply to W. H. PALING and Co., George-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Paling (musicseller)
Extant musical works:
Les graces polkas (1849)
Les graces, three polkas for the pianoforte by Edwin H. Cobley (London, [1849])
British Library, Music Collections h.944.(15.); BLL01004273931
The Mooltan valse (1849)
The Mooltan valse for the pianoforte by Edwin H. Cobley (London: Addison, [1849])
British Library, Music Collections h.944.(16.); BLL01004273932
Fantasia on "Farewell Theresa" (1853)
Fantasia on "Farewell Theresa," from Moore's selection of national airs composed for the pianoforte by E. H. Cobley ([ ? ], [1853]
British Library, Music Collections h.723.c.(17.); BLL01004273930
See also, Catalogue of the Universal Circulating Musical Library . . . 1855-56 (London: Gustav Scheurmann & Co., [1856], 887 (DIGITISED)
Divertimento on "Smile again" (c. 1850-55)
Divertimento for the harp introducing the favorite melody Smile again my bonnie lassie composed and dedicated to his pupils, the Misses Bolton, by E. H. Cobley (London: Chappell, [c. 1850-55])
British Library, Music Collections h.2605.oo.(15.); BLL01016631898; Music Collections h.2605.nn.(10.); BLL01016818373
The Government House waltz (1857)
The Government House waltz, valse brillante for the piano forte, composed & respectfully dedicated, by permission, to Lady Denison by E. H. Cobley (Sydney: Clarke, [1857]); "scrip. Edward Myers"; "litho. Allan & Wigley" (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Richard Clarke (publisher, musicseller); Edward Myers (music copyist); Allan and Wigley (lithographers)
Le pillet, Spanish dance (1860)
Le pillet, a new fashionable Spanish dance (as performed at the London and Parisian Court Balls) by E. H. Cobley, to F. H. Needs, esq., and his pupils (Sydney: Charles T. Sandon, [1860]) (DIGITISED)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Hillier Needs (dancing master); Charles Thomas Sandon (publisher)
Volunteers' polka mazurka (1861)
Volunteers' polka mazurka, dedicated to the volunteers of N.S.W., by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]; in The Australian musical bouquet (January 1861) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - copy without cover) (DIGITISED - copy with cover)
Psalm tune and 3 double chants (1861)
St. John's Bishopthorpe L.M. by Edwin H. Cobley; Three double chants by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]; in The Australian musical bouquet (April 1861) (NOT DIGITISED)
L'adieu (Alvars, arr. Cobley) (1861)
L'adieu, composed by Parish Alvars, arranged by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]) (DIGITISED)
The Australian bouquet polka (1861)
The Australian bouquet polka by Edwin H. Cobley ([Sydney]: [James C. Fussell], [1861]; in The Australian musical bouquet (DIGITISED)
The favourite schottische (1861)
The favourite schottische by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1861]; in The Australian musical bouquet (November 1861) (NOT DIGITISED - NLA)
Four waltzes (1862)
Four waltzes for the piano-forte by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: James C. Fussell, [1862]; in The Australian musical bouquet) (DIGITISED)
Spring blossoms (1872)
Spring blossoms, written by Thomas Moser, composed by Edwin H. Cobley (Sydney: J. R. Clarke, [1872]) (DIGITISED)
Bibliography and resources:
Rosemary Margaret Hallo, Erard, Bochsa and their impact on harp music-making in Australia (1830-1866): an early history from documents (Ph.D thesis, University of Adelaide, 2014), 134, 160-63 (DIGITISED)
Other resources (George Cobley 1832-1870): (NLA persistent identifier)
"George Cobley", Design & art Australia online (DAAO)
See also two of Cobley's watercolours, National Library of Australia: (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED)
Active Sydney, NSW, 1842 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser [NSW] (24 May 1842), 3
THE SPACIOUS HALL, SYDNEY COLLEGE, Having been kindly granted for this occasion to MR. NATHAN,
SOPRANOS AND TREBLES . . . Miss Tuohy, Miss Cochlen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Isaac Nathan (conductor); Mary Tuohy (vocalist)
COCHRANE, Peter Phillips (Peter Phillips COCHRANE; P. COCHRANE; Mr. Phillips COCHRANE)
Musician, professor of music, pianist, piano teacher, pianoforte tuner and repairer
Born St. Peter Port, Guernsey, c. 1830; son of James COCHRANE (d. 1855) and Esther PHILLIPS (d. 1844)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 30 December 1854 (per Evening Star, from Jersey, 26 August, via Adelaide, aged "24")
Married Mary Ann MYERS, VIC, 1861
Died Melbourne, VIC, 1879 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Channel islands census, 30 March 1851, St. Peter Port, Guernsey; UK National Archives, HO107/2530/1 (PAYWALL)
4 Market Street / James Cochrane / Head / Widower / 66 / Tobacco & Snuff Manufacturer / [born] Scotland
John Cochrane / Son / Unm. / 37 / [Tobacco & Snuff Manufacturer] / [born] Guernsey St. Peter Port
Peter P. Cochrane / Son / Unm. / 20 / Organist / [born] Guernsey St. Peter Port . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Evening Star from Jersey, for Melbourne, 30 December 1854; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Peter Phillips Cochrane / 24 / Professor of Music / [English] . . .
Also among the passengers, listed on the first page, were his brother William Cochrane (d. 1881) and family
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 May 1855), 7
HARMONIUM (Percussion) for Sale, a Bargain, containing the following stops, -
Flute, clarionet, fife, oboe, cornet, bourdon, clarion, bassoon, expression, grand jeu, and two fortes,
in rosewood case, by Alexandre and Fils, of Paris.
Apply to Mr. P. PHILLIPS COCHRANE, Professor of Music, Australian Store, Cambridge-street, Collingwood.
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (3 May 1856), 1
A full staff of Competent Teachers for the various branches of a first-class education. Terms very moderate.
Music on Pianoforte by P. Cochrane, 8s.; French by H. Lafargue, 4s. per month.
Singing by W. Bonwick, and Drawing by Vauden Houten [sic], both gratis.
ASSOCIATIONS: Walter Bonwick (singing master); Henry Van den Houten (drawing master)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 December 1866), 8
P. PHILLIPS COCHRANE, Pianoforte Tuner and Repairer, 148 Swan-street, Richmond. Orders from the country attended.
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 November 1866), 8
PIANOFORTES. - Cottages, handsome walnut, truss legs, £30 ; trichord, £28 ; rosewood, £20. P. Cochrane, 148 Swan-street, Richmond.
[Advertisement], South Bourke and Mornington Journal [Richmond, VIC] (31 December 1878), 4
BRIDGE ROAD, RICHMOND. Evening parties attended. Old Pianofortes bought in any condition. All parts of the colony visited.
Musician, violinist
Active Geelong, VIC, 1855 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (21 July 1855), 1
NOVELTY! NOVELTY!! NOVELTY!!! OPEN every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Evening.
The proprietor begs to call particular attention to the very superior class of Entertainments offered to the public at this favorite Saloon,
and to assure them that no trouble or expense will be spared to render the evening's entertainment worthy of their future patronage.
The Saloon has been re-decorated, and is now admitted to be the BEST CONCERT-ROOM IN GEELONG.
Comic, Sentimental Character, and Duett Singing.
Local Songs written expressly for this room.
Pianist - Mr. Finster.
Conductor and Violinist - Mr. C. Cocks.
ADMISSION FREE. Open at Seven o'clock. Close at Eleven.
ASSOCIATIONS: Arthur Guido Finster (pianist)
Musician, "indifferent musician", convict, ? member of Captain Piper's Band
Born Yorkshire, England, c. 1813
Convicted Cork Barracks, Ireland, 31 May 1834 (transportation, 14 years)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 March 1835 (convict per Lady Kennaway)
Active Bathurst, NSW, 1840 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Convict indent, Lady Kennaway, 1835; State Records Authority of NSW, NRS 12188/4/4018 (PAYWALL)
No. 943/28 / Cockburn James / 21 / R. & W. / Prot. / S[ingle] / native place Yorkshire / Soldier, tailor, & indifferent Musician /
offence Mutiny / tried Cork / 31 March 1834 / 12 years / . . .
[Convict notices], New South Wales Government Gazette (4 March 1840), 210
Cockburn James, Lady Kennaway, 26, Yorkshire, soldier, tailor, and musician, 5 feet 7 1/4 inches, ruddy and freckled comp., brown hair, grey to blue eyes, lost canine tooth left side upper jaw, D under left arm, from J. Piper, Bathurst, since 8th February, 1840.
CODE, Edward Thomas (Edward Thomas CODE; Mr. E. T. CODE)
Musician, bandmaster, competition adjudicator
Born Bendigo, VIC, 1864; son of Edward CODE (d. 1869) and Susan CLANCY
Died Carlton, VIC, 3 April 1918 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
CODE, Percy (Edward Percival CODE; Mr. Percy CODE)
Musician, cornet player, bandmaster, orchestral conductor, composer
Born South Melbourne, VIC, 3 July 1888; son of Edward Thomas CODE and Annie PAYNE
Died Melbourne, VIC, 16 October 1953 (NLA persistent identifier) (shareable link to this entry)
"A CASE FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE CHARITABLE (To the Editor of the Bendigo Advertiser)", Bendigo Advertiser (1 October 1869), 2
Sir, - I wish to call your attention to a very distressing case in Williamson-street - that of a widow of the name of Mrs. Code.
Her husband was formerly in the employment of Messrs. Heffernan and Crowley, as a waiter at the Shamrock Hotel.
During the time he was there, he had an epileptic fit, and subsequently disease of the heart, liver complaint, and dropsy supervened,
which caused him to be an inmate and an outdoor patient of the hospital at different times between three and four years.
Finding, however, that the doctors could do him no good, he went to Melbourne, and on the 22nd July got into the hospital there, where he died on the 12th August, 1869,
leaving a widow and four children in Sandhurst without any assistance whatever, as he belonged to no benefit society.
The children are four boys, the youngest only twelve months old.
I think, sir, this is a case of pure sympathy, for Mr. Edward Code, when alive, was well known and respected at the Shamrock Hotel.
He was a steady, sober man. Seeing that the amateur theatricals have been very good in so many cases, I think this is one well deserving.
The poor widow receives a little support from the Benevolent Asylum, but it is barely enough.
I remain, sir, your most humble servant,
CHARITY, 30th September, 1869.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Heffernan and John Crowley (proprietors); Shamrock Hotel (Bendigo)
"DEATH OF MR. E. T. CODE", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (4 April 1918), 5
Bandsmen and musicians generally will regret to hear of the death of Mr. E. T. Code, the gifted cornetist and conductor, which occurred at his residence, Lygon street, Carlton, last night . . .
"DEATHS", The Argus (5 April 1918), 1
CODE. - On the 3rd April, at 225 Lygon street, Carlton, Edward Thomas, the dearly beloved husband of Annie Code; loving father of Percy, Mabel (Mrs. G. A. Charles), Stanley, and Bessie; late bandmaster of the Victorian Police, Prahran City, Code's Melbourne, and 63rd Infantry Bands, aged 54 years. No flowers by request.
"MR. E. T. CODE", The Ararat Advertiser (6 April 1918), 2
Mr. E. T. Code, the well known bandmaster, died on Wednesday night at his residence, Carlton. Born in Bendigo in 1864, he resided in Melbourne for 30 years, and during that time he was bandmaster of several bands, including Code's Melbourne, Prahran City, and the Victorian Police. He was also an adjudicator at many band contests throughout Australia and New Zealand. He leaves a widow, two daughters, and two sons. One son, Mr. Perry Code [sic], is at present a bandmaster at Ballarat, and was formerly solo cornetist with the Besse o'the Barn Band. The deceased, who will be greatly missed by the Police Band, renewed his acquaintance with a number of Ararat friends about three weeks ago, when proceeding to Horsham with the Police Band.
Bibliography and resources:
H. J. Gibbney, "Code, Edward Percival (1888-1953)", Australian dictionary of biography 8 (1981)
Edward Percival Code, musician, was born on 3 July 1888 at South Melbourne, son of Edward Thomas Code, picture-frame maker and bandmaster, and his wife Mary Ann, née Payne, both from Bendigo. His father, a trumpeter, conducted Code's Melbourne Brass Band from 1892; it was a frequent winner of competitions and won the championship of Australia in 1898-1900. The family included other bandsmen. Taught to play violin and cornet by his father, Percy won numerous cornet competitions while attending school at Faraday Street, Carlton . . .
COFFIN, James (James COFFIN)
Musicseller's apprentice, "orphan"
Born c. 1823/24
Active Sydney, NSW, 1836 (shareable link to this entry)
Male Orphan School roll book, 1 January 1819 to 18 September 1848; State Library of New South Wales (DIGTISED) (TRANSCRIPT)
261. Name: James Coffin; Age: 5 1/2 when admitted: 13 June 1829; Time of quitting the school: 8th Feb 1836;
Parents' names: James & Marg't Coffin; Occupation: received back from Mr. McFarlane & absconded / McFarlane, Argyle
[News], The Sydney Monitor (25 November 1836), 3
James Coffin, a boy from the Orphan School, apprenticed to Mr. Ellard, of George street, was charged with absconding. Mr. Gisborne said, he thought if Mr. Ellard took the boy home, and gave him a sound flogging, it would have a good effect, and prevent anything of the sort occurring again Mr. E. stated, that he had already tried that method, and it had been of no benefit. - Remanded.
ASSOCIATIONS: Francis Ellard (master, musicseller)
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1852 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (19 May 1852), 5
MESSRS. MEGSON AND BUDDEE have the honour to announce that their
Second Concert will take place in the Mechanics' Institution, This Evening, May 19th,
on which occasion they beg to solicit a share of public patronage.
Overture - "Tancredi" - Rossini
Song - "Should he upbraid," Mrs. Testar -Bishop
Solo - Pianoforte, Mr. Buddee
Song - "In this old chair my father sat," Mr. Cogdon - Balfe
Song - "The Blind Girl to her harp," Mrs. Testar - Glover
Quintette - Instrumental - Haydn
Overture - "Zauberflote" - Mozart
Song - "Come my love, be mine," Mr. Cogdon - Balfe
Solo - Violin, Mr. Megson - Binjer [sic]
Song - "The ray of hope" (flute obligato, Mr. Cooze), Mrs. Testar - Bishop
Buffo Song - "Skying a Copper," Mr. Cooze - Ford
Finale - "God save the Queen" - National.
Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
Subscribers' seats, 3s; non-subscribers, 2s. 6d.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Megson (violin); Julius Buddee (piano); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); William Joseph Cooze (flute, vocalist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: In this old chair my father sat (Balfe);
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (27 May 1852), 4
The following is the programme of the Concert for this evening: -
Overture - King Stephen (first time).
Song - The Angels' Whisper, Mr. St. George Hamilton.
Piano Solo - Mr. Buddee.
Song - I had a Dream, Mr. Cogdon.
Bolero - Le retour des Promis, Mrs. Testar.
Waltz - Pesther.
Overture - Sadak and Kalasrade.
Song - Through the Wood, Mrs. Testar.
Ballad - The Irish Emigrant, Mr. Cogdon.
Violoncello Solo - Mr. Thompson.
Ballad - Gentle Mother, Mrs. Testar.
Song - Sally, Sally, Mr. St. George Hamilton.
Finale - God Save the Queen.
Again we have to congratulate the public upon a very good programme.
The re-appearance of an old friend, Mr. Hamilton, after a serious illness, is something gratifying,
and the addition of Mr. Cogdon to the staff is a very great gain indeed.
The fine manly voice of this gentleman, combined with his pleasant manner, prepossessing appearance,
and the taste which characterises both the selection and execution of his songs,
constitutes him one of the most agreeable singers we ever heard in Melbourne,
and is, we think, calculated to render him a very great favourite with our concert goers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Mr. St. George Hamilton (vocalist); John Charles Thompson (cello); Thursday Concerts (series)
MUSIC: The Irish emigrant (Barker)
"A TREAT, INDEED", The Argus (1 June 1852), 3
The following programme has been issued for Mr. Clay's lecture upon Music to-morrow evening, at the Mechanics' Institution: . . .
Luther's Hymn, Cornopean obligato - Luther . . .
Benedictus, four voices, Violin Obligato (Mass No. 12) - Mozart . . .
Ave Maria - Cherubini . . .
"Hear my Prayer" - Kent . . .
Mr. Clay will be assisted in the illustrations by Mrs. Testar, Messrs. Buddee, Cogdon, Wheeler, and Nicholson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Lord Clay (lecturer); Stephen Thomas Wheeler (cornet)
"THE WEEKLY CONCERTS", The Argus (17 June 1852), 5
The following is the programme for the concert of this evening: -
PART I. Overture - Tancredi.
Song - Sweet Mary a -cush-la-macree, Mr. Walton.
Violin Solo - Airs, with variations, Mr. Snelling.
Song - In happy moments, Mr. Cogdon.
Song - Italy, Madame Enzer.
Waltz - Coronation.
Overture - Men of Prometheus.
Song - Old England, I live but for thee, Mr. Witton.
Cornet a'Piston - The Standard Watch, Mr. Wheeler.
Song - When the merry dance prevails, Madame Enzer.
Song - I see thine eyes still beaming, Mr. Cogdon.
Finale - God save the Queen.
It will be perceived that a considerable change has been made in the corps musicale,
to whom the public has latterly looked as forming the principal staff in connexion with these popular entertainments.
Recent circumstances affecting these concerts require the most marked attention of that part of the public which takes any interest in the subject of intelligent and harmless recreation.
We shall have more to say upon the matter shortly.
Meantime we beg to bespeak for that portion of the Committee which has worked so hard and done so much to carry them on with vigour und spirit,
the most grateful and indulgent consideration from the audience to whom they have so often afforded enjoyment in a very rational mode and at a very reasonable charge.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Henry Walton (vocalist); James Morris Snelling (violin); Madame Enzer (vocalist); Henry James Witton (vocalist)
MUSIC: In happy moments (Wallace, from Maritana)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 June 1852), 7
MR. REED respectfully announces, that a
GRAND CONCERT (Upon a scale of magnitude never before attempted), will take place
SATURDAY NEXT, JUNE 19, At the Mechanics' Institute, Collins-street.
VOCALISTS: Mrs. Testar; Mr. Wheeler; Mr. Cooze; Mr. Cogdon . . .
. . . Conductor - Mr. Reed.
PART I . . . Song, "Yes! let me like a soldier fall," (Maritana) Mr. Cogden - P. Wallace [sic] . . .
Military Movement, from twelfth Grand Symphony, Band - Haydn.
Song, "Wanted a Wife," Mr. Cooze - J. Parry.
PART III . . . Air, "Home of my Fathers," Mr. Cogdon (Lucretia Borgia) - Donizetti . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Reed (conductor)
MUSIC: Yes! let me like a soldier fall (Wallace, from Maritana)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (8 July 1852), 5
The following is the programme for this evening:
PART I . . . Song. - "In this old chair my father sat," Mr. Cogdon . . .
PART II . . . Song. - "You'll find no change in me," Mr. Cogdon . . .
"CONCERT", The Argus (17 September 1852), 3
One of the advantages accruing from the discovery of gold was shewn last night at the Concert, which was certainly the best we ever heard here . . . We were glad again to see our old favorite, Mr. Cogdon; and we must not omit honorable mention of our principal songstress, Mrs. Testar . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 September 1852), 5
THIS EVENING, 21ST SEPTEMBER (weather permitting.)
Mr. J. H. ANDERSON . . .
Programme. PART I . . .
Ballad - Go, forget me, Mr. Cogdon - Mortimer . . .
PART II . . . Duet - I've wandered, Mrs. Testar and Mr. Cogdon - Wade . . .
Ballad - Irish emigrant, Mr. Cogdon - Barker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Henri Anderson (pianist, vocalist); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
"THE CONCERT", The Argus (23 September 1852), 5
The following is the Programme of the Concert for this evening: -
Overture - Freebooters.
Song - The Slave, (by desire) Mrs. Testar.
Barcarole - How lovely is the night, Mr. Cogdon.
Grand Violin Solo - Melancholy - Herr Mater.
Song - The Captive Greek Girl, Mrs. Norman.
Cornet a Piston Solo - Lucia di Lammermoor, Mr. West [sic, ? Wheeler]
Scena - Oh, love for me thy power, Mrs. Testar.
Overture - Il nozze del Figaro.
Song- When first he wooed, Mrs. Norman.
Waltz - Die Elfin.
Ballad - Roam with me, Mrs. Testar.
Romaunt - Home of my fathers, Mr. Cogdon.
Song - Hours there were, to memory dearer, (Harp accompaniment,) Mrs. Norman.
Finale - Rule Britannia.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Albert Frederic Mater (violin, leader); Mrs. Norman (vocalist, harpist)
"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (27 September 1852), 2
Those who attended the Concert on Saturday night were doubtless impressed with the truth of the old aphorism, that "Time and Tide wait for no man." On account of the late arrival of the steamer on Saturday night, nine o'clock, even the energy of Herr Mater was damped, and consequently a dull feeling was thrown over the whole proceedings. Mrs. Testar was, as usual, in splendid voice, but Messrs. Cogden and Buddee were evidently somewhat out of order from their voyage. However, the spirited leading of the talented conductor, and the general good humour of the audience, contributed to render the evening a pleasant one. We wish Herr Mater every success in his efforts to place really good music before the people of Geelong.
COGLIN, Helena (Helena COGLIN; Miss COGLIN; sister Mary Xavier COGLIN; also Miss COGHLIN)
Musician, vocalist, mezzo-soprano, singing and music teacher, school teacher, art teacher
Born Sligo, Ireland, c. 1830; daughter of Bartholomew COGLIN (c. 1793-1875) and Rebecca BOYCE (c. 1795-1877)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL, 22 June 1832 (per Lindsay, from Sligo, 26 November 1831, and Greenock, 24 January 1832)
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 14 December 1848 (per Augustus, from Hobart Town)
Died Adelaide, SA, 15 June 1913, aged "83/84" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"MARRRIED", Launceston Examiner [VDL (TAS)] (26 June 1844), 4
On Saturday, the 22nd instant, at St. Joseph's Church, Hobart Town, by the Rev. Mr. Hall, Mr. Edmund Leffler, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Bartholomew Coglin, of Sligo, Ireland.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Leffler (musician)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (16 December 1848), 4
Thursday, December 14 . . . Same Day - The barque Augustus, 370 tons, T. Robertson master, from Hobart Town. Passengers . . . Mr. and Mrs. Coglin and two children, Miss Coglin, Mr. B. Coglin . . .
"CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (9 June 1849), 3
The Choral Society must have been well satisfied on Wednesday night that they were neither forgotten nor deserted by their old friends . . . Mr. Bennett, the leader, showed what he could achieve, if he liked, and he seemed determined to do himself and the society justice . . . The magnificent "Hallelujah Chorus" of Beethoven, and the chorusses in general, were very well sung, but their effect would have been much enhanced had the instrumental accompaniment been more subdued . . . Mrs. Murray's execution appeared to advantage in Guglielmi's "Gratias agimus." Miss La Vence sang "Happy Iphis" very prettily . . . The gem of the evening was certainly "The Infant's Prayer," simply and beautifully given by Miss Coglin. This young lady, with the cultivation which her rich voice deserves, would become a most important acquisition to our vocal force . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Bennett (leader, violin); Georgiana Murray (vocalist, pianist); Emma La Vence (vcalist); Adelaide Choral Society
MUSIC: The infant's prayer (Vincent Novello)
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (22 September 1849), 3
The first concert of this society under the conductorship of Mr. Wallace, took place on Wednesday evening in the Exchange . . . Mrs. Murray and Miss Coglin, as Norma and Adalgisa, gave us the celebrated duet from Norma. Miss Coglin is improving rapidly; but we would venture to suggest that the constant practice of suddenly raising her voice at the close of her phrases may sometimes be entirely at variance with the real character either of the words or the music. We are, however, glad to see that she is ambitious, because she is fully qualified to become not only a singer but a good one. Nature has done her part - cultivation and study must do the rest . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Spencer Wellington Wallace (conductor, violinist, leader); Exchange Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"CHORAL SOCIETY", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (15 December 1849), 3
The last Concert of this Society for the season took place on Friday last week . . . We can but echo the praises of Miss Coglin's "Dermot astore," which was really a treat . . .
MUSIC: Dermot Astore (Crouch)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (12 February 1850), 3
The members of the Roman Catholic communion had a subscription Tea-meeting and Ball last evening in the capacious school-room in connection with their church, the proceeds to be appropriated to the fund which is in course of collection for the erection of the contemplated Cathedral. The Rev. Br Backhaus presided . . . The intervals were filled up by the necessary festal arrangements, lively conversation, and charming airs, played in their best style by the members of Professor Witton's brass band. Miss Coghlin sang, unaccompanied, "Dermot asthore," with her usual sweetness, and, if possible, with more than her usual taste and feeling. This lady is a most accomplished singer, and we trust the Committee of the Mechanics' Institute will endeavour to win her consent to add the witchery of her voice, which possesses sweetness, power, and pathos, to the brilliant scientific execution of Mrs. Murray, at the next conversazione . . .
"ROMAN CATHOLIC TEA MEETING", Adelaide Times (18 February 1850), 3
The members of the Roman Catholic Church had a subscription tea meeting and ball in the school-room, West Terrace, on Monday evening last. The Rev. Dr. Backhaus presided, and varied the proceedings by a series of short addresses on temperance and other appropriate subjects. Some others followed in a similar strain. The other enjoyments of the evening were enlivened by excellent pieces of music performed by the brass band, led by Mr. Witton, and a song or two by Miss Coglin.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Backhaus (cleric); Henry James Witton (musician)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", South Australian Register (21 February 1850), 2
The Adelaide Choral Society's first Concert of the season took place last evening in the Exchange room, before a select, but, we regret to record, by no means a numerous audience . . . Mrs. Murray's "Angels ever bright and fair" was quite equal to her most successful performances; and Miss Coghlin's "Tyrolese Hymn" well deserved the enthusiastic encore it elicited. This lady possesses in an eminent degree that most enviable qualification in a vocalist, a perfectly distinct enunciation . . .
"THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (4 April 1850), 3
This Society gave its first quarterly concert of miscellaneous music on Monday evening at the Exchange Rooms. The attendance was very thin, which may be attributed to the present frequency of musical entertainments, some or which at lower terms of admission must prove dangerous rivals in public favour. The selection of music was not, in our opinion, the most fortunate, the choral pieces more particularly, requiring effects beyond the power of the Society to furnish. The two overtures were neatly executed, and Wallace's trio from Maritana very cleverly sung; Miss Coglin's fine mezzo soprano voice telling well in the harmonised parts . . .
[News], Adelaide Observer (6 April 1850), 3
We regret to state that the Choral Society's Concert at the Exchange Room on the 1st inst., was very thinly attended. The absence of Sir Henry and Lady Young, who were expected to honour it with their presence, threw a damper over the spirit of the performers, and several leading members were, if we mistake not, also absent. The concert was, in a financial point of view, a failure, a circumstance which we much regret, as the continued existence of the Society depended, we believe, upon its success . . . The overture to the "Caliph of Bagdad" was well and spiritedly played by the band, and Miss Coghlin's brilliant execution of "The Mermaid" placed her beyond all competition the Prima Donna of the Society, A Mr. Tilly sang "The White Squall" admirably, and was warmly applauded by the very select audience, who seemed indeed delighted with the whole performance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry and Augusta Young (governor and wife); George Tilly (vocalist)
"THE GERMAN AND BRITISH HOSPITAL CONCERT", South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal (20 July 1850)
The united forces of the Deutche Liedertafel and the Choral Society, joined with those of Madame Cranz, Mr. Ellard, and several other well known musicians, were in requisition last night, in a concert given on behalf of the German and British Hospital about to be erected. A large crowd were assembled round the Exchange before seven o'clock, when the doors were opened, and in a few minutes every available seat was occupied . . . The performance commenced with an overture from the "Seige of Rochelle." A chorus "Der Rhein," from the Leidertafel, a Rondo of Herz's on the piano from Mr. Ellard, a song from "Der Freischutz," from Madame Cranz, one from Mrs. Jupp, and another from Miss Lazar, one from Miss Coglin, the Witches Chorus in Macbeth from the Choral Society, and one or two pieces of equal merit, together with a second chorus out of Spohr's "Jessander," from the Liedertafel, formed the first part . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mathilde Cranz (vocalist); Frederick Ellard (piano); Catherine Jupp (vocalist); Rachel Lazar (vocalist); Deutsche Liedertafel (association)
"CONVERSAZIONE", Adelaide Times (24 May 1851), 5
The Quarterly Conversazione of the Mechanics' Institute took place on Tuesday evening at the Exchange. The room was crowded to excess, and the company were respectable and orderly. Mr. Pitman, of the S.A. Bar, delivered a lecture upon Music . . . The usual concert followed, the singers being Mesdames Murray, Crantz, and Coglin, and Messrs. Crantz, and J. W. Daniels; and the instrumental performers, Mr. Wallace and Mr. White. A buffo quartette in the style of Vadasi via di qua was capitally sung by Mrs. Murray, Miss Coglin, and Messrs. Crantz and Daniels, and received an encore . . . Miss Coglin's re-appearance in an Adelaide concert room we hail with satisfaction, for in the present dearth of vocal talent we can ill afford to lose a voice so sweet, and a taste so correct. The proceedings of the evening gave great satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Joseph Pitman (lecturer); August Cranz (musician); Josiah Wyke Daniel (vocalist); Richard Baxter White (pianist, violinist)
"THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE", Adelaide Observer (24 May 1851), 5
The Quarterly Conversatione took place on Tuesday evening last, in the Exchange, when that capacious apartment was thronged with the respectability, beauty, and fashion of the city . . . The musical entertainment which usually follows the lecture was on the present occasion more than usually brilliant. Mrs. Murray, the never-failing friend of the Institute; Mr. Wallace, that accomplished violinist; Miss Coghlin, a delightful singer, who has been for some time lost to the public, and whose reappearance Was greeted With a hearty round of applause; Madame Cranz; Mr. Daniels; and several gentlemen of the Choral Society formed an array of talent that could not fail to furnish forth a delicious musical treat; but there was an additional attraction in the performance of Master White . . . the vocalists were all in good voice, and the trio "Rural Elves," in which Miss Coghlin took part, was applauded to the echo, and obstreporously encored. We do not remember a conversazione to have gone off with greater eclat since the memorable one which followed the resuscitation of the Mechanics' Institute.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (16 September 1851), 1
ON WEDNESDAY, the 17th of September . . . at the EXCHANGE, King William-street . . .
PROGRAMME. PART I . . . 5. Trio, "The Rural Elves," by Glover - Mrs. Murray, Miss Coglin, Mr. Daniels . . .
"SHIPPING NEWS", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (6 November 1852), 2
4 - Arrived the barque Thalia, 331 tons, Volum, from Victoria 20th ult. Cabin - Mrs., Miss Helena, and Miss Harriet Coglin . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (7 July 1859), 1
XAVIER SEMINARY, Stephens-place.
Miss COGLIN begs to intimate that the DUTIES of her SCHOOL will be RESUMED on Monday, July 11.
Hours of attendance for Daily Pupils, from 10 till 3 o'clock. A VACANCY for a few BOARDERS.
[Advertisement], Evening Journal (9 December 1882), 1
Conducted by SISTER MARY XAVIER COGLIN. Will Commence January 22, 1883.
English Education, including Fancy Work of every description, £1 1s. per quarter.
Intermediate Pupils, 13s. per quarter. Music, £1 1s. per quarter.
Singing and French (in class), £1 1s. per quarter.
School of Arts for Senior Pupils from 3 to 5 p.m. . . .
"MR. P. B. COGLIN DEAD", The Advertiser (25 July 1892), 6
. . . Mr. Coglin was born at Ballynote, in the county of Sligo, on January 15, 1815. His parents belonged to an old and honorable family and ranked with the most influential in the county. Mr. Coglin was named after Dr. Boyce, of Tullamore, county of Roscommon, his uncle, who had a wide reputation as the owner and breeder of some of the finest horses the old country has produced. In the year 1831 Mr. Coglin left his native land and with his parents and brothers sailed for Tasmania, arriving in Hobart on June 24 [1832]. After completing his education in Hobart he was articled to Mr. Biggins, an architect and builder, who erected a considerable portion of the present town of Hobart. At the expiration of his term in 1837 he came to South Australia, where he was married . . .
"DEATHS", The Advertiser (19 June 1913), 14
COGLIN. - On the 15th June, at her residence, North-terrace west, Helena (Sister Mary Xavier) Coglin, in her 81th year, sister of the late P. B. Coglin. R.I.P.
"FUNERAL NOTICES", The Register (5 May 1920), 2
COGLIN - The Friends of the late Miss HARRIET COGLIN are respectfully informed that her Remains will be Removed from the Residence of her Niece (Miss A. Leffler), 52 Chief street, Brompton. on THURSDAY, at 3 pm., for Interment in the family vault, Catholic Cemetery, West terrace.
COHEN, Abraham (Abraham COHEN; Mr. A. COHEN; Mr. COHEN) = alias Abraham MYERS, Mr. MYERS (1847 to early 1848 only)
Dancer, theatrical dancer, vocalist, actor, shoemaker
Born London, England, 9 December 1828; registered Bevis Marks Synagogue, London; son of Benjamin COHEN (1798-1841, convict) and Sarah TORRES (1806-1857)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 10 May 1840 (free per Sir George Arthur)
Died Hobart, TAS, 18 August 1869, aged "40" - 1847-48 only (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COHEN, Jacob (Jacob COHEN; Mr. J. COHEN)
Musician, vocalist, pianist, violinist, teacher of music and dancing
Born London, England, 13 December 1834; registered Bevis Marks Synagogue, London; son of Benjamin COHEN (1798-1841, convict) and Sarah TORRES (1806-1857)
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 10 May 1840 (free per Sir George Arthur)
Married (1) Harriet WINDOVER (d. 1873), Hobart, TAS, 20 August 1873
Married (2) Alice Elizabeth SURMAN, Hobart, TAS, 7 January 1874
Died Jerusalem, TAS, 22 October 1886, aged "53" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Abraham Cohen first performed under the stage name of Abraham Myers, reportedly "alias Cohen", a theatrical dancer, originally from VDL, active in Adelaide, SA, during the first half of 1847, and again briefly in Hobart around the new year of 1848.
Thereafter, all references from 1848 to 1854 to the theatrical dancer, "Mr. Cohen", are to Abraham.
The only certain appearances of his younger brother Jacob at the Royal Victoria Theatre, Hobart, during this time, were as a "minstrel" actor and singer in Uncle Tom's Cabin in October 1853, billed as "Mr. J. Cohen" in the character "Mose", and later in the interlude of songs by the "Nubian Minstrels", as "Cohen". On the same bill, Abraham appears as usual as the dancer "Mr. Cohen" in a "highland fling".
Abraham, as "Mr. Cohen" continued to appear in bills for the Royal Victoria and at the Albert Theatre in 1854, and in a single billing at the Victoria in September 1855. In October and November 1855, Abraham held two balls at the Albert Theatre, a concert on Boxing night in December, and in January 1856 he was billed in a week of theatrical performances there. Thereafter, he may have continued to have some connection with theatre generally, and was reportedly still living behind the Theatre Royal (as the Royal Victoria was then styled) at the time of his last illness in 1869.
Arrivals per Sir George Arthur, Hobart, 10 May 1840; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:412985; CSO92/1/4 P65
Mrs. Choen [sic] and 4 children
"CORONER'S INQUEST", Launceston Advertiser [VDL (TAS)] (13 May 1841), 3
An Inquest was held on Monday, before P. A. Mulgrave, Esq., at the Britannia Hotel, on view of the body of Benjamin Cohen, a member of the Jewish persuasion, who was found dead in a well in the Prisoner's Barracks on Saturday morning . . . The deceased arrived from Circular Head on the previous day, for the purpose of being removed near to his wife and family, who had recently arrived from England . . .
? [Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (31 July 1846), 1
MR. LEE'S BENEFIT . . . MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1840 . . .
The whole to conclude with a Merrie Mysterie, in one Act, by Charles Selby, Esq. . . . called
Kinge Richard ye Third; OR, Ye Battel of Bosworth Field . . .
DRAMATIC PERSONAE . . . George Duke of Clarence - MR. COHEN . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Herman Selwyn Lee (actor); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
Adelaide, SA - Abraham as Abraham Myers (by February 1847 until June 1848):
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register [Adelaide, SA] (20 February 1847), 2
NEW QUEEN'S THEATRE, LIGHT-SQUARE. THIS EVENING the entertainments will commence with the petite comedy of
THE BATH ROAD; or, A Match in the Dark. Song, Mrs. Douglass. Sailor's Hornpipe, Mr. Myers . . .
After which, Mr. Horncastle will give his Recollections of Scotland, introducing, by anecdote, a number of celebrated songs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Selina Douglass (vocalist, actor); Frederick William Horncastle (vocalist); George Coppin (actor, manager); New Queen's Theatre (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], South Australian (23 February 1847), 6
New Queen's Theatre . . . THURSDAY EVENING, Feb. 25, 1847 . . .
Odd Fellows' song, Mr. Horncastle. Hornpipe, Mr. Myers.
Favorite song - Mrs. Oliffe. Character song, Mr. Horncastle . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Oliffe (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], South Australian (5 March 1847), 4
New Queen's Theatre . . . Saturday evening, March 6, 1847 . . . Scotch Pas Seul - Mr. Myers . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (24 April 1847), 2
THE MANIAC LOVER; or, The Fayre Lassie of Lichfield.
To be followed by a Grand Melange -
Characteristic Pas Suel, Madame Veilburne;
Favorite Song, Mrs. Oliffe; Hornpipe, Mr. Myers;
Comic Song, Mr. Elmer; Comic Dance, Mr. Douglass;
Comic Song, Mr. Peters; Medley Dance, Mr. Jacobs . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Williamson Veilburn (dancer); John Adam Elmer (vocalist, actor); James Augustus Douglass (actor, dancer); John Lewis Jacobs (actor, dancer)
[Advertisement], South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (8 May 1847), 2
Deering's Benefit. On MONDAY EVENING . . . Irish Lilt, Mr. Carroll . . .
Brigand Dance (in character), Mrs. Deering, on this occasion only.
Hornpipe, Mr. Myers. Real Highland Fling, Mr. Newson . . .
Stage Manager, MR. DEERING.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Shinton Deering (actor, manager); James Carroll (dancer); Frederick Newson (dancer, vocalist); Royal Adelaide Theatre (venue)
"POLICE COMMISSIONER'S COURT . . . Thursday, May 13", South Australian (14 May 1847), 3
Abraham Myers, shoemaker, was charged with feloniously assaulting, and stealing from the person of John Rees certain moneys, his property, on the 12th instant . . .
Prosecutor stated that he was a bullock-driver at the Little Para.
He had fallen in with prisoner in town, between seven and eight o'clock overnight, and being a stranger had accepted his offer to take him home to his mother's.
Witness was not drunk, but had taken a little.
Being shown to a place, where the foundation of a house was commenced, he laid himself down, and some time after, on arousing himself,
missed his money, namely, a half-sovereign from his fob and some silver from his left trousers pocket . . .
Police Serjeant Cromer - From information he had received, went last night to Deering's, at about eight o'clock, where he found prisoner; he gave his name on being asked . . .
Mrs. Bailey, a person with whom prisoner lodged, was called by Mr. Poulden, and proved that she had handed a half-sovereign with other money to prisoner on Monday.
The Magistrate thought it a strong case of suspicion, and committed the prisoner for trial, but admitted him to bail on the recognisances of two sureties, in £20 each.
"POLICE COMMISSIONER'S COURT . . . Thursday, 13th May", South Australian Register (15 May 1847), 2
. . . Abraham Myers, shoemaker, was brought up charged with feloniously assaulting, and stealing from the person of John Rees, certain moneys, his property, on the 12th instant . . . From the evidence adduced it appeared, that the prisoner, was some way or other connected with the Theatre, and was lodging with Mr. Bailey, a carter in Rosina-street, with whom he had come to this colony in the same vessel from Van Diemen's Land . . .
PRISONERS AT TRIAL AT THE Court of Oyer, and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, AT ADELAIDE, On Monday the 14th day of June, 1847; State Records of South Australia, GRS 12820 (PAYWALL)
No. 14 / [corrected to] No. 7 / Abraham Myers alias Cohen / 27 / [Offence committed] May 13, 1847 / Feloniously assaulting John Rees, and stealing from his person one half-sovereign and other coins at Adelaide / On Bail
NOTE: The age given here of 27 is probably an error for 17; Myers is several times described as a young man and youth
Report of prisoners for trial at the session of oyer and terminer, Adelaide, 15 June 1847; State Records of South Australia, GRS 12820 (PAYWALL)
Abraham Cohen otherwise Abraham Myers /
[charged with] Stealing from the person of John Rees on half sovereign two half crowns and four shillings the property of the said John Rees /
[plea] Not Guilty / [verdict] Not Guilty
And see also: (PAYWALL)
"SUPREME COURT. CRIMINAL SIDE . . . Tuesday, 15th June, 1847", South Australian Register (16 June 1847), 3
Abraham Myers alias Cohen was indicted with feloniously assaulting John Rees, and stealing from his house one half sovereign and other coins, at Adelaide . . .
The particulars of this care we have already fully reported . . .
The jury retired and in about ten minutes returned into Court, when the following extraordinary scene took place.
The Clerk of the Court - Gentlemen, are you agreed, do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty?
The Foreman - We find him guilty, but we have some doubts, and leave it with his Honor . . .
His Honor - Gentlemen, you bad better put your heads together, agree upon your verdict, and return it in the regular manner.
The gentlemen of the jury then conferred for a few seconds . . .
The Foreman - I beg your Honor's pardon, not guilty . . .
His Honor, addressing the prisoner, said he had a narrow escape, and he hoped his conscience could acquit him too.
He was a young man, and he understood he could earn £2 10s a-week at his trade, and was getting 10s a-week by exhibiting himself at the Theatre.
He had better stick to his trade and leave the Theatre alone. It was a place of dissipation, dangerous to a youth like him.
"SUPREME COURT . . . Tuesday, 15th June", South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register (19 June 1847), 2
Abraham Meyers, alias Cohen, a young man who has occasionally figured as a dancer at one of the theatres, was charged with feloniously assaulting John Rees, and stealing from his person a half sovereign and other coins . . . At length a verdict of Not Guilty was recorded. His Honor strongly recommended the prisoner to quit the theatrical profession, and attend closely to his trade, that of a shoemaker, by which he could earn a good and a far more respectable living.
Hobart Town, VDL (TAS) - Abraham as Abraham Myers (by November 1847 until January 1848):
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (30 November 1847), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (10 December 1847), 2
Under the Distinguished Patronage of The ARISTOCRACY of HOBART TOWN . . .
A DANCE - Miss E. Thomson. COMIC SONG - Mr. Bragg. PAS SEUL - Mrs. Young . . . DANCE , Mr. Myers . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Ditchburn and wife (actors); Eliza Thomson (dancer); Philip George Bragg (vocalist, actor); Jane Eliza Young (dancer)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (24 December 1847), 2
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (8 January 1848), 4
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . On Monday Evening, Jan. 10 . . . A Naval Hornpipe, Mr. Myers . . .
Mr. YOUNG, Stage Manager
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Young (actor, manager)
Launceston and Hobart, VDL (TAS) - Abraham as Abraham Cohen (from March 1848):
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (4 March 1848), 1
THEATRE ROYAL OLYMPIC . . . Continued Success of THE NEW PANTOMIME . . .
MRS. THOMSON begs to acquaint her friends, and the public generally, that ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT and DURING THE WEEK . . .
COMIC SONG - MR. COHEN . . . Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Leffler . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Martha Thomson (actor, manager); Edmund Leffler (musician); Olympic Theatre (Launceston venue)
"OLYMPIC THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle (29 March 1848), 2
The house on Monday night was respectably attended. The Drama of the Dutch Trooper was well sustained; the dancing of Miss Eliza Thompson the "Taglioni" of Tasmania, was elegant, and Cohen did credit to Mr. Campbell whose pupil we understand he is. Mr. Cohen has in a short time obtained much proficiency in the Terpsichorean department which will at once prove what intuitive genius will accomplish under proper instruction; but (and we really do not like the word "but") let the good sense of the management prevent such songs as "Hurrah for the Roads" forming a portion of the evening's amusement; this and a leetle more attention to the author from a "rising" young man, and we will predict success to the Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Thomson (dancer); William Campbell (dancer, dancing master)
"THE THEATRE", The Cornwall Chronicle (5 April 1848), 2
A crowded house patronised Mrs. Thomson and her daughter Mrs. Jones, on Monday night. The performances seemed to give satisfaction, and mirth and good humor were the order of the night. Mr. Cohen, (whose merits as a dancer are well known) takes his benefit tomorrow night, when "Jonathan Bradford" and other attractive entertainments are to be produced.
ASSOCIATIONS: Christina Mary Thomson Jones (actor)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (24 May 1848), 3
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Avis Radford (circus proprietor); Charles Axtelle (clown); Francis Howson (leader, musician)
[Advertisement], The Cornwall Chronicle (26 July 1848), 1
J. Francis and A. Cohen beg to inform their friends and the public that their Benefit is fixed for this evening,
and the entertainments selected fur this occasion are of a nature to give general satisfaction,
and they hope and trust to meet with that patronage it has ever been their study to merit . . .
Jockey Hornpipe - Mr. Cohen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: J. Francis (vocalist, actor)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (1 September 1848), 1
Naval Hornpipe - Mr. Cohen . . .
Leader of the Orchestra, Mr. H. Howson . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Howson (violin, leader)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times (24 November 1848), 2
The Interlude will consist of - The Highland Fling, by Mr. Cohen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (also "Theatre Royal" as below) (Hobart venue)
"ALBERT THEATRE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (26 October 1850), 3
This place of amusement was opened on Wednesday evening last. The performances commenced with the Drama of the Note Forgers, which was splayed exceedingly well throughout . . . Messrs. Cohen and Abbott did justice to their respective parts; the former was deservedly encored in the Highland Fling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
Names and descriptions of passengers, per Sacramento, from Hobart Town, 10 January 1852, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Abraham Cohen / 22 / Shoemaker / V.D.L. . . .
"VICTORIA THEATRE", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (30 June 1852), 3
On Monday Evening last, a full house rewarded the exertions of our new lessees . . . The Drama of "the Dumb Man of Manchester" elicited the most decided approbation. Osborne, as the Dumb Man, was excellent . . . Cohen made the most of a small part . . . The Music by Messrs. Russell and Packer, we wish not to hear better . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert James Osborne (actor, vocalist); Charles Sandys Packer (piano); William Wilkins Russell (violin)
"AMUSEMENTS", Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (14 July 1852), 3
We were happy to see the Victoria Theatre so well filled on Monday evening last . . . The interlude was excellent, Mr. Osborne's "visit to the diggings," Cohen's dance . . .
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (25 December 1852), 1
THE NEW PANTOMIME. On BOXING NIGHT the Performace will commence with the new Pantomime, written by Mr. Osborne and entitled
SINBAD THE SAILOR; Or, Harlequin and the Valley of Diamonds.
PANTOMIME CHARACTERS: - Harlequin - Mr. Cohen, his first performance this season.
Columbine - Mrs. Osborne. Clown - Mr. Osborne. Pantaloon - Mr. Hasker . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Anne Osborne (actors, manager, playwright); James John Hasker (actor)
[Advertisement], Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (24 September 1853), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE . . . MONDAY EVENING, 28th Sept. . . . [dance] I and My Double - Mr. Cohen . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (13 October 1853), 2
Who-have signified their intention of honouring the Theatre with their presence . . .
TO-MORROW EVENING, 14TH OCTOBER . . . The Entertainments-will commence with a Descriptive Drama, in Three Acts,
from the story of the age, arranged and produced by Mr. A'Beckett Evans, entitled
During the progress of the Drama the Nubian Minstrels will sing the appropriate Songs, Choruses, &c., so highly illustrative of Negro Life . . .
[the Minstrels = ] Adolph, Mr. J. Hand; Andy, Mr. Frederick Howson; Mose, Mr. J. Cohen; Peto, Mr. Smith; Cudjoe, Mr. T. J. Turner;
Sambo Slick, Mr. Hayward - slaves on the estate of Shelby . . .
Song (by desire), "Solomon Lob" - Mr. Riley.
Highland Fling - Mr. Cohen.
THE NUBIAN MINSTRELS Will then have the honour of appearing in full costume,
and introduce their Budget of Wit and Whims, Odds and Oddities, and their unrivalled Harmony. -
See! Sir, See! - Company.
Dinah Blake - Cohen.
Commence, ye Darkies all - Hayward.
I would I were a Boy again - Smith.
Picayune Butler - Hand.
Sweep's Refrain (with Tyrolean imitations by Smith) - Turner.
Slave Chase - Hand.
Virginia Rosebud - Hayward.
(Cavatina), Child of Missouri - Cohen.
The Interlude will terminate with the celebrated Burlesque Scene from the Opera of La Somnambula,
in which the Minstrels will sing the celebrated PHANTOM CHORUS.
Favourite Song - Mr. Riley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza and Richard A'Beckett Evans (actors, producer); Richard Dry and wife (patron); Josiah Hand (minstrel); Frederick Howson (minstrel); Thomas John Turner (minstrel); Mr. Hayward (minstrel); John Riley (comic vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Courier (22 October 1853), 2
Leader of the Orchestra, MR. MEGSON, who has kindly lent his valuable assistance . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist, elder brother of Frederick above); Joseph Megson (musician)
[Advertisement], The Courier (31 October 1853), 2
LAST NIGHT OF THE SEASON . . . F. B. WATSON'S NIGHT, (Manager and Lessee of the Theatre) . . .
The performances will commence with . . . GREEN BUSHES; OR, One Hundred Years Ago . . .
Little Bear, Mr. Cohen . . .
[In the second interlude] Kracoviack - Mr. Cohen.
Kitty Darling - Mrs. Gardiner.
A Budget of [REDACTED] Extravaganzas - Mr. Riley . . .
"THEATRICAL DISPUTE. Skreen v. Turner", Colonial Times (26 January 1854), 3
This was an information for in assault on the 7th inst., the complainant being "mine host" of the "Sir George Arthur," Campbell-street,
and the defendant Mr. George Turner of "Sock and Buskin" celebrity. Mr. Brewer attended for the defence.
Mr. Skreen stated, that between twelve and one on the morning in question,
the defendant struck him on the lip with his fist when he was putting him out of his house for making use of improper language;
defendant came in after Mr. Arabin, from whom he brought a note in answer to one Mr. Arabin had sent to Mr. Watson.
Mr. Gustavus Arabin another of the corps dramatique, was called as a witness for the prosecution,
and said some conversation took place about the note from Mr. Wilson, when defendant became very abusive,
and Mr. Skreen put him out, defendant resisting him: when he was out, Mr. Turner struck him:
he did not see him strike, but he could swear conscientiously, from circumstances, that he did strike him.
Mr. Abraham Cohen, of Terpsichorean repute, was the next witness, and said he was in complainant's house with several others having a "nobbler" (a laugh),
when he saw Mr. Skreen catch hold of defendant, by the arm and by the collar, and without provocation put him out.
Witness added that Mr. Turner called Mr. Arabin names, and he afterwards saw complainant's face covered with blood.
Mr. Brewer contended that complainant had committed the first assault, and he had only to thank himself for what followed.
After a facetious address by the learned counsel, which kept a crowded court on the titter, the justices found Mr. Turner guilty,
and ordered him to pay a penalty of one shilling and costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Turner (actor); Gustavus Arabin (actor, manager); Feltham Bold Watson (actor, manager)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (25 January 1854), 2
Jockey Hornpipe - Mr. Cohen. In the Colours of the Winner of the Town Plate . . .
[Advertisement], The Courier (13 February 1854), 2
Favourite Dance, Mr. Cohen. Solo, Clarionet, Mr. Gatland . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Gatland (musician)
[Advertisement], The Courier (8 April 1854), 3
On which occasion Messrs. WATSON and MITSON have kindly allowed a portion of their Company to appear for this night only . . .
Favourite Songs. Dance - Mr. Cohen . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Forrest (actor); Albert Theatre (Hobart venue)
"LOCAL . . . ALBERT THEATRE", The Hobart Town Advertiser (13 December 1854), 3
On Monday evening this theatre reopened under the management of Mr. Osborne, and we were pleased to see the house crowded, and several of our respectable citizens end their families appearing in the boxes. Mr. Osborne has succeeded in securing a really clever company, by whose aid the performances went off with considerable eclat. An interesting little drama called "The Reign of Terror," was well played throughout; and a variety of entertainments followed, including a dance by Mr. Cohen, which was loudly applauded, and a Solo on the Concertina by Mr. Seloyn [sic], which fully equalled any performance of the kind we have ever heard . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (15 September 1855), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Christiana and William Harward (actor and musician)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (11 October 1855), 3
MR. COHEN'S Grand Monthly Fancy DRESS BALL, This Evening, Oct., 10th.
Dancing Commences at 9 o'clock. Single Tickets, 2s. 6d.
can be obtained on applying to Mr. Cohen at the Theater. Refreshments Provided.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (29 October 1855), 4
under the immediate patronage of the Native Youth.
Master of Ceremonies. Mr. A. Cohen.
Tickets, 2s. 6d. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (22 December 1855), 1
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE. THE Public are respectfully informed that a
Doors open at Eight o'clock.
To be conducted by Mr. A. Cohen, of the Colonial Theatres.
N.B. - Mr. Cohen has no connection with any other person in the possession of that name.
Admission - One Shilling.
[manicule] A Monster Balloon will ascend at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: The other person was Lewis Cohen (dancing master), recently arrived from London
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (14 January 1856), 5
ROYAL ALBERT THEATRE. FOUR GRAND NIGHTS. Change of Entertainment each evening . . .
Dancing each evening by Mr. Cohen . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (24 March 1856), 2
JENNY LIND THEATRE. (Licensed pursuant to Act of Parliament)
corner of Campbell and Liverpool-streets, next to the Union Hotel. -
Easter Mondav, March 24, 1856. - Open every Night. -
MR. ARABIN most respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity that having made arrangements with several professionals,
the above-named Theatre will be opened to the public on Easter Monday next . . .
the entertainments will commence with the admired petite comedy, entitled THE SOLDIER'S RETURN; or Love in Humble Life! -
After which, Comic Song, "The Unlucky Fellow," Mr. Hasker.
Highland Fling, Mr. Cohen. Song, "The Wild Boar Hunt," Mr. Hayward . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James John Hasker (actor, vocalist); Jenny Lind Theatre (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (30 May 1859), 4
48, Melville-street, Hobart Town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Again the other was Lewis Cohen (dancing master) as above; his brother Daniel Cohen, reportedly "from Saffron-Hill, Holborn, London", had arrived in Melbourne in July 1857; it is possible that the confusion arose in Jacob's case from Lewis also playing the violin
"COURT OF REQUESTS. FRIDAY, 5TH JUNE, 1863 . . . TEN POUND CASES . . . COHEN v. FIGG", The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS} (6 June 1863), 3
Abraham Cohen sued Henry Figg for £1 3s. 6d. balance of account for making of shoes. Judgment for defendant without costs.
"COUNTRY NEWS. JERUSALEM (From a Correspondent)", The Mercury (3 January 1867), 2
The annual parochial Christmas examination of the Roman Catholic children, and tea party came off on the 27th instant, with eclat, and the festival was celebrated right joyously as holidays at Jerusalem generally are, all classes uniting to make the day a happy one, and they are equally unanimous and hearty in their welcome to visitors; that being the case it is not surprising that Jerusalem should be frequented by numbers from Richmond, Oatlands and the surrounding districts. The examination began at 12 o'clock, in the Church, Fathers Keohan and McKernan assisting the pastor, Father Marum. Sixty-five children presented themselves for examination . . . At the conclusion the pastor's health was drunk enthusiastically . . . Out of door sports were now the order of the day, after which a dance took place in Lamb's Buildings, to the inspiriting strains of Cohen's band. Thus ended A happy day to all the partakers of the amusement.
"LONGFORD (From our own Correspondent)", Launceston Examiner (12 September 1867), 3
On Monday evening Mr. Marryatt Hornsby, assisted by Master Hornsby and Mr. Cohen, gave an entertainment at the Prince of Wales Assembly Room.
The following was the programme: - Overture, piano; comic dialogue, Shakespeare and Lord Byron; song, Work Boys Work; song, Finnagan's Wake;
chant, My Mary Jane; serenade, Leave us a lock of your Hair; song, Tearing of the Green;
song, Creep afore ye Gang; song, the Weepin' Willer; pianoforte solo, Lays of Many Lands;
songs, Sarah Walker, the Bonny Wee Wife, Round goes the World, Ching Chong, and Pretty little Sarah;
dance, Highland Fling; song, Have you seen the Ghost; pianoforte solo;
songs, The ragged Coat, Main Line Railway, Roll drums merrily, Hame came our gude man at eve, Maggie Mooral, and Put your shoulder to the Wheel.
The majority of the songs were sung in appropriate dresses, and the audience testified their approval by frequent encores.
At the request of those present Mr. Hornsby will appear at Longford on the evening of the ploughing match.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Marryat Hornsby (vocalist, delineator)
"MR. HORNSBY AT THE NILE", Launceston Examiner (24 September 1867), 6
A correspondent writes:- "The threatening aspect of the weather deterred many from witnessing two excellent entertainments, given by Mr. M. Hornsby, his little son, and Mr. Cohen, pianist and violinist . . .
"Police Court. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29th . . . LARCENY", The Tasmanian Times [Hobart Town, TAS] (30 July 1868), 2
Abraham Cohen, on remand, was charged, on the information of Detective Morley, with having stolen, on the twenty-sixth day of July last, one lever escapement clock, of the value of 10s., the property of Mary Ann Smith, of the City of London Arms. Plea, not guilty . . . The only, statement that prisoner made was to the effect that the whole affair was done in a joke . . . The prisoner, in his defence, called William King as a witness, who, however, did not appear. The Bench sentenced prisoner to three months' imprisonment with hard labour.
"GENERAL HOSPITAL. FRIDAY, 30TH JULY, 1869 . . . DR. CROWTHER'S CASE", The Mercury (31 July 1869), 3
The Board of Management of the General Hospital met yesterday, at 3.30 p.m. . . .
[Letter from] the Superintendent of Police as follows:
Superintendent's Office, Municipal Police, 22nd July, 1869.
SIR, - I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 20th July, instant, and in reply, beg to append answers to the several queries contained therein.
1st. All cases of extreme destitution and sickness coming under the notice of my Police are reported to me.
2nd. Within the last three months, I have known of one caso only, that of a man named Abraham Cohen,
who, I believe, was unable to maintain himself or pay for medical treatment.
He was admitted as a patient in the General Hospital, and was discharged from there on the 31st May last for misconduct.
3rd. Cohen refused to re-enter the hospital, alleging as his reasons he had heard when a patient there,
if he died "his head would receive the same treatment that Lanney's did" . . .
I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant,
RICHARD PROPSTING, Superintendent of Police.
The Honorable A. Kennerley, Esq . . .
[Another letter] . . . 2nd. I presume that the three months referred to is intended to mean to the 29th ult.,
during the above period I can only remember one case where a man named Abraham Cohen, residing at the rear of the Theatre Royal, refused to go to the Hospital for medical treatment,
upon the grounds that when he was there about two months ago he was so roughly treated by the barber of that institution when being shaved by him,
and that the barber also threatened Cohen, should he die in the hospital, he, the barber,
would have Cohen's head as it was so much like King Billy's.
From a remark Cohen made on this occasion, I was impressed with the belief that there would be, sooner or later, an investigation relative thereto.
This transpired on the 26th ult.
4th. In my opinion there is no foundation for the statement contained in the extract referred to.
I have the honor, &c.,
GEORGE W. EDWARDS, The Chairman of the Board of Management, General Hospital.
1869, deaths in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1148767; RGD35/1/7 no 7983 (DIGITISED)
No. 7983 / 18th August [1869] / Abrham Cohen (Died Brisbane Street) (Born London) / Male / 40 years / Shoemaker / (1) Cold (2) Phthisis . . .
"THE ALLIANCE ROOMS", The Tasmanian Times (18 July 1870), 2
There was a good attendance at the Alliance Rooms on Saturday evening and the entertainment, consisting of songs and readings, was as successful as before. The performers were Miss Watt and Messrs. Ingram, Hornsby, and Hornsby junr. Mr. Cohen presided at the piano.
1873, marriages in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:877551; RGD37/1/32 no 181 (DIGITISED)
No. 275 / August 20th 1873 / Dwelling House of Mr. Cohen Argyle-street / Jacob Cohen / of full age / Musician / . . .
Harriet Windover / of full age / Daughter of Carpenter . . .
1874, marriages in the district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:880581; RGD37/1/33 no 245 (DIGITISED)
No. 477 / 7th January 1874 Hobart Town / Jacob Cohen / Thirty-Nine / Musician / . . . Widower . . .
Alice Elizabeth Surman / twenty / Spinster . . .
"MARRIAGE", The Tasmanian Tribune (13 March 1874), 2
Cohen - Surman. - On the 7th of January, 1874, by the Rev. J. Simmons, at the residence of the minister, Jacob Cohen to Alice Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Henry Surman, stonemason, both of this city.
"JERUSALEM [From our own Correspondent]", The Mercury (12 September 1876), 3
An entertainment was given at Jerusalem on Friday evening last, the 8th instant, in aid of a teacher's residence, and proved a great success. The school-house committee had chartered a special train of first-class carriages for visitors from Hobart Town, Richmond, etc., and this, after an agreeable ride, arrived at the Jerusalem platform punctual to the minute, and full of passengers, who all testified to the ease, comfort, and punctuality of the train. Immediately on arrival the passengers proceeded to tea, and having refreshed the inner man, adjourned to the Jerusalem Inn barn, which was already well filled with residents, and was very tastefully decorated for the occasion, a very neat stage having been erected, with a proscenium, green curtain, scenes, footlights, etc. The overture having been played, the curtain rose for the performance of that well-known farce Box and Cox, which was very creditably performed . . . There was no lack of music, for besides local musicians the services of Mr. John Cohen [sic], of Hobart Town, had been engaged, Breakfast having been partaken of, the train left on its return journey at 7 a.m., arriving in town punctually . . .
"LOCAL", Tribune [Hobart, TAS] (9 November 1876), 2
The members of the Union Comedy Company last evening gave their opening performance in the Bellerive Institute to a very fair audience . . . We must not omit to mention that the musical portion of the entertainment was ably supplied by Mr. J. Cohen, who presided at the pianoforte.
"LOCAL", Tribune [Hobart, TAS] (20 December 1877), 2
An entertainment of an amusing, instructive, and interesting character is to be given by Mr. M. Hornsby at the Assembly Rooms, Clarence Plains, on Friday evening, 21st instant, commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr. J. Cohen is to act as pianist on the occasion.
"JERUSALEM [From our own Correspondent]", The Mercury (14 April 1882), 3
. . . A grand concert was given at Jerusalem on Easter Monday night, for an eleemosynary purpose, which was well patronised. The Oatlands Band was engaged for the occasion, and most creditably did its members acquit themselves, giving choice selections of music that would have done credit to the Metropolitan Band. Mr. Bagley, Mr. Aitchison, and Mr. McLaren, of Oatlands, sang several songs, and each one had to respond to an enthusiastic encore. Miss Andrews, Miss Quinn, Miss M. Fox, and Miss M. O'Brien gave choice selections of music, vocal and instrumental. Mr. Rule, Mr. P. Quinn, and Mr. T. Horan delivered recitations, which were well received. Mr. Cohen, the professional pianist, accompanied each singer on the piano. As an afterpiece, the popular farce The Area Belle was performed . . .
"RHYNDASTON", The Mercury (30 December 1885), 3
On Christmas Day at Rhyndaston athletic sports were successfully carried out. There was no counter attraction, and many availed themselves of the day's pleasure, and never before has there been such a gathering at Rhyndaston. The Jerusalem string band, under the leadership of Mr. J. Cohen, was in attendance, and played throughout the day . . .
1886, deaths in the district of Richmond; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1170191; RGD35/1/55 no 1091 (DIGITISED)
No. 63 / 22nd Oct'r '86 / Jacob Cohen / Male / 53 years / Laborer / Disease of the Heart and Liver Verdict Coroner's Jury . . .
Inquest, Jacob Cohen, 25 October 1886; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1358813 (DIGITISED)
"DEATHS", The Mercury (30 October 1886), 1 supplement
COHEN. - On October 22, 1886, at his late residence, Jerusalem, Jacob, the youngest son of the late Benjamin and Sarah Cohen, in the 52nd year of his age.
"JERUSALEM", Launceston Examiner (6 November 1886), 1 supplement
On 25 ult. an inquest was held on the body of Jacob Cohen, who died suddenly. After hearing the medical testimony the jury returned a verdict that death resulted from heart disease. Mr. Cohen as a musician could scarcely be surpassed; he was also a teacher of dancing.
Other sources:
[Playbill], "Mrs. A'Beckett Evans' Benefit . . . Theatre Royal, Hobart, 14 October 1853; State Library of Tasmania
See also [Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (14 October 1853), 2
"OTHER INTERESTING ITEMS. A Curio", The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times [TAS] (19 October 1904), 2
Mrs. Larkin, of Burnie, has in her possession an interesting memento in the shape of an old playbill printed on satin of a theatrical performance at Hobart on October 14, 1853 - 51 years ago. The performance was for the benefit of Mrs. A'Beckett Evans, and "under the immediate patronage of the Honorable Richard Dry, Speaker of the Legislative Council, and Lady." The principal item on the programme was the drama, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," in which Mrs. Larkin's first husband, Mr. J. Cohen, took part.
Bibliography and resources:
Pam Zopf and Geoff Court, From Iberia to Van Diemen's Land: a Cohen family odyssey ([Melbourne]: Authors, 2008)
John S. Levi, These are the names: Jewish lives in Australia, 1788-1850 [2nd edition] (Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, 2013), 146
Benjamin Cohen, Convict records
COHEN, John Godfrey (John Godfrey COHEN; John G. COHEN)
Occasional importer of musical instruments, general merchant, auctioneer
Born London, England, c. 1815
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 2 November 1835 (per Happy Loftus, from Gravesend, 9 June)
Married Mary BRADFORD (d. 1855), St. James's, Sydney, NSW, 4 April 1839
Died Sydney, NSW, 3 November 1877, aged "62" (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 August 1854), 7
POSTPONED until WEDNESDAY next, in order that the Public may view this
A very superb assortment of Musical Instruments, adapted for the use of Bands, Theatres, our Volunteer and Yeomanry Corps.
JOHN G. COHEN will sell, at the Bank Auction Rooms, on WEDNESDAY next, August 9th, at 11 o'clock precisely,
A superior assortment of musical Instruments
Pianos; Key bugles; Double basses, with boxes; Posthorns; Violoncello, [with boxes];
Flutes, in ebony, cocoa, and box; Violins; Tenors;
Clarionets for each scale; Guitars; Oboes; Concertinas;
Piccolos; Accordeons; Fifes; Ophicleides;
Brass drums; Bassoons; Concert [drums]; Serpent bassoons;
Tenor [drums]; Trombones;
Strings for double basses, violoncellos, violins, tenors;
Trumpets; Cornopeans.
Catalogues will be ready for delivery at the Rooms on Monday next.
Goods on view two days prior to the day of sale. Terms at sale.
John G. Cohen has desired us to invite the attention of Musicians, Pianoforte Buyers, Violinists, and others to his highly important sale.
This Day. Thursday, June 7, 1860, at 11 o'clock, at the Bank Auction Rooms,
comprising Rosewood Pianofortes and Harmoniums, fine old Violins, Drums, Clarionets, Flutes, Flutinas, Concertinas, &c., &c.
"Death of Mr. J. G. Cohen", Evening News [Sydney, NSW] (3 November 1877), 5
The death of one of the most respected citizens and one of the oldest auctioneers in the colony took place about 11.30 this morning. We allude to Mr. John Godfrey Cohen. He had only at the time come across to the city, when he suddenly expired on the Balmain wharf. He was a gentleman possessing many merits, and his death by many will be deeply regretted.
COHEN, Lewis (Lewis COHEN; also Louis COHEN; L. COHEN; Mr. COHEN)
Dancing master, professor of dancing
Born England, c. 1818
Arrived Adelaide, SA, 21 January 1854 (per Lady Nugent, from England)
Married Lydia SOLOMON (widow BENJAMIN), Argyle-street Synagogue, Hobart, TAS, 11 November 1855 (aged "37")
Active Hobart, TAS, until March 1863 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Abraham Cohen (theatrical dancer, active in TAS until 1854); Jacob Cohen (musician, brother of Abraham, concurrently active in TAS); Lewis Cohen (merchant, concurrently active in Launceston, TAS)
Adelaide, SA (21 January 1854 to late 1854 or early 1855):
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . ARRIVED", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (22 January 1854), 2
Saturday, January 21 . . . Same day - The ship Lady Nugent, 668 tons, Bannerman, master, from Falmouth October 13. Passengers . . . Cohen, Emanuel . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (22 January 1854), 2
Ship Lady Nugent, 21st January, 1854.
DEAR SIR - We, the undersigned passengers by the Lady Nugent, beg, on our arrival in this colony,
to offer you our sincere thanks for the skill and unwearied care evinced by you as Commander . . .
We remain, dear Sir, yours truly . . .
Lewis Cohen, Lewis Emanuel . . .
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (4 February 1854), 4
INSTRUCTION IN DANCING. MR. LOUIS COHEN (late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London)
begs to acquaint the inhabitants of Adelaide and its vicinity, that he intends giving lessons in every department of fashionable Dancing.
Families and schools attended. Terms may be known by applying to Mr. L. C, at Hart's Family Hotel, Currie-street, Adelaide.
"PRIVATE BALL", Adelaide Times (28 April 1854), 3
A private ball was given at Mr. Hart's Family Hotel, Currie-street, on Monday evening last. The music was very good, and the dancing, under the direction of Mr. Lewis Cohen, late of her Majesty's Theatre, London. The wines and refreshments were of first-rate quality, and the greatest harmony and conviviality prevailed during the evening. The party did not break up till a late hour. We understand that the parties present requested Mr. Hart to give monthly meetings during the season, which he promised to do.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (9 May 1854), 4
INSTRUCTION IN DANCING. MR. LEWIS COHEN (late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London) . . . [rest as above]
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (11 May 1854), 2
"CITIZENS' BALL", South Australian Register (3 August 1854), 2
An advertisement in another column informs the citizens that Mr. L. Cohen, late of Her Majesty's Theatre, will give, on Wednesday the 16th instant, the first of a series of grand full-dress balls, at the Pantheon, King William-street. The advertiser is confident in his anticipations of success; and those who have local experience, as well as the pleasure of Mr. Cohen's acquaintance, feel the like confidence as to the favourable results of his arrangements.
ASSOCIATIONS: Pantheon Assembly Rooms (Adelaide venue)
[Advertisement], Adelaide Times (15 August 1854), 1
PANTHEON. KING WILLIAM-STREET - Postponement of Ball - Mr. Cohen regrets to inform the public that his Ball, advertised to take place at the above room on Wednesday the 16th inst., is unavoidably postponed. August 14, 1854.
[Advertisement], South Australian Register (21 August 1854), 1
A SELECT QUADRILLE PARTY will be held at the above Hotel on Wednesday, August 23, 1854.
Tickets, to admit a lady and gentleman, 10s., to be obtained at the Hotel.
Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock; under the direction of Mr. Lewis Cohen.
Sydney, NSW (by February 1855):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (6 February 1855), 1
FASHIONABLE DANCING. - Mr. LEWIS COHEN (late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London)
has the honour to acquaint the Inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity
that he intends giving instruction in every department of Fashionable Dancing.
Families and schools attended. Private lessons at pupils' residences.
Address No. 222, Liverpool-street East, Racecourse.
Hobart, TAS (by March 1855):
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser [TAS] (3 March 1855), 3
MR. LOUIS COHEN (late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London) has the honor to acquaint the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity that he intends giving instructions in every department of Fashionable Dancing.
Schools and families attended; private lessons at pupils' residence. Address to Mr. G. Gabriel, Murray-street. March 2, 1855.
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (23 March 1855), 4
MR. LOUIS COHEN, Late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London, HAVING lately arrived in Hobart Town,
begs respectfully to inform its inhabitants that he is now giving instructions in every department of Fashionable Dancing,
as taught by the first Masters in Europe, and trusts, from his long experience in the profession, to meet with as liberal a share of patronage as has been accorded to his predecessors.
Schools and private families attended. N.B - All the latest Dances, including the much-admired Gorlitza and Polka Mazurka, taught.
Enquiries may be addressed to Mr. Gustavus Gabriel, Murray-street. 19th March, 1855.
1855, marriages in district of Hobart Town; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:852033; RGD37/1/14 no 769 (DIGITISED)
34 / 769 / 11 Nov'r 1855 / In the Synagogue Argyle Street / Lewis Cohen / 37 years / Professor of Dancing /
Lydia Benjamin / 42 years / Widow . . . [officiant] Herman Hoelzel . . . [witness] Hy. Jones . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Herman Hoelzel (cleric); Henry Jones (synagogue officer)
[Advertisement], The Hobarton Mercury (19 November 1855), 3
ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE. GRAND BALL Will take place on Thursday, 22nd instant . . .
The Dancing will be under the direction of of Mr. Louis Cohen, late of Her Majesty's Theatre London, lately arrived from England.
N.B. Who has no connection with any person of that name in the colony.
ASSOCIATIONS: Abraham Cohen (theatrical dancer, active until 1854); Royal Victoria Theatre (Hobart venue)
[News], Colonial Times (27 February 1856), 3
THE Probate of the Will of the late Mr. Judah Solomon has been granted to his son, Mr. Joseph Solomon, the sole executor . . . The house, 39, Macquarie-street, is likewise devised to testator's daughter, Lydia now the wife of Mr. Lewis Cohen, of Hobart Town, dancing master . . .
[Advertisement], The Tasmanian Daily News (24 March 1857), 3
THE NEW DANCE "VAISOVIANA." [sic, Varsoviana], MR. LOUIS COHEN, Professor of Dancing,
continues to give instruction in every style of fashionable dancing, including the much-admired dance "Vaisoviana."
Schools and families attended. 103 Collins-street, March 23, 1857
"SCHOLASTIC EXAMINATION", The Hobart Town Advertiser (22 December 1857), 2
The pupils of Mrs. Pettingall's establishment were examined on Thursday last . . . The vacation ball, took place last evening - when four new dances which had been composed for the occasion by Mr. Lewis Cohen, professor of dancing - namely, a Cellarius Quadrille, a Waltz Quadrille, the Gitana, (composed for four dancers) and a Polka Quadrille - were danced with great spirit and elegance . . .
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Advertiser (26 May 1859), 3
HAVE much pleasure to announce, that they have made an arrangement with
MR. LOUIS COHEN, (late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London), who will, at the above Rooms, give instruction in every style of
FASHIONABLE DANCING, as taught by the first Masters in Europe.
The Juvenile class will meet every Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
The Adult Class, every TUESDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock.
Terms -e Guinea per Quarter, payable in advance.
N.B. - Persons desirous of joining the classes will be kind enough to apply at 134, Liverpool street.
NOTICE. MR. COHEN wishes it to be distinctly understood that he is not in any way connected with any other person of the same name in this, or the adjacent colonies.
May 26.
[2 adjacent advertisements], The Hobart Town Advertiser (30 May 1859), 4
48, Melville-street, Hobart Town.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jacob Cohen (musician); Lewis's brother Daniel Cohen, "from Saffron-Hill, Holborn, London", had arrived in Melbourne in July 1857
[Advertisement], The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (27 September 1859), 3
"DEL SARTE'S ROOM", The Hobart Town Advertiser (1 September 1860), 2
A ball took place on Wednesday evening at Del Sarte's Assembly Rooms, the first of a series. The ball was respectively attended by a considerable number, and dancing was kept up with great spirit until two o'clock, when the company dispersed. The refreshments, which were good, were on temperance principles. The band of the R. V. A. Corps played during the evening, and contributed greatly to the pleasantness of the evening. The arrangements of the ball were under the superintendence of Mr. Cohen, and, we need hardly add, were efficiently carried out. Altogether it was a very pleasant evening, and when the company separated, a wish was expressed that another ball would soon take place.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hobart Volunteer Artillery Band (volunteer military); Del Sarte's Rooms (Hobart venue)
"GENERAL INTELLIGENCE", The Advertiser (1 April 1862), 3
The new Dancing Class at M. Del Sarte's will be formed this evening, by Mr. Lewis Cohen. The greatest vigilance we are sure will be observed in the formation of the Class to keep it select and prevent the intrusion of improper parties.
"GENERAL 1NTFXLIGENCE. DANCING CLASS AT NEW NORFOLK", The Advertiser [Hobart, TAS] (30 August 1862), 3
Mr. Louis Cohen requests us to draw the attention of the residents of New Norfolk, to his advertisement, announcing the intended formation of a class for dancing.
[Advertisement], The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (28 March 1863), 1
FASHIONABLE DANCING TAUGHT BY MR. LOUIS COHEN, (Late of Her Majesty's Theatre, London.)
Schools attended. Private lessons at Del Sarte's Rooms.
COKER, Thomas (Thomas COKER; Tom COKER; Tommie COKER; T. COKER; Mr. COKER)
Music hall proprietor, mony broker, bookmaker, gambler, race horse owner
Born ? England, c. 1814 / c. 1825
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, January 1853 (per John Melhuish, from London, 29 September 1862, aged "28")
Died Melbourne, VIC, 30 September 1889, aged "75" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Names and descriptions of passengers per John Melhuish from London, 29 September 1862, for Melbourne and Sydney; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Coker Thomas / 28 // Coker Jane / 25 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (8 October 1853), 8
FIRST-Rate Dinners every day from one till four. Chops, Steakes and Soups always ready.
T. Coker, London Dining Rooms, 30 La Trobe-street, between Swanston and Elizabeth-streets.
"DEPARTURES FOR EUROPE", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (9 April 1859), 3
Among the list of passengers by the fine Blackwall liner Result, which sailed from Hobson's Bay for London on Thursday morning, will be found the names of H. Wills, Esq., Andrew Chirnside, Esq., Mr. Coker, and Mr. J. Hogg. The owner of Alice Hawthorn goes home on a visit to Europe, and intends, we believe, sending out one or two first class mares to compete for turf honours, and eventually improve our breed of horses. He takes with him Mr. Hogg, the old rider and trainer of his favourite mare. Mr. Coker was the first to reduce betting round to anything like a system in Victoria, and has reaped a golden harvest from his exertions.
"THE VARIETIES", The Herald (26 December 1866), 3
Under this name Mr. Thomas Coker and Mr. A. Nish have opened what at one time was known as the Australian-hall in Bourke street, for a description of entertainment after the style and fashion of the well-known Canterbury-hall in London, but the model has not been followed quite through. The interior of the hall was never famous for either architectural or decorative beauty, but the present proprietors have, within, a very short space of time, worked a wondrous transformation, and by the aid of paint and paper, have made this quite a smart room. At the south end a commodious stage with a neat proscenium has been erected, and an orchestra, capable of accommodating several musicians, has been placed in front. The space has been divided into two compartments, with different prices of admission, and the place is so arranged that while the visitor is listening to the song or observing the dance, he may likewise enjoy his coffee or stronger liquid that he may choose to order. A really good working company has been got together, so that the proprietors are enabled to offer a superior description of entertainment to their patrons. The lady vocalists include Madame Carandini, Miss Rosina Carandini, Miss Geraldine Warden, and Miss Liddle. Mr. W. Sherwin and Mr. Linley Norman are also amongst the engaged. The Christy Minstrels of course form a principal feature in the list of attractions, so that the programme is diversified with dances and negro extravagancies. Mr. Kohler, who has been absent from the colony for many years, is to be found amongst the company, and his performances on the cornet and clarionet were listened to with great delight on Monday evening by all lovers of good music. It will thus be seen that the "Varieties" is not a bad sort of name to give to an entertainment which offers such multifarious attractions. The hall was opened for the first time on Monday evening [24 December], and was filled in every part. The whole business appeared to give general satisfaction, and If we may augur success from the appearance of the hall on the opening night, the "Varieties" will become & favourite place of resort.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Nish (proprietor, performer); Maria Carandini (vocalist) and daughter; Geraldine Warden (vocalist); Maggie Liddle (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); Linly Norman (pianist); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Christy's Minstrels (Nish's troupe); The varieties (Melbourne venue)
"Deaths", The Argus (2 October 1889), 1
COKER. - On the 30th ult., at his residence, 390 Latrobe-street, Thomas Coker, well known in sporting circles, aged 75 years.
COLEMAN, Mr. (Mr. COLEMAN, ? pseudonym ("Coal-man")) ( ? stage name of William CHESTER)
Musician, vocalist, bones player, blackface performer, "the American serenader"
Active Sydney and Maitland, NSW, July-September 1849 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: The "Serenader" or "American Serenader" was only identified as twice by the name of "Mr. Coleman" (? "Coal-man", blackface) near the end of his company's Maitland run; his sustained connection with Marian Maria Chester raises the possibility that he was her husband, William Chester (1812-1859); in the following year their son, Sydney Yates Chester (1837-1861) also began appearing with her as a blackface vocalist
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (17 July 1849), 1
[REDACTED] SONG by the Serenader.
THE BATH ROAD. Tom - Mr. Hambleton. Ellen - Mrs. Chester.
Song, Mrs. Chester . . . Open every night until further notice.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (actor, vocalist); John Hambleton (actor, vocalist)); City Theatre (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (20 July 1849), 1
CITY THEATRE. - SATURDAY EVENING, July 21 . . . a [REDACTED] Duet, Coal Black Rose, by the Serenader and Mrs. Chester . . .
MUSIC: Coal black Rose (song)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (30 July 1849), 3
CITY THEATRE. OPEN THIS EVENING . . . [REDACTED] Glee, Coal Black Rose, by the Serenader, Mr. Hambleton, and Mrs. Chester . . .
Advertising', Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (4 August 1849), 3
City Theatre. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4. Great Novelty!!! MR. HAMBLETON'S BENEFIT . . .
[REDACTED] SONG, BY THE SERENADER, Who will show the real old Virginnie Grapevinetwistsandunconquerablebreakdown.
Favourite Song - Mrs. Chester . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (15 August 1849), 2
Any of our readers who are lovers of the drama will see with pleasure by an advertisement in another column that Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Chester, Mr. Willis, and the American Serenader, have paid a visit to Maitland, and purpose re-opening the Amateur Theatre on Thursday (to-morrow) evening.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Charles Willis (actor)
[Advertisement], The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 August 1849), 3
MAITLAND THEATRE. Saturday Evening, August 18, 1849.
The Evening's Entertainments will commence with THE INTRIGUE; OR, THE BATH ROAD.
After which, [REDACTED] Song - "OLE DAN TUCKER" (with bone accompaniment), by the Serenader.
Song - "THE DASHING WHITE SERGEANT," by Mrs. Chester . . .
Irish Comic Song - "THE GOLDEN KALIFORNY," Mr. Hambleton.
[REDACTED] Song - "KNOCK A [REDACTED] DOWN" by the Serenader . . .
"THEATRICALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (18 August 1849), 2
On Thursday evening Mr. Hambleton and his company, assisted by two of the amateurs, re-opened the Maitland Theatre . . . Mrs. Chester makes a fair actress, and is a very good singer, her song of "The Dashing White Sergeant," being deservedly encored. The American Serenader (whose name is not given) makes a capital [REDACTED], giving the grotesque melodies, and playing tunes on his bones castanets, with the usual popular enthusiasm, ensuring continual encores . . . The pieces announced for Saturday (this) evening are "The Intrigue," "The Dead Shot," and "The Irish Tutor," varied by a good selection of [REFACTED] and other singing.
"THEATRICALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (22 August 1849), 2
On Saturday evening last Mr. Hambleton's company performed "The Intrigue," "The Dead Shot," and "The Irish Tutor," with applause, although the house was a very poor one; the singing of Mrs. Chester and the American Serenader was much applauded. On Monday evening the house was better filled; the performances were "A Day in Paris," and "The Widow's Victim," varied by a musical interlude between the pieces; the music and singing in this was remarkably good, and the second part, consisting of Ethiopian Serenades, was received with great applause and repeated encores.
"THEATRICALS", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (12 September 1849), 2
On Saturday evening Mr. Coleman, "The Serenader," took his benefit, and had a good house. The pieces selected were "The Inchcape Bell," and "The Two Gregories," with a variety of [REDACTED] Melodies, and a scene from "Life in New York," between. The whole of the performances went off well . . .
Musical instrument importer and seller, general merchant
Active Sydney, NSW, by 1852; until 1854 or later (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (15 September 1852), 3
1 Pianoforte, suitable for a school, £5
1 Ditto, 6 octaves, cabinet, £12 10s.
1 Superior rosewood cottage, 6 3/4 octaves, brilliant tone, all recent improvements, £37 10s.
1 Barrel organ, playing 45 tunes, price £12 10s.
EDWARD COLEMAN, South side Park-street, two doors from George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (29 January 1853), 1
PIANOFORTE. - For Sale, a splendid highly finished Grand Pianoforte, of remarkably mellow and rich tone, and great power.
Its massive yet elegant appearance renders it suitable for a drawing-room of the highest order,
while its richness and powerful volume of tone qualifies it to lead either in an orchestra or concert.
E. COLEMAN. South side Park-street, two-doors from George-street.
[Advertisement], Empire (7 April 1853), 1
of the highest finish, combined with a rich mellow and (when required) powerful tone,
sound perfect, mid in every respect an instrument rarely to be met with. Makers, Zeitter and Co.
Price, £100. E. COLEMAN, South side of Park-street; Two doors from George-street.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 September 1853), 3
ROSEWOOD Cottage Pianofortes, of superior tone and elegant appearance,
just imported, per Princess Sophia, direct from the manufactory of the celebrated makers, John Broadwood and Sons, of London.
Also a choice selection of the newest and most popular Music, now on sale by
E. COLEMAN, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, nearly opposite the Cockatoo Inn.
[Advertisement], Empire (21 January 1854), 6
PIANOFORTE - For Sale, new patent double check action Rosewood Cottage Pianoforte, 6 7/8 octaves, Broadwood and Sons, Makers.
E. COLEMAN, Bluck's Cottage, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, Nearly opposite the Cockatoo Inn.
Musician, master of the Band of the 4th Regiment, soldier
Born Gillingham / Chatham, Kent, England, 1799; baptised Chatham, St. Mary, 24 March 1799; son of John COLEMAN and Mary ?
Enlisted (29th Regiment), 26 November 1807 (as a Drummer)
Married Maria MONTGOMERY (d. South Africa, 1854), Ireland, c. 1820
Enlisted (Royal Artillery) Woolwich, Kent, England, 19 June 1824 (aged "26")
Transferred (4th Regiment), 1 July 1831
Arrived (with 4th regiment) Sydney, NSW, 27 August 1832 (per Clyde, from Deptford, 14 April, Portsmouth, 9 May)
Departed (with 4th regiment) Sydney, NSW, 9 August 1837 (per John, for India)
Discharged (4th regiment), England, 23 September 1840
Died East Cape, South Africa, 24 October 1868, aged "69" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 4th Regiment (military)
Coleman probably came from a military family, being born in Chatham, Kent, England in 1799. In 1807, aged just 8, he became a drummer boy in the 29th Regiment, which was posted to the Peninsula in 1808. From there he must have travelled with the regiment to North America (1814), and back to Europe in 1816. From 1824 to 1831 he was a principal keyed bugler in the Royal Artillery Band, based in London (Farmer 1954, 437). In 1831 he was appointed bandmaster of the 4th Regiment for its Australian tour (1831-1837) and later briefly in India. He was discharged in 1839, aged 40, "worn out in the service". There is no record of Coleman or any of his children in the 1851 English census, probably indicating that by then they were, as a family, already resettled in South Africa, where in 1854 Maria died, and where George died in 1868, aged "69".
Baptisms, Chatham St. Mary, 1799; Kent Archives Office, Parish registers (PAYWALL)
24 March 1799 / George / son of John and Mary / Coleman
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Woolwich in the County of Kent in the Year 1828; register 1827-46, page 39; London Metropolitan Archives, P97/MRY/015 (PAYWALL)
No. 312 / 22 January [1838] / Born 26 Dec'r 1827 / Mary Ann Elizabeth / [daughter of] George & Maria / Coleman / New Road / Musician Royal Artillery
[News], The Sydney Monitor (6 February 1833), 3
The Parramatta folks complain, that the fine Band of His Majesty's 4th Regiment is permitted to "blush unseen," not in the "desert air," but in the barrack enclosure. On occasion of its playing, the people collect far and near, to hear its dulcet strains. When it is considered how great a public gratification could be bestowed with so little trouble, it is to be hoped the Colonel will take measures to gratify the worthy townspeople among whom he resides.
"TUESDAY, APRIL 9", The Currency Lad [Sydney, NSW] (13 April 1833), 2
This evening, a grand Military Ball was given at Mr. Nash's, by the Officers of the 4th or King's Own . . . After numerous quadrilles, waltzes, &c. the company broke up about two o'clock in the morning. The Quadrille Band of the King's Own was in attendance, and performed with their accustomed splendour. Band Master Coleman on the flageolet and Corporal Westward on the violin, merit the highest praise both for the execution and judicious selection of the music. Upon the whole it went off with the highest eclat, and it is to be hoped each meeting will be attended with an increase of visitors, and cordiality particularly, as the object is the support of a charitable institution.
ASSOCIATIONS: Zachariah Westrop (bandsman)
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot, from 1 April to 30 June 1833; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2215 (DIGITISED)
Drum Major as Serjeant / 15 / Walker Wm. / . . . (DIGITISED)
Serjeants . . . 20 / Walker Chris. / Band (DIGITISED)
Privates . . . 969 / Coleman Geo / Band Master . . .
NOTE: Christopher and William Walker (? brothers, soldiers); it was an anomaly that Coleman was already acting as bandmaster while still a private; this was rectified after band sergeant Christopher Walker was nominally reduced to private on 29 November 1833 (in fact he remained a sergeant, and bandsman, until, after long service, he took his discharge on 31 December 1835), and Coleman promoted to sergeant on 30 November; see below
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1 August 1833), 4
LOST. A LIGHT BROWN FUR BOA, on the Evening of Sunday last, between the Barrack Gate, George-street, and St. James's Church.
Whoever will bring the same to Mr. COLEMAN, Master of the 4th Band, will be handsomely rewarded; those holding it after this notice will be prosecuted.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Monitor (2 October 1833), 3
CONCERT. UNDER the Patronage of Lieutenant Colonel DESPARD, and the Officers of the 17th Regiment and friends.
Mr. LEWIS, Master of the Band of the 17th Regiment, begs respectfully to announce, that a
CONCERT of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place at NASH's long room, Parramatta,
on Friday Evening the 4th Instant. Single Tickets - 5s. 0d. . . .
[manicule] Mr. Coleman, Master of the Band of the 4th or King's Own, has kindly consented to give his assistance.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Despard (commander, 17th Regiment); Thomas Lewis (band master); Band of the 17th Regiment (military); Nash's Woolpack Inn (Parramatta venue)
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot, from 1 January to 31 March 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2215 (DIGITISED)
Serjeants . . . 969 / Coleman Geo / Band Master / from Private 30th Nov'r 1833 . . .
20 / Walker Christ'r / Band / To private 29th November 1833 . . .
"Masonic Festival", The Australian (27 June 1834), 2
On Tuesday last, being St. Johns day, the Fraternity of Free Masons assembled together at their Lodges and proceeded to St. James's Church where a Sermon was preached by the Rev. Richard Hill,
conjointly in aid of the Masonic Fund of Benevolence and the Sydney Dispensary.
The procession was numerously attended, and was accompanied by the Bands of the 4th and 17th Regts. . . .
At about 6 o'clock in the Evening the Brethren sat down to Dinner, which was prepared in the Saloon of the Royal Hotel . . .
John Stephen, Esq., P.M., and P.G.S. was unanimously called to the Chair.
After the cloth was removed Non Nobis Domine was performed by the Band in their usual style of excellence . . .
[Airs after toasts] . . . The Entered Apprentice . . . Garry Owen . . . Masonic Glee . . . Rule Britannia . . .
Should auld acquaintance be forgot . . . Military March.
On dismissing the band of the 4th Regiment, the Chairman addressed himself to Mr. Coleman the master of the Band,
and in the name of the Masters and Wardens of the Lodges expressed satisfaction at the conduct of the men under his command,
who on all occasions when their services were required, came forward most readily under the sanction of their officers to promote the harmony of the Masonic Body . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Hill (cleric); John Stephen (chair); St. James's church (Sydney); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
Pay-list of the 4th or King's Own Regiment of foot, from 1 April to 30 June 1834; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/2215 (DIGITISED)
Serjeants . . . 969 / Coleman Geo / Band Master / . . .
Baptisms solemnized in the Parish of Saint John, Parramatta, in the County of Cumberland in the Year 1835; register 1834-38, page 1; St. John's Anglican Church, Parramatta, REG/COMP/3 (PAYWALL)
No. 1 / Jan'y 4th [1835] / [born] Dec'r 8th 1834 / Thomas Benjamin / [son of] George & Maria / Coleman / Parramatta / Band Master 4th Regiment . . .
"THE CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (23 April 1835), 2
Mr. Stubbs' Concert, at the Royal Hotel, on Tuesday evening last, went off with the most perfect eclat, to a crowded and respectable audience . . . and the performances, in every particular, surpassed any previous entertainment of the kind in the Colony . . . We were glad to witness such a strong muster of instrumental performers, - Messrs. Wilson, Cavendish, Sippe, Stubbs, Lewis, Coleman, Josephson, and the band of the 17th Regiment. The Overtures were executed in masterly style, and we believe gave universal satisfaction . . . His Excellency the Governor was present at the performance, which closed at a late hour in the morning. Mr. Stubbs may take to himself the gratification of having got up the best musical entertainment ever exhibited in Australia, and we believe no one left dissatisfied with the performances of the evening. There were upwards of three hundred persons present.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Stubbs (musician); Mr. Wilson (musician); William Joseph Cavendish (musician); George Sippe (musician); Joshua Frey Josephson (musician); Richard Bourke (governor)
"Fourth or King's Own Theatre, Parramatta", The Sydney Herald (9 July 1835), 3
By especial desire of Lieutenant-Colonel Breton, his Majesty's Servants introduced to an overflowing house Lover's Vows, and What Next, with considerable improvements and taste . . . The overture of "Guilleaume Tell," played by the full band, under the able direction of Mr. Coleman, (master) excited great attention from all parts of the house, and was a great treat to all lovers of music. A Glee was well sung, and as well received, when the song of "Darby Kelly" was called for from all parts of the house, which was sung and loudly encored . . . As Lover's Vows, with What Next, was performed by desire, the performance as announced for Monday, will take place on the evening of Friday the 10th instant, when his Majesty's Servants will perform Lover's Vows, after which, a variety of Music and Singing, to conclude with the laughable farce of The Lying Valet. - (Correspondent)
ASSOCIATIONS: Garrison theatricals (general)
"MATTER FURNISHED BY OUR Reporters and Correspondents . . . CONCERT", The Sydney Monitor (16 March 1836), 2
Mrs. Chester and Mrs. Taylor give a Concert at the Royal Hotel this evening. Mr. Wallace has been engaged at the (for this Colony) enormous sum of £25 for his night's performance; he will give his celebrated Fantasia di Bravura, which has been twice received with so much applause. Major England, the commanding officer of the 4th Regiment, has given permission to Mr. Colman and the band of that regiment to attend.
On the same page:
Through the urbanity of Major England, the large gates leading into the Barrack Yard, from George-street, are open to the public until 8 o'Clock in the Evening, for the purpose of affording them an opportunity of hearing the Bugle Band of the 4th. Regiment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marian Maria Chester (vocalist); Maria Taylor (vocalist); William Vincent Wallace (violinist, pianist)
"To the Editor of . . .", The Australian (25 March 1836), 2
SIR, I hasten to contradict a mistake in yesterday's Sydney Herald, to the effect,
that the Band of H. M. IVth (or King's Own) Regiment did not play the customary portion of national airs on St. Patrick's Day;
and imputing their omission to the order of the Commanding Officer of the Corps.
With what motive such a gross misstatement could have been put forth, I know not;
except it be for the purpose of gratifying the conductors of the Sydney Herald in their periodical sneers at every thing Hibernian:
but I beg leave to acquaint you, for the information of that portion of the public of Australia,
who might be misled by this statement, that the following Airs were played by the King's Own Regiment, on the Anniversary of Erin's Patron Saint; viz. -
On Trooping the Guard - "Savourneen Deelish" (slow time)
Returning back - "St. Patrick's Day" (quick time)
Marching the Guard through the Town - "Planzty Connor" [Planxty Conner]
Returning from ditto - "Garry Owen"
With a statement of these facts, I beg to subscribe myself, Sir, Your most obedient Servant,
G. Coleman, Bandmaster, H.M. IVth (or King's Own) Regiment,
Sydney Barracks, March 24th, 1836.
MUSIC: Savourna Deelish ("The exile of Erin"); St. Patrick's Day (tune); Planxty John O'Connor (Carolan); Garryowen (tune)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (11 April 1836), 1
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY. Mr. KNOWLES . . . his BENEFIT . . . ON THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1836 . . .
Previous to the Play, the Band of His Majesty's 4th, or King's own Regiment, whose attendance is kindly permitted by Major England, will perform the grand OVERTURE TO "LES PUPILLES."
In the course of the Evening . . . Grand Overture to "Lestoc," By the Military Band - Leader, Mr. Coleman . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
MUSIC: Perhaps the Marche des pupilles de la garde (Cherubini; arr. David Buhl); Lestocq (Auber)
"St. George's Dinner", The Australian (26 April 1836), 3
One of the most sumptuous and well-arranged public dinners that it has been our lot to see in New South Wales,
was that of Friday last, at the Pulteney, on the occasion of the annual commemoration of the patron saint of England and Englishmen, St. George.
There were upwards of a hundred gentlemen present, consisting of the very elite of colonial society, to enumerate whose names would be only occupying space without and beneficial result.
The President on this occasion was E. D. Manning, Esq. . . .
at half-past nine the cloth was removed, after which Non nobis was sung by members of the band [3]
of the 4th regiment, which was in attendance, and played the airs to the several toasts in a manner which reflected the highest credit on the skill of the musicians,
and bore evidence of the pains which must have been devoted to attain it, on the part of Mr. Coleman, the master . . .
[music performed after the toasts] . . . air, God save the King; glee, Long live the King . . .
air, Britons, strike home; glee, The Red cross Knight . . .
Air, Garry Owen . . . air, Hail, Australia . . . air, The British Grenadiers . . .
air - Rule Britannia; glee - The Sea Sprites . . . air - Here's a health to all good lasses . . .
air - Grand March . . . air - a March . . . air - Chorus from the Creation . . .
air - Highland Laddie . . . Glee - The wind whistles cold . . .
air - March of the --- Regiment; glee - Give me the Soldier . . .
air - Roast Beef of Old England . . . Glee - Mynheer van Dunck . . .
Glee, When Arthur first in Court began . . . Glee, Dame Durdon . . .
air, Grand March . . . air, Fly not yet . . .
We must not omit to state that the glee singers (Messrs. Paton, Counley, Lomax, and Enwood, members of the band of the 4th regiment) performed their tasks in admirable style,
and their efforts received much applause, particularly the "Red Cross Knight," "Give me the Soldier," and "Dame Durdon,"
the execution of which would have been no discredit to much more celebrated performers.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edye Manning (chair); David Paton (bandsman); John Cownley (musician); William Lomas (musician); Francis Henwood (musician); Pulteney Hotel (Sydney venue)
"ST. GEORGE'S DAYS", The Sydney Monitor (27 April 1836), 3
. . . The band of the 4th regiment was in attendance, and played the usual popular airs, in a manner that reflected credit on Mr. Coleman, under whose superintendence this hand promises to be equal to any military band that has visited the Colony.
The Herald, in the report of the public dinner hold at the Pulteney on St. George's Day called Non Nobis Domine a Glee. Not wishing to be hard with our contemporary we waited to see if they would correct their error, - but they have not done so. We cannot suppose that this mistake could have arisen from ignorance on the part of the reporter who must have known better: we therefore must attribute it to the printer's devil or to the stupidity of the corrector of the press. We should have passed by it as unworthy of remark, but that it implies much gross ignorance on the part of Mr. Coleman (the leader of the Band) of the common usages of society on such occasions, and also of his profession.
See "ST. GEORGE'S DINNER", The Sydney Herald (25 April 1836), 2-3
[News], The Australian (17 May 1836), 2
The band of the 4th Regt. are enjoying for the present, the benefit of Mr. Wallace's tuition; the improvement made by this band during their sojourn at Parramatta is very perceptible, as well as creditable to Mr. Coleman, the Master, and this "finishing stroke" from the hands of Mr. Wallace will enable them with success to rival their predecessors of the 17th. The bands of the 4th and of the 28th Regiments will be in attendance at the Government House Ball on the 30th instant.
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 28th Regiment (military)
"CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (19 May 1836), 3
Mr. Deane's Concert took place last night at the Royal Hotel. There were about four hundred persons present, and at eight o'clock the Concert commenced with the Overture to Tancredi, performed in fine style by Messrs. Deanes, Cavendish, Wilson, Sippe, Stubbs, and the Bass of the excellent Band of the 4th Regiment, under the superintendence of Mr.---, who gratuitously exerted himself, as did all the performers for Mr. Deane's benefit . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Philip Deane and sons (musicians)
"FREE MASONS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (28 June 1836), 2
The lodges Nos. 260 and 266, of the "Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Masons," assembled at the St. John's Tavern, George-street, on Friday evening last, to hold the usual high feast of St. John the Baptist, where they spent "the gaily festive night" . . . The utmost cordiality prevailed during the whole evening . . . Part of the band of the 4th or King's Own Regiment attended, under the superintendence of Mr. Coleman, their teacher. The customary toasts rang round merrily, followed with appropriate tunes, which added not a little to the general hilarity . . .
"MR. DEANE'S CONCERT", The Sydney Herald (11 July 1836), 3
The very unfavourable state of the weather on Wednesday last, was the means of preventing many families from attending the Concert - not more than 100 persons composed the audience. Notwithstanding these discouraging circumstances, the performances generally went off with spirit and approbation. We never heard any overtures played better (in the Colony) than the Caliph of Bagdad, and Italiano in Algeri . . . Messrs. Coleman, Wilson, Sippe, and the Band of the 4th Regiment, lent their assistance during the evening . . .
[Advertisement], The Australian (12 July 1836), 3
It is with much pleasure the gentry of Sydney and the Australian Public in general are informed, that
HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR has been pleased to command a Performance this Evening, on which occasion he will honor the Theatre with his presence. -
By the permission of MAJOR ENGLAND, the Band of His Majesty's 4th, (the King's own) regiment, will attend in the Orchestra,
and perform several Overtures, by first rate composers, and appropriate Airs - Leader, Mr. Coleman.
The pieces selected by HIS EXCELLENCY, are the following: - The Two Drovers;
after which, the Popular Interlude of Mischief Making; To conclude with the Extravaganza of Bombastes Furioso.
C. KNOWLES, Manager.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (14 July 1836), 1
His Majesty's Servants of the Fourth, The King's Own Regiment, will perform, for the amusement of the Public, the romantic Melo-Drama of
Overture - GUY MANNERING, in character, by the full Band.
GLEE - "Give me the Soldier," by Messrs. Paton, Cownley, and Lomax.
SONG - "Darby Kelly," by A. Greig.
GLEE - "Dame Durdon," by Messrs. Paton, Cownley, and Lomax.
GLEE - "When Arthur First," by Messrs. Paton, Cownley, and Lomax.
The whole to conclude with the very laughable Farce of THE MOCK DOCTOR . . .
The Band of the King's Own will compose the Orchestra on this occasion, under the Management of Mr. Coleman,
the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael Barber (actor, dancer); Andrew Grieg (vocalist)
"THE THEATRE", The Australian (19 July 1836), 2
On Friday evening the band of the 4th Regiment performed at the Theatre Royal, for the benefit of the School of Industry. His Excellency, suite, and family, with a vast concourse of the most respectable inhabitants, were present. Bedsides the melodrama of Bamfylde More Carew and the farce of the Mock Doctor, there were several capital glees and other songs, and a most laughable dance. The latter was the most amusing thing ever witnessed in this Colony, and called forth thunders of applause. The dancer wore a doubles costume, one side being a male, and the other a female figure, and the absurd effect of the sudden transition from one form to the other, in the course of his dance, was ludicrous in the extreme. Bamfylde More Carew was got up excellently; and, considering the circumstances of the performers, was played surprisingly well. The piece lost nothing in amusement in consequence of the female character being supported by a fine strapping young man, with a voice like that of a stentor. The overture of Guy Mannering," in character, was quite a novel sight, and formed a very picturesque scene. The long, splay woman in spectacles, playing the trombone, was highly grotesque, and the introduction by Mr. Coleman of the Oboe, was at once both novel and interesting, the effect of which in the air of Roy's Wife, imitative as it was so closely of the bagpipes, was particularly good. One or two of the songs, particularly Darby Kelly, in character, met with loud encores. The Mock Doctor was as good a farce as we have witnessed in the Sydney Theatre. The Mock Doctor himself kept the audience in roars of laughter. He has a decided genius for comedy, and with practice would make no mean figure in any company of players. The orchestra, composed of the remaining members of the 4th Band, played several airs in excellent style during the evening. We have heard that their exertions in the cause of charity were eminently successful; the receipts having, as we learn, exceeded one hundred pounds. Every thing went off well, and the conduct of the sergeants who had the office of shewing the visitors to their respective boxes, and superintending other essentials to good order was deserving of the highest praise. Major England is entitled to the thanks of the Colonists, for his readiness at all times to accommodate them with the aid of his valuable band, but allowing them to come forward in such a manner, and for such a purpose, as that to which we are now alluding, is particularly creditable. Too much praise cannot be awarded to Mr. Coleman, the master of the band, and Mr. Saxton, the Sergeant Major of the Regiment, for their great exertions in getting up the performances, which we understand have been of some weeks' duration, and to whom every minor arrangement was confided.
[News], The Australian (22 July 1836), 2
We understand that Mr. Coleman, the master of the excellent Band of the fourth Regiment, intends to get up a Concert in the course of the ensuing month. Mrs. Williamson's fancy dress ball took place on Wednesday evening, notwithstanding the exceedingly inclement state of the weather, and we were happy to see that every thing passed off very agreeably. The Band of the Fourth was in attendance; it is needless to say that their part of the entertainment was well done.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Williamson ("Madame Veilburn") (dancer, dancing master)
[News], The Australian (12 August 1836), 2
We are happy to notice, as it indicates the progress of the Colonists in the attainment of a taste for something more elevated than the plodding considerations of pounds, shillings, and pence, the liberal encouragement that the Professors of Music have received at their numerous Concerts, following, as they recently have, in such rapid succession one after another; which is, in a great measure, to be attributed to the munificent patronage awarded on various occasions by His Excellency Sir Richard Bourke, whose example is decisive, from his prominent situation and deserved popularity, to make either the support or the neglect of such entertainments (not withstanding their admitted rationality) fashionable. His regard for the promotion of whatever may be productive of benefit to the Colony has induced Mr. Coleman, the talented master of the excellent band of the Fourth Regiment, to propose a concert to take place on the 17th instant, at the Royal, and which His Excellency has been pleased to patronise. The claims of Mr. Coleman to the encouragement of the community are not exceeded by those of any of the musical professors who have hitherto presented themselves. The band of which he is master (and also, with one or two individual exceptions, the teacher - the performers in which having been brought, by his exertions, to their present proficiency, during their residence in New South Wales) has been always, by the permission of the Commanding Officer, and latterly by Major England in particular, at the service of the Public - whether at concerts, balls, dinners, or even at the Theatre - a period of upwards of four years, the music having been invariably prepared and arranged by Mr. Coleman. For these services we understand Mr. C. has not received the slightest remuneration, pecuniary or other; and he now rightly judges that his turn has arrived to reap some advantage from the taste the Colonists have latterly evinced for musical entertainments, in the formation of which taste he had taken so prominent a part. We can promise the Public that they will have something new, at the forthcoming Concert. Of its quality, our readers will be able to form an opinion for themselves, both from the general performances of the band, and from the fact that the name of every professor in the Colony is to be found in the list of performers, as advertised in another column. Mr. Coleman may rest satisfied that the Public are not unmindful of his claim upon them, and will support him accordingly.
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (17 August 1836), 1
Under the distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor,
MR. COLEMAN, Master of the Band of the 4th, or King's Own Regiment,
BEGS to announce that his Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music will take place on
WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG. 17TH, 1836, in the Saloon at the Royal Hotel, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mrs. Chester, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Deane and Family, Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Sippe, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Stubbs, and Mr. Josephson.
1. Overture - Der Freitchutz [sic], Weber
2. Chorus - Vive le Roi, Balf [Balfe]
3. Song - My Own Blue Bell, Mrs. Chester
4. Solo - Flute, in which will be introduced Auld Robin Gray, &c., Nicholson, Mr. Stubbs
5. Glee - See our Oars, Sir John Stephenson
6. Market Chorus, from the celebrated Opera of Massaniello, Auber
7. Solo - Violin, Mr. Wallace.
1. Overture - Maniac or Swiss Banditti, Bishop
2. Glee - See our Bark, Sir John Stephenson
3. Solo - Pianoforte, Miss Deane
4. Fantasia - Flute, introducing the Coolun, Drouet, Mr. Josephson.
5. Song - Bid me Discourse, Bishop, Mrs. Chester
6. Solo - Kent Bugle, Mr. Stubbs
7. Chorus - Hail, all hail our Patriot King.
Tickets 7s. 6d. each, which may be had at Mr. Ellard's Musical Saloon, Hunter-street;
Mr. Tyrer's Repository; Mr. Sparks, Royal Hotel; or, at Mr. Chester's, No. 8, King-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Rosalie Deane (pianist); Francis Ellard (musicseller); William Henry Tyrer (musicseller); John Sparke (hotel proprietor); William Chester (ticket seller)
"CONCERT", The Australian (19 August 1836), 2
Mr. Coleman's Concert took place, on Wednesday evening, according to announcement. His Excellency the Governor and Suite entered the Saloon at Eight o'Clock, and immediately afterwards, the Concert commenced. Owing to the rain which had been falling in heavy showers, during the afternoon and former part of the evening, the attendance we were sorry to see was very thin - so thin as we should think would almost make it a losing concern to Mr. Coleman. Every thing, however, went off remarkably well, and this Concert left as little room to cavil as any at which we have hitherto attended in the Colony. The Overtures were both of them played in a masterly style, that especially from Von Weber's celebrated Opera of Der Freschutz, which we hear had not prior to this occasion been performed here as written by its celebrated author, but for what reason we are at a loss to know. The Chorusses (of which there were three,) were more complete than we had any reason to expect, comparing them with many that have preceded them; the Market Chorus from Auber's Massaniello, was rapturously encored by the auditory; in the Chorusses Mrs. Chester shone with peculiar brilliancy - in the second more especially, in which occur several passages exceedingly difficult; and of the songs which were allotted to her she acquitted herself in a style which elicited the admiration of the company, and were both of them encored. They were chosen with a regard to Mrs. C's style and voice which we have on some former occasions noticed as having been entirely overlooked. The two Solos by Mr. Stubbs were played as that gentleman ever does play, exceedingly well; that on the Kent Bugle both astonished and pleased the auditory, who requested its repetition. Of Mr. Wallace's Solo on the Violin, it is unnecessary to make any further remark, than that it was a superior performance to any we have heard at his hands. We have frequently heard Mr. Josephson on the Flute, and have been delighted, but never so captivated as with his Fantasia on this occasion, in which was introduced the Coolun by Drouet. Mr. Josephson has not the strength of lungs possessed by some performers on the Flute, but we question if the strongest would have received more merited applause than he did for his Coolun. Miss Deane proved by her execution of the Solo on the Piano-forte, that she was master of the instrument, and fully sustained the character we have previously expressed of her as a pianist. A Quartette was introduced in the course of the second part (which was not announced in the intended programme) by two Violins, a tenor and a bass, at the desire it is said of His Excellency. It was feared that at so short notice, (one day only,) it would be found impossible to comply with the request, but Mr. Deane volunteered to perform it with his two sons, assisted by one of the bandsmen, and they got through this self-imposed task in a way that made an impression very much in their favour on the minds of the auditory. On the whole we were highly pleased with the Concert throughout, and so also appeared to be the whole of the company. The saloon was well lighted, and the seats judiciously arranged to accommodate the greatest number without inconvenience, and had the weather been auspicious, we do not think a single seat would have been unoccupied.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Deane (violin); Edward Smith Deane (cello)
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser (5 October 1836), 1
ORATORIO. THE Committee for conducting the Oratorio at the Cathedral Church of St. Mary, on the 21st instant, take the earliest opportunity of returning their warmest and sincerest thanks to those Ladies and Gentlemen who so handsomely contributed the gratuitous aid of their talents to the success of this Musical Festival . . . To the Band of the King's Own Regiment, under the leadership of Mr. Coleman, who with the kind permission of Major England, contributed their valuable co-operation and assistance on this occasion, the Committee gratefully acknowledge they are much indebted for the effectiveness and general success of the Oratorio. Sydney, 30th September, 1836.
ASSOCIATIONS: St. Mary's cathedral (Sydney); the oratorio was under the musical direction of William Vincent Wallace, above
Playbill, Theatre Royal, Sydney, 21 October 1836; State Library of New South Wales (DIGITISED)
Under the distinguished Patronage Of His Excellency the Governor,
AND FOR THE AMUSEMENT OF THE PUBLIC, ON FRIDAY EVENING, the 21st of October, 1836, Dibdin's celebrated Comedy of
THREE WEEKS AFTER MARRIAGE, When, by particular desire, the performance will open with Balff's [sic, Balfe's] Grand Chorus of "Vive le Roi," in Character . . .
Glee - "How merrily we live that Soldiers be."
Song - "Darby Kelly" in Character, by A. Greig.
Duet - "Thou hast left me ever, Jamie".
comic Dance, by M. Barber.
A Comic Song (Giles Scroggins), by J. Cownley.
Overture, in character, by the full Band.
Finale - "HAIL, ALL HAIL, OUR PATRIOT KING," By the whole Company.
The Band of the King's Own Regiment will compose the Orchestra on this occasion,
under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed . . .
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (3 December 1836), 2
At the late St. Andrew's ball, Mr. Coleman, the master of the band of the 4th or King's Own Regiment, deserves much credit for the able manner in which he adapted Scotch airs to quadrilles, and surtauses [sic, schottisches] which of late have taken the place of the gallopade. They had a brilliant effect, and were much admired. The Scotch reels danced on the occasion were also novelties in this colony, and the fair dancers gave full effect to the enlivening figures.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Herald (5 December 1836), 3
Theatre Royal, SYDNEY. MR. KNOWLES STAGE MANAGER . . . his BENEFIT . . . This Evening, December 5, 1836 . . .
The Grand overture to Der Freichutz [sic, Der Freischutz], By the Military Band, Leader, Mr. Coleman, most kindly permitted on this occasion by MAJOR ENGLAND . . .
"Birth", The Australian (20 December 1836), 2
At the Military Barracks, Sydney, on the 12th instant, the wife of Mr. Coleman, Bandmaster of the Fourth, (or King's own Regiment) of a Son.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Francis Coleman (died South Africa, 1898)
"The Jubilee dinner", The Sydney Monitor (27 January 1837), 2
About two hundred gentlemen, all natives of the Colony sat down to dinner at the Royal Hotel yesterday, Mr. Charles Thompson [sic] (our Australian poet) in the Chair, Mr. Nelson Lawson Vice-President.
Nothing could go off better. The dinner, wines, and dessert were all good, and the greatest harmony prevailed till 12 o'clock,
when the President bid good evening, and the company separated . . .
The following toasts were drank at the Dinner - all with due applause and cheering:
The King - Royal Anthem
The Queen - Adelaide Waltz
The British Navy - Rule Britannia
The British Army - British Grenadiers
His Excellency the Governor - Garry Owen (9 times 9)
The Memory of General Macquarie - Drank in solemn silence
Our Fair Country women. - Currency Lasses
The Fair Visitants of our Native Land - Minstrel Waltz, arranged occasion by Mr. Coleman
The Agricultural and Commercial Interests of the Colony - Speed the Plough
The Sister Colonies - Hail Australasia
The Mother Country - Hearts of Oak
Major England and the Officers of the Garrison - Regimental March
The Civil Officers of the Colony - Money in both Pockets
The President - Australian Minstrel March, arranged expressly for the occasion by Mr. Coleman
The Vice-President - Captain Piper's Fancy
The Stewards - Fly not yet
Civil and Religious Liberty all over the World - The King, God Bless him.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Tompson (poet)
MUSIC: A band piece entitled "Hail Australia" was regularly reported in the 1820-30s, though no musical work of that title has survived; Currency lasses (Australian quadrille) (composed by Tempest Margaret Paul, Sydney 1825-26); The minstrel waltz, of which the music is lost, was elsewhere reported to be a composition by Thomas Stubbs, above, and the Australian minstrel march may also have been by him
[Advertisement], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (9 May 1837), 1
ON TUESDAY EVENING, 9th May, 1837, His Majesty s Servants of the 4th (the King's Own) Regiment, will perform the Romantic Melo Drama of Bampfylde Moore Carew;
When, by particular desire, the Performances will open with Overture "CALIPH DE BAGDAD" . . .
AFTER WHICH, MR. W. WALLACE, Who has kindly offered his services, will perform
A Grand Fantasia on the Violin, In which will be introduced the favourite Scotch Airs "THE SOLDIER'S RETURN," AND "AULD ROBIN GRAY."
Chorus of Peasants and Soldiers,
Song - Kate Kearney, by Mrs. Taylor, who has offered her valuable services on this occasion.
Chorus - Viva Enrico.
Song - Darby Kelly, in character, by A. GREIG
A Comic Song, by Mr. BUCKINGHAM.
AFTER WHICH, A Grand Overture by the full BAND.
The whole to to conclude with the very laughable Farce of THE MOCK DOCTOR . . .
[male parts by bandsmen and soldiers as the previous year] . . .
Charlotte - Miss Winstanley
Dorcas - Mrs. Larra
Maid - Mrs. Downes
The Band of the King's Own will compose the Orchestra on this occasion, under the management of Mr. Coleman, the Master, when several favourite Airs will be performed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Notably, on this last theatrical performance by the 4th Regiment, it was assisted by several professional actors from the theatre, notably filling female roles; George Buckingham (vocalist, actor); Eliza Winstanley (actor); Mary Ann Larra (actor); Mrs. Downes (actor)
[News], The Australian (12 May 1837), 2
Mr. B. Levy has presented Mr. Coleman, the Band-master of the Fourth Regiment, with a Silver Snuff-box for his exertions in the Orchestra at all times when Major England allowed Mr. L. the use of the band. The Theatre was well attended on Tuesday Evening last, to witness the performance of the Soldiers of the 4th Regiment. The Governor and suite were present, and the performance gave general satisfaction.
ASSOCIATIONS: Barnett Levey (theatre proprietor)
[News], The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (13 May 1837), 3
We have seen a snuffbox presented to Mr. Coleman, the band master of H. M. 4th or King's Own Regiment, by Mr. B. Levey, the Proprietor of the Theatre, for his leading the Orchestra, whenever the use of the band has been permitted. An inscription in the centre states the presentor and presentee.
[News], The Australian (21 July 1837), 2
The Band of the 4th Regiment, which has delighted the Colonists generally with their excellent and scientific music, are shortly about departing. We hope the talented master, Mr. Coleman, will, previous to leaving, give a "Farewell Concert." He has done more to improve our taste in music, and introduce novelties, than any other artiste in Sydney. He was the first that introduced glees and chorusses from many of the modern Operas, which were excellently well sung by some of the young men in the Band who are under his tuition, and have frequently been applauded both at the Concerts and Theatre. Mr. Coleman has also on every benevolent and charitable occasion come forward, and given his aid and talent; and at the present moment we do think that a Concert got up by that gentleman would answer his purpose, and the lovers of music would be glad to avail themselves of showing their gratitude to a gentleman who has assisted so much in forming a taste for that science, by a full attendance. - Correspondent.
"THE CONCERT", The Australian (4 August 1837), 2
On Tuesday evening last, we once again had the pleasure, though after much too long an interval, of being present at one of Mr. William Wallace's Concerts. The Theatre was engaged for the occasion, and the attendance was as flattering as rank and numbers could make it . . . The Concert, we are sure, must have amply gratified the most sanguine expectations. We feel the impossibility of confining within the limits of our scanty space, anything like a satisfactory analysis of its manifold excellencies. The Band of the 4th Regiment which has so often entertained us on similar occasions, entertained us on the present one for the last time previous to their departure for India. The public will not soon forgot the uniform kindness of the commanding Officer of the 4th, in allowing the services of his Band, nor the cheerful and efficient manner in which those services have been rendered. On this, their last appearance, they played the overtures to "Masaniello," and "La Dame Blanche" - their execution of these two pieces, particularly the latter, will long be a memento of the excellence of the Band in the ensemble, and of the matured talent, as a musician, and skill as a leader of Mr. Coleman. Certain of the band also sang three chorusses, "Viva Enrico," "Hail our Patriot King," and "Vive le Roi." The latter was encored and was much better sung the second time than the first - manifestly the result of increased confidence . . .
"LOCAL NEWS", The Sydney Herald (7 August 1837), 9
The head quarters of the 4th Regiment will depart for India, in the John, tomorrow, and consists of Major England (commanding officer), Captain Chetwode, Captain Burn (paymaster), Dr. Lewis, Adjutant Espinasse, Lieutenant Moneypenny, Ensigns Short, Hext, Wilby, and 232 privates & non-commissioned officers, including the band, and Mr. Coleman, the band-master.
"Madras . . . SHIPPING ARRIVALS", Parbury's oriental herald and colonial intelligencer (1838), 118 (DIGITISED)
[Oct. 6 1837] - John, from New South Wales . . . Passengers by the John . . . Major England, commanding officer, Capt. Chetwoode, Capt. Burn, Adjutant Espinasse, Lieutenant Moneypenny, Ensigns Short, Hext, Wilby, Dr. Lewis, and 232 non-commissioned officers and privates of H. M.'s 4th regiment, Mr. Coleman (band-master), the band, and soldiers' wives and children.

Discharge of sergeant George Coleman, 4th Regiment, December 1839; UK National Archives, WO97/260/52 (PAYWALL)
4th The King's Own Reg't of Infantry . . .
No. 969 (Royal Artillery 327) George Coleman / BORN in the Parish of Gillingham . . . in the County of Kent / by Trade a Labourer /
ATTESTED for the Royal Artillery at Woolwhich in the County of Kent on the 19th June 1824, at the age of Twenty Six . . .
29th Reg't / Drummer / 26th Nov'r 1807 / [to] 25th Nov'r 1816 / Under Age
Promoted Private / 26th Nov'r 1816 / [of age 18]
Royal Artillery / Mus'n [musician] / 1st Apr'l 1824 /
4th Foot / Transferred / Private / 1st July 1831
Promoted Serjeant / 30th Nov'r 1839 / [to] 31st Dec't 1839 . . .
INDIES East / 7th October 1837 / to 31st Dec'r 1839 . . .
Total Service up to the 31st December 1839 / 23 years 323 days
Further service from 1st January 1840 to the 23rd Sept'r 1840 when finally discharged - 266 days
Total 24 years 224 days . . .
SERVED 4 years and 11 months in New South Wales and in India since 7th October 1837.
DISABILITY or cause of Discharge - Worn out in the service . . .
CHARACTER . . . very well conducted and efficient soldier.
[dated] Bangalore, East India, 7th December 1839
Death certificate, George Coleman, 1868; Cape colony, South Africa
George Colman / born Chatham England / son of John Coleman and Mary / 69 years of age / Pensioner / Widower / died 24th October 1868 / residence - farm - Andrews Bay / Children - . . . [including] Marian Elizabeth . . . Thomas Benjamin . . . Edmund Francis . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Henry G. Farmer, Memoirs of the Royal artillery band: its origin, history and progress: and account of rise of military music in England (London and New York: Boosey & Co., 1904), 79 note 5
. . . The bandmaster of the 4th King's Own from 1831-9 was George Coleman, also from the R.A. Band.
Henry G. Farmer, History of the Royal Artillery Band, 1762-1953 (London: Royal Artillery Institution, 1954), 437, 446
[437] [Royal Artillery] PRINCIPAL KEYED BUGLERS . . . 157. 1826 Msn. George Coleman (1824-1831)
Actor, vocalist, polyphonist, theatre proprietor, agent, manager, dramatic author, songwriter
Born c. 1815 (aged "40" in 1855)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 March 1855 (per Lightning, from Liverpool, 6 January)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, ? by May 1857 (for England)
Active London, England, until December 1867 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COLEMAN, Barned Jullien (alias Barned Jullien COLEMAN; B. J. COLEMAN; B. I. COLEMAN; Barney COLEMAN; alias Henry Julian HALL; H. J. HALL; alias Walter Hope WALLACK; W. H. WALLACK; Watty WALLACK)
Vocalist, actor, dramatic reader, polyphonist
Born Liverpool, England, c. 1830; or c. 1822 (aged "48" in 1870); claimed to be a brother of the above
Arrived Sydney, NSW, by May 1853
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, by July 1853
Active SA, 1861-65 (as H. J. HALL)
Active West Indies, by 1867 (as Walter "Watty" WALLACK)
Died St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 26 July 1901, aged "71" (as Watty WALLACK; Walter Hope WALLACK) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: If these two were indeed, as they claimed, brothers, there is no certainty that Coleman was their original family name; Watty Wallack claimed to have been born in Liverpool, England, perhaps around 1830; notably, they were both in Liverpool, England, c. 1846-47; a connection with the theatrical Wallack family is impossible to verify, and there is no evidence of any professional or private contact in Australia with the actor and vocalist Julia Harland (Julia Wallack), who arrived in 1856 while Henry was in Melbourne, or with, on his brief visit to Victoria in 1861, her father the actor Henry John Wallack.
Barned Jullien Coleman (alias Henry Julian Hall; alias Walter Hope "Watty" Wallack):
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (26 May 1853), 2
SCHOOL OF ARTS, PITT-STREET. THE first Dramatic Readings ever given in the colony.
This style of intellectual and amusing entertainment is now all the rage in London, and patronized by the Nobility.
Mr. B. J. COLEMAN will appear on Saturday evening next, May 28, when will be read Sir E. L. Bulwer's beautiful play THE LADY OF LYONS; or, Love and Pride.
Tickets may be obtained at all the principal shops and hotels, at two shillings each. To commence at 8 o'clock, doors open at half-past 7.
Carriages to be in waiting at half-past 10 o'clock. A few reserved seats on the platform, 3s. 6d. each, which must be secured beforehand.
ASSOCIATIONS: School of Arts (Sydney venue)
"DRAMATIC READINGS", The People's Advocate and New South Wales Vindicator [Sydney, NSW] (28 May 1853), 3
Mr. B. Jullien Coleman, lately arrived from England, intends giving a series of Dramatic Readings a la Macready and Kemble, from our best dramatic writers in the School of Arts. The first entertainment of the kind will take place this evening, when Bulwer's celebrated play of "The Lady of Lyons" will be read.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 July 1853), 12
BRAID'S Melbourne Assembly Rooms, Russell-street, corner of Little Collins-street.
Synopsis for the week . . . Saturday morning, Juvenile Dancing class, at two.
Do. evening, Mr. B Jullien Coleman, (third reading,) will read Shakespear's admired play, "The Merchant of Venice."
Singing Classes on the Hullah System now forming Private lessens in Dancing, Singing, and Piano-Forte.
CHARLES & JOHN BRAID, Proprietors. Monday, July 18th, 1853.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and John Braid (musician and dancing master)
[Advertisement], The Banner [Melbourne, VIC] (7 October 1853), 2
Under the distinguished patronage of the elite of Victoria.
MR. Barned Jullien Coleman (Brother to HENRY COLEMAN, Esq., the American Dramatic Author),
in returning his sincere thanks to his friends, and the Melbourne public, for their kind patronage and support bestowed upon him on former occasions,
begs to announce that at the request of several ladies and influential persons residing in this city,
who, from the inclemency of the weather, had not an opportunity of attending the Readings,
he purposes giving one more (and positively the last) Reading on
TUESDAY EVENING, October 18th, 1853. And by particular desire, the subject of the entertainment will be Bulwer's favorite play,
Mr. C. will endeavor to personate distinctly every character of the piece,
in imitation of the most popular London actors, in the original cast as represented at Covent Garden Theatre . . .
Admission, Four Shillings; Reserved Seats . . . Five Shillings.
Tickets may be obtained . . . at Mr. Colman's residence, 180, La Trobe Street east . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
"BENDIGO (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT) Sandhurst, September 21st, 1854 . . . COUNTY COURT, Friday", The Argus (2 October 1854), 6
. . . Coleman v. Landells. This was a suit for the value of a tent and other articles which the former had made over to the latter when under apprehension of its being siezed [sic] by the police, and which the latter had pulled down and removed. Verdict for defendant . . .
"MR. COLEMAN" Bendigo Advertiser (5 September 1855), 2
On Saturday evening last we spent another pleasant evening at the Princess's Theatre, witnessing the inimitable personations of this gentlemen [i. e. Henry]. Not less attractive were the dramatic performances by the Misses Wernham and Hudson, and Mr. B. J. Coleman. A very amusing and interesting farce was "put on the boards" and played in a creditable manner. This evening, it will be perceived by an advertisement in another column is the last on which Mr. Coleman will call on the Bendigo people for their patronage - he being about to leave for Sydney to fulfil an engagement there.
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Wernham (actor); Princess Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (5 February 1856), 3
THE following Ladies and Gentlemen will appear: -
Madame SARA FLOWER, Miss Fanny Wernham, Mrs. Fanny McGowan, The lady amateur vocalist
Mrs. B. Ricards, Mrs. Gill, Miss A. Hudson,
Mr. Sam Howard, Herr Kohler, Mr. Radford and Band,
Mr. Ricards, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Styles, Mr. Alexander
Signor Gagliadi, and Mr. B. J. Coleman. . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Richardson (musician, concertina player); Sara Flower (vocalist, actor, Mrs. Sam Howard); Fanny Griffiths McGowan (actor, dancer, Mrs. Robert McGowan); Sam Howard (actor); Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician); Sidney Radford (musician); Giacinto Gagliardi (musician, flute player)
"PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS", Bendigo Advertiser (9 February 1856), 3
The attendance at the Princess's Theatre on Thursday evening last, being the occasion of a joint benefit for Messrs. B. J. Coleman and H. Richardson, was tolerably good. The great rains on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, had made the roads so impassible that it was unexpectedly we found so many present. The performance was very good, and deserved to be seen for a better audience. The few plaintive ballads sung by Madame Sara Flower were received with delight, nearly amounting to enthusiasm . . . The beneficiaries have every reason to compliment themselves on the talent they commanded, and if rumour is to believed, and the cash yielded, upwards of 250 tickets have been sold. Miss Wernham made her first appearance on Bendigo since her return from Melbourne on that evening . . . Of the recent debutantes from Melbourne, Mr. Sam. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, we will only say, that they do credit to Mr. Coleman, the energetic manager, for his taste in selecting them. As we would do justice to them, when we offer any remarks, and as they are to remain to play in the new theatre, we will reserve a notice of their very pleasing performances, until a future occasion. The theatrical talent now offered to the good people of Bendigo is indeed worthy of support, and it is to be hoped a proper sustenance will be accorded to the enterprise of Mr. [Henry] Coleman, who is at an enormous expense catering for the hitherto neglected public.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Fanny McGowan (actors, dancer); The "new theatre" = Criterion Theatre (Bendigo venue, under construction)
"DAGUERREOTYPES", Bendigo Advertiser (9 April 1856), 3
We have seen some daguerreotype likenesses, taken by Mr. Fox, of Bridge-street, which for accuracy, beauty, and finish in the details, are certainly equal, if not superior, to anything of the sort we have seen in the colony. A likeness of Mr. Henry Coleman and one of his brother, struck us as being exceedingly good, especially the former . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Fox (photographer)
"HALL OF CASTLEMAINE", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (11 April 1856), 5
This large building was occupied last night by about 400 persons, who were attracted to witness the debut in Castlemaine, of the world renowned Lola Montes . . . The pieces selected for representation were The Morning Call, in which Madame Lola Montes appeared as Mrs. Chillingtone . . . followed by the farce of The Eton Boy, Mr. B. J. Coleman (brother of Mr. H. Coleman), enacting the part of Mr. Dabster; and Lola Montes and Mr. Folland severally as Fanny Curry and Captain Popham . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (actor, dancer); Frank Folland (actor)
"COLEMAN'S CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (18 August 1856), 2
On Saturday night Mr. Coleman gave another representation of his "Masks and Faces" - a species of entertainment which he has made completely his own, and in which, since the days of the elder Matthews, no one has at all approached him . . . Mr. B. I. Coleman during the entertainment made his first appearance in an entirely new monologue, sketched and written expressly for him by Mr. H. Coleman, and entitled "The Modern Victorine," in which with great ability he sustained four different characters . . .
"COLEMAN'S CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (1 September 1856), 2
On Saturday evening this Theatre was opened at reduced prices, and it being considered "The Diggers' Night," it was confidently expected the house would have been crowded . . . we are sorry to say however such was not the case - the attendance was very thin especially in the boxes and stalls . . . Mr. B. I. Coleman appeared for a second time on Bendigo, in the Musical Monologue entitled, "The Modern Victorine," in which he sustains four characters . . .
"CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (16 July 1857), 3
This place of amusement will be opened this evening, for the benefit of Mr. B. J. Coleman, and we trust he will be honored with a bumper house . . . Mr. Coleman is a very clever actor in certain walks of the drama, and he spares no pains to please . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (9 October 1858), 2
STAR THEATRE. GRAND OPENING NIGHT, Saturday Evening, Oct. 16th.
FIRST APPEARANCE Of the celebrated Juvenile Actress, MISS ANNA MARIA QUINN . . .
Supported by the following celebrated Artistes will have the honor of appearing: -
Mr. HARRY JACKSON, The celebrated Eccentric Comedian . . .
Mr. B. J. Coleman, The AUSTRALIAN BUCKSTONE . . .
Leader of the ORCHESTRA, Mr. C. LEGREW.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anna Maria Quinn (actor); Harry Jackson (comedian); Charles Legrew (musician); Lachlan McGowan (actor, manager); James Henry Quinn (manager); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE . . . THE BUCKINGHAM FAMILY", Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser [NSW] (5 March 1859), 2
This family returned to this town on Tuesday last, after a very successful tour in Australia. We are told they were under the banners of the enterprising Mr. Wallace, who has the Star Theatre, Beechworth, a large Concert Room at the Indigo, and another at a town called the Nine Mile, where their services were required . . . Since their departure from this town they have added to their company, two artists of talent, Mr. A. J. King [sic], Pianist, and Mr. J. B Coleman, brother of the celebrated author of "Masks and Faces." This latter gentleman appears to be a very talented young man. The family gave their first performance on Thursday evening, at the Squatters Hotel, which was well attended . . . The evening's entertainment was concluded by a musical vaudeville, entitled "Day after the Fair; or the mishaps of Clods," in which Mr. Buckingham appeared as Clod, which was a rich treat, as also his eldest son George, in Fidget. Mr. J. B. Coleman, as Jerry, was excellent and he was very sharp in his changes; in fact we may safely say it may be considered the greatest musical treat we have heard in this district . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Buckingham and family (musicians, performers); John Alston Wallace (Beechworth concert room proprietor); Alfred Edward King (pianist)
[Advertisement], Wagga Wagga Express and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (21 May 1859), 3
Wagga Wagga May 16th, 1859. To Mr. Coleman.
Dear Sir, - Hearing you are about leaving our township, we cannot permit you to depart without tendering some acknowledgement of our appreciation of your talent as an actor;
and worth as a gentleman; especially for the able services gratuitously given to our very successful Amateur Dramatic performance in aid of the Hospital.
We therefore wish you to name some evening on which to take a benefit, and we shall feel happy in playing on the occasion.
Trusting you may have a crowded house, which you deserve, we subscribe ourselves -
Jas. Murdoch, J. Bentley, W. Whitehand. J. D. Campbell, J. H. Honor, Charles Berry, A. E. King.
(Answer.) Wagga Wagga, May 17, 1895. To THE GENTLEMEN AMATEURS.
GENTLEMEN - Accept my sincere thanks for your kind proposal to play for my benefit,
which, if agreeable, I have pleasure in suggesting to take place on Wednesday evening, the 8th June.
With best wishes for the future success of the society, I have the honour to remain, Yours, gratefully obliged,
[Advertisement], The Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser [NSW] (11 June 1859), 3
WILL shortly have the pleasure of visiting Goulburn, en route to Sydney, and deliver ONE ONLY of his popular Dramatic Reading Entertainments,
on which occasion he will be aided by MR. ALFRED KING, Pianist and Vocalist, from the Philharmonic Concerts, Melbourne.
The Entertainment will consist of BULWER'S sublime play of THE LADYE OF LYONS,
pronounced by the Victorian and New South Wales Press to be Mr. Coleman's chef d'oeuvre, and witnessed by the elite of the Colonies.
[manicule] As Mr. Coleman has to fulfil an immediate engagement in Sydney, it will preclude any possibility of a second night's entertainment.
(Full particulars in bills of the day.)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (4 August 1859), 1
PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. - Lessee and Manager, Mr. CHARLES POOLE . . . Mr. BARNEY COLEMAN, the comedian, will appear in a few days.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Poole (actor, manager); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue)
"PRINCE OF WALES THEATRE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (8 August 1859), 8
. . . On Friday, "Victorine," a play of the French school, of which the less we see, the better, and "Swiss Swains," in which Mr. Barney Coleman appeared for the first time; the preceding remark will apply to his performance.
[Advertisement], Goulburn Herald (1 September 1860), 3
The Great Vocaliste and Actress, MADAME SARA FLOWER,
WILL shortly arrive, accompanied by the following distinguished artistes:
Mr. SAM. HOWARD, The celebrated Comedian from Sydney;
Mr. B. J. COLEMAN, The favourite Victorian Comedian;
And, Mr. T. S. WILKINSON, Pianist from the Dublin Philharmonic Concerts.
Due notice will be given of their first appearance in their popular "Drawing-room Entertainments."
ASSOCIATIONS: Theodore Scott Wilkinson (pianist)
[Advertisement], Empire [Sydney, NSW] (19 September 1860), 1
SHAKSPEARE CONCERT HALL. Mr. B. J. COLEMAN, the celebrated Duologist, will appear TO-MORROW EVENING.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist); John Leveson (vocalist); Alfred Weiss (vocalist); Monsieur Lamoureux = Henry Osborn Thompson (vocalist); Henry and Wilhelmina Eastwick (vocalist and pianist)
"A POLYPHONIST", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (29 November 1860), 2
We hope our readers comprehend what is meant by the formidable word. If not, Mr. Byers, of the Olympic Theatre, will be happy to enlighten them this evening, having engaged, for three nights, Mr. B. J. Coleman, "the wonderful Polyphonist."
ASSOCIATIONS: James Lucas Byers (actor, manager); Olympic Theatre (Maitland venue)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 February 1861), 1
MR. B. J. COLEMAN, low comedian, is requested to return the wearing apparel borrowed from J. WOOD.
"THE BENEFIT TO THE HOSPITAL", The Newcastle Chronicle and Hunter River District News [NSW] (10 April 1861), 3
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 April 1861), 8
MR. COLEMAN, the DRAMATIC POLYPHONIST, will arrive in a few days with his new entertainment, in the C. F Lessing, accompanied by Mr. Marmaduke Wilson, the composer and pianist. Open to an ENGAGEMENT.
ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 May 1861), 5
Mr. Coleman - a gentleman who announces himself as a Polyphonist - repeated an entertainment which he calls "Masks and Faces," at the Mechanics' Institute last evening. It chiefly consists of the presentation of an almost endless variety of half-length life portraits, chiefly remarkable for the rapidity with which they are in turn assumed and discarded by Mr. Coleman. Some appropriate songs were rendered with unfailing spirit, and the audience - although scanty in the extreme - manifested their satisfaction with their entertainer's efforts by almost unceasing applause.
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 May 1861), 8
Mr. COLEMAN, by unanimous desire, will give his second and positively last ENTERTAINMENT, and to afford all classes an opportunity to see the great polyphonist, Million prices.
Body of the hall 1s., front seats, 2s. To commence at 8.
E. TOTTEN, Agent.
ASSOCIATIONS: Elbert Totten (agent)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (15 June 1861), 1
COLEMAN'S POLYPHONIC HALL, Late the Anatomical Museum, Kyle's Buildings, BOURKE STREET EAST.
MR. COLEMAN, the Dramatic Polyphonist, has much pleasure in announcing to his numerous friends and the public in general that he purposes opening
THIS EVENING, 16th JUNE, the above extensive premises . . . E. TOTTEN, agent.
"VICTORIA THEATRE", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (3 December 1861), 2
On Monday evening, December 2, Mr. H. J. Hall made his debut at the Victoria Theatre. The audience, considering the counter attraction at White's Rooms, and the inclement state of the weather, was larger than was expected. The performance commenced with an introductory address from Mr. Hall, after which he appeared in various characters; the changing of the dress and the voice was really clever. The character which seemed to please the audience most was that of Miss Clementina Languish, in which he introduced the beautiful Scotch song of "Annie Laurie." During the whole of the evening Mr. Hall kept his audience in a constant roar of laughter, whilst his magic picture-frame of living portraits was truly wonderful. The entertainment closed by introducing a portrait of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, together with the National Anthem. We would recommend our readers to pay Mr. Hall's visit and judge for themselves his perfection in the art he professes to imitate.
ASSOCIATIONS: Royal Victoria Theatre (Adelaide venue)
"ECHUNGA [From our own Correspondent] . . . March 5", Adelaide Observer (8 March 1862), 4
Mr. H. J. Hall, the polyphonist, gave an entertainment at the Hagen Arms, on the 3rd March, descriptive of the seven ages of man, which were executed with great taste. The rapidity with which he personified the various characters and changed his dress excited much applause. His songs, from their originality, were unexceptionable. The room was crowded.
MR. HALL'S ENTERTAINMENT", Taranaki Herald [NZ] (10 May 1862), 3
On Monday last, the arrival of Mr. Henry Julian Hall in our little town caused quite a sensation. The clipper brig Gazelle came to anchor in the morning, and on the same evening the talented gentleman gave his wonderful Entertainment; Colonel and Mrs. Warre, also many ladies and officers, honoring the performance with their presence. The Band of the 57th was permitted to attend, and the Masonic Hall was well filled. Mr. Hall's Monologue is most unique, and an amusement, calculated to please everybody. It is after the style of Mr. Woodin's "Carpet Bag" in the Mother Country, which some of our readers may remember. The characters were assumed with an astonishing rapidity. Mr. Hall sang many songs, most of of which met with enthusiastic encores. He apologised, quite unnecessarily, for his voice, having just come off a long voyage. At the conclusion of the performance, there was apparently little or no fatigue perceptible on the part of the Polyphonist, who had a most arduous task in representing so many personages and altering his intonation into such a variety of voices. The whole affair was a decided success. Mr. Galea, the Bandmaster of the 57th Regiment, accompanied Mr. Hall throughout all has dances, songs, &c., on the pianoforte, in masterly style. Last evening Mr. Hall repeated his Entertainment to a densely-crowded room, and kept his audience thoroughly well amused for over two hours and a-half. On Wednesday next is announced a third treat; on which occasion, we are informed, the great novelty will be a new American anecdote in verse, called "Yankee Bluster," quite original, a skit on the anticipated war with Brother Jonathan when the Trent steamer was stopped, with the British mail. The prices of admission are judiciously low, and we can heartily recommend all our friends to spend a pleasant evening with Mr. Hall.
"MR. HALL'S ENTERTAINMENT", The Mercury [Hobart, TAS] (20 January 1863), 2
Although the heavy rain which set in yesterday afternoon, and continued nearly to the hour for opening the Theatre, to some extent affected the attendance in the dress circle, a very good House was attracted last night by the programme put forward by Mr. Hall. And the company was certainly very unanimous and enthusiastic in its approval of the performance. Mr. Hall fully justified all the encomiums that have been passed upon him by the colonial press. His voice is very pleasing, his impersonations remarkably clever and his changes of character astonishingly rapid. An entertainment more varied or better sustained throughout, has never been offered by any artist in Hobart Town, and there is something really wonderful in the energy and spirit with which so trying a role was kept up to the last. Signor Grimani was a most efficient accompanyist on the pianoforte, and contributed greatly to the success of the entertainment, which was brought to a close amid the loud and repeated plaudits of the audience. We trust that Mr. Hall will receive a patronage during his brief stay in Hobart Town, commensurate with his indisputable and rare abilities.
ASSOCIATIONS: Antonio Grimani (pianist)
[Advertisement], The Mercury (29 January 1863), 1
THEATRE ROYAL. GRAND MORNING BESPEAK, AND FASHIONABLE DAY ENTERTAINMENT . . . (THIS) THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29, At 3 o'clock p.m. MR. H. J. HALL, in thanking his numerous admirers for the unusually liberal patronage bestowed on his Drawing-Room Monologue, trusts to make this morning performance the most fashionable and pleasant reunion that has taken place for some time here . . . During the 1st and 2nd part of the entertainment, Signor GAGLIARDi will perform a Solo on the flute - O'Cara Memoria, by Caraffa. Signor Antonio GRIMANI will preside at the Pianoforte, and accompany Mr. Hall throughout the Seven Ages of Man . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Giacinto Gagliadi (flautist)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser [Adelaide, SA] (13 April 1864), 2
Mr. H. J. Hall's entertainment at the Theatre last night was tolerably well attended, and passed off very satisfactorily. No one who has seen him can help being astonished at the marvellously rapid manner in which Mr. Hall changes his dress, appearing in two totally different characters in the course of a minute. Last night's performances were similar to those of Monday evening, and we may mention the simple and pleasing song of "Little Katey's Letter" as being particularly well worth hearing. Mr. Hall's engagement at the Theatre is now very limited, and as he is really worth a visit, he will probably be well supported during the remaining nights of his performance.
[News], South Australian Weekly Chronicle (5 November 1864), 4
Mr. H. J. Hall, the polyphonist, took his benefit at White's Rooms on Monday evening, October 31, assisted by Mrs. Wallace, who sang some favourite songs, and Mr. Schrader, who played a brilliant solo on the cornet. Mr. Hall's performances were for the most part the same as those we have on former occasions noticed as given by him at the Victoria Theatre. Probably on account of the sultry evening and the thinness of the audience, the evening's entertainments did not go off very spiritedly. However, many parts of it were applauded, and Mrs. Wallace's song, "O steer my bark to Erin's isle," was encored.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Wallace (vocalist); Heinrich Schraeder (musician); White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH (From our own Correspondent) Adelaide, April 28, 1865", Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (29 April 1865), 2
Hall, the Polyphonist, committed sodomy at Port Augusta.
"Criminal-Sitzungen des Supreme-Court", Süd Australische Zeitung (19 May 1865), 6
H. J. Hall, der bekannte Schauspieler, von seinem, von ihm wegen Trunksucht entlassenen Clavierspieler W. Pascoe eines unanständigen Angriffs beschul digt, wurde, da die Beweise höchst unvollständig waren, freigesprochen.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Pascoe (pianist)
"SUPREME COURT", South Australian Register (19 May 1865), 2
On Thursday, the third charge against H. J. Hall was heard, but not substantiated by the evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The Crown Solicitor then declared it was not his intention to proceed upon the fourth information, and the prisoner was discharged.
"SUPREME COURT . . . WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 . . . INDECENT ASSAULT", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (20 May 1865), 7
Henry Julien Colman, otherwise Hall, was indicted for indecently assaulting Wm. Pascoe, a young man lately in his employ as a musician, at Port Augusta. Mr. Downer defended the prisoner, and, from the fact which came out in evidence, that Pascoe was locked up one night at the instance of the prisoner for drunkenness, put the case as one of malice on the part of the prosecutor out of revenge for being locked up. The only evidence produced was that of the prosecutor . . . The prisoner was then indicted for similarly assaulting John Birch at the same place. The only witness in this case also was the prosecutor, but when he was put into the box he made a different statement, so totally different from that contained in the deposition sent down that the Crown Solicitor withdrew the indictment . . .
"SUPREME COURT . . . Wednesday, May 17 . . . FELONIOUS ASSAULT", Adelaide Observer (20 May 1865), 4
H. J. Hall, otherwise Coleman, charged as having committed an indecent assault, with felonious intent, pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Downer. According to the evidence of William Pascoe the alleged offence took place at Port Augusta on the 10th April; but the attendant circumstances being such as to invalidate the testimony of the witness, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The prisoner pleaded not guilty as to another offence alleged against him in the same vicinity as that above-mentioned. The witness (John Birch) laboured under an impediment of speech, and his testimony was not of a nature to confirm the charge. A verdict of not guilty was again returned. Two other charges remained to be disposed of.
[Advertisement], Trinidad Chronicle (11 September 1866), 2 (PAYWALL)
TOWN HALL, PORT-OF-SPAIN. MR. WATTY WALLACK, (The Celebrated and Gifted Monologist), HAVING just arrived from Demerara and Barbados, has great pleasure in announcing his WONDERFUL POLYPHONIC ENTERTAINMENT To take place at the above Central Assembly Hall, on the Evening of THURSDAY, the 13th, AND SATURDAY, the 15th, SEPTEMBER, 1866 . . . Already represented over 2000 Nights, and visited by upwards of 350,000 persons in South America, Cape of Good Hope, Australia, New Zealand, &c., &c. . . .
[Advertisement], St. Croix Avis [Christiansted, US Virgin Islands] (22 March 1867), 2
Mr. Watty Wallack begs to inform the Inhabitants of this place that his first and only Entertainment will take place on Monday Evening the 25th inst. . . .
"AMUSEMENTS IN KINGSTON, JAMAICA, W. I.", New York Clipper [NY, USA] (22 June 1867), 86
. . . Mr. Watty Wallack, the monologist . . . came from St. Thomas . . . Watty Wallack has given two entertainments at the theatre to five hundred dollar houses, besides a performance on Her Majesty's steamer Abouker. He is very talented, has a wonderful power of changing his voice, and is exceedingly expert in assuming his various characters. His entertainment is in the style of Woodin's and Mr. and Mrs. German Reed's of English celebrity. He is related to the Wallacks who so deservedly gained a high reputation in your city . . .
Baptisms, St, Paul's Episcopal Church, 1870; Virgin Islands History Associates (VISHA), Slave and Free People Records, 1733-1930,Box 27 (PAYWALL)
No. 204 / Born Octob. 18 [1870] / Baptised October 18 / Walter Hope / [son of] Walter Wallack / 48 / Actor Traveller / [born] England / Fanny his wife / 18 / Travelling / born Eng. / privately - being ill

Playbill, Watty and Fannie Wallack, the Arsenal, Beaufort, South Carolina, 21 September 1874
WALLACK will sing his own song as old age, entitled "Past Times" . . .
Rustic medley, serio-comic duet "Love and Pride," by Fannie & Watty . . .
"REMINISCENCES OF SOTHERN'S EARLY LIFE", New York Clipper (12 February 1881), 374
Watty Wallack, now traveling with the Pathfinders Combination, writes to THE CLIPPER as follows:
Mr. Sothern and myself were boys together in our native town of Liverpool, Eng.
Sothern, between his eighteenth and twentieth years, was serving his apprenticeship, as we call it, in a ship-broker's office in Liverpool . . .
During the time Sothern was at Poole's office we both belonged to the same amateur dramatic club, called the Sheridan Society.
We gave our performances in a theatre called the Portico, situated at the top of the arcade on Newington Bridge.
I think the little theatre has since been pulled down. Sothern played under the name of Edward Sothern, and I believe he had no other.
I played under the name of B. J. Coleman. Sothern's favorite part was Don Felix in "The Wonder,"
which comedy we played many times. I Joined a dramatic company and went out to Australia.
From that time I lost all trace of Sothern until I heard of his great success as Lord Dundreary at the Haymarket, London.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edward Askew Sothern (actor); probably c. 1846-48
"BALLARAT CHRONICLES AND PICTURES. BY W. B. WITHERS . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Ballarat Star [VIC] (26 October 1889), 1
. . . Early in 1854, and on or near the same site, the first dramatic exhibition opened. It was a canvas theatre known as Coleman's or Coleman and Landells'. His brother afterwards made his mark in the monopolylogue "Masks and Faces." The canvas theatre was promoted by George Codlin, a blacksmith, who in the seventies jumped the life to come with a razor and a plunge into lake Wendouree. His wife, now dead, had a confectioner's shop in the present City Hall site. She and her sister (Mrs. Landells) had a refreshment stall in Coleman's theatre, and Messrs. Pole and Cos., clothiers, made £60 or £70 a week as costumiers to the company. Coleman's orchestra consisted of Jacques Paltzer, leader and violin; Longbottom, second violin; Ed. West, double bass; August Miell, cornet. West, familiarly known as Daddy West, resided here till 1888, and played all the time off and on in theatres, concert rooms, and in both sacred and secular music . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (memoirist, journalist); Jacques Paltzer (violin); Mr. Longbottom (violin); Edward West (double bass); Augustus Miell (cornet)
"Armidale - 51 years Ago", The Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser [NSW] (9 February 1912), 2
["Express" Clippings. - Feb. 2, 1861, to Feb. 9, 1861] . . . Mr. Coleman, the well-known dramatic polyphonist, assisted by Mr. Marmaduke Wilson, is giving public performances in Armidale at Scholes's Assembly Rooms, New England Hotel. We believe that these entertainments are well deserving of public support . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Marmaduke Henry Wilson (pianist)
St Louis, Missouri, death record, Watty Wallack, 1901; Missouri digital heritage (PAYWALL)
St. Louis / C 10406/118/6418 / Wallack, Watty / 71 y / Manager / Died 26 July 1901 / Widower / born England / 135 Washington Ave.
"WATTY WALLACK", Saint Christopher Advertiser and Weekly Intelligencer [St. Kitts] (20 August 1901), 3 (PAYWALL)
A copy of "The Missouri Freemason" of August 3 has been placed at our disposal, in which we find recorded the death of Walter Hope Wallack, known to his friends in the theatrical world as Watty Wallack. We had been under the impression that our old friend had joined the great majority long ago, in view of the fact that for several years we received no intimation from him of his whereabouts, coupled with the other fact that letters posted to him from here have been returned. Years ago Watty Wallack every now and again kept us posted with regard to his movements either by dropping us a line or by sending us a newspaper - but soon after leaving St. Kitts on his last visit his intimations of being in the land of the living ceased, and as he was an old man we believed that he had crossed the bar long ago. The paper referred to gives the following account of his death and burial: BRO. WALTER HOPE WALLACK. The funeral of Bro. Walter Hope Wallack (known to his friends and the theatrical world as Watty Wallack) of Mt. Olive Lodge, No. 336, Basseterre, St. Kitts, British West Indies, who died at St. Luke's Hospital Saturday, July 27, 1901, was conducted by Anchor Lodge, No. 443, on Monday, July 29 . . . Interment in the Grand Lodge lot in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Full Masonic honors were accorded our late brother.
Henry Coleman:
? [News], Crown [London, England] (29 July 1838), 7 (PAYWALL)
MR. HENRY COLEMAN, the author of the drama of Crichton, and writer of several successful pieces, which have been performed in the United States, has lately arrived in this country; and we anticipate pleasure in shortly seeing some of his productions performed at our metropolitan theatres.
See also, "I saw thee but an hour, a ballad, written by Henry Coleman, esq., author of the Drama of Critchton, Originals, Scourge of the ocean, &c. . . .", in Sartain's Union Magazine (January 1849), 72-74 (DIGITISED)
"THEATRE ROYAL", Liverpool Albion [Lancashire, England] (10 May 1847), 2 (PAYWALL)
The Theatre-Royal opened last week, under the management of Mr. Henry Coleman, of this town, who has, we believe, taken the house from Mr. Simpson for a period of three months. The representations of the week were of a varied character, consisting of tragedy, vaudeville, farce, and the performances of the Bedouin Arabs. The principal part in each of the serious pieces was played by Mr. Barry Sullivan . . . From what we have seen of Mr. Sullivan we have formed a very high opinion of his abilities . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Barry Sullivan (actor, active in Australia, 1862-66)
[Advertisement], Liverpool Albion (21 June 1847), 1 (PAYWALL)
THEATRE-ROYAL. Under the Management of Mr. Henry Coleman. OPERA SEASON.
THE Manager has much pleasure in announcing the commencement of the OPERA SEASON, on
MONDAY next, the 28th instant, when will be presented, for the first time in Liverpool,
Donizetti'e Grand Opera, entitled, ANNE BOLEYN, In which the following eminent Artistes will appear:
Assisted by Mr. P. CORRI, Miss K. LOWE, and a full and powerful Chorus, composed of Members of the
The New Opera of THE NIGHT DANCERS will be immediately produced.
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist, actor, in Australia from 1850)
"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE", Liverpool Albion (15 May 1848), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Henry Coleman, stock and sharebroker, and lately manager of the Theatre-Royal, appeared at the Bankruptcy Court, last week, on his last examination. After being questioned by his honour, in reference to some railway transactions with Miss Cushman, which appeared in his balance-sheet, the bankrupt passed his examination.
"A DRAMATIC AUTHOR", The Era [London, England] (8 August 1852), 11 (PAYWALL)
Henry Coleman, who described himself as a dramatic author and lodging-house keeper, was opposed on Thursday in the Insolvent Debtor's Court by Mr. Dowse and Mr. Macrae, for various creditors. Mr. Cooke supported. The insolvent was bankrupt in 1838, and again in 1848, soon after which latter period he went to Boulogne-sur-Mer, and commenced business in partnership with a Mr. Harris, as ale and wine merchants, moneychangers, and bankers. This business went on until August, 1851, when he left Boulogne on account of not beirg able to meet a draft for £370 which he had given to a creditor . . . In the course of the examination the insolvent was asked his means of livelihood since his return to this country, to which he replied that he had written dramatic pieces, including two melodramas for the Marylebone Theatre - Seila, the Betrothed, and Poll of Paddington, for each of which he received the sum of £5, the mention of which sum produced a roar of laughter throughout the court . . . As to the creditors who had opposed, their opposition was of a general character, and not of a nature to induce him [the commissioner] to delay the insolvent's discharge, which he now gave him.
"ESCAPE OF TEN YEARS FROM THE French Galleys - Extraordinary Career of a Theatrical Dramatic Author, French Money Changer, and Boulogne Banker", The Era (15 August 1852), 11 (PAYWALL)
At the Insolvent Debtors' Court, last week, Henry Coleman applied to Mr. Commissioner Law for his discharge. The remarkable features which presented themselves were the vicissitudes of a theatrical manager's life, the miserable pittance which dramatic authors receive, but, above all, the extraordinary system adopted by bankers and money changers at Boulogne towards English visitors and residents. The insolvent's own evidence will furnish a correct narrative of his career and final sentence of ten years to the French galleys. The total amount of his present debts were returned at £3,227, and assets £2,035. He described himself as formerly of 27, Castle-street, Liverpool, and then in lodgings in Renshaw-street, Liverpool; while of those places manager first of the Theatre Royal, Williamson-square, and afterwards of the Royal Liver Theatre; then of 8, Carpenter's-buildings, London, out of business and employ; then of 8, Bury-court, St. Mary Axe, and 31, Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, general commission agent; then of Castle-street, Houndsditch, general commission agent, and at the same time conducting the correspondence of one Morris Myers, of that place, rag merchant, and contractor to her Majesty's Board of Ordnance; then of 24, Quai de la Douane, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, in partnership with Benjamin Harris, as ale, wine, and brandy merchants and Exchange brokers, and having stores, first, at 1, Petite-rue de l'Ecue, and part of the time also at 16, Rue de la Coupe, and other part of the time at 24, Rue de l'Ecue, in Boulogne-sur-Mer; also for the period of about twelve months carrying on the business of ale, wine, and brandy merchants, at 17, Boulevard de la Madelaine, Cite Viudde, Paris, in the Republic of France, under the firm of Coleman and Harris, from January, 1851, to the 9th of August inclusive, the said co-partnership also carrying on the business of bankers and money changers under the description of Coleman and Company's British Bank, at 24, Quai de la Douane, during part of the period, being proprietors of the Ranelagh Gardens at Capecure, Boulogne-sur-Mer; during the whole period, from August, 1849, having a private residence at 1, Rue de l'Entrepot, Boulogne-sur-Mer, carrying on business there on his own account as a lodging-house-keeper; then travelling to, and staying at various places in France, Belgium, Germany, Prussia, and other places on the Continent of Europe, out of business and employ; then of 6, Jeffrey's-square, St. Mary Axe, London, and late of 7, Albert-road, Queen's road, Dalston, lodging house-keeper and dramatic author, and now a prisoner in the Queen's Prison.
Mr. Cooke supported the insolvent, and Mr. Dowse and Mr. Macrae opposed on behalf of Mr. S. Lawrence, horse dealer; Mr. Faulkner, a Custom House agent, Folkestone; Messrs. Truman and Hanbury, the brewers; Messrs. Bass and Co., ale merchants, and three other creditors.
The insolvent, whose upper lip was adorned with a huge moustache, said, in answer to Mr. Macrae, that on the 27th of April last he was arrested on a capias at the suit of Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Justice Coleridge made the order, and a summons was taken out, supported by affidavits that he did not intend to leave the country, to procure his liberation, but the judge sustained his original order. He did not describe himself as a stock and sharebroker, of Liverpool. Five or six years ago he was a stock and sharebroker there, and in Sept., 1847, he was insolvent in the District Court. He was also bankrupt on the 9th of May, 1848. Since his insolvency in 1847 he had had no connexion with a Casino in Holborn. He had had no difficulty in obtaining a final order in Liverpool. His debts were then about £2,000, and no dividend had been paid. In 1838 he was a bankrupt in London as a general commission agent, and his debts were then very nearly £2,000, and no dividend was declared. The bankruptcy of 1848 followed to rectify an error in the insolvency of 1847.
He was last in America seven or eight years ago.
He was not a bankrupt there, nor was he ever outlawed.
His object in visiting America was to try his fortune (a laugh); he was manager of theatres in America, but did not make a fortune.
That was his only occupation.
In 1848 he carried on a commission agency in London, which he almost immediately abandoned.
In 1849 he proceeded to Boulogne to transact some business for Mr. Myers, but did not succeed, and returned to this country.
Mrs. Crawford, a lady who resided with us in Boulogne and London, and still does so, has supplied us with money for our maintenance.
While at Boulogne I met a gentleman with capital, who was desirous of going into business - his name is Harris.
I returned to Boulogne, and we commenced as ale and wine merchants, to serve hotel keepers and families.
We also carried on the business of Exchange brokers from November, 1849, to August, 1851,
and about six months prior to our close we added he banking business,
and as a medium of extending the sale of our ales we built the Ranelagh Gardens for the amusement of the English residents. (A laugh.)
Mr. Harris's capital was about £800.
I had none, and finding that we were doing too much business for our capital,
and from acts of kindness by lending money to my friends, and not being able to meet a draft upon Preuel and Co, bankers at Boulogne,
and from fear of arrest, I quitted France on the 9th of August, 1851, at half-past seven o'clock at night.
We lost £500 by the Ranelagh Gardens.
The immediate amount, which we were unable to meet was £400.
I had then only a small balance in the London and Westminster Bank.
We received deposits and paid cheques as bankers. I cannot tell what capital we had then.
It was a floating one (Laughter.) We had a very large connexion as ale and wine merchants.
We supplied 500 or 600 persons and hotel-keepers.
I cannot refer to my books, because they are in the hands of the official assignee in France.
I have been bankrupt in France, and sentenced to ten years at the galleys.
It is not an unfrequent thing to sentence a man to be executed in France during his absence.
I left considerable assets in France. My sentence was for par contumace.
The whole of my schedule has been drawn up as far as memory only will allow me to go.
Mr. Macrae: Why don't you return to France? (Laughter.)
Insolvent: I can answer that in various ways. I do not like to go to the galleys, and I prefer being tried by an English tribunal . . .
He then went on to state that he had written two dramatic pieces called Liela, the Betrothed, and Poll of Paddington,
for each of which he received £5. (Much laughter.) His house at Dalston was furnished with goods he had not given up . . .
The Commissioner said he was of opinion that the creditors in France might have some ground of complaint,
but neither those nor the English creditors attended to support the opposition.
The grounds alleged against the insolvent were of a general nature, and not sufficient to induce the Court to delay his discharge,
he must, however, give up the furniture to the auctioneer of the court, and upon that condition he would be discharged.
Mr. Cooke said that should be done, and the case, which excited much interest in a crowded court, then terminated.
[Advertisement], Nottingham Journal (11 November 1853), 4 (PAYWALL)
Mr. COLEMAN (the celebrated American Polyphonist), has the honour to announce that he will give his new and eminently successful
Comic, Vocal, and Pictorial Entertainment, entitled MASKS AND FACES! IN THREE FITS OF LAUGHTER, Illustrative of the Men and Manners of the age,
pronounced by the universal voice of the Press to be the most elegant and amusing Entertainment ever offered to the public since the days of the Elder Matthews,
on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, Nov. 15, 16th, and 17, commencing at Eight.
Vocal Artiste. - Mdlle. CORA STELLI, of the Nobility's Concerts. Pupil of Signor Schirra . . .
"ROYAL PORTOBELLO GARDENS", Saunders's News-Letter [Dublin, Ireland] (17 May 1854), 2 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Henry Coleman, the celebrated polyphonist, who has been compared to the elder Mathews in point of the skill and ability which characterize his entertainment, makes his first appearance at the Portobello Gardens this evening. This gentleman has already acquired a high reputation for his successful impersonations of living celebrities, and the peculiarities of imaginary individuals; and judging from the favourable manner in which he has been spoken of in different parts of England, a couple of hours may be most agreeably spent in witnessing his performance. The following testimony has been borne to its merits by a gentleman very competent to give a correct opinion:
Liverpool, May 6, 1854.
Dear Sir - The reports I had heard of your entertainment induced me see it last Wednesday,
and I am most happy in adding my own to the general opinion of its excellence.
Without entering upon more minute analysis, I consider your marvellous changes, whether as respects rapidity, effect, and fidelity,
unequalled by any Protean professor at present before the public.
I thank you for a most pleasant evening, and am yours, truly, A. BUNN.
H. Colman, Esq.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Mathews (English comedian)
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (22 March 1855), 4
March 20. - Lightning, ship, 2093 tons, A. Enright, from Liverpool 6th January. Passengers - . . . Coleman . . .
Mr. Coleman, the polyphonist, of whose talents we have so often read in the English papers, has arrived in our colonies by the Lightning,
and we anticipate a hearty laugh upon witnessing his "Masks and Faces." There can be no doubt but that this gentleman will receive a good share of public patronage.
"THEATRE ROYAL", The Argus (26 March 1855), 5
The Bourke-street concerts have, during the past week, attracted good attendances, and the fine hall was on Saturday evening crammed . . . This week is, we understand, the last of the promenade concerts and of Madame Carandini's appearance. Mr. Coleman, the celebrated polyphonist, whose arrival by the Lightning has already been reported by us, is engaged, and makes his debut in Melbourne on Monday week, in a monologue entitled "Masks and Faces." This style of entertainment has acquired great popularity in England of late years; and Mr. Coleman himself was, for five consecutive months, a great favorite in Liverpool, where his impersonations of character were held in high estimation.
ASSOCIATIONS: Maria Carandini (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue, concert room in the vestibule, main auditorium still under construction)
[Advertisement], The Argus (2 April 1855), 8
CONCERT HALL, Theatre Royal - Great Attraction and Novelty -
The Proprietor begs to announce that he has, at a very heavy expense effected an engagement with the celebrated Dramatic Polyphonist
MR. COLEMAN, For positively six nights only. Monday, April 2, and every evening during the week.
Mr. Coleman will deliver his celebrated Comic, Mimic, Vocal, and Scenic Entertainment, In Three Fits of Laughter, entitled
Masks and Faces, Which has been pronounced, by the Irish and English press, to be unequalled since the days of Mathews and Alexandre.
In addition to the above attraction, engagements have been entered into with Herr Strebinger,
Mr. Hartigan, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Callen who will execute several admired Quartets and Solos between each part, forming a Grand Combination of Talent.
The Concert Hall has been converted into an elegant Drawing-room Theatre, similar in style and dimensions to that used by Her Most Gracious Majesty,
in the Reubens Room of Windsor Castle, with an Elegant Drop Curtain, representing St. Paul's Cathedral,
with the Lord Mayor's Procession on the River Thames. The room has also additional seats erected on the promenade.
Fit the First.
Introduction. Mr. Coleman will recommend himself to all audiences generally, and that of Melbourne in particular,
and in order to act as his own illustration, he will assume the character of One Dead-Alas Redivivus, or Coleman revivified.
Mask 1. Mr. Zodiac Buck, a Yankee Trader, on the banks of the Sacramento, Song, "Women and Gold." Illustration: Gold fields of California.
Mask 2. Mrs. Drum, Proprietress of a Lodging house at Pentonville, wife of Mr. John Drum Drum Major in the Buffs.
Mask 3. Captain Ben Bather, the Lion of the Watering place. Illustrated by a View of Regent-street.
Face. Histrionic American Anecdote, illustrated by Mr. Augustus Caesar Hamlet Othello Romeo Brown, President of the Negro Shaksperian Association. A new reading of an old address.
Mask 4. Mat Marline, a Veteran Pensioner. Song: "Twas in the good Year 1801." Illustrated by a sketch of Greenwich Hospital.
Mask 5. Giles Hawthorne - A Lad fra Yorkshire. Illustration: Rustic scene. Song. "When that I went a Waggoning."
Face. Jumbo Jum, a Disciple of the celebrated Dr. Johnson. Song: "My skiff is on the shore." Illustration: An American Village.
End of Fit the First.
Messrs, Strebinger, Hartigan, Johnson, and Callen, will execute selections from the first composers.
Fit the Second.
Mask 1. Mr. Tristam Sowerby, the Modern Diogenes, a character highly illustrative of the Old and New Schools of Philosophy.
Mask 2. Grandfather Whitehead, a Voice from the Past, Song, "Prognostication and Realisation."
Faces. Mr. Coleman will introduce his celebrated original song, entitled Vocalisation, wherein he will give Imitations of the following Vocalists:
Henry Russell, Grisi, Lablache, Ballad Singer Ethiopian serenader, Young Lady at a Party.
Mask 4. Larry Doolan, an Irish Car Driver, with the Song of the "Irish Jaunting Car."
End of Fit the Second.
Admired Quartets and Solos, by Messrs. Strebinger, Hartigan, Johnson, and Callen.
Fit the Third.
Masks 1. General Napoleon Tonnere, an Attache of the Grand Emporeur, and a relique of the Grand Armee.
Mask 2. Jack Jargon, an Itinerant Showman, Illustrated by Waxwork Exhibition.
Mask 3. Featherwaite Vacil, Esq, the Dandylion of his Circle. Illustration: Regent street by night.
Mask 4. Mons. Robin, from the Soirees Parisiennes, will be conjured up by the Wand of Imitation, and will cause the Instantaneous Disappearance of One of the Audience.
Faces - A Train of Thought will be brought to Terminus in the following Sketches by Rail. Faces Represented. -
A Political Farmer, a Maltreated Exquisite, an Aggrieved Olive-branch, a Deaf Old Gentleman, an Anxious Maternal, a Censorious Frenchman, a Patriotic Irishman,
and End of the three Fits.
Pianist, Mr. Callen.
Scenic Artists, Messrs. Nicholls and Cooper, of the Theatre-Royal, Drury-lane, London.
Machinist, M. De Groot, of the Theatre Francais. Costumes and Decorative Appointments, by eminent London Artists.
Prices of Admission - Upper Saloon, 5s.; Private Upper Saloon (room for eight persons), Three Guineas; Promenade, 2s. 6d . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Melton Black (proprietor); Frederick Strebinger (musician); Joseph Hartigan (musician); Henry Johnson (musician); Douglas Callen (musician)
Diary of John Buckley Castieau, Melbourne, VIC, 2 and 3 April 1855; original MS, National Library of Australia; transcribed and edited by Mark Finnane, online at Centre for 21st Century Humanities, University of Newcastle (TRANSCRIPT)
[Monday 2 April 1855] . . . went to Black's where Mr. Coleman the Polyphonist was entertaining the Public for the first time. The building is very inconvenient for sight seeing, and as it was crowded I could not tell much that was going on, one or two characters however I judged to be well sustained.
[Tuesday 3 April 1855] . . . Looked in at Black's . . . Went into the Concert Room and listened to Mr. Coleman's Entertainment; some parts of it are very amusing, though after a time it grows tedious from its sameness . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Buckley Castieau (diarist, theatrical amateur)
[Advertisement], The Age (13 April 1855), 1
COLEMAN'S MASKS AND FACES At the Junction Hotel, St. Kilda. For One Night only. Wednesday, April 18th, 1855. Commencing at Eight o'Clock. Tickets, Five Shillings.
COLEMAN TO NIGHT, At the Mechanics' Institute, In his highly popular and amusing Monologue of MASKS AND FACES;
In which he will give his Extraordinary Imitations of Henry Russell, and sing "The Maniac" and "Cheer, Boys, Cheer" . . .
With Twenty Changes of Character, Illustrative of the men and manners of the age. Commencing at Eight o'Clock.
Pianist - Herr Collin. Tickets, Five Shillings.
ASSOCIATIONS: Leopold Frederick Collin (pianist); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); see also review, "MASKS AND FACES", The Age (16 April 1855), 6
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (4 May 1855), 3
THEATRE ROYAL. - Sole Lessee and Manager, Mr. J. P. Hydes.
THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, MAY 4th, Extraordinary sensation created by
MR. COLEMAN, The American Dramatic Polyphonist . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Proctor Hydes (actor, manager); Theatre Royal (Geelong venue)
Register of members, no. 924, Golden Lodge of Bendigo (28 August 1855); register of admissions, 1837-62, fol. 306; Museum of Freemasonry (PAYWALL)
[Initiation] 1855 Aug. 28 . . . / Coleman / Henry / [age] 40 / Artist / . . . [certificate] 5 / 2 / '58 . . .
"COLEMAN'S NEW THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser [VIC] (1 January 1856), 3
We observe that the workmen on Coleman's new theatre have begun in earnest, twenty being set to work yesterday. The builders, Messrs. Wallace and Crawford, are most energetic, and there is every probability that the theatre will be completed within five weeks from the present time. Mr. Horn, the decorator of the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, is actively engaged in preparing the decorations and ornamental furnishing, which will be ready as soon as the building is covered in. From what we have seen of the plan of the theatre, we believe it will be a remarkably elegant building, and capable of accommodating a large number of persons. A good theatre will undoubtedly succeed on Bendigo, and we heartily wish Mr. Coleman the greatest success in this undertaking.
ASSOCIATIONS: Criterion Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (1 January 1856), 3
PRINCESS'S THEATRE [Criterion Hotel]. MR. COLEMAN has much pleasure in announcing that the Eminent Prima Donna,
MISS CATHERINE HAYES, Will give her Second, and Last Grand Concert on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 2nd January, 1856,
Assisted by Mr. GREGG, Mr. LYALL, and Mr. LAVENU . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Catherine Hayes (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); Charles Lyall (vocalist); Lewis Henry Lavenu (musical director, pianist); Princess's Theatre (Bendigo venue)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (16 February 1856), 3
MR. COLEMAN'S BENEFIT . . . in Buckstone's admired drama of the WRECK ASHORE;
And the burlesque of BOMBASTES FURIOSO, Assisted by Madame Sara Flower, and the Ladies of the Corps Dramatique . . .
"COLEMAN'S CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (26 February 1856), 2
On the 14th of this month we stated that in a week or two we should have a Theatre in Sandhurst, not in name, but in reality. The thing has now become "an accomplished fact." The theatre has been completed, in all its details, in a style which fully justifies the laudatory anticipations we expressed in its favor. We are fastidious in these matters, and do not feel disposed to degrade the drama by an endeavor, through a figure of rhetoric, to convert a barn, or any other "makeshift," into a Temple of the Muses. It is, however, no hyperbole to say that the Criterion is a theatre worthy the representation of the legitimate drama . . . It is scarcely necessary to inform our readers that a committee was formed some time since to present an amateur performance, on the opening of the new theatre, the proceeds of which were to be appropriated to Mr. Coleman's benefit. In consequence, last evening, when the theatre was first opened to the public, The Wreck Ashore, and Bombastes Furioso were presented by an amateur company . . . Mr. Coleman, in the course of the entertainments, came forward and addressed the audience, and promising to bring the best theatrical talent to entertain the residents on the Bendigo. We are sure he will redeem his pledge.
"COLEMAN'S CRITERION THEATRE", Bendigo Advertiser (4 March 1856), 3
On Saturday evening last, Bulwer's play of the Lady of Lyons was presented at this theatre, with the afterpiece of Black-Eyed Susan, which latter, we understand, will be repeated this evening.
We entertained an opinion that Mr. Coleman's company acted under great disadvantages in the little theatre attached to the Criterion Hotel,
and that the public could form but a very inadequate judgment of their merits or capabilities, performing within such narrow limits.
The result of their removal to the spacious and handsome theatre, in which they now perform,
proves that an enlarged sphere of action is as important for the exhibition of ability upon the mimic stage of the theatre, as it is upon the great stage of life.
In fact, if the comedians of the Criterion, ladies and gentlemen, were not familiar faces, we should not recognise them to be our old friends of "the house next door,"
with which, now that they have risen in the world, they disclaim "all connection."
The cast was very effective. Mr. Fawcett sustains the part of "Beauseant," Mr. S. Howard that of "Damas," Mr. J. L. Byers, "Claude Melnotte," Mrs. Brougham, "Pauline," and Mrs. Chester that of "Madame Deschapples."
The piece was well put upon the stage, and the performance highly creditable.
The character of "Pauline" is not one in which the peculiar qualities of Mrs. Brougham's acting are displayed.
Mrs. Chester went through the part of "Madame Deschapples" with spirit, and gave a very appropriate impersonation of the character.
In Black-Eyed Susan, Madame Sara Flower sung the beautiful ballad, "All in the Downs the fleet lay moor'd" with her accustomed excellence.
The qualities of this lady's voice are so well known and so fully appreciated that it is altogether superfluous to say anything in commendation of it.
Mr. Henry Coleman's representation of the part of "William" was a finished piece of acting.
It is a perfect imitation of T. P. Cooke, which, without being aware that it was intended to be an imitation of that celebrated representative of a genuine blue jacket, we immediately recognised.
It was from old associations a great treat.
We hope that Mr. Coleman will take his own part in the speculation, and we shall willingly be taken for a false prophet if he does not prove the best Star that will shine in the Criterion.
Mrs. MacGowan danced the Sailor's Hornpipe most gracefully, and was rapturously applauded.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Curtis Fawcett (actor); Sam Howard (actor); James Lucas Byers (actor); Emma Brougham (actor); Marian Maria Chester (actor); Sara Flower (actor, vocalist); Thomas Potter Cooke (English actor)
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (16 April 1856), 3
NOTICE. - It having come to the knowledge of Madame LOLA MONTEZ that parties are falsely representing themselves as Agents on her behalf,
she begs to inform the public and her friends that no such parties are empowered by her,
and that Mr. Henry Coleman is the only gentleman accredited by her to negotiate for her public performances.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lola Montez (actor, dancer)
"THE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail [Castlemaine, VIC] (29 April 1856), 3
The four nights' performances, with which Mr. Henry Coleman has inaugurated his theatrical season in Castlemaine, came to a close on Saturday. The result has not, we believe, been profitable to him in a pecuniary point of view; but, as we have before remarked, we attribute this in a great measure to the high rates of admission, and to the fact that the cream of the Bendigo company has not been brought to Castlemaine. At the conclusion of the performance on Saturday, Mr. B. Coleman was called before the curtain, and received the plaudits of a good house. The compliment was well deserved. In acknowledging it, Mr. Coleman thanked the public of Castlemaine for the support given to his brother, and announced that in a short time the theatre would be reopened, and that Mrs. Clarence Holt, Mr. G. V. Brooke, and other well known actors, would make their appearance on the Castlemaine boards. We hope they will not be "lang a' coming."
ASSOCIATIONS: Marie Holt (actor); Gustavus Vaughan Brooke (actor); Hall of Castlemaine (later Theatre Royal)
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (28 May 1856), 10
COLEMAN'S LYCEUM (Late Queen's Theatre.)
Mr. Henry Coleman, proprietor of "Coleman's Criterion Theatre, Bendigo," begs respectfully to inform the pubic, that he had become Lessee of the Queen's Theatre, Melbourne, which will in future be known as
"COLEMAN'S LYCEUM," for the purpose of introducing a series of attractive performances to be supported by the most talented artistes.
The Theatre will undergo an entire renovation, be handsomely decorated, and Brilliantly Lighted with Gas.
The Stage Direction will be under the care of MRS. BROUGHAM, whose taste and experience will ensure to the public a series of Entertainments which cannot fail to be acceptable . . .
Mr. Coleman has much pleasure in announcing an Engagement for a limited period with those favorite Artistes, MR. and MRS. CHARLES YOUNG.
Other Engagements are pending, of which due notice will be given, as also the date of opening, prices of admission, &c., &c.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles and Jane Young (actors); Lyceum Theatre (Melbourne venue); Queen's Theatre (Melbourne venue)
"COLEMAN'S CASTLEMAINE THEATRE", Mount Alexander Mail (30 May 1856), 5
Such is the name by which the whilome Hall of Castlemaine is henceforth to be known - to us in particular, and to the world in general. It now forms one of a triad of buildings devoted to Thespis owned or managed by a gentleman who has no rival in the art of management, - Mr. Henry Coleman. We perceive that he has become the lessee of the Queen's Theatre, Melbourne; has christened it "the Lyceum;" and, in imitation of the practice in London, has placed a lady - Mrs. Brougham, as directress of the stage department. Coleman's Lyceum, Melbourne, Coleman's Castlemaine Theatre, and Coleman's Criterion Theatre, at Bendigo, are three establishments under one head, and we may expect that the union will be advantageous to the public and to the performers who play before them; - to the former, as ensuring the best talent for their instruction and amusement, and to the latter, as securing an introduction under favorable auspices, to audiences who know how to appreciate and reward. That the public of Castlemaine are not insensible to the charms of real dramatic talent, has been pretty well evidenced this week by the reception given to Mr. G. V. Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Heir, Miss Wernham, Mrs. Chester, Mr. Howard, and Mr. Fawcett, who were detached from the Bendigo company for the purpose of assisting the great tragedian in his performances here, the first of which took place on Monday evening . . . Mr. Henry Coleman was also called, and received a round of applause. Having but just returned from Melbourne (he said) he was quite unprepared for such a kind expression of their satisfaction. The great success which Mr. Brooke had met with would be heralded by that gentleman on his return to Melbourne with infinite pleasure. For his (Mr. C.'s) own part he could only promise that so long as he had the honor to cater for the amusement of the public of Castlemaine, it should be his endeavor to deserve a continuance of the patronage which they had already bestowed on the efforts he had made (cheers) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert and Fanny Heir (actors); Fanny Wernham (actor)
"THE THEATRES", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (9 June 1856), 3
This evening Melbourne is once more to have her three theatres open, all with able companies and bills of fare attractive enough to fill them if anything will . . . Mr. Henry Coleman, the energetic and spirited builder and proprietor of more than one theatre on the goldfields, this evening re-opens the original theatre of Melbourne under the name of the Lyceum. If any man deserves success by the means he takes to acquire it, that man is Mr. Coleman. He has entirely renovated and re-decorated the house, brilliantly lighted it with gas, and engaged a dramatic corps of tried excellence. It includes Mrs. Brougham, as stage directress, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young, Miss Chambers, Madame Strebinger, and the Messrs. Chambers. The orchestra, which seems to us to be well selected, is placed under the able leadership of Mr. Megson. The performances are to consist of Buckstone's comedy of "A Lesson for Ladies," a Ballet Divertissement, and "The Young Widow." The entertainments are under the patronage of his Excellency the Acting Governor, who has specially indicated his intention to be present. We fairly calculate upon the old house under such auspices and management resuming its ancient popularity.
ASSOCIATIONS: Therese Ferdinand Strebinger (dancer); Joseph Chambers and son Joseph and daughter Mina (dancers); Joseph Megson (violinist, leader); Edward Macarthur (acting governor)
"SUMMARY OF NEWS (For transmission by the Sardinian) . . . THE FINE ARTS", The Age (24 June 1856), 3
. . . The Lyceum, under the lesseeship of Mr. Henry Coleman, and the direction of Mrs. Brougham, continues to attract good audiences from the part of the city in which it is situate. A good company, a judicious selection of pieces, and a moderate tariff, in all probability tend to some extent to bring about this success. Mr. Coleman who is also the proprietor of the theatres at Castlemaine and Bendigo, is engaged in getting up a fourth theatre at St. Kilda, a seaside suburb of the metropolis - the resort of the elite of the place, and the residence of all who can manage to live away from their places of business. He has adapted the large room of one of the principal hotels there, and has arranged to fit it up exactly in the style of the Reuben's Room at Windsor, whose exact counterpart it is to be in size and appearance. The entertainments are to be conducted on a very select principle, and there can be no doubt his speculation will answer . . .
[Advertisement], Bendigo Advertiser (12 August 1856), 4
E. M. EMMETT has received instructions to sell by public auction, at the Sandhurst Hotel,
on Tuesday, the 12th day of August next, at the hour of twelve o'clock precisely, by order of the Mortgagee, under a power of sale, Coleman's Criterion Theatre.
All the right, title, and interest of Mr. Henry Coleman, in the Criterion Theatre, under a lease dated 26th day of December, 1855.
The property is held for the remainder of a term of five years, from the 26th day of December, 1855, at a yearly rent of £10 (ten pounds) per annum, subject to the conditions, &c., in the said lease.
Terms - Cash. The Theatre will continue to be open as usual for the amusement of the public.
"COLEMAN'S MASKS AND FACES", Bendigo Advertiser (16 August 1856), 3
One of Coleman's clever and extraordinary entertainments is to be given this evening at the Criterion Theatre. Mr. Coleman's talents in this performance entitle him to rank near the celebrated Charles Matthews himself. Nothing is so delightful and attractive as the true imitation of nature in all her peculiarities, and the public of this colony have evinced a full appreciation of the talent displayed by Mr. Coleman, and of the interesting character of his performances. The merits of his various impersonations have been noticed by us previously, and therefore it is unnecessary now to go over the same ground. We may remind our readers that Mr. Coleman now resumes these entertainments for the first time since he had the misfortune to break his arm eight or nine months since. And it must be no slight inducement to the public to accord their general patronage in this ease, seeing that Mr. Coleman is now engaged in the honorable endeavor to raise funds to pay off the various liabilities he may have incurred. This gentleman's talents, his enterprise, and, above all, his creditable exertions to retrieve his fortune, establish a fair claim upon the public of the district.
[Advertisement], The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (14 April 1857), 3
THE Ladies forming the Committee of The Ballarat Hospital Bazaar Fund,
for the erection of a New Wing to the Building, beg respectfully to inform the public that
A GRAND BAZAAR will be held at the above Hall, on Wednesday, the 15th instant, and during the week . . .
MR. HENRY COLEMAN, the celebrated Dramatic Polyphonist, has kindly placed his services at the disposal of the Committee,
and will give selections from his popular entertainment of MASKS AND FACES.
Mr. PALIN will preside at the Pianoforte, and introduce selections from the most favorite composers.
Admission, One Shilling . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Lawrence Frederick Palin (pianist); Star Concert Hall (Ballarat venue)
"MANCHESTER . . . COLEMAN'S 'MASKS AND FACES'", The Era [London, England] (30 May 1858), 12 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Henry Coleman made his first appearance in England since his return from India and Australia in the Assembly Room of the Free Trade Hall on Monday last. His entertainment, "Masks and Faces," is well written, and the various characters introduced are hit off with a large degree of talent. One of the best impersonations was General Napeleon Tonnerre, a relic of La Grande Armee. The whole of the stage appointments are remarkable, and doubtless in his travels through this country he will meet with success.
"MASKS AND FACES", Blackburn Standard [England] (23 June 1858), 3 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Henry Coleman, who has returned from Australia and India, is announced to give his entertainment entitled "Masks and Faces" in the Town Hall of Blackburn, on Tuesday and Wednesday next. The London and provincial press speak in high terms of the entertainment as being well written and very cleverly performed . . .
[Advertisement], Liverpool Mercury [England] (2 November 1858), 1 (PAYWALL)
MR. HENRY COLEMAN, The celebrated Dramatic Polyphonist, Imitator, and Mimic,
will give his original and highly popular Comic, Anecdotal, Vocal, Mimic, and Scenic Entertainment of
"MR. H. COLEMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT", London City Press (5 February 1859), 6 (PAYWALL)
A gentleman rejoicing in the above name, was induced to give, on Saturday evening last, at Sussex-hall, "at the earnest solicitation of his numerous friends," his entertainment of "Masks and Faces." The area of the building was filled with well-dressed people, and the stage was hung with the gilded trappings of an elegant theatre. Mr. Coleman's efforts to please, in the various characters he assumed, were prodigious. He is not deficient in ability, but he lacks that genuine humour, that provokes to laughter all who come within its influence. His entertainment, too, though accompanied by music, pretty scenery, and all the appliances and means to boot, that usually pleases the imagination, is not, in our opinion, sufficiently refined for a polished London audience. It may have been, at his bills say, given him for upwards of eleven hundred nights in Australia, India, and the English Provinces, but we believe that Mr. Coleman will not find it a profitable experiment if he attempts to compete with the Albert Smiths, the Woodins, and the other celebrities who stand so high in the estimation of the public.
"PROFESSOR ANDERSON IN AUSTRALIA. TO THE EDITOR OF . . .", The Era [London, England] (23 October 1859), 9 (PAYWALL)
Melbourne, August 17, 1859. SIR, . . . Bendigo, where I performed two months since, has four places of amusement, the Haymarket Theatre, the Shamrock, Abbott's Lyceum, and the Victoria. The Haymarket was built by Mr. Coleman, a gentleman who once had an entertainment in England which he entitled "Masks and Faces." It is a wooden structure, and holds about 1,000 people. Like most of the theatres out here it is attached to an hotel . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Henry Anderson (magician)
George Linnaeus Banks, Blondin: his life and performances (London: Routledge, Warne, and Routledge, 1862), xi, 52-53, and passim (DIGITISED)
. . . The narrative has been gathered partly from the joint lips of Monsieur Blondin himself, and his agent, Mr. Henry Coleman, and partly from such published accounts as chance threw in the editor's way . . .
. . . Walking one day in Niblo's Garden, in company with the celebrated Gabriel Ravel, to whom he had unfolded his ideas, and expressed the difficulty he was likely to experience in carrying them out, from the want of a trustworthy cicerone, it was M. Blondin's good fortune to meet with one in every way eminently qualified to realize his most sanguine expectations. Mr. Henry Coleman, a dramatic author, of Transatlantic and Antipodean repute, a scholar, and a gentleman - a man of extensive travel, and world-wide experience as a theatrical manager - a far-seeing observer of men and things, and endowed with a rare spirit of enterprize, had [53] newly arrived in the States, and now, for the first time, crossed the path of the Hero of Niagara . . . M. Blondin invited Mr. Coleman to dine with him that evening, an agreement mutually binding and beneficial was entered into, and a plan of operations for the future at once decided upon. Active and resolute in all his undertakings, Mr. Coleman did not allow the grass to grow under his feet before proceeding to inaugurate a European campaign. He sailed for England in the month of April, 1861, in the North German Lloyd's Steam Company's steamer "New York," commanded by Captain Van Santon . . . Arriving in England on the 1st of May, Mr. Coleman immediately sought an interview with Mr. George Grove, the active secretary, and Mr. R. K. Bowley, the indefatigable manager of the Crystal Palace Company, and was by those gentlemen introduced to the Board of Directors, who received him with every possible courtesy. His proposal for a series of performances was listened to with an attentive ear . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Blondin (Jean François Gravelet) (acrobatic artist); Blondin's son, born in London in 1862, was baptised at Holy Trinity, Vauxhall, on 6 June 1862, Henry Coleman Gravelet
MISCELLANEOUS NEWS (From the Home News) . . . BLONDIN IN COURT. - IN RE HENRY COLEMAN", The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (18 March 1865), 10
This case came before Mr. Registrar Hazlitt, in the Bankruptcy Court, for the proof of debts and for the choice of assignees. The bankrupt was of 28, Regent-street, and elsewhere, wine merchant. The debts may be roughly estimated at £36,000, with assets between £6000 and £7000. Mr. Coleman gives the cause of failure as want of capital. One of the largest unsecured creditors is M. Gravelet, otherwise Blondin, the celebrated rope-walker, whose claim represents a total of no less than £12,600, moneys advanced to the bankrupt, and in respect of which a judgment had been recovered at common law. M. Blondin gave evidence that the bankrupt met him in America, and after a tour on the Continent said he was tired of travelling about and wanted to set up in business. M. Blondin added, "When he went into business I lent him the money. At first he gave me a receipt for £5000, and afterwards a receipt for the full amount of my claim. You must know that the bankrupt was my agent, my manager, and my treasurer; he received all my money; I never touched a penny of it myself. The authorities at the Crystal Palace can prove that. When I purchased anything it was the bankrupt's duty to pay. I left everything I had in the world with the bankrupt. I gave him a salary of £6 per week, together with a commission of 10 per cent, on the net receipts." The proof of M. Blondin's debt was opposed on the ground that he was a partner of the bankrupt, but after the evidence the objection was withdrawn, and M. Blondin was appointed to act as creditors' assignee of the estate.
See also "LAW AND POLICE", The Examiner [London, England] (7 January 1865), 13 (DIGITISED)
[Advertisement], Liverpool Daily Post [England] (30 October 1867), 4 (PAYWALL)
On Saturday and Monday Evening next, November 2nd and 4th, MR. HENRY COLEMAN, The celebrated English Dramatic Polyphonist,
will give his popular Anecdotal and Mimetic Entertainment of MASKS AND FACES: OR, LIVING PHOTOGRAPHS,
Illustrative of the Men and Manners the Age, in three fits of laughter,
in which he will display his marvellous power of changing the voice, figure, and face, with rapid picturesque transitions of costume.
New and original Songs, Music, Dresses, and Appointments . . .
"SOUTHPORT. ROYAL MUSIC HALL", The Era (1 December 1867), 14 (PAYWALL
Mr. Henry Coleman, the dramatic polypholsist, imitator, and mimic, gave his original and popular entertainment, Masks and Faces, on Wednesday, and succeeding evenings during the week.
"BANKRUPTCY COURT, Dec. 11 . . . IN RE HENRY COLEMAN", Morning Herald [London] (12 December 1867), 7 (PAYWALL)
The bankrupt was described as of 353, City-road, late of Air-street, Regent-street, wine agent and dealer in cigars. He applied to be discharged from debts of 2766l., and there are no assets . . . Mr. Sykes, for the official assignee, said the bankrupt had obtained his order of discharge under a former bankruptcy which occurred a few years since. His Honour might remember that the bankrupt was formerly in partnership with M. Blondin, the celebrated rope walker . . . The order of discharge would be granted.
Song lyrics:
Tarnation strange; or, Yankee wonders (by c. 1840)
Tarnation strange; or, Yankee wonders, comic song, sung by Mr. Buckingham, written by Henry Coleman esq. (the American Boz), the music composed by J. Blewitt (New York: Hewitt & Jaques, [n.d.]) (DIGITISED)
Musician, clarinettist, clarionet player, bandsman, Band of the 40th Regiment, soldier
Born c. 1831
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 5 November 1852 (per Vulcan, from Cork)
Died (suicide), Melbourne, VIC, 19 February 1857, aged "26" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Band of the 40th Regiment (military)
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1853; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5364 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2001 / Coleman John / . . . Band . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (17 December 1853), 5
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, Corner of Stephen and Lonsdale streets. The sixth of a Series of Grand PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place at the above place of amusement on Saturday Evening, December 17th, 1853. Mr. Alfred Oakey's Monster Orchestra, aided by several members of the band of the 40th Regiment, including Mr. Hartigan, the celebrated performer on the Ophicleide (by permission of Lieut. Colonel Valiant). First night of a new descriptive Polka, entitled "The Morris Dancer," by Alfred Oakey. Dawn of the Morning, The Lark, The Cuckoo Solo, Mr. Murrill; Home sweet home, duet - clarionets, Mr. Murrill and Mr. Colman; the Church Bell, the Ploughboy, the Shepherd's Pipe and Tabor, the Morris Dance, Sticks and Bells, Evening, the Church Bell . . . First night of the Matilda Polka, by J. W. C. Hartigan. Introduction, Clarionet solo, Mr. F. Colman [sic] . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Alfred Oakey (musician, conductor); Joseph Hartigan (musician, 40th band); John Murrell (clarinet, 40th band); Rowe's American Circus (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 December 1853), 8
ROWE'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, The seventh of a series of Grand Promenade Concerts Will take place on
Saturday Evening, December 24th, 1853, (Christmas Eve) . . .
Clarionetti - Mr. Colman and Mr. J. Murrill . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 January 1854), 8
ROWE'S CIRCUS. Enlargement of the Orchestra.
The Twelfth of a series of PROMENADE CONCERTS will take place on Saturday evening, January 28th, 1854.
Mr. Alfred Oakey's celebrated Monster Orchestra.
On this occasion the band will embrace all the available talent of Melbourne, including the services of a considerable number of the band of the 40th Regiment . . .
Mr. Hartigan, the renowned Ophecledie, will perform a new solo.
Solo on the clarionet, Mr. J. Coleman . . .
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 April to 30 June 1855; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5367 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2001 / Coleman John / . . . Band . . .
Pay-list of the 40th Regiment, 1 January to 30 March 1857; Australian Joint Copying Project, from UK National Archives, WO12/5369 (DIGITISED)
PRIVATES . . . 2001 / Coleman John / Pay to 18 Feb'y . . . Died 19 [February] . . .
NOTE: Coleman was no longer listed as a member of the band in April-June 1856 paylist or later
Inquest, John Coleman, died 19 February 1857; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
An Inquest held in Melbourne on the body of John Coleman Aet. 26 . . .
William Hemmington, Serjeant in the 40th Regiment . . . Deceased had been in the service since boyhood.
He was much addicted to drinking and had frequently been in hospital for delirium tremens . . .
The night had been a quiet one and there was no one about but the band on its return from the ball at the Exhibition Building . . .
"CORONER'S INQUEST", Bendigo Advertiser (21 February 1857), 3
Dr. Wilmot, the city coroner, held an inquest on the body of John Coleman, a private of the 40th Regiment. The jury returned the following verdict - Deceased has met his death from a gun-shot wound in the head, discharged from his own firelock, by his own hand, whilst in a state of temporary insanity, induced by the excessive use of ardent spirits. - Age.
COLI, Samuel (Samuel COLI; Samuel Henry COLI; Monsieur COLI; Herr COLI)
Actor, dancer
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1857 (per Swiftsure, from Plymouth, 15 October, aged "33")
Active Melbourne, VIC, to 1885 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COLI, Susannah (Susannah SUTHERLAND; Mrs. Samuel COLI; COLI; Madame COLI)
Actor, dancer, vocalist
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 21 December 1857 (per Swiftsure, from Plymouth, 15 October, aged "25")
Active Parkes, NSW, until 1874 or later (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Liverpool Mail [England] (24 March 1849), 5 (PAYWALL)
Leading Artiste, Professor COLI. Premier Model, Madle. WARREN.
Splendid Tableaux of "Shakspere Crowned by Fame."
Madame COLI, whose graceful Dances are nightly received with rapturous applause . . .
Piano-forte, Mr. Jukes. Violin, Mr. G. Emley.
POSES PLASTIQUES and TABLEAUX VIVANS are the greatest triumph of Modern Art.
Although the Performance can traced to the glorious days of Greece and Rome,
yet HERR KELLER and H. COLI are the first that introduced them in England in their present chaste and beautiful form.
Every lover of Poetry, Painting, and Female Loveliness, should visit this unrivalled performance, where
"The fairest forms that fancy ever placed before a visionary's imagination are not more fair than they."
Programme of Tableaux and Songs, with full explanations . . .
[Advertisement], The Era [London, England] (31 May 1857), 1 (PAYWALL)
. . . Professor COLI and Madame COLI, Statuetistse, Poses, Danseuses . . .
are all just closing very successful Engagements in Liverpool, and will be open to Engagements . . .
Apply, JOSEPH HILL, Concert and Theatrical Agent, 47, South John-street, Liverpool . . .
Names and descriptions of passengers per Swiftsure, from Plymouth, 15 October 1857, for Port Phillip, 21 December; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Targett Ellen / 21 / Stage
Coli Samuel / 33 / [Coli] Susan / 25 / Stage
Cushla James / 35 // [Cushla] Susannah / 28 / Stage // [and] Mary Ann / 2 // Martha / Infant
Tannett Benj. / 45 / Stage // [Tannett] Joseph / 13 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Ellen Targett (actor, dancer); Benjamin Tannett (scenic artist, actor)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (1 January 1858), 1
CREMORNE GARDENS. NEW YEAR'S DAY FETE! Open All Day, from Eleven a.m.
GREAT NOVELTIES! Supported by the following Talented Artistes: . . .
Mons. Coli, Herr Cushla, Madame Coli, Madame Cushla
And their Unrivalled Troupe of Artistes, engaged by Mr. Coppin in England, for the representation of
The Amusements will be of a Varied and Brilliant Character.
THE CREMORNE BAND Will be in attendance all Day . . .
In the Evening, in the Pantheon, Mons. Coli, Herr Cushla, Mde. Coli, and Mde. Cushla,
Supported by their Talented Troupe of Artistes,
Will give a selection from their Magnificent Programme! . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Coppin (proprietor); Cremorne Gardens (Melbourne venue)
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (16 January 1858), 2
. . . the following extract from the London Era shews pretty clearly how busily Mr. Coppin was occupied during his five weeks' sojourn in London: - ". . . Mr. C. succeeded in securing the services of . . . The celebrated Leopold family . . . and a corps de ballet . . . for the Harlequinade . . . The poses plastiques are new to the colony, and will be illustrated by the talented Monsieur and Madame Coli; Monsieur and Madame Cushla and troupe, the classic elegance of whose groups have been extensively admired and patronised here . . .
"WHO WERE IN THE WRONG", Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (1 February 1858), 3
The lovers of scan. mag. will be highly edified in a few days by an action pending in the judicial court between Mr. George Coppin and Signor Coli. Madame and Signor Coli were engaged in London for the entertainment known as the Poses Plastiques lately introduced by Mr. Coppin among the novelties of Cremovne. Signor Coli, his spouse, with other professionals, after about a fortnight's performing, suddenly refused to act; assigning as a reason that the character of the asssitants engaged by Mr. Coppin in Melbourne to carry out the groupings of the Poses was such as to unfit them to associate with them. In consequence of this refusal, Mr. Coppin enters an action against Signor Coli, for payment of a promissory note for one thousand pounds, obtained from him as a penalty for nonfulfillment of engagement. It will possibly be stated for the defence that this promissory note was obtained under false pretences. For instance, it is alleged that Mr. Coppin represented in England that such a change had taken place in the costs of necessaries of life that Signor and Madame Coli could live comfortably in Victoria for 25s per week. This must go for what it is worth until we hear the evidence, viz., the correspondence between Messrs. Coppin and Coli, which will be put in. It may, however, be worth while to state that there is an on dit current, that a well known stage manager was engaged to write letters to England for publication there by an interested party, to justify a belief that Victoria was, of all places in the world, the only one where a man could enjoy all the luxuries as well as the necessities of life for next to nothing, and at the same time command whatever remuneration for his services he chose to demand. - Correspondent of the Geelong Advertiser.
"CHARLIE NAPIER THEATRE", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (25 November 1858), 3
A new species of entertainment was introduced at this theatre last evening, and is announced to continue during the week. The first part consists of a lecture given by Dr. F. H. Brett, late Staff-Surgeon to the Governor General, during the Indian war, on the leading features of the Indian rebellion . . . The entertainment concluded with a series of very tolerable tableaux vivons by Mr. and Madame Coli and company. They concluded with an Australian National Tableau, which was received with much applause.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Napier Theatre (Ballarat venue)
PUNCH'S PLAYHOUSE, (Late Montezuma Theatre). MR. W. M. BROWN, MANAGER.
THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, The performances will commence with the new comic drama,
The Brigand In the Bad, OR A NIGHT AT OLD BKOMPTON.
To be followed by A Grand Allegorical Tableau,
In commemoration of HER MAJESTY'S BIRTHDAY.
Arranged by Professor Coli, late Pose Master to Madame Wharton's Troupe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Maxwell Brown (actor, manager); Madame Warton (English actor, stage name of Edith Crow, died 27 January 1854 aged 27); Montezuma Theatre (Ballarat venue)
Births, Ballarat East, VIC, 1861; BDM VIC, 2284/1861
Susannah / daughter of Samuel Coli and Susannah Sutherland
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (11 March 1865), 1
MADAME COLI, DANCER, Vocalist, and Actress, disengaged after the 21st inst. Sharp's Ship Hotel, Sandridge.
"NEWS AND NOTES", The Ballarat Star (28 August 1865), 2
Mr. Morwitch's benefit at the Charlie Napier Theatre on Saturday night was very fairly patron- ised indeed, considering that the rain came down in torrents during a portion of the evening . . . The dramatic amusements comprised a medley of farce and burlesque, while "Court" Minstrelsy and other music and dancing helped to fill up the very liberal programme provided. Mr. T. King led the orchestra, and the ladies and gentlemen on the boards were: - . . . Madame Coli . . . Professor Coli . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samuel Morwitch (proprietor); Thomas King (musician); Court Minstrels (troupe)
Petty sessions at Town Hall, Sandhurst, Victoria, Wednesday, 13 November 1867; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
Complainant - Susannah Coli / Defendant - Samuel Henry Coli / Threatening language / Two sureties in £50 each and the Ded't in £50 to keep the peace . . . for six months . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (18 June 1870), 1
LADY VOCALIST and DANSEUSE open to ENGAGEMENT. Address Madame Coli, Sydney.
Sands Sydney directory 1871, 368
. . . Coli, Samuel, painter, 7 Lawless' buildings, Castlereagh st. . . .
"PARKES. September 7", Australian Town and Country Journal [Sydney, NSW] (12 September 1874), 35
. . . The playgoing public must have enjoyed themselves last week . . . On Saturday evening they played the nautleal drama entitled, "Ben the boatswain, or the Ship on Fire." Mr. Holloway as Ben the Boatswain, and Mrs. Holloway as the Midshipman, Mr. Beyers [sic] as Sir Arthur Trevis, and Madame Coli as Palmyra, the Dumb Girl . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Holloway (actor); James Lucas Byers (actor)
Petty sessions at Fitzroy, VIC, 30 November 1885; Public Record Office Victoria (PAYWALL)
No. 1228 / Complainant - George Purday & Son / Defendant - Samuel Coli / goods& work . . .
Amateur vocalist, singing class instructor, stone mason
Born Birmingham, England, 15 August 1830; baptised St. Philip, Birmingham, 6 January 1831; son of Christopher COLLEY (c. 1805-1844) and Priscilla Hands KNIGHT (1805-1844)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, c. 1852 (13 years in the colony in 1865)
Married Margaret Lothian POUSTIE (c. 1835-1891), Sydney, NSW, 28 April 1858
Died Hamilton, Newcastle, NSW, 26 March 1919, aged "88/89" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Amateur vocalist, singing class instructor, choirmaster
Born Birmingham, England, 1 January 1832; baptised St. Philip, Birmingham, 26 January 1832; son of George COLLEY (1806-1881) and Thirza Hands KNIGHT (1798-1870)
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 May 1857 (per John Taylor, from Gravesend, 29 January)
Married Mary Anne Cecilia PHILLIPS, St. Augustine's, Balmain, NSW, 10 August 1867
Died Harris Park, Parramatta, NSW, 8 March 1892 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COLLEY, Mary Anne Cecilia (PHILLIPS; Mrs. Henry COLLEY)
Musician, organist, vocalist
Born New Wharf, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 20 October 1844; daughter of William PHILLIPS and Mary Edwyna BURTON
Married Henry COLLEY, St. Augustine's, Balmain, NSW, 10 August 1867
Died Lambeth, London, England, 1918 (shareable link to this entry)
Edwin Colley and Henry Colley, natives of Birmingham, England, were double first cousins; their fathers, both stonemasons and carvers, were brothers; and their mothers, daughters of a brass founder, were sisters. In the 1851 English census, Henry, aged 19, also a "carver", was living with his parents in London in the parish of St. John's, Smith Square, while, Edwin, aged 20, a "carver in stone" was lodging nearby in the same parish, along with another carver, Broadley Wilson Hinton (1829-1904), both probably then also working with his uncle and cousin.
A little a year later, in April 1852, Edwin Colley and Broadley Hinton sailed from London for Australia, landing in Sydney in August. Hinton having returned to England, he arrived back in Sydney in May 1857 accompanied by Henry Colley.
Henry and Mary Colley's daughter, Ada Mary Colley, born Parramatta, NSW, 18 May 1872, was later a popular vocalist.
Edward Colley:
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, in the year 1831; register 1830-33, page 41; Library of Birmingham, DRO 25/M41 (PAYWALL)
No. 330 / 1831 6 [January] / born 15 Aug't 1830 / Edwin Son of / Christopher [and] Priscilla Hands / Colley / Stone Mason / Blucher Street . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, St. John's Smith Square, Westminster, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1479/243/19 (PAYWALL)
30 Marsham St. / Elizabeth Absolon / Head / Widow / 47 / Stationer and Tobacconist . . .
Benj'm W. Hinton [sic] / Lodger / Umn. / 21 / Carver in Stone / [born] Berks. Reading
Edwin Colley / Lodger / Unm. / 20 / Carver in Stone / [born] Warwick. Birmingham . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (7 August 1852), 2
August 6,- Saladin, ship, 900 tons, Captain Day, from London the 26th, and Plymouth the 29th of April. Passengers . . . E. Colley, B. W. Hinton . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (30 October 1854), 1
CONCERT, For the benefit of Miss Flora Harris, at the Royal Polytechnic Institution . . .
on this MONDAY evening, October 30th, when she will be assisted by Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Fifers, Mr. Colley, Mr. Perry, and Mr. Bolton.
Glee - Hail Smiling Morn - Miss Flora Harris. - Spofforth . . .
Glee - Banish oh maiden . . .
Glee - The swallows. - Pohlenz.
Accompanist, Mr. Bolton.
After which will be exhibited some favourite views, with appropriate music, to conclude with some Magnificent Chromatropes . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Flora Harris (vocalist); George Wilkinson (vocalist); James Churchill Fisher (vocalist); James Phypers (vocalist); James Boulton (pianist, vocalist); Royal Polytechnic (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (9 December 1854), 1
under the direction of Mr. James Boulton, in the Hall of the Institution, on
TUESDAY EVENING next, the 12th December instant, on which occasion he will be assisted by
Mr. George Wilkinson, Mr. Phypers, Mr. Wallcott, and Mr. Colley.
Glee - "The Two Roses" - Werner.
Glee - "Hark! above us on the Mountain - Kreutzer . . .
Glee - "The Cloud-capp'd Towers" - Stevens.
Quartet - "The Miller's Daughter" - Hartel . . .
Quartet - "The Hunter's Farewell" - Mendelssohn.
Glee - "Spring's Delights" - Muller.
Glee - "Lovely Night" - Chavatel [Chwatal] . . .
Quartet - "The Sabbath Call" - Kreutzer.
Glee - "Evening" - L. de Call.
Quartet - "Vesper Hymn" - Beethoven.
Chorale - "Holiest Breathe an Evening Blessing."
Each member of the Institution has the privilege of introducing two ladies.
The doors will be open at half-past 7 o'clock, and the concert will commence at 8 o'clock precisely.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robson Beilby Walcot (vocalist); Mechanic's School of Arts (Sydney venue)
[Advertisement], Empire (18 December 1854), 1
MR. JAMES BOULTON . . . purposes giving a series of Weekly Concerts at the above place,
the first to take place TO-MORROW (Tuesday) EVENING, the 19th instant.
Glee - "Bright Sword of Liberty." - Weber.
Quartette - "Come, Boys; Drink and Merry be" - Marschner . . .
Glee - "Hunting Chorus" - Weber.
Glee - "Oft when night". - L. de Call . . .
Glee - "Come, thou Monarch of the Vise" - Bishop . . .
Glee - "Bacchanalian" - Pohlenz . . .
Glee - "Ye Gentlemen of England" - Callcott.
Quartette - "Convivial Song" - Molique . . .
Quartette - "The 31st of May" - Molique.
Quartette - "Let us be joyful together" - Schneider . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (16 January 1855), 1
MR. BOULTON has the honour to announce that the next of his series of concerts will be given THIS EVENING, the 16th instant.
The prioe of admission will be reduced to ONE SHILLING.
Glee - "Spring's Delights" (Muller) . . .
Glee - "Lutzow's Wild Hunt" (Weber) . . .
Trio - "Winds gently whisper" (Whittaker) . . .
Glee - "Soldier's Love" (Rucken) [? Kucken] . . .
Quartette - "The Miller's Daughter" (Hartel.) . . .
PART 2nd.
Glee - "The Three Huntsmen" (Kreutzer) . . .
Canon - "The Ladies" (Eisenhofer) . . .
Glee - "Come Boys Drink, and Merry be" (Marschner.)
Song - "Simon the Cellarer" - Mr. E. Colley . . .
Glee - "Soldier's Chorus" (Werner.)
Doors open at half-past seven. Concert to commence at eight. Tickets may be obtained at the Institution.
MUSIC: Simon the cellarer (J. L. Hatton)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (23 January 1855), 1
SYDNEY MECHANICS SCHOOL OF ARTS. Mr. JAMES BOULTON . . . the next of his series of Weekly Concerts . . .
THIS EVENING, the 23rd January, when he will be assisted by: Mr. G WILKINSON - Mr. COLLEY - Mr. FISHER - Mr. WALCOT . . .
1. Quartette - The Banners wave - Kucken . . .
3. Glee - Lovely Night. - Chwatal . . .
6. Song - Cheer Boys, Cheer (Mr. Colley) - Russell . . .
9. Glee - Bright Sword of Liberty - Webber . . .
1. Glee - Huntsmen's Song - Polenz . . .
3. Trio - The Wreath . . .
5. Glee - The Twelve - G. W. Fink . . .
7. Duett - Could a Man be Secure (Mr. Walcot and Mr. Colley)
8. Song - The Sailor's Tear (Mr. E. Colley) . . .
MUSIC: Cheer boys, cheer (Henry Russell); Could man be secure (duet); The sailor's tear (Sidney Waller)
"CONCERT AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTS", The Sydney Morning Herald (24 January 1855), 5
Mr. Boulton's weekly concert took place last evening at the School of Arts, before a fashionable audience, composed principally of ladies. The various glees, duets, and songs met with a reception which must have been gratifying to the vocalists. Mr. Wilkinson sang "Erin, my country," with considerable skill and feeling. The "Farewell to Lochaber" was received with applause. Mr. Colley was applauded in "Cheer boys, cheer." The song which elicited the greatest meed of approval was Eliza Cook's beautiful national ballad, "The Englishman."
[Advertisement], Empire (8 August 1855), 1
Principal Performers: Miss Flora Harris; Miss G. Harris (her second appearance);
Mrs. St. John Adcock (who will make her first appearance as a Pianist these two years);
and Messrs. Fisher, R. Walcot, T. Holme, and E. Colley; assisted by an efficient and powerful chorus.
Conductor, Mr. Fisher. Pianoforte, Mr. Harwood.
1. Madrigal. - "My Bonnie Lass, she smileth." Morley.
2. German Glee. - "The Huntsman's Joy." (Pohlenz.)
3. Song. - "Children of Earth, Farewell." (Rolphino Lacy.) - Mrs. St. John Adcock.
4. Trio. - "This Magic-wovo Scarf." Mountain Sylph. (John Barnett) - Miss Flora Harris, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. E. Colley . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Gertrude Harris (vocalist); Marianne Adcock (vocalist, pianist); Thomas Davies Holme (vocalist); Charles William Harwood (pianist, accompanist); Royal Hotel (Sydney venue)
"SYDNEY CHORAL SOCIETY", The Sydney Morning Herald (9 June 1857), 4
The annual general meeting of the members of this Society was held last evening, at St. James' Infant School-room, Castlereagh-street. Mr. James Johnson occupied the chair. He expressed his regret to see so small an attendance . . . During the past year, in addition to the selections from the "Messiah," "Creation," anthems and church services, and the secular concerts consisting of madrigals and glees, from the writings of the old Masters, the whole of the Dettingen Te Deum, and the greater portion of "Judas Maccabeus," have been performed; a proof that the Society has not failed in one of the objects for which it was established, the encouragement of good sacred and secular music . . . Mr. Hemming moved "That the following gentlemen do constitute the committee for the current year: President, Rev. W. H. Walsh ; honorary secretary, Mr. James Johnson; honorary treasurer, Mr. S. S. Ussher; librarian, Mr. S. F. Ward; Mr. Colley, Mr. Hemming, Mr. Hurford, Mr. W. J. Johnson, Mr. J. V. Lavers, Mr. Woolford." Mr. Harrison seconded the resolution, which was put and carried . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Johnson (member); Mr. Hemming (member); Seth Frank Ward (member); Henry Robert Hurford (member); William Jonathan Johnson (member); Sydney Choral Society (association)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 September 1858), 1
New members and all others interested are informed that the First Lessons will be
REPEATED THIS EVENING, at a quarter to 7. Full class meeting at half-past 7 o'clock. EDWIN COLLEY.
"ADVANTAGES OF MUSIC", The Sydney Morning Herald (11 October 1858), 5
The following are the preliminary observations made by J. H. Plunkett, Esq., M.P., on Tuesday evening last, in his lecture delivered at the Lyceum Theatre: - . . . The system alluded to, and known as Hullah's system of singing, has been generally adopted (as we perceive) in England . . . Mr. Chizlett, Mr. Colley, and others teach the same system here, and it would be very desirable to see it practised more generally at our public and private schools . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: John Hubert Plunkett (lecturer); John Hullah (English singing instructor); Charles Chizlett (singing instructor); Lyceum Theatre (Sydney venue)
"BUILDING AND PUBLIC WORKS IN SYDNEY", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser [NSW] (16 October 1858), 6 supplement
The Herald's monthly summary contains, as usual, reports of the progress of buildings and public works in Sydney. Amongst the buildings, one of the most important is the one, nearly completed, for the English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered Bank, with frontages of 65 feet to George-street, and 60 to King-street, and a height of 58 feet. The lower story is of stone, the upper ones of briok, with stone quoins, window dressings, cornices, and string courses . . . The decorations of the entrance hall are designed from the leaves of the Australian water-lily . . . The design of the building is Mr. Blacket's, the stone carving is by Mr. E. Colley, the modelling of the cornices, &c., is by Mr. Parish, and the iron columns are from Messrs. P. N. Russell and Co.'s foundry . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Blacket (architect)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (22 November 1858), 10
- Ladies and Gentlemen possessing a partial knowledge of music, and wishing to pursue the study, are invited to join the Class.
The present quarter will terminate next Tuesday evening, when tickets will be issued for the ensuing quarter.
The class meets for practice every TUESDAY EVENING, at half-past 7.
EDWIN COLLEY, Conductor.
"VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION", Empire (17 July 1862), 5
The union concert of the Vocal Music Association, took place last evening, at the Masonic Hall, York-street. The hall was, although not crowded, filled with an appreciative and respectable audience, who listened attentively to the really excellent music which was offered to their notice. The concert consisted of two parts, the first of which was sacred, and the second secular music. The first part commenced with a chorale sung at the funeral of his late Royal Highness Prince Albert, followed by an anthem and a trio from a "Miserere" by Sarti, sung by Madame Sara Flower, Mr. Cobley, and a lady amateur. The quartette, "Jesu watch our slender boat," was excellently sang by Madame Sara Flower, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Cobley, and a gentleman amateur . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sara Flower (vocalist); People's Vocal Music Association (association)
SIR, - Will you oblige me by correcting an error in your report of the above concert.
You have, by mistaking a letter in a name, placed me in the list of vocalists. The name should have been Colley, not Cobley.
I did not sing. I only presided at the piano as accompanyist.
Yours truly, EDWIN H. COBLEY. Lyndhurst House, Glebe Road, 17th July, 1862.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edwin Harry Cobley (pianist, accompanist); in the absence of any other evidence, this Colley might have been either Edwin or Henry
Application for situation as teacher in National Schools, 23 August 1865; State Records Authority of NSW, 1/375, NRS 623 (PAYWALL)
Edwin Colley / Married / 35 / [born] Birmingham England / [religious denomination] Independent / [been in colony] 13 years . . .
Testimonials from . . . Charles Chizlett, George E. Crane . . . [dated] August 23d 1865 / . . .
Where educated? - At a private school in Birmingham English . . . a fair knowledge of Hullah's method of teaching singing and mechanical drawing . . .
NOTE: The file notes that Cobley performed well in interview and examinations, and includes a strong recommendation of his likely success as a teacher, though he appears not to have proceeded in the profession
"Presentation to Mr. Colley", Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (16 April 1867), 2
Last, evening, just before the commencement of the Philharmonic Concert, a handsome silver Baton was presented to Mr. Colley by the members of the Society.
The stem of the Baton is of ebony, and handsomely mounted with polished and frosted silver.
The upper end is ornamented with a device consisting of a Lyre and scroll of music, surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves,
and the opposite end is covered with fern leaves neatly worked in silver, and bears the following inscription -
"Presented by the Members of the Illawarra Philharmonic Society to their Teacher, Mr. E. Colley, 1867"
At the time of the presentation, the following address was read by Mr. R. C. Wills: -
Wollongong, 15th April, 1867.
Mr. E. Colley.
DEAR SIR - At this our first Concert, we take the opportunity to express our warm appreciation of your painstaking assiduity,
earnest attention, and self sacrificing labors for the improvement and welfare of this, our infant Society.
Your liberality in giving us your almost gratuitous and very valuable services as teacher, in forming,
your patience in instructing, and the ability you have displayed in bringing us to that state of proficiency in music which we now posses, have earned our warmest and most sincere thanks;
while your urbanity and kindness to all in the performance of your duty, have caused us to look upon you as a friend as well as preceptor.
As a slight token of the warm feelings of respect and esteem felt for you by the Society, we beg your acceptance of the accompanying Baton,
trusting that you will long live to wield it in larger and more important fields.
Signed in the name and on behalf of tho\e Society.
R. CHAS. WILLS, President.
CHAS. H. SPIER, Secretary.
Mr. Colley acknowledged the compliment paid him in suitable terms.
Philharmonic Concert. - The first Concert given by the above Society came off last evening, and was most numerously and respectably attended. The proficiency attained by the members was highly creditable to themselves, as also to their teacher, whose services, we regret to say, will soon be lost, as Mr. Colley is on the point of leaving the district. We are glad to find that a love of music is gradually growing in the district. On previous occasions there have been amateur concerts held in Wollongong, but the performers, whether vocal or instrumental, never before acquitted themselves so artistically as they did last night. The selections were both varied and judicious.
"Deaths", The Australian Star (13 May 1891), 1
COLLEY. - May 12, at Hales Owen, Livingstone-road, Petersham, Margaret Lothian, wife of Edwin Colley.
"DEATHS", The Sydney Morning Herald (28 March 1919), 6
COLLEY. - March 26, at the residence of his son, Erskine, Tudor-street, Hamilton, Newcastle, Edwin Colley, in his 89th year.
Henry and Mary Colley:
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of St. Philip, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, in the year 1832; register 1830-33, page 326; Library of Birmingham, DRO 25/M41 (PAYWALL)
No. 2216 / 1832 [January] 26th / Born 1 Jan'y 1832 / Henry Son of / George [and] Thirza / Colley / Blucher Street / Stone Mason . . .
1844, births in the district of Hobart; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1068885; RGD33/1/2/ no 616 (DIGITISED)
No. 616 / 20 October [1844] / Mary Anne / [daughter of] William Phillips / Mary Edwyna Phillips formerly Burton / Clerk . . . New Wharf
England census, 30 March 1851, St. John's Smith Square, Westminster, Middlesex; UK National Archives, HO107/1479/931/32 (PAYWALL)
Upp'r Dorset St. Vauxhall R'd / George Colley / Head / Mar. / 46 / Carver & Mason / [born] Merlbrook Hereford
Eliza [sic] Colley / Wife / Mar/ / 52 / - / [born] Birmingham
Henry [Colley] / Son / Unm. / 19 / Carver / [born] Birmingham . . .
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald [NSW] (5 May 1857), 4
WE, the undersigned passengers, wish to record our sense or your kindly demeanour and regard for our safety and comfort throughout the voyage from London to this port,
now brought to a successful termination . . .
[signed] . . . Henry Colley, B. W. Hinton . . .
[Advertisement], Examiner [Kiama, NSW] (27 October 1860), 3
Kiama Singing Class. LADIES and GENTLEMEN who intend to join
MR. H. COLLEY'S VOCAL MUSIC CLASS, are hereby informed that a list is now lying at Mr. HARVISON'S, Manning-street.
A good opportunity now offers to those who desire to learn to sing, the system adopted (Hullah's) being at once simple and efficacious,
and it is desirable that the names of those who wish to become pupils be given in at once, as no one can be admitted after the course of lessons has commenced.
"SHELLHARBOUR (From our Correspondent) SOIREE MUSICALE AT MARSHALL MOUNT NATIONAL SCHOOL", Illawarra Mercury [Wollongong, NSW] (1 January 1861), 2
On Monday evening last a numerous company of friends and relatives of the pupils of the singing class taught by Mr. Fisher, assembled at the school-house, Marshall Mount, to hear the performances of the class.
Considerable interest was manifested in the proceedings, the room was completely filled with company, and the members of the class certainly acquitted themselves in most admirable style.
Mr. Fisher accompanied the vocalists upon the pianoforte, and Mr. Colley, of Kiama, rendered excellent service with his fine-toned bass, which harmonised delightfully the soprano of the fair vocalists.
A little nervousness was observable in the performance of some of the first pieces, but all diffidence vanished as the evening wore on, and considerable applause was rendered by the delighted audience.
The programme was divided into two parts, the first consisting of sacred, and the second of secular music.
Part I was opened by a psalm. "Let in with a glandsome mind" [sic] - Tune, Amesbury.
A hymn, "Midst Sorrow and Care." A sacred song was then sang by Mr. Colley, commencing with the words, "Hear my Prayer."
The class next sang an Evening Song, "The Lovely Moon." Next followed the German Chorale, "God is my Strong Salvation."
And the first part of the programme was concluded with the Anthem "Pray for Peace."
During the interval elapsing between the 1st and 2nd part of the programme, the company were refreshed with an abundance of cake, wine, &c.,
and several gentlemen were called upon by Mr. Fisher to address the assembly, among whom were Messrs. Fraser, Moles, Poulton, Colley, and McGill.
The speakers - one and all - bore testimony to the delight they had experienced in listening to the harmonious strains of the performers, and not a little flattering were the compliments paid to both teacher and taught.
One of the speakers, in alluding to the rapid manner in which the class had acquired their present proficiencies in musical science,
said that it was only to be accounted for by the excellence of the system adopted by Mr. Fisher, viz., the "Tonic Sol Fa."
The same speaker further stated that he had seen other systems adopted, which had taken years to produce the same results as had been obtained in a few months by Mr. Fisher's class.
Mr. Colley being called upon, said, that he disagreed with the speaker who attributed to the system the rapid progress which had been made by Mr. Fisher's class.
In his (Mr. Colley's) opinion it was the talent and ability of the teacher which accounted for the satisfactory progress made by the class.
He objected to the system, and thought it only useful in an elementary point of view.
He was about to establish a singing class at Kiama, and should certainly adopt Hullah's method of teaching.
Mr. Fisher said he felt himself called upon to make a few observations upon the subject of the system which he taught;
he had taught for many years by other systems in England, and was now of opinion that no system was equal to the "Tonic sol fa," for imparting in a short period, the knowledge of singing at sight.
This system had been modified by Mr. Kirwin [Curwen], and was now much used in England, with most satisfactory results.
Nevertheless he would not reject the claims of other systems, and would, as his class advanced in musical knowledge, practice them in the old notation.
The second part of the programme, was commenced by a chorus, "Morning Song," "Hail all Hail!" this chorus was sang with much spirit, and was loudly inchored [sic].
The ballad, "Annie Laurie," was next sang by Mr. Fisher, with his usual good taste.
Next came a glee by the class, "Five times by the tapers light."
Mr. Colley sang "The tempest of the heart," from "Il Trovatore," and all hearts must truly have been moved by the touching and musical style of the rendering of this plaintive melody.
Mr. Colley's song was followed by the class, singing the chorus, "never forget the dear ones."
Mr. Fisher sand "The Englishman," with his characteristic patriotic style.
Mr. Colley followed with the ballad, "I'm leaving thee Annie." Mr. Fisher, by request sang "The tight little Island."
This highly humorous serios comic, patriotic effusion of Dibden's much pleased the company, and the admirable manner in which Mr. Fisher rendered this song, was highly creditable.
The national Anthem having been sang in right loyal style, the company separated, evidently highly delighted with the proceedings of the evening . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Churchill Fisher (singing instructor); John Curwen (English singing instructor); Tonic sol fa (method)
MUSIC: The tempest of the heart (Verdi, from Il trovatore, arr. C. W. Glover); I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie (Barker)
"CONCERT", Examiner (12 March 1861), 2
On Saturday evening, Mr. Colley, assisted by Miss Farr and Mr. Fisher, gave another concert in the Court-house, at Kiama. The audience was not very numerous, but those who were present seemed to be gratified with the entertainment afforded by Mr. Colley, and we imagine that he would have secured a larger amount of patronage had the night been favorable. Those who live any distance from the town do not like to venture on our hilly and rough roads on dark nights, and a change to the "full of the moon" on the occasion of the next concert, would on that account, we think, be of advantage. The singing on Saturday was, to our ear, better than on the previous night. Mr. Fisher was in better voice, and Miss Farr and Mr. Colley were more fortunate in their selectings. "Willie we have missed you," and "My heart is sair," were both prettily given by Miss Farr, and Mr. Colley's "Why are you wandering here, I pray?" was far before the "Widow Malone," and secured an encore, when he substituted "Simon the Cellarer," which was warmly received. Mr. Fisher, who has a fine rich voice, gave the "Englishman" - evidently a favorite, - "When others lips," and "The death of Nelson," and, as a change to an encore of "When other lips," "The tight little Island." The fine old glee of "Hail! smiling morn," was admirably sung by the company, and also that of "Sleep, gentle lady." Altogether, the affair passed off very pleasantly, and we were glad to observe that there was no unseemly noise or behavior in the room, although a few youths at the door were a little disorderly, but a repetition of that may easily be prevented. We hope to see Mr. Colley's next entertainment more extensively patronised by the respectable part of the community, as he is deserving of encouragement in his efforts to cultivate a taste for music amongst us.
MUSIC: Why are you wandering here, I pray (by Isaac Nathan)
[Advertisement], Illawarra Mercury (29 March 1861), 3
Easter Holiday's. MR. H. COLLEY begs to announce that he will give a
Series of MUSICAL EVENINGS in WOLLONGONG, during Easter Week.
The first of the above Entertainments, intitled GEMS OF SONG,
will take place at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, on TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 2nd.
Illustrated by varied and extensive selection of Songs, Ballads, Duets, Glees, &c.,
including "Simon the Cellarer," "Home, Sweet Home," "The Death of Nelson," "Comin' through the rye," "Farewell to the Mountain;"
the celebrated Glees, "Hail, smiling Morn" and "Sleep, gentle Lady;"
and (for the first time in Australia) the Vocal Polka "Springtime," &c., &c.
Reserved Seats (numbered), 4s ; Unreserved, 2s . . .
"MR. H. COLLEY'S CONCERTS", Illawarra Mercury (12 April 1861), 3
These entertainments which were advertised to take place during the present week have been indefinitely postponed. We need scarcely say that the immediate cause was the paucity of the attendance, caused by the heavy rains and consequent muddiness of the streets. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings not more than eight or ten persons were present. On Tuesday evening Mr. Colley announced that the tickets would be available for the following, or any other, evening; but the weather on the following evening being equally unpropitious, the money was returned to those who had purchased tickets. On both occasions, however, Mr. Colley was determined that the few assembled should not depart without a song, and rarely in this district have we had an opportunity of spending a more pleasant hour or of listening to songs sung with greater feeling and good taste. On Wednesday evening several admirable glees were sung by Messrs. Colley and Fisher and Miss Barr, as also several duets and solo. Miss Barr shews a marked improvement not only in her singing, but also in her piano accompaniments and we can only trust that at some future day, and under more favorable circumstances, Mr. Colley and his friends may be again induced to visit us, and meet with the success which should always attend proficiency in music. We are confident that the singing in parts requires only to be heard in order to secure a numerous attendance.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (14 January 1863), 1
MUNICIPALITY of the GLEBE . . . HENRY COLLEY, Council Clerk.
"MARRIAGE", The Sydney Morning Herald (27 August 1867), 1
On Saturday, the 10th instant, at St. Augustine's Church, Balmain, by the Rev. G. F. Dillon, HENRY, only son of GEORGE COLLEY, of Pimlico, London, to MARY, fourth daughter of WILLIAM PHILLIPS, of Balmain.
"PARRAMATTA. FAREWELL ADDRESS", The Sydney Morning Herald (20 October 1876), 11
On the evening of the 18th instant a number of the friends of Mrs. Henry Colley, for some years organist of St. Patrick's Church, met in the school-room adjoining that church, for the purpose of presenting her with an address and purse of sovereigns on the occasion of her departure to reside nearer Sydney . . .
See also [Advertisement], The Cumberland Mercury (13 September 1879), 5
"Current News", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (8 December 1888), 2
The newly reorganised choir of St. Patrick's Church, Parramatta, entered upon their duties for the first time at 11 o'clock Mass on Sunday last, and rendered Hayden's 10th Mass in a most effective manner. The Rev. Father O'Reilly chanted the Missa Cantata. Mr. Colley conducted and Mrs. Colley presided at the organ. The solos wore taken by Mrs. O'Reilly (soprano), Miss Miles (contralto), Mr. Thompson-Brown (tenor), and Mr. Garland (bass). The choir was augmented by the assistance of Miss Ada Colley and Miss Barrett (soprano), Miss Salloway (contralto), Mr. W. J. Ferris (tenor), and Mr. Colley (bass). The latter gentleman also sang in "Invitatory" at the opening of the Mass. At the offertory Mrs. O'Reilly sang Millard's beautiful "Ave Verum" in a truly devotional manner. Mr. Thompson-Brown did full justice to the same composer's "Ave Maria."
"Death of Mr. Henry Colley", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (12 March 1892), 7
The announcement we regret to have to make of the unexpected death of Mr. Henry Colley, Chief Clerk in the Hospital for Insane, Parramatta, after a few days illness, will come as a shock to those who know the regular habits of his life, his splendid physique, and who only last week met him in the full enjoyment of health and strength, and will be the cause of heartfelt sorrow to everyone who had been acquainted with him either in his official capacity or as a private citizen, while the deepest sympathy will be extended to the heart-broken widow and orphans left to mourn their irreparable loss.
On Thursday evening Mr. Colley partook of some stewed plums at dinner which he heartily enjoyed, and, as usual, spent a few hours in the bosom of his family. He retired to rest but was shortly after seized with violent pains and Dr. J. Kearney was at once in attendance. That gentleman administered remedies but realising the danger his patient was in met Dr. Bowman in consultation and subsequently Dr. Williamson and Dr. Godson, but though several operations were performed the patient gradually sank, and on Monday evening it was apparent that the grim reaper death had claimed another victim. The Rev. Father O'Reilly was sent for and administered the last solemn rites of his church, and hope again rose in the hearts of the anxious watchers as the patient seemed to rally and stated that he [? free] was of all pain. To the experienced eyes of the medical attendants however, this was only a forerunner of the end and at 2 o'clock on Tuesday morning Mr. Colley passed peacefully away. The immediate cause of death being peritonitis.
In his early days Mr. Colley resided in Sydney where his talent as a tenor singer of more than than ordinary sweetness and his cleverness as a musician made him much sought after. Here too he became acquainted with the accomplished Miss Phillips, of Balmain, sister of Mr. Gerard Phillips, the present Mayor of North Sydney, and eventually they entered the bonds of wedlock. Shortly after, Mr. Colley left the Glebe where he had filled the position of Council Clerk and some 25 years ago came to Parramatta to carry on the on the duties of Council Clerk for this borough. This office he vacated after a little while and attached himself to the Sherrif's Department from which he resigned to take the office of clerk in the Lunatic Asylum here. He gained promotion by degrees and for the last 20 years has occupied the post of chief clerk and superintendent of stores in the same institution. As a government officer Mr. Colley was scrupulously conscientious, ever prompt and strict in the discharge of his onerous duties, and firm in seeing that those under him were equally faithful.
As a private gentleman he was most genial in manner though rather retiring in disposition and made for himself hosts of friends. His one great hobby was music. Talented himself and united to a lady endowed with a genius for harmony, it was only natural that music in all its branches had the greatest of charms for the musical pair. Mr. Colley was a man however imbued with deeply religious feelings and the solemn grandeur of the music of the Roman Catholic Church had therefore peculiar attractions for him, so he was not long settled in Parramatta when he took charge of the choir of St. Patrick's Church, Mrs. Colley at the same time presiding at the organ and leading the singing. He was also connected with all the musical societies that have been started in the town since his advent to it, and his able services were ever at the disposal of anyone who called on them. In home life, Mr. Colley was the model of what a husband and father should be, the harmony which he loved being as dear to him in his daily life as in the realms of music. He has gone to his reward, and left behind him a widow and seven orphans, and to these lorn ones deprived of a loving husband and a tender parent the hearts of all must go out in commiseration, and if the condolence of sympathising friends can pierce the gloom of their sorrow, Mrs. Colley and her children will be strengthened to bear their bereavement with resignation.
The funeral procession moved from deceased's residence, Station-street, at 8.45 on Wednesday morning, thence by train to Rookwood, where the Rev. Father O'Reilly officiated at the grave. The officers and attendants from the asylum, and a large gathering of friends took part in the mournful ceremony, the Rev. Father O'Reilly being deeply affected as he read the solemn words consigning to earth the remains of a man whose like can ill be spared.
"Current News", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (2 April 1892), 4
The leading musical ladies of Parramatta in order to join in their tribute of respect to the memory of the late Mr. Henry Colley, assistant superintendent of the Hospital for Insane, who, with his accomplished wife, had ever been foremost in placing his exceptional musical talents at the service of every good and charitable movement, have decided to tender a complimentary concert to Mrs. Colley, which will take place in the Town Hall, Parramatta, at an early date. When the matter was mooted by Mrs. Sommerville Low, Mrs. Dr. Bowman, and Mrs. Burnett, they had quite a host of the leading musical professionals and amateurs in the town and the metropolis offering their services, and expressing a desire to be identified with an object that was so in accord with their own feelings. Mr. Arthur Massey has taken the position of musical director, and his present difficulty is to choose among the many clever artistes who have sent in their names. It may be mentioned that as the concert is nominally a complimentary one to Mrs. Henry Colley, but in reality more of a desire among the deceased gentleman's musical friends to pay honor to his memory, the proceeds will be devoted towards preparing the way for the professional debut of Miss Ada Colley, the eldest daughter of the house, who is possessed of a really phenomenal soprano voice of extraordinary sweetness and range, and who has already given evidence of having inherited from her parents talents, which will place her in the first rank of musical artistes of the day.
"ADA COLLEY", The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (18 April 1906), 2
Ada Colley, the Sydney soprano with the phenomenal top note and the golden hair, was married quietly to Leo Dryden, at Lavender Hill, London, on February 14th. Dryden's first wife died while he was in Australia, but we had not heard that either death or divorce had parted the North Sydney skylark and the wealthy Jewish diamond merchant whom she married in New York about seven years ago. Ada's sister, Birdie Colley, dances at the British halls under the name of Madge Mayfield. - Exchange.
COLLIER, Florence (Florence COLLIER)
Musician, pianist
Active Carlton, VIC, 1863 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
"NEW INSOLVENTS (Schedules filed in Melbourne)", The Star [Ballarat, VIC] (20 March 1863), 3
Florence Collier, Carlton, pianist. Causes of insolvency - Pressure of creditors and want of employment; liabilities, £27 19s; assets, £5; deficiency, £22 19s. Mr. Jacomb, official assignee.
COLLIN, Leopold Frederick (Leopold Frederick COLLIN; L. F. COLLIN; Herr COLLIN)
Musician, pianist (pupil of Mendelssohn, pupil of Thalberg, late pianist to His Majesty to the King of Saxony), musicseller, music publisher
Born Frankfurt (Germany), 1832
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 20 August 1853 (per Daniel Ross, from Hamburg, aged "20")
Married Charlotte Theresa FULLAM (d. 1905), Presbyterian church, Collins-street, Melbourne, VIC, 19 August 1854
Died Windsor, VIC, Melbourne, 23 June 1912, aged "80" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
? Births in Frankfurt Am Main, 1832; Evangelisches Kirchenbuchamt Hannover; 341756, 55 (PAYWALL)
Born 4 February 1832 / Leopold / son of Moritz Alexander Collin and Regina ? . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: According to his death record, his parents were Henry Albert Collin and Mary Ann Bearn
Passengers per Daniel Ross from Hamburg, for Melbourne, August 1853; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Leopold Collin / [born] Frankfurt / 20 . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (27 October 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION - Last Sacred Concert, Thursday, October 27th, 1853,
under the patronage of Princess Tuinna, daughter of the King of Mouki, of the Friendly Islands, who will honor the Concert with her presence.
Vocalists: Mrs. Testar, Madame Arnati White, Miss Lewis, Mr. John Gregg, and Chorus.
Pianist and Conductor, Mr. Salamon. Selections from St. Paul, Creation, Messiah, &c., &c.
PROGRAMME. Part I . . . First appearance of M. Collin, late Pianist to the King of Saxony, and Pupil of Mendelssohn,
who will perform a Grand Fantasia from Les Huguenots, (Liszt) . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Emilia Arnati White (vocalist); Annie and Edward Salamon (vocalist "Miss Lewis" and pianist); John Gregg (vocalist); Thursday Concerts (series); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue); on the 12-year-old Tiunna of Mouki, see "Baron of Bramber", The Courier [Hobart, TAS] (21 October 1853), 2
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Augustus II (king of Saxony, patron)
MUSIC: Fantaisie dramatique sur Les huguenots de Meyerbeer (Franz Liszt, 3rd version)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 November 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. Thursday Concert - This Evening, November 3rd. Mrs. Testar, Miss Miabella Smith, Miss Martin.
M. Collin, who was received with so much applause last Thursday, will make his second appearance, and play Thalberg's Fantasia on Massaniello . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Meabella Smith (vocalist); Charlotte Martin (vocalist)
MUSIC: Fantasie sur Masaniello (Thalberg)
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 November 1853), 8
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor.
Madame Arnati White's Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert. MONDAY, 7TH NOVEMBER.
Vocal Performers - Mrs. Testar. Madame Arnati White.
Instrumentalists. - Solo Piano, Herr Collin (pupil of Mendelsohn). Solo Ophiclielde, Mr. T. Martin.
Mr. White will preside at the Pianoforte.
By the kind permission of Colonel Despard, the splendid Band of the 96th Regiment under the direction of Mr. Martin,
will attend, and during the evening perform (by desire) the celebrated Railway Galop.
PROGRAMME . . . PART SECOND . . . Solo - Piano, Grande Fantasio Dramatique sur le Don Juan; Herr Collin - F. Litz . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emilia and Thomas White (vocalist and pianist); Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Robert and Thomas Martin (master and bandsman, 99th band); Band of the 99th Regiment (military); Mechanics' Institution (Melbourne venue)
MUSIC: Grande fantaisie de Don Juan (Franz Liszt)
[Advertisement], The Argus (3 March 1854), 8
EUREKA. Opening of the Royal Victoria Concert Hall, Monday, 6th March.
Performers - Miss Miabella Smith, Herr Rahm, Mons. Paltzer, Herr Collins, and the celebrated Ethiopian Serenaders.
Managers - Rahm and Paltzer.
ASSOCIATIONS: Veit Rahm (musician); Jacques Paltzer (musician)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (19 May 1854), 7
MUSICAL. - HERR COLLINS, who has been so successfully received as a Pianist at Ballarat, begs to apprise the Inhabitants of Geelong, that he shortly intends paying them a visit on his way to Melbourne.
"GRAND CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (20 July 1854), 4
GRAND CONCERT. On THURSDAY, the 20th JULY, Under the distinguished patronage of his Worship the Mayor.
Will be given on Thursday and Friday nights at the MUSIC HALL, Geelong Hotel, by the CELEBRATED TYROLESE NATIONAL SINGERS.
Mr. COLLINS will appear and execute a few solos on the Piano-forte.
Mr. CREED ROYAL has kindly consented to appear again, only for one night, and execute a few solos on his Flute.
HERR RAHM will execute a solo on the Zither. Doors open at half-past seven - Concert to commence at Eight o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Creed Royal (flute)
[Advertisement], Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer (24 July 1854), 5
MR. GEORGE SEFTON has the honour to announce that, being determined to present to his musical patrons of Geelong a constant succession of talent,
he has, at an immense expense, secured the services of the universal favourite,
THE INIMITABLE BARLOW, whose extraordinary performances must be seem to be appreciated;
also THE CELEBRATED TOTTEN'S HARMONEONS, who will introduce several novelties never produced before a Geelong audience;
- also, the Thalberg of the South, the celebrated Mr. COLLIN'S, who will perform on the Piano-forte selections from the most popular operas;
The FAKIR OF AVA, whose performances in his grand Temple of Enchantment will astonish and delight the audience with his truly wonderful and astonishing tricks.
Prices of Admission: - Dress Circle, 6s. Lower Circle, 3s. Doors open at 7, to commence at 8 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Barlow (comedian, vocalist); Totten's Harmoneons (blackface minstrel troupe); "The fakir of Ava" (probably the magician Horace Sidney
[Advertisement], The Argus (4 September 1854), 8
TO-NIGHT. Mechanics' Institution. Miss Octavia Hamilton has the honor to announce that her
Vocal and Instrumental Concert will take place This Evening, Monday, at the above Institution, upon which occasion that eminent performer,
Herr Collin, Late Pianist to His Majesty the King of Saxony, will make his first appearance since his return to the colony.
Also, Mrs. Testar, Miss Edwards, Miss O. Hamilton, Mr. Hackett, Signor Vitelli, M. Winterbottom, Herr Strebinger, Herr Bial.
Prices of Admission - Reserved Seats, 7s. Unreserved, 5s. . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Edward Hackett (vocalist); John Vitelli (vocalist); John Winterbottom (musician); Frederick Strebinger (violinist); Charles Bial (pianist, accompanist)
"MISS O. HAMILTON'S CONCERT", The Banner (5 September 1854), 9
This concert came off last night, and was well attended. Mrs. Testar, as usual, was very successful . . . Herr Collins was rapturously encored; Herr Strebinger was, as usual, received with enthusiasm . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (21 September 1854), 8
PROTESTANT HALL. - Great Musical Treat. - To-night a Grand Concert will be given by Herr Collin, the unrivalled Pianist, assisted by the most favorite and eminent Artistes -
Mrs. Testar, who will sing the grand Cavatina from La Favorita; Miss O. Hamilton, who will sing her favorite songs;
Mons. Barre, in William Tell, Barcarole, and autre popular songs.
Mr. Dixon has kindly consented give his services for that great musical attraction.
Herr Strebinger, the eminent Violinist, will play a new Solo; Winterbottom in that beautiful Solo from the Somnambula;
and Herr Collin will execute for this night, his own compositions, brilliant Fantasias upon Ben Bolt, Katty Darling, etc., etc.
We hope that Amateurs who appreciate good music will patronise this great musical treat.
ASSOCIATIONS: Anthony Barre (vocalist); Frederick Dixon (vocalist); Protestant Hall (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Banner [Melbourne, VIC] (22 September 1854), 1
ASTLEY'S AMPHITHEATRE, SPRING STREET, Open Every Evening. Solo Lessee - Mr. George Lewis.
Re-appearance of MRS. TESTAR. Re-engagement of MISS O. HAMILTON.
First and only appearance of HERR COLLIN, The Celebrated Pianist.
MRS. ONN, in Irish Ballads. Complete Organisation of the Orchestra.
MONS. FLEURY - Leader of the Orchestra . . .
5. Cavatina, 'Robert Toi que J'aime' (By desire). Mrs. Testar, accompanied on the Piano by Herr Collin.
6. Fantasia on National Airs, upon the Pianoforte, by Herr Collin, the Celebrated Pianist. First Appearance, and for this Night only . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Lewis (performer, proprietor); Constantia Onn (vocalist); Achille Fleury (violinist, leader); Astley's Amphitheatre (Melbourne venue)
"CONCERT", The Argus (28 September 1854), 5
Herr Collin, an excellent pianist, has announced a concert to take place this evening at the Mechanics' Institute. This gentleman was to have given an entertainment last week at the same place, but it was subsequently ascertained that the room had been previously engaged for some other purpose. In order not to disappoint his patrons, Herr Collin next engaged the Protestant Hall, but again he was unfortunate, for some of the lady vocalists whom he had retained refused, from some cause best known to themselves, to make their appearance there. After experiencing considerable loss, the disappointed pianist was obliged to postpone his concert, and he accordingly, as has been already stated, is to make his bow this evening. The programme is generally of an attractive nature, and several favorites of the public are to appear.
[Advertisement], The Argus (28 September 1854), 8
MECHANICS'S INSTITUTION, To-night, at Herr Collin's Concert, Mrs. Testar, Miss O. Hamilton, Messrs. Barre, Dixon, Strebinger, Winterbottom.
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION, To-night. - Herr Collin's Grand Concert will take place, assisted by the most admired artistes.
MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. - Herr Collin, the Celebrated Pianist, will give his Concert Ro-night. See the Programme.
[Advertisement], The Argus (1 December 1854), 8
MUSICAL Entertainment, in the Concert Room, Union Hotel, brilliantly lighted with gas.
Admission free. Open every evening. Concert to commence at eight o'clock.
The proprietor has much pleasure in announcing to the public that he has secured for the above entertainment the following talented and popular artistes: -
Miss Urie, the celebrated Scotch ballad singer; Miss Bourn, late of the Salle de Valentino;
Mr. D. Golding, the celebrated Irish comic singer; and Mr. Collins, the eminent pianist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Urie (vocalist); Georgina Bourn (vocalist); Daniel Golding (Vocalist); Union Hotel (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (16 April 1855), 1
ONE NIGHT MORE. COLEMAN At the Mechanics' Institute,
This Evening (Monday) In his highly amusing and successful Monologue of MASKS AND FACES . . .
Mr. Coleman will give his extraordinary imitations of HENRY RUSSELL and MONS. ROBIN,
and appear in Twenty different Characters, Illustrative of the men and manners of the age.
Pianist - Herr Collin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Coleman (polyphonist)
"COUNTY COURT OF BOURKE. £10 JURISDICTION. Saturday, 6th October, 1855", The Age (8 October 1855), 6
MURPHY v. MACLELLAN. In this case the plaintiff, Thomas Murphy, sued the defendant Macklellan,
the proprietor of the Belvidere Hotel, Collingwood, for damages sustained by a breach of contract.
The plaintiff had been engaged for one month at the rate of £4 10s. per week, as a vocalist,
and manager of that addition to the defendant's establishment,
and after the first few days the speculation appearing likely to be an unprofitable one,
the defendant wished to dismiss the plaintiff summarily, under the plea that the engagement had been made conditionally upon the success of the undertaking.
The agreement having been put in it was found to be an unconditional agreement for one month . . .
A verdict was then returned for £8 5s. and costs, this being the amount claimed.
HAMMOND. v. THE SAME. This was a similar claim to the last. The plaintiff had been engaged as comic vocalist at the same rate of remuneration, and for the same period. Verdict for £8 5s., with costs.
COLLINS V. THE SAME. A third claim for professional services by the plaintiff, Leopold Collins, a pianist, but in this instance the remuneration was to be at the rate of £5 10s. per week.
Verdict for the amount claimed, £10, with costs.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Murphy (vocalist, manager); W. H. Hammond (comic vocalist)
In consequence of his Excellency having intimated that it was the intention of himself and Lady Macdonnell (sic) to remain in Beechworth a day or two longer than he had originally proposed, a large number of the merchants and inhabitants of Beechworth invited him to a public dinner, which they prepared for his entertainment at the Star Hotel. Covers were laid for about seventy or eighty guests . . . In proposing the toast of the evening, "The Health of the Governor of South Australia," Captain Price observed that Sir Richard and Lady Macdonnell had travelled 1,000 miles, and had been exposed to much discomfort and hardship for the benefit of the colony of South Australia . . . Various other toasts were proposed, and responded to, and the company separated at half-past nine o'clock, after which a concert under the management of Herr Collin and Mr. Sams, was given. The room was very well filled, and the company were greatly delighted with the entertainment.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard and Blanche Macdonnell (governor of South Australia and wife); Frederic Sams (vocalist)
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser [Beechworth, VIC] (3 January 1857), 4
PROMENADE Concert and Ball every evening, at the Star.
Musical Director, Herr Collin. Leader, Mr. Osborne. Admission, One Shilling.
MADEMOISELLE SCHLUTER will appear this evening in the Grand Scene from the "Daughter of the Regiment."
MADEMOISELLE SCHLUTER, Mr. Burchell, Mr. Hammond, and Mr. S. Benner, at the Star, are the great attractions in Beechworth.
ASSOCIATIONS: Ferdinand Osborne (violin, leader); Alwine Schluter (vocalist); Samuel Benner (vocalist); James Ellis (proprietor); Star Theatre (Beechworth venue)
"THE CONCERT AT THE EL DORADO", Ovens and Murray Advertiser (19 January 1857), 2
M. Coulon's musical entertainment on Saturday evening, at Winter's El Dorado hotel, was a decided success. The masonic hall, in which it took place was completely filled by a highly respectable audience, including a very fair sprinkling of the fair sex, all of whom seemed thoroughly to enjoy the musical treat provided by Miss Hamilton and Messrs. Coulon and Pierce. The programme comprised a selection of operatic, ballad and comic songs, and was ushered in by an introductory performance on the piano, by Herr Collin, who also accompanied the vocalists . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Emile Coulon (vocalist); John Ottis Pierce (vocalist)
"FIRE AT BEECHWORTH", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (12 February 1857), 6
A fire broke out in Beechworth at an early hour on Thursday morning on the premises of Herr Collin, the pianist, who has lost his all - furniture, clothing, and valuables of all kinds having perished in the flame. Amongst the first named articles was a very valuable piano, and amongst the last, two or three valuable watches. The whole of the dwelling, out-houses, with the framework of a new hotel or public-house which Herr Collin was erecting, were burnt to the ground; the proprietor himself being severely burnt about the hand while endeavouring to save a portion of his property. The neighbouring store of Mr. Chesnall, known as the Californian store, was not burnt, but the whole of the stock was more or less injured from the violence used in throwing it out of the reach of the flames. One hundred and fifty pounds will not cover his loss. We have not heard how the fire originated, - Ovens and Murray Advertiser.
"MUSIC AND THE DRAMA . . . THE PROVINCES", The Age (16 February 1857), 5
At Beechworth, lately, a concert was given by Miss Octavia Hamilton, M. Coulon, and Mr. Pierce, assisted by an amateur, in aid of the funds of the Hospital. Herr Collin was not present, owing to indisposition . . .
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (7 March 1857), 1
HERR COLLIN, the well-known Pianist, is open to an Engagement. Communications addressed to Herr Collin, office of this paper, will be attended to immediately.
[Advertisement], Ovens and Murray Advertiser (13 March 1857), 3
STAR THEATRE . . . THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, and following Evenings This Week . . .
The Entertainment will be supported by the following Artists: MISS OCTAVIA HAMILTON, MR. EMILE COULON, MR. J. O. PIERCE . . . HERR COLLIN . . .
"EVENING CLASSES", Portland Guardian [VIC] (30 April 1863), 2
We would direct the attention of our readers to an advertisement, in another column, intimating that Herr Collin purposes opening evening singing classes, provided a sufficient number of pupils offer. The course will consist of twenty two lessons of an hour each, two lessons weekly. From the celebrity which Mr. Collin has attained as a music master, we have every reason to believe that his pupils will make rapid progress, and as an elevating and refining art vocal music and its professors deserve patronage. From the names of the gentlemen who have inaugurated the movement complete success may be anticipated.
[Advertisement], Portland Guardian (14 May 1863), 1
HERR LEOPOLD COLLIN, Teacher of the Piano-Forte and Singing. Pupil of the Conservatoire Francais & Sigmond Thalberg, at Mr. Gover's former residence, Julia-street.
"HERR COLLIN'S SINGING CLASS", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (11 June 1863), 2
Over sixty pupils attended the opening of Herr Collin's singing class on Tuesday evening last at 8 p.m. in the Church of England School Room, Percy-street. Tuesday and Friday at the above hour will be the evenings for practice. We understand that over 40 have joined the ladies' class and they will meet for practice on the same evenings but an hour earlier or 7 p.m.
"THE AMATEUR CONCERT", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (24 May 1866), 6
The concert, given in aid of the funds of the Benevolent Asylum, on Thursday evening last, was a great success. The room was crowded, over two hundred present. Herr Collin acquitted himself with his usual skill, and the audience seemed thoroughly to appreciate all that was presented to them. The sum of £35 was realised, a very seasonable addition to the present funds of the Asylum.
MUSIC: Fantaisie sur Lucia di Lammermoor (Prudent); see full programme, [Advertisement], Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (3 May 1866), 3
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (26 January 1867), 8
HERR L. COLLIN, Royal Academie, Paris (Pupil of S. Thalberg), Professor of the Pianoforte,
Has taken up his residence in Melbourne to practice his profession. For terms, &c., care of Wilkie, Webster, and Co.
ASSOCIATIONS: Wilkie, Webster and Co. (musicsellers)
[Advertisement], The Argus (26 April 1867), 8
HERR L. COLLIN, Academie Royale, Francais, pupil of Thalberg, PROFESSOR of PIANOFORTE and SINGING. Terms, &c., apply at his residence, 161 Collins-street east.
[News], The Argus (21 June 1867), 5
The concert given by the St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society on Wednesday evening, in the Prahran Town-hall, in aid of the building fund of the New Melbourne Hospital, was one of those musical entertainments which bear the character of drawingroom concerts, and which, when carefully got up, are always productive of much pleasure both to auditors and executants. The programme of Wednesday contained part-songs, glees, and other compositions of what is commonly called the standard class, some of them being, as usual, more effective with a general audience than others . . . The soloists were . . . Herr Collin, a pianist newly settled in Melbourne, who played admirably, and who was loudly encored after his first solo, by Willmers; and Mr. M. Harvie, the most distinguished amateur flautist in the colony . . . The excellence in part-singing of the St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society is due to Mr. S. Kaye, its director.
ASSOCIATIONS: Montague Harvie (flute); Samuel Kaye (conductor)
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 August 1867), 8
HERR L. COLLIN, 161 Collins street east, teaches the Italian School of SINGING, for development and cultivation of voice.
[News], The Herald (4 July 1868), 2
The usual meeting of the Victorian Musical Association (of professional musicians) took place on Thursday, 3rd July. The following names were proposed, ballotted for, and elected: - Mrs. Le Cren, Messrs. Rutter, Amery, Donaldson, G. Fincham, T. Dudley, Peters, Herr Elsasser, Herr Collin . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Louisa Maria Le Cren (member); George Oswald Rutter (member); Edwin Amery (member); Charles Alexander Donaldson (member); George Fincham (member); Charles Elsasser (member); Victorian Musical Association (association)
"MR. PRINGLE'S CONCERT", Weekly Times (2 October 1869), 10
The last of the series of subscription concerts, got up by Mr. G. R. G. Pringle and Herr Collin, took place on Monday evening in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Collins street, which was crowded to excess by a brilliant and fashionable audience . . . . Herr Collins gave Liszt's fantasia di concert, consisting of selections from the "Huguenots," with much credit to himself . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (pianist)
"CONCERT AT ST. GEORGE'S HALL", The Argus (4 November 1870), 5
A concert was given at this place last night, for the benefit of the funds of the Magdalen Asylum . . . Herr Collin, under whose direction the concert was given, played a duet, for two pianos, with Miss P. Terlechi. The subject was an arrangement by Döhler, of airs from "Lucrezia Borgia," introducing the great trio in the second act, the duet "Infelice," and "Il Segreto." These were fairly played, and were creditable to the skill of the young lady who took the second part . . . The most remarkable feature of the concert was the overture to "Semiramide," played by Herr Collin and 15 young ladies on eight pianos. This was not a signally brilliant performance, because they might have kept more together than they did, but we are not going to find fault when these young ladies did their best, and were, besides, at the serious disadvantage of having no conductor. Where the various movements of this brilliant work went well together the effect was very good; but the prettiest part about it was to see so many young and intelligent amateur performers working vigorously away with that conscientious and self-satisfied air which may always be noticed on occasions like this. As a compliment to those young ladies, the audience very good naturedly encored the whole performance, and listened to the repetition with signs of satisfaction. The second part of the concert, which did not commence until past 10 o'clock, consisted of the music of Offenbach's "Orphée aux Enfers" . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Paulina Terlecki (pianist)
"NEW INSOLVENTS . . . (Schedule filed in Sandhurst)", The Argus (13 August 1872), 5
Leopold Frederick Collin, of Sandhurst, teacher of music.
Causes of insolvency - Depression in business, and inability to collect moneys that have been carried.
Liabilities, £83 10s. 11d.; assets, £40; deficiency, £43 10s. 11d. Mr. Hasker, assignee.
And see also "THE OBSERVER", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (26 August 1872), 2
I was sorry to see in the list of insolvents which appeared in a recent issue of the Argus, the name of Leopold Frederick Collin, teacher of music, Sandhurst, who was a few years ago, resident here, and took a very active part in musical affairs, realising a considerable sum of money, but not content with competent provincial mediocrity, sought fame in the metropolis, and has found it - in the Insolvent Court.
[News], Bendigo Advertiser (20 August 1872), 2
AN ELEMENTARY SINGING CLASS is to be established in Sandhurst by Herrs Collin and Gollmick, on Monday, 2nd September - two gentlemen very well qualified for the task, Hullah's system is to be adopted. There is also to be an advanced class on Manuel Garcia's system. In view of the establishment of a Philharmonic Society in this city there appears to be a necessity for singing classes of the kind stated, and we have little doubt but that they will prove successful. Particulars appear in our advertising columns.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Gollmick (musician); John Hullah (English singing instructor); Manuel Garcia (European vocalist and instructor)
"HERR COLLIN'S PUPILS' CONCERT", Bendigo Advertiser (23 July 1874), 2
There was an excellent attendance last evening at St. James's Hall, on the occasion of the annual concert given by the pupils of Herr Collin. The proceeds of previous concerts given by Herr Collin's pupils have been hitherto divided between the hospital and benevolent asylum, but at the request of the pupils the profits of the present entertainment will be handed over to the Burns' Boys Relief Fund; and judging from the large attendance last evening, a handsome sum will be obtained . . . Herr Collin played the accompaniments to the singers in his usual excellent style.
"MARRIAGE", The Argus (3 January 1878), 1
COLLIN - FULLAM. - On the 10th August, 1854, at the Presbyterian Church, Collins-street, Melbourne, by the late Rev. Irving Hetherington, also by the Rev. Dean Slattery, of Warrnambool, Herr Leopold Collin, professor of music, to Charlotte Theresa Fullam, daughter of the late Robert Fullam, Sydney.
ASSOCIATIONS: Robert Fullam (Charlotte's late father)
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 April 1878), 12
HERR L. COLLIN receives PUPILS for finishing lessons in PIANOFORTE and Singing, at 12 Royal Arcade.
. . . Shortly before Bentley's hotel was burnt, in October, 1854, Alexander Dimant and James Mulholland - both afterwards attached to local municipal bodies - who were storekeepers on the Eureka, opened the Victorian Concert Hall on the Eureka Lead, the company consisting of the still extant Billy Barlow, with his clever farrago of comic and other songs and the buzzing bluetail fly; Herr Von Rhamn, with zither and guitar; Daddy West, double bass; Miell, cornet; Herr Collins, pianoforte; J. Paltzer, violin, and leader. The venture soon failed . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: William Bramwell Withers (journalist); James Mulholland (proprietor, comic vocalist, songwriter); Robert Barlow (vocalist); Veit Rahm (musician); Augustus Miell (cornet); Jacques Paltzer (violin, leader)
"DEATHS", The Herald (12 July 1905), 2
COLLIN - On the 12th July, at "Fetterrairn," The Avenue, Windsor, Charlotte, the beloved wife of Leopold F. Collin. R.I.P.
"DEATHS", The Argus (24 June 1912), 1
COLLIN. - On the 23rd June, at his residence, "Fettercairn," The Avenue, Windsor, Leopold Frederick Collin, of the well-known music warehouse, 187 and 189 Swanston-street, Melbourne, the beloved father of Julia, Bertha, Robert, Albert, Mrs. T. J. Burke, and Mrs. J. Black, aged 80 years. Requiescat in pace.
"ABOUT PEOPLE", The Age (24 June 1912), 8
Mr. L. F. Collin, the well known music warehouseman, of Swanston-street, died early yesterday morning, at his residence, "Fettercairn," The Avenue, Windsor, at the age of 80. He had been associated with the music trade for the last 58 years in Victoria, having arrived here in 1854 [sic]. Deceased leaves two sons and four daughters.
Will, probate and administration, Leopold Frederick Collin, music warehouseman; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED - WILL) (DIGITISED)
"An Australian Music Pioneer", Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review (October 1912), 64 (DIGITISED)
THE death in July last at Windsor, Australia, of an interesting and familiar figure in the Australian music trade, Mr. Leopold Frederick Collin, recalls the musical history of bygone days. Born in Germany in 1832, he early displayed a great aptitude for music and in his teens gained a reputation as a pianist. Attracted by the gold mining boom, he resolved to try his fortune in Australia. He arrived at Melbourne in 1854 [sic, 1853], when the gold fever was at its height, and settled at Beechworth, then a large mining town. While there, the late Mr. Collin was the soul of the music loving section of the town and in all the music festivities he took a leading part. He established himself at Collins Street and later he purchased the piano warehouse of Messrs. Cross, afterwards acquiring the music business of Dixon & Co. and also the piano and military band instrument business of F. A. Rowden. Here he was joined by his two sons, Robert (who took charge of the musical portion) and Albert (who controlled the band and instrument side of the house). Mr. Collin himself conducted the piano and organ section and with the aid of his two sons carried it successfully on until his death, a period of twenty-eight years. The business is being carried on by his sons Robert and Albert, both well known and popular members of the profession, who are maintaining the trade connection on the same principles which characterised the firm in previous years.
Sample "editions" (c. 1880-1900; printed in England, local overprint on titlepages and covers only: L. F. Collin, Melbourne):
J. W. Turner, The fairies' wedding waltz
Jules Schulhoff, Seconde grande valse brillante, Op. 20
D. Steibelt, The storm rondo, op. 33
Other sources:
Orpheus by J. Offenbach; Opera di Camera, as performed at Mr. G. R. G. Pringle & Herr L. Collin's subscription concerts, on June 27th, 1870 (Melbourne: Clarson, Massina and Co., 1870)
ASSOCIATIONS: George Robert Grant Pringle (musician); Clarson, Massina and Co. (printeres, publishers)
Bibliography and resources:
Prue Neidorf, A guide to dating music published in Sydney and Melbourne, 1800-1899 (M.A. thesis, University of Wollongong, 1999), 266 (DIGITISED)
Musician, pianist, accompanist
Active Geelong, VIC, 1854 (shareable link to this entry)
"THE CONCERT", Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer [VIC] (30 October 1854), 4
The very full and respectable attendance at the Theatre on Saturday evening was quite refreshing, and seems indicative of a revival in matters musical. Mrs. Testar was suffering from indisposition, but in the latter part of the programme she evidently rallied and rung out those clear strains with all her old enchantment. Mrs. Hancock was badly encored; she, as well as Mrs. Quain (late Miss Martin), have very much improved. Mrs. Collins on the piano, accompanied all the songs, duetts, and flute solos, and was scarcely ever off the stage. We understand that although it was her first appearance, she is a permanent resident in Geelong, and we trust that for the future no concert will be given without securing her talents . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Elizabeth Testar (vocalist); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Charlotte Quain (vocalist)
Governor, judge-advocate, author, historian of the early colony, Indigenous culture and song reporter
Born London, England, 3 March 1756; son of Arthur Tooker COLLINS and Henrietta Caroline FRASER
Married Mary (Maria Stuart) PROCTOR (d. 1830), St. Paul's, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada), 13 June 1777
Arrived (1) Botany Bay, NSW, 20 January 1788 (per Sirius)
Departed (1) Sydney, NSW, August 1796 (per Britannia, for England)
Arrived (2) Port Phillip Bay, NSW (VIC), 9 October 1803 (per Calcutta, from England, April)
Died Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 24 March 1810 (NLA persistent identifier) (Wikipedia) (shareable link to this entry)
"Deaths Abroad", The Monthly Magazine (1 February 1811), 98 (DIGITISED)
Col. David Collins. He was the eldest son of Gen. Arthur Tooker Collins, and Harriet Fraser, of Pack, in the King's county, Ireland, and grandson of Arthur Collins, esq. the author of the Peerage of England, &c. He was born the 3d of March, 1756, and received a liberal education, under the Rev. Mr. Marshall, Master of the Grammar School at Exeter, where his father resided. In 1770 he was appointed lieutenant in the Marines; and, in 1772, was with the late Admiral McBride, in the Southampton frigate, when the unfortunate Matilda, Queen of Denmark, was rescued from the dangers that awaited her by the energy of the British government, and conveyed to a place of safety in the king On her brother's Hanoverian dominions. On that occasion he commanded the guard that received her Majesty, and had the honour of kissing her hand. In 1775, he was at the battle of Bunker's Hill; in which the first battalion of Marines, to which he belonged, so signally distinguished itself, having its commanding officer, the gallant Major Pitcairne, and a great many officers and men, killed in storming the redoubt, besides a very large proportion of wounded. In 1777, he was Adjutant of the Chatham Division; and, in 1782, Captain of Marines on board the Courageux, of 74 guns, commanded by the late Lord Mulgrave, and participated in the partial action that took place with the enemy's fleet, when Lord Howe relieved Gibraltar. Reduced to half-pay at the peace of 1782, he resided at Rochester, in Kent, (having previously married an American lady, who survives him, but without issue); and, on its being determined to found a colony by sending convicts to Botany Bay, he was appointed Judge Advocate to the intended settlement, and in that capacity sailed with Governor Philip in May 1787 (who moreover appointed him his secretary), which [? position] he filled with the greatest credit to himself and advantage to the Colony, until his return to England in 1797. The History of the Settlement, which he soon after published, followed by a second volume, a work abounding with information, highly interesting, and written with the utmost simplicity, will be read and referred to as a book of authority, as long as the Colony exists whose name it bears. The appointment of Judge Advocate, however, proved eventually injurious to his real interests. While absent, he had been passed over when it came to his turn to be put on full pay; nor was he permitted to return to England to reclaim his rank in the corps; nor could he ever obtain any effectual redress, but, was afterwards compelled to come in as junior captain of the corps, though with his proper rank in the army. The difference this made in regard to his promotion was, that he died a captain instead of a colonel-commandant, his rank in the army being merely brevet. He had then the mortification of finding that, after 10 years' distinguished service in the infancy of a colony, and to the sacrifice of every real comfort, his only reward had been the loss of many years' rank, a vital injury to an officer. A remark which his wounded feelings wrung from him at the close of the second volume of his History of the Settlement, appears to have awakened the sympathy of those in power; and he was, almost immediately after its publication, offered the government of the projected Settlement on Van Diemen's Land, which he accepted, and sailed once more for that quarter of the globe, where he founded his new colony; struggled with great difficulties, which he overcame; and, after remaining there eight years, was enjoying the flourishing state his exertions had produced, when he died suddenly, after a few days' confinement from a slight cold, on the 24th March, 1810. His person was remarkably handsome, and his manners extremely prepossessing; while, to a cultivated understanding, and an early fondness for the Belles Lettres, he joined the most cheerful and social disposition. How he was esteemed by the inhabitants of the Colony over which he presided, will appear from the following extract of a letter announcing his decease: By the death of Col. Collins "this Colony has sustained a loss it will take a number of years to get over. I have known and served with him from the first establishment of the Colony; and, when I speak the feelings of my heart on this melancholy occasion, I am sure that it is not my single voice, but that of every department whatsoever in the Settlement, who, with the most heartfelt regret, universally acknowledge him to have been the father and friend of all."
Bibliography and resources:
"Collins, David (1756-1810)", Australian dictionary of biography 1 (1966)
COLLINS, George Thomas (George Thomas COLLINS; George COLLINS; G. T. COLLINS)
Amateur musician, violinist, violin player, orchestral leader, lawyer, politician
Born Launceston, VDL (TAS), 10 May 1839; baptised St. John's church, Launceston, 7 August 1839; son of William COLLINS (d. 1843) and Martha Matilda ROLLS
Married Ursula Flora McEACHERN, St. Andrew's church, Launceston, TAS, 29 April 1863
Died Launceston, TAS, 25 August 1926 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms in the parish of St. John, Launceston, in the county of Cornwall in the year 1839; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:1087229; RGD32/1/3/ no 402 (DIGITISED)
No. 458 / 7th August 1839 / [born] 10th May 1839 / George Thomas / [son of] William and Martha / Collins / Launceston / Licensed Victualler . . .
1863, marriages in the district of Launceston; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:866391; RGD37/1/22 no 443 (DIGITISED)
No. 231 / 443 / [29 June 1863] Launceston / George Thomas Collins / full age / bachelor /
Ursula Flora McEachern / full age / Spinster / married in St. Andrews' church . . .
"THE CONCERT AT THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE", The Tasmanian [Launceston, TAS] (4 July 1874), 10
The complimentary concert to Mr. Frederick Ferguson, honorary organist of the Mechanics' Institute, was given by the committee on Thursday evening . . . Mr. Ferguson opened the concert by performing selections from "The Grand Duchess." This was followed by the trio "The Magic Wove Scarf," by Mrs. Barclay, Mr. Ferguson, and Miss Sherwin . . . Mr. Alexander's pianoforte solo - Gottschalk's "The last hope, or the story of the broken heart" was highly applauded. Miss Sherwin sang the ballad "Within a mile o' Edinbro' toon" so sweetly and quaintly, that it was rapturously encored, and she then sang "Comin' thro' the rye." The violin and pianoforte duet by Mr. George Collins and Mr. Alexander, on airs from Lucia di Lammermoor was an exquisitely finished piece of instrumentation . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Ferguson (musician); Amy Sherwin (vocalist); Sarah Sherwin Barclay (vocalist); Albert Alexander (pianist)
"OBITUARY. Hon. G. T. Collins. Prominent Public Man", The Mercury (27 August 1926), 6-7
A notable figure in Tasmanian public life has been removed by the death, of the Hon. G. T. Collins. C.M.G., V.D., which occurred at his home in Launceston about midnight on Wednesday. Mr. Collins led a most active life, having always the welfare of the State at heart, and his record of public service is one of which anyone might be proud. He was the son of Mr. William Collins, and was born at Launceston on May 10, 1839, and educated at the Launceston Grammar School and the Church of England Grammar School, Campbell Town. Following the law as a profession, he was articled to the late Sir Adye Douglas in Launceston, being admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court in Tasmania in March, 1861 . . . He was a lover of art and music, in his earlier days being an enthusiastic amateur violinist, and later leader of the Launceston Musical Union's orchestra . . .
Actor, comedian, vocalist
Born c. 1810
Arrived Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 6 January 1832 (per Norval, with wife and 2 children)
Active Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), by c. 1833
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 7 February 1836 (per William, from Launceston, 3 February)
Died Sydney, NSW, 2 July 1851, aged "40/41" (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Theatrical dancer
Born Hobart, VDL (TAS), c. 1833; daughter of Thomas COLLINS and Elizabeth ?
Married Henry Peter LUBECK (d. 1862), Scot's church, Sydney, NSW, 5 August 1854
Died New York, NY, USA, 13 May 1901 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Arrivals per Norval, Hobart Town, VDL (TAS), 6 January 1832; Tasmanian names index; NAME_INDEXES:414598; GO3/1/ 16-20
. . . Thomas Collins, wife and 2 children . . .
[Advertisement], Trumpeter General [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (4 April 1834), 3
Will be performed, the Comedy of Speed the Plough -
Sir Philip Blandford, Mr. Fenton . . . Sir Abel Handy, Mr. Jacobs -
Bob Handy, Mr. Spencer - Mr. Mackay - Farmer Ashfield, Mr. Jordan -
Evergreen, Mr. Collins . . . Miss Blandford, Mrs. Cameron . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Fenton (actor); John Lewis Jacobs (actor); Albert Spencer (actor); Angus Mackay (actor); Richard Jordan (actor); Cordelia Cameron (actor); Theatre Freemason's Tavern (Hobart venue)
[Advertisement], Colonial Times [Hobart, VDL (TAS)] (22 April 1834), 3
Theatre, Hobart Town. (For the Benefit of MR. COLLINS.) TO-MORROW EVENING, April 23rd, will be performed, NO SONG NO SUPPER . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Independent [Launceston, VDL (TAS)] (12 July 1834), 3
We were present at the Theatre last evening, to witness the performance of Shakspeare's "Merchant of Venice," and we are sorry we cannot report favourably of it . . . Mr. Cameron was respectable in [Shylock] and had well studied the part, but he lacks the "Hebrew tongue." Mr. Granville as "Antonio," Mr. Fenton as "Gratiano," Mr. Jacobs as "Gobbo and as "Salerio," and Mr. Spencer as "Bassanio," were very fairly sustained; Mr. Collins as "Tubal" and "Duke of Venice," was equal at least to the rest, but we repeat that the whole of the persons require too much of the Prompter's assistance. Mr. Spcncer appears to us generally to be the most perfect . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Samson Cameron (actor); Theatre British Hotel (Launceston venue)
"THE THEATRE", The Independent (26 July 1834), 3
. . . A very respectable audience assembled last evening, to witness the performance of Goldsmith's Comedy of "She Stoops to Conquer," in which the exertions of the corps did them much credit . . . Mr. Collins very much improves - his "Diggory" was good; he will not deceive his supporters in superior characters shortly . . .
"THE THEATRE", The Independent (9 August 1834), 2
. . . The "Spectre Bridegroom" is really a humorous little farce. Mr. Spencer's "Nicodemus" was very good indeed - and Mr. Collins performed the first part of the character of "Paul" with excellent effect. His interview with Mr. Nicodemus was very rich . . . Mr. Peck as Leader of the Orchestra is entitled to credit. The music which is provided is very good, and is varied between the acts as much perhaps as is possible here . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: George Peck (musician, violinist)
[Advertisement], Launceston Advertiser (15 September 1834), 1
THEATRE, LAUNCESTON. For the Benefit of Mr. Collins and Miss Morris.
TO-MORROW EVENING, September 16th, will be presented the Melodrama, called Ella Rosenberg.
A Favorite Song by MISS MORRIS. Street Ballad - Messrs. Collins and Jacobs.
Comic Song - Mr. Jordan.
Recitation by MR. GRANVILLE.
To conclude with the Farce of The Mayor of Garrett.
No TICKETS can be admitted unless countersigned by Mrs. Cameron.
Vivant Rex et Regina.
ASSOCIATIONS: Harriet Morris (vocalist)
Departures per William, from Launceston, 27 January 1836, for Sydney; (DIGITISED)
. . . Tho. Collins, Wife & 3 children . . .
"Shipping Intelligence", The Colonist [Sydney, NSW] (11 February 1836), 7
7. - William (brig), Griffiths, from Launceston 3rd instant, merchandize. Passengers . . . Mr. T. Collins wife and three children . . .
[Advertisement], Commercial Journal and Advertiser [Sydney, NSW] (13 April 1836), 1
Theatre Royal. MACKAY'S Night. ON SATURDAY APRIL 16, 1836 . . .
The Evening's Entertainment will conclude with the highly laughable and amusing Farce, (not performed here for upwards of Two Years,) called the HONEST THIEVES.
Colonel Careless. Mr. Knowles . . . Lieutenant Story - Mr. Spencer . . .
Abel Day will be sustained by MR. COLLINS, A Gentleman lately arrived, who has kindly consented to appear upon this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Conrad Knowles (actor); Theatre Royal (Sydney venue)
"SYDNEY THEATRICALS", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (19 April 1836), 3
Mackay's benefit took place on Saturday day night, when we're produced the "Vampire;" or, "The Bride of the Isles", and "Honest Thieves" . . . in which Mr. Collins (from the Hobart Town boards) made his first bow before a Sydney audience in the part of Abel Day. This aspirant for theatrical fame it would be unfair to criticize, he having gratuitously contributed to the benefit of a brother chip, did he not acquit himself with credit. The character was not a shining one, but such as it was, he made the best of it, and was cordially greeted . . .
[Editorial], The Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser [Hobart Town, VDL (TAS)] (6 August 1839), 4
. . . Statement of Frederick Turner, an emigrant, twenty years of age, who arrived in the Norval, Friend, master, at Hobart Town, in the year 1832: - . . . While ruminating a whole fortnight in the watch-house attached to Hyde Park Barracks, and puzzling my brains in devising the means of getting out of the oppression inflicted by the laws on my being guilty of not proving myself to be a free subject, I remembered having heard, before I left Launceston, that Mr. Collins of the Theatre, whose wife was a passenger by the Norval to Hobart Town (the vessel in which I came out as cabin boy) had gone to Sydney. I made enquiry, and finding such to be the case, named Mrs. Collins, who, on being sent for, immediately came and identified me, and I was released . . .
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (22 March 1848), 2
UNDER the patronage of the D.C.R., S.C.R., D.S., and Brethren of the Ancient Order of Foresters.
MR. COLLINS'S BENEFIT, who respectfully solicits the patronage of the inhabitants of Sydney and its vicinity,
and trusts that his humble claims may be recognised and obtain for him a share of that support he has ever studied to deserve.
On THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 23rd, 1848, will be presented the popular Opera, in three Acts, entitled DER FREISCHUTZ; OR, THE SEVEN CHARMED BULLETS,
with the Original Overture, New Scenery, Extensive Machinery, Dresses, Properties, &c., , &c., , &c.
After the Opera, The Mazurka, by Madame Torning and Signor Carandini. The Tarantella, by the Misses Griffiths.
The Performance will conclude with for the first time a Romantic Drama, in two Acts, by G. Alman, Esq., entitled THE CEDAR CHEST; OR, THE LORD MAYOR'S DAUGHTER.
Tickets and places for the Boxes may be had of Mr. Wyatt, Victoria Hotel; Mr. Collins, Theatre; Mr. Holman, White Horse, George-street;
Mr. Robinson, Boundary-stone, Surry Hills.
ASSOCIATIONS: Eliza Torning (dancer); Gerome Carandini (dancer); Fanny and Emily Griffiths (dancers); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"THE DRAMA. THE BENEFIT SEASON", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (18 November 1848), 2
. . . On Thursday Mr. COLLINS made a successful appeal to his admirers, and the novel announcement of the first appearance of "CANKETT'S DANCING POODLE!" in the Polka and Waltz was of itself sufficient to excite the curiosity of the votaries of Terpsichore . . .
"DIED", The Sydney Morning Herald (3 July 1851), 4
At his residence, Pitt-street, on the 2nd instant, Mr. Thomas Collins, in his 41st year, many years connected with the Victoria Theatre, and much respected.
Burials in the parish of Camperdown in the county of Cumberland in the year 1851; register 1849-54, page 60; Sydney Diocesan Archives (PAYWALL)
No. 1185 / Thomas Collins / Pitt St. / [died] July 2 / [buried] July 4 / 41 / Comedian
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (7 July 1851), 2
In consequence of the death of Mr. Collins, Mr. Wyatt has kindly given the use of the Theatre.
The company and every one connected with the Establishment have volunteered their gratuitous services to promote a benefit for his bereaved Widow and Family,
on Wednesday Evening next, on which occasion the patronage and support of the public is respectfully solicited,
on behalf of the Widow and Children of one of its oldest servants.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wyatt (proprietor)
"THE DRAMA", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (12 July 1851), 2
. . . On Wednesday evening a tempting and choice selection of entertainments was announced for the benefit of the widow and family of Mr. Collins, late of the Victoria Theatre. The proprietor gave the house, and the company their services, gratuitously on the occasion, and their appeal to the sympathy of the community was most generously responded to . . .
[Advertisement], Empire (19 July 1852), 2
First appearance of MISS LOUISA COLLINS, daughter of the late Mr. T. Collins, formerly of this Theatre, and pupil of Madame Torning . . .
a favourite Medley Pas Seul, by Miss Louisa Collins . . . Spanish Dance, by Miss F. Griffiths and Signor Carandini . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Howson (actor, vocalist)
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (10 May 1853), 2
Will be produced the Opera of LA SONNAMBULA . . . Pas Seul, Miss Collins . . .
Miss Louisa Collins, in announcing to her friends and the public the fact of her first benefit taking place on the above evening,
respectfully solicits a share of their kind patronage and support.
Production of the celebrated Nautical Drama, in Three Acts, entitled, The MINUTE GUN AT SEA.
First appearance of Miss Louisa Collins in the character of Mary Maybud.
The Swiss Girl - Madame S. Flower. New Garland Dance, first time, Miss Collins.
Favourite Song, Mr. J. Howson. Pas de Deux, Mrs. McGowan and Sig. Carandini.
The Newfoundland Dog, Mr. F. Howson. Merry Laughing Girl, Madame Carandini. Medley Pas Seul, Miss Collins.
To conclude with the very laughable Farce of JACK IN THE GREEN; or, The Heir of Eaglesdown.
Tickets and Boxes may be obtained at Mr. Torning's Box Office, Victoria Hotel and of Miss Collins, at her residence, Royal Victoria Theatre.
ASSOCIATIONS: John Howson (vocalist, actor); Sara Flower (vocalist, actor); Mrs. McGowan = Fanny Griffiths above; Maria Carandini (vocalist, actor)
"ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE", The Sydney Morning Herald (12 May 1853), 5
This evening, Miss Louisa Collins takes her first benefit at this theatre. The youngest member of the company, she appears to be, nevertheless, one of the most assiduous and pains-taking, and the management has arranged for her an attractive programme.
"DIED", Empire (22 December 1853), 2
On the 6th instant, at her residence, Geelong, Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, relict of Mr. Thomas Collins, late of the Sydney Theatre.
[Advertisement], Empire (1 July 1854), 1
CITIZENS' BALL. - The Members of Committee for the above Ball are requested to attend on MONDAY Evening, 3rd July, at 8 p.m. at Togood's Hotel. HENRY LUBECK, Secretary.
[Advertisement], The Sydney Morning Herald (15 July 1854), 1
CITIZENS' BALL. - In consequence of the Committee appointed not being successful in obtaining the Victoria Theatre for the purposed Citizens' Ball, it is with regret they are compelled to abandon the same. HENRY LUBECK, Hon. Sec.
New York City Department of Records & Information Services, index of death certificates, Bronx, 1901 (PAYWALL)
Louisa Lubeck / died 13 May 1901 / aged 68 / widow / born Hobart Tasmania / death address Riverdale Ave Kings Bridge, Bronx /
daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Collins / time in US, 11 months
COLLINS, Robert (Robert COLLINS)
Musician, painter and glazier
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 30 May 1833 (immigrant per Eliza, from Liverpool via Hobart Town)
Died Sydney, NSW, 8 November 1833 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Passengers per Eliza, from Liverpool via Hobart Town, for Sydney, 30 May 1833; State Records Authority of NSW (PAYWALL)
. . . Robert Collins / Ireland / Painter and Glazier // Elizabeth Collins / his wife
Robert Collins / 14 years of age // William / 12 // Edward / 7 // Julia / 4 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", The Sydney Herald (3 June 1833), 2
From Liverpool via Hobart Town, also same day [30 May], having sailed from the former place the 28th of December, and the latter on the 23rd instant, the barque Eliza, 263 tons, Captain Richard Bouch, with a general cargo. Passengers, from England . . . Robert Collins, painter and glazier; Eliza, Robert, William, Edward, and Julia Collins . . .
[News], The Sydney Monitor (9 November 1833), 3
Yesterday, an Inquest was held at the Star Inn, Kent-street, on the body of Robert Collins, an Emigrant, residing with his wife and four children in that street, and who had been in the colony six months. It appeared in evidence, that he had procured 2oz. of laudanum, went home to his bed, and swallowed the draught during the absence of his wife. His son, a boy of 14 years old, slept in the same room; and yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, perceived that his parent was on the point of death; he soon afterwards expired. The unfortunate man had long been struggling with poverty and disappointment; and on Monday last, at Parramatta, had been robbed of a case containing musical instruments, worth fifteen pounds (he occasionally acted as a musician). This loss, with other disappointments, rendered him frantic; and on his return home last Wednesday, he betrayed symptoms of insanity. The Jury, after due deliberation, returned a verdict of - "destroyed himself by poison, in a temporary fit of insanity."
COLLINS, W. P. (W. P. COLLINS; William P. COLLINS; alias of William C. PEARSON)
Musician, bones player, vocalist, Smith, Brown, and Collins's Christy's Minstrels
Arrived Sydney, NSW, February 1865
Departed Melbourne, VIC, February 1866
Died 2 November 1881 (shareable link to this entry)
[Advertisement], Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle [Melbourne, VIC] (17 September 1864), 2
With W. P. COLLINS, RAYNER, the Celebrated Basso, And the great, invincible JOE BROWN, The Champion Dancer of the World,
Will visit Manilla, Phillippine Islands - Sept. and Oct., 1864.
Hong Kong - Nov. and Dec. [1864] Shanghai - Jan. and Feb., 1865.
All letters and business communications please address Hong Kong. J. W. SMITH, Director.
[Advertisement], The Australasian [Melbourne, VIC] (28 January 1865), 1
THE VERITABLE and ORIGINAL CHRISTY MINSTRELS, With W. P. COLLINS, JOE BROWN, And the London company from ST. JAMES'S HALL, Will arrive by the next mail steamer. J. W. SMITH, Secretary.
See also "THE ORIGINAL CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS", Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (4 February 1865), 2
[News], The Era [London, England] (19 November 1881), 5 (PAYWALL)
WILLIAM C. PEARSON, the minstrel, known to the profession as William P. Collins, died on the 2d inst., of paralysis of the heart. He was a brother of General A. L. Pearson, and had resided for several years in England. He went to America 1857, with Raynor's first company of Christy Minstrels.
"Theatrical, Musical, and Equestrian Obituary, from December, 1880, to the end of November, 1881", The Era Almanack (1882), 97 (DIGITISED)
PEARSON, William C. (known as William P. Collins), Negro Minstrel, November 2.
Farmer, grazier, songwriter (attributed)
Born Hartley, NSW, 13 March 1840; baptised St. Barnabas, Hartley, 23 May 1841; son of John COLLITS and Hannah LEES
Married Elizabeth Ellen JONES, Hartley, NSW, 27 April 1870
Died Forbes, NSW, 7 August 1914 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
DISAMBIGUATION: Pierce Collits (1842-1928, his first cousin, son of his father's brother, James Collits
Baptisms, St. Barnabas, Hartley, NSW, 1841; Australia, Births and baptisms (PAYWALL)
23 May 1841 / Born 13 March 1840 / Pierce son of / John and Hannah / Collets [sic]
"OBITUARY", The Forbes Advocate [NSW] (11 August 1914), 3
At his residence, Sand Hills, on Friday night last, the death occurred of Mr. Pierce Collits, one of the real old residents of Forbes district. Deceased, who had reached the great old age of 74 years, had been suffering for a considerable time from a severe internal complaint. Born at Hartley, in New South Wales, the late Mr. Collits came to Forbes at a very early age, and married and settled down in the district. He was very fond of Forbes and has resided here practically ever since. In the early mining days here Mr. Collits did general work about the district, and later on he took up farming pursuits at Sand Hills, where he resided up till the time of his death. Deceased was very highly respected, and leaves a widow, four sons, and five daughters, all well-known residents. The funeral on Sunday afternoon was very largely attended, the remains being interred in the private cemetery at Sand Hill, and the service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. A. J. Gardner. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. W. E. Luthje.
"The Late Pierce Collits. A MEMORY OF THE BUSH RANGING DAYS", Forbes Times (11 August 1914), 2
There passed away at his home at the Sand Hills on Friday evening last a very old resident of the Lachlan district in the person of Mr. Pierce Collits, who had been suffering for some time past from an internal growth, the immediate cause of his death. The late Mr. Collits was born at Hartley in 1840, and was therefore in his 74th year. When he was but a few years old his parents removed to Bangaroo, near Cowra, but the blacks became so troublesome that a return to Hartley was deemed necessary. The deceased himself led a somewhat venturesome and varied career in those days. After merging into manhood his first essay in life was in the direction of pastoral pursuits, and this was in the immediate vicinity of Forbes, where he came to manage Bogabigal for his father, Mr. Joe Collits, who purchased that property from the late Mr. Rankin. Later on mining claimed his attention in this district, but he was one of the many who time after time bottomed "duffers." Deceased also lived about Bandon and Eugowra, but some years ago he settled down at the Sand Hills, near Forbes, where he ended his days. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and ten grown-up children - five sons and five daughters - as well as a number of grandchildren and other relatives. His remains were laid to rest in a private burial ground at the Sand Hills on Sunday afternoon last, when the Rev. A. G. Gardner, Church of England Rector, officiated at the graveside. As might have been expected, the late Mr. Pierce Collits had many exciting experiences with the bushrangers, and he came near to losing his life on a couple of occasions, but he used to declare that the closest shave he ever had was one encounter with Dunn, whose blood-thirsty instincts were somewhat renowned. The deceased was riding out of Forbes in the direction of the river, near the point where Fitzgerald's bridge now stands, when he met a man who accosted him with the dreaded command, Hands Up." The man turned out to be Dunn, who asked him his name and the deceased replied "Pierce Collits," which happened to be identical with that of another man in the district who had given information to the police about some horses stolen off Bundaburra station by the bushrangers. Dunn then ordered the deceased off his horse and gave him five minutes in which to say his prayers before despatching him to another world, but Mr. Collits afterwards said that the sight of the deadly bullets in the revolver which the bush ranger levelled at his head was quite sufficient to drive all thoughts of prayer out of his mind. Luckily for our friend, Ben Hall and other members of the gang then happened along, and when the leader asked the meaning of the little drama and was told by Dunn what he intended doing Hall explained the mistake and told Collits, who was well known to him, to get up off his knees. Dunn and Gilbert wanted to take deceased's horse, which belonged to his sister, the late Mrs. Esther Young, who kept an hotel for 17 1/2 years at Bandon, where Hall worked for her as stable boy. But Hall knew the horse too, and he insisted on there being no interference whatever with deceased, who continued his journey thankful alike to God and to the man in whose seamy life it was well known there was a bright and kindly side. On another occasion Mr. Collits was invited by one of the members of Hall's gang to have a dip into his saddle bag, which was full of bank notes, but as the deceased said, he "wasn't having any."
See also "BUSHRANGING DAYS. BEN HALL AND GANG. Some Incidents at Forbes.", The Forbes Advocate (21 August 1914), 1
Frank Gardiner is caught at last (? 1864; tune: "Primrose of Ireland" [Irish Molly, O!])
"A MEDLEY OF 'POETRY'", The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express [NSW] (3 February 1866), 4
. . . Bushrangers and bushranging have found their admirers among our poets, and to them it did not appear to matter one jot whether the subjects of their verses were what the world calls thieves and murderers. The "poet's eye in a fine frenzy rolling" looks on them in another light, and elevates them into heroes and victims and martyrs. Hear what one poet says of -
TUNE - "Primrose of Ireland."
Frank Gardiner is caught at last
And was in Sydney jail
For wounding Sergeant Middleton
And robbing Mudgee mail
For plundering of the Escort
The Carcoar mail also
T'was for gold he made so bold
And not so long ago.
His daring deeds surprised all
Throughout the Sydney Land
Upon his friends be gave a call
And quickly rais'd a band
And fortune always favor'd him
Until the time of late
When Bourke the brave O'Maley too
Met with a dreadful fate.
Young Vane has surrendered
Ben Hall's received death wound
And as for Johnny Gilbert
Near Binalong was found
Alone he was, had lost his horse
Three troopers hove in sight
He fought the three most manfully
Was slaughtered in the fight.
Day after day remanded
And guarded from the bar
Fresh charges came against him
By people from afar
They prosecute the buccaneer
The hero of the band
For bailing up and robbery
A terror in the land.
Farewell adieu to outlaw Frank
He was a poor man's friend
But the Government has secur'd him
The laws he did offend
He boldly stood his trial
And he told them in a breath
Do wha you will, you can but kill
I have no fear of death.
His trial is over
And sentence he's receiv'd
But from the cursed gallows
The highwayman is repriev'd
Two and thirty years he's doom'd
To slave for the Crown
He may damn the day, he well may say
He met with Mrs. Brown.
![Tune: Primrose of Ireland [Irish Molly, O!]](imageslocal/gardiner-frank-irish-primrose.jpg)
OTHER SOURCES (1): "KING OF THE ROAD. AN OLD SONG. Composed by Pearce Colletts of the Lachlan River (SENT IN BY JACK QUINN)", Truth [Sydney, NSW] (17 September 1911), 9
OTHER SOURCES (2): "A DARING BUSHRANGER", Border Watch [Mount Gambier, SA] (10 December 1929), 5
MUSIC CONCORDANCE: "THE NATIVE MUSIC OF IRELAND . . . No. IV", The Dublin magazine [Ireland] (February 1842), 16-18, page after 24 (music) (DIGITISED) (DIGITISED - TUNE)
ASSOCIATIONS: Frank Gardiner (bushranger); the 1866 article in which the earliest exemplar appears was probably written by the literary editor of The Albury Banner, Henry Alfred Brooks (d. 1867); according to the Truth's 1911 informant, John Henry Quinn (1854-1930), also a native of Hartley, NSW, the words of the song were "composed" by Collits, presumably between mid July 1864 and late 1865; see also (words and tune) "Old Bush Songs . . . FRANK GARDINER", The bulletin (4 May 1955), 13
. . . As sung by Mrs. I. Popplewell, Dean-lane, Darlington (N.S.W.). Tune recorded by John Meredith and Nancy Keesing in February, 1954. This tune is typical of those derived from the Irish street-ballad, and is also used by Mrs. Popplewell for "Rise Up Now, William Riley," a song which was very popular throughout the bush during the latter part of last century . . .
Bibliography and resources:
Pierce Collits, Geneanet
COLMAN, F. (F. COLMAN) = correctly John COLEMAN
Musician, clarinettist, clarinet / clarionet player
Active Melbourne, VIC, 1853
Amateur flute player, flautist, ? cello player, ? cellist, solicitor, Solicitor-general
Born Woolwich, Kent, England, 23 April 1830; baptised St. Mary Magdalene, Woolwich, 18 May 1830; son of James COLQUHOUN (1802-1877) and Elizabeth BRADBURY (1802-1865)
Married Mary POULTON (c. 1827-1908), St. John of Jerusalem, South Hackney, London, England, 28 December 1852
Arrived Sydney, NSW, 4 July 1853 (per Waterhen, from the Downs, 10 February)
Died Kogarah, NSW, 21 September 1901 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Woolwich in the county of Kent in the year 1830; register 1827-46, page 218; London Metropolitan Archives, P97/MRY/015 (PAYWALL)
No. 1741 / [1830] 18 May / Born 23 April / George Son of / James & Elizabeth / Colquhoun / Parson's Hill / Solicitor . . .
1852, marriage solemnized in the parish church in the parish of South Hackney in the county of Middlesex; register 1831-61, page 103; London Metropolitan Archives, P79/JNJ/024 (PAYWALL)
No. 206 / December 28th 1852 / George Colquhoun / of full age / Bachelor / Solicitor / Woolwich Kent / [son of] James Colquhoun / Solicitor
Mary Poulton / of full age / Spinster / - / South Hackney / [daughter of] Joseph Poulton / Grocer . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (5 July 1853), 2
July 4. - Waterhen, barque, 343 tons, Captain W. L. Dodds, from the Downs, 10th February. Passengers - Mr. and Mrs. Colquhoun, Mr. S. H. Colquhoun . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Sydney Humphrey Colquhoun (1838-1923, brother)
[Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal [NSW] (11 November 1857), 3
UNDER the auspices of the President, Officers, and Committee of the Bathurst School of Arts and Mechanics' Institute.
A GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT, In aid of the Fund now being raised to meet the Government Grant for a building, for the purposes of the School of Arts, will be given at the above Theatre, on
PROGRAMME. PART FIRST. Solo - Mr. Beach, and Chorus - "The Red, White, and Blue" - HARROWAY
Cavatina - "Oh! whisper what thou feelest" (Crown Jewels) Master Catton - AUBER
Song - The Wanderer, Dr. Wilkinson - SCHUBERT
Ballad - "The heart bow'd down (Bohemian Girl) Mr. Charles Turner - BALFE
Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - KUHLAU . . .
PART SECOND . . . Solo - Flute, Mr. Colquhoun, Pianoforte accompaniment - BERBIGUIER . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Catton (vocalist); Henry Wilkinson (vocalist); Charles Byass Turner (vocalist); Royal Victoria Theatre (Bathurst venue); due to "extreme inclemency of the weather" the concert was postponed until 26 November; see [Advertisement], Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (25 November 1857), 3
"AMATEUR CONCERT", Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (28 November 1857), 2
We regret to say that the amateur concert in behalf of the Bathurst School of Arts, in everything but its object, proved a failure . . . as it appeared to us, for the want of some recognised leadership . . . Mr. James Browne upon the violin, aided by a French gentleman as second, performed several pieces in good taste, and Mr. Colquhoun's flute trilled forth its dulcet notes in several solos to the great delight of the audience, and was deservedly encored . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: James Brown (violin)
"THE LATE MR. GEORGE COLQUHOUN", Evening News (23 September 1901), 5
Mr. George Colquhoun, the Crown Solicitor, whose death was announced in the "Evening News" on Saturday, was born on April 23, 1830, at Woolwich (England), and was the eldest son of the late James Colquhoun, solicitor, of that town. Mr. Colqdhoun was educated at Dr. Smithers'e College, at Greenwich, and at the age of 16 was articled to his father, and passed his final examination at the age of 21, being the youngest solicitor on the English roll when he was admitted. He left England for Australia in 1853, and on arrival in Sydney entered the service of the Bank of Australasia. Two years later he was admitted as a solicitor of New South Wales, and practised in Bathurst, Forbes, and Maitland. In 1876 be returned to Sydney, and was managing clerk to Messrs. Went, Johnson, and Want, and afterwards manager for Messrs. Allen and Allen, subsequently becoming a partner in the latter firm. In 1894 he was appointed Crown Solicitor. Mr. Colquhoun was a musician of much talent, and once performed on the flute before the late Queen at Exeter Hall, London . . .
"MR. GEORGE COLQUHOUN", The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (28 September 1901), 774
. . . On one occasion Mr. Colquhoun successfully defended Ben Hall from a charge of cattle-stealing . . . Mr. Colquhoun was a gentleman of musical tastes, his favourite instruments being the 'cello and flute, on which latter instrument he once performed before the late Queen at Exeter Hall . . .
Theatrical and musical manager, proprietor, actor
Born Castle Avery, County Down, Ireland, c. 1825; 25/26 December 1824/25
Married (? common law) Mary PROVOST, by c. 1857
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 28 September 1857 (per Vaquero, from San Francisco, 5 August)
Departed Sydney, NSW, 2 March 1861 (per Star of Peace, for Europe)
Died Manhattan, New York, USA, 22 August 1886 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
Actor, vocalist (shareable link to this entry)
List of passengers arrived at Melbourne, 28 September 1857, from San Francisco, aboard the San Francisco [sic, Vaquero]; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. & Mrs. Colville / 31 / 24 . . . Foreign . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. HOBSON'S BAY . . . ARRIVED", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (29 September 1857), 4
September 28. - Vaquero, American schooner, 370 tons, F. A. Newell, from San Francisco 5th ult. Passengers - cabin: Miss Mary Provost; Messrs. . . . Colville . . . and eighteen in the steerage. Newell, Hooper, and Stevens, agents.
[News], The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (14 November 1857), 6
Miss Mary Provost having entirely recovered from her illness, will positively appear at the Princess's Theatre on Wednesday next. Mr. Samuel Colville will assume the management to-night.
ASSOCIATIONS: Princess Theatre (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Age (14 November 1857), 6
Directress - Miss Mary Provost
Lessee and Manager - Mr. Samuel Colville
Stage Manager - Mr. J. T. Downey . . .
Musical Director - H. Megson [sic] . . .
Saturday Evening, November 14 . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Tracy Downey (actor); Joseph Megson (violin)
"MISS PROVOST IN AUSTRALIA", Sacramento Daily Union [CA, USA] (9 March 1858), 2
We have received a communication from Samuel Colville, agent of Miss Provost, dated at Ballarat, colony of Victoria, December 28th, 1857, in which he states that they arrived at Melbourne from San Francisco September 26th; but owing to the fact that certain parties had monopolized all the theaters in Melbourne, it was found very difficult to procure an engagement on favorable terms. It chanced, however, that they were able to make terms with R. A. Eddy, formerly of this State, who had taken a lease of the theater that the Misses Gougenheim had occupied. Having concluded to perform in this theater for two mouths, Miss Provost, on the very day that she was announced to appear, was attacked with a local disease, known as the colonial fever, and was confined to her room for eight weeks. Leaving Melbourne, she went to Ballarat, where she played some eight weeks, with decided success, and renewed an engagement for two months longer, to commence about January 1st. We notice that the newspapers of Ballarat speak with much commendation of Miss Provost's acting . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Adelaide and Joey Gougenheim (actors)
"TO SAMUEL COLVILLE, Esq.", Empire [Sydney, NSW] (23 May 1860), 3
DEAR SIR, - When you, in company with Mr. Fitzgerald,
called on me last week for the purpose of kindly offering me the conductorship of your proposed opera,
you put questions to me which led me to infer that you imagined some misunderstanding to exist between myself and some artists engaged by you.
I informed you that this was not the case as far as I was concerned, but if anything unpleasant was likely to ensue from my engagement,
I would not accept your kind offer.
You replied that you were manager in your own theatre, and would not permit anything to take place likely to disturb your arrangements.
When I went into the orchestra on the occasion of the first rehearsal, some opposition was made to my mode of beating the time,
which is the same as that in use at the Royal College of Music in Naples.
Knowing, however, that it is in many cases difficult for a body of artists to conform to a new method, I yielded the point, and altered the beat to that known by the company.
On continued opposition however, being offered to me in various ways, I have thought it necessary to resign the post you entrusted to my care,
as I cannot consent to be the willing tool of those I am appointed to conduct.
Of my capabilities for the task I am perfectly willing to leave the public and the Press to judge, after opportunity has been afforded them;
but I certainty do not feel disposed to submit to the judgment of a clique, desirous of causing my overthrow for their own purposes.
Wishing you every success in your spirited undertaking.
(Signed) C. CUTOLO. 140, Castlereagh-street, May, 22nd, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Fitzgerald (actor, manager); Cesare Cutolo (pianist)
"OPERATIC", Empire (16 January 1861), 4
Mr. Samuel Colville, our late successful dramatic manager, who has returned to Sydney, informs us that he has direct information of the acceptation of an engagement for Australia, with a full operatic company . . . Mr. W. S. Lyster, director . . . The troupe has been most successful throughout the United States of America, and were to leave for his place on the 25th of December last. The repertoire of the company embraces twenty-eight operas, many of which have never been produced in Australia. This is another evidence of Mr. Colville's enterprise. Miss Mary Provost is announced to appear at the Victoria on Monday.
ASSOCIATIONS: Lyster Opera Company (troupe)
"DEPARTURE OF MISS MARY PROVOST", The Sydney Morning Herald (2 March 1861), 4
Last night Mr. Samuel Colville, late manager of the Prince of Wales and Victoria Theatres, took a farewell benefit at the Royal Victoria Theatre, now under the direction of Mr. Joseph Rayner . . . Miss Mary Provost, after a highly successful career in these colonies as a first-class actress, leaves this day for London. Mr. Colville also proceeds to Europe in the Star of Peace.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Rayner (actor, manager); Prince of Wales Theatre (Sydney venue); Royal Victoria Theatre (Sydney venue)
"DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION", New York Clipper (28 August 1886), 11
SAMUEL COLVILLE died suddenly of heart-disease Sunday evening, Aug. 22, at his residence, 24 Seventh avenue. He had been riding in Central Park that afternoon, and the fatal illness seized him while he was in his carriage. He was immediately driven home, and died before he reached his chamber. Samuel Colville was born Dec. 25, 1825, at Castle Avery, County Down, Ireland, and came to America in 1840, with a few dollars sewed in his pockets, to seek his fortune in the old Irish fashion. He was trained to commerce, but his tastes early led him to the stage. He went to California during the gold fever, and the earliest of his ventures were made in San Francisco about 1853 . . . In 1856 he . . . became manager for Mary Provost (Mrs. J. P. Adamms), who subsequently became known as Mrs. Colville, and is the mother of Violetta Colville, who about ten years ago made her debut on the operatic stage, but soon withdrew from it. With Miss Provost he toured California, and then visited Australia. Between 1858 and 1861, he managed the three theatres in Sydney, Aus. In 1861 he took Miss Provost to England . . .
"OUR CALIFORNIA LETTER", The South Australian Advertiser (16 November 1886), 5
A theatrical manager named Samuel Colville, who is known all over the world, died in the east the other day very suddenly and unexpectedly. I mention the fact here, because Colville's early fortunes were identified with California. He published the first directory in this state, both for San Francisco and Sacramento, and afterwards sold out the business to Mr. Henry G. Langley, who continued it for some 25 years, or until the day of his death. Colville's first prominent feat in theatrical management was made on this coast, but the enterprise that colored his life was the attempt to engineer the well-known Mary Provost-Addams to fame and fortune, taking her to Australia in the course of her career. Colville, it is understood, married his star, and had a world of trouble thereupon, later in life he formed a matrimonial connection with Eme Rousseau, who was the leading lady of his burlesque company when he made his last visit to this city. "Sam," as he was generally called, was born is Ireland in 1825. He, was a genial, good-hearted fellow, as well as a shrewd business man. He always had money, and was always willing to help a fellow manager out of a financial hole . . .
"DEATH OF Mr. SAMUEL COLVILLE", The Lorgnette (20 November 1886), 4
Late American papers advise of the death, a few weeks back in New York, of the above well known and energetic Musical and Dramatic Manager.
In company with Miss Mary Provost, for whom he acted as agent and business manager, he came to Australia in the early part of 1858,
and made arrangements for the appearance of that lady (who held a very high position in the United States) in Melbourne.
She opened at the old Princess Theatre on the 24th of May, 1858 [sic], as the heroine in "Camille."
Her performance created a most profound sensation, and led to several long engagements, which were in every instance financially successful -
mainly owing to the ability shown by the late Mr. Colville in carrying out the preliminaries.
After visiting the other colonies they returned to America, shortly after which the lady retired from the stage and Mr. Colville went into management,
first in San Francisco, and ultimately in New York, where he was from time to time connected with many first-class speculations.
He had the reputation in America of being an acute and thorough man of business.
As he was increasing in years, and suffered much bodily ailment, his decease did not take people by surprise.
W. H. W.
ASSOCIATIONS: William Henry Waters (journalist, memoirist)
"MUMMER MEMOIRS. A THEATRICAL STRIKE. And What Came of It . . . No. 109 (By 'Hayseed')", Sydney Sportsman (30 March 1910), 3
In a recent issue Mr. Conlon drew attention to the difficulties theatrical managers in Sydney had to encounter in order to attract audiences to the two theatres which then (the fifties) existed in the City of the Beautiful Harbor. In the latter end of that decade Sydney witnessed what may be designated a theatrical revolution, in which whole companies were sent asunder and dispensed, and for the time being much ill will and jealousy was engendered . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Australian Dramatic and Musical Association (union, 1859-60); Joseph Michael Forde ("Hayseed"); Michael Joseph Conlon (correspondent)
Bibliography and resources:
Samuel Colville, Find a grave
COMPTON FAMILY OF MUSICIANS (shareable link to this entry)
Musician, professor of music, organist, music teacher, piano tuner
Born Paignton, Devon, England, 15 March 1800; baptised Paignton St. John, 16 April 1800; son of Samuel COMPTON and Christian EASTLEY (m. Paignton, 1783)
Married Jane TOZER (1804-1874), Marldon, Devon, England, 21 June 1825
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 28 March 1859 (per Prince of Wales, from London, 4 January)
Departed Melbourne, VIC, mid 1875 (for New Zealand)
Died Ashburton, Canterbury, NZ, 17 February 1876, aged "76" (NZ death certificate, apoplexy, coma, 9 months in NZ) (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (shareable link to this entry)
COMPTON, Charles Henry (C. H. COMPTON; Mr. COMPTON) see main entry Charles Henry COMPTON
Musician, pianist, organist, composer (eldest son of Henry above)
COMPTON, George Spencer see main entry George Spencer COMPTON
Musician, amateur musician (second son of Henry above)
COMPTON, Frederick see main entry Frederick COMPTON
Musician (youngest son of Henry above)
Henry Compton, professor of music, of Totnes, Devon, was for many years organist of Totnes St. Mary's, before he and his family emigrated to Victoria in 1858.
His eldest daughter, Christian Compton (Mrs. William Edward Paige; c. 1826-1915) was a pupil at the Royal Academy of Music, London, where she studied with Sterndale Bennett. Alone of the family, she remained in England.
His second son, George Spencer Compton, was the first of the family to settle in Australia, arriving in Melbourne in 1857 (see entry on him below).
Henry's eldest son, Charles Henry Compton, also a former pupil of the pupil at the Royal Academy of Music, next arrived in Melbourne in January 1859 (see entry on him below).
Henry and his wife Jane followed, arriving in Melbourne March 1859, with their two younger daughters, Mary Jane Compton (Mrs. Daniel Shea Lawlor, c. 1827-1908) and Anna Maria Hoyles Compton (Mrs. Edward Dundas Holroyd, c. 1832-1917), and youngest son, Frederick Compton (see entry on him below).
Another brother George Spencer Compton, later a shipping and mining engineer, also arrived in Melbourne in the late 1850s (perhaps as early as 1857), and was a keen amateur musician.
Baptisms, Paignton, St. John Devon, 1800; South West Heritage Trust, 3134A/PR/1/3 (PAYWALL)
Henry son of Sam'l & Christian Compton was born March 15th and Christened April 16th
Marriages solemnized in the parish of Marldon in the county of Devon in the year 1825; register, page 8; South West Heritage Trust (PAYWALL)
No. 23 / Henry Compton of the Parish of Paignton Bachelor and Jane Tozer of the Parish of Marldon Spinster weer married in this church by License this [25 June 1825] . . .
[Advertisement], Western Times [Totnes, Devon] (10 May 1834), 1 (PAYWALL)
PIANO FORTES. MR. COMPTON, (Organist of Totnes,) RESPECTFULLY announces that he has several PIANO FORTES,
of different descriptions for sale, consisting of CABINETS, GRAND SQUARES, PICCOLO CABINETS, PICCOLO GRANDS, PLAIN SQUARES, &c. &c, by the first London makers,
the whole of which are scarcely (if at all) inferior to new ones, as neither of them has been above three years from the makers' hands;
he is enabled to offer them full 25 per cent. below the original price, and feels confidence in recommending them to the notice of the Public.
Mr. C. also keeps Piano Fortes of different descriptions, at Mrs. Coles's Library, Torquay, for Sale or Hire. Totnes, May 6th, 1834.
[Advertisement], Western Times (14 May 1836), 2 (PAYWALL)
respectfully announces that, he has recently considerably augmented his previously well-selected Stock of PIANO FORTES,
particularly some of Messrs. Broadwood's latest improved Grand Squares, also Messrs. Collard's, Stodart's, Wornum's, &c. &c. . . .
he has also a great many SECOND HAND PIANO FORTES, each of which have not been above four years from the above makers . . .
He has very superior brilliant toned horizontal Grand Piano Forte, by Stodart, possessing his justly celebrated Patent, with Metallic Tubes, long Brass hinge,
cylinder front, &c., new about 12 months since, it's price then 125 Guineas, now offered for 85 - a complete Bargain.
He has also FOR SALE a very superior quite new FINGER ORGAN, possessing the following stops: -
Stop'd Diapason, Open ditto, Dulciana, Principal, Fifteenth, and Cremona, compass from GG, the Bass, to F Alt, it has also a Swell,
built about a year and half since, by Messrs. Robson and Son, of London, equally adapted for a Chapel, Concert, or Private Room - warranted perfect. -
To be seen at his Piano Forte Warehouse, Totnes. Dated May 1836.
"BISHOP PHILLPOTTS' VISITATION", Western Times (10 August 1839), 3 (PAYWALL)
The Bishop [of Exeter] commenced his visitation tour at Totnes, on Monday last . . . The service commenced in the spacious parish church at Totnes, at 11 o'clock, where besides the clergy, a large among whom were number ladies, were present. The service was read by the Rev. Jas. Waldron Burrough, Vicar of Totnes. Mr. Compton presided at the organ, and the choir sang, and sang well, Clarke's Anthem from the 76th Psalm, lst verse., "In Jewry is God known" . . .
England census, 6 June 1841; Totnes, Devon; UK National Archives, HO107/213/1/1/7/10 (PAYWALL)
Fore Street / Henry Compton / 40 / Professor of Music
Jane / 35 // Mary Jane / 13 // Charles Henry / 10 // Anna Maria Hayles / 9 // George Spencer / 8 // Frederick / 5 [all born in county]
"TOTNES", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette (6 July 1844), 3 (PAYWALL)
The Last Concert for the season given by the pupils of the Royal Academy of Music, took place Saturday, at Hanover Square Rooms, London, at which Miss Compton, daughter of Mr. Compton, organist, of Totnes, together with Miss E. Bendixen, a fellow student, performed a magnificent duet on two grand piano-fortes, which proved eminently successful and highly creditable to both. Among the distinguished company present, were his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, with a great number of the nobility, &c. Miss Compton has been a student at the Royal Academy for the last four years, most of which time she has been studying under that celebrated pianist, Mr. Sterndale Bennett, and appears to have acquired in an eminent degree his style of playing. We are informed it is her intention after the present vacation, to settle at Totnes: we therefore congratulate the inhabitants of the locality, on the prospect of having talented and scientific an instructress music residing among them.
ASSOCIATIONS: Christian Compton (c. 1826-1915, Henry's eldest daughter; Mrs. William Edward Paige); William Sterndale Bennett (teacher)
"TOTNES", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette (12 October 1844), 3 (PAYWALL)
We are happy to announce that the daughter of Mr. Compton, organist of this town, whose successful performance on the Piano Forte at the Hanover Square Rooms, London, we noticed some time since, was on Friday unanimously elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music.
[Advertisement], Western Times (18 January 1845), 2 (PAYWALL)
MUSIC. MR. COMPTON, (Organist of Totnes), assisted by his daughter, Miss Compton (Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, London,)
respectfully acquaints his Pupils and Friends at Totnes, Brixham, Paignton, Torquay, and their vicinage,
that his attendance will recommence on Monday next, the 20th instant, and following days as usual. Dated Totnes, Jan., 15th, 1845.
[Advertisement], Torquay Directory and South Devon Journal (30 January 1846), 1 (PAYWALL)
MISS COMPTON, OF TOTNES, (Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, London,)
ATTENDS at TORQUAY, TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS for the purpose of giving LESSONS, on the PIANO-FORTE, also in HARMONY and SINGING.
Apply at the Public Libraries, or at Hearder's Hotel.
England census, 30 March 1851, Totnes, Devon; UK National Archives, HO107/1874/36/12 (PAYWALL)
47 / Fore Street / Henry Compton / Head / Mar. / 51 / Professor of Music / [born] Paignton [Devon]
Jane [Compton] / Wife / [Mar.] / 47 / [Professor of music] / [born] Marldon [Devon]
Christian [Compton] / Dau. / [Unmarried] / 24 / [Professor of music] / Totnes [Devon]
Charles H. [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 20 / [Professor of music] / [Totnes Devon]
Anna [Compton] / Dau. / [Unmarried] / 19 / Governess / [Totnes Devon]
George S. [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 17 / Office Clerk / [Totnes Devon]
Frederick [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 15 / Scholar / [Totnes Devon]
"TOTNES. THE CHOIR", Western Courier, West of England Conservative, Plymouth and Devonport Advertiser (31 December 1851), 3 (PAYWALL)
On Christmas-day selections appropriate to the occasion, from Handel's Messiah, including the "Hallelujah Chorus," were sung in the Church, and the service was concluded with the old Hundredth Psalm. The choir was led by Mr. Compton, the organist, and the performers, both instrumental and vocal, filled their parts well.
[Advertisement] Western Times (8 January 1853), 4 (PAYWALL)
IN this SCHOOL the Pupils receive a Solid English Education, and are are afforded the comforts of Home.
The accomplishments are well taught -French and German by resident French lady. FOR TERMS, &c., APPLY AS ABOVE.
The DUTIES of this Establishment will RE-COMMENCE on the 21st inst.
Mr. and Miss Compton (the latter "Associate" of the Royal Academy of Music) will resume their attendance on the 24th,
and following days, at Totnes, Paignton, Torquay, and the neighbourhood. Dated Totnes, Jan. 3rd, 1853.
ASSOCIATIONS: Miss Compton = eldest daughter Christian as above; Miss A. Compton - daughter Anna
"TOTNES", Western times (13 November 1858), 7 (PAYWALL)
. . . Mr. Fogwill gave notice that at the next meeting of the council he should move that Mr. Henry Compton (who has been organist at Totnes Church and resided in the town above 25 years) was about to emigrate to Australia, the Mayor and Town Council should get up subscription to convey to him the respect of his fellow townsmen.
Melbourne, VIC (from 28 March 1859 to c. 1875):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Prince of Wales, from London, December 1858, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Mr. Henry Compton / 50 // Mrs. Jane [Compton] / 50
Miss Mary [Compton] / 24 // Miss Anne [Compton] / 25 // Mr. Frederick [Compton] / 21 . . .
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. HOBSON'S BAY . . . ARRIVED. MARCH 28", The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (30 March 1859), 4
Prince of Wales, Blackwall ship, 1,300 tons, Edward Jones, from London, via Plymouth 6th January. Passengers - cabin . . . Messrs. Compton (2) . . .
"SHIPPING. ARRIVED (HOBSON'S BAY)", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (30 March 1859), 4
March 29 - Prince of Wales, ship (Blackwell Line), 1500 tons, Edward Jones, from London, 4th January. Passengers - cabin: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Compton, Misses (2) and Mr. Frederick Compton . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (31 October 1859), 3
MR. COMPTON, PROFESSOR of MUSIC, Teacher of the Pianoforte, Harmony, and Singing, attends pupils at their residences twice a week.
Pianofortes tuned, regulated, and repaired. For terms apply at his address, Minerva Cottage, Argyle-street east, St. Kilda.
"TOTNES. MR. H. COMPTON", Western Times [Devon, England] (19 November 1859), 6 (PAYWALL)
A letter has been received from Mr. H. Compton, (late organist at Totnes church), who it will be remembered left Totnes at Christmas last for Melbourne, the following extracts will no doubt be read with pleasure by many of his friends. After alluding in very grateful terms to the kindness shewn him at his departure, he says:
"We arrived here after a prosperous voyage of weeks on the 28th March, both the voyage and our prospects have been most auspicious. I took out 4 piano fortes and have disposed of them most advantageously. I have already 17 pupils with promise of 12 more, my terms ranging from eight to twelve guineas, per annum each. I have also as much tuning as I can attend to, always receiving half a guinea for each instrument. My daughters have both obtained situations as private governesses at a salary of £100 per annum each. Charles is also organist of a new church here, at a salary of £75 per annum, and has several pupils. My son Frederic is in the Argus Office at £4 per week, they both reside Melbourne. Mrs. Compton and myself are now quite alone residing at St. Kilda which is one of the many townships connected with Melbourne, and is about 3 1/2 miles distant. Railway trains run every half hour, the fare for 1st class return tickets, is 1s 6d, 2nd ditto, 1s 3d. St. Kilda reminds me much of Torquay as it consists for the most part of tasteful villas which let very high, and servants' wages also, high, varying from £20 to £50 per year, provisions are reasonable, beef and mutton, 5d per lb.; potatoes, 7s per bag; bread, 6d the 4lb loaf; sugar, very good at 6d ; tea 2s 6d per lb.; poultry, eggs and butter are very dear. It is now July, and is the winter season here, but is just such weather as usually prevails in England in September and October, the sun and moon appear to us in the northern sky, instead of in the southern as at HOME, and we feel this difficult to reconcile ourselves to. Melbourne is a most wonderful place, and to view the streets which are all laid out north, south, east, and west, and the various magnificent public buildings, and to think that 12 years ago it was hardly in existence, it is really surprising. The public hotels are very handsome structures, the rents vary from £2,000 to £3,000 per annum, and many of the shops are rented £1,000 per year each. The population of Melbourne is 100,000, and about 12 townships connected with populations from six to twelve thousand each. Schools are numerous but every house seems to possess parents with young families, and respectable efficient teachers are sure to get employment. We live very quiet and retired, and hope and trust that after a few years, with the Almighty's blessing, our united efforts will be rewarded with a competency to retire on. We are looking forward to the time when our dear eldest daughter now at Plymouth will join us here."
Mr. Compton then enumerates several friends in Totnes from whom he experiences great kindness, and concludes his long and interesting letter with the hope of frequently hearing from Totnes.
"SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE . . . IMPORTS", The Argus (29 November 1859), 4
Monarch, from London . . . 9 cases pianos, J. Wilkie; 3 cases pianos, H. Compton; 1 case music, Wake and Sons . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus [Melbourne, VIC] (16 March 1860), 7
MR. COMPTON, Professor of Music, teacher of the pianoforte, harmony, and singing, piano-forte-tuner, &c.,
begs to announce his REMOVAL from Argyle-street, St. Kilda, to Albert-street, Windsor, near the railway station. Westerland, March 12, 1860.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (25 April 1862), 4
HOLROYD - COMPTON. - On the 19th inst., at All Saints' Church, St. Kilda, by the Rev. J. H. Gregory, Edward Dundas Holroyd, of Melbourne, barrister, second son of Edward Holroyd, Esq., of Wimbledon, Surrey, England, to Anna Maria Hoyles Compton, youngest daughter of Henry Compton, Esq., late of Totnes, Devonshire.
"MARRIAGES", The Argus (24 September 1864), 4
LAWLOR - COMPTON. - On the 27th ult., at Invercargill, Southland, N.Z., by the Rev. W. Tanner, M.A., Daniel Shea Lawlor, Esq., eldest surviving son of John Shea Lawlor, Esq., of Gurteenroe-house, Co. Cork, to Mary Jane, second daughter of Henry Compton, Esq., of St. Kilda, late of Totnes, Devonshire, England.
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 May 1873), 2
THURSDAY, MAY 15. Chapel-street, East St. Kilda. No. 4 Alma-terrace, near Alma-road.
HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. A Fine-toned Cottage Piano in Walnut, 6 3/4 Octaves.
Proprietor Removing from the Locality. Without Reserve . . .
"Deaths", The Argus (15 June 1875), 1
COMPTON. - On the 19th ult., at Westeria, Westbury-street, East St. Kilda, Jane, the wife of Henry Compton, late of Totness, Devonshire, England, aged 70 years.
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 January 1875), 3
IN the SUPREME COURT of the COLONY of VICTORIA: In its Probate Jurisdiction -
In the Will of HENRY CHARLES WILLS, of the Brighton road, Saint Kilda, Near the City of Melbourne, in the Colony of Victoria, Gentleman, Deceased . . .
that PROBATE . . . be granted to Duncan McNaughton, of High street, Saint Kilda aforesaid, ironmonger . . .
the other executor, Henry Compton, of Chapel street, Saint Kilda aforesaid, musician, having renounced probate . . .
. . . it may not be out of place for Old Parishioner to give a few particulars as to the three organs of the present century that have contributed to the musical services to the praise and glory of God in Totnes Church.
Organ No 1. was a small instrument in mahogany case, which stood in the gallery at the tower end of the church,
and its dimensions were so insignificant that on either side was a box such we may see in theatres -
one side devoted to the boys the of the charity school dressed in blue coats and breeches,
the other side to the girls of the same school in green dresses and white pinafores.
This old organ of course was inadequate for the proper rendering of the services,
but was good enough for chief accompaniment to a grand oratorio performed in Totnes Church some four score years ago assisted by brass and string instruments.
This was in the time of Rev. Joseph Cuming Vicar, and it is believed the first of the Compton as family organist.
Some of the portions of this old instrument, if we are not misinformed, were converted into the instrument that superseded the violins, violin cellos, &c.,
at the Independent Chapel, and portions are still in existence in a chapel in a neighbouring town.
Organ No. 2 must have been placed the large Circular Gallery somewhere about the year 1828,
and being of much larger dimensions than No 1, the side boxes for the Charity Children had to be removed.
It was a good instrument, and under the highly respected organist, Mr. Henry Compton, with a mixed choir,
there were some splendid services rendered in Totnes Church in those days.
One the solo singers (the celebrated Tom Sanders) succeeding to a high appointment in one the Metropolitan Cathedrals.
To the shame of the congregation a thoroughly good man like Henry Compton was fairly starved out the town,
and it is to be feared that the salaries paid our organists of the present generation are totally insufficient for the time and talents given to the duties -
not equal to those received by some of our village organists. With view to increase the fees a silver collection should be introduced once or twice year,
when good anthems could be got up specially for the occasion.
Organ No. 3 was erected by the celebrated builders, Willis and Sons, of London, in 1861 . . .
"PAIGNTON", Western Times [Devon, England] (7 December 1915), 2 (PAYWALL)
A very old resident of Paignton, Mrs. Christian Paige, died at her residence, The Laurels, on Tuesday, in her 90th year. The deceased lady was the widow of the Rev. E. Paige, Great Inglebourne, Harberton. The funeral took place at the Paignton Parish Churchyard this afternoon.
"Deaths", The Argus (8 May 1917), 1
HOLROYD. - On the 7th May, passed peacefully away, Annie M. H. Holroyd, widow of the late Sir Edward Holroyd,
senior puisne judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. O'Hara Wood, Lansdowne-road, East St. Kilda. Ave atque Vale.
HOLROYD. - On the 7th May, at "Hill Crest," Alma road, East St. Kilda, Lady A. M. H., relict of the late Sir Edward Dundas Holroyd. "For ever with the Lord."
Extant musical works:
Marie Louise; ou, Le favori de Buonaparte (? before 1850)
Marie Louise; ou, Le favori de Buonaparte, a favorite French air with variations for the piano forte by Henry Compton (London: Clementi, [before 1850])
Copy at the University of Birmingham Libraries
Bibliography and resources:
Henry Compton, WikiTree
David Shield, "Charles Henry Compton: championing the Hill", Organ Historical Trust of Australia (and archived at NLA Pandora)
COMPTON, Charles Henry (Charles Henry COMPTON; C. H. COMPTON; Mr. COMPTON)
Musician, pianist, organist, vocalist, composer, teacher, journalist, inventor, importer, merchant trader
Born Totnes, Devon, England, 1830; baptised Totnes, 23 September 1830; son of Henry COMPTON (1800-1876) and Jane TOZER (1804-1874)
Arrived Melbourne, VIC, 19 January 1859 (per Planet, from London, via Plymouth, 16 September 1858)
Died Adelaide, SA, 21 September 1883 (TROVE tagged by Australharmony) (TROVE list) (shareable link to this entry)
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Compton (father); George Spencer Compton (younger brother); Frederick Compton (youngest brother)
Baptisms solemnized in the parish of Totnes in the county of Devon in the year 1830; South West Heritage Trust, Devon baptisms (PAYWALL)
No. 1477 / Sept'r 23 [1830] / Charles Henry son of / Henry & Jane / Compton / Totnes / Professor of Music . . .
England census, 30 March 1851, Totnes, Devon; UK National Archives, HO107/1874/36/12 (PAYWALL)
47 / Fore Street / Henry Compton / Head / Mar. / 51 / Professor of Music / [born] Paignton [Devon]
Jane [Compton] / Wife / [Mar.] / 47 / [Professor of music] / [born] Marldon [Devon]
Christian [Compton] / Dau. / [Unmarried] / 24 / [Professor of music] / Totnes [Devon]
Charles H. [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 20 / [Professor of music] / [Totnes Devon]
Anna [Compton] /Dau. / [Unmarried] / 19 / Governess / [Totnes Devon]
George S. [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 17 / Office Clerk / [Totnes Devon]
Frederick [Compton] / Son / [Unmarried] / 15 / Scholar / [Totnes Devon]
[Review], The Exeter and Plymouth gazette [Devon, England] (17 May 1851), 6 (PAYWALL)
The Stella Polka. London: Leader and Cocks.
This is an elaborate and elegant composition for the piano-forte, by Mr. C. H. Compton, of Totnes, and is dedicated to Mrs. Northcote, of Ashprington House.
"TOTNES", The western times [Devon, England] (13 December 1851), 7 (PAYWALL)
Mr. C. H. Compton, of this town, has just produced a new piece of music, entitled "The South Devon Polka." The melody is said to be "sparkling," and the time well marked - qualities which will, no doubt, be appreciated by the public. This polka is Mr. Compton's second production this class of music.
"NEW MUSIC", Nottinghamshire Guardian (23 December 1852), 4 (PAYWALL)
THE STELLA WALTZ AND DANSE RUSTIQUE. (London, Jullien and Co., Royal Conservatory of Music, 214 Regent Street; Nottingham, T. Forman.) -
These are productions from M. Jullien's establishment - a proof at once that they are of merit.
The first, by Charles H. Compton is one of that class, which creates an irresistible desire to at once rush into the giddy whirl of the fascinating excitement of waltzing,
till the head swims again in a delirium of pleasure.
The introduction is very prettily managed and leads to valse No. 1 by a very sweet transition.
No. 2 is brilliant; No. 3, to our taste, is the most pleasing ; though No. 4 has, perhaps, higher merits in composition: the finale is most excellent and effective.
It has a charm in it that will render it long popular. The second, by Icnace Gibsone . . .
[Advertisement], Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (5 July 1853), 2 (PAYWALL)
HANDEL SOCIETY. CRAMER, BEALE, and CO. deg to inform the Subscribers and the Public,
that they have undertaken the pecuniary responsibility of publishing the Works, and eventually carrying out the original scheme of the above Society.
In undertaking engagements which involve so large an expenditure, they solicit the assistance of the original Subscribers, who, they trust,
will afford the necessary encouragement to an undertaking so important and so closely connected with the art of Music.
The first Eleven Volumes have been printed for Eight Years' Subscriptions, and Subscribers may still have the Works from the commencement, by payment of the arrears, viz., One Guinea annually.
The Oratorio of "Samson" is now in the press, and will be printed for the present year's subscription.
Catalogues and full particulars may be obtained by application to the Secretary,
Mr. C. H. COMPTON, No. 201, Regent-street, London.
"NEW MUSIC", The Exeter and Plymouth gazette (29 October 1853), 6 (PAYWALL)
The Violante Waltz, for the Pianoforte, by Charles H. Compton. London: Cramer, Beale, and Co.
We have already had frequent occasions to notice Mr. C. H. Compton's pleasing musical pieces, -
and we are happy to perceive that they are appreciated in other quarters as well as in Devonshire - his native county.
The waltz before us, which is dedicated to Miss Peel, is a charming composition and will become a decided favourite.
[New music], Bell's new weekly messenger [London, England] (18 December 1853), 6 (PAYWALL)
Violante Waltz. C. H. Compton. - This is one of the beet of Mr. Compton's compositions; the melody is highly attractive and pleasing, the treatment musician-like, and is well calculated for a divertimento, being brilliant in character, and not difficult of execution.
"NEW MUSIC", Sun [London, England] (20 January 1854), 7 (PAYWALL)
The Violante Waltz. By C. H. Compton. Dedicated to Miss Peel. Cramer, Beale and Co., Regent-street.
This is a very graceful and charming composition. It is soft and melodious, without any of those elaborate passages and extended transitions which are generally found in dance music.
This waltz, however, is equally well suited for a musical performance, as the hearers cannot fail to be gratified by the elegance and simplicity which characterise it.
It will doubtless soon be a favourite with the musical public.
[New music], Liverpool Standard and General Commercial Advertiser (28 March 1854), 6 (PAYWALL)
The Will-o'-the-Wisp Quadrille - The Mail Coach Polka. London: Jullien.
Notwithstanding the abundance of dance-music which is being almost daily submitted to popular favour, that which is really good is always welcome,
and the pieces before us will, no doubt, receive their full share.
We ventured to predict from some of the earlier productions of the composer, Mr. Charles H. Compton,
that he would be a valuable accession to the musical world, and he has fully justified our opinion of his talent.
In both pieces will be found the combination not always met with of pleasing melody and the time distinctly marked,
and we feel confident that many a votary of Terpsichore will dance to the music of the quadrille with more than ordinary zest.
"TOTNES", Dorset county chronicle (10 August 1854), 6 (PAYWALL)
Mr. Charles H. Compton, son Mr. Henry Compton, of this town, has just patented an invention which, if successful, will prove of great importance in railway locomotion, and which has been highly approved of by many of the engineers connected with the different railway companies in the kingdom. It consists of self adjusting railway break, which is brought into operation in a train of carriages by the buffer rods being pushed in, consequent on the engine driver of the train diminishing the speed, and applying the ordinary break to his engine, from which it will be perceived that the greater the speed, and the heavier the train, the greater is the power by which the break is applied.
"CRAMER AND BEALE'S MUSIC", Yorkshire Gazette (2 December 1854), 3 (PAYWALL)
We have a packet of music, instrumental and vocal, published by Messrs. Cramer and Beale, upon our table, to which we would wish to call the attention of our readers, but our room will only allow us to do so very briefly . . . "The Mermaid's Song" is extremely characteristic; and "Stars of the Summer Night," very pleasing; both are by Charles H. Compton, a young composer, who is rapidly rising in the musical world . . .
[Advertisement], Leeds Intelligencer (30 December 1854), 5 (PAYWALL)
Composed by CHARLES H. COMPTON. Two of the prettiest Drawing Room Songs we have seen for some time.
2s - London : Cramer, Beale, and Co., 201, Regent Street.
"REVIEWS", The Musical World [London, England] (20 January 1855), 39 (DIGITISED)
No. 5.- "OVER THE CALM AND SLUMBERING SEA." Song. Words and Music by Charles H. Compton. Cramer, Beale, and Co. . . .
No. 5 - "Over the calm and slumbering sea" - is another "Mermaid" song, of which the words and music (both by Mr. C. H. Compton) are in some degree a parody on that of Weber in Oberon.
Originality apart, to which it has no pretence, this essay of Mr. Compton may be pronounced graceful. The accompaniment shows the hand of a careful musician.
No. 9. - "STARS OF THE SUMMER NIGHT." Music by C. H. Compton. Cramer, Beale, and Co. . . .
No. 9 - "Stars of the Summer Night" - is worthy of the poetry to which it is allied - one of Longfellow's chastest lyrics.
This is really a beautiful serenade-melodious, flowing, and charmingly accompanied.
The point at the reprise - where, after an interrupted cadence, the voice sustains the same note for several bars,
while the subject is given in the accompaniment - declares an amount of musical taste for which Mr. Compton had not prepared us in his "Mermaid" song, reviewed above,
but for which we now are most happy in being enabled to give him full credit.
"TOTNES. LIBERAL GIFT", Exeter and Plymouth Gazette (30 May 1857), 7 (PAYWALL)
A lady residing in this neighbourhood has made the parish of Haberton a gift of a new organ for the church, as well as a sum of money to be invested in the funds, the interest to be appropriated as a salary for the organist. Our readers will be pleased to learn that Mr. Charles H. Compton, organist of Her Majesty's Savoy-street chapel (Duchy of Lancaster,) and a native of this town, is appointed organist.
ASSOCIATIONS: Savoy Chapel (Strand, London); Haberton St. Andrew (Totnes church)
Melbourne, VIC (from 19 January 1859):
Names and descriptions of passengers per Planet from London, 29 September 1858, for Melbourne; Public Record Office Victoria (DIGITISED)
. . . Compton Charles Henry / [single male] 28 / English . . .
"SHIPPING", The Age (20 January 1859), 4
January 19 - Planet, ship, 667 tons, R. H. Talloch, from London, via Plymouth, 16th Sept. Passengars - cabin . . . C. H. Compton . . .
[Advertisement], The Argus (5 February 1859), 6
MR. CHAS. H. COMPTON, late organist of Her Majesty's Chapel Royal, PROFESSOR of SINGING, Pianoforte, and Harmonium.
For terms and testimonials apply at Wilkie's pianoforte warehouse, Collins-street.
ASSOCIATIONS: Joseph Wilkie (musicseller)
"MELBOURNE GLEE AND MADRIGAL SOCIETY", The Argus (26 February 1859), 5
A society, under the above title, is in course of formation, having for its object the cultivation of vocal music generally, and especially as rendered in the works of the old English composers. Mr. Charles H. Compton is to be conductor of the society.
ASSOCIATIONS: Melbourne Glee and Madrigal Society (association)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (5 March 1859), 5
A concert was held at Emerald Hill, on Thursday evening, in aid of the sufferers by the late fire in that locality. It was attended by upwards of 500 persons. The performers, whose services were gratuitously given, were Miss Juliana King, Mrs. Briscoe, Miss Blann, Mr. Edwd. King, Mr. H. J. King, Mr. Ernest King, Mr. Chapman, Mr. C. A. Compton [sic], Mr. Williams, and Mr. J. Houston.
ASSOCIATIONS: Juliana King (vocalist); Edward King (musician); Henry John King (musician); Ernest King (musician); George Chapman (musician, musicseller) or Samuel Chapman (musician)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 March 1859), 6
MR. CHAS. H. COMPTON . . . apply at Wilkie's pianoforte warehouse, Collins-street, where all Mr. Compton's new and popular songs maybe obtained.
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 March 1859), 8
SINGING CLASSES. - Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of joining the above CLASSES, now forming, are requested to COMMUNICATE with Mr. Charles H. Compton, at Mr. Wilkie's music warehouse, Collins-street.
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 April 1859), 8
Under the Patronage of His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B.
Mr. CHARLES H. COMPTON has the honor to inform the Inhabitants of Melbourne and its neighborhood that his first
For which, in addition to the attractions of the company attached to the theatre, he has secured the highest procurable vocal and instrumental talent in the colony.
Full particulars will be duly announced. Tickets to be had of all the principal music and book sellers.
THEATRE ROYAL - Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON will SING "When I was young," composed expressly for her, at Mr. Compton's GRAND CONCERT on Tuesday, April 19th.
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Barkly (governor, patron); Octavia Hamilton (vocalist); Theatre Royal (Melbourne venue)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (12 April 1859), 5
The band of the 40th regiment will play at the Botanic Gardens on Wednesday, 13th instant, from three to five o'clock p.m. The programme of the music is as follows: . . . selection, "Irish Melodies," by desire, Johnson; waltz, "Violante," Compton; selection, "Bohemian Girl," Balfe . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Henry Johnson (master, 40th band, composer); Band of the 40th Regiment (military); Botanic Gardens (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 16 April, p. 8. , viewed 13 Jul 2023,
On TUESDAY, APRIL 19, For which . . . He has secured the services of the following high and talented artistes,
And for this occasion only the efficiency of the Orchestra will be considerably augmented by the services of Mr. JOHNSON, And the principal Performers of his Band.
Leader, Mr. E. KING. Conductors; Mr. PRINGLE and Mr. CHAS. H. COMPTON. For Particulars see small Bills.
ASSOCIATIONS: Alexander Leslie (violin); Edward Boulanger (piano); Eugene Lissgnol (piano); George Robert Grant Pringle (conductor, piano, accompanist)
[Advertisement], The Argus (19 April 1859), 8
Under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., And the principal Merchants and Citizens.
Mr. CHARLES H. COMPTON Has the honor to announce to the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity that his
GRAND CONCERT Will take place under the above distinguished patronage at the
Previous to which will be performed, by the COMPANY of the THEATRE, Sheridan's admirable Comedy THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL . . .
Preceded by Rossini's Grand Overture to Semiramide . . .
The Band will Play Between First and Second Acts:
Waltz - "Violante" - Compton. (Composed expressly for this occasion.)
Between Second and Third Acts: Quadrille - "English" - Jullien.
Between Third and Fourth Acts: Galop - "Le Reveil des Fees" - Gungl.
Between Fourth and Fifth Acts: Waltz - "Toorak" - Lissingnol. (First time of performance.)
Overture - Der Freyschutz - Weber.
Song - "When I was Young" (composed expressly for, and sung by, Miss O. Hamilton) - Compton.
A copy of which will be presented to each lady visiting the dress circle.
Solo - March Funebre - Pianoforte, Boulanger - Thalberg.
Song - "Under the Greenwood Tree" Miss Juliana King - Dr. Arne.
Duett - Guillaume Tell - Pianoforte and Violin - M. Lissignol and Mr. Leslie - Osborne and De Beriot.
March - Le Prophete - Meyerbeer
Song - Who shall be Fairest - Miss Octavia Hamilton - F. Mori.
Solo - Don Pasquale - Pianoforte - M. Boulanger - Boulanger.
Duett - The Cousins - Miss Hamilton and Miss Juliana King - Glover.
Selection - La Traviata - Verdi.
Song "Ever of Thee" - Miss Juliana King - Foley Hall.
Overture - Masaniello - Auber.
Conductors: Mr. G. R. G. PRINGLE and Mr. C. H. COMPTON.
Admission Dress Circle. 6s.; Upper Boxes and Stalls, 5s; Pit, 2s. 6d.; Gallery, 1s . . .
ADVANCE AUSTRALIA will be SUNG THIS EVENING at Mr. Compton's Concert, by the especial request of His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B.
MUSIC: Advance Australia (music by Sidney Nelson)
"THE THEATRES", The Argus (20 April 1859), 5
However unquestionable may be the excellence of Sheridan's unsurpassed comedy, the performance of it last night before a miscellaneous concert was, to say the least of it, ill-judged. It was past 11 o'clock before the curtain fell upon the last act, and the audience were, if not weary, certainly not in the best possible humor to sit out the remainder of the programme, occupying fully another hour and a half. The selection of musical pieces was, however, in good taste, and the execution was in the main so far deserving as to compensate the listeners somewhat for the demand made upon their good nature. Weber's magnificent and scene-suggesting overture was played by the band with well-sustained precision, after which Miss Hamilton sang a pleasing ballad, entitled, "When I was young," composed by Mr. Compton expressly for the occasion. The air is simple and not inexpressive, but there is nothing very strikingly original in the conception of it. Mr. Boulanger next executed Thalberg's "Marche Funebre" on the pianoforte, but whether from inferiority in the instrument, or the restlessness of the upper portion of the audience, it did not come with the same characteristic intensity as was observable on a previous occasion. The duet from William Tell," by Mr. Lissignol and Mr. Leslie, was given with extreme delicacy and finish, and the solo from "Don Pasquale," was played by Mr. Boulanger with an airy playfulness proper to the theme. Among the remaining vocal portions of the performance may be particularised Miss King's "Under the greenwood tree," another ballad, entitled, "Who shall be fairest," by Miss Hamilton and the new Australian national song, by a gentleman whose name did not appear in the bills. The concert was arranged by Mr. H. Compton, a gentleman of some celebrity in the musical world at home and Messrs. Pringle and C. Compton acted as conductors of the orchestra. The house was extremely well filled, and, but for the mistake in the selection of the first piece (admirably performed, nevertheless), the audience would have had no cause for complaint as to the entertainment provided.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (20 April 1859), 5
. . . Owing to the length of the comedy, the concert given by Mr. C. H. Compton did not commence until after eleven o'clock, and was listened to with much impatience by the audience, notwithstanding the piano playing of M. Boulanger, and the singing ol Miss Hamilton and Mr. Ewart, was worthy of much better treatment. His Excellency the Governor, usually a pattern of patience, had his power of endurance so strongly tried as to compel him to leave the house long before the pieces set down in the programme had been two-thirds performed. This was the signal for a wholesale defection on the part of the audience, and the omission of several instrumental and vocal passages. The concert concluded considerably after midnight by a brilliant performance of the overture to "Masaniello" by the orchestra. We presume that the blunder of giving a concert at an hour when the evening was already well spent will not be repeated by Mr. Compton or any one else.
ASSOCIATIONS: Thomas Ewart (vocalist); see also extended review, "THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . A 'GRAND' CONCERT", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (23 April 1859), 2
. . . the comedy "went" to perfection, and this circumstance, in some sort, compensated for the dulness of the musical part of the entertainment. It was, nevertheless, a very ill-judged proceeding on the part of the "gentlemen who had the honour," etc., to select a piece which would occupy a lengthened period in the representation. We pass, however, from this point. The concert proper opened at a late hour with another overture, followed by a song composed "expressly for the occasion," and sung by Miss Hamilton. The ballad was one of those diluted, "inspiration and water" productions, which are more suggestive of other kindred ditties than remarkable for originality of conception . . . A new national (?) song entitled "Advance Australia," was disposed of; M. Boulanger played another solos, and the band executed the overture to "Massaniello," when the entertainment was brought to an abrupt termination, not before all present were heartily tired of it. The arrangement of the concert was indeed bad from beginning to end, and unworthy of the support which was accorded to its originator.
"THE BOTANIC GARDEN", The Argus (4 May 1859), 5
The band of the 40th Regiment will play at the Botanic Garden from 3 till 5 o'clock p.m.
PROGRAMME - Overture - Oberon - Weber; Air and chorus - Der Freischutz - Weber; Selection - Norma - Bellini;
Waltz - "Violante" - Compton; Selection - Zampa - Herold; Polka- "The Mail Coach" - Compton; Galop - "Champagne" - Gung'l.
[Advertisement], The Argus (10 May 1859), 6
MR. CHAS. H. COMPTON (pupil of Signor F. Lablache and Frank Mori)
ATTENDS PUPILS for SINGING, the Pianoforte, or Harmonium, either at their private residences,
or at his class-rooms, 23 Collins-street west, Melbourne. For terms, &c., apply as above.
ASSOCIATIONS: Frederick Lablache (English vocalist); Frank Mori (English musician, 1820-1873)
[Advertisement], The Argus (8 June 1859), 8
HOCKIN'S ASSEMBLY ROOM, Elizabeth-street.
A Series of THREE LECTURES Will be Delivered by Mr. C. H. COMPTON At the above Assembly Room, On the
POPULAR MUSIC of ENGLAND in the OLDEN TIMES, To be illustrated by various old Ballads and Dance Tunes, On MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 18.
The National and Patriotic Songs of England On Monday Evening, June 27.
Home Lyrics; or, The Ballads of the Present Day. On Monday Evening, July 4.
Mr. Compton will be assisted in the illustrations by Miss Juliana King.
Reserved seats, 2s 6d.; back seats, 1s . . . For particulars, see programme.
ASSOCIATIONS: Hockin's Rooms (Melbourne venue)
[News], The Argus (14 June 1859), 5
In consequence of the very unfavorable state of the weather yesterday evening, Mr. C. H. Compton's lecture on the popular music of England in the olden times, with musical illustrations, and which was to have been delivered at Hockin's Assembly-rooms, was postponed until Wednesday evening next, when a larger attendance than that last night may be expected.
[News], The Argus (21 June 1859), 5
The first concert of the Melbourne Glee and Madrigal Society was held last evening at Hockin's Assembly Room, and taking into consideration the unfavorable character of the weather and the theatrical attractions offered in other portions of the city, it maybe said to have passed off with great success. The gentlemen sang with a precision not frequently attained by societies of so brief an existence. "Spring's Delights," the beautiful part song with which the entertainment commenced, was a fair sample of the rest, and was given with a most delicate appreciation and evident indication of careful attention to this interesting class of music. Mr. Jacob was announced in the programme to sing Calcott's magnificent scene, "The last Man." He, however, in the course of the evening, sent an apology for his absence and a member of the society consented to undertake the task. Notwithstanding the manifest disadvantage under which this gentleman labored, no regret was expressed at the substitution. Mr. Lewis played on the pianoforte a brilliant piece by Favarger, "L'Etoile du Nord ;" and in acknowledgment of an encore gave the well-known Fanfare Militaire of Ascher. Mr. Lewis, although he has not entirely overcome the obvious nervousness which characterised his first appearance as an amateur at a recent Philharmonic Concert, played with far more confidence, and has confirmed the opinion which we then expressed of his musical ability. The concert was ably conducted by Mr. C. H. Compton.
ASSOCIATIONS: Louis Lucas Lewis (pianist)
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age (21 June 1859), 5
The Melbourne Amateur Glee and Madrigal Society gave their first concert of the season yesterday evening, at Hockin's Hotel. Owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, the audience was rather scanty, but few persons being in the back seats, though the reserved seats were well filled. The performances were, on the whole, extremely creditable to the society. The song "Beware" merits especial commendation. It was, perhaps, the best performance of the evening. "The Village Blacksmith," and "The Sailor's Song" were far above mediocrity. Mr. Jacob was prevented by a professional engagement from singing "The Last Man," as announced in the programme, but his place was very admirably filled by Mr. Burgoyne. The duett "Sul Campo della Gloria" was also given with great precision and effect by Messrs. C. H. and G. S. Compton.
ASSOCIATIONS: George Spencer Compton (vocalist, Charles's brother)
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser [VIC] (29 June 1859), 2
The Mechanics' Institute's Winter Course of Lectures will commence on Tuesday evening the 12th proximo . . . The programme looks attractive. It includes two lectures by . . . Mr. Charles H. Compton, on the National and Patriotic Songs of England . . .
"CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH YARRA. To the Editor" [2 letters], The Argus (5 July 1859), 6
. . . Sir, - As the organist of Christchurch, South Yarra,
I solicit a small space in your paper to reply to the remarks of your, correspondent "M."
He says that on the Sunday that he visited the above church "there was scarcely a voice raised by the congregation -
and little wonder, for the tunes were so new and difficult that only practised singers could take part in the service."
Now, Sir, in the first place, the selection of psalm and hymn tunes which I use at Christ Church are precisely the same as have been used in the services,
of the Church of England "at home" from time immemorial;
at least, such has been my experience of 20 years, not only in the Cathedral of St. Paul and Westminster Abbey, the Chapels Royal, and the various churches in London,
but also at the Cathedrals of Exeter, Worcester, and Gloucester, and at numerous country churches, where l have officiated occasionally as organist.
In all of these I have found precisely, the same tunes used as are adopted by me in the choir of Christ Church, South Yarra,
and I therefore protest most emphatically against "M's" assertion of their being "new or difficult."
The three services which I have practised and taught the choir, to be sung alternate months, are Jackson's Te Deum and Jubilate in F; that of Dr. Boyce in A;
and a similar service by Dr. Nares in D, which, if "M." be a professional man, he will allow are the easiest services composed for use in the Church of England.
As I have only recently become a resident in the colony, I cannot, of course, be acquainted with the "simple music such as our people are already accustomed to;"
but, in consequence of Christ Church being shut on Sunday week last, for the purpose of repairs, I attended at St. Peter's,
where I heard precisely the same music as that which I have introduced at South Yarra, with the exception of chanting the Psalms.
I trust that the ladies and gentlemen of my choir will take the hint which "M." offers, as to "a correct and distinct pronunciation,"
should such advice be necessary, but of this I can scarcely offer an opinion, seeing that what might appear to me "correct and distinct,"
sitting as I do so close to them, might seem quite the reverse to those of the congregation at a distance.
Apologising for the length of my remarks.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
CHARLES H. COMPTON, Organist of Christ Church, South Yarra. July 4.
For the letter in question, see "CHURCH MUSIC", The Argus (4 July 1859), 6
[Advertisement], The Argus (6 July 1859), 8
SINGING, Pianoforte and Harmonium - Mr. CHAS. H COMPTON, Organist of Christ Church, South Yarra,
begs to announce his REMOVAL to Grey street, next door to Barkly terrace.
Mr. Compton continues to give lessons in singing also on the pianoforte and harmonium.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (10 August 1859), 2
Mr. Compton's lecture on the "Music of England in the olden times," delivered last night, at the Mechanics' Institute, constituted an interesting evening's entertainment.
Mr. J. G. Carr, occupied the chair. Miss Juliana King acquitted herself in manner worthy of much commendation,
in giving the "vocal illustrations" to the various portions of the lecture that most admitted of them.
The lecturer opened his address by advancing the fact that "a cloud of witnesses" could be brought to prove that the people of England have from remote times rejoiced in secular or social music.
The scalds or minstrels were held in high repute, and it was but fair to assume that the reverence shown to them arose from the love and esteem in which their art was held.
"The minstrels," says Bishop Percy "were the successors of the ancient bards, and were held in the highest estimation:
their skill was considered as something divine: their persons were deemed sacred: their attendance was solicited by kings, and they were everywhere loaded with honors and rewards."
The lecturer then alluded to the story of Alfred entering the Danish Camp in the character of a harper, and thence inferred that music was at that time a regal accomplishment.
The lecturer quoted many authorities in proof that under the patronage of Henry I., Henry II., and Richard I., minstrelsy flourished with peculiar splendour,
and he cited amongst other historical anecdotes, that of the minstrel Blondell and Coeur de Lion, at the Castle on the Danube.
The first "illustration" of the lecture was the song "Summer is coming in," the earliest musical composition known to exist,
and the chief merit of which exists in the airy and pastoral correspondence between the words and the music.
In passing on to the rare old song "the Hunt's up," the lecturer gave an interesting anecdote as related in the diary of Sir Thomas More's daughter, who chronicleth thus:
"Sept. 4, 1523. Supped with my Lord Sandys, wound up the evening with music: Lord Sandys sang us a new ballad 'The King's Hunts up,' which father affected hugely:
I lacked spirit to sue my lord for the words, he being so free spoken as always to dash me [vide Wolsey's banquet scene in Henry VIII.] howbeit they run somewhat thus 'The Hunt is up' &c., &c."
Breaking off at the end of ten lines the fair diarist concludes with - "the rest hath escaped me, albeit I know there was some burthen of Hey Trantarra, where my lord did stamp and snap his fingers;
he is a merry head (vide Shakespere again.)"
The lecturer then dwelt upon the music of the Elizabethan age - when the "Knitters and the wearers in the sun" plied their work to airs that had "dying falls" and "expressed the fortunes," of the singers.
Next came a complete history of the madrigal, and afterwards, a succinct account of the changes wrought in Music during the Puritanical days,
and the consequent reactionary excess in the Music of Charles the Second's reign.
From that period until the days of Sir Roger De Coverley, the lecturer traced the various changes which had taken place in English song,
and concluded his entertainment amid the approbation of all present.
[News], The Argus (3 September 1859), 4
A special concert was given by the Glee and Madrigal Society yesterday evening, in Hockin's Assembly Rooms. The entertainment was given in aid of the Admella Relief Fund. His Excellency the Governor was present, and the room was nearly filled with a fashionable audience. The concert, which was under the direction of Mr. H. C. Compton, was in every respect successful.
On the wreck of steamer Admella, see "TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCHES", The Argus (9 August 1859), 5
[Advertisement], The Age (13 October 1859), 1
HOCKIN'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Elizabeth street.
Under the Patronage of his Excellency SIR H. BARKLY, K.C.B.
Mr. CHARLES H. COMPTON Has the honor to announce his
EVENING CONCERT, At the above rooms, On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1859,
Assisted by Miss OCTAVIA HAMILTON, Herr Bial, Mr. S. Compton, Mr. E. King,
And the Members of the Amateur Glee and Madrigal Society, who have kindly volunteered their services.
Part song - "Banish, oh! Maiden" - Lorenz. Do - "Come, Silent evening" - L. de Call. - The members of the Glee and Madrigal Society.
Song - "Far away, where angels dwell" - Blumenthal - Mr. Chas. H. Compton.
Solo - Pianoforte (Lucia di Lammermoor) - Prudent. Herr Bial.
Song - "Over the calm and slumbering sea" - Compton. Miss Octavia Hamilton.
Solo - Orgue Pianoforte (Don Pasquale) - Donizetti; Duet - "Colei Sofronia" (Torquato Tasso) - Donizetti. Miss Octavia Hamilton and Mr. Charles H. Compton.
Song - "The maids of Merry England" - Perrin. Mr. S. Compton.
Duet - Violin (La Sonnambula) - De Beriot. Mr. E. King and Master King.
Part Song - "The Sailor's Song," "Beware" - Hatton. The Members of the Glee and Madrigal Society.
Part Song - "A huntsman was heard to sound his horn." The Glee and Madrigal Society.
Song - "I cannot sing to night." Miss Octavia Hamilton
Nocturne - Violin - W. V. Wallace. Master E. King.
Song - "Stars of the summer night" - Compton. Mr. Chas. H. Compton.
Solo - Pianoforte (Tarantula) - Doehler. Herr Bial.
Song - "Di Piscatore Ignobile" - Donizetti. Mr. S. Compton.
Solo - Orgue Pianoforte - "Lieder ohne Worte" (The Wedding March) - Mendelssohn.
Part Songs - "Lutzow's Wild Hunt" - Weber . . .
Tickets 5s each, to be had of the principal music sellers, and at the rooms.
ASSOCIATIONS: Charles Bial (pianist); George Spencer Compton (vocalist, Charles's brother)
[News], The Argus (14 October 1859), 4-5
Mr. Compton's concert, which was to have taken place last evening at Hockin's Assembly Rooms, was frustrated by the unpropitious state of the weather. It is rather a singular circumstance, that the present is the third concert intended to be given by the same gentleman which has been in the same predicament. We can only hope that Mr. Compton's next effort may be [5] more fortunate, especially as he generally offers so good a programme.
[Advertisement], The Argus (15 November 1859), 8
THEATRE ROYAL. Solo Proprietor, Mr. G. V. Brooke.
To commence with the celebrated Drama . . . TWO LOVES AND A LIFE . . .
To be followed by a GRAND CONCERT:
Song, Jessie's Dream (Lockley) - Mrs. Hancock.
Descriptive Scena, The Maniac (Russell) - Mr. Farquharson.
Song, Molly Asthore (Lavenu) - Mad. Carandini.
Aria, Let Me Like a Soldier Fall (V. Wallace) - Mr. W. Sherwin.
Song, The Wild Cuilow (Cherry) - Mr. John Gregg.
Song, Kathleen Mavourneen - Mad. Sara Flower.
National Song, The Tight Little Island (Dibdin) - Mr. Farquharson.
Pianoforte - Mr. H. C. Compton.
The above ladies and gentlemen having kindly given their valuable services on this occasion . . .
ASSOCIATIONS: Fanny Cathcart (Mrs. Robert Heir, actor); Mary Ellen Hancock (vocalist); Robert Farquharson (vocalist); Maria Carandini (vocalist); Walter Sherwin (vocalist); John Gregg (vocalist); English Opera Company (troupe)
[Advertisement], The Argus (14 January 1860), 1 supplement
MR. CHAS. H. COMPTON begs to inform his pupils and friend that he has returned to town, and will RE-COMMENCE his PROFESSIONAL DUTIES on Monday, January 10.
For terms apply at his residence, Grey street, East Melbourne, next door to Barkly terrace.
[Advertisement], The Argus (24 March 1860), 8
MR. CHAS H. COMPTON (pupil of Signor F. Lablache and F. Mori)
gives LESSONS in SINGING, or on the Pianoforte, either at the pupils' residences or at his own, Grey-street east, next door to Barkly terrace, East Melbourne.
Mr. Chas. H. Compton holds testimonials from Messrs. Balfe, Vincent Wallace, F. Lablache, Dr. Rimbault, Goss, Favarger, and numerous other eminent London professors.
ASSOCIATIONS: Michael William Balfe (composer); William Vincent Wallace (composer); Edward Francis Rimbault (musician); John Goss (organist); Rene Farvager (musician)
[News], The Argus (30 March 1860), 4
Considering that yesterday was the third day on which the bazaar in aid of the Lying-in Hospital has been open to the public, the committee of management have had no cause to complain of the attendance, the amount received yesterday being over £600 . . . The band of the 40th performed as usual, and Mr. Compton during the afternoon played several operatic selections on the organ.
ASSOCIATIONS: Exhibition Building (Melbourne venue)
[Advertisement], The Argus (7 June 1860), 8
MR. CHAS. H. COMPTON begs to announce that he will DELIVER his ENTERTAINMENT, entitled MUSICAL REMINISCENCES of HOME
At the Athenaeum, Kew, June 12.
The Mechanics Institute, Melbourne, June 13.
The Town-hall, St. Kilda, June 14.
The entertainment will be illustrated by a selection of favourite and popular English, Irish, and Scotch songs.
To commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Reserved seats, 2s. 6d. Unreserved, 1s.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Paling, music-seller, Collins-street.
"Local News . . . CONCERT", Hamilton Spectator and Grange District Advertiser [VIC] (30 June 1860), 2
Mr. C. H. Compton, from Melbourne, has paid Hamilton a visit, and intends giving a musical entertainment, at the Commercial Hotel large room, on Monday evening.
"THEATRICALS AND MUSIC . . . PORTLAND", Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (7 July 1860), 2
Mr. Compton lately gave a concert at Mac's hotel, which drew together a crowded and highly respectable audience.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (1 August 1860), 2
The Mechanics' Hall was nearly filled last night on the occasion of Mr. Charles Compton giving his musical entertainment. Many of his songs, which he selected for purposes of illustration, comparison, or contrast, were well received, even to the close of the evening. A portion of his audience however appeared to think the entertainment too long, and from a quarter past nine until the close, there was a continual interruption caused by persons, one after the other, or in twos and threes, leaving the Hall. Those who stayed appeared to be pleased with the politer course they adopted.
[2 advertisements], The Argus (6 October 1860), 8
Subject, "The Poetry of Thomas Moore, the Bard of Erin," Illustrated by Irish historical reminiscences,
with selections from his melodies by C. H. Compton, Esq.,
in St. Francis's Hall, on Monday, October 8, at 8 p.m. Admission, 1s.
begs to announce that he will deliver his entertainment, entitled "MUSICAL REMINISCENCES of HOME,"
at the above, on Saturday next, October 6. To commence at 8 o'clock.
Admission, 1s.; reserved seats, 2s. 6d.; to be had at the rooms.
ASSOCIATIONS: Edmund Finn (lecturer)
"TABLE TALK. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT", Portland Guardian and Normanby General Advertiser (5 November 1860), 2
Mr. C. H. Compton who performed so successfully some short time ago at Mac's, will give a Comic Musical Entertainment at the Tasmanian Assembly Hall, this evening. It is expected there will a large attendance as it is something new. Mr. Compton also performs tomorrow and Wednesday evenings.
"CURRENT TOPICS", Geelong Advertiser (20 November 1860), 2
The Opera Company made their first appearance for the season last night in Verdi's Trovatore; Signora Bianchi as Leonora, Signor Bianchi as Manrico, Mrs. Hancock as the gipsy mother, Mr. Gregg as the Count . . . Mr. Compton's judgment was seriously at fault when he placed a musical programme before the public for the same evening that the Operatic Company were to make their introduction. The result may be anticipated: in a hall capable of holding about 1000 persons scarcely two dozen assembled. Nothing daunted, Mr. Compton commenced and went through with his entertainment, every word uttered and note sung being repeated by the vast unoccupied space before him. Under such circumstances criticism is scarcely fair, but as Mr. Compton undertook the task of amusing these twenty persons for a period of two hours, and as the twenty dwindled down to six before its close, we feel bound to say that even under more favorable auspices for drawing an audience, the entertainment is scarcely of a character, we think, to satisfy the musical taste of this fastidious age. Our remarks apply chiefly to the descriptive portion of the entertainment, for Mr. Compton's vocal and instrumental execution is undoubtedly good.
"MR. COMPTON'S ENTERTAINMENT", South Australian Register [Adelaide, SA] (30 November 1860), 3
Mr. C. H. Compton gave his first musical entertainment on Thursday evening at White's Assembly Room. There was a very thin attendance - certainly not fifty persons were present. Under such discouraging circumstances more than ordinary nerve must be necessary to enable the performer to keep alive the interest of his auditory by his own unaided efforts. Mr. Compton, however, succeeded to some extent in performing this arduous task. The entertainment consisted of various songs, comic, serious, and sentimental, interspersed with numerous anecdotes and illustrations of "society at home and abroad." The sayings and doings of a host of imaginary ladies and gentlemen, the flirtations of the former and the gallantries of the latter, together with appropriate illustrations of their frailties, follies, or fancies, were hit off in rapid succession, and with considerable effect. Mr. Compton has a fine barytone voice, and is a proficient on the piano. Yet, with all his efforts to amuse, there were some of even the few who attended this his "first appearance" who were evidently dissatisfied, having probably expected greater, or it may be lesser things. The entertainment is not such as will satisfy those who are in search of the sublime, and on the other hand it cannot be justly characterized as ridiculous. It is neither deep tragedy nor broad farce. The reader must see and hear for himself to be able to appreciate its merits or defects; of the later there are but very few. The entertainment was not over till after 10 o'clock.
ASSOCIATIONS: White's Rooms (Adelaide venue)
"GAWLER [From our own Correspondent] Gawler, December 8", South Australian Register (10 December 1860), 3
Yesterday evening Mr. C. H. Compton gave a musical entertainment in the Oddfellows' Hall. The attendance was small, owing to the people of the surrounding neighbourhood being busily engaged with the harvest; but all who were present seemed pleased. It consisted of several songs - comprising English, Irish, and Scotch - ably and agreeable sung by Mr. Compton, who sketched, during the intervals between them, the history of music and poetry from an early date to the present time.
[Advertisement], The South Australian Advertiser (21 December 1860), 1
THIS EVENING (FRIDAY), DECEMBER 21, Upon which occasion he will be assisted by MISS BRYAN AND MR. R. B. WHITE.
Pianoforte Solo, "Blue Bells of Scotland," Wallace - Mr. C. H. Compton.
Song, "The Fairy Tempter," Lover - Miss Bryan.
Concerto, Violin, De Beriot - Mr. R. B. White.
Buffo Song, "Mamma is so very Particular," Parry - Mr. C. H. Compton.
Duet, "Brief are Life's Pleasures" (Se m'ami Ancor, "Trovatore," Verdi) - Miss Bryan, Mr. C. H. Compton.
An interval often minutes.
Pianoforte Solo, "La Harpe Eolienne," Kruger - Mr. R. B. White.
Ballad, "Molly Asthore," Lavenue - Mr. C. H. Compton.
Song, "Barney O'Hea," Lover - Miss Bryan.
Fantasia, Violin ("Der Freischutz"), Moser - Mr. R. B. White.
Duet, "What are the Wild Waves saying," Glover - Miss Bryan, Mr. C. H. Compton.
Buffo Song, "Fayre Rosamond," Ye Legende of Englishe Historie (A.D. 1161) Parry - Mr. C. H. Compton.
To Commence at 8 precisely. Admission, 2s. 6d.; reserved scats, 4s.
Tickets to be had at Mr. Marshall's Music Warehouse, Currie-street; or of Mr. White, at the Rooms.
ASSOCIATIONS: Jane Elizabeth Bryan (vocalist); Richard Baxter White (piano, violin); George White (venue proprietor)
"WHITE'S ROOMS", South Australian Register (22 December 1860), 3
Mr. Compton assisted by Miss Bryan and Mr. R. B. White, gave a concert last night at White's Rooms. The attendance, however, was unfortunately small, though this did not prevent the entertainment going off with spirit, especially the second part of it, every piece of which the audience for some reason were determined to encore and re encore. However, there have been worse singers here than Mr. Compton, and perhaps at some future time he may succeed in drawing larger houses than he has had the luck to do on this occasion. Mr. White acquitted himself excellently on the violin, and Miss Bryan was loudly applauded in all her songs.
"MR. KOHLER'S CONCERT AT NORWOOD", South Australian Weekly Chronicle (12 January 1861), 1 supplement
One of the most successful musical entertainments which we have ever witnessed in any of our suburban districts was given by Mr. R. W. Kohler, assisted by Mr. C. H. Compton, on Wednesday evening, at the Norwood Town Hall. The attendance was very select, but not so numerous as it would have been had the affair been more prominently announced. The entertainment was opened by operatic selections from the "Daughter of the Regiment," by Messrs. Kohler and Compton, which was loudly applauded. After this Mr. Compton gave that beautiful ballad, composed especially for Miss Catherine Hayes, entitled "Molly Asthore." This was well rendered, and received with much enthusiasm. The Caledonian Quadrilles, with variations for the pianoforte, cornet, and French flageolet, followed, and was vigorously encored, after which a comic song, "Alonzo the Brave," was given by Mr. Compton . . . After a short interval the second portion of the concert was proceeded with, comprising several quadrilles and ballads, all of which were well received, the solos on the concertina and penny whistle being encored. At the close of the entertainment, Mr. Compton thanked the audience for their patronage, stating that the concert would be shortly repeated. This announcement was received with loud applause, and the audience departed, evidently well pleased with their evening's amusement.
ASSOCIATIONS: Richard Wildblood Kohler (musician)
"TOPICS OF THE DAY", The South Australian Advertiser (20 February 1862), 2
The South Australian Institute are gradually introducing their system of evening classes to popular notice, and by a judicious admixture of the various branches of education are endeavouring to enlist the sympathies and assistance of those for whom these classes are intended especially. Classes now meet regularly for the study of various subjects, particularly languages and the fine arts, and an additional class is now being established is the latter branch for the study of vocal music. This class is under the superintendence of Mr. C. H. Compton, who has attained considerable eminence in his profession as a vocal teacher, having been for some years leader of the choir and organist at Her Majesty's Chapel Royal. Mr. Compton is anxious in the conduct of this class to obtain as many pupils as possible, and he purposes selecting a few from the class to train as a choir, which would be competent to take engagements on public or festive occasions. The opportunity is a good one for those who are anxious to study music with professional objects.
ASSOCIATIONS: South Australian Institute (association)
"WEEK'S INSOLVENCIES", South Australian Register (20 November 1863), 2
Charles Henry Compton, formerly of Hay's buildings, North-terrace, then of Synagogue-place, Rundle-street, then of King William-street, and now of North-terrace, in Adelaide, professor of music.
"THE NEWS OF THE DAY", The Age [Melbourne, VIC] (28 October 1864), 5
A case of considerable importance to musical associations was decided by his Honor Judge Pohlman, in the county court, yesterday. Mr. C. H. Compton, the well-known musician, and lately conductor of the Melbourne Orpheus Union, sued Mr. T. H. Davis, the secretary of that association, for the sum of £150, damages for wrongful dismissal from its service. The plaintiff's case was that, in February last, he was engaged by the committee of the Orpheus Union, as its conductor, at a salary of £25 per annum. He shortly afterwards entered on the duties of his office, attended the various rehearsals, and conducted two of the society's concerts so as to give satisfaction, not only to the subscribers, but also to the committee. At a rehearsal held on the 14th September, the defendant, who had succeeded Mr. Ford in the secretaryship, handed plaintiff a programme to be gone through, which contained some pieces of which he did not approve, and concerning which he had, on a previous occasion, expressed himself as dissatisfied. He also considered the defendant's manner on the occasion as impertinent. Feeling very much annoyed, and considering that he had been treated in anything but a dignified manner in not being consulted in reference to the programme, he refused to finish it, and, after intimating his intention of bringing the matter before the committee, left the room. On the following day he wrote a letter to the committee, in which he complained of the manner in which he had been treated, and claimed the right, as conductor, to arrange the programme, or at least have a voice in the matter. Two days afterwards he received a reply to his communication from defendant, informing him that, as he had resigned his office as conductor of the society, a successor had been appointed. He was further told by the defendant, whom he met in the street, on his way thither, it would be useless for him to attend the next rehearsal, as Mr. Pringle had been appointed in his place. The statement of the plaintiff was confirmed by Mr. Fox, a subscriber, who had accompanied him to the rehearsal that evening. The gentleman also gave it as his opinion that it was invariably the rule in musical as sociations to consult the conductor in the selection of the pieces and the arrangement of the programme, and that for a society of amateurs like the Orpheus Union to set itself up against a skilled conductor was in the highest degree absurd. Mr. Kaye, the original conductor of the Orpheus Union, and who now holds a similar position in the St. Kilda Glee and Madrigal Society, stated that when connected with the former association he had almost the entire control of the programme. The defence was that the plaintiff was not discharged, but, on the contrary, left of his own free will, and that the engagement was not an annual, but a quarterly one, the committee agreeing to pay him six guineas per quarter. Mr. Thomas Ford stated that he was the hon. secretary of the Orpheus Union at the date of the appointment of the plaintiff as conductor. The agreement between the plaintiff and committee was that he should be paid six guineas per quarter. At